O myśli i sądzie w sensie logicznym

1993, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis

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The paper explores the logical sense of propositions through the examination of contributions from prominent philosophers and logicians such as Frege, Church, and Ajdukiewicz. It outlines various definitions and characteristics of propositions and ultimately proposes a new definition that incorporates both reference and predication while considering the illocutionary acts involved in different types of declarative sentences.

ACTA UNIVERSITATIS LODZIENSIS FOLIA PHILOSOPHICA 9, 1993 Janusz Kaczmarek ON TH O U G H T ANI) PR O PO SITIO N Wc can easily understand the concept o f proposition in the n atu ral way: we start from any class o f judgm ents as T he snow is white, which can be thought or utterd by some people. W hat is com m on in such individual judgm ents is usually defined by the term proposition. How ever, we can ask: w hat is the com m on o f different individual judgm ents? One usually answers: a content o f judgm ent, sense, which is independent o f its utterance or consciousness o f it. So, independently o f the au th o r, place and tim e o f an utterance o f e.g. P ythagore’s theorem the content o f this theorem is invariable, is constant. , N etherveles, as G . Frege has rem arked, the sam e content (which was called ‘G ed an k e’ - thought, by Frege) can be included in a declarative, interrogative or im perative sentence. It seems, however, th at when we w ant to deliver an inform ation, for example: to render the sense o f P ythagore’s theorem we use declarative sentences, we utter judgm ents. Thus we are inclined to conclud that w hat is com m on in different judgm ents is not only the content o f the declarative sentence but also the form o f a declarative sentence. Let us notice th at a p p a rt from a com m on content expressed in utterences there is still one m ore factor in com m on i.e. the form. C onsequently in my view, proposition com prehended as w hat is com m on any class o f judgm ents is not only ‘the co n ten t’, but „the content with the form o f declarative sentence” . In logic tradition, the proposition is usually defined by m eans o f the concepts o f m eaning an d sense i.e. as m eaning or sense o f declarative sentence. H ow ever here a problem arises, the one o f univocal understanding o f those term s. T he concept o f m eaning is defined in m anifold ways in, for example, theory o f m eaning (am ong others J. S. Mill, B. Russell) an d theory o f m eaning treated as ideal object (E. Husserl, G. Frege, A. C hurch). Next, the term sense is the m ost ofen used intuitively although one can find in Frege o r Husserl the following definition: the sense is som ething „w hich contains the way o f being given . T here is also the proposal o f Ajdukiewicz, who defines p roposition by m eans o f the concept o f connotation. Let us sketch out som e characteristics o f the notions o f proposition. 1. F R E G E . I think that the analyzis o f Frege text shaws th at un d erstan ding Gedanke as a proposition is not quite proper. Frege writes: „ In declarative sentence two things should be distinguished: the content com m on to their question and assertion. T he form er is a thought (G edanke) o r includes the thought. Thus, the thoughts can be expressed w ithout being put as true. In declarative sentences these things are so united th at their arc hardly distinguished (separated). So we distinguish 1° grasping thought, th at is thinking; 2° acknow ledging the truthfulness o f thought, th at is U rteil; 3° asserting o f Urteil, th at is assertion” 1. T he m ost often U rteil is understood as the sense o f a declarative sentences with the exception o f the case when it is identified with the very sentence. H ow ever Frege distinguishes such senses o f sentences in view o f which the question o f truthfulness can arise from those senses in view o f which this question does not appiears (e.g. in view o f the sense o f im perative sentence). In Über Sinn und Bedeutung Frege claim s th at Urteil is a passage from thought to its value2. 2. C H U R C H . In C h u rch ’s p ap e r3 we meet such characteristic o f p rop osition. P roposition is an ab stract object (as a function or class) w ithout psychological aspects characteristic for O ckham propositio m entalis and for traditional judgm ent. C hurch defines proposition by m eans o f sense o f a sentence; the sense o f a sentence being either w hat a m an app rehends while u nderstanding a sentence o r w hat have two sentences being correct translation in two different languages. C hurch follows Frage explaining the term ‘G ed an k e’ which is to m ean (and so term ‘G ed an k e’ denote): „nicht das subjective T un des Denkens, sondern dessen objektiven Inhalt, der fähig ist, gem einsam es Eigenthum von Vielen zu sein” . 3. C A RN AP. Using the concept o f extension and intension C arn ap shaws th at propositions are intension o f sentences. T ruth values are treated as extensions o f sentences. Thus, proposition becomes the p roperty o f truth 1 Ct. G. F r e g e , Der Gedanke. Eine logische Untersuchung. „Beiträge zur Philosophie des deutschen Idealismus” , 1918. 2 G. F r e g e , Über Sinn und Bedeutung. „Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik" 1892. C. 3 A. C h u r c h , Introduction to M athem atical Logic, Princton Univ. Press, Princeton N J 1956. values4. V anderveken rem ark s5 that in C arn ap propositions are limited to the truth conditions and, consequently, every proposition can be understood as a 0 I sequence. In Introduction to Sem antics C arn a p treats propositions as a designatum o f sentences sim ilarity as a individuals are taken for designatum o f individual constants'1. In Introduction to Sym bolic Logic p rop ositions rem ain designata but not o f the individual level (i.e. extension o f individual constants) but that o f the sense o f individuals (i.e. intension o f individual co n stan ts)7. 4. A JD U K IE W IC Z . The concept o f proposition is introduced by m ean o f the concept o f co nnotation. However Ajdukiewicz rem arks th at „the form ulation that the co n n o tatio n o f a nam e is the set o f properties which univocally determ ines its extension, cannot be considered as a definition o f the co nnotation o f a nam e, since a given class o f objects, form ing the extension o f a nam e, can be univocally determ ined by different sets o f properties. And a co n n o tatio n o f a nam e is not just any set o f properties which univocally determ ines its extension, but a set distinguished am ont those which satisfy that condition” 8. Analysing the exam ples as „the b ro th er o f Jo h n ’s m o th er” and „the m other o f Jo h n ’s b ro th er" Ajdukiewicz concludes that „it is necessary: 1° to determ ine the co nnotation o f the expression E in such a way th at its com ponent p arts should be some objective referents o f all com ponent expressions o f the expression E, and not only its com ponent nam es. 2° to determ ine the co nnotation o f the expression E in such a way that it should reflect not only the w ords contained in th at expression, but also the syntactic places which those w ords occupy in the expression E” 9. So, the co n n o tatio n o f the expression E is understood as the function determ ined for the ultim ate syntactic places o f the expression obtained from the expression E by the expansion o f all the abbreviations it contains, which establishes a one-one correspondence between those places and the denotations o f the w ords occupying such places in the expanded expression E. The definition o f connotation is general and it m ay also be used with respect to sentences. So, the concept o f proposition we can define as 4 R. C a r n a p , Introduction to Sym bolic Logic, Dover Publications, New York 1958. 5 D. V a n d e r v e k e n , H’licil Is a Proposition?, „Cahiers d'épistém ólogie” 1991, № 9103 Université du Québec ä Montreal. 6 R. C a r n a p, Introduction to Semantics, Harvard University Press, Cambridge. Mass. 1942. 1 C a r p , Introduction to Symbolic... * K. A j d u k i e w i c z , Proposition as the Connotation o f Sentennce, „Studia Logica" 1967, N o. 21. 9 Ibid. a co nnotation o f a sentence. F o r exam ple the co nnotation (proposition) o f the sentence Sokrates likes Alcibiades (U ) (1,0) (1,2) is the function establishing a one-one correspondence between the syntactic places o f its words and their denotation, i.e.: <(U) Socrates, (1,0) likes, (1,2) A lcibiades> . 5. A U ST IN , SEA R LE. These au th o rs p oint ou t some specific elem ents o f (uttered) sentences o f different type as Sam sm okes habitually. Does Sam sm oke habitualy? { W ould th at Sam sm oked habitualy. Namely, w hat is in com m on here is the reference to som e objects and predicating ab out it; the difference consists in illocutionary act: o f asserting, asking ab out, and wishing, respectively. Thus the concept o f reference and predication are detached from com plete speach act. This reference to objects and predication about them , appearing in different illocutionary act, are called propositionl0. Sentences (*) can be translated into schemes: (’F ) , ?’P \ W 'P ’ where P is the nam e o f proposition. 6. V A N D E R V E K E N . V anderveken, w ho tries to com bine A ustin’s and Searle s approach with the results o f Frege and C hurch, understands propositions as a 3-elements sequence ll(Rn(ai....... a n))|| = < {IIR n II, IIa i II....... ||an||}, {j 6 I: < IIa,II(j), ..., ||an||(j)> e ||R J (j)} , {f 6 2Ua; f(IIA aII) = 1 }> , where a b ..., a n are individual constants, R n is predicate o f degree n, I is non em pty set (the elem ents o f which represent possible worlds), ||*|| designate denotation o f expression *, A ;1 is a atom ic p rep ositional term , which have a p air as a denotation, th at is II R n(a i, .... a n)|| = < { | | R n||, IIa i II....... ||an||}, {j 6 I: < l|aj II(j), ..., ||an||(j)> 6 ||R n||(j)}> and U a is the set o f atom ic p rop o sitio n s11. 10 J. L. A u s t i n , How to Do Things with Words, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1962; J. R. S e a r l e , Speech Acts. An Essay in the Philosophy o f Language. Cambridge University Press, 1969. D. V a n d e r v e k e n , Meaning and Speech Acts, Vol. 1-2, Cambridge University Press, 1990/1991; i d e m , What Is a Proposition... The first elem ent o f the triplex we call the set o f propositional constituents, the second elem ent represents the set o f possible w orld in which the relation satisfied and the third elem ent represents truth conditions. Let us rem ark that in set o f propositional constituents we speak ab o u t senses and not ab out objects. Vanderveken speaks: „All propositions are general propositions whose constituents are senses and not objects” 12. It is the conception o f Vanderveken and the app roach o f Ajdukiewicz m entiond above th at seem to the m ost interesting. W hy? Because their analyzis o f propositions indicates the necessity o f transfer to the structure o f the proposition alone, and provides the m anner o f discerning the content o f sentence. Now, I am going to discuss the conception o f V anderveken in twofold perspective: philosophical and logical. 1. A ccording to A ustin, Searle and V anderveken proposition is a com ponent ol an illocutionary act and, thus it appears in different utterances o f type (*). In spite o f o ur introductory rem arks, the form o f declarative sentence, which determ ines the type o f illocutionary act is not considered a p art o f proposition (and o ther illocutionary force m arkers likewise). On the other hand V anderveken tends to com bine the results o f A ustin and Searle works with the ‘p u re’ logical theories originating from Frege and C hurch. On this ground it is em phasized th at propositions are ‘knowledge carrier' and the basic com ponent o f scientific theories. M oreover, let us notice th at we are rather concerned w hether P ythagore claim s that in a right-angled triangle a 2 + b 2 = c2 and not ju st supposes o r expresses his wish. F urther, observe th at if a theorem is translated from one language to another, then, to preserve the sense o f proposition, its form m ust be properly rendered. Obviously, we do not translate P hytagore’s theorem into question. It seems th at the conception o f V anderveken perm its such situation; the p roposition being identical. T herefore, in my opinion, w hat V anderveken calls proposition should be refered to as thought (in ideal sense), which corresponds to F rege’s ‘G ed an k e’. A nd proposition should be acknow ledge as a thought in the form o f declarative sentences. I hope th at the above definition o f p roposition rem ains in agreem ent with Frege claims: 1° „P rop osition (U rteil) for me is not grasping o f thought (G edanke) also, but recognizing its tru th value” , 2° „In each p roposition - even m ost trivial - there is a step m ade from the level o f thought to the level o f reference” (i.e. logical values in this case) and 3° „Interrogative and declarative sentences contain the sam e thought; but the declarative sentence includes an extra, nam ely the assertion. And the interrogative contains an extra, nam ely the request” 13. 12 V a n d e r v e k e n , What Is a Proposition... 13 F r e g e , Der Gedanke... 2. The logical rem ark. The concept o f p roposition in Vandervekens form ulation is - as we have rem arked very general. It is so general that in case o f such sentences as (**) The president o f the USA knows the miss o f the world; the lollow ing paradox occur: the possible world (context) in which the sentences are true are know n, while we cannot speak ab o u t the sense o f such sentences (propositions) in a possible world. So it is necessary to build a definition o f proposition which would enable speaking ab o u t proposition in possible world. Each proposition com prises a relation between objects which are understood in some aspects (th at is as concept). Let us rem ark, however, that considerating the sense o f a nam e we m ean the way o f ‘being given’ o f this objucts. C onsequently, adm iting the results o f F rage, in understanding of proposition, we m ust take possible world into account, that is the reference to the concept o f objects. The sentence (**) expresses different propositions depending on w ether uttered in 1980 o r in 1990 for example. While uttering this sentence we express the proposition in which 1) we m ean some objects (for exam ple G . Bush and the miss X); 2) these objects are understood by m eans o f concept „being a president” and „being a miss o f the w orld", 3) the objects are in adequate relation. Then, it seems, that the definition o f p roposition given by Vanderveken should be a little m odified. D eno tatio n o f propositional term in possible world i is (in case - n = 2): l|R 2( a i, a2)||i = < { | | R 2 ||, lla ,||, ||a2 ||}, { ||R 2 |li, ||а ,||ь ||a 2 |li}, {i o r * } > , where * is gap and IKR2(ai, a2))||j = < { IIAa||i}, {f 6 2*u“> :f(||Aa||j) = 1 } >, where A a is abbreviation for R 2( a |,a 2) and UJ is set o f all atom ic proposition (atom ic thought) in possible w orld i. T he m odified definition o f proposition gives us the possibility to shaw that sentence (**) expresses different proposition ones in different context o f utterance. M oreover, I think, the definition satisfies the conditions assum ed by Vanderveken. It also seems that the m odification o f sem antics should not come accross greater difficults. F o r exam ple, we define HAp A Bplh = 11-ApHi = < { IIAa ||i} u {||Ba ||i}, id2(||ApHi) n id2(||B p ||i) > , < id ,( IIApHi), {f: f e 2U* and f ф id2(IIAp ||j)}> and l|t(A p)||i = T iff exist at least one f e id2(||A p ||i) such that for all ui e id|(IIApHj) [l'(uj) = 1 iff id3(u,}) = i], where A p,Bp are abbreviation for term s for propositions, t is syncategorem atic expression, t(A p) is an elem entary sentence o f language L which is true in a world if and only if the p roposition expressed by A p is true in th at world. Department o f Logic Łódź University Poland Janus: Kaczmarek O MYŚLI I SĄ D ZIE W SENSIE LO GICZNYM Pojęcie sądu w sensie logicznym nie jest jednoznacznie scharakteryzowane w literaturze logicznej. Jednakże we wszystkich ważnych definicjach wskazuje się na znaczenie, sens lub konotację zdań oznajmujących. W artykule autor podaje różne definicje i charakterystyki wypracowane m. in. przez Fregego, Churcha, Ajdukicwicza i Vandervckcna oraz wskazuje na główne czynniki, które należy poddać analizie przy opracowywaniu definicji sądu. W ychodząc od pojęcia sądu jako tego. co wspólne w różnych sądach w sensie psychologicznym autor formułuje własną definicję sądu w sensie logicznym tak. aby uwzględnione były: 1) struktura sądu: 2) sens zdań oznajmujących; 3) możliwy świat, w którym dane zdanie jest wypowiedziane.