Medical Hypotheses (2006) 67, 1027–1033
Are prions related to the emergence of early
life? q
Omar Lupi a,b,c,*, Paula Dadalti c, Eduardo Cruz c, Paul R. Sanberg d,
The Cryopraxis’ Task Force for Prion Research
Post-Graduation Course of Dermatology (UFRJ, UNI-RIO and Instituto de Dermatologia Prof. Rubem
Azulay/Santa Casa do Rio de Janeiro), Rua Frei Leandro, 16/501, 22.470-210 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
UFRJ – Cidade Universitária, Ilha do Fundão, Zip. 21.941-590, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Cryopraxis and Silvestre Laboratory, Cryopraxis, BioRio, Pólo de Biotecnologia do Rio de Janeiro,
Av. 24 s/no, Brazil
Center of Excellence for Aging & Brain Repair, and Departments of Neurosurgery, Anatomy,
Pharmacology and Therapeutics, and Pathology, University of South Florida College of Medicine,
Tampa, FL, USA
Received 27 April 2006; accepted 28 April 2006
Summary DNA and RNA are the modern cellular molecules related to the storage and processing of the genetic
information. However, in the Earth primeval environment conditions, these two molecules are far from being the best
option for this function due to their great complexity and sensibility to heat. Experiments have been showing that
proteins are very stable and reliable molecules even in very extreme conditions and, under certain circumstances,
could be related to the transmission of certain phenotypes that are inherited in a non-Mendelian manner.
Prions, infective proteins that are associated to several neurological diseases among mammals by replacing their
dominant native state of prion protein by a misfolded one, are remarkably resistant to even the most extreme
environments. Furthermore, prions are also associated to the transmission of certain fungal traits in an epigenetical
model. These two characteristics support the hypothesis that prions are a possible relic of early stage peptide
evolution and may represent the reminiscence of a very ancient analogical code of biological transmission of
information rather than the digital one represented by modern nucleic acids.
c 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Statement of prior presentation: This material or similar
material has not been and will not be submitted in any other
publication before its appearance in the Proceedings of the
Royal Society Biology.
* Corresponding author. Post-Graduation Course of Dermatology (UFRJ, UNI-RIO and Instituto de Dermatologia Prof. Rubem
Azulay/Santa Casa do Rio de Janeiro), Rua Frei Leandro, 16/501,
22.470-210 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Tel.: +55 21 2537 7665;
fax: +55 21 2521 5812.
E-mail address: (O. Lupi).
It is now generally accepted that life arose on the
Earth early in its history. However, the mechanisms
related to the emergence of early life are still associated with many debates. The modern pattern of
DNA acting as a reservoir of genetic information
is not chemically realistic in the very beginning of
0306-9877/$ - see front matter c 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
life in our planet. DNA carries the genetic information required for the synthesis of proteins. The replication and transcription of DNA require a complex
set of enzymes and other proteins. Even the shortest DNA strand needs proteins to help it replicate.
How then could the first living cells with DNA-based
molecular biology have originated by spontaneous
chemical processes on the prebiotic Earth? Primordial DNA synthesis would have required the presence of specific enzymes, but how could these
enzymes be synthesized without the genetic information in DNA and without RNA for translating that
information into the amino acid sequence of the
protein enzymes? In other words, proteins are required for DNA synthesis and DNA is required for
protein synthesis. Furthermore, DNA’s chemical
great complexity and sensibility to heat make
DNA probably a late sophistication of the cell
mechanism of self-replication and transmission of
genetic information in a very reliable way.
RNA World
Many scholars consider RNA as a much more suitable molecule to be related to early life. The term
‘‘RNA World’’ was first used by Walter Gilbert in
1986 [1]. The RNA World hypothesis is supported
by the RNA’s ability to store, transmit, and duplicate genetic information, just like DNA does. RNA
can also act as a ribozyme, an enzyme made of
ribonucleic acid. Because it can reproduce on its
own, performing the tasks of both DNA and proteins
(enzymes), RNA is believed to have once been
capable of independent life and some RNA-viruses
may represent a side effect of this capability.
Experiments with basic ribozymes, like the viral
RNA Q-beta, have shown that simple self-replicating RNA structures can withstand even strong selective pressures [2,3].
Competition between RNA may have favored the
emergence of cooperation between different RNA
chains, opening the way for the formation of the
first proto-cell [2,4]. Eventually, RNA chains randomly developed with catalytic properties that help
amino acids bind together (peptide-bonding). These
amino acids could then assist with RNA synthesis,
giving those RNA chains that could serve as ribozymes the selective advantage. According to this
hypothesis, eventually DNA, lipids, carbohydrates,
and all sorts of other chemicals were recruited into
life [2–4]. Forterre [5] believes that RNA-viruses
played a critical role in major evolutionary transitions, such as the invention of DNA and DNA replication mechanisms. This led to the first prokaryotic
cells, and eventually to life as we know it.
Lupi et al.
The ‘‘RNA World’’ hypothesis was given a major
boost with the deciphering of the three-dimensional structure of the ribosome, which revealed
the key catalytic sites of ribosomes to be composed
of RNA, with proteins playing only a structural role
in holding the ribosomal RNA together [6,7]. Specifically, the formation of the peptide bond, the
reaction that binds amino acids together into proteins, is now known to be catalyzed by RNA [6,7].
This finding suggests that RNA molecules were most
likely capable of generating the first proteins [8].
However, the ‘‘RNA World’’ hypothesis seems
implausible because, in today’s world, large RNA
molecules are inherently fragile and can easily be
broken down into their constituent nucleotides
with hydrolysis [9]. Even without hydrolysis RNA
will eventually break down from background radiation [10,11] and the environmental conditions in
prebiotic Earth were very hardy [11]. Many other
chemical difficulties, such as the fact that cytosine
does not have a plausible prebiotic simulation
method because it easily undergoes hydrolysis
and the observation that in prebiotic simulations
making nucleotides have conditions incompatible
with those for making sugars, led many scholars
to believe that the ‘‘RNA World’’ hypothesis is
not chemically realistic [9,12].
A deeper view into the proteins
Proteins constitute the interface between the
information of genes and the biological world. They
are the universal structural currency of life on
Earth and once were considered as the most plausible molecules to be related to the transmission of
the genetic information before the milestone
description of DNA as the key structure in this function. The structure of proteins determines their
function, and a single change to a gene can profoundly influence the higher dimensions of protein
structure [13].
Proteins are very sensitive to structural changes.
Sequences of amino acids located at key strategic
positions are crucially important in giving a protein
the unique structure that defines its function.
Other amino acid sequences or cluster of amino
acids associated in a three-dimensional space form
important recognition sites. Proteins are constructed from one-dimensional sequences of amino
acids that are specified by the one-dimensional sequence of genes. Although in principle amino acids
can orient themselves in a number of different
ways, they in fact adopt only two fundamentally
different types of basic pattern. These two-dimensional patterns are known as alpha helices and beta
Are prions related to the emergence of early life?
sheets [14,15]. Individual alpha helices and beta
sheets are connected to one another by short segments of primary amino acid sequence. The numbers of these two types of structural elements
define a protein’s secondary structure, and the
combinatorial manner in which they are interlinked, its topology [13,14].
The primary sequence contains all the information necessary to specify the higher-dimensional
patterns of protein structure. Each amino acid appears to have a general predilection for appearing
in certain types of secondary structure. For example, some amino acids such as valine, isoleucine,
tryptophan are most frequently found within beta
sheets while others, such as alanine, aspartate,
glycine and proline are mainly found in alpha helices [13].
Combinations of beta sheets and alpha-helical
structural elements may be bent, stapled and
folded back upon one another to generate such
higher-dimensional patterns. These three-dimensional architectures are known as a protein’s tertiary structure. In some cases, amino acids chains
exhibit structural heterogeneity and oscillate between two or more alternative tertiary structures.
Some proteins, like haemoglobin, are composites
of more than one three-dimensionally folded amino
acid sequence [13–15].
Some proteins have identical tertiary structure
architectures but differ in their topology. The existence of topological variants suggests that proteins
have been subjected to a process of topological
optimization. While they may have identical distributions in three-dimensional space, different topological organizations of alpha and beta structural
elements are likely to influence the efficiency with
which the protein can fold and in so doing realize
its higher order spatial patterns. Evolution may
have selected topological variants on the basis of
their relative folding efficiency. The topological
plasticity would help ensure that the repertoire
of potential folds is kept to a maximum [13].
Chaperonins (or chaperones) are ubiquous proteins characterized by a stacked double-ring structure and are found in prokaryotes, in the cytosol of
eukaryotes, and in mitochondria [16]. Chaperones
are proteins whose function is to assist other proteins in achieving proper folding. Many chaperones
are heat shock proteins (HSP), that is, proteins expressed in response to elevated temperatures or
other cellular stresses [17]. The reason for this
behaviour is that protein folding is severely affected by heat and, therefore, some chaperones
act to repair the potential damage caused by misfolding. Chaperones (or chaperonins) are associated with the target protein during part of its
folding process. However, once folding is complete
(or even before) the chaperone will leave its current protein molecule and go on to support the
folding of another [16–18].
Powerful algorithms now exist which are able to
accurately predict the nature of the fold that a primary sequence is likely to generate [13]. These
types of algorithms are only partially understood
and, in some cases, the assistance of specialized
chaperones proteins and foldase enzymes are necessary to facilitate correct folding [19,20]. Others
will only fold correctly in the context of proteins
with which they form a permanent complex
‘‘Peptide first’’ hypothesis
The hypothesis that suggests that the first life forms
were made from collectively autocatalytic peptide
networks is called the ‘‘peptide first’’ hypothesis
[13]. If this was the case, the first rudimentary
peptide-based creatures may eventually have been
infected by either (1) non-self-replicating RNA molecules, (2) RNA molecules which self-replicated by
means of autocatalytic ligation reactions, or (3)
autocatalytically self-replicating molecules which
utilized a template-based mechanism of replication
Ferris et al. [23] have shown that peptides of p to
55 amino acids long can be synthesized abiologically
on mineral surfaces. It seems reasonable to speculate that under more optimal conditions, it should
be possible to synthesize even longer peptides
[24]. Folded peptides occur extremely frequently
in artificially constructed, random combinatorial libraries which are 80 to100 amino acids long and
which are composed of only three different amino
acids [13]. Peptides of less than 33 amino acids long
are exceptionally stable at high temperatures and
are able to fold into discreet structures [13,25].
The first step towards template-based self-replication may have been the infection of pre-existing
self-assembling peptide metabolism by abiologically synthesized RNA molecules which were, at
this point, incapable of template-based self-replication [13]. Although not initially encoding symbolic information within their digital sequences,
these RNA pre-genes may have been able to force
and subvert the spontaneous self-organizing
dynamics of geneless peptide-based proto-organisms [13,21,22]. They may also have been able to
modify the properties of the network components
by, for example, chaperoning their folding,
increasing their stability, or regulating their activity [21].
However, many proteins are very sensible to heat
and degradation by many of the plausible conditions
presented on early Earth [9]. Another critical point
is that autocatalytic self-construction in macromolecular systems requires the existence of a reflexive
relationship between structural components and
the functional operations they perform to synthesize themselves [21,26]. The possibility of reflexivity depends on formal, semiotic features of the
catalytic structure–function relationship, that is,
the embedding of catalytic functions in the space
of polymeric structures [21,27]. Reflexivity is a
semiotic property of some genetic sequences. Such
sequences may serve as the basis for the evolution
of coding as a result of autocatalytic self-organization in a population of assignment catalysts. Autocatalytic selection is a mechanism whereby matter
becomes differentiated in primitive biochemical
systems. In the case of coding self-organization, it
corresponds to the creation of symbolic information. According to Wills [21], prions are presentday entities whose replication through autocatalysis
reflects aspects of biological semiotics less obvious
than genetic coding.
The Prion paradox
In 1982, Prusiner [28] proposed the name ‘‘prion’’
for the small proteinaceous infectious particles that
were transmitted in spongiform encephalopathies
and resisted inactivation by procedures that modify
nucleic acids. Prusiner suggested that the transmissible agent might be devoid of nucleic acid (DNA and
RNA) and may be composed only of protein. Further
research [29,30] supported the prion hypothesis and
led to characterization of an aberrantly folded isoform of a host-encoded protein (PrP), that was designated PrPSc, from scrapie, an endemic prionic
disease that naturally occurs among sheep for many
centuries. The normal PrP protein fluctuates between a dominant native state (PrPC) and a series
of minor conformations, one or a set of which can
self-associate in an ordered manner to produce a
stable supramolecular structure (PrPSc). The stable
supramolecular structure is composed of misfolded
PrP monomers in an autocatalytic formation [30].
Interestingly, the main difference between PrPC
and PrPSc is conformational.
Prions kill animals and humans by replacing their
dominant native state of prion protein (PrPC), a
transmembrane glycoprotein of unknown function,
with the dysfunctional isomer PrPSc (from scrapie)
[31]. PrPC consists primarily of alpha helices, regions in which the protein backbone twists into a
specific kind of spiral [29,31]. The PrPSc form, how-
Lupi et al.
ever, contains beta strands, regions in which the
backbone is fully extended. The main difference
between PrPC and PrPSc is conformational [29].
The abnormal and more stable isoform of PrPSc presents an alternative-folding pathway and accumulates mainly within the neurons and lymphocytes
[31]. The mechanism of propagation involves the
physical contact between both isoforms [29]. The
PrPSc form propagates itself by contacting PrPC
molecules and causing them to unfold and flip from
their usual conformation to the scrapie configuration in an autocatalytic reaction [29]. Mutations
in the PrP gene render the resulting proteins susceptible to flipping from an alpha-helical to a
beta-sheet shape, solving the paradox of a genetic
disease that can also be transmissible to previous
normal hosts [29,32].
It is important to point out that not all prions are
dangerous; in fact, prion-like proteins are found
naturally in many plants and animals [32,33]. Because of this, scientists reasoned that such proteins
could give some sort of evolutionary advantage to
their host. This was suggested to be the case in a
species of fungus, Podospora anserina [34]. Genetically compatible colonies of this fungus can merge
together and share cellular contents such as nutrients and cytoplasm. A natural system of protective
‘‘incompatibility’’ proteins exists to prevent promiscuous sharing between unrelated colonies. One
such protein, called HET-S, adopts a prion-like form
in order to function properly [34]. The prion form of
HET-S spreads rapidly throughout the cellular network of a colony and can convert the non-prion form
of the protein to a prion state after compatible colonies have merged [33,34]. However, when an
incompatible colony tries to merge with a prioncontaining colony, the prion causes the ‘‘invader’’
cells to die, ensuring that only related colonies obtain the benefit of sharing resources [34,35].
For many decades, a genetic trait termed [PSI+],
of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae had been
described with an unusual pattern of inheritance
and any conventional mutation was responsible
for the [PSI+] trait [36]. In 1994, Wickner [37]
hypothesized that [PSI+] as well as another anomalous heritable trait, [URE3], resulted from prion
forms of certain normal cellular proteins. HSP were
finely tied to the inheritance and transmission of
[PSI+] and many other yeast prions [38]. Since
then, researchers have unravelled how the proteins
that code for [PSI+] and [URE3] can convert between prion and non-prion forms, as well as the
consequences of having intracellular prions
[38,39]. When exposed to certain adverse conditions, [PSI+] cells actually fare better than their
prion-free siblings; this finding suggests that, in
Are prions related to the emergence of early life?
some proteins, the ability to adopt a prion form
may result from positive evolutionary selection
[38]. It has been speculated that the ability to convert between prion infected and prion-free forms
enables yeast to quickly and reversibly adapt in
variable environments [40].
All available evidence suggests that prions epigenetically modulate a wide variety of fundamental biological processes, and many await
discovery. They are at the origin of a number of
phenotypes that are inherited in a non-Mendelian
manner [35,41].
for infectious diseases in mammals and for heritable traits in fungi. Most known prion proteins form
amyloids – self-seeded fiber-like aggregates. Prion
propagation (‘‘replication’’) could be described as
a sequence of repetitive cycles of aggregate
‘‘shearing’’ into smaller seeds followed by the
growth of these seeds into full-size polymers. The
ability to form aggregates and to propagate them
is controlled by distinct regions of the composite
prion domains (PrDs).
Amyloids are self-assembled fibre-like beta-rich
protein aggregates [43]. Amyloidogenic prion proteins propagate amyloid state in vivo and transmit
it via infection or in cell divisions. While amyloid
aggregation may occur in the absence of any other
proteins, in vivo propagation of the amyloid state
requires chaperone helpers. Yeast prion proteins
contain prion domains which include distinct aggregation and propagation elements, responsible for
these functions [36]. Known aggregation and propagation elements are short in length and composed
of relatively simple sequences, indicating possible
ancient origin. According to Chernoff [43], prionlike self-assembled structures could be involved
in the initial steps of biological compartmentalization in early life.
Bousset and Melki [33] considered that they are
at the origin of a number of phenotypes that
are inherited in a non-Mendelian manner. Prions
are very useful to dissect the molecular events at
the origin of this structure-based inheritance. The
experimental evidence accumulated for the last
half of the century clearly suggests that inherited
variation is not restricted to the changes in genomic sequences [41]. The prion model, originally
based on unusual transmission of certain neurodegenerative diseases in mammals, provides a molecular mechanism for the template-like reproduction
of alternative protein conformations. Recent data,
that extend this model to protein-based genetic
elements in yeast and other fungi, revealed that
the reproduction and transmission of yeast protein-based genetic elements is controlled by the
‘‘prion replication’’ machinery of the cell, composed of the protein helpers responsible for the
processes of assembly and disassembly of protein
structures and multiprotein complexes [34–38].
Among these, the stress-related chaperones of
HSP100 and HSP70 groups play an important role
[36]. Alterations of levels or activity of these proteins result in ‘‘mutator’’ or ‘‘antimutator’’ affects in regard to protein-based genetic elements
[38]. Prion-forming abilities appear to be conserved in evolution, despite the divergence of the
corresponding amino acid sequences [41]. Moreover, a wide variety of proteins of different origins
Prions and the emergence of early life
The emergence of early life on the Earth is still under debate. DNA and RNA are not very suitable for
this early function for many reasons. Their higher
chemical complexity, the existence of many chemical barriers for their synthesis in a abiotic environment and mainly because of the critical sensibility
of the modern days nucleic acids to the very hardy
conditions of early Earth made many scientists
search for other possibilities [9].
According to Chien et al. [42], the prion hypothesis has been extended with the finding that several non-Mendelian traits in fungi are due to
heritable changes in protein conformation, which
may in some cases be beneficial. Although much remains to be learned about the specific role of cellular cofactors, mechanistic parallels between the
mammalian and yeast prion phenomena point to
universal features of conformation-based infection
and inheritance involving propagation of ordered
beta-sheet-rich protein aggregates commonly referred to as amyloid. Wickner et al. [35] believe
that prions can be better explained in terms of
the physical properties of amyloid-like aggregates.
Prion strains, wherein chemically identical infectious particles cause distinct phenotypes and there
are barriers that often prohibit prion transmission
between different species [29]. There is increasing
evidence suggesting that both of these can be manifestations of the same phenomenon: the ability of
a protein to misfold into multiple self-propagating
conformations [38,40]. Even single mutations can
change the spectrum of favored misfolded conformations. In turn, changes in amyloid conformation
can shift the specificity of propagation and alter
strain phenotypes. This model helps explain many
common and otherwise puzzling features of prion
inheritance as well as aspects of non-infectious diseases involving toxic misfolded proteins [35].
Chernoff [26] states that prions are self-perpetuating protein isoforms that are both responsible
appear to possess the ability to form amyloid-like
aggregates, that in certain conditions might potentially result in prion-like switches [40,43].
Rode et al. [8] analyzed the possibility of prions
as a relic of an early stage of peptide evolution.
Prions are relatively small proteinaceous compounds, highly resistant against UV and ionizing
radiation [29]. Based on considerations of chemical
stability, geochemical data, and the most likely
environmental conditions on the primitive earth,
it has to be assumed that peptides and proteins
had been produced by chemical evolution much
earlier than polynucleotides [9,23,24]. A simple
comparison of the most frequently occurring amino
acid sequences in known prions with the sequence
preferentially formed in the salt-induced peptide
formation reaction, the simplest mechanism enabling the formation of peptides under primitive
Earth conditions, shows a remarkable coincidence
that strongly supports the hypothesis that prions
are a relic of early stage peptide evolution [8].
Life may have started mainly on a proteinrelated basis, before the modern genetic mechanisms of life forms known today started to develop,
making DNA/RNA-based evolution more of a final
step than the initial step of evolution [8]. However,
such a slow and rather inefficient type of life would
have been eliminated quickly by the newly emergent RNA/DNA-based mechanism, and its existence
would only be recognized nowadays as some weird
epigenetically modulation in fungi and among the
lethal spongiform encephalopathies in mammals
[29,38]. Maybe, prions represent the reminiscence
of a very ancient analogical code of biological
transmission of information rather that the digital
one represent by modern nucleic acids.
Conflict of interest statement
The authors have no conflict of interest to disclose.
Funding source: Cryopraxis and Silvestre Laboratory, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
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