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2007, Annals of Physics
1 file
Selamat datang di Quipper School! Quipper School adalah platform pembelajaran online yang memfasilitasi siswa dalam proses belajar, serta mendukung guru dalam mengelola kelas. Kini Quipper telah digunakan oleh lebih dari 40.000 guru dan 1 juta siswa.
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 2024
Comparing Viking Age Norway and Denmark, the article examines the primary proposition that as centers of authority become progressively more robust, violence will be proportionately contained. The article introduces a new approach in using indications of violence as a focal point to elicit broader social practices. The disciplines employed in this studyarchaeology, osteology, philology, and sociologyare used together in the study of covariance of different indicators across a societal range. The indicators for assessing violence include skeletal trauma and weapon frequency. For assessing the steepness of the social pyramid, we use runestones, indicating variations in social stratification, and monumental constructions as a measure of power to command labor. Among the findings: weapons and interpersonal violence in Norway was much more widespread than in Denmark, and the social pyramid in Denmark was progressively steeper and more complex than in Norway. "Official" executions accounted for the preponderance of violence in Denmark, while rare in Norway. Denmark was evidently a more "civilianized" society than Norway. The comparative research supports the primary proposition. The research, furthermore, suggests that Denmark and Norway were sociologically distinct societies, which accords with recent findings that the respective regions displayed distinct, though still similar, genetic profiles.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2016
Kleinrock (1964) proposed a queueing discipline for a single-server queue in which customers from different classes accumulate priority as linear functions of their waiting time. When the server becomes free, it selects the waiting customer with the highest amount of accumulated priority at that instant, provided that the queue is nonempty. For such a queue, Kleinrock developed a recursion for calculating the expected waiting time of customers from each class. More recently, Stanford, Taylor and Ziedins (2014) took another look at this queue, which they termed the Accumulating Priority Queue (APQ), and derived the waiting time distributions for each class. Kleinrock and Finkelstein (1967) also studied an accumulating priority system in which customers' priorities increase as a power-law function of their time in the queue. They established that it is possible to associate a particular linear accumulating priority queue with such a power-law accumulating priority queue, in such a way that the expected waiting times of customers from the different classes are preserved. In this paper, we extend their analysis to characterise the class of nonlinear accumulating priority queues for which an equivalent linear APQ can be found, in the sense that the waiting time distributions for each of the classes are identical in both the linear and nonlinear systems.
En esta actividad, deben analizar cada uno de los ejercicios enunciados, luego responde la pregunta planteada.
Vibrant, 2024
The architectural field has performed a central mediating function in the process of formation of the Brazilian State through the formulation of mechanisms for control, ordering, and management of territories and populations. In the present article, we address three different scenarios in which architectural professional networks played a significant role: national-developmental projects implemented from the 1930s onwards; housing policies developed during the military dictatorship (1964 to 1985); strategic plans for the production of "global cities" following the redemocratization process (1985-today). From among the kaleidoscope of professional practices and meanings mobilized during these periods, we highlight situations and events that triggered the ideal types of the "creative genius", the "engaged anti-designer" and the "entrepeneurial manager". By analyzing the interactions between architects and public administration, we hope to contribute to the understanding of the population management technologies and business mechanisms that supported the neoliberal turn in the forms of government in Brazilian cities.
DOMUS M1, 2000
Bölge iklimsel faktörleri iyi incelendiğinde pasif yöntemlerle sağlanan enerji maliyeti çok düşürür; sıfıra indirebilir. Kısa süreli kullanılan yayla evlerinde hipotetik olarak denenmiş ve olabilirliği kanıtlanmıştır.
ജർമ്മൻ തത്ത്വചിന്തകരില് ഏറെ പ്രധാനറെട്ട വ്യക്തിയായിരുന്നു മാർട്ടിൻ ഹൈറെഗർ (1889-1976) പ്രതിഭാസശാസ്തപ്തവ്ുും അസ്തതിതവവ്ാദവ്ുമായി( phenomenology and existentialism ) അദ്ദേൈത്ത്ിന്റെ കൃതികൾ നിരന്തരും സുംവ്ാദത്ത്ില് ഏർറെടുന്നു എന്നിരുന്നാലുും അദ്ദേൈത്ത്ിന്റെ ചിന്താഗതിറയ ദാർശനിക പ്രസ്ഥാനങ്ങളുറട ഭാഗമായി തിരിച്ചെിദ്ദയണ്ടത് അതയാവ്ശയമാണ് . അദ്ദേൈത്ത്ിന്റെ ആശയങ്ങൾ സമകാലീന യൂദ്ദൊരയൻ തത്ത്വചിന്തയുറട വ്ികാസറത്ത് സവാധീനിച്ചു. തത്ത്വചിന്തയ്ക്ക് അതീതമായ സവാധീനവ്ുും അവ്യിലുണ്ട് , ഉദാൈരണത്ത്ിന് വ്ാസ്തതുവ്ിദയാ സിദ്ധാന്തും ,സാൈിതയവ്ിമർശനും ,ഹദവ്ശാസ്തപ്തും ,ഹസദ്ദകാറതൊെി , ദ്ദകാഗ്നിറ്റീവ് സയൻസ്ത എറന്ന വ്ിഷയങ്ങറള അദ്ദേൈും സമീരികുദ്ദപാൾ തതവ ചിന്തയില് നിന്നുയർന്നു നില്കുന്ന മറ്റു തലങ്ങറലകൂടി അദ്ദേൈും റകാണ്ടുവ്രുന്നു മാർട്ടിൻ ഹൈറെഗർ 1889 റസപ്റ്റ്റുംബർ 26 ന് ജർമ്മനിയിറല റമസ്തകിർച്ചില് ജനിച്ചു. ശാന്തവ്ുും യാഥാസ്ഥിതികവ്ുും മതരരവ്ുമായ ഒരു പ്ഗാമീണ നഗരമായിരുന്നു അന്ന് റമസ്തകിർച്ച്, ഹൈറെഗെിറനയുും
Chemistry International, 2018
Revista Internacional de Derechos Humanos, 2021
Indonesian journal of electrical engineering and computer science, 2024
The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics, 2014
Revista Electrónica Educare, 2020
Educational Considerations
Archives of Hygiene Sciences
Plants, 2023
Zafar Scientific Publication, 2024
Acta Dermatovenerologica Alpina Pannonica et Adriatica
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2019
Journal of Ornithology, 2012
Northwestern University Press, 2024
The Professional Animal Scientist
The Western journal of medicine, 1992