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Trust Management: A Cooperative
Approach Using Game Theory
Ujwala Ravale, Anita Patil and Gautam M. Borkar
Trust, defined as the willingness to accept risk and vulnerability based upon
positive expectations of the intentions or behaviours of another. The qualities or
behaviours of one person that create good expectations in another are referred to as
trustworthiness. Because of its perceived link to cooperative behaviour, many social
scientists regard trust as the backbone of effective social structures. With the
advancement in technology, through these online social media people can explore
various products, services and facilities. Through these networks the end users want
to communicate are usually physically unknown with each other, the evaluation of
their trustworthiness is mandatory. Mathematical methods and computational procedures do not easily define trust. Psychological and sociological factors can influence trust. End users are vulnerable to a variety of risks. The need to define trust is
expanding as businesses try to establish effective marketing strategies through their
social media activities, and as a result, they must obtain consumer trust. Game
theory is a theoretical framework for analysing strategic interactions between two
or more individuals, in the terminology of game theory, called players. Thus, a
conceptual framework for trust evaluation can be designed using a game theory
approach that can indicate the conditions under which trustworthy behaviour can
be determined.
Keywords: trust, cooperative behaviour, game theory, sociological factors,
1. Introduction
Trust is a subjective, multi-faceted, and abstract notion. In addition to computer
technology, many researchers worked on trust for a variety of fields, including
business, philosophy, and social science. Analysts from diverse domains concur
with the basic definition of trust, i.e., it is measurement of the trustworthiness of a
person or any living things. Trust is regularly inferred from certain input appraisals
through aggregation of trust.
Trust has been classified as a black-box, or undifferentiated variable, in the
massive number of studies, and has rarely been investigated in depth. Even if it
appears in predictable ways, trust is not a one-dimensional or homogeneous idea.
Trust is viewed as a multi-faceted notion that can be interpreted differently
depending on the context. In addition to computer technology, trust has been
The Psychology of Trust
studied in a variety of fields, including economics, psychology, and social studies.
Researchers from several fields agree on the basic definition of trust, that is trust
characterises an individual’s level of anticipation and trustworthiness, also shows
cooperative relation between inter organisational entities. Trust is derived from
specific feedback evaluation and mechanism. It has been discovered that trust
reduces disagreement and uncertainty by fostering goodwill that strengthens relationships while also increasing satisfaction and partners’ willingness to trade.
Trust management encompasses trust as an identification and communication
establishment of the elements with different techniques for computation, transmission, consolidation, and information storage, consumption models and enhancement in service provisioning of trust. Certain trust functionality can be
implemented and supported using distributed computing. Decentralised trust management refers to the administration of trust in fully decentralised computer systems as well as hybrid centralised-decentralised computing systems.
Trust management has infiltrated a wide range of collaborative networked computing systems, including peer-to-peer and eCommerce, social networks and online
communities, cloud and edge computing, mobile ad hoc networks and wireless
sensor networks, community sourcing, multi-agent systems, and the Internet of
things [1].
1.1 Different trust management models
• Community trust: community trust is a term that refers to the trust that people
have for one another. In the context of decentralised network and application,
trust management in one-to-one systems. Low incentive systems for providing
ratings, bias toward positive feedback, unauthenticated participants, fake or
illegal feedback rating from malicious individuals, altering authentications, etc.
are some of the primary difficulties in developing and using trust.
• Multi-agent trust: trust is defined to promote collaboration/cooperativeness
among several independent entities in order to complete a task. The autonomy,
inferential capability, responsiveness, and social behaviour of an agent were
characterised by Balaji and Srinivasan [2]. Granatyr et al. [3] examined multiagent system trust models by examining a number of trust terminologies:
semantics, preference, delegation, risk measure, incentive, feedback, open
environment, hard security threats, and requirements. These all terminologies
are with types of interaction such as alliance, logical reasoning, compromise,
and prerequisite. Pinyol et al. [4] evaluated trust in cognition, method, and
generality in Pinyol and Sabater-Mir [4]. From a game theoretic standpoint,
trust features are evaluated as a use of numerous input sources, the use of
cheating assumptions, and the providing of procedural and intellectual ideas.
• Social networks: Sherchan et al. [5] looked at reactive, non-transferable
features, interaction behaviours, and past experiences as well as other
important aspects of social trust. Jiang et al. [6] classified graph-based theory
uses to define evaluation approaches for online social networks into two
categories: graph simplification-based and analogy-based approaches.
• Trust in wireless ad-hoc network: in mobile and wireless sensor networks, trust
is a prominent approach use to secure routing with QoS [7]. In WAN, trust
metrics into the routing protocols provides decision making, correctness,
optimal path finding. A number of trust frameworks for dealing with the badmouthing and double-face attacks. Loop attacks, worm-hole, blackhole, grey
Trust Management: A Cooperative Approach Using Game Theory
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.102982
hole, DoS, data modification/insertion attacks, sinkhole, contradictory
behaviour attacks, and so on are examples of potential assaults.
• Trust in cloud computing: in cloud computing, trust management defines the
following types: (i) policies or rules; (ii) recommendations; (iii) reputations;
and (iv) predictions. Ahmed et al. [8] proposed a survey to evaluate trust as a
link between customer and service provider. It was stated that the general
requirements for trust evaluation consist of general guidelines and cooperative
behaviour of the stakeholders.
• Trust in cryptography: Kerrache et al. [9] analyse an existential threat on
trustworthiness and cryptography for mobile adhoc networks. The reply
attack, masquerading attack, privacy assault, security communication attacks,
DoS attacks, etc. are considered to define the need for a trust mechanism for
application safety. In addition to standard attacks like masquerade and
impersonation, Sybil attack, and location trapping, the infotainment
application largely featured retransmission message assault and illusion attack.
• Trust in multi-disciplinary research: from a multidisciplinary standpoint, trust
has been a recurring subject. Cho et al. [10] analysed the hybrid trust by
computing various parameters such as communication, data exchange,
cooperative work, etc. and covered different domains like artificial
intelligence, human machine interaction, database, machine learning,
computer networks, information security, etc.
2. Related study
All of our social interactions are built on the foundation of trust. Trust is a
complex human habit that has evolved over time. Trust has many various interpretations, and as a result, many alternative representations and management principles, depending on the circumstances and applications. It has been a research issue
in many domains, including psychology, sociology, IT systems, and so on. For
example, trust is utilised in trade systems like eBay and automatic Peer-to-Peer
systems like file and resource sharing, where trust is built by algorithms based on
prior events, which provide either good or negative evidence or feedback.
In online systems, there are two sorts of trust: direct trust, which is based on a
person’s direct connection with others, and recommendation trust, which is based
on the experiences of other individuals in a social network and grows in a sense
based on the propagative feature of trust. Different trust management models are
discussed in below section.
Wang et al. [11] developed a game theory-based trust evaluation model for social
networks. As a result, when modelling a trust relationship, various factors must be
taken into account. The trust value is calculated by considering three factors mainly:
feedback efficacy, service reliability and suggestion credibility. In social networks,
service transactions are based on node-to-node trust links. Building a trust relationship, on the other hand, is a long and winding process impacted by previous
contacts, trust recommendations, and trust management, among other things.
Jian et al. [12] proposed a trust model basically for online social networks using
evidence theory techniques. Evidence theory is mostly used for target identification, decision making and to analyse online social networks. The proposed model
mainly contains three steps i.e. to achieve individual trust evaluation, determine the
relevance of features with respect to each user, which is used for decision making.
The Psychology of Trust
Trust evidence approach is to show the probability of trust and distrust among the
stakeholder. This approach achieves an error rate which is minimal and highest
accuracy in the dataset Epinions.
Chen et al. [13] provided a trust evaluation model using a machine learning
algorithm that takes into account a wide range of trust-related user attributes and
criteria to enhance human decision-making. User features are classified into four
categories based on the empirical analysis: link-based features, profile-based features, feedback-based features, behaviour-based features. Then a lightweight attribute selection technique based on users’ online information to analyse the efficiency
of each feature and identify the ideal combination of features using users’ online
information in the form of records. Results are conducted on real-world dataset to
show the overall performance which is better as compared to other traditional
In the current era, Online Social networks have an essential role in practically
every aspect of life, and their presence can be seen in all aspects of daily life.
Metaheuristic search algorithms are used in social networks due to the property of
dynamic nature which it exhibits.
Peng et al. [14] proposed a feature fusion technique in conjunction with an
artificial bee colony (ABC) for community identification task to improve performance in terms of accuracy in trust-based community detection using an artificial
bee colony (TCDABCF). This strategy takes into account not only an individual’s
social qualities, as well as in a community the relationship of trust that exists
between users is also considered. As a result, the proposed technique may result in
the finding of more appropriate clusters of similar users, each with significant
individuals at the centre. Proposed technique makes use of an artificial bee
colony (ABC) to accurately identify influential persons and their supporters. For
simulation purposes, the Facebook dataset is used and the proposed method has
obtained 0.9662 and 0.9533 Normalised mutual Information (NMI) and accuracy,
Reputation and trust prediction are “soft security” solutions that allow the user
to evaluate another user without knowing their identity. The trustworthiness of
users in social networks is calculated using the reputation level of other users. A
new probabilistic reputation feature is more efficient than raw reputation features. Various machine learning algorithms and 10-fold cross validation proposed
by Liu et al. [15] is used for simulation. The witness trustor users’ trust values are
used to determine the trustee’s reputation qualities. Raw and probabilistic reputation features, which are two different types of characteristics, were compared.
Three datasets namely wiki, Epinions and Slashdot are used for simulation purposes. SMOTE boost algorithm is used to balance the dataset to improve prediction performance of prediction. In online social networks, this trust prediction
algorithm can be used to strengthen social relationships and identify trustworthy
The recommended approach proposed by Mohammadi et al. [16] took into
account users’ attitudes toward one another on a social network as the basis of their
trust. The mostly textual contents shared on social networks were analysed to
determine how people felt about one another. In this Sense trust model, initially
analysis of hidden sentiments between the texts exchanged between two social
network users are taken into consideration. Then Hidden Markova Model is used to
evaluate trust between users on social networks. Statements exchanged; Hidden
Markov Model (HMM) is utilised. Both RNTN and HMM are trained with emails
extracted from Enron Corporation undergoing crowdsourcing and labelling.
A trust framework by Hansi et al. [17] introduced the proposed methodology to
determine the node trust values for social network users using reinforcement
Trust Management: A Cooperative Approach Using Game Theory
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.102982
Parameters used
Limitations/future work
Wang et al.
Game theory
Service reliability, feedback
effectiveness, and
recommendation credibility.
Resolves free riding problem
More specific trust
relationships between nodes,
for example, family, best
friends, and classmates.
Jiang et al.
Using evidence
Weight determination can be
Weight set is the importance
degree of each user features and implemented for trust
scope set is a set of value range to evidence.
generate trust evidence
Chen et al.
feature selection
approach using
machine learning
User features are divided as
profile-based features,
behaviour-based features,
feedback-based features, and
link-based features.
To analyse the temporal
features of trust to build a
dynamic trust framework
Peng et al.
Artificial bee
colony by feature
Social Features of users, but also
their relationship of trust
between users in a community
Multi-objective artificial bee
colony algorithms can be
et al. [16]
Hidden Markova
Model (HMM)
Statements exchanged among
users & level of sentiments in
statements are identified.
Other interactions by users like
audio, video sharing and other
interactions such as like and
dislike can be considered.
Hansi et al.
Trust Evaluation
set of neighbour nodes,
Similarity and difference
between neighbour nodes
Prevention of information
from an untrusted user will
make the social network secure
and private.
Table 1.
Comparison of trust management methods.
learning. On social media trust between two nodes is evaluated based on the features i.e. number of neighbour nodes, relationship among the nodes and number of
common neighbour nodes. After selecting features if there is a edge among two
nodes, the trust value is denoted as 1 otherwise 0. Second, the node trust will be
determined using a training model value. After that, a recommendation algorithm
will be used to determine the results. Finally, the simulation is used to analyse the
effectiveness of the suggested strategy For the purpose of simulation data from an
adaptable social network will be used.
To address the trust evaluation problem in trust social networks, Liu et al. [18]
presented NeuralWalk, a machine learning-based approach. Unlike traditional
methods, NeuralWalk models singlehop trust propagation and trust combining
using a neural network architecture called WalkNet. When the NeuralWalk method
is used, WalkNet is trained. Advogato dataset is used to evaluate the accuracy of
algorithm. TheNeuralWalk algorithm, in collaboration with WalkNet, does a BFS
multi-hop trust assessment across TSNs (Table 1).
3. Trust-building mechanisms
• Mutual trust
• Proven experience and reputations
• Awareness of the hazards associated with opportunistic behaviours
The Psychology of Trust
Web applications
Trust mechanism scheme
End user
User profiles with social networking
Linked In
End user, different
User profiles with social networking
e-commerce web sites
(e.g. Flipkart)
Consumer and business
Feedback mechanism
eTransport (e.g. Uber)
Driver and passenger
Rating and driver performance
Restaurant holder and
Customer rating and service review
Table 2.
Trust mechanisms in online social networks.
• Legal agreement
• Changing processes
An online platform’s trust mechanism is a method for overcoming knowledge
gaps between market players and facilitating transactions. Many different types of
trust mechanisms exist that are listed below (Table 2):
To develop trust among users in a social network is critical. It is critical to study
in depth all possible ties between users in the social network and to appropriately
evaluate those relations in order to determine who-trusts-whom and integrate that
knowledge in the social recommender.
To estimate trust some models use a behavioural pattern of user interaction. Few
parameters which are consider to calculate trust are as follows:
i. Measures such as number/sequence of reviews, number/sequence of rates,
and average of number/length of comments posted, among others, are used
to categorise user actions in terms of information shared such as reviews,
comments posted, ratings, and so on.
ii. Categorising binary interactions for interactions/relations between two
individuals, such as author and rater, author and author, and rater and rater.
iii. Interactions or flows between users.
iv. The type of flow between agents or the nature of interactions (for example
intimate or not).
v. The neighbourhood structure of the nodes (for example many mutual
friends) etc.
4. Techniques for trust evaluation
Different trust evaluation techniques are classified as Statistical and machine
learning approaches, heuristics-based techniques, and behaviour-based techniques.
Statistical and machine learning techniques aim to provide a mathematical model
for trust management that is sound.
The goal of heuristic-based strategies is to define a feasible model for
constructing reliable trust systems. User behaviour in the community is the focus of
behaviour-based models.
Trust Management: A Cooperative Approach Using Game Theory
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.102982
5. Trust evaluation methods
See Figure 1.
5.1 Analysis of trust evaluation methods
The practise of assessing trust using attributes that influence trust is known as
trust evaluation. It is confronted with a number of serious challenges, including a
shortage of critical assessment data, a requirement for data processing, and a
request for a straightforward participant statement to decision making. Analysis of
trust is achieved by using following methods:
5.1.1 Fuzzy logic approach
Trust evaluation model using fuzzy logic in various IOT applications considers
the parameters like device physical security, device security level and device ownership trust [19]. Cloud computing plays a very important role on the internet to
provide various useful services. In cloud environments trustworthiness of nodes is
determined by performance in terms of response time and workload is considered.
Figure 1.
Different trust evaluation methods.
The Psychology of Trust
Another parameter which is used is known as elasticity in terms of scalability,
security, usability and availability [20]. In Wireless Sensor Network fuzzy based
trust prediction model trust is calculated in intra cluster and inter cluster level.
Trust computation is performed using direct trust and indirect trust interaction
among the nodes [21].
5.1.2 Game theory approach
In Online social network trust degree is calculated using three parameters like
feedback effectiveness, service reliability and recommendation credibility. In wireless sensor network game theory approach is used to mitigate security attacks. In
WSN it mainly calculates parameters like cooperation, reputation and security level
from the information collected from the network. In a cloud computing environment trust is evaluated for both user and server providers.
5.1.3 Bayesian network
Users in a virtual world, such as an e-commerce marketplace, are unable to
physically inspect the quality of trade products before purchasing them, nor can
they secure the security of personal data, resulting in uncertainty and mistrust
among network actors. In wireless sensor networks direct trust values are calculated
using Bayesian theory and when there is uncertainty in direct trust, indirect trust
values are calculated using entropy concept.
5.1.4 Feedback approach
Trustworthiness is achieved by participants’ behaviour and feedback. In the
network many Quality-of-Service parameters are considered for evaluating
behavioural trust value. In Cloud computing, service level agreement parameters
are assumed to maintain the feedback and compute the feedback trust value of the
cloud service provider [22]. Feedback proves the genuineness of participants.
5.1.5 Agent based Approach
In wireless sensor networks, mobile nodes are used as a router to transfer packet
and communication established between nodes. So, every node or agent that is
required to be trusted to each other [23]. If a malicious node enters the communication channel, then the network will disturb. So, trust model gives proper security
and provides support for decision making.
5.2 Bio-inspired trust and reputation model
A trust model and reputation model mainly consist of components like collecting
information, performing ranking, entity selection, transaction and finally reward
points. To select the most trustworthy node, it is based on a bio-inspired ant colony
algorithm. To select the most trustworthy node, comparison of average phenomenon is done with predefined threshold value, if it is larger than node is trustworthy.
Machine Learning based Trust Evaluation Model: Trust evaluation model based
on machine learning can overcome the problems like cold start and zero knowledge
which is a disadvantage of traditional trust evaluation models. Machine learning
algorithms like logistic regression, K Means, DBscan, SVM, Artificial Neural Network and Decision Tree algorithms are used to determine direct trust value based
on trust related attributes.
Trust Management: A Cooperative Approach Using Game Theory
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.102982
Ant Colony optimization for Trust Evaluation: Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)
is a metaheuristic approach which is used to solve problems of existing models. In
wireless sensor networks ACO finds shortest path for packet transmission in a
network and accordingly updating of trust value is performed. In online social
networks trust value is calculated by activities performed between users.
Human Immune System: Artificial immune system is inspired from Human
immune system to provide solution against security attacks in IoT, Wireless sensor
network. Which builds the secure environment among the sensor network and
evaluates trust between nodes. Different security algorithms and techniques are
evaluated based on the immune system such as the IDS system.
5.3 Socio-inspired method
The socio-inspired class of methods draws its inspiration from human psychology shown during historical and psychological relationships. Mankind has natural
and inherent competitive inclinations, as well as the ability to collaborate, work
together, and interact socially and culturally. This natural behaviour is used to build
trust among them. All of these natural behaviours assist an individual in learning
and imitating the actions of other humans, allowing them to adapt and enhance
their own behaviours throughout time [24]. Individuals tend to adapt and evolve
faster through interactions in their social setup than through biological evolution
based on inheritance, which gives rise to this family of trust evaluation methods.
Social network: Social networks have grown in popularity as a means of sharing
information and connecting people with similar interests. Enterprises and governments stand to benefit greatly from the public accessibility of such networks, as well
as the capacity to share opinions, thoughts, information, and experience [5]. Social
trust defines with three parameter such as trusted information gathering, evaluation of trust value, and trust dissemination. In social networks, trust evaluation
model categories as sociological trust like emotions, behavioural activities of users
and computational trust evaluated from sociological trust value.
Socio-physiological: Because the media has such a large influence on public
consciousness in today’s environment, the question of trust is important. People
create firm opinions on many issues based on what they have heard in the news or
read on the Internet [25]. As a result, a person gets exposed to several aspects of
media such as television, newspapers, and broadcast media at the same time. Most
people believe that the information they receive is the only one that is right, which
leads to the establishment of false beliefs that have nothing to do with the truth.
5.4 Computational methods
Trust is an important entity for successful finance and social networks. If trust
factor is disabled then the entire system will collapse so mathematical modelling is
built to define trust value in such applications [26]. Computational trust is measured using game theory approach, cognitive approach and neurological approach.
6. Game theory approach for social media
Game theory approach used in different fields for decision making such as cloud
computing, mobile adhoc network, etc. In cloud computing, Nash equilibrium (NE)
enhances the trust evaluation at boot load level for service provider and end user or
participant [27]. It also prohibits service provider and customer to breach service
level agreement. The mathematical study of cooperation and conflict is known as
The Psychology of Trust
game theory. It offers a unique and interdisciplinary approach to the study of human
behaviour that may be used to any circumstance in which each player’s choice effects
the utility of other participants, and in which players take this mutual influence into
account while making decisions. This type of strategic interaction is often utilised in
the study of human-centered systems, such as economics, sociology, politics, and
anthropology. Game theory is a powerful conceptual and procedural tool for studying
social interaction, including game rules, informational structure of interactions, and
payoffs associated with certain user decisions. Game theory may be used to all
behavioural fields in a unified approach. Game theory is a powerful conceptual and
procedural tool for studying social interaction, including game rules, informational
structure, and payoffs associated with specific user decisions.
A game will be defined in the framework of Game Theory as a conflict between
two agents: G—a trustworthy agent that receives data, and U—an agent that transmits data. There are two strategies available to players. For agent G, there are two
options: trust the agent U or do not trust the agent U. For agent U, the first approach
is to send proper data, whereas the second strategy is to send false data. Payments
when players win/lose can be designed in order to consider the game in its usual
form and express it through the payment matrix.
Because agent G cannot check or dispute the data at the time of receipt, the danger
of losing reliable data must be considered. This involves the introduction of the
concept of data value. Consider INFOi belongs pre-exist information in the system. so
∃ v(INFOi): v(INFOi) 6¼ v(INFOj), i 6¼ j is means maximum information i is transmitted. Assume that value of data or information decreases with time. So ∃tf: 0
< tf ≤ t is receiving information at time t, then ∃ v(INFOi, tf, t): v(INFOi, tf, t) ≤ v
(INFOi) is the value of the data i at the time t. It can be calculated by the equation:
vðINFOi, tf, tÞ ¼ vðINFOiÞ kINFOiðtf, tÞ,
where k INFOi (tf, t) is the function of relevance of the information i at time t.
We consider k(tf, t) 6¼ 0 as long as the agent cannot disapprove the information, so,
let an exponential function of the form Ex represented in equation to calculate
actual data on social network:
kINFOi ðtf, tÞ ¼ ðEx INFOiÞ t
Payoff function (G) of the agent is presented as can be described by the equation
vðINFOiÞ x ¼ 1, y ¼ 1
0 x ¼ 1, y ¼ 2
fG x, y ¼
> vðINFOi, tf, tÞx ¼ 2, y ¼ 1
vðINFOi, tf, tÞ x ¼ 2, y ¼ 2
where x, y is the number strategies of the agent G and U. For the agent U, the
biggest gain will be the value Truth(INFOi) = 1 of the agent G, in the case when the
agent U lied, and minimal - when the agent G has trust to U, and U provided him
with correct data. To denote the wins of the agent U, we introduce the payoff
function, presented in following equation.
1, x ¼ 1, y ¼ 1
< 1, x ¼ 1, y ¼ 2
fU x, y ¼
0, x ¼ 2, y ¼ 1
0, x ¼ 2, y ¼ 2:
Trust Management: A Cooperative Approach Using Game Theory
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.102982
where x, y is the number of agent G and U strategies.
User behaviour in social networks is a type of dynamic interaction that evolves
continuously throughout the development process. The main characteristics of
social networks are reflected in user engagement behaviours. Identify node attributes, investigate social network secret nodes, identify viral marketing influencers,
and investigate node centricity. Exploring secret nodes is crucial in complicated
social networks because it can help detect terrorists sooner, recommend certain
things to potential buyers, and uncover origins of misinformation.
7. Conclusion
This work gives a survey on the existing psychology of trust mechanisms.
Describe the trust and trustworthiness with respect to various domains such as.
social networks, computerised systems, economics, etc. Review the various trust
management techniques in cloud computing, cryptography and machine learning.
Also discussed the trust evaluation methods that are categorised as bioinspired,
socio-inspired, computational and analysis-based trust. Particularly, this study
categorised the existing trust evaluation methods into sub categories-based functions of different trust level calculation techniques like game theory approach,
machine learning. Evaluation criteria focused on advantages and disadvantages of
different trust evaluation techniques. Article focused on issues and challenges in
trust management in various fields to enhance the research work.
Author details
Ujwala Ravale1*, Anita Patil2 and Gautam M. Borkar2
1 Department of Computer Engineering, SIES Graduate School of Technology,
Navi Mumbai, India
2 Department of Information Technology, Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology,
D Y Patil Deemed to be University, Navi Mumbai, India
*Address all correspondence to: ujwala.ravale@siesgst.ac.in
© 2022 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
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