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1993, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis
7 pages
1 file
AI-generated Abstract
The paper explores the logical sense of propositions through the examination of contributions from prominent philosophers and logicians such as Frege, Church, and Ajdukiewicz. It outlines various definitions and characteristics of propositions and ultimately proposes a new definition that incorporates both reference and predication while considering the illocutionary acts involved in different types of declarative sentences.
Objective: The purpose of this research is to determine the experiences and involvements of Turkish fathers in the care of their 4-12 month old healthy infants. Methods: Fathers' experiences and involvements in the care of the infants were examined by using a mixed method research design. 260 participants were selected from two health care centers of different socioeconomic status, and reported with a 95% confidence interval and 5% sampling error. The quantitative data were collected through a self developed Likert-type questionnaire named "Fathers' Involvement in Infant Care Questionnaire" by researchers using face to face interviews. Qualitative data were collected through in depth interviews from 32 purposefully selected fathers. Analyses of quantitative results used the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), the Independent Samples T Test, the Least Significant Difference and Stepwise Backward Multiple Regression Analysis tests while qualitative data analyzed by the thematic analysis method. Results: The five-point Likert questionnaire results showed that average score of paternal involvement in infant care was 3.0. Fathers who declared the least interest in the physical care of their infants ( X =2.5), expressed the most interest in game activities ( X =3.9).The fathers involvement in child care significantly correlated with the time they devoted to child care (p < .001), the fathers' level of education (p < .001), the wives' level of education (p < .01), the number of children (p < .01), and the combination of these factors explained the variability of the fathers' involvement in child care by 37%. The qualitative results revealed five themes. 1) Fatherhood is a hard concept to portray, 2) Is this an arrogance or to negotiate a new? 3) Conditional fatherhood, 4) My job comes first and 5) Caring for the baby: Beyond the reactions. Conclusions: This study contributes to health care providers' knowledge database by providing a better understanding and explanation of fathers' involvement with childcare. However there is a need for further investigations conducted with different socio-cultural and economic groups.
Christian influence is considered important in the development of Ismaili doctrine. While this research was being conducted, many Christian elements were encountered in the Ismaili doctrine. For example, the adoption of the doctrine of the Crucifixion of Christ which is cited in many Ismaili sources is one of them. Such sources even quote exactly what happened to Jesus Christ, based on direct quotations from the Bible. Some Ismaili dais even made a comparison between the Christian cross symbol and the Ismaili symbols; thus, they tried to establish a relationship of similarity between the Cross and Muslim pantheism, which shows the complete acceptance of the doctrine of the Crucifixion. This study examines the Christian influences in Ismaili thought, including the similarity between the Imam's character and that of Jesus, that have succeeded in entering Ismaili thought. Accordingly, both characters are connected with the spiritual world and carry a sacred color. It can be said that there is a similarity between the structural organization of the Ismaili da'wah and the religious structural organization in Christianity. The study highlights some of the overt Christian elements in Duruz thought. These include the spread of the concept of the Christianization of al-Mahdi's character among the Druze, and the use of verses from the Bible concerning the Messiah by some Duruz dais.
Journal of Public Affairs Education, 2018
In this research, an Electromagnetic (E.M) method of groundwater investigations was used as an on-spot assessment tool to test the integrity of the developed borehole in Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti. Some randomly selected functional and abandoned boreholes developed by the Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) methods were chosen for this study, with the aim to know the potential of the boreholes. Four transverses were established across the institution consisting of two functional and two abandoned boreholes selected from the existing forty boreholes. These were subjected to E.M method of groundwater investigation using a PQWT S500 series machines. The results obtained from this study produced curve graphs and subsurface profile maps of each transverse location. It was observed that boreholes TR 1 and TR 3, were accurately sited on vertical fractures and weathered formations while TR 2 and TR 4 were wrongly sited at the locations of poor groundwater yielding zone.
Memories from the Detached Lands. Soviet Forceful Resettlement policy in the Eyes of the Chechens, Ingush and Khevsurs (1940 -50s) lo"1l'jj,:lil'. liI"l r" ""e..uruon , naionar poLry ohard\ dJrreFnr e.rru(irie" ano e.p\ia y ro_(etur rpsetrkrpnr5 arFSpnerauy drlra(rive and popula opics tor -Fseucn rhh papFr tow;vp: fo cuses on ths leseFt(noM cases witiin rhe broader conrut, or U,. "*!", ",,.^ioing ,p"rin."[yir,. l1.j:3 ::::,ll'*l *o:,""ces o, Lhe Kr,"vsu*. ceo,$an noun diree6.,0.h" rowkn;" orc,;,sk. arq mernecnen ar d {ne rngush peopte5. who were depofled ro lne cenrral A.ian r"pubLic. o"tuzJdstan and &agyrsran. While the officiat Sovier discou|se on rcsetu€menr was pr€donhantly propagand_ isuc, this research aims to shed tight on |he nnoftcial Nstori* una ,ntota ,toriu, r., jn "inig"" emtions of fte (hevsus, Chechens and rhe rngxsh sy anat),sing orat hhtortes Ltis researctr presLts expenences or extle of these $oups, unvejung thejr complex generational memories of trama and changs in Ife. xeywords: sovlet 1jme, soviet forceirl rcsettlement, resetrlem€nt haurna, resettlenenr historJl sovjet
The research objective is to analyze the effect of work design, organizational culture and work motivation on the performance of village officials; analyze the effect of work design and organizational culture on work motivation; analyze the effect of work design on the performance of village apparatus through work motivation; analyze the effect of organizational culture on the performance of village apparatus through work motivation. The population of this study were all village officials in the Wirosari District, Grobogan Regency, with BUMDES management activities not running, namely 63 village officials from a number of 9 villages. The sampling technique uses a saturated sample. Therefore, the number of samples taken was also 63 village officials. Data analysis techniques using smartpls. The results of the study found that all hypotheses had a positive and significant direct effect, except for work design on facilitator performance. In the mediation hypothesis, work motivation is able to mediate the influence of work design and the performance of village apparatus, but is unable to mediate the influence of organizational culture and the performance of village apparatus.
Maǧallaẗ Kulliyyaẗ Al-Tarbiyyaẗ Bi-Dumyāṭ, 2022
The study aimed to ascertain the reality of undergraduate student activities and their role in strengthening national Identity, to identify areas of student activities, to identify the dimensions of the national gap, and to monitor the obstacles that threaten the identity of students within universities and how to address them. The descriptive curriculum was used and a questionnaire was applied to 240 students at the Damietta University. The results of the study found that there were many obstacles to student activities at universities, including the reluctance of students to engage in student activities, the inability to declare student activities and the ability to do them, the absence of qualified staff to support the exercise of activities, the view that student activities were time-sensitive and the absence of a culture of orientation towards university activities and participation with other faculties.
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi, 2012
Maǧallaẗ Kulliyyaẗ Al-Tarbiyyaẗ Bi-Dumyāṭ, 2023
Education justice is an issue raised in the twenty-first century, which has become settled by the text of the Egyptian constitution, that education is a right guaranteed by the state to all without discrimination, and therefore it entails rights that must be preserved through mechanisms for follow-up, accountability, as well as giving opportunities to children with good education, a high level of excellence, and on The state shall guarantee the right to claim educational justice for every member of society. The research aims to identify the dimensions of educational justice, and to identify the obstacles facing achieving educational justice in kindergarten institutions, the research relied on the descriptive approach in achieving its objectives, The results reached the most important results for the achievement of justice in educational institutions, kindergarten institutions in Damietta.
Foucault Studies, 2023
NCDs are, for example, cancer, heart diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes. These are statistically shown to be the leading cause of death in the world. By 'attacking' these, the assumption is that by better managing these conditions, the risk from COVID-19 will be reduced. pandemic; an empirical calculus of the threat of infection, illness and death for individuals. But these analyses ignore an even wider context -the politics of life -espoused through reactions to the accentuated assemblage of threats. The dissemination of scientific expertise, but also questioning thereof, brought fundamental aspects of biopolitics to the surface and made them visible in the old, renewed and innovative responses to what became known as 'the pandemic'. The contributions in this special issue draw attention to this wider biopolitical context and show how much more than just the virus was implicated during and after the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic, (or syndemic), has attracted rich debate on how life could and should be best ordered and vitalized in practice -'managing the virus is about managing people' 5 and interspecies relations. It is also a debate that has renewed theoretical interest in Foucauldian biopolitics, reaching scholars who were previously unfamiliar with the biologization of life and its changing historical expressions. Similar to previous cases of epidemic and pandemic threats, knowledge about the outbreak in 2020 mainly targeted human connectivity conceived as a matter of life and death. And when threats in any form rapidly flow through the population, so does the quest for new knowledge coupled with innovative ways of governing oneself and others. Depending on geographical positions and epidemiological preferences, the regulation of life via science, statistics and responsibility did, with COVID-19, not only diffuse logistically, motivated by biological longevity with racist implications, 6 but also opened up for ideas of future bodies and an expanded administration of life on a planetary scale. If the 'right to health' 7 originally demanded biopolitical intervention in the form of novel technologies of power that were flexible, economical and alluring enough, responses to COVID-19 have been suggested to permeate both discipline and sovereignty to remould and enforce them anew. 8 In India, for example, the government response often sought to victimize the poor, 9 and migrant workers became the necessary casualties in the effort to portray the impression of quick and 'strong' leadership. The migrants were forced to walk back home, to a domestic sphere, often hundreds of miles, going unfed and untreated during the hurriedly imposed lockdown. 10 Some of them were killed by heavy vehicles while walking, and how many 5
Whitehot Magazine of Contemporary Art, 2024
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Religion State and Society, 2024
Hidden Side of the Employee Relations: The Relationship between Impression Management and Revenge Intention, 2017
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Educación ambiental, agua y cambio climático. Nuevos Escenarios, 2023
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MEDINFO 2021: One World, One Health – Global Partnership for Digital Innovation