Field Theory
Recent papers in Field Theory
In this afterword to an important collection of essays that address the clinical aspects of the new phenomenology's concept of "atmospheres" in terms of psychopathology, I consider whether gestalt therapy may be an hospitable modality for... more
We analyze the pair production of charged particles in two-dimensional Anti-de Sitter space (AdS_2) with a constant, uniform electric field. We compute the production rate both at a semi-classical level, viewing Schwinger pair production... more
We consider gravitational wave production due to parametric resonance at the end of inflation, or "preheating". This leads to large inhomogeneities which source a stochastic background of gravitational waves at scales inside the comoving... more
The structure of equivariant cohomology in non-abelian localization formulas and topological field theories is discussed. Equivariance is formulated in terms of a nilpotent BRST symmetry, and another nilpotent operator which restricts the... more
We suggest a hybrid seesaw model where relatively "light" right-handed neutrinos give no contribution to the neutrino mass matrix due to a special symmetry. This allows their Yukawa couplings to the standard model particles to be... more
A central puzzle for theories of choice is that people's preferences between options can be reversed by the presence of decoy options (that are not chosen) or by the presence of other irrelevant options added to the choice set. Three... more
History forms narratives, narratives form media uses? The present paper formulates a theoretical proposal, that of considering the uses of information and communication technologies (ICT), particularly social media, as " habitus " ,... more
We consider the conditions needed to unify the description of dark matter, dark energy and inflation in the context of the string landscape. We find that incomplete decay of the inflaton field gives the possibility that a single field is... more
In this Ph. D. Thesis we concentrate on the study of the extension of the AdS/CFT correspondence to theories with less supersymmetry. In particular, we search for the possibility of adding supersymmetric D-branes in type IIB supergravity... more
We present an exact solution of Einstein's field equations in toroidal coordinates. The solution has three regions: an interior with a string equation of state; an Israel boundary layer; and an exterior with constant isotropic pressure... more
The ground state phase diagram of the 1D Hubbard chain with pair-hopping interaction is studied. The analysis of the model is performed using the continuum-limit field theory approach and exact diagonalization studies. At half-filling the... more
We derive slow-roll conditions for thawing k-essence with a separable Lagrangian p (X, φ) = F (X) V (φ). We examine the evolution of the equation of state parameter, w, as a function of the scale factor a, for the case where w is close to... more
In this paper we study scalar perturbations of the metric for nonlinear f(R) models. We consider the Universe at the late stage of its evolution and deep inside the cell of uniformity. We investigate the astrophysical approach in the case... more
A formal "small tension" expansion of D = 11 supergravity near a spacelike singularity is shown to be equivalent, at least up to 30th order in height, to a null geodesic motion in the infinite dimensional coset space E10/K(E10), where... more
In the article, the author presents his own interpretation of Pierre Bourdieu's concept of social field research. At the beginning, he introduces the general field theory and then presents the counselling practice as a manifestation of... more
The operator construction of the interacting string field theory presented by Witten is completed. The ghost sector of the theory is discussed in detail, using the fermionic formulation of the ghosts. The Fock space representation of the... more
We suggest a procedure for calculating correlation functions of the local densities of states (DOS) at the plateau transitions in the integer quantum Hall effect (IQHE). We argue that their correlation functions are appropriately... more
This paper presents the connection between mathematics and bases of electrotechnics. The field theory and circuit theory is based on the concept of mathematical modeling. To analyze any complex physical system, we must be able to describe... more
We discuss the seminal article in which Le Bellac and Lévy-Leblond have identified two Galilean limits of electromagnetism [1], and its modern implications. Recent works have shed a new light on the choice of gauge conditions in classical... more
Tables I-III. 1U Fart III: Real Space Methods for the XY Model Part IV: Transfer Matrix Methods for the Ising Chain in a Transverse Magnetic Field and members of the SLAC theory &roup for useful discussions •-especially Marvin Welnstein,... more
In this paper we present a formulation of the nonlinear stochastic differential equation which allows for systematic approximations. The method is not restricted to the asymptotic, i.e., stationary, regime but can be applied to derive... more
General stochastic dynamics, developed in a framework of Feynman path integrals, have been applied to Lewinian field-theoretic psychodynamics [1,2,13], resulting in the development of a new concept of life-space foam (LSF) as a natural... more
Assuming the compactification of 4 + K-dimensional space-time implied in Kaluza-Kleintype theories, we consider the case in which the internal manifold is a quotient space, G/H. We develop normal mode expansions on the internal manifold... more
This essay argues that field analyses of social movements can be improved by incorporating more insights from Pierre Bourdieu. In particular, Bourdieu’s concepts of logic, symbolic capital, illusio, and doxa can enrich social movement... more
By including the context within which consumers' pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors are formed, this research provides a comprehensive delineation of the process that leads from context to behavior. This is the first study to... more
er, the great increase in precision of current, and foreseeable, observational techniques in the solar system makes it now necessary to reconsider this traditional (post-Newtonian) way of tackling the gravitational dynamics of N-body... more
Comment intériorise-t-on des normes et des valeurs qui nous sont extérieures ? Comment des processus sociohistoriques sont-ils incar-nés par des individus et des institutions ? Posant ces questions fonda-mentales de la sociologie à un... more
In this paper, we review modern nonlinear dynamical methods used in neuroscience and complex data analysis. We start with the general description of nonlinear dynamics, its geometrical (and topological) picture, as well as its extreme... more
A number of recent papers, seemingly based on very different premises (~-3), have ~uggested that the physical d~eriptions of matter on the cosmological level and in the extreme microrealm are strikingly similar. This curious situation... more
We show that the cotangent bundle T * TM of the tangent bundle of any differentiable manifold M carries an integrable almost tangent structure which is generated by a natural lifting procedure from the canonical almost tangent structure... more
The Energy Problem (EP) in General Relativity (GR) is analyzed in the context of GR’s inconsistencies. EP is classified according to its local and global aspects. The local aspects of the EP include noncovariance of the energy-momentum... more
This paper tackles theoretical and methodological issues of a comparative research in three countries of different journalistic cultures (UK, Sweden and Greece) that contributes to an explanation of news judgement, called 'journalistic... more
This dialogue foregrounds the interological nature of media ecology as a style of exploration into the human condition. Besides Marshall McLuhan, it also brings Gilles Deleuze, field theory, and the I Ching, et cetera, to bear on media... more
Sociologists often imagine society as spaces, yet how social spaces are related remains ambiguous in most theories. In developing his field theory, Bourdieu used extensively the concept of homology to describe the structural similarities... more
This chapter is devoted to introducing the theories of interval algebra to people who are interested in applying the interval methods to uncertainty analysis in science and engineering. In view of this purpose, we shall introduce the key... more
In a mere quarter century, Mainland China has grown into a hotspot of international self-help. Though the self-help industry has a centuries-long tradition in the Anglo-American realm, this particular, commercial type of life advice is... more
Understanding the tide of activism rising from Indigenous communities in Canada requires an understanding of the socio-political contexts within which it occurs, in other words, an understanding of the Canadian colonial state field... more