Cell, Vol. 116, 313–327, January 23, 2004, Copyright 2004 by Cell Press
Mammalian Prion Biology:
One Century of Evolving Concepts
Adriano Aguzzi* and Magdalini Polymenidou
Institute of Neuropathology
University Hospital of Zürich
Schmelzbergstr. 12
CH-8091 Zürich
Prions have been responsible for an entire century of
tragic episodes. Fifty years ago, kuru decimated the
population of Papua New Guinea. Then, iatrogenic
transmission of prions caused more than 250 cases
of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. More recently, transmission of bovine spongiform encephalopathy to humans caused a widespread health scare. On the other
hand, the biology of prions represents a fascinating
and poorly understood phenomenon, which may account for more than just diseases and may represent
a fundamental mechanism of crosstalk between proteins. The two decades since Stanley Prusiner’s formulation of the protein-only hypothesis have witnessed spectacular advances, and yet some of the
most basic questions in prion science have remained unanswered.
A few years ago, it was memorably stated that prion
diseases (also termed transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, or TSE) constitute one of the best-understood
groups of neurodegenerative diseases (DeArmond and
Prusiner, 1995). Depending on whom you ask, this statement may be regarded as entirely correct or completely
off the mark.
Of course, prion diseases are quite well understood.
Largely thanks to the enthusiasm and intuition of pioneers such as Stanley Prusiner and Charles Weissmann,
progress in prion science has experienced two decades
of quantum leaps. These include the isolation of the
disease-associated, protease-resistant prion protein,
PrPSc (Bolton et al., 1982), the formulation of the proteinonly hypothesis (Prusiner, 1982), the cloning of the Prnp
gene that encodes PrPC and the startling realization that
it is a normal, cellular gene (Basler et al., 1986; Chesebro
et al., 1985; Oesch et al., 1985), the discovery that the
host-determined aspects of the “species barrier” are
crucially governed by the sequence of PrPC (Scott et
al., 1989), the linkage between PRNP mutations and
hereditary prion disease (Hsiao et al., 1989), and the
demonstration that PrPC-deficient mice are alive and
well, but resistant to prion diseases (Büeler et al.,
1992, 1993).
And yet one may argue that prions are not well understood at all! We are still unable to precisely pinpoint the
physical nature of the agent (Chesebro, 1998), and we
do not avail of any high-resolution molecular structure
of PrPSc. Hence, the models of conversion of PrPC to
PrPSc are speculative at best, and the conversion pro*Correspondence: adriano@pathol.unizh.ch
cess could not be reproduced under cell-free conditions
in a way that would lead to replication of prion infectivity.
Finally, precious little knowledge is available on how the
infectious agent damages the brain, and the function of
the normal protein continues to be obscure.
The Timeline of TSE Research
In one or the other form, prions have captured a sizeable
mind share for almost two centuries (Table 1). Scrapie—
the prototypic prion disease affecting sheep and goat—
had been a concern since the 19th century. This is understandable given the importance of the wool textile
business in the industrial revolution. But the crucial
breakthrough was already achieved in the 1930s by the
experimental transmission of scrapie to goats (Cuille
and Chelle, 1939). Little happened in the two following
decades, until Carleton Gajdusek showed that kuru,
which was decimating the aborigines of Papua New
Guinea (Gajdusek and Zigas, 1957), was a transmissible
spongiform encephalopathy. Interestingly, the first attempts at transmitting kuru to primates failed for the
same reason that experimental transmission of scrapie
among sheep had failed for decades: the incubation
time of the disease was longer than the patience of
the investigators (Schwartz, 2003). Following a concise
suggestion by William Hadlow that kuru resembled
scrapie, and hence might exhibit a very long incubation
time (Hadlow, 1959), Gajdusek achieved transmission
of kuru to chimps (Gajdusek et al., 1966, 1967) and,
shortly thereafter, transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob
disease (CJD) (Gibbs et al., 1968).
It is remarkable (and somewhat sobering) to note that
some of the questions that had already been formulated
in the 19th century are still open. For example, is sheep
scrapie a predominantly genetic or infectious disease?
If the latter is true, how does it spread among flocks?
The wildfire-like epizootic of chronic wasting disease in
North American cervids (Williams and Young, 1980), as
well as the “scrapie eradication plan” of the European
Union (which aims at selective breeding of purportedly
scrapie-resistant sheep genotypes), bears the most recent witness to the general importance of these issues.
The Nature of the Prion
Throughout this paper, the term “prion” is used to denote the infectious principle active in TSEs. The various
hypotheses of TSE pathogenesis state that the prion
may be congruent, partially overlapping, or different
from the protease-resistant form of PrP found in prion
diseases, which is termed PrPSc.
Two papers reprinted in the current issue of Cell represent two major turning points in prion research. The first
paper describes the discovery, by Stanley Prusiner and
coworkers, of a crucial property of the prion: its remarkable resilience against proteolytic degradation (McKinley et al., 1983). Digestion with 50 g/ml of proteinase
K (PK) at 37⬚C for 2 hr would not degrade the carboxyproximal domain of PrPSc nor decrease the infectious
titer of the prion preparation. But PrPSc is not “unbreakable” and can eventually be digested by more vigorous
enzymatic treatment—in which case prion infectivity titers will also subside. This remarkable discovery identi-
Table 1. Essential Chronology of Prion Research
Mid 18th Century
Earliest Description of Scrapie Recorded
Neuronal vacuolation discovered in brains of scrapie-sick sheep
Contagious spread of scrapie in natural conditions suspected
First cases of CJD described (Creutzfeldt, 1920; Jakob, 1921)
Scrapie epidemic in Scotland following administration of formalin-treated louping ill vaccine prepared from sheep
Experimental transmission of scrapie reported (Cuille and Chelle, 1939)
Kuru discovered among Fore people of Papua New Guinea (Gajdusek and Zigas, 1957)
Similarities between kuru and scrapie noted (Hadlow, 1959)
Multiple strains of scrapie agent described (Pattison and Millson, 1961)
Scrapie transmitted to mice (Chandler, 1961)
Transmission of kuru to chimpanzees reported (Gajdusek et al., 1966)
Scrapie agent found to be highly resistant to ionizing radiation and ultraviolet light (Alper et al., 1966, 1967)
First enunciation of the protein-only hypothesis (Griffith, 1967)
CJD transmitted to chimpanzees (Gibbs et al., 1968)
Description of Sinc gene affecting scrapie incubation period in mice (Dickinson et al., 1968)
First documented iatrogenic prion transmission (corneal graft) (Duffy et al., 1974)
Protease resistant, highly hydrophobic protein discovered in hamster brain fractions highly enriched for scrapie
infectivity (Prusiner et al., 1980)
Prion concept enunciated (Prusiner, 1982)
Gene encoding PrPC cloned (Chesebro et al., 1985; Oesch et al., 1985)
PrPC and PrPSc isoforms shown to be encoded by same host gene (Basler et al., 1986)
Linkage between Prnp and scrapie incubation period in mice (Westaway et al., 1987)
First report of BSE in cattle (Wells et al., 1987)
Mutation in PrP linked to Gerstmann-Sträussler syndrome (Hsiao et al., 1989)
Importance of isologous PrPC/PrPSc interactions established (Scott et al., 1989)
Ablation of Prnp by gene targeting in mice (Büeler et al., 1992)
Prnpo/o mice are resistant to scrapie inoculation (Büeler et al., 1993; Sailer et al., 1994)
Structural differences between PrPC and PrPSc isoforms noted (Pan et al., 1993)
Cell-free conversion of PrPC to protease-resistant PrP (Kocisko et al., 1994)
New variant of CJD identified (Will et al., 1996)
BSE prion strain carries a distinct glycotype signature (Collinge et al., 1996)
First NMR structure of core murine PrPC solved (Riek et al., 1996)
Evidence that nvCJD is caused by the BSE agent (Bruce et al., 1997; Hill et al., 1997a)
B lymphocytes necessary for peripheral prion pathogenesis (Klein et al., 1997)
Genes controlling incubation period are congruent with Prnp (Moore et al., 1998)
Discovery of the PrPC homolog (Moore et al., 1999)
Temporary depletion of lymphoid FDCs impairs prion replication (Montrasio et al., 2000)
Experimental transmission of BSE in sheep by blood transfusion (Houston et al., 2000)
Complement involved in prion pathogenesis (Klein et al., 2001; Mabbott et al., 2001)
Transgenic expression of soluble PrP inhibits prion replication (Meier et al., 2003)
fied PrPSc as the first reliable surrogate marker of prion
infection. The impact of this technology was phenomenal: even now, twenty years after its original description,
the detection of PK-resistant prion protein (termed
PrP27-30 because of its molecular weight after hydrolysis
of its PK-sensitive amino-terminal domain) remains the
gold standard for biochemical diagnosis of prion diseases and forms the basis for all of the currently marketed BSE tests (Figure 1).
The second paper, to which one of us had the privilege
of contributing, verifies a crucial prediction of Prusiner’s
protein-only hypothesis (Büeler et al., 1993). If PrPSc multiplies by imparting its conformation onto host-borne
PrPC, organisms devoid of PrPC should be resistant to
prion infection. This idea was compelling, but in the early
days of prion research, no technology was available that
would allow for the targeted removal of a specific gene
from the mammalian genome. As soon as in vivo gene
ablation became feasible (Zijlstra et al., 1990), Hansrüedi
Büeler and Charles Weissmann set out to ablate the
Prnp gene, which encodes PrPC. Prnpo/o mice were alive
and well (Büeler et al., 1992), nowithstanding some minor abnormalities (Collinge et al., 1994; Tobler et al.,
1996; Watarai et al., 2003)—some of which may not even
be causally related to the prion gene (Aguzzi and Hardt,
2003). The excitement in Zurich was considerable as it
became gradually clear that inoculation of Prnpo/o mice
with brain homogenate from scrapie-sick mice failed to
induce disease of any kind (Büeler et al., 1993) or elicit
any subclinical replication of the agent (Sailer et al.,
The study of Büeler and colleagues has sometimes
been invoked as the “final proof” of the protein-only
hypothesis. That is certainly not the case: the knockout
experiment was designed to disprove Prusiner’s hypothesis—and it would have certainly done so if Prnpo/o mice
had developed disease. As always with negative results,
alternative interpretations can be offered (Popper, 1991).
Those skeptical of the prion hypothesis were quick in
pointing out that PrPC may be a receptor for a hitherto
unidentified virus, whose ablation would confer antiviral
resistance. Yet it is fair to say that the resistance to
scrapie of Prnp knockout mice constitutes one of the
most stringent challenges to the protein-only hypothesis. Hence its failure is very significant.
The availability of Prnpo/o mice has triggered a cascade
of technological and conceptual advances. For example, it emerged that PrPC, besides controlling prion replication, is necessary for neuronal damage: Prnpo/o neurons adjacent to infected Prnp⫹/⫹ brain grafts do not
Figure 1. Diagnostic Procedures for Prion Diseases
Synopsis of current diagnostic methods for TSE in humans (left panel) and in experimental animals (right panel). Most methods rely upon the
detection of PK-resistant PrPSc. The tissues in which PrPSc has been detected in humans are listed in the middle panel. While PrPSc deposits
are most abundant in the CNS, the list of peripheral organs in which PrPSc can be detected has significantly grown in recent years; it now
includes most lymphoid organs as well as skeletal muscle.
incur damage (Brandner et al., 1996a). PrPC is also involved in the transport of the infectious agent from peripheral sites to the central nervous system: its expression appears to be needed in a sessile compartment
(Blättler et al., 1997), which is likely to be congruent
with stromal components of the lymphoreticular tissue
(Montrasio et al., 2000) and of the peripheral nervous
system (Glatzel et al., 2001). The microenvironment of
lymphoid organs appears to control the velocity of neuroinvasion (Prinz et al., 2003a).
PrPC is not only produced by neurons; its expression is
in fact quite ubiquitous, notably including lymphocytes
(Cashman et al., 1990) and stromal cells of lymphoid
organs (Kitamoto et al., 1991). As a result, wild-type
mice enjoy an extremely tight immunological tolerance
against PrPC, which had rendered the production of
high-affinity immunoreagents very difficult. Instead, the
immunization of Prnpo/o mice yielded large numbers of
very high-affinity antibodies, some of which form the
basis for the current crop of BSE tests.
Still, it proved difficult to generate conformational anti-
bodies discriminating between PrPC and PrPSc. This is
surprising in view of the dramatic structural differences
between these two isoforms and their differential binding to serum proteins (Fischer et al., 2000). Does the
failure of the immune system to generate antibodies
specific for PrPSc indicate that all relevant neoepitopes
of PrPSc that are newly exposed by the conversion of the
protein to its disease-associated state are inaccessible?
Early claims of discriminatory antibodies, such as Prionics’ 15B3 clone (Korth et al., 1997), have not lived up
to the expectations. A recently developed antibody
against a characteristic tripeptide (YYR) exposed in
PrPSc, but not in PrPC, may be more promising (Paramithiotis et al., 2003). However, the YYR motif is certainly
not specific to PrPSc, and the usefulness of this antibody
awaits independent confirmation.
The Spontaneous Generation of Prions
A mesmerizing implication of the protein-only hypothesis is the propagation of prions in an entirely synthetic
system. If the infectious agent is a misfolded form of
PrP, and its replication is promoted by its interaction
with PrPC, then the entire process should be, in principle,
reproducible in a cell-free environment consisting exclusively of PrPC, PrPSc, and maybe some “promoting factors.” The importance of such an experiment is immediately evident: de novo generation or amplification of
prions from defined components would prove the protein-only hypothesis and set to rest all other alternative
explanations (Aguzzi and Weissmann, 1997). Besides,
such a system would be extremely valuable for studying
the conversion process, for exploring the species barrier
phenomenon, and for testing conversion antagonists
that may provide therapeutic compounds.
A decisive milestone toward this goal was accomplished with the establishment of an in vitro conversion
system based on the coincubation of substantially purified constituents (Kocisko et al., 1994). This seminal
work showed that incubation of radiolabeled PrPC with
cold PrPSc leads to the formation of PK-resistant radiolabeled PrP—indicating that PrPSc had somehow imparted some of its properties onto PrPC. The original
system required vastly superstochiometric amounts of
PrPSc, which precluded the detection of any increase in
prion infectivity. However, the method was used to
probe the conversion efficiency between PrP molecules
with different primary sequences and thereby, to some
extent, the tightness of species barriers (Bessen et al.,
1995; Horiuchi et al., 2000). In the intervening years, the
in vitro conversion methodology has yielded remarkable
insights and even assays for identification of antiprion
It was reported that PrPSc could be amplified by cycles
of sonication followed by incubation with brain homogenate (Saborio et al., 2001). The idea behind this experiment was that sonication might fracture large PrPSc aggregates into smaller units, each one of which would
accrue PrPC and act as independent “infectious unit.”
Several skeptics, however, have pointed out that this
intriguing report is still awaiting independent confirmation. Also, more than two years after its publication, no
evidence has come forward that this “protein misfolding
cyclic amplification” would augment the infectivity of
any given sample.
Along parallel lines, conditions were established at
that recombinantly produced PrP was transformed into
an isoform termed PrP, with several typical properties
of PrPSc (Jackson et al., 1999): increased  sheet content,
aggregability, and resistance to PK. This molecule was
deemed quite interesting for two main reasons. Firstly,
one had hoped that immunization of mice with PrP
might give rise to conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies, which would help in discriminating directly between PrPC and PrPSc. The latter would render obsolete
the venerable PK digestion assay and may facilitate the
development of higher-throughput PrPSc immunoassays.
Secondly, PrP might be equivalent to PrP* (Weissmann, 1991), a metastable intermediate postulated to
arise during conversion of PrPC to PrPSc. If so, inoculation
of mice with suitable amounts of PrP might result in
the generation of transmissible disease.
At present PrP has yet to fulfill either of these two
expectations. Yet it is not implausible that additional
experimentation in specifically devised animal models
may change this negative outcome. As with transmission of kuru to chimps, it is advisable to be patient.
Form Follows Function
If the protein-only hypothesis is correct, one could argue
that the prion problem is, in essence, one of protein
structure. Whether prions multiply by template-directed
refolding or by seeded nucleation, certain domains of
PrPC (or the entire protein) would need to rearrange
such that the monomeric protein becomes capable of
inducing the same change in further PrPC monomers
(Figure 2A). This idea represents the core of the “template-directed refolding” hypothesis, which predicates
an instructionist role for PrPSc onto PrPC. The experimental evidence is compatible with this hypothesis, yet no
positive evidence in its favor has come forward.
Alternatively, it has been proposed that PrPSc exists
in a mass-action equilibrium with PrPC. Such equilibrium
would be heavily shifted toward the side of PrPC so that
only minute amounts of PrPSc would coexist with PrPC.
If that were the case, PrPSc could not possibly represent
the infectious agent since it would be ubiquitous. According to this “nucleation” hypothesis (Jarrett and
Lansbury, 1993), however, the infectious agent would
consist of a highly ordered aggregate of PrPSc molecules. The aggregated state would be an intrinsic property of infectivity: monomeric PrPSc would be harmless,
but it might be prone to incorporation into nascent PrPSc
aggregates (Figure 2B).
Testing these hypotheses requires precise knowledge
of the structural features of both PrPC and PrPSc. To
date, such knowledge has not progressed to a state
that would allow for resolution of this question. The
structure of PrPC has been studied extensively with highresolution methods. Both crystallography (Knaus et al.,
2001) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy (Riek et al., 1996) have yielded detailed insights
into the arrangement of PrPC at the atomic level. PrPSc,
however, has been amenable merely to low-resolution
structural methods.
The NMR studies of recombinant PrPC yielded a big
surprise. The amino-proximal half of the molecule is not
structured at all, whereas the carboxy-proximal half is
globular and contains three ␣ helices (Riek et al., 1996,
1997). This does not mean that the amino terminus must
be randomly coiled in vivo: functional studies in transgenic mice imply that the domain comprising amino
acids 32-121 carries out important physiological functions (Shmerling et al., 1998). Maybe the flexible tail of
PrPC acquires a defined structure once it reaches its
natural habitat on rafts, which are specialized microdomains of the plasma membrane (Naslavsky et al.,
Why wasn’t it yet possible to elucidate the structure
of PrPSc? As discussed above, prion infectivity can be
recovered only from prion-infected mammalian organisms or (in much lesser quantities) from infected cultured
cells. In neither case is the purity of the recovered material satisfactory. Moreover, infectivity-associated PrPSc
appears to consist obligatorily of aggregates; disaggregation sterilizes prions (Prusiner et al., 1981). But insoluble aggregates are resilient to most technologies for
determination of protein structure; hence all we know
is that PrPSc consists mainly of -pleated sheet (Caughey
et al., 1991) and that PrPSc aggregates expose a remarkably ordered structure (Wille et al., 2002).
Figure 2. Models for the Conformational Conversion of PrPC into PrPSc
(A) The “refolding” or template assistance model postulates an interaction between exogenously introduced PrPSc and endogenous PrPC,
which is induced to transform itself into further PrPSc. A high energy barrier may prevent spontaneous conversion of PrPC into PrPSc.
(B) The “seeding” or nucleation-polymerization model proposes that PrPC and PrPSc are in a reversible thermodynamic equilibrium. Only if
several monomeric PrPSc molecules are mounted into a highly ordered seed, further monomeric PrPSc can be recruited and eventually aggregates
to amyloid. Within such a crystal-like seed, PrPSc becomes stabilized. Fragmentation of PrPSc aggregates increases the number of nuclei,
which can recruit further PrPSc and thus results in apparent replication of the agent.
Yeast Prions
Thirty years ago, Francois Lacroute described mysterious yeast traits that apparently propagated by nonmendelian genetics (Lacroute, 1971). For two decades, this
phenomenon remained unexplained—until Reed Wickner proposed that the unusual genetic properties of
these mutants could be explained by a prion-like behavior of two previously identified yeast proteins: Sup35p,
an essential component of the translation termination
machinery, and Ure2p, a protein that regulates nitrogen
metabolism (Wickner, 1994). Further yeast prions were
identified in the following, so that one could now argue
that the yeast prion phenomenon is much better understood than its mammalian counterpart. The prion-forming domain (PrD) of Sup35p is modular and transferable;
artificial prions were generated by fusing a mammalian
receptor to the Sup35p PrD (Li and Lindquist, 2000).
In the prion-infected state (termed ⫹), Sup35p is sequestered into fibrils. As consequence, termination of
translation is impaired, and reading frames situated
downstream of nonsense codons can be translated into
proteins (Figure 3). Just like in street traffic, ignoring stop
signs does not generally constitute healthy behavior,
but Susan Lindquist made a convincing case that such
transgressions may play a decisive role in creating “evolutionary buffers.” By occasionally switching on bicistronic reading frames through the ⫹ state, yeast cells
can reversibly probe the effects of combinatorial expression of mutated genes, hence creating additional layers
of evolutionary variation (True and Lindquist, 2000).
BSE and Other Prion Threats to Humans
When Stanley Prusiner started his first attempts at tackling the problem of TSE (Prusiner et al., 1977), this group
of diseases was not exactly in the public limelight. However, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) was recognized a few years later (Wells et al., 1987) —an event
that would dramatically change the public perception
of prion diseases. CJD was, and fortunately continues
to be, exceedingly rare: its incidence is typically 1/106
inhabitants/year, but reaches 3/106 inhabitants/year in
Switzerland, which is currently reporting the highest
number of cases (Glatzel et al., 2002, 2003b). Kuru, once
decimating the population of Papua New Guinea, has
almost disappeared. Iatrogenic transmission of CJD has
principally occurred through improperly sterilized neurosurgical instruments, transplants of dura mater, and
administration of pituitary hormones of cadaveric origin.
While the two latter routes of transmission no longer
pose a major threat, a significant number of individuals
may have been infected during a critical time window
and may develop CJD in the coming years.
Variant CJD (vCJD) has caused some 140 deaths in
the United Kingdom and a few cases in France, Italy,
and Canada (http://www.doh.gov.uk/cjd/stats/aug02.
htm). Epidemiological, biochemical, and histological evidence suggests that vCJD represents transmission of
bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) prions to humans (Aguzzi, 1996; Aguzzi and Weissmann, 1996;
Bruce et al., 1997; Hill et al., 1997a). The incidence of
vCJD in the United Kingdom rose each year from 1996
to 2001, evoking fears of a large upcoming epidemic.
Figure 3. Function of the Yeast Prion, Sup35
(A) Sup35 consists of an amino-terminal glutamine-rich module crucial for conversion
into the prion state.
(B) In the ⫺ state, Sup35 is required for reliable termination of translation.
(C) In ⫹ yeast cells, however, Sup35 is sequestered in ordered fibrillary aggregates.
Shortage of functional Sup35 leads to transgressions in stop codon recognition and
translation of downstream reading frames
(red line). In the off state, such pseudogenes
may accumulate otherwise toxic mutations.
Acquisition of the on (⫹) state may lead to
the appearance of new phenotypes, hence
increasing the complexity of genetic variability.
Since the year 2001, however, the incidence of vCJD in
the UK appears to be stabilizing (http://www.cjd.ed.ac.
uk/vcjdq.htm). One may argue that it is too early to draw
any far-reaching conclusions, but each year passing
without any dramatic rise in the number of cases increases the hope that the total number of vCJD victims
will be limited (Valleron et al., 2001). Presently, there is
reason to hope that the incidence of vCJD in the United
Kingdom may already be subsiding (Andrews et al.,
vCJD prions accumulate prominently in lymphoreticular tissue, and the latter can be used for diagnostic
purposes. Surprisingly, prions accumulate in lymphoid
organs and muscle of sporadic CJD patients (Glatzel et
al., 2003a).
There is uncertainty surrounding the danger of transmission to humans represented by chronic wasting disease. In fact, even transmissibility of BSE to humans
relies on circumstantial evidence. Epidemiology and
biochemistry favor the link between BSE and vCJD, but
are not ultimately conclusive. The Koch postulates
(which would unambiguously assign an infectious agent
to a disease) have never been fulfilled, and experimental
inoculation of humans was fortunately never performed.
Also, accidental exposure to BSE infectivity of a sizable
collective at a precisely defined time point has never
occurred, or did not result in disease. Likewise, we do
not know whether scrapie is just a veterinarian problem
that affects only sheep and goat or whether it can cross
species barriers and affect humans. Finally, it is unknown whether BSE, upon transmission to sheep, remains as dangerous for humans as cow-derived BSE,
or whether it becomes attenuated and acquires the (allegedly) innocuous properties of bona fide sheep
The Elusive Function of PrPC
In spite of the fact that the first Prnp knockout mice are
available since 12 years (Büeler et al., 1992), the normal
function of the cellular prion protein is still unknown. A
number of subtle abnormalities have been described in
PrP-deficient mice (Collinge et al., 1994; Tobler et al.,
1996), but their molecular basis is undefined, and there
may be some variability due to the genetic background
of the mice utilized. Hence, the only definite phenotype
of Prnpo/o mice is their resistance to prion inoculation
(Büeler et al., 1993) —yet it seems unlikely that a singular
protein that is as highly conserved among species as
PrPC, from turtles to frogs, fish, and humans, has evolved
for the sole reason of bestowing susceptibility to
prion diseases.
If the function of PrPC were completely unrelated to
prion disease pathogenesis, one might argue that PrPC
is just one of many thousands proteins whose function
awaits clarification—but why should then the elucidation
of the function of PrPC be given any priority? On the
other hand, the function of PrPC may very well have
something to do, in a subtle way, with prion-induced
damage. Prnp ablation does not elicit disease, even
when induced postnatally (Mallucci et al., 2002); hence
prion pathology is unlikely to come about by loss of
PrPC function. But assume that PrPC transduces a signal,
or that it possesses some enzymatic activity. If so, conversion to PrPSc may alter signal transduction strength,
or substrate specificity, thereby conferring a toxic dominant function. In these scenarios, understanding the
function of PrPC may help in deciphering prion pathology
and maybe even devising therapeutical approaches.
So, what is the evidence that PrPC may be a signal
transducer or an enzyme? Speculations on both hypotheses abound, but facts are scarce. Crosslinking PrPC
with F(ab)2 antibody fragments has been reported to
activate intracellular tyrosine kinases (Mouillet-Richard
et al., 2000). However, this phenomenon was not reported to occur in vivo, and the only cell line in which it
was described was never made available to the scientific
community for independent verification. This does not
exclude that PrPC functions as a signal transducer, but
the present case is of limited strength.
Is PrPC an enzyme? Glockshuber noted that PrPC has
similarities to membrane-anchored signal peptidases
(Glockshuber et al., 1998), but his observation has not
been substantiated by functional data. The speculation
that PrPC may be a superoxide dismutase (Brown et al.,
1997, 1999) was perceived as particularly attractive in
view of its multiple copper binding sites, and it was recently
suggested that amino-proximally truncated PrPC may depress endogenous dismutase activity (Sakudo et al.,
2003). However, PrPC does not make any measurable
contribution to dismutase activity in vivo (Hutter et al.,
2003; Waggoner et al., 2000).
Maybe PrPC and PrPSc do not possess any intrinsic
biological activity, yet they modify the function of other
proteins. This supposition has prompted a search for
PrP-interacting partners, and there is no dearth of PrP
binding proteins: the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 (Kurschner
et al., 1995), caveolin (Gorodinsky and Harris, 1995; Harmey et al., 1995), the laminin receptor precursor (Rieger
et al., 1997), plasminogen (Fischer et al., 2000), and
N-CAM (Schmitt-Ulms et al., 2001). None of these interactors, however, have yet revealed a functional pathway
in which PrPC would be involved in vivo. It was recently
shown that PrP-deficient macrophages do not support
bacterial “swimming internalization” of the Gram-negative bacterium, Brucella abortus (Watarai et al., 2003),
and that PrPC interacts with a Brucella heat shock protein, Hsp60. These findings raise the question of whether
PrPC may participate in a general Hsp60-dependent
“danger sensing” mechanism (Aguzzi and Hardt, 2003).
A Doppelganger of the Prion Protein
The original Prnpo/o mice did not display any severe
abnormalities. However, some of the knockout lines
generated later, i.e., Ngsk Prnp⫺/⫺ (Sakaguchi et al.,
1996), ZH-II Prnp⫺/⫺ (Rossi et al., 2001), and Rcm0 mice
(Moore et al., 1999), develop progressive cerebellar Purkinje cell degeneration with ataxia in advanced age. This
phenotype was originally attributed to the lack of PrPC
and ran counter to the two PrP knockout mouse lines
produced earlier: the ZH-I Prnpo/o (Büeler et al., 1992)
and the Edbg Prnp⫺/⫺ mice (Manson et al., 1994). The
characterization of Ngsk Prnp⫺/⫺ mice was particularly
conscientious: the authors reintroduced Prnp as a transgene by genetic crosses and showed that this manipulation rescued the Purkinje cell degeneration. It seemed
entirely reasonable, hence, to conclude that PrPC is necessary for cerebellar homeostasis. Yet this interpretation
could not be easily reconciled with the lack of phenotype
in the remaining knockout lines and eventually was
proven to be incorrect.
The inconsistency was eventually resolved by David
Westaway’s discovery of a novel gene located just 16
kilobases downstream of Prnp and encoding a 179 residue protein that has sequence similarities to the C terminus of PrP and was thus termed Doppel or Dpl (Moore
et al., 1999). It then emerged that the gene targeting
strategy in all ataxic PrP-deficient mice was associated
with deletion of a splice acceptor site located on the
coding exon of Prnp. This modification effectively places
Dpl under transcriptional control of the Prnp promoter.
As a consequence, brain expression of Dpl, which is
normally very low, skyrockets in Nsgk, ZH-II, and Rcm0
mice (Weissmann and Aguzzi, 1999). This is clearly neurotoxic, as ablation of the Dpl reading frame from ZH-II
mice abolishes the Purkinje cell degeneration phenotype (Nicolas Genoud, Axel Behrens, and A.A., unpublished data).
Most intriguingly, Dpl-dependent neurodegeneration
is abolished by cell-autonomous coexpression of fulllength PrP (Rossi et al., 2001). Formally, this indicates
that Dpl and PrPC act antagonistically, maybe because
they bind to a hitherto conjectural common ligand (Figure 4A), which was provisionally termed LPrP (Shmerling
et al., 1998). Alternatively, PrPC and Dpl might engage
in heterooligomeric complexes (Figure 4B), whose function could depend on their stoichiometric composition
(Behrens and Aguzzi, 2002). The same mechanism may
be operative in transgenic mice produced by Doron
Shmerling and Charles Weissmann (Shmerling et al.,
1998) in an attempt to specify the domain of PrPC required for prion replication. Expression of a PrP variant
that lacks a large part of the N terminus of PrP in Prnpo/o
mice induces spontaneous cerebellar degeneration,
which however affects granule cells rather than Purkinje
cells (the promoter used was inactive in Purkinje cells)
and can also be prevented by the coexpression of a
single endogenous Prnp allele. Structural studies have
shown that human Dpl contains a relatively short, flexibly
disordered “tail” comprising residues 24-51 and a globular domain extending from residues 52 to 149 for which
a detailed structure was obtained (Luhrs et al., 2003).
Despite their highly divergent primary sequence, Dpl
is largely superimposable to the carboxy-proximal half
of PrPC.
The molecular pathways by which Dpl and aminoproximally truncated PrP damage the cerebellum are
unknown. However, the suppressibility of both phenotypes by full-length PrPC is indicative of a high degree
of specificity. Therefore, we contend that this model
presently represents the best validated window of entry
to determine the function of PrPC in vivo.
The Basis of Prion Neurotoxicity
PrPSc accumulation in the brain is the hallmark of prion
diseases, and PrPSc is—for all we know—a major component of the infectious agent. But is PrPSc also directly
responsible for the devastating CNS pathology typical
of prion diseases? On the one hand, accumulation of
amyloid (or preamyloid) in the CNS is likely to be generally unhealthy, as exemplified by Alzheimer’s disease
(Aguzzi and Haass, 2003) and cerebral vascular amyloidoses (Revesz et al., 2002). On the other hand, chronic
deposition of PrPSc does not damage Prnp knockout
brains (Brandner et al., 1996a), and depletion of PrPC
from neurons of scrapie-infected mice prevents disease
(Mallucci et al., 2003). Therefore, accumulation of PrPSc
is unlikely to fully account for prion pathology. If so,
what is it that actually kills the neurons?
Brains of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease victims look truly
frightening. In heavily affected areas, there is hardly any
neuron left, and the brain tissue texture is coarsened
by the abnormal growth of astrocytes (“gliosis”) and
microglial cells. The most telling hallmark is spongiosis,
a peculiar microvacuolation affecting residual neural
The molecular steps that emanate from prion replication and lead to such destruction are unknown. Some
Figure 4. Hypothetical Models for the Function of PrPC and the Neurotoxicity of ⌬PrPC and Dpl
(A) PrPC and Dpl (or ⌬PrP) may compete for a common ligand, provisionally termed LPrP. In order to accommodate the lack of neurodegeneration
in Prnpo/o mice, however, one would have to postulate the existence of a functional PrPC analog, here termed . While this model accommodates
all experimental findings known to date, no physical evidence has come forward for the existence of LPrP and .
(B) Dpl and ⌬PrP may form a homomultimeric toxic aggregate, which may be inactivated by participation of full-length PrPC. Toxicity may
come about by various hypothetical mechanisms. For example, if such aggregates were to span a membrane, toxic properties may relate to
the formation of pores.
gain of toxic function is likely, as constitutive or postnatal depletion of PrPC does not trigger any pathology. A
lively discussion is developing on the role of abnormal
PrPC topologies. Targeting of PrP to the cytosol results
in rapidly lethal neurodegeneration (yet without PrPSc),
and proteasome inhibition induces a slightly proteaseresistant PrP species in cultured cells, which may be
self-sustaining—at least for a while (Ma and Lindquist,
2002; Ma et al., 2002). Therefore, prion toxicity may start
with retrotranslocation of PrPC from the endoplasmic
reticulum to the cytosol, in conjunction with impaired
proteasomal function. While PrP is clearly toxic in the
cytosol, the details of how it may get there are debated.
Cytosolic PrP retains its secretory leader peptide and
does not contain a glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol anchor, suggesting that it never enters the endoplasmic
reticulum (Drisaldi et al., 2003). Whether toxicity of cytosolic PrP is universal, however, is currently quite hotly
discussed (Roucou et al., 2003). On the other hand,
Lingappa found that PrPC assumes a transmembrane
topology (CtmPrP), whose concentration correlates with
neurotoxicity (Hegde et al., 1998, 1999). These data suggest that CtmPrP represents a major toxic moiety.
We still know nothing of the biochemical pathways
leading to brain damage, be they triggered by cytoplasmic PrP or by CtmPrP; these may lead to the identification of therapeutic targets and may share components
with other neurodegenerative diseases.
The Future of Prion Therapeutics
An impressive wealth of molecules was touted as potential antiprion lead compounds. However, none of these
therapeutical leads have proven their usefulness yet in
clinical settings, and some have conspicuously failed.
One of the possible problems derives from the fact that
most antiprion compounds were identified in cell culture
assays, where chronically prion-infected neuroblastoma
cells are “cured” of their PrPSc and prion burden. A startling variety of substances appears to possess such
prion-curing properties; a nonexhaustive list includes
compounds as diverse as Congo red (Caughey and
Race, 1992), amphotericin B, anthracyclins (Tagliavini et
al., 1997), sulfated polyanions (Caughey and Raymond,
1993), porphyrins (Priola et al., 2000), branched polyamines (Supattapone et al., 2001), “ sheet breakers”
(Soto et al., 2000), and the spice curcumin (Caughey et
al., 2003).
Disappointingly, none of these compounds proved
very effective for actual therapy of sick animals—let
alone patients. We therefore believe that it is premature
to treat patients with alleged antiprion drugs on the sole
basis of antiprion efficacy in neuroblastoma cells. This
shortcut was taken in the case of quinacrine, which
cures scrapie-infected cultured cells with impressive
efficacy (Korth et al., 2001), yet appears to be utterly
ineffective in scrapie-infected mice (Collins et al., 2002)
and in CJD patients (Cooper, 2002), besides being severely hepatotoxic (Scoazec et al., 2003).
Why do scrapie-infected cells fare so poorly as a
model system for prion therapy? In our experience, infection rarely hits all cells in any given culture, and the
prion-infected state can be quite unstable. Therefore,
one could speculate that a variety of stressors may masquerade as antiprion cures by conferring a selective
advantage to noninfected cells. This interpretation
would explain the puzzling observation that antiprion
“cure” is brought about by compounds with no structural
or biological similarities.
Cytidyl-guanyl oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG-ODN), which
bind Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) and stimulate innate
immune responses, were reported to delay disease
upon chronic administration to scrapie-infected mice
(Sethi et al., 2002). The contention that immune stimulation might protect against prions is extraordinary and is
difficult to reconcile with the observation that immune
deficiencies of all kinds inhibit prion spread (Frigg et al.,
1999; Klein et al., 1997, 1998, 2001; Prinz et al., 2003c).
Besides, MyD88⫺/⫺ mice undergo normal prion pathogenesis despite abrogation of TLR9 signaling (Prinz et
al., 2003b), and we could not evidence any major effects
of TLR9 stimulation on the course of disease—in a paradigm identical to that described originally (M.P., M.
Heikenwälder, and A.A., unpublished data). Instead, repeated CpG-ODN administration proved extremely lymphotoxic (Heikenwalder et al., 2004)—a fact that may
well explain its antiprion properties.
On a more positive note, the tremendous interest in
this field has attracted researchers from various neighboring disciplines, including immunology, genetics, and
pharmacology, and therefore it is to hope that rational
and efficient methods for managing prion infections will
be developed in the future.
Immunotherapy against Prions?
Prions are sturdy and their resistance against sterilization is proverbial, yet exposure in vitro to anti-PrP antisera can reduce the titer of infectious hamster brain
homogenates (Gabizon et al., 1988). Anti-PrP antibodies
were found to inhibit formation of protease-resistant PrP
in a cell-free system (Horiuchi and Caughey, 1999). Also,
antibodies (Klein et al., 2001) and F(ab) fragments to PrP
(Enari et al., 2001; Peretz et al., 2001) can suppress prion
replication in cultured cells.
While these data suggest the feasibility of antiprion
immunoprophylaxis, the mammalian immune system is
essentially tolerant to PrPC; this is hardly a surprise,
given that PrPC is expressed on T and B cells. Ablation
of Prnp (Büeler et al., 1992) renders mice highly susceptible to immunization with prions (Brandner et al., 1996b),
and indeed some of the best monoclonal antibodies to
PrPC were generated in Prnpo/o mice (Prusiner et al.,
Tolerance was circumvented by transgenic expression of an immunoglobulin chain containing the epitope-interacting region of 6H4, a high-affinity anti-PrP
monoclonal antibody (Korth et al., 1997). The transgenic
chain associated with endogenous and chains,
some pairings lead to reactive moieties and, consequently, to high anti-PrPC titers in Prnpo/o and Prnp⫹/⫹
mice. The buildup of anti-PrPC titers, however, was more
sluggish in the presence of endogenous PrPC, suggesting that clonal deletion is actually occurring. B cell
clones with the highest affinity to PrPC are probably
eliminated by tolerance, while clones with medium affinity are retained (Figure 5A). The latter sufficed to block
prion pathogenesis upon intraperitoneal prion inoculation (Heppner et al., 2001). Hence, B cells are not intrinsically tolerant to PrPC and can, in principle, mount a
protective humoral response against prions. It was then
found, in a followup study, that passive transfer of antiPrP monoclonal antibodies (in admittedly heroic amounts)
can delay the onset of scrapie in mice infected with
prions intraperitoneally, albeit not such infected intracerebrally (White et al., 2003).
The challenges to a practical antiprion immunization,
however, are enormous. While providing an encouraging
proof of principle, transgenic immunization cannot easily be reduced to practice. Further, no protection was
observed if treatment was started after the onset of
clinical symptoms, suggesting that passive immunization might be a good candidate for prophylaxis rather
than therapy of TSEs. Active immunization, like in most
antiviral vaccines, may be more effective, but is rendered exceedingly difficult by the stringent tolerance to
PrPC (Souan et al., 2001; F. Heppner, E. Pellicioli, M.P.,
and A.A., unpublished results; and Figure 5B).
Soluble Prion Antagonists
In several paradigms, expression of two PrPC moieties
subtly different from each other antagonizes prion replication. For example, humans heterozygous for a common Prnp polymorphism at codon 129 are largely protected from CJD: this effect is so important that it may
have acted as selective evolutionary pressure (Mead et
al., 2003). Similarly, transgenic expression of hamster
PrPC renders Prnpo/o mice highly susceptible to hamster
prions, whereas coexpression of mouse PrPC diminishes
this effect. Transdominant single nucleotide mutations
of Prnp have also been described (Perrier et al., 2002).
The molecular basis for these effects is unknown;
perhaps the subtly modified PrPC acts as a decoy by
binding incoming PrPSc (or protein X) and sequestering
it into a complex incapable of further replication.
We tested the latter hypothesis by fusing an immunoglobulin Fc␥ domain to PrPC. The Fc␥ tail served multiple
purposes: (1) ligand dimerization, which may enhance
its avidity for interacting partners; (2) provision of a convenient tag for affinity purification; (3) expression of the
protein as a soluble moiety, which allows for testing
cell-autonomous effects; and (4) increased stability in
body fluids. Excitingly, the PrP-Fc2 fusion protein was
found to compete with PrPC for PrPSc (Figure 6) and
to prolong the latency period of prion infection upon
expression in transgenic mice (Meier et al., 2003). It will
be exciting to determine whether PrP-Fc2 can act cellautonomously when delivered as a drug. If that proves
true, soluble prion protein mutants may represent useful
prionostatic compounds.
Prion Diagnosis: Weaknesses and Challenges
Like in any other disease, early diagnosis would significantly advance the chances of success of any possible
interventional approach. But when compared to other
fields of microbiological diagnostics, the tools for prion
diagnosis appear to be depressingly unsophisticated.
Presymptomatic diagnosis is virtually impossible, and
the earliest possible diagnosis is based on clinical signs
and symptoms. Hence, prion infection is typically diagnosed after the disease has considerably progressed.
A significant advance in prion diagnostics was accomplished in 1997 by the discovery that protease-resistant
PrPSc can be detected in tonsillar tissue of vCJD patients
(Hill et al., 1997b). It was hence proposed that tonsil
biopsy may be the method of choice for diagnosis of
vCJD (Hill et al., 1999). Furthermore, there have been
reports of individual cases showing detection of PrPSc
at preclinical stages of the disease in tonsil (Schreuder
et al., 1996) as well as in the appendix (Hilton et al., 1998),
indicating that lymphoid tissue biopsy may be useful for
Figure 5. Affinity of Antibodies, Tolerance,
and Immunity against Prions
(A) When forced to express a transgenic
heavy chain with anti-PrP specificity, B lymphocytes may couple it to a large repertoire of
endogenous light chains. Some of the VH-VL
pairs (variable domains of heavy and light
chains) may yield very high-affinity antibodies, whereas others will have low or no affinity.
(B) Mendelian crosses of ␣-PrP-VH transgenic mice with Prnpo/o, wild-type, and PrPCoverexpressing transgenic mice informed on
tolerogenic constraints. In the absence of endogenous PrPC, mouse sera exhibited high
anti-PrPC titers. In wild-type mice, anti-PrPC
titers despite some clonal deletion, whereas
massive overexpression of PrPC led to dramatic lymphopenia (Heppner et al., 2001). Instead, active immunization yields consistently high anti-PrPC titers only in Prnpo/o mice.
The permissivity of B lymphocytes to expression of anti-PrPC specificities implies that tolerance to PrPC is predominantly dictated by
T-helper constraints. CH: Constant region of
the heavy chain. Fab: antigen binding fragment. Fc: IgM-specific heavy chain.
diagnosing presymptomatic individuals. These observations triggered large screenings of human populations
for subclinical vCJD prevalence using appendectomy
and tonsillectomy specimens (Glatzel et al., 2003b).
PrPSc-positive lymphoid tissue was long considered to
be a vCJD-specific feature that would not apply to any
other forms of human prion diseases (Hill et al., 1999).
However, a recent survey of peripheral tissues of patients with sporadic CJD has identified PrPSc in as many
as one-third of skeletal muscle and spleen samples
Figure 6. A Model for the Antiprion Action of PrP-Fc2
The template refolding model of prion replication (top) postulates a transient dimerization of PrPC and PrPSc. As a result, PrPSc would impart
its own  sheet-rich, protease-resistant conformation onto PrPC. In the absence of PrPC, soluble dimeric PrP does not support replication of
the infectious agent, nor formation of a protease-resistant moiety (middle). Although several lines of evidence indicate that it can associate
with PrPSc, this association is nonproductive. Mice coexpressing PrPC and soluble dimeric PrP replicate prions and eventually develop scrapie.
However, the kinetics with which scrapie pathology develops, prion infectivity replicates, and PrPSc accumulates is slower than in wild-type
mice. All experimental evidence presented here suggests that PrP-Fc2 sequesters incoming as well as nascent PrPSc and renders it unavailable
for further template-directed conversion of PrPC (bottom).
(Glatzel et al., 2003a), as well as the olfactory epithelium
of patients suffering from sCJD (Zanusso et al., 2003).
These unexpected findings raise the hope that minimally
invasive diagnostic procedures may take the place of
brain biopsy in intravital CJD diagnostics.
The sensitivity of PrPSc detection was significantly
improved by the sodium phosphotungstic (NaPTA) precipitation method (Safar et al., 1998; Figure 1). By concentrating PrPSc prior to Western blot analysis, this procedure improves the sensitivity of diagnostic assays by
as much as 4 orders of magnitude (Wadsworth et al.,
2001). An interesting development was brought about
by the conformation-dependent immunoassay (CDI), in
which conformational differences of PrP isoforms are
mapped by quantitating the relative binding of antibodies to denatured and native protein (Safar et al., 1998).
Rather than relying on protease resistance, the CDI measures a variety of misfolded PrP isoforms, which may
increase its sensitivity (Bellon et al., 2003; Safar et al.,
Be this as it may, all techniques described above
suffer from the fact that PrPSc continues to represent a
surrogate marker for prion infectivity—since (1) PrPSc
has not been incontrovertibly shown to be congruent
with the prion, and (2) several manipulations in vitro
and in vivo can render PrPC protease resistant without
bestowing infectivity on it (Jackson et al., 1999). Therefore, determination of prion infectivity by bioassay remains the golden standard; like in Pasteur’s age, the
concentration of the infectious agent is determined by
inoculating serial dilutions of the test material into experimental animals, and the dilution at which 50% of the
animals contract the disease (termed ID50) is determined.
Naturally, this system is riddled with inconveniences:
scores of animals need to be sacrificed, and the incubation times are lengthy (transgenetic overexpression of
PrPC can help, but only to some extent). Also, the method
tends to be breathtakingly inaccurate: the inoculation
schemes used in most studies typically suffer from standard errors of ⫾1 order of magnitude!
A radical improvement of this situation is likely to be
brought about by the use of prion-susceptible cell lines
(Bosque and Prusiner, 2000; Race et al., 1987). The determination of prion infectivity endpoints in cultures of
highly susceptible cells combines the sensitivity and
intrinsic biological validity of the bioassay (i.e., direct
measurement of the infectivity) with the speed and convenience of an in vitro methodology amenable to medium-throughput automation (Klohn et al., 2003).
Unresolved Problems in Prion Science
The study of prions has taken several unexpected directions over the past few years. However, the areas that
are still obscure do not relate only to the details; some of
them concern the core of the prion concept (Chesebro,
1998). In summary, there are five large groups of questions regarding the basic science of prion replication
and of development of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies diseases:
• Which are the molecular mechanisms of prion replication? How does the disease-associated prion protein,
PrPSc, achieve the conversion of its cellular sibling,
PrPC, into a likeness of itself? Which other proteins
assist this process? Can we inhibit this process? If
so, how?
What is the essence of prion strains, which are operationally defined as variants of the infectious agent
capable of retaining stable phenotypic traits upon serial passage in syngeneic hosts? The existence of
strains is very well known in virology, but it was not
predicted to exist in the case of an agent that propagates epigenetically.
How do prions reach the brain after having entered
the body? Which molecules and which cell types are
involved in this process of neuroinvasion? Which inhibitory strategies are likely to succeed?
The mechanisms of neurodegeneration in spongiform
encephalopathies is not understood. Which are the
pathogenetic cascades that are activated upon accumulation of disease-associated prion protein and ultimately lead to brain damage?
What is the physiological function of the highly conserved, normal prion protein, PrPC? The Prnp gene
encoding PrPC was identified in 1985 (Basler et al.,
1986; Oesch et al., 1985), Prnp knockout mice were
described in 1992 (Büeler et al., 1992), and some PrPCinteracting proteins have been identified (Oesch et al.,
1990; Rieger et al., 1997; Yehiely et al., 2002; Zanata et
al., 2002). Yet the function of PrPC remains unknown!
The questions described above deserve to be addressed
with a vigorous research effort. Their study is likely to
yield fundamental insights into the characteristics of
these novel and essentially mysterious agents and may
yield useful leads for the diagnosis and therapy of prion
We thank Charles Weissmann and Susan Lindquist for suggestions
and critical comments. The Aguzzi lab is supported by the University
of Zurich and by grants of the Bundesamt für Bildung und Wissenschaft, the Swiss National Foundation, the NCCR on neural plasticity and repair, the US Department of Defense (National Prion
Research Program), and the Stammbach Foundation.
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