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2019, Alisa Mezentceva. Une peinture de Trophime Bigot (1579 - 1650) L'Attaque de nuit dans les collections de l'Ermitage et son attribution. // Les Cahiers d'Histoire de l'Art 2019, No 17, pp. 16 - 21.
8 pages
1 file
Questões e respostas sobre Trabalho- Sistema Capitalista
Tạp chí Khoa học và công nghệ nông nghiệp Trường Đại học Nông Lâm Huế
Mục đích của nghiên cứu này là đánh giá các chỉ tiêu về chất lượng nước và tăng trưởng của tôm thẻ chân trắng (L. vannamei) nuôi bằng công nghệ tuần hoàn nước (RAS) với qui mô sản xuất theo mô hình 03 giai đoạn. Chu kỳ nuôi tôm được chia thành 03 giai đoạn nuôi, mỗi giai đoạn nuôi là 30 ngày (giai đoạn 1: 1-30 ngày; giai đoạn 2: 30-60 ngày và giai đoạn 3: 60-90 ngày). Mỗi giai đoạn nuôi tôm đều ứng dụng công nghệ tuần hoàn nước (RAS) được thiết kế cơ bản bao gồm 01 bể nuôi/ương, 01 trống lọc thải rắn, 01 lọc sinh học và 01 máy bơm tuần hoàn. Kết quả cho thấy 14 chỉ tiêu về chất lượng nước được đánh giá đạt tối ưu cho tăng trưởng tôm trong điều kiện hạn chế thay nước. Tốc độ tăng trưởng của các giai đoạn nuôi là RAS giai đoạn 1 (0,1g/ngày), RAS giai đoạn 2 (0,4g/ngày), RAS giai đoạn 3 (0,4g/ngày). Tỷ lệ sống của tôm ở các giai đoạn nuôi của RAS giai đoạn 1, RAS giai đoạn 2 và RAS giai đoạn 3 tương ứng là 95,4%, 89,7% và 84,4%. Năng suất tôm nuôi của các giai đoạn nuôi RAS giai đoạn ...
Slides for the talk to act as illustrations to the published version in Ubiquity: The Journal of Pervasive media, 5(1).
Bonhoeffer Congress XIV, 2024
Presentation to the 14th International Dietrich Bonhoeffer Congress, Sydney Australia, 16 January 2024. How Bonhoeffer read Heidegger and how their ideas on care and connectedness and time are helpful to consider in relation to climate change. Theology, anthropology and epistemology as nested system in Bonhoeffer's Act and Being. Christian cosmology and climate change. Rebrightening the planet as an essential climate policy.
Attacks on Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Linda Sarsour, Omar Sulieman, Marc Lamont Hill and countless other Muslims in America and across Europe raise philosophical and political questions on whether Muslims can speak and do so where it counts the most! The problem is not in the ability to produce sounds and noises that might qualify them as members of the human race but the "right" to speak on the critical political, economic and foreign policy issues confronting society, which include the meaning of being Muslim and political at the same time. Here, I am not concerned with the yes boss Muslim who can speak only to repeat and amplify the voices and words of others; rather than speaking for themselves. Language is the defining characteristic of humankind, allowing for communication and relations to occur between people from diverse backgrounds and making it possible to transmit meaning over time and space. Language and recorded speech, be it in books or the contemporary electronic medium, are so central to the development and emergence of civilization itself. The Muslims listed above have all been subject to a systematic and structured demonization campaign and efforts to silence their voices. What them all a target is their readiness to speak on Israel, the influence of AIPAC and Zionism, which is considered an off-limits topic in Washington DC's political circles. The effort to silence them is part of a broader strategy, which I will get to later on and why it is so crucial that Muslims speak and more so at this critical time. As Islamophobia and racialization intensifies in western societies, the space for freedom of speech and the scope of the content is continuously shrinking for Muslims. Can Muslims speak in the current period and is society at large ready to listen and engage the ideas that are
One of the most frequent problems with drilling is the circulation of sludge (loss of circulation). Loss of circulation (lost sludge) is defined as part or all of the drilling mud (drilling fluid) when it is circulated, so that the fluid enters the formation being penetrated. The intense LPP E well is the type used to prove the presence or absence of hydrocarbons. The main target of drilling is in the formation of root gutters, where the formation of root gutters consists of rocks and limestone which is a place of circulation loss. In this formation has a large permeability and porosity, the status can result in the problem of missing mud. The analysis conducted on the problem of lost circulation is to analyze the occurrence of lost circulation which will be studied based on aspect of formation and drilling mud aspect. Based on the aspect of formation done by analyzing lithology data from mud log data and based on drilling mud aspect is done by calculating formation pressure, sludge...
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