Reduced order models for nonlinear aerodynamics


Reduced order models are needed for reliable, accurate and efficient prediction of aerodynamic forces to analyze fluid-structure interaction problems in turbomachinery including prop fans. 2020-03-20T06:21:33+00:00Z N88-23248 REDUCED ORDER MODELS FOR Aparajit NONLINEAR J. Earl AERODYNAMICS Mahajan, Dowell, H. and Donald Department of and B. Bliss Mechanical Engineering Materials Science Duke Durham, University North Carolina 27706 ABSTRACT Reduced order models are needed for reliable, accurate and efficient prediction of aerodynamic forces to analyze fluid-structure interaction problems in turbomachinery including prop fans. The phenomenological models, though efficient, require a large amount of experimental data for verification and are not always accurate. The models based on first principles of fluid mechanics, such as Navier-Stokes methods, are accurate but computationally expensive and difficult to integrate with structural mechanics models to obtain an interdisciplinary prediction capability. In the present work, a finite difference, time marching Navier-Stokes code is validated for unsteady airfoil motion by comparing with classical potential flow results. The Navier-Stokes code is then analyzed for calculation of primitive and exact estimates of eigenvalues and eigenvectors associated with fluid-airfoil interaction. A variational formulation for the Euler equations and Navier-Stokes equations will be the basis for reduction of order through an eigenvector transformation. This will help identify and exploit the relationships between the simpler phenomenological models and those based on first principles of fluid mechanics. PRECEDING Grant : NAG3 - 724, NASA PAGE BLANK Lewis technical 1-299 NOT monitor FILMED • Dr. Krishna Ran V. Kaza Analysis of fluid-structure interaction problems in turbomachinery requires an accurate knowledge of fluid properties and forces (Dowell, 1978). Some unique features of propfans preclude the use of existing aeroelastic technology of conventional propellers, turbofans and helicopters. The accurate and efficient prediction of aerodynamic forces in nonlinear regimes, such as separated, transonic flows, is important for aeroelastic analysis of propfans (especially stall flutter, whirl flutter). THE NEED FOR REDUCED -Accurate prediction of for aeroelastic response -Low angles of attack -High angles of ORDER aerodynamic and flutter linear attack - forces is analysis relationship nonlinear stall and separated -Theoretical -Methods MODELS required relationship dynamic stall flow Approaches - Navier-Stokes discrete vortex zonal -Limitations methods computationally lack of generality difficult to use expensive in routine aeroelastic analysis -Reduced Order -Methods -Advantages Models - empirical / semi-empirical new methods based on first computationally fast easily used in routine analysis allow for various airfoil flow conditions 1-300 principles aeroelastic motions and The nonlinear relationship between lift (also moment) and angle of attack is modelled in various ways. The easiest and most popular way is curve-fitting experimental data with algebraic or transcendental functions which represent qualitative approximations to physical behavior. Ordinary differential equations are also used to represent the lift-angle of attack relationship. These models are derived empirically or semi-empirically and have no direct relation to first principles of fluid mechanics. The Navier-Stokes methods and Euler methods to calculate flow over airfoilsare based on finite difference and/or finite elements techniques and involve a large number of degrees of freedom, depending on the gridlclcments setup. The nonlinear equations of fluid mechanics arc solved with linearized solution methods, such as approximate factorization,alternate direction implicit procedure, etc. Reduction in the number of degrees of freedom can be achieved by identifying the important or dominant modes and then writing the system of equations in terms of these modes. AD HOC Different ways and moment. to MODELS model -corrected angle of -time-delay methods, procedures. -ordinary differential methods. FIRST Flow Stokes nonlinearity attack methods. synthesis PRINCIPLE over airfoils methods or equation MODELS calculated using Euler methods. Identify/recognize the dominant modes. Write equations in terms of 1-301 in Navier- important or the system of dominant modes. lift For development of a reduced order model, a Navier-Stokes code capable of calculating unsteady, transonic and separated flows for different airfoil motions, such as pitching and plunging, was required. A finite difference, time marching code developed by Sankar and Tang (1985) was selected. This code solves the unsteady, two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations on a body-fitted moving coordinate system in a strong conservative form using the ADI procedure. The convective terms are treated implicitly and the viscous terms are treated explicitly. The code was modified to include step change response. The results from the code for inviscid flow were in reasonable agreement with classical potential flow results. NAVIER-STOKES CODE MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION --> (x,y,t) = _(x,y,t), Transformed qx+ F_ (_,rl,x) rl = rl(x,y,t), Navier-Stokes + where G rl q= = _ Equations: + flu, pv, e) F =_pu, pu2+p, puv, G = ( pv, puv, (p, R = ( 0, Xxx, S x = x(t) = 0, ( 11 u(e+p)) pv2+p, "_xy' R4) "l:xy , "Cyy, 84) v(e+p)) R 4 = u Xxx + v Xxy + K (ae)x S 4 = U qTxy + V _yy 1-302 + K (a2)y Variational formulations not only concentrate all of the intrinsic features of the problem ( governing equations, boundary conditions, initial conditions and constraints) in a single functional, but also provide a natural means for approximation. In solid mechanics, a variational formulation is easy to obtain. However, in fluid mechanics, use of an Eulerian reference frame and the nonlinearity in the expression for conservation of momentum make a variational formulation very difficult to obtain. Extremization of an energy functional has been formulated in the literature (Oden and Reddy, 1983, Girault and Raviart, 1986, Temam, 1984) for the cases listed below. The approximate variational formulations are used in methods of weighted residuals, collocation methods, Galerkin's method, least-squares methods and semi-discrete methods. VARIATIONAL -Inviscid potential -incompressible flow flow (linear elliptic -subsonic (small-disturbance -transonic (slender -Euler p.d.e.). flow -compressible equation). body assumption). equations -unsteady, compressible -Navier-Stokes -Stokes' -steady, -unsteady, -stream FORMULATIONS form. equations problem. incompressible incompressible function-vorticity 1-303 N-S equations. N-S equations. formulation. To determine primitive modes, the airfoil is oscillated at different frequencies several steady angles of attack with various amplitudes of oscillation. Primitive are amplitudes and phase differences for (p, pu, pv, e) over the entire grid. For Euler Solution, the primitive modes are independent of oscillation amplitude, sufficiently far away from the airfoil. To detrmine exact modes, an eigenvalue code. This eigenproblem is then solved eigenmodes. EIGENVALUE problem is to determine PROBLEM formulated the exact for the Navier-Stokes eigenvalues and FORMULATION qx + F_ + Gn = Rg + S n F, G,R,S are Substitute q = q + q q • steady state functions value, qx- Substitute of q . q • small perturbation. dQ__ q dqq A _t q = q e _qe kx_ dQ kx -----_ qe dq q 1-304 about modes the A is a sparse, N = 4 x total real, nonsymmetric matrix number of grid points. of order N, where _- 24000. The state of the art software available for an eigenvalue calculation is NOT capable of storing a 24000 x 24000 matrix or utilizing the sparsity and nonsymmetry of the present problem for obtaining a solution in a reasonable computer time. A procedure was developed to exploit the sparsity of the matrix for storage and calculation purposes. A modified Lanczos recursive procedure with no reonhogonalization is used to calculate eigenvalues (Cullum and Willoughby, 1986). These eigenvalues are found to be independent of the starting vectors used in the recursion. are shown of explicit Below values airfoil at M preliminary and implicit = 0.8, results damping o_ = 0 using the from this eigenvalue in the Navier-Stokes Euler equations. The the governing equations in the N-S code appears stable ones. Also the N-S code was able to calculate airfoil with artificial damping, but failed without Eigenvalues for addition of artficial damping to change unstable eigenvalues the time history of flow over this damping. 0012 at M = 0.8, Solution) NACA (Euler to into the a = 0. I Part Imaginary calculation for different code for NACA 0012 ! pa_ Imaginar 300' 300' Implicit 200' damping Explicit - damping + 4, f t ÷_'÷ I 10 - 2 4" 4, ÷ Implicit damping - 0 Explicit damping - 0 200' +4. i + + + 100 100 .+÷_'_ 0 + + + 4.++_-+..- _ 0 _+_4,_,e_ +.._. -100 $_÷++ + _++ -100_ -200 -2oo! @ ÷ 4-300 l -150 • i -130 • i -110 • ! -90 • l • -70 Real ! -50 • ! -30 • i -10 - ! 10 part -300 i -30 . i -20 • i -10 • i 0 . i Real 1-305 • 10 i. 20 pan . i 30 • i 40 • i 50 Transformation of the system from physical coordinates to modal coordinates using the classical or approximate variational formulation for flow over an airfoil can be done as shown below. The dominant eigenmodes are used for this transformation. This transformation reduces the order of the fluid-airfoil system. For example, a single modal coordinate equation can then be compared to a simple phenomenological model represented by an ordinary differential equation. CONSTRUCTION OF REDUCED USING EIGENVALUES AND PRINCIPLE Variational coordinates: principle in f[L(q)XSq> Eigenvector physical at = 0 transformation: {q} Variational ORDER MODEL VARIATIONAL principle = [E] in {a} modal f[L(a)] [E] _Sa) dt = 0 (set all a i = o for 1-306 i • N) coordinates: From the preliminary results obtained in the present research effort, fluid-structure interaction problems can be analyzed using the modal behavior of the fluid. There is a strong relationship between the eigenvalues associated with the fluid and the damping present in the N-S code. Further study of eigenmodes will help understand the complex fluid-structure interaction on a modal basis and offers substantial potential for solving various other problems involving fluid forces. SUMMARY Survey reduced Validation OF RESULTS of empirical and order models. of N-S code for TO DATE semi-empirical transient time responses. Formulation the finite procedure of the eigenvalue difference code and for eigenvalues. Assessment of using primitive potential modes for and 1-307 problem using calculation reduction of order exact eigenmodes. REFERENCES Cullum, J. and Willoughby, Large Sparse Nonsymmetric and R. A. Willoughby, ed., 240. R. A., "A Practical Procedure for Computing Eigenvalues Matrices," Large Scale Eigenvalue Problems, J. Cullum Elsevier Science Publishers, New York, NY, 1986, pp. 193- Dowell, E. Netherlands, Course H., "A Modem 1978. Girault, V. and Springer-Verlag, Oden, J. T. Verlag, New Raviart, P., New York, and Reddy, York, NY, in Aeroelasticity," "Finite Element NY, 1986. J. N., 1983. "Variational Methods Methods Sankar, N. L. and Tang, W., "Numerical Solution Sections," AIAA Paper 85-0129, Jan. 1985. Temam, 1984. R., "Navier-Stokes Equations," Kluwer Elsevier for in 1-308 Publishers, Navier-Stokes Theoretical of Unsteady Science Academic Viscous Publishers, The Equations," Mechanics," Flow New Springer- Past York, Rotor NY, of