Obstetrics & Gynecology International Journal
Risks of Laparoscopic Surgery
Mini Review
Laparoscopic surgery, like any operative intervention carries risks. In
gynaecology in particular the patients are largely young fit women and significant
complications, although rare, have devastating consequences. We review in short
the issues to consider with regards to minimising risks and obtaining informed
Volume 3 Issue 4 - 2015
Keywords: Women; Laparoscopy; Risks; Surgery; Trocar; Injury
*Corresponding author: Hasib Ahmed, Institute of Medical
Sciences, Canterbury Christ Church University, 100 Borstal
Road Rochester, Kent ME1 3BD United Kingdom, Tel:
+441634847769; Email:
Hasib Ahmed*
Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
Received: November 22, 2015 | Published: December 23,
Early reference to a form of endoscopy dates back to the
time of Hippocrates. It wasn’t, however, until the turn of the last
Century that the first experimental laparoscopy was performed.
Georg Kelling used a cystoscope to examine the abdomen of
a dog after first insufflating it with air [1]. Even though the
rudiments of the technique are more than one hundred years
old, operative laparoscopy did not gain acceptance until the late
1980’s. Kurt Semm, a pioneer of gynaecological laparoscopic
surgery, performed the first laparoscopic appendicectomy in
1980. This was deemed unethical by his peers [2]. Eric Muhe
faced the same rejection from the German Surgical Society after
performing the first laparoscopic cholecystectomy in 1985 [3].
The common theme was the belief that minimal access surgery
was inherently risky and therefore flawed. The following account
critically evaluates the evidence that laparoscopic surgery carries
increased clinical risks to the patient, and increased risks of
litigation to the surgeon. A discussion of new technologies in
the field is included. An approach to auditing personal practise
is outlined, and communication of specific risks to prospective
patients undergoing laparoscopic gynaecological surgery is
The risks of laparoscopic surgery can be divided into risks
associated with access and those risks related to the procedure
[4,5]. Risks of access are quoted as 0.4 per 1000 incidence of
bowel injury and 0.2 per 1000 incidence of major vascular injury
[6]. Even if the higher risks from other studies are taken, 1.3
per 1000 [7] or 3 per 1000 [8], the rate of injury is significantly
lower than for laparotomy or vaginal surgery; quoted as 8.3 per
1000 and 7.3 per 1000 respectively [9]. In Krebs’ study the rate
of bowel injury from laparotomy was similar to Richardson’s
figure of 3 per 1000, but even minor procedures (dilatation and
curettage and evacuation of retained products of conception)
carried a 1.5 per 1000 incidence of bowel injury. The risk of death
from laparoscopic surgery is quoted as 8 per 100, 000 [10]. This
is less than half the risk of death from driving, 17 per 100,000
[11], and puts the magnitude of the problem into perspective.
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Although the absolute risk from laparoscopic surgery is low,
the number of laparoscopic procedures performed is large and
the low risk rates are translated into a significant number of
complications. For laparoscopic tubal occlusion alone there were
19 787 admissions in the United Kingdom in 2004-2005 [12].
This would result in four bowel injuries and two vascular injuries
in otherwise presumed healthy young women. The expectations
of the patients are of a low risk day case procedure. Consequently
any significant misadventure related to such surgery is likely to
proceed to litigation [13]. The Physician Insurers Association of
America examined 535 laparoscopic cases of which 163 claims
were settled out of court [14]. An average settlement figure
of over $212000 is quoted. A quarter of claims were related to
primary or secondary trocar insertion and 8.2% related to Veress
needle injuries. Cautery equipment and instruments such as
scissors or scalpels accounted for only 5.4% of claims. Claims
for gynaecological cases with the Medical Defence Union have
increased from 1 in 1000 in 1978 to 24 in 1000 in 1998 (Cuzner
E for MDU Pers Comm 211106). In a review of potential claims
notified to the Medical Defence Union from 1990 to 1996: 732
files were opened relating to laparoscopic abdominal procedures
of which 74% were for laparoscopic gynaecological procedures
[15]. In this respect laparoscopic surgery does carry increased
risks of litigation to the surgeon.
In a prospective observational study of 5764 laparoscopic
procedures, 57% of complications were caused by laparoscopic
access [10]. A number of strategies have been explored to reduce
risks of access of laparoscopic surgery. Hasson open laparoscopy
is recommended on the grounds that use of the technique should
prevent all type 1 injuries and, most importantly, all major
vascular injuries of access [16]. The technique requires larger
incisions with poorer cosmetic results and does not appear to
reduce the risk of type 2 bowel injury [17]. Injuries to major
vessels are usually immediately apparent with visible bleeding
and shock. If such an injury is suspected insufflation should be
immediately stopped to prevent massive carbon dioxide embolus.
Immediate midline laparotomy with the Veress needle or trocar in
situ may aid identification of the injured vessels. Bleeding should
Obstet Gynecol Int J 2015, 3(4): 00089
©2015 Ahmed
Risks of Laparoscopic Surgery
be controlled with direct pressure accompanied by aggressive
resuscitation whilst awaiting the arrival of a vascular surgeon
A number of blunt trocars have been developed which are
designed to push structures away during insertion rather than
cause a laceration e.g. the Endotip® device (Karl Stortz, Tuttlingen,
Germany). Alternatively a small bore flexible cannula is inserted
and radially expanded with sequentially larger diameter blunt
trocars to reduce type 1/2a bowel injuries (STEP® Innerdyne
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA). Blunt trocars have also been designed
for insertion under direct vision of the abdominal layers through
the laparoscope e.g. the Endopath® Bladeless visual obturator
trocar (Ethicon Endosurgery, Cincinnati, OH). There is even an
optical Veress needle to allow the passage of a micro laparoscope
for visualisation prior to in sufflation [19]. Although these new
technologies have a logical basis to theoretically reduce the risks
of injuries of entry, none have been robustly tested against either
standard closed technique or open Hasson laparoscopy.
Less frequently injury may occur as a result of the operative
procedure. The risks are directly related to the complexity of the
procedure and the experience of the surgeon [4]. In this large multicentre French study, which included almost 30,000 procedures,
the overall complication rate was low (4.64 per 1000). Mortality
risk from Chapron’s study (3.3 per 100 000) is less than half the
rate quoted by the Jansen study and was as a result of one death
following a vascular injury which was discovered immediately.
Compared to the risk of mortality quoted for abdominal
hysterectomy (AH) of 1 in 4000 [20] the mortality rate from all
laparoscopies was over eight fold lower. Major laparoscopic
surgery carries significantly higher risk of complication at 4.3 per
1000 and advanced laparoscopic surgery higher still at 17.45 per
1000. The study period was divided into two and the complication
risks significantly reduced in the later cases, implying increasing
surgeons experience led to reduced risks. Surgeons experience
has since been confirmed as an important modifying factor for
risks [21,22]. Surgical complications are either identified intraoperatively, in the early post operative period or late. Although
only 43% of complications arise as a result of the procedure [10]
28.6% remain unrecognised at the index laparoscopy [4]. With
regard to bowel injuries alone up to 15% are not detected during
surgery [23] and when diagnosis is late, the mortality rate is as
high as 20%. A high index of suspicion is necessary for any patient
who does not recover quickly from a laparoscopic procedure.
Bladder injury may result from direct perforation during
secondary trocar placement or as a result of dissection, e.g. during
laparoscopic hysterectomy (LH). If suspected, injury can easily be
confirmed by cystoscopy and repaired. In cases of missed diagnosis
the patient may present with lower abdominal discomfort due to
urine peritonitis and rapidly rising serum creatinine. Injuries to
the ureters are less frequently discovered intra-operatively [18]
and there may be delayed presentation following thermal injury
after several days. Specific imaging of the urinary tract may be
diagnostic and urological advice should be sought.
A number of alternative energy sources have been developed
to facilitate bloodless dissection in laparoscopic surgery. Carbon
dioxide lasers [24] and Harmonic scalpels [25] theoretically
reduce the risk of thermal spread and damage to surrounding
structures compared to diathermy. These different modalities
have not, however, been subjected to a randomised comparison.
With very intricate surgery, reduction in surgeon’s tremor and
improved precision of manipulation is possible with the Da Vinci
‘master slave’. The technology is, however, very expensive and the
overall benefit is still under evaluation [26]. Simpler automated
control devices for the laparoscope and camera have been
developed including voice activated camera control, AESOP [27].
They may have a place, particularly in the era of fewer surgical
Despite potential hazards, the benefits of laparoscopic surgery
have been shown to outweigh the risks for a number of common
gynaecological procedures. Laparoscopic sterilisation using any
method is associated with reduced major morbidity compared
to the Pomeroy technique [28]. Laparoscopy is the gold standard
for diagnosis in the investigation of chronic pelvic pain [29] and
endometriosis [30]. In cases of unruptured ectopic pregnancy the
surgical treatment of choice is via laparoscopy [31]. Laparoscopic
surgery for benign ovarian tumours is associated with less pain,
shorter hospital stay and fewer adverse events [32]. In some
areas however the advantages of laparoscopic surgery remain
controversial. The place for LH is still debated despite the fact
that laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy (LAVH) was
first described in 1989 [33]. Concerns include longer operative
time and higher incidence of intra-operative injury, particularly
to bladder and ureter, compared to vaginal hysterectomy (VH) or
AH [34]. In LAVH there was no significant difference compared
to VH regarding urinary tract injury or time for operation. The
authors conclude that, where possible, VH should be performed
in preference to AH; where VH is not possible a laparoscopic
approach may avoid the need for an AH. Laparoscopic uterosacral
nerve interruption in the management of dysmenorrhoea has not
been shown to be of benefit [35]. Furthermore, the newer vaginal
sling procedures appear to offer greater benefits of minimal access
surgery than laparoscopic colposuspension in the treatment of
urodynamic stress incontinence [36].
Having established that laparoscopic surgery carries some
risks it is important for an individual practitioner to attempt to
quantify outcome measures in their own surgical practice. The
information collected allows easy comparison to established
benchmarks and can serve as an alert if observed adverse
outcomes are notably higher than those reported in the literature.
Critical evaluation of personal practise was a focal point in the
report of the public enquiry into children’s heart surgery at the
Bristol Royal Infirmary, 1984-1995. Clinical audit and reflective
practise were highlighted in recommendation 57 [37].
In an audit of personal surgical practice I would review a surgical
procedure which I perform regularly and, for the purposes of this
assignment, hysterectomy for benign gynaecological pathology is
the chosen example. A useful standard is set in the meta-analysis
by Johnson et al. [34]. The review looks at randomised control
trials comparing AH and VH with LH subdivided into LAVH, LH
(a) with uterine artery secured laparoscopically and Total(T)
LH [34]. The data provides some interesting benchmarks with
regards to operating time, intraoperative injury to the urinary
tract, estimated blood loss, transfusion rates, incidence of pelvic
haematoma, infection rates and length of hospital stay. The pilot
Citation: Ahmed H (2015) Risks of Laparoscopic Surgery. Obstet Gynecol Int J 3(4): 00089. DOI: 10.15406/ogij.2015.03.00089
©2015 Ahmed
Risks of Laparoscopic Surgery
audit of hysterectomy would involve a retrospective analysis of
operating lists for a designated period (initially 12 months which
may be extended if required to achieve power). A simple proforma
would be devised to collect data in the categories pertaining to
the outcomes listed above. Data would be entered on an Excel
spreadsheet with type of operation as separate rows and each
of the outcome measures in separate columns. The pilot would
allow simple comparison of outcome measures between the five
methods of hysterectomy commonly employed (VH, AH, LAVH,
LH(a) and TLH). The outcome measures could then be compared
to the benchmark data tabulated in the Johnson meta-analysis.
The use of a pivot table would allow comparison of any one
outcome measure and the alternative methods of hysterectomy.
In my own practice there has been a reduction in overall numbers
of hysterectomy for benign disease as well as a shift towards
VH or LH from AH. A common criticism of retrospective audit is
limitation of data to that which is easily collectable rather than
that which is most clinically relevant. For example, in an audit of
a surgical technique, operative time is most clinically relevant but
the total time from entering the anaesthetic room until discharge
to the recovery area is what is usually recorded. This can be
addressed by collecting clinically relevant data prospectively.
Following the retrospective pilot study I would continue to
collect clinically relevant data prospectively to allow continuous
assessment of outcomes. The prospective audit should inform
me of any trends in complication rates. Another major criticism
of audits of personal series are the small numbers of patients
involved and the relatively lengthy period of time required to
show any meaningful trends. I would propose that a mechanism
be developed to pool data along the lines of the National Database
for Surgical treatment of Urinary Incontinence in Norway [38].
Such a database would allow comparison between surgical
procedures, surgeons and departments and is in keeping with the
philosophy of informed choice for patients.
Effective communication of risk is fundamental to allowing
the patient informed choice before consenting to any procedure.
Consent is a process involving discussion between the patient
considering treatment and the doctor offering the treatment.
The discussion should include potential consequences both of
undergoing the proposed treatment and of avoiding treatment
altogether [39].
An interview based qualitative study has shown that women
undergoing laparoscopy for chronic pelvic pain wished to
receive full and accurate information about the complication
risks [40]. However, the study had limited power. Even when
patients are deemed to have given informed consent, many
fail to understand what they have been told. Most patients fail
to understand the risks and benefits associated with carotid
endarterectomy [41]. The perception of risk can either be grossly
under estimated or over estimated in an un-systematic way. This
degree of confusion is alarming as the onus is on the doctor to
provide accurate information in a manner that is accessible
to patients. No one method of describing risk suits all patients.
Some prefer descriptive terminology but such descriptors do
not have standardised meaning [42]. Natural frequencies are
a less confusing way of conveying the message [43]. However,
the most reliable approach involves a combination of tools
including use of a consistent denominator, discussion of both
positive and negative outcomes, and use of absolute numbers;
possibly with pictorial representation [44]. The Royal College
of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists have produced a number
of guidelines for consent for common procedures, including
hysteroscopy [45], laparoscopy [46], laparoscopic tubal occlusion
[47], and hysterectomy [20]. The published advice reiterates the
advantages of discussing absolute risks and natural frequencies.
Any absolute risks should be qualified according to the woman’s
personal circumstances, e.g. obesity, previous surgery and comorbidities. In an ideal scenario personal complication rates of
the individual surgeon may be available. Patients should be given
a written summary of the risks divided into frequently occurring
risks and rare but serious risks [48]. What is required for informed
consent has changed dramatically over the last fifty years. In 1957
it was deemed acceptable for the doctor to withhold information
regarding serious risks if this would be the usual practice of a body
of opinion [49]. Across the Atlantic however, in Canterbury versus
Spence [50], the concept of material risk was deemed mandatory
for disclosure. The definition of material risk remains confusing,
being a risk that a reasonable person would be likely to attach
significance to. In this context reasonable has not been defined.
In summary laparoscopic surgery carries some risks but in
general these are less than risks associated with open surgery.
Poor outcomes and medical negligence claims can be minimised
by adopting safe methods of laparoscopic entry and maintaining
vigilance for early identification of missed intraoperative injury.
Practise should be subjected to continuous critical evaluation
and adaptation where necessary. The standard determining how
much should be told to the patient should be patient centred,
preferably to the particular patient in question [51,52]. It is
likely that in the future every risk, however infrequent is likely to
require discussion supplemented with accompanying literature
in the quest for truly informed consent.
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Citation: Ahmed H (2015) Risks of Laparoscopic Surgery. Obstet Gynecol Int J 3(4): 00089. DOI: 10.15406/ogij.2015.03.00089
©2015 Ahmed
Risks of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Citation: Ahmed H (2015) Risks of Laparoscopic Surgery. Obstet Gynecol Int J 3(4): 00089. DOI: 10.15406/ogij.2015.03.00089
©2015 Ahmed
Risks of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Citation: Ahmed H (2015) Risks of Laparoscopic Surgery. Obstet Gynecol Int J 3(4): 00089. DOI: 10.15406/ogij.2015.03.00089