Gynecologic Surgery for the General Surgeon
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Laparoscopy and the General Surgeon
Thomas A. Gaskin, MD, FACS,* James H. Isobe, MD, FACS,t
John L. Mathews, DMD, MD, FACS,:I:
Susan B. Winchester, MD,§
and R. Jay Smith, MDII
and the general surgeon
Lactotropin, 643
Lambl' excrescences, 2409
page _ .
for intra-abdominal injury, 308-309
The advent of laparoscopic cholecystectomy has catapulted closed
abdominal surgery and laparoscopy to the attention of general surgeons
everywhere. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has had a secondary effect of
arousing interest in other video-controlled procedures. The rapid growth
and development of video-controlled "closed" procedures promises to have
as dramatic an effect on the practice of surgery as have other principal
developments such as blood transfusion, antibiotics, cardiopulmonary bypass, and total parenteral nutrition. The rapid growth and development of
laparoscopic surgery have also raised a number of complex issues, problems,
and opportunities.
Laparoscopy and laparoscopic surgery are not new," they are new only
*Chief of Surgery, Baptist Medical Center Princeton; Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery,
The University of Alabama at Birmingham Medical Center; and Southern Area Chairman,
Cancer Liaison Program, Birmingham, Alabama
tClinical Instructor, Department of Surgery, The University of Alabama at Birmingham; and
Attending Surgeon, Baptist Medical Center Princeton, Birmingham, Alabama
:f:Principle Investigator for Alabama Lithotripsy; and Attending Surgeon, Baptist Medical
Center Princeton, Birmingham, Alabama
§Attending Surgeon, Baptist Medical Center Princeton and St. Vincent's Hospital, Birmingham, Alabama
[Assistant Associate Director of Surgical Education, Baptist Medical Center; and Attending
Surgeon, Baptist Medical Center Princeton, Birmingham, Alabama
Surgical Clinics of North America-Vol. 71, No.5, October 1991
to the general surgical community. The lack of attention given to laparoscopy
by general surgeons since its development in the early part of this century
is largely attributable to its role as a diagnostic tool rather than a therapeutic
one. A relatively small number of general surgeons1, 8, 9, 18, 30 around the
world have attested to the usefulness oflaparoscopy for the general surgeon.
For the most part, gynecologists developed the instrumentation and operating principles and techniques of operative laparoscopy, 9, 15, 18, 23 and
because gynecology is less and less a part of the general surgeon's training
and practice, few general surgeons developed and retained an interest in
laparoscopy. Beginning in 1982,1 the American Board of Gynecology
required training in laparoscopy for gynecology residents; few general
surgical programs offered any substantial exposure to laparoscopy during
this period. An exception is the general surgical residency program at The
Baptist Medical Centers, which, at its Princeton Hospital, has provided
surgical residents with exposure to laparoscopy for more than a decade.
One of those residents (coauthor JLM) had the experience of performing
laparoscopic cholecystectomy on a patient on whom, 10 years earlier, he
had participated in diagnostic laparoscopy.
It is the intent of this article to offer a perspective on laparoscopy
based on a long experience and interest in a community-based general
surgical practice. We will examine milestones in the development of
laparoscopic surgery, the uses of diagnostic laparoscopy for the general
surgeon, and therapeutic laparoscopy (closed abdominal surgery). Issues in
training, credentialing, resource utilization, payment, and review will also
be examined. Rapid developments in laparoscopic surgery will dictate
frequent revisions and updates of this information.
Few advances in medicine are the result of a single breakthrough but
instead represent the accumulated result of many smaller advances. Examination of these advancements provides insight into the basic principles
of current technique and indicates directions for future development
(Table 1).
The urge for deeper visualization of the human body beyond physical
examination has been present since ancient times. While there were some
developments in earlier periods, the achievements were few because of
crude instruments, limited access, and primitive technology. Milestones in
laparoscopy began with a few developments during the latter part of the
19th century and accelerated with advances made since the turn of this
The first attempt at endoscopy was by Bozzini in 1805. He was censured
by the medical faculty of Vienna for being too inquisitive in attempting to
observe the interior of the urethra in a living patient with a simple tube
and candlelight. The father of endoscopy, Desormeaux, invented the first
effective endoscope in 1843. This was an impetus for the development of
the otoscope by Brunton, the urethroscope by Langlebert, and the cystoscope by Nitze. In 1901, George Kelling, a Dresden professor, reported
his initial celio scopic examination of a living dog to a medical meeting in
Table 1. Milestones in Laparoscopy
Bozzini examined urethra with tube and candlelight
Desormeaux invented first effective endoscope
Kelling performed celioscopy on living dog
Jacobeus performed first laparoscopy on human
Bernheim first in US to view peritoneal cavity using proctoscope
Getze developed automatic spring needle
Ordnoff developed pyramidal point on trocar
Bovie developed electrosurgical cauterization unit
Kalk devised foroblique lens; second puncture for controlled liver biopsy
Ruddock reported on 900 peritoneoscopy procedures
Veress developed modified spring needle to induce pneumothorax
TeLinde described culdoscopy
Palmer introduced endouterine cannula
Fourestier, Gladu, and Vulmiere developed quartz rod and external light source
Thomsen took color photographs of cul-de-sac
Wolf Company developed electronic flash
Hopkins lens system
Cohen and Fear rekindled laparoscopy in US
Lumina optic system
Phillips founded American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists
Excerpted from Phillips J (ed): Laparoscopy. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1977, pp 616; with permission.
Hamburg. He initiated pneumoperitoneum with air filtered through sterile
cotton and used a cystoscope to view the viscera. In 1910, H.C. Jacobeus
of Stockholm was the first to apply this new method to humans, and his
publication discussed the inspection of three body cavities: peritoneal
(laparoscopy), pleural, and pericardial. 12 In the US, Bertram M. Bernheim
in 1911 was the first to view the peritoneal cavity, using a half-inch
proctoscope with ordinary lighting. The advancements that followed Bernheim's can be discussed under these headings: optics, lighting, photography;
access to the abdominal cavity; and technique and instrumentation.
Optics, Lighting, and Photography
In 1929, H. Kalk, the founder of the German school of laparoscopy,
devised a new lens system that permitted oblique (135-degree) viewing. In
1934, American internist John C. Ruddock reported on 900 peritoneoscopy
cases utilizing an endoscope with improved optics and an operative channel.
Between 1960 and 1967, British physicist Harold H. Hopkins found better
light transmission with a modification of the lens chain design. Whereas
the previous system (up to 1960) had small glass lenses separated by large
air spaces, the Hopkins system used large quartz, rod-shaped lenses
interspersed for short distances with air. Subsequently, coating of the lens
surfaces with magnesium fluoride, which is deposited on the glass surface
by evaporation in a vacuum, was found to minimize the light reflection
problem and to reduce light loss."
The early source of endoscopic lighting was the incandescent bulb,
developed by Edison in 1880. The bulb converted 97% of electrical energy
into heat and the remainder into visible light. As a result, the tip of the
endoscope became extremely hot, making endoscopy of the lower abdomen
likely to cause burns. The idea of conducting light by means of transparent
fibers was patented in 1928. Fourestier, Gladu, and Vulmiere in 1952
developed a method of transmitting an intense light from a source outside
the abdominal cavity along a quartz rod to the distal end of the endoscope. 26
Subsequent application of flexible fiberoptic instruments began in 1957
with the gastroendoscope. The fiberoptic cable consists of an inner core of
glass with a relatively high refractive index and a fused sheathing of lowindex glass known as cladding. The hot light source enters one end of the
fiberoptic cable and is repeatedly and totally reflected internally from the
lateral surfaces until it emerges at the opposite end as cold light. The
normal light loss within the system at coupling points results in the
transmission of 26% of the original light. Since 1965, all endoscopes have
utilized this cold light system, and in the 1970s high-intensity halogen light
sources enhanced endoscopic photography.
The German gynecologist Thomsen in 1953 was the first to take color
photographs of the cul-de-sac utilizing a flash at the tip of the endoscope. 12
Came in 1954 adapted this technique for electronic flash, which functioned
under the 24-V maximum permitted for use in the human body. Because
initial attempts at photography resulted in an occasional twitching of the
patient, the Storz Company placed the flash source within an insulated
device adjacent to the eyepiece. This resulted in heating up of the eyepiece,
making it uncomfortable after a sequence of pictures was taken. The Wolf
Company subsequently used the fiberoptic cable to transmit the electronic
flash to the lens in the mid-1960s, thus satisfying one of the basic
requirements of modern endoscopic photography.
Laparoscopic cinematography was developed in the late 1960s. Utilization of a xenon vapor light source, color film with appropriate speed, and
finally the development of the Lumina optic system in 1969 allowed
enhancement of full-screen color movies. The Lumina optic had narrow
diameters with optics at the tip, allowing a 160-degree angle of foroblique
vision surrounded by glass fibers for the transmission of cold light.
The first attempts at laparoscopy in humans were initiated without a
pneumoperitoneum. In 1918, Goetze developed the automatic spring
needle for safe puncture and gas insufflation of the abdomen. Hungarian
Janos Veress in 1938 described a modification of the spring needle for
inducing pneumothorax in the treatment of tuberculosis. This is the needle
commonly used today for initiation of pneumoperitoneum. In 1959, Friedrich C. Menken suggested the horizontal insertion of the Veress needle at
the umbilicus after lifting the abdominal wall. Utilizing this technique, he
reported no complications in his first 3000 cases.
American radiologist B. H. Ordnoff in 1920 developed the pyramidal
point on the trocar, making access to the abdominal cavity easier. He also
developed an automatic trocar-sheath valve that prevented the escape of
gas. In 1924, Zollikofer from Switzerland was the first to use carbon dioxide
for insufflation because of its quick absorption. German gynecologist and
engineer Kurt Semm in 1977 presented the CO 2 Pneu-Automatic Insufflator, which was a result of experiments and studies started in 1954. 12
Technique and Instrumentation
In 1928, an electrosurgical unit designed by W. T. Bovie was utilized
by Harvey Cushing in intracranial operations for the control of bleeding.
This revolutionary technique was modified and insulated appropriately so
that in 1962, Palmer used electrocoagulation for tubal sterilization." In
1929, H. Kalk introduced the technique of a second puncture for controlled
liver biopsy.
Because some gynecologists found the abdominal wall route inadequate
for visualization of the pelvic organs obscured by the small bowel, Richard
W. TeLinde in 1940 described culdoscopy utilizing a dorsal lithotomy
position. In 1944, Albert Decker, a New York gynecologist, introduced the
knee-chest position for culdoscopy, and this was the technique commonly
utilized in the US for the next 30 years. In Europe, gynecologic laparoscopy
via the abdominal route flourished and by 1965 was a well-established
diagnostic and therapeutic procedure.
The impetus came from the father of modern gynecologic coelioscopy,
the Frenchman Palmer, who developed the endouterine cannula in 1947,
along with a number of other instruments. In 1967, Patrick Steptoe, an
English gynecologist, published Laparoscopy in Gynaecology and described
the necessary instrumentation and techniques, especially in sterilization.
Phillips in 1971 founded the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists. The worldwide adoption of laparoscopic sterilization resulted in
increasing complications, described in the first annual report of the Complications Committee in 1972. In yet another move to decrease complications, Harrith M. Hasson developed a cannula for open laparoscopy in
1974. In 1987, Phillippe Mauriat of Lyon, France, performed the first
laparoscopic cholecystectomy. In June 1988, McKernan and Saye performed
the first laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the US utilizing the argon laser.
Considerable interest regarding this procedure was evident by the Second
World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery held in Atlanta, Georgia, in March
1990. Dr. Dubois of Paris reported on a series of approximately 350 patients
undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy, and Eddie Reddick of Nashville,
Tennessee, presented a similar paper on about 200 such patients.
The cumulative results of these developments in light source, optics
and photography, insufflation, and energy sources and instruments have
allowed the surgeon to perform laparoscopic operations with relative safety
and ease. It was not always so.
Diagnostic laparoscopy provides direct observation of many, but not
all, intra-abdominal structures and surfaces, as well as a few retroperitoneal
ones. The abdominal wall and diaphragmatic peritoneal surfaces can be
seen over most of their areas. The insuffiation of the abdomen makes
abdominal wall defects and hernias readily apparent. The magnification
provided by the laparoscope often makes tiny peritoneal implants visible
that might be overlooked under nonassisted vision. Such lesions are easily
biopsied. Much of the hepatic peritoneal surface is visible. The surface
characteristics of the liver serve to classify hepatic parenchymal disorders.
Visually directed biopsy of the liver assures that the lesion in question is
the lesion sampled. The other iI1tra-abdominal viscera can be examined to
a greater or lesser degree depending on body habitus, location of the
subject organ, and the expertise and patience of the examiner. The
examination of the female reproductive system is not within the scope of
this review. Retroperitoneal structures such as lymph nodes, masses, and
undescended testicles can also be identified and examined. Some intraperitoneal devices are appropriately inspected and manipulated by laparoscopic technique-ventriculoperitoneal shunts and peritoneal dialysis catheters, but NOT peritoneal venous shunts because of the risk of air embolism.
Table 2 outlines the diagnostic uses that have been described by various
authors.l": 7, 9, 13, 14, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29, 30, 33 many of which have been of use to us
over the past 15 years.
Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen and improvements in
ultrasonic diagnostic techniques have dramatically reduced the frequency
of open abdominal exploration for the diagnosis of abdominal pain, for the
diagnosis and staging of intra-abdominal malignancy or its recurrence, and
for the assessment of injury secondary to blunt trauma. However, laparoscopy has the ability to provide important diagnostic information quickly
and accurately when imaging techniques fail to yield all the information
Table 2. Some Diagnostic Uses of Laparoscopy
Abdominal Wall
Urachal abnormalities
Omphalomesenteric duct abnormalities
Liver and Biliary Tree
Hepatocellular disorders
Benign and malignant tumors
Gallbladder disease
Esophagus and stomach
Lymph nodes: pelvis, portal, celiac
Ovary, uterus, fallopian tubes
Meckel's diverticulum
Undescended testicle
Malfunctioning intraperitoneal devices
Miscellaneous trauma
Ischemic bowel
needed. There remains the inability to examine all surfaces, to explore the
retroperitoneum, or to obtain tactile information. This is partially offset by
the ability to obtain photographic documentation, especially with magnification, thus offering the opportunity for consultation and review.
There are prospective comparisons of the efficacy of laparoscopy in the
evaluation of trauma, upper gastrointestinal malignancy, and the acute
abdomen. Berci and Cuschieri'' have reported a series of 55 patients who
sustained blunt abdominal trauma and who were randomized to peritoneal
lavage or minilaparoscopy (bedside laparoscopy with a pediatric endoscope).
The predictive value of minilaparoscopy was 92% contrasted with 72% for
peritoneal lavage. Said another way, the advantages of minilaparoscopy
over other current techniques are that it can identify those patients with
positive peritoneal lavage who do not require operative treatment and those
patients with minimal findings on peritoneal lavage who do require operative treatment. The study can be done rapidly by the surgical team without
the need to transport the patient to the radiology department.
Watt et al 24 prospectively compared ultrasound and CT in cancer of
the esophagus and gastric cardia. Laparoscopy was more accurate in the
diagnosis of hepatic, nodal, and peritoneal metastases. Patterson-Brown et
apo assigned 321 patients with abdominal pain to one of four groups: A,
requires an urgent operation; B, does not require an urgent operation; C,
uncertain as to need for urgent operation (including all women with possible
appendicitis); and D, ineligible for laparoscopy. Laparoscopy was performed
in patients in group C. The results of this approach were then compared
with computer-aided decisions based on diagnostic probabilities. Those
investigators found a marginal but definite advantage for selective laparoscopy. These studies are cited because they compared the results of
laparoscopy with concurrent techniques in a prospective series. As surgeons
become more adept at laparoscopy and enthusiasm for its use increases, we
must, as a discipline, follow the examples of Berci, Cuschieri, Watt, and
Patterson-Brown and their coworkers.
Jules Verne said "what one man can conceive another man can
achieve. n It appears that this is becoming the case in laparoscopy and
general surgery today. The laparoscope is stimulating not only technology
in the area of optics, lasers, and instrumentation but also the minds of
enterprising surgeons.
There is no question that laparoscopy will become an integral part of
the general surgeon's armamentarium. Interventional laparoscopy was introduced into this country in a formal way at the First World Congress of
Endoscopy Surgery of The Society of American Gastrointestinal Surgeons
(SAGES) in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1988. Presentations were made concerning the European experience in laparoscopic cholecystectomy and lysis
of adhesions. Other possible uses that were mentioned included appendectomy, inguinal hernia repair, and vagotomy. These topics were exciting but
secondary to others presented at that meeting. At the SAGES Second
World Congress in Atlanta in March 1990, the interventional techniques
with the laparoscope were at the forefront. The program was entitled
"Unlimited Frontiers." It was Reddick and McKernan who in this country
developed these unlimited frontiers into reality and popularized the instrument, the laparoscope, in cholecystectomy and got the attention of general
At this writing, there have been five published series of laparoscopic
cholecystectomy (Fitzgibbons R Jr, Schmid S, Santoscoy R, et al, manuscript
submitted)." 10,22,34 A total of 505 patients are presented in these five series.
There have been no deaths. The elective hospital stay was approximately
1.5 days. The complication rate in the three most recent series has been
around 5%. Many of these complications, such as bleeding and bowel
leakage, are now managed laparoscopically rather than with subsequent
open laparotomy. Ductal injury is serious, and the incidence in laparoscopic
cholecystectomy is not known, but in the early experience might well be
greater than that for standard cholecystectomy, which is estimated as
1/400. 17 In spite of this, the majority of the 500,000 cholecystectomies
performed in the country yearly probably will soon be performed with the
laparoscope. At present, in our institution, 88% of cholecystectomies are
performed in this manner. Our experience to date totals more than 250
cases in both acute and chronic cholecystitis.
Another diverticulum of the gastrointestinal tract well treated in this
manner is the appendix. At the Second World congress of SAGES, Goetz
presented more than 500 cases of appendicitis treated laparoscopically in a
community hospital in Germany over a number of years. The data were
impressive, and the complications were no different than those of open
appendectomy. Length of stay is somewhat similar to that of routine
appendectomy and may reflect the usual perioperative mild ileus. In our
experience, the laparoscope is being used more often now in the evaluation
of the acute abdomen. Not only can the appendix be well evaluated, but
also the adnexa, as well as other organs of general surgical interest such as
the ileum, gallbladder, and liver. The laparoscopic technique varies from
center to center. The mesoappendix is managed with clips or with bipolar
as well as monopolar cautery. The appendix is Endolooped as well as
stapled with the new instrument just now available. The French pull the
appendix through the abdominal wall, tie it manually near its base, and
then allow it to retract. The technique is variable but is being perfected.
It is usually performed with three punctures.
Inguinal hernia is also being treated laparoscopically at several centers.
This approach appears to be more applicable to indirect hernia and is being
managed by a ring closure accomplished either with a stapler or with intraabdominal suturing. The direct hernia appears more challenging and
requires the placement of mesh and an intra-abdominal suture technique
that to date is cumbersome and time consuming. There were no published
series as of December 1990, probably a reflection of the short duration of
experience. Prospective study will be required to establish whether the
laparoscopic approach is competitive with the large number of published
series using standard approaches with recurrence rates less than 1%.
Chronic abdominal pain, in the absence of objective radiographic or
endoscopic findings and in the presence of a history of abdominal surgery,
is frequently evaluated by the general surgeon. Jacques Perissat, who is
Professor of Surgery and Chief of Digestive Surgery Service at the University of Bordeaux, France, at The SAGES World Congress presented a vast
experience of lyses of adhesions intra-abdominally for treatment of chronic
abdominal pain. Complications were near-negligible, and there were no
bowel injuries.
There are many other areas in which the laparoscope is being used,
and the surgeon's imagination appears to be the only limiting factor. We
have personally used it in chronic peptic ulcer disease with outlet obstruction, performing a laparoscopic pyloromyotomy together with transoral
endoscopic balloon dilatation. We have manipulated Tenckoff catheters and
placed them back in the proper position after insufflating through the
catheter with carbon dioxide. The literature shows other interventional
techniques, such as the laparoscopic placement of a jejunostomy feeding
catheter. 19
Perhaps the most exciting area of development arises from the thought
that anything that can be placed in a bag, such as a solid organ (the kidney,
spleen), can be removed through the laparoscope. Ralph V. Clayman, who
is in the Department of Urologic Surgery at Washington University School
of Medicine and who is publishing his technique in both the Journal of
Endourology* and the New England Journal of Medicine, has performed
laparoscopic nephrectomy in three patients. His technique involves not
only laparoscopic dissection of the organ but also placement of the organ
in a bag intra-abdominally. With the use of a tissue morcellator, the organ
is removed through the laparoscope. Thus, any organ, even a segment of
bowel, that can be placed in the bag could subsequently be removed from
the abdomen without the open technique.
Another area in which technology will advance the efforts of general
surgeons will be the development of better needles and sutures, as well as
instruments to be used intra-abdominally for bowel anastomoses. The
gynecologists have been using Keith needles in the pelvis with good success.
However, curved needles are being developed, which should facilitate
intra-abdominal use. Still other areas are being investigated and include
vagotomy for chronic peptic ulcer disease. Apparently, again, the Europeans
are in the forefront, and their procedures include posterior truncal vagotomy
and an anterior serosal myotomy.
It appears that many are benefiting from these new interventional
techniques. This includes a broad spectrum of people from the patient to
the enterprising pig farmer who "rents" the animal to a training course and
has it returned after its gallbladder has been removed by a neophyte
laparoscopic surgeon. The issues in this area in the 1990s will be legion;
however, they include application of this technology only in appropriate
instances supported by sound surgical research and efforts to eliminate
complications, which seemingly occur early in the learning curve of the
*For an initial report, see Clayman RV, Kavoussi LR, Long SR, et al: Laparoscopic
nephrectomy: Initial report of pelviscopic organ ablation in the pig. J Endourol 4:247, 1990.
"The Laparoscopic Revolution-Walk Carefully Before We Run," an
editorial by Professor A. Cuschieri," sets the precedent of referring to
closed abdominal surgery as a revolution. If one takes that to mean rapid
disorganized change, it is an appropriate term. The revolution will put
pressure on the surgical community to adapt quickly and effectively. The
issues and challenges can be classified as those related to development,
training, credentialing, resource allocation, payment, and quality assurance
and review.
The Wall Street [ournai" correctly noted that laparoscopic surgery is
not being developed in the traditional way by study in academic laboratories
(with notable exceptions). 1, 30, 33 In keeping with Professor Cuschieri's
description of "revolution," it has taken to the "streets." Laparoscopy is
being developed in communities by enterprising surgeons supported by
medical equipment companies. The question posed by Elmslie":
", . . surgeons 20 years ago were slow to recognize the future of gastrointestinal endoscopy. Will we have more vision when it comes to the question
of CAS [closed abdominal surgery]?" is still germane. With exceptions, as
evidenced by the bibliography, the community development oflaparoscopic
surgery, has arisen by default and has been spurred on by the tremendous
public demand. The challenge is to reinstitutionalize future developments
in much the same way that political revolutions do. The question remains
whether this will take place in academic centers or elsewhere.
The SAGES 24 responded to the need for standards in training by
publishing guidelines in May 1990. The authors of that report recognized
both that surgical residency programs would not keep pace with the initial
stampede of demand by those already in practice and also that there were
surgeons with prior and continuing experience in diagnostic laparoscopy.
As of January 1991, brochures for training programs are still largely from
nonuniversity institutions. Some (not all) of these have an established
curriculum, an experienced and stable faculty, and credible animallaboratories." The challenges are to continue such programs, set and monitor
standards, and provide for the introduction of new techniques and skills.
Hospital boards and staffs need considerable variation in credentialing
criteria. In general, however, there are reasonable standards of training for
general surgery set by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical
Education and the American Board of Surgery, but they do not include
laparoscopic surgery to date. If there are not standards for training, if we
cannot look to the American Board of Surgery or the Accreditation Council
for Graduate Medical Education for identification of the criteria for qualification, how can hospital credentialing committees develop consistent
standards and criteria for the granting of privileges? There are few general
surgeons who have been taught laparoscopic surgery in an approved
residency program. Most will have been exposed to the technique in a 2or 3-day course with an animal laboratory. Many general surgeons, having
completed such a course, will ask for assistance and supervision from those
with existing privileges in laparoscopic surgery, be they general surgeons
or gynecologists, until they can demonstrate acquisition of those skills
satisfactorily. The hospital credentials committee will be challenged to
develop and enforce standards individually because of the rapidity with
which the field has developed. In addition, it is probable that the credentials
committee will not have someone with personal experience in the technique. The principle remains that individual hospital staffs and boards have
considerable leeway in establishing requirements for credentialing. This
variation is appropriate and necessary. The requirement of preceptorship
has been adopted by many hospitals to satisfy the need for demonstration
of proficiency.
Resource Allocation
Perhaps the biggest restraint on a more widespread adoption of
laparoscopic cholecystectomy was the failure of the medical instrument
industry to recognize and satisfy the demand for instrumentation. Long
waiting lists and requirements that "complete" sets be purchased have been
common.i" Hospital management and department chairs can expect a
continued "arms race" as successive generations of equipment become
available. Fortunately, hospital management already has considerable experience because of the development of diagnostic imaging. Nonetheless,
the intense demand will require analysis of what can reasonably be expected
in terms of patient volume and to establish the appropriate priority of the
purchases vis-a-vis other capital requirements.
One would have thought that the principles of payment established by
the gynecologic uses of laparoscopy would have prevented most of the
disputes about payment for laparoscopic cholecystectomy and other general
surgicallaparoscopic procedures. Unfortunately, that has not been the case.
Some insurance companies assumed the untenable position that laparoscopic
cholecystectomy was an experimental procedure. Clearly, laparoscopy was
a proved technique for intra-abdominal surgery and cholecystectomy an
established treatment of the diseased gallbladder. Equally extreme was the
contention that laparoscopic cholecystectomy was a whole new operation
(but not experimental) and justified substantial additional payment. Inconsistent and extreme positions by providers and carriers alike have not been
a credit to either group.
Quality Assurance
Most advances in surgery relate to new applications of existing skills.
Laparoscopy entails the learning of new skills. Once those skills have been
mastered, evolution of new applications can resume as it has historically.
By its nature, laparoscopic surgery has some inherent risks. There is a
greater dependency on advanced technical instruments and the operators
of those instruments. More skill is required by all those involved in the
operation: surgeon, assistant surgeon, camera operator, scrub nurse, circulating nurse, radiology technician, equipment nurse (laser, insufflation
equipment, video), anesthetist, and even the scheduling clerk, who must
coordinate the reservation of the room, the personnel, and the specialized
equipment. Operating with two-dimensional images and without tactile and
proprioceptive orientation is familiar ground to few.
It has been predicted, with good reason, that the widespread introduction of these new techniques over a relatively short period of time will
result in a number of misadventures. 2, 3, 31 Cholecystectomy is not a
complication-free operation regardless of experience and technique. Use of
a technique that requires different and, we maintain, greater skill plus a
greater need for teamwork will produce a greater number of complications.
Peer-reviewed reports of the frequency and nature of complications are not
expected for several years. The challenge for quality assurance organization-hospital based and otherwise-will be to discriminate between complications that arise from the inherent limitations of the technique and
those that arise from its inappropriate use or application. In our preoperative
discussions, we have used the analogy of a "reverse lottery." Instead of a
lot of people losing a little and a few gaining a great deal, a lot of people
will gain substantially (in decreased pain and rapid recovery) and a few will
lose a great deal by sustaining a major complication. The relative riskbenefit of open versus closed operations must have future definition for
each application. In the interim, review organizations will be struggling
with trying to judge the results (as they apply to individual patients and
surgeons) of two different approaches to the same task with a different
frequency of complications. They will be doing so without published or
historic standards. Credentials committees will sympathize with them.
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has belatedly awakened the general
surgical community to the concept of closed abdominal surgery. Current
techniques have largely been developed by our colleagues in gynecology.
The unanticipated demand by the public has placed unprecedented pressure
on our systems for training, credentialing, developing, supplying, and
evaluating changes in surgical technique. The diagnostic value of laparoscopy has been documented by a handful of general surgeons over the past
several decades and is likely to become a more widely accepted technique.
The potential of future developments in video-controlled operations is
1. Berci G, Cuschieri A: Practical Laparoscopy. London, Bailliere Tindall, 1986
2. Cuschieri A: The laparoscopic revolution: Walk carefully before we run. J R ColI Surg
Edinburgh 34:295, 1989
3. Cuschieri A, Berci G, McSherry C: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Am J Surg 159:273,
4. Cuschieri A, Hennessy T, Stephens R, et al: Diagnosis of significant abdominal trauma
after road traffic accidents: Preliminary results of a multicentre clinical trial comparing
minilaparoscopy with peritoneal lavage. Ann R ColI Surg Engl 70:153, 1988
5. Davis F, Wah T: Retrieval of loose peritoneal shunts by laparoscopy: Technical note. J
Neurosurg 70:282, 1989
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