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Process Design and Sustainable Development
Peter Glavič 1, *, Zorka Novak Pintarič 2 and Miloš Bogataj 3
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, Smetanova ulica 17, SI-2000
Maribor, Slovenia;
2 Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, Smetanova ulica 17, SI-2000
Maribor, Slovenia;
3 Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, Smetanova ulica 17, SI-2000
Maribor, Slovenia;
* Correspondence:;
Abstract: This review paper describes some historical facts, the state of the art of process design
and sustainable development. In the Introduction the most important global megatrends are
presented and the European Union response to them, the European Green Deal. Process design and
sustainable development are dealt with separately and holistically. Organization of professionals
from the area, their conferences and publication are supporting the two topics. A short analysis of
the published documents in two most popular databases shows that environmental dimension is
prevailing, followed by economic one while social pillar of sustainable development is
undervalued. The most important design tools for sustainability are described. An important
practical case, the European chemical and process industries are analyzed and their achievements
in sustainable development are shown; in particular their strategies are presented in more detail.
The conclusions are embracing the most urgent future development areas of process industries,
carbon capture with utilization or storage, the process analysis, simulation, synthesis and
optimization tools; zero waste, circular economy and resource efficiency are already playing an
important role. But deeper changes are needed in the future decades including de-growth with
changes of habits, lifestyles, and business models. Lifelong education for sustainable development
will play a very important role in the growth of democracy and happiness instead of the
consumerism and neoliberalism.
Keywords: process design, sustainable development, chemical industry, process industry,
megatrends, design tools
1. Introduction
In the Introduction some basic information about process design and about sustainable
development will be presented, separately for both of them as well as together. Then we shall
proceed with the up do date results and finish by conclusions. But before going into details we are
going to look at the global megatrends of future development which are speculating about our fate:
“Trends are an emerging pattern of change likely to impact how we live and work. Megatrends are
large, social, economic, political, environmental, or technological changes that are slow to form, but
once in place can influence a wide range of activities, processes, and perceptions, possibly for
decades. They are the underlying forces that drive change in global markets, and our everyday lives
[1].« Although megatrends are not deterministic, they can help us in planning and developing
products, processes and services for the future customers. Many studies on megatrends are available
[2–4]. Six megatrends and their implications are shown as an overview of them:
1. Climate change – a) Air pollution with GHGs, b) Exponential climate impacts (extreme weather
events, air-land-oceans heating, polar ice caps, permafrost and glaciers melting, sea level rise,
wild fires, deforestation and deserts), c) Loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services;
Implications: i) Decarbonization, reforestation, green buildings, carbon capture with utilization
or storage, ii) Tax on GHGs emissions, iii) Beyond GDP metrics.
© 2020 by the author(s). Distributed under a Creative Commons CC BY license.
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Resource scarcity – a) Increased strain on the planet’s resources including a degraded soil, b)
Food-water-energy nexus, c) Critical raw materials; Implications: i) Zero waste, circular
economy and increased efficiency, ii) Shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy and bio-based
raw materials, iii) Microbiomes (bacteria, archaea, fungi, viruses and nanoplankton), synthetic
biology (intersection of biology and technology).
3. Shifting economic power – a) Emerging economies (E7) as the growth markets, b) Global
demographics change (different population growth rates), c) Techno-economic cold war;
Implications: i) Power shift from west (G7) to east (E7), ii) Industry 4.0 (the fourth industrial
revolution, use of cyber-physical systems), iii) Consumer preferences are changing, e.g. in the
food industry (organic and fresh food, online delivery).
4. Technological breakthrough – a) The pace of change is exponential, not linear, b) Data is the
new oil, c) Automation and robotization (many jobs will be replaced by machines/robots);
Implications: i) Digitalization – AI (Artificial Intelligence), big data, 3D printing, 5G network,
IOT (Internet of Things, 26 billion 'things' are connected by internet), ii) Increased research and
innovation, iii) Industry 5.0 (interaction of human intelligence and cognitive computing).
5. Demographic and social changes – a) Population continues to grow, b) More old people and
fewer children, c) Income inequality rise; Implications: i) Healthcare spending (rise of expenses,
saving for retirement), ii) Education for sustainable development, lifelong learning, creativity,
entrepreneurship, iii) Higher taxation of high incomes and succession duties.
6. Rapid urbanization – a) Migration to the cities (mega cities), b) Life is better in the cities;
Implications: i) Smart cities, new infrastructure, ii) Healthcare and security (changing disease
burdens and risk of pandemics, crimes and terror – surveillance, monitoring), iii) Consumer
behaviors change (resources will be shared, move from energy suppliers to mobility solutions).
Special studies exploring the future trends in different areas exist. Let us mention one of them –
New Energy Outlook (NEO) [5]. It has three major parts: 1) Economic Transition Scenario (ETS), 2)
NEO Climate Scenario (NCS), and 3) Implications for Policy. The Executive Summary has six
chapters, each one with several scenarios: a) Energy and emissions, b) Power, c) Transport (general,
road, shipping, aviation, rail), d) Buildings, e) Industry, and f) Climate.
Industry consumes 29 % of total final energy. Energy consumption grows at an average of 0.6
%/a (per year), reaching 149 EJ (exajoules, 1018 J) by 2050. Steel and chemicals are the two largest
energy consumers in industry, responsible for 19 % and 18 % of final energy use in the sector in 2019.
They are followed by cement, at 14 %, and aluminum, at 6 %. Around 12 % of all fossil fuels
consumed in industry are used as a feedstock for non-energy purposes (from petrochemicals to
plastics). In 2050, the sector will account for around 34 % of emissions from fuel combustion, up
from 25 % in 2019. Energy demand for steel will grow 50 %, for aluminum 80 % and for plastics 100
%. High investments in energy – wind 3.3 T$ (trillion US dollars = 1012 $) and solar 2.8 T$ – are
expected by 2050. Prices of renewable wind and solar energy are forecast to fall by about 50 % [6].
1.1 European Green Deal
Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to Europe and the
world. European Commission responded to some of the risks mentioned in the Megatrends with the
Green Deal. It aims to transform the Union into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive
economy where:
There are no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050;
Economic growth is decoupled from resource use;
No person and no place are left behind [7].
European Green Deal (EGD) will have a deep influence on life in European Union, both on
personal and on enterprise levels. It will also very deeply hit the chemical and process industries.
EU has met its GHG emissions reduction target for 2020, and has put forward a plan to further
cut emissions by at least 55 % by 2030. By 2050, Europe aims to become the world’s first
climate-neutral continent. Climate action is at the heart of the European Green Deal – an ambitious
package of measures ranging from ambitiously cutting greenhouse gas emissions, to investing in
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cutting-edge research and innovation, to preserving Europe’s natural environment. Its action plan
aims to:
Boost the efficient use of resources by moving to a clean, circular economy;
Restore biodiversity and cut pollution.
One of the first activities is the European Commission's proposal of the European Climate Law,
a legally binding target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. A system for monitoring
progress and take further action if needed is planned. Reaching this target will require action by all
sectors of the economy, including:
Investing in environmentally friendly technologies,
Supporting industry to innovate,
Rolling out cleaner, cheaper, and healthier forms of private and public transport,
Decarbonizing the energy sector,
Ensuring buildings are more energy efficient,
Working with international partners to improve global environmental standards.
EGD and a European COVID-19 response can address Europe’s climate, biodiversity, pollution,
economic, political and health crises, and at the same time strengthen its institutions and reignite
popular support for the European project. SYSTEMIQ and The Club of Rome published a report A
System Change Compass concentrating on the drivers and pressures that lead to these
environmental challenges and on solutions and required changes to the current economic operating
model [8]. The report: a) foresees radical resource decoupling and sustainability, b) offers a system
perspective, c) starts from the human drivers for change, d) offers a set of principles for support, e) it
takes natural system as a starting point. To achieve this system-level change, the report addresses
three fundamental barriers for the change: 1) shared policy orientations at the overall system level, 2)
systemic orientation for each economic ecosystem, and 3) a shared target picture and roadmap for
Europe's next industrial backbone.
The System Change Compass offers:
Each of the 10 principles has 3 orientations giving 30 system-level political orientations for the
overarching system as a checklist for policymakers;
8 ecosystem and 3–5 ecosystem orientations (directions) for Europe's industrial backbone;
Over 50 Champion orientations (directives) that form a view of industrial priorities.
The 10 principles with their orientations are including the following redefinitions:
1. Prosperity – from economic growth to fair and social economics;
2. Natural resources - consumption and development decoupled, a shift to responsible usage;
3. Progress – from economic activities/sectors to societal needs within planetary boundaries;
4. Metrics – from GDP growth to natural capital and social indicators;
5. Competitiveness –EU based on low-carbon products, services and digital optimization;
6. Incentives – aligned with the Green Deal ambitions and economic ecosystems;
7. Consumption – from individual identity to individual, shared and collective identity;
8. Finance – from subsidizing 'old' industries to supporting economic ecosystems;
9. Governance – from top-down to transparent, flexible, inclusive participatory one;
10. Leadership – from traditional to system one, based on and intergenerational agreement.
The eight economic ecosystems with over 50 Champions are resulting in industrial priorities:
1. Healthy food (organic, no waste, water, urban agriculture, alternative proteins, etc.);
2. Built environment (planning, ownership, buildings repurpose and retrofit, net zero, circular);
3. Intermodal mobility (high-speed railways, green aviation and shipping, ride sharing, etc.):
4. Consumer goods (product-service, product sharing, maintenance and value retention);
5. Nature-based (degraded land restoration, urban greening, ecotourism, paid ecosystem
services, forest, sea, marine and land protection);
6. Energy (renewables, hydrogen, low-carbon fuels, smart metering, carbon capture, grids);
7. Circular materials (value chain systems, asset recovery and reverse logistics, markets for
secondary materials, high-value material recycling, materials-service, 3D printing, etc.);
8. Information and processing (distributed manufacturing, high-speed infrastructure, etc.).
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1.2 Process Design
Process Design (PD) is the choice and sequencing of processing steps and their interconnections
for desired physical and/or chemical transformation of materials [9]. The steps are including several
unit operations: reaction, separation, mixing, heating, cooling, pressure change, particle size
reduction or enlargement, etc. Today, design is governed by circular economy which requires design
for repair, reuse, recovery, refurbishment, restoration, and recycling [10]. Process design is distinct
from equipment design, which is closer to the design of unit operations. Process design can be the
design of new facilities or it can be the modification or expansion of existing ones. The process
design may be split into three basic steps; synthesis, analysis and optimization [11].
Design starts with process synthesis – the choice of technology and combinations of industrial
units to achieve goals. First, product purities, yields, and throughput rates shall be defined.
Modelling and simulation software are often used by design engineers. Simulations can identify
weaknesses in a design and allow engineers to choose better alternatives. However, engineers still
rely on heuristics, intuition and experience when designing a process. Human creativity is an
important element in complex designs.
Process analysis is usually made up of three steps: solving energy and material balances, sizing
and costing the equipment, and evaluating the economic worth, safety, operability, etc. of the chosen
flow sheet. Optimization involves both structural optimization of the flow sheet itself as well as
optimization of parameters in a given flowsheet. In the former one may alter the equipment used
and/or its connections with other equipment. In the later one can change the values of parameters
such as temperature and pressure. Parameter optimization is a more advanced stage of theory than
process flowsheet optimization. Operating manuals on how to start-up, operate and shut-down the
process, and maintain safety conclude the process design.
Several considerations need to be made when designing any chemical process unit beside the
above mentioned objectives: constraints (capital cost, available space, health and safety,
environmental impact, like effluents, emissions, waste minimization and recycling, energy
efficiency, operating and maintenance costs), and other factors like reliability, redundancy,
flexibility, variability in feedstock and product. Process design documents include: simple block
flow diagrams (BFD, rectangles and lines indicating major material or energy flows, stream
compositions, and stream and equipment pressures and temperatures), more complex process flow
diagrams (PFD, major unit operations, material and energy balances), piping and instrumentation
diagrams (P&ID, piping class, pipe size, valves and process control schemes), and specifications
(written design requirements of all major equipment items). Process flowsheeting is the use of
computer aids to perform steady-state heat and mass balancing, sizing, and costing calculations for a
chemical process.
Working Party of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) on Computer
Aided Process Engineering (CAPE) is organizing annual events – the European Symposium on
Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE) in which researchers and practitioners in the area
of computer-aided process systems engineering from academia and industry take place. Process
engineering focuses on the design, operation, control, optimization and intensification of chemical,
physical, and biological processes from a vast range of industries: agriculture, automotive,
biotechnical, chemical, food, material development, mining, nuclear, petrochemical, pharmaceutical,
and software development. The application of systematic computer-based methods to process
engineering is called "process systems engineering". Papers presented at the ESCAPE events are all
published in Elsevier publications, the CAPE Proceedings Series Computer Aided Chemical Engineering
In United States of America (US), a not-for-profit organization CACHE (Computer Aids for
Chemical Engineering) organizes the Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design (FOCAPD)
international conferences, focusing exclusively on the fundamentals and applications of
computer-aided design for the process industries. The conference is organized every five years and
brings together researchers, educators, and practitioners to identify new challenges and
opportunities for process and product design. Papers from the conferences are published by the
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Elsevier CAPE Book series as Proceedings of the International Conference on Foundations of
Computer-Aided Process Design.
1.3 Sustainable development
Sustainable development (SD) must meet the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs [13]. The Amsterdam Treaty of European
Union (EU) sets out the EU vision for a sustainable development of Europe based on balanced
economic growth and price stability, a highly competitive social market economy, aiming at full
employment and social progress, and a high level of protection and improvement of the quality of
the environment. »Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development«
including its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets was adopted in 2015 by
Heads of State and Government at a special United Nations (UN) summit. The Agenda is a
commitment to eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development by 2030 world-wide.
The Chemical Sector SDG Roadmap is an initiative led by a selection of leading chemical
companies and industry associations, convened by the World Business Council for Sustainable
Development (WBCSD), to explore, articulate and help realize the potential of the chemical sector to
leverage its influence and innovation to contribute to the SDG agenda [14]. Building on the
Responsible Care program and other sustainability initiatives, The European Chemical Industry
Council (Cefic) and its members have developed a Sustainability Charter and agreed on a roadmap
to foster innovation [15]. They focused resources in the four critical areas to progress sustainable
Enabling transition to a low carbon economy;
Driving resource efficiency across global value chains and their operations;
Promoting the adoption of circular economy principles to prevent waste, achieve low-carbon
economy and enhance resource efficiency;
Preventing harm to humans and the environment throughout the entire life cycle.
International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) is organized annually by the
European Center of Sustainable Development (ECSD) in collaboration with other partners;
conference papers are published in the open access European Journal of Sustainable Development,
issued by ECSD [16].
The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and the Association of Pacific Rim
Universities (APRU, a network of leading universities linking the Americas, Asia, and Australasia)
have organized the Conference on Engineering Sustainable Development in December 2019 [17].
They are going to organize the 2nd Engineering Sustainable Development Conference in December
2020, both conferences addressing the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Asia Pacific Institute of Science and Engineering (APISE) is organizing International
Conferences on Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development (CEESD) annually;
papers are published in the IOP (Institute of Physics) Conference Series: Earth and Environmental
1.4 Process Design and Sustainable Development
Process Design and Sustainable Development (PD&SD) started with the ecodesign (ecological
design, also called green design or environmentally conscious design) which considered
environmental impact of a product throughout its entire life-cycle, only. A typical example is green
engineering design [18] which evolved from the green chemistry principles [19]. As sustainable
development (SD) has also economic and social components, the additional SD principles have been
integrated into engineering design [20]. Today, sustainable development is a part of engineering
principles [21, 22].
Crul and Diehl published a handbook on Design for Sustainability (D4S) [23]. Ceschin
described the evolution of design for sustainability [24] and Acaroglu overviewed sustainable
design strategies [25]. Generic conventional engineering design process is including four phases: 1)
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planning and problem definition, 2) conceptual analysis, 3) preliminary design, and 4) detailed
Many textbooks on chemical process design are on the market. An older one is dealing with
preliminary analysis and evaluation of processes, the analysis using rigorous models, and basic
concepts in process synthesis with optimization approaches [26]. Economic evaluation is dealt with,
heat and power integration are described to reduce energy consumption, and safety is the only social
topic mentioned. In some textbooks, sustainable development, and environmentally sound design
(prevent/minimize, recycle/reuse, and recovery) are also described using a few pages [27]. More
recent ones are adding steam system and cogeneration, environmental design for atmospheric
emissions, water systems, clean process technology as well as inherent safety chapters [28].
Professional literature on PD&SD was more advanced in the past decades as design engineers
had to respect laws and regulations regarding environmental protection, labor protection and
occupational safety in the approval procedures [29]. Newer literature is including natural resource
and environmental challenges, sustainable materials identification, sustainability improvements of
engineering designs, evaluation of sustainable designs and monetizing their benefits besides the
legislative framework [30]. Sustainability engineering approach is also including Total Quality
Management [31] and Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) [32].
2. Process design for sustainability
Publication statistics search in Scopus [33] is including article titles, abstracts and key words. It
contains abstract and citation database with over 25,100 titles (articles, conference papers, books,
etc.). Searching for the four words: process, design, sustainable, and development yields 16 135
documents, 2 869 of them in open access. There was a constant rise in number of publications since
the year 1999 (54 documents), reaching 1859 documents in 2019. By subject area, most of them
belong to Engineering (7 060) and Environmental Science (4 090); they are followed by Energy (2
848), Social Sciences (2 777) and Computer Science (2 471). 7 487 of them are articles, 6 330 conference
papers, 1 085 reviews, 703 book chapters, and 294 conference reviews. Most of the articles were
published in J. Cleaner Production (456), and in Sustainability journal (290). The author with the
most publications is R. Gani (39); the most frequent affiliations are Delft University (170), Politecnico
di Milano (123), Wageningen University & Research (114), Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (108),
and Chinese Academy of Sciences (99). The most frequent keywords are sustainable development (9
604) and sustainability (2 512), followed by design (1 840), product design (1 511), and life cycle (1
514); process design is evidently not so often mentioned.
Similar statistics in the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection database [34] showed 8 915
documents (14 823 in WoS All Databases); a steady growth was realized in the last four years – from
772 units in 2016 to 1 234 ones in 2019. Most of them (2 557) belong to the categories of
environmental science and studies, 1 528 to green sustainable science and technology, 808 to
environmental engineering and 620 to energy and fuels. Articles (5 610) are prevailing, followed by
proceedings papers (2 700), reviews (818) and book chapters (260). Regarding the organizations,
Wageningen University Research (102), Delft University of Technology (98), Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique (89), Helmholtz Association (88) and Chinese Academy of Sciences (86) are
on the top.
The WoS Core Collection base covers more than 21 419 journals, books, and conference
proceedings while the Web of Science platform includes 34 586 journals, books, proceedings,
patents, and data sets. As it was impossible to review several thousand documents, the highly cited
ones in the field (121 documents) were selected. Examining their titles lead to 43 documents and by
reading their abstracts, 16 articles were selected for a closer look.
2.1 Environmental dimension
Most of the 16 articles deal with environmental sustainability, only few of them are including
economic dimension, mainly as a criterion for process optimization. Social dimension is seldom
present either regarding the workers or the customers or the plant local community. Optimal design
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of chemical processes and supply chains is concentrated on energy efficiency, waste and water
management [35]. Multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) [36] and Life cycle assessment (LCA)
[37] are the tools most often mentioned. Various metrics are used to assess sustainability of
processes, e.g.:
United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Gauging Reaction Effectiveness for the
ENvironmental Sustainability of Chemistries with a multi-Objective Process Evaluator
(GREENSCOPE [38]) tool provides scores for the selected indicators in the economic, material
efficiency, environmental and energy areas having about 140 indicators in four main areas:
material efficiency (26), energy (14), economics (33) and environment (66);
The Tool for the Reduction and Assessment of Chemical and other environmental Impacts
(TRACI 2.0 [39]) for sustainability metrics, life cycle impact assessment, industrial ecology, and
process design impact assessment for developing increasingly sustainable products, processes,
facilities, companies, and communities it is containing human health criteria-related effects, too;
The mass-based green chemistry metrics, extended to the environmental impact of waste, such
as LCA, and metrics for assessing the economic viability of products and processes31.
Sustainability-oriented innovations (SOIs) in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are
integrating ecological and social aspects into products, processes, and organizational structures [40];
the authors are citing five interesting conclusions in their review.
Five out of the 16 articles dealt with biofuels. Purified biogas is an essential source of renewable
energy that can act as a substitute for fossil fuels; anaerobic co-digestion is a pragmatic method to
resolve the difficulties related to substrate properties and system optimization in single-substrate
digestion processes [41]. The synthesis of important biofuels using biomass gasification, key
generation pathways for their production, conversion of syngas to transportation fuels together with
process design and integration, socio-environmental impacts of biofuel generation, LCA and ethical
issues were discussed [42]. A multi-objective possibilistic programming model was used to design a
second-generation biodiesel supply chain network under risk; the proposed model minimized the
total costs of biodiesel supply chain from feedstock supply to customers besides minimizing the
environmental impact [43]. Cultivation, harvesting, and processing of microalgae for second
generation biodiesel production, including the design of microalgae production units
(photo-bioreactors and open ponds) was described [44]. A multi-objective optimization model based
on a mathematical programming formulation for the optimal planning of a biorefinery was
developed, considering the optimal selection of feedstock, processing technology, and a set of
products [45].
Circular economy topics are the second most numerous ones within the 16 articles. The first one
traced the conceptualizations and origins of the Circular Economy (CE), its meanings, explored its
antecedents in economics and ecology, and discussed how the CE was operationalized in business
and policy [46]; the authors proposed a revised definition of the CE in order to include the social
dimension. Another contribution proposed a new unified concept of Circular Integration that
combined elements from Process Integration, Industrial Ecology, and Circular Economy into a
multi-dimensional, multi-scale approach to minimize resource and energy consumption [47].
High pressure technologies involving sub- and supercritical fluids offer a possibility to obtain
new products with special characteristics or to design new processes, which are environmentally
friendly and sustainable [48]. Sustainable product-service systems offer service by lending the
product to a customer – they attempt to create designs that are sustainable in terms of environmental
burden and resource use, whilst developing product concepts as parts of sustainable whole systems
that provide a service or function to meet essential needs [49].
2.2 Economic and social dimensions
For most managers in industry, economic performance is the most important criterion for
decisions on investing money in production and energy facilities [50]. Economic performance
indicators are well known, and process and product designs are usually carried out by maximizing
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profits or minimizing costs [51]. Other criteria are used less frequently, e.g. the network for the
conversion of waste materials into useful products has been optimized using the maximum return
on investment [52].
Techno-economic evaluations of process alternatives with different criteria lead in some cases
to the same best solution, as Ziyai et al. [53] showed by comparing the three biodiesel production
scenarios with the criteria net present value, internal rate of return, payback period, discounted
payback period and return on investment. In general, optimization using different economic criteria
leads to different optimal process solutions [54]. These processes differ not only in economic
performance but also in operational efficiency and environmental impact [55]. This phenomenon is
particularly evident in more precise mathematical models [56], which include sufficient trade-offs
between investments on one hand and benefits on the other, such as higher conversion, higher
product purity, higher degree of heat integration between process streams. Applying the correct
economic criteria can lead to more sustainable solutions, for example, the net present value criterion
provides optimal process solutions that strike a balance between long-term stable cash flow
generation, moderate profitability and moderate environmental impact [57].
With the introduction of the concept of sustainable development, criteria other than economic
indicators have become more important in process design, thereby promoting the reduction of
negative environmental impacts and the improvement of social performance. When designing
sustainable processes, the techno-economic, environmental, and social criteria of various process
alternatives are evaluated and the most suitable solution is selected from among them, whereby
compromises between all criteria are sought [58]. More systematic approaches use multi-objective
optimization. The most common method is to generate equivalent non-dominant Pareto solutions
that show a range of solutions where the improvement of one criterion leads to the deterioration of
other criteria [59]. However, Pareto curves are not best suited for decision making because the
decision maker usually must choose one alternative for realization, which requires additional
multi-criteria analyses of Pareto solutions [60].
Another approach is to transform the multi-objective optimization into a single-criterium
optimization by monetarizing all pillars of sustainability, which means that in addition to the
economic criterion, ecological and social impacts are also expressed in monetary terms. However,
this is not an easy task, as environmental and especially social impacts cannot simply be expressed
in monetary terms. Environmental impacts are expressed in terms of the burdens and reliefs of the
environment. They can be monetized by means of the eco-cost system [61], which expresses the cost
of environmental pollution at the price necessary to prevent it. Greenhouse gas emissions can be
monetized with a CO2 tax. Novak Pintarič et al. [62] showed that a deviation from the economic
optimum for investments in emission-reducing technologies can lead to a reduction of the tax due to
lower emissions, which can compensate for economic loss to a certain extent. The point on the Pareto
curve was called the "Economic-Environmental Break Even".
The integration of social effects into process design is difficult and little research has been
conducted, although it is becoming increasingly important in both the academic and business
environments [63]. The monetization of all the three pillars of sustainable development has been
used to synthesize processes and supply networks with sustainability criteria such as sustainable
profit [64] and sustainable net present value [65].
Sustainable process designs include various concepts to achieve sustainable solutions; examples
are cleaner production [66], zero waste processes [67], zero carbon emission technologies [68], LCA
environmental impact assessment in early design phases [69], eco-efficiency indicators [70], etc.
Recently, the concept of circular economy has become particularly popular and sometimes even
overcomes the term sustainable development, although the terms are by no means equivalent [71].
The concept of circularity is already being used in the design and optimization of technologies and
processes, such as the recovery of hydrogen from industrial waste gasses [72] or the development of
the novel indicator Plastic Waste Footprint to facilitate an improvement of circularity in the use of
plastics [73].
Process systems engineering offers many approaches and tools for the design of process
solutions in the field of circular economy and sustainable development, such as synthesis of
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processes and supply chains with mathematical programming, process integration, optimization
and intensification, multi-objective and multi-level optimization, optimization under uncertainty
conditions, etc. [74]. The fact is that circular economy projects, especially those that solve the waste
problem, are hardly economically successful on the basis of classic economic criteria, for example,
recycling of plastics is not economically viable at low fractions of recycled material [75]. However, it
is important to look at these projects in a broader perspective and to include all the three dimensions
of sustainable development into design and strategic decision-making.
2.3 Process design tools and sustainability
The Process Systems Engineering (PSE) Community has fully embraced the concept of
“sustainability” as one of the leading guides in process design. Although it is difficult to pinpoint the
exact time when the three pillars of sustainability (i.e. economic, environmental and social) were
considered and emphasized simultaneously in the design of chemical processes, one may argue that
even the works published as early as late 1970s [76] and early 1980s [77], directly addressed at least
two of the pillars of sustainable process design – economic and environmental ones. Although the
incentives to develop what we now regard as a sustainable process may have been purely economic
at the time, the enabling insight was the ability to view a chemical process as a system – the system
that is not isolated from its environment, but a system that interacts with the environment.
Fast-forward five decades of research in the field of PSE, the approaches to designing
sustainable chemical processes rely heavily on computer-aided tools. These tools enable simulation,
analysis, optimization, and synthesis of chemical processes at various spatial and time scales. From
computer aided molecular design [78], simulations of transport phenomena (heat and mass transfer
in single or multiphase flows) [79], simulations of single unit operations [80] and whole processes
[81] to synthesis and optimization of processes [82, 83] and complete supply networks [84]. The
widely accepted approach to assess the sustainability of a given process design is the Life Cycle
Sustainability Assessment (LCSA), commonly performed to compare different process design
alternatives [85] after the feasible designs have been identified. On the flip side, if a composite
sustainability criterion, for example the sustainability profit [86], is incorporated directly into the
process synthesis and optimization phase as an objective function, the most sustainable designs can
be obtained directly without the need of a posteriori LCSA assessment.
The PSE computational tools enable a practical way to analyze the performance of a wide range
of product-process engineering problems as well as to identify the possibilities for improvement
However, some software packages come together with a high license price, and although the price
can be justified with the benefits gained, it very often remains an obstacle, especially for small
engineering companies. In the last few years, however, the open-source initiatives have begun to
offer freely available alternatives to the paid versions (Table 1). Provided that quality matches those
of their paid counterparts, greater adaptation of these tools in industry can be expected.
Table 1: Licensed and free computational tools, used for process simulation, synthesis/optimization,
and sustainability assessment.
Web Site
ANSYS Fluent [87]
OpenFoam [88]
Aspen Plus [89]
DWSIM [90]
GAMS [91]
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Process Simulation
Process Simulation
Mathematical programming and
Mathematical programming and
LCA and Sustainability
LCA and Sustainability
PYOMO [92]
GABY [93]
OpenLCA [94]
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Identifying what could generally be considered as mitigating solutions to complex problems is
necessary, although such solutions may not be sufficient to achieve the goals of sustainable
development in the long term. A real breakthrough will be achieved by identifying innovative
restorative solutions. In this context, the Process Systems Engineering (PSE) should develop tools
that simultaneously address the whole (bio)-chemical supply network. The supply network should
be extended for non-diagonal, constitutive elements (nano-robots, molecular machines,
labs-on-chips or micro-processes) and linked to other supply networks (energy, agriculture, food,
etc.) to form circular and sustainable system-wide supply networks.
Despite many achievements and contributions of the PSE community that undeniably
contributed to the development of the modern biochemical and chemical industry, there are no
professional tools and hardly any academic ones, specialized in providing innovative solutions to
these complex problems.
A noteworthy initiative to develop an advanced computer platform to support innovative
conceptual design and process intensification is the IDEAS PSE Framework [95]. The platform
addresses the capability gap between state-of-the-art simulation packages and algebraic modelling
languages (AMLs) by integrating an extensible, equation-oriented process model library within the
open-source Pyomo AML, which addresses challenges in formulating, manipulating, and solving
large, complex, structured optimization problems.
The second initiative is MIPSYN-GLOBAL [96]. It is being built on the foundations of its
predecessor MIPSYN (Kravanja, 2010), making use of knowledge and experience gained in the
decades of research in the field of PSE. The development of MIPSYN-Global encompasses all the
four basic PSE tasks: i) development of advanced synthesis concepts, algorithms, and strategies; ii)
modeling; iii) development of synthesizer tools; and iv) development of different applications.
3. Case study
European Union (EU) is the second largest chemicals producer in the world – with 565 M€
(million euros) it is behind the China (1 198 M€) but before NAFTA (North American Free Trade
Agreement – USA and Canada, 530 M€); EU a positive trade balance [97]. About 96 % of all
manufactured goods rely on chemistry. Chemical industry is the fourth largest producer after
automotive, food and machinery/equipment ones; with the 16 % added value it is the leading sector
in EU. 29 000 small, medium, and large companies are offering 1.2 million jobs, 12 % of EU
manufacturing employment. Labor productivity in chemicals is 77 % higher than manufacturing
average, and salaries are 50 % higher. It is also the largest investor in EU manufacturing. Chemical
industry is spending 10 G€/a (billion euros per year) for research and innovation.
3.1 European Chemical Industry Council
The European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) is the European association for the chemical
industry. Cefic developed the Sustainable Development Vision in 2012. It was based on Responsible
Care program – a global, voluntary initiative developed autonomously by the chemical industry. It
was initiated by the Canadian Chemical Producers' Association – CCPA in 1985, and it is now
adopted by almost 90 % of the world chemical industry. Its aim was to improve health, safety, and
environmental performance. Cefic’s Sustainable Development program started in 2016; it aims at
transition towards a safe, resource efficient, circular and low-carbon society. It is organized around
the four sustainability focus areas of the Cefic Charter: Create Low Carbon Economy, Conserve
Resource Efficiency, Connect Circular Economy and Care for People and Planet [98]:
Enabling transition to a low carbon economy by:
o promoting innovation and stimulation of breakthrough technologies development in
energy efficient chemicals processes,
o offering market solutions consistent with low carbon requirements,
o fostering the development and use of sustainable and renewable raw materials,
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fostering the use of sustainable and renewable energy and raw materials with focus on
cost and accessibility,
o innovating for chemical energy storage
o developing fuels and building blocks built on CO2;
Driving resource efficiency across global value chains and their operations by:
o designing sustainable solutions needing fewer resources over the entire life cycle and
allowing easy reuse and recycling,
o maximizing material recovery and reuse,
Promoting the adoption of circular economy principles to prevent waste, achieve low-carbon
economy and enhance resource efficiency;
Preventing harm to humans and the environment throughout the entire life cycle by
o mitigating risks, including assessment of substitutes,
o promoting uptake of safe substances, materials and solutions,
o minimizing negative environmental impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems,
o facilitating reuse, recycling, and recovery with steady information flows on products.
In the period 1991–2017 chemical production rose by 84 % while energy consumption was
reduced by 16 % and energy intensity by 54 % (–40 % in whole industry) [97]. Fuel and energy
consumption was reduced by 24 % in the same period. In the period 1990–2017, Greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions have been reduced by 58 % or 190 Mt/a, from 330 Mt/a down to 160 Mt/a of CO 2
equivalent. GHG emissions per energy consumption have been reduced by 48 % and GHG intensity
per production by 76 %. In the period 2007–2017 acidifying emission intensity fell by 40 %, nitrogen
emission intensity by 48 %, and non-methane volatile organic compounds intensity by 48 %. These
results are typical cases of decoupling economic activity from resource and environmental impacts.
Cefic supported the Green Deal and Europe’s ambition to become climate neutral by 2050. In
May 2020 the eight-point vision for Europe in 2050 was adopted:
1. The world has become more prosperous and more complex, with a volatile geopolitical
environment that brings more economic and political integration within most regions, but
more fragmentation between them.
2. Europe has developed its own different but competitive place in the global economy.
3. The European economy has gone circular, recycling all sorts of molecules into new raw
materials. The issue of plastic waste in the environment has been tackled.
4. Climate change continues to transform our planet. European society is close to achieving
net-zero greenhouse gas emissions while keeping all Europeans citizens and regions on board.
5. Europeans have set the protection of human health and the environment at the center of an
uncompromising political agenda.
6. European industry has become more integrated and collaborative in an EU-wide network of
power, fuels, steel, chemicals, and waste recycling sectors.
7. Digitalization has completely changed the way people work, communicate, innovate, produce,
and consume and brought unprecedented transparency to value chains.
8. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are at the core of European business
models and have opened business opportunities as market shares increase for those who
provide solutions to these challenges.
Cefic has welcomed the European Commission proposal for the European Climate Law turning
the climate neutrality objective into legislation and aiming to achieve progress on the global
adaptation goal. But besides “what” the EU aims to achieve, the “how” is also important as it will
allow the EU to turn this ambition into reality. Cefic puts forward several proposals aiming to
clarify, complement or adjust certain provisions by ensuring:
• A sound and detailed definition of climate-neutrality providing a signal for long-term
• A level-playing field for industry across the EU through Union-wide emission reduction
mechanisms (i.e. the EU Emissions Trading System, ETS);
• That all sectors of the economy contribute to the climate-neutrality objective through fair
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Progress on the enabling framework for the transformation of the EU economy, in line with the
trajectory for achieving climate-neutrality.
3.2 Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability
Cefic calls for a sustainability strategy that recognizes the essential role of chemicals to deliver
climate ambitions, and integrates multiple facets of chemicals management including safety,
circularity, resource efficiency, environmental footprint, science and innovation. The key
components of the strategy should be:
1. Consolidating and promoting the solid foundation Europe has already built, primarily
REACH regulation (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals), via
improvement and better implementation and enforcement;
2. Adopting a proportionate and robust approach for managing emerging, scientifically complex
3. Enabling the development of truly sustainable and competitive European solutions to deliver
the Green Deal.
Cefic had welcomed the approach taken by Commissioner Breton to adopt the new Industrial
Strategy, basing it on the European industrial ecosystems; actors agreed that the Recovery Plan
should be organized around these ecosystems. Chemical processes and products are present in
every Industrial Ecosystem in Europe today.
SusChem is the European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry. It is a forum that
brings together industry, academia, policy makers and the civil society. An important part of
SusChem is a network of national platforms (NTPs). SusChem’s mission is to initiate and inspire
European chemical and biochemical innovation to respond effectively to societal’s challenges by
providing sustainable solutions. SusChem recognizes three overarching and interconnected
challenge areas [99]:
1. Circular economy and resource efficiency – transforming Europe into a more Circular
Economy. a) Materials design for durability and/or recyclability, b) Safe by design for
chemicals and materials (accounting for circularity, c) Advanced processes for alternative
carbon feedstock valorization (waste, biomass, CO/CO2), d) Resource efficiency optimization
of processes, e) Advanced materials and processes for sustainable water management, f)
Advanced materials and processes for the recovery and reuse of critical raw materials and/or
their sustainable replacement, g) Industrial symbiosis, h) Alternative business models, i)
Digital technologies to increase value chain collaboration, j) informing the consumer and
businesses on reuse and recyclability;
2. Low carbon economy – mitigating climate change with Europe becoming carbon neutral: a)
Advanced materials for sustainable production of renewable electricity, b) Advanced materials
and technologies for renewable energy storage, c) Advanced materials for energy efficiency in
transport and buildings, d) Electrification of chemical processes and use of renewable energy
sources, e) Increased energy efficiency of process technologies, enabled by digital technologies,
f) Energy efficient water treatment, g) Industrial symbiosis via better valorization of energy
streams, h) Alternative business models;
3. Protecting environmental and human health – safe by design for materials and chemicals
(functionality approach, methodologies, data and tools): a) Improve safety of operations
through process design, control and optimization, b) Zero liquid discharge processes, c) Zero
waste discharge processes, d) Technologies for reducing GHGs emissions, e) Technologies for
reducing industrial emissions, f) Sustainable sourcing of raw materials, g) Increasing
transparency of products within value chains through digital technologies, h) Alternative food
technologies, i) Novel therapeutics and personalized medicine, j) Sustainable agriculture,
forestry and soil health related technologies, k) Biocompatible materials for health
The new SusChem’s Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda, SIRA has five chapters:
1. Introduction with an overview where to find the challenge areas;
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Advanced materials: composites and cellular materials (lightweight, insulation properties),
3-D printable materials, bio-based chemicals and materials, additives, biocompatible and
smart materials, materials for electronics, membranes, materials for energy storage (batteries),
coating materials and aerogels;
Advanced processes (for energy transition and circular economy): new reactor design concepts
and equipment, modular production, separation process technologies, new reactor and
process design utilizing non-conventional energy forms (plasma, ultrasound, microwave),
electrochemical, electro-catalytic, and photo-electrocatalytic processes, power-to-heat (heat
pumps, electrical heating technologies), hydrogen production with low-carbon footprint,
power-to-chemicals (syngas, methanol, fuel, methane, ammonia), catalysis, industrial
biotechnology, waste valorization, advanced water management;
Enabling digital technologies: laboratory 4.0 (digital R&D), process analytical technologies
(PAT), cognitive plants (real-time process simulation, monitoring, control and optimization,
advanced (big) data analytics and artificial intelligence, predictive maintenance, digital
support of operators and human-process interfaces, data sharing platforms and data security,
coordination and management of connected processes at different levels, and
distributed-ledger technologies.
Horizontal topics: sustainability assessment innovation, safe by design approach for chemicals
and materials, building on education and skills capacity in Europe.
3.3 Process industry
SPIRE (Sustainable Process Industry through Resource and Energy Efficiency) is the European
contractual public-private partnership (cPPP) involving the cement, ceramics, chemicals,
engineering, minerals, non-ferrous metals, steel, and water sectors under the Horizon 2020 program.
It has been successfully developing breakthrough and key enabling technologies and sharing best
practices along all stages of existing value chains to enable a competitive, energy and resource
efficient process industry in Europe. SPIRE’s new Vision 2050: “Towards the next generation of
European Process Industries – Enhancing our cross-sectorial approach in research and innovation”
foresees an integrated and digital European Process Industry, delivering new technologies and
business models that address climate change and enable a fully circular society in Europe with
enhanced competitiveness and impact for jobs and growth [100]. They are contributing 6.3 million
jobs in EU. SPIRE community has initiated 77 innovative projects with a total estimated private
investment of 3 G€ (billion euros) in the last five years. Their turnover increased by an estimated 25
% – double the EU average.
SPIRE's Vision is that the future of Europe lies in a strongly enhanced cooperation across
industries – including SMEs – and across borders to become physically and digitally interconnected.
Innovative “industrial ecology” business models will be developed to foster the redesign of the
European industrial network. Four “technology drivers” will help the Process Industries achieve
their SPIRE ambitions. Two transversal topics – industrial symbiosis and digitalization – will
support and accelerate the transformations:
1. Electrification of industrial processes as a pathway towards carbon neutrality: adaptation of
industrial processes to the switch towards renewable electricity (e.g. electrochemistry, electric
furnaces or kilns, plasma, or microwave technologies).
2. Energy mix and use of hydrogen as an energy carrier and feedstock: renewable electricity,
low-carbon fuels, bio-based fuels, waste-derived fuels.
3. Capture and use of CO2 from industrial exhaust gases (capture, collection, intermediate
storage, pre-treatment, feeding and processing technologies, intelligent carbon management).
4. Resource efficiency and flexibility; full re-use, recycling or recovery of waste as alternative
resources: collection, sorting, transportation, pre-treatment and feeding technologies; all
possible resource streams to be considered and explored (notably plastic waste, metallurgical
slags, non-ferrous metals, construction and demolition waste, etc.); zero water discharge,
maximal recovery of sensible heat from waste water, substitution of chemical solvents by
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water (e.g. in biobased processes); full traceability of value chains as a crucial instrument to
deploy circular business models and customers’ growing demand for product-related
5. Industrial Symbiosis technologies including Industrial-Urban Symbiosis models.
6. Digitalization of process industries has a tremendous potential to dramatically accelerate
change in resource management, process control, and in the design and the deployment of
disruptive new business models.
The research and innovation efforts of Process Industries under the SPIRE 2050 Vision
ultimately want to enhance and – wherever possible – enlarge the underlying value to society
generated by their businesses while a) achieving overall carbon neutrality, b) moving towards
zero-waste-to-landfill, and c) enhancing the global competitiveness of their sectors.
4. Conclusions
The above mentioned results indicate that the most urgent future development areas of process
industries are: climate change with GHGs emissions and ecosystems (terrestrial one is affected by
drought, wildfires, floods, glacier melt, or species extinctions; marine one by temperature increases,
ocean acidification and sea level rise), energy with renewable sources and efficiency, (critical) raw
materials and other resources, water resources and recycling, zero waste and circular economy and
resource efficiency, supply chain integration, process design and optimization, process integration
and intensification, industrial ecology and life cycle thinking, industrial-urban symbiosis, product
design for circularity, digitalization, sustainable transport, green jobs, health and safety, hazardous
materials and waste, customer satisfaction, education and lifelong learning.
Associations of the chemical and process industries (Cefic, SusChem) and their projects (SPIRE,
SIRA) have given a great added value; therefore, they should be practiced globally, at all the
continents. The same globalization is suggested for the EGD. The companies and professional
associations must respect the international agreements and conventions (SDGs, Paris agreement,
EGD), declarations and recommendations.
There is no doubt that existing and innovative future technologies for efficient management of
GHGs, water, energy and raw materials will play a decisive role in transforming current chemical
and bio-chemical processes into more sustainable ones. Due to the high costs, some of these
technologies would have to be co-financed by governments, while others could be implemented as
long-term investments at the corporate level. For example, Norway has recently announced that it
will finance a first large-scale carbon capture and storage project "Longship" [101] (1.5 billion €). The
cement and the waste-to-energy plants involved in the project plan to reduce their CO2 emissions by
50 % using capturing and storing CO2 in a subsea reservoir in the North Sea. On the other hand, a
Dutch brewery [102] has recently implemented an innovative green fuel alternative emerging in the
form of metal powders [103]. Iron powder is considered as a high-density energy storage medium. It
burns at high temperatures to form iron oxide, which can be reduced back to iron by electrolysis
using renewable energy sources (e.g. photovoltaics) in a carbon-free cycle.
The decisive step towards more sustainable processes, regardless of available novel
technologies, is the necessary change in mentality from chasing short-term financial gains to
pursuing long-term sustainable financial, environmental, and social benefits. This step is required
not only at the governance and corporate level, but also at the level of each individual.
Extrapolating from the past experiences, it is safe to say that advanced computational PSE tools
will play an important role in the development of future chemical and biochemical processes. The
process analysis, simulation and synthesis/optimization tools are now in general utilized in a
sandbox mode – i.e. either in isolation from one another or in a sequential/iterative procedure. To
identify truly innovative mitigating solutions and perhaps even restorative solutions, these tools
would need to become inter-linked into a system that simultaneously enabled a detailed multi-scale
modeling [104], process intensification (i.e. reduction in energy and resources demand, waste
production and equipment size, out-of-the-box process solutions/schemes) [105] and LCSA
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Projects to develop sustainable processes are very demanding, both in terms of the knowledge
and the financial investment required for their implementation. Projects in the field of circular
economy often do not offer much added value. This is particularly problematic when it is cheaper to
manufacture products from virgin sources than to process waste materials into secondary raw
materials. The development and implementation of sustainable processes is highly interdisciplinary
and includes laboratory research, tests at pilot plants, process setting up and commissioning. This is
followed by the production and marketing of products and efficient waste management which
includes the reuse, recycling, and processing of waste into added value products, fuels, secondary
raw materials or energy recovery. There is no doubt that engineers are already developing efficient
computer-aided tools for the development of sustainable technologies, including key enabling
technologies, and sustainable processes, supply chains and networks that promote greater
efficiency, waste reduction, closed loops and eco-design. But this will certainly not be enough to
transform society from a linear to a circular economy. We believe that there is still a long way to go,
as changes will be needed in many areas of society, i.e. at the level of business, education, finance,
politics, legislation, and society as a whole.
At company level, efforts should focus on establishing and optimizing value chains in which
stakeholders are linked to each other through raw material extraction, product manufacture,
transport, collection, sorting and processing of waste into secondary raw materials, functional
materials and energy. The aim should be to promote such industrial projects that balance economic
efficiency, environmental impact, and social welfare. It is necessary to promote the growth of
bio-based products and to seek market niches for such products.
In the field of education, young people must be encouraged to study science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics (STEM), as these areas are crucial for the development of sustainable
technologies and processes and for the circular economy. Curricula must be strengthened with
attractive contents for young people and practical examples of green chemistry, cleaner production,
eco-design, recycling, key enabling technologies, etc.
Experts in social sciences such as psychology and sociology must also be involved in the
development of sustainable processes and products, as people need to change many deep-rooted
habits and understand the impact of these changes on society and the environment in order to accept
them as their own. The transition from a linear to a circular society must include the reduction of
inequalities in society, more equity, justice, solidarity, participation, and involvement of citizens. Art
must also be included, because products made from secondary raw materials, for example, must
also be aesthetically designed if people are to accept them.
The development of sustainable technologies and the implementation of sustainable projects
might require high financial investment, so the role of financial institutions and politics is also
important. They must create the conditions for funding to be available for environmentally
beneficial projects in the field of renewable energies, secondary raw materials, functional materials,
key enabling technologies, etc. It is necessary to increase investment in education, research,
innovations, and development.
The transition to the circular economy and the sustainable society can be promoted to a certain
extent by political agreements and legal norms that impose restrictions on countries and companies
with regard to emissions, proportions of recycled materials, the use of renewable resources and
secondary raw materials, etc. In the long term, however, changes in existing political and broader
social systems will be necessary in the direction of greater participation and balance, with the
long-term sustainable progress of society and protection of the environment taking precedence over
the partial interests of the individuals.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, P.G.,: methodology, P.G., Z.N.P. and M.B.; investigation, P.G.,
Z.N.P. and M.B.; writing—original draft preparation, P.G., Z.N.P. and M.B.; writing—review and editing, P.G.,
Z.N.P. and M.B.; supervision, P.G. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the
Funding: This research was co-funded by the Slovenian Research Agency (Research Program P2-0032 and
Project J7-1816).
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Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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