in: Proceedings of the Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems, Ann Arbor (Michigan), 23. - 25.8.1995, ACM-Press,
New York 1995, pp. 55 - 64.
Towards an Integrated Organization and
Technology Development
Volker Wulf and Markus Rohde
Institute for Computer Science III
University of Bonn
Römerstr. 164
D-53117 Bonn, Germany
Email: {volker/markus}
Nowadays organizations are seen as self-organizing social
systems. To cope with dynamics of a continuously
changing environment they have to be able to react
flexibly. To support organizational change we will work
out the concept of integrated organization and technology
development. This approach offers a framework to deal
with organizational and technological change jointly in an
evolutionary and participative way. We will investigate
on methods to organization development, work
psychological guide-lines, approaches to software
development and tailoring in use. Based on these results
we will develop an integrated approach to organization
and technology development.
psychology, software development, tailoring in use
Nowadays organizations face increasing complexity and
dynamics of their environment. On the one hand large
scale markets for mass production are disappearing in
northern economies because of a high level of satisfaction
of customers' basic needs. Customers' needs have to be
satisfied more individually. Thus, markets are getting
more segmented and dynamic. To be able to survive in
these markets, organizations have to be able to cope with
this increased complexity of customers' demands and to
react quickly to changing requirements of their customers.
Moreover, in several markets international competition is
increasing because of liberalization in trade regulations
and easier physical access due to an improved
transportation and telecommunication infrastructure.
To cope with these demands organizational structures
have to be rethought. In this context the concept of selforganization is nowadays widely discussed in
management science. Although approaches like "lean
production" (Womack et al. 1990), "virtual organization"
(cf. Davidow and Malone 1993), "semi-autonomous
reengineering" (cf. Hammer and Champy 1993) and
"fractal factory" (cf. Warnecke 1993) differ considerably
in their point of emphasis, they have a common
foundation. Contrary to a tayloristic approach where
organizations were perceived as social units which could
be controlled mechanically from the top, the concept of
self-organization is based on the idea that social units are
networks of autonomous self-regulating subunits whose
behaviour cannot be controlled easily from the outside.
To be able to exploit the benefits of self-organizing
systems organizational structures have to be renewed: the
divison of labour among the subunits has to be changed,
the hierarchies have to be flattened while selfcoordination by non hierarchical communication among
the subunits has to play a more important role.
Within this process of reorganization information systems
are of importance. New modes of division of labour
within an organization or between organizations can be
supported by groupware which supports interindividual,
intergroup or interorganizational (tele-)cooperation (cf.
Hammer and Champy 1993, 83; Schmidt 1994, 101).
communication systems and coordination-tools can
facilitate the self-coordination among subunits which will
replace coordination by formalized rules and hierarchical
decision making. However, these systems do not only
offer opportunities for organizational changes but also
their design has to respond to changing requirements
their fields of application. Thus, the relationship between
the technical and the organizational changes is
characterized by reciprocity and interdependence. To
handle the reciprocity and interdependence we propose to
handle organization and software development
integratedly. Therefore, we will work out the concept of
integrated organization and technology development. The
given dynamics of the environment force organizations to
react permanently. This requires an iterative approach to
change. Once an intervention has been performed within
this development process its effects have to be
reconsidered whether they led to the intended result.
According to the paradigma of self-organization it cannot
be predicted from the outside in which way organizations
as a whole and single subunits will react to changing
environmental conditions. Thus, a process of integrated
organization and technology development depends on the
active participation of the single subunits affected.
We will look at participation not only for functional
reasons but also for normative considerations because it
should lead to more democratic participation of the
organization's members. Thus, we have to consider how
participation is established and who participates in the
single phases of the process. Moreover, we consider
normative criteria to be very important within a process
of change. They allow to evaluate different design
alternatives. Though a normative base cannot determine
the outcome of an evolutionary process, nevertheless it
gives orientation for the actors within this process.
To work out the concept of integrated organization and
technology development we will first take a look at
process-oriented approaches to organizational and
technological change. Furthermore, we will consider
normative bases to evaluate the steps of such a process.
Therefore, we will investigate on methods to organization
development, work psychological guide-lines, approaches
to software development and tailoring in use. These
concepts will be evaluated answering the question
whether they allow for an integrated evolutionary and
participative approach to change. Based on these results
we will develop a concept of integrated organization and
technology development.
2. Organization Development
Management science has not yet agreed on a common
definition for the term organization development. Pieper
(1988, 56) suggests that organization development can be
understood as a continuously initiated, long-term
organization-wide change in the behaviour, attitudes and
abilities of its members as well as in its structures and its
processes. The organization development process can be
characterized by the four steps of diagnosis (analysis of
the actual state and feedback), intervention planning,
application of interventions and evaluation (of work
system) (cf. figure 1). The process is focused on the
interaction between organization and organizational
context, on intergroup relations within an organization
and on relations between individual and organizational
needs (Pieper 1988, 74). Thus, one can distinguish two
major approaches to organization development. On the
one hand changes can be directed towards attitudes and
abilites of individual members of an organization
(cooperation facilities, teamworking, conflict handling
abilities). On the other hand changes can concern certain
aspects of an organization as a social entity like division
of labour or mechanisms of coordination and conflict
To support organizational changes methods and
instruments of applied social science such as theory of
personality, social psychology, group dynamics and
organization theory are applied (cf. Huse 1980; French
and Bell 1990). Methods and instruments are developed
since the middle of this century when group dynamics as
a new research field was established. Group dynamics is
based on the fact that changes in attitudes and behaviour
can be reached more easily through group-discussion than
by lectures or teaching to individuals.
The following interventions were chosen to promote
changes (cf. French and Bell 1990, 137):
- feedback
- changes of rules and values
- increase in communication and interaction
- confrontation with mediation and negotiation
- qualification by teaching:
- new knowledge
- new abilities
Single methods of organization development like survey
feedback, training laboratories, encounter groups,
transaction analysis, intergroup intervention and team
development combined these interventions with several
social scientific techniques to collect data about the actual
state of an organisation in a specific way (Pieper 1988,
67). Other methods like managerial grid or management
by objectives are conceptualized for use by and training
of the management staff only. The appropriate method is
chosen often by the change agent, an outsider who is
responsible for the moderation of such a process of
change. Organization development is based on an
evolutionary approach. Assuming that changing
requirements will be a permanent feature of an
organization's environment and that the effects of these
interventions cannot be clearly predicted, there is a
general agreement that organization development has to
be seen as a long-term process (cf. French and Bell 1990,
Organization development is based on a method called
action research, which describes an iteration of data
collection, feedback, intervention and new data collection
(French and Bell 1990, 112). This procedure is performed
in a cyclic process of analyzing the organization and its
problems, presenting and discussing these data within the
organization, planning of interventions to overcome the
problem and performing the intervention within the
organization. Afterwards the same steps are reiterated:
data about remaining problems are collected and so on
(cf. figure 1).
It is interesting to see that there is a considerable gap
between the normative background of organization
development and its practical implementation.
Organization development is based on a normativereeducational approach: precondition for organizational
developments is the change of individual and collective
values and rules (cf. French and Bell 1990, 73ff).
Organization development processes were originally
guided by the ideas of democratization of organizations
stating a
analysis of the actual state
evaluation of
work system
planning of interventions
Figure 1: Process modell of traditional approaches to organisation
established by the management that defines the problems
to be tackled and the aims to be followed (cf. French and
Bell 1973, 184; Pieper 1988, 54). External change agents
control the process of change according to these given
facts. Thus, the participation of ordinary members of an
organization can be extremely limited. Therefore, Pieper
(1988, 112) calls organization development a social
technology being at hand of the management and just
providing pseudo-participation to ordinary members of an
It seems doubtful whether such a restriction of the
participation of the organization's members can work out
well in self-organizing units. On the one hand it is
questionable whether aims pointed out by the
management will be adequate for specific problems of
certain subunits. On the other hand it seems unlikely that
external experts are able to control a process of change
within an organizational subunit. Thus, for functional
considerations as well as for normative reasons
participation of members of an organization has to be
increased. Pieper (1988) has proposed to modify the
traditional approaches of organization development
towards a discursive one which offers a wide extend of
participation to all members of an organization. To define
problems and to choose an intervention to their solution
there should be an open discussion within an
organization. Such a process would increase the
democracy within an organization.
Organization development is rather a label of
different methods to promote organizational change
than a homogenous concept with a theoretical
foundation (cf. Sievers 1975, 29). Therefore,
organization development merely means a bundle of
intervention strategies, which could be successful in
reaching the promised aim of democratization and
promotion of personal gowth within the process as
well as in the process results. Although, the
approach does not offer any criteria for the
evaluation of these process characteristics.
Organization development suffers from the lack of
theoretical assumptions about why changes occur
and how they can be guided by interventions in a
certain direction (cf. Pieper 1988, 82). Therefore, it
is neither possible to evaluate the normative
demands. Nevertheless, there exists a big repertoire
of practical experiences with these methods which
makes it attractive to consider them for an integrated
approach. Furthermore the strong emphasis on a
cyclic approach makes these methods interesting for
further considerations.
and personal growth of its members (ibidem, 98ff; Pieper
1988, 91). Nevertheless, these norms are rarely met in
practice. Organization development processes are
To find evaluation criteria for the outcomes of
organization development processes we want to look on
the findings of work psychological research, which offers
several criteria for quality of working life. The work
development is based on the normative demand for
personal growth.. In the following we describe the basics
Handlungsregulationstheorie (action regulation theory;
cf. Hacker 1986), which offer a theoretical foundation of
several evaluation criteria for human-centered work
To investigate on human actions, the soviet union
psychologist Leontjew developed the activity theory,
which allows analyses of human behaviour from both
kind of perspectives: from the individual and the social
one. The activity theory does neither take an individual's
nor a group's standpoint but is focussing on the analytical
unit activity, which includes not only individuals' actions
but the social context, too. Leontjew critisizes the
traditional behavioristic stimulus-response scheme,
because it ignores the embedment of individual activities
in the social context and therefore in a world of real
objects, towards which human activities are directed on
(Leontjew 1974, 6). Object-type activity, as Leontjew
called it, is a human’s activity and its corresponding
conditions, goals, and means. It can not be seen as a
socially isolated event, but must be considered as
embedded in a social context. Human activities
constituate individuals’ mental models of the world, their
perception of social environments and the objects, to
which their activities are directed. Leontjew states that
“society produces the activity that shapes its individuals”
(Leontjew 1974, 11) and that the analysis of human
activity is an analysis of different activity levels: activities
are directed to objects and driven by desires or motives,
actions can be seen as actualizations of activities, directed
to and structured by goals, and operations, as realizations
of actions, are determined by the certain conditions of the
goal’s achievement, that means a specific task (ibidem,
This differentiation in activity, action, and operation was
taken up by the german work psychologist called Hacker.
The Handlungsregulationstheorie (action regulation
theory) has differentiated further activities which are
driven by motives and directed to superposed goals,
actions which are directed to certain subordinated goals,
operations which correspond with partial goals and
concrete conditions, movements which are single
operation units, and, on the lowest level, sensumotorical
phenomena (eg muscle contractions) (cf. Hacker 1986,
73ff). In work psychological theory development, the
german dominated discussion has concentrated on the
individual aspects of human action. The theory focus on
individual psychological aspects of sensumotorical,
cognitive, intellectual, and psychological regulation of
human work. Psychological work analysis here is defined
as "the analysis of the process, the psychological
structure, and the regulation of human working activities
related to their conditions and consequences (...)" (cf. Frei
1981, 12, translated by the authors).
On the basis of this theoretical approach four work
psychological criteria for task analysis and job evaluation
are derived: the possibility to perform the task
(Schädigungslosigkeit), the avoidance of imnparements
or interferences (Beeinträchtigungsfreiheit), and the
promotion for development of personality including social
skills and capabilities (Persönlichkeitsförderlichkeit) (cf.
Hacker and Richter 1980, see also Ulich 1984).
Concerning single workplaces several procedures for
work and task analysis are available which are grounded
on these findings (TBS, Hacker and Richter 1980; VERA,
Volpert et al. 1983, Oesterreich and Volpert 1991; STA,
Ulich 1983; RHIA, Leitner et al. 1987; TBS-GA,
Rudolph et al. 1987; KABA, Dunckel et al. 1993). These
procedures cover a single person´s workplace and on
psychological research offers criteria mainly for an
evaluation of quality of working life guided by the idea of
interpersonal relationships, group dynamics, and
intergroup behavior are neglected to a great extent.
Furthermore, they are developed for the analysis of actual
work conditions and the evaluation of real work
situations. They does not offer criteria for the evaluation
of development processes but of their outcomes only.
Nevertheless, work psychology seems to offer the only
theoretically derived criteria for the evaluation of human
work at all. With increasing complexity of organizational
work conditions, self-organizing working units, and
development processes the work psychological evaluation
criteria have to be enriched with social psychological
findings and process orientated aspects.
Therefore, we propose to apply the existing work
organizational restructuring processes especially in the
phases of analysis of the actual state and evaluation of the
restructured work system (cf. figure 3). They could bridge
the gap between the normative self-understanding of the
organization development approach and its lack of
adequate evaluation criteria for its results.
Contrary to the approaches of organization development
software development originally has been seen as a well
predictable activity. Therefore, as a main approach to
overcome the software crisis one has developed methods
and tools to formalize the process of software
development. According to the waterfall-model an
application is realized top down from its specification to
the program code and its final tests (cf. Boehm 1976).
Thus, one assumed that the requirements for a system
would be explicable in the beginning of a project and
stable for a longer period of time.
These assumptions have been questioned for years.
Boehm (1988) has proposed to develop software
according to a spiral model. By several cycles each
containing an evaluation of a preliminary product,
changed requirements and misunderstandings about the
specification can be reduced. To support a cyclic
procedure, methods for object oriented analysis, design
and implementation have been proposed. Thus,
Henderson-Sellers and Edwards (1990) propose a
fountain model for object oriented software development.
Breaking the system up into modules which are
meaningful to users facilitates to react on changing
requirements during the development process. It is no
longer necessary to follow a top-down sequence of
activities. Thus, it is possible to change between the
activities of requirement analysis, design and
implementation on the level of the whole application or
on the level of single modules. This allows for the
flexible reactions towards changing requirements.
These approaches deal with the production of an artefact
and flexibilize the process of software development. They
do not focus on software redesign due to changed
requirements during its application. Furthermore they do
not discuss which role end users should play within this
development process and how to get them involved.
Contrary to these approaches the STEPS-method is based
on an active participation of end-users (cf. Floyd, Reisin,
Schmidt 1989). Software development takes place as a
process of cooperation among software developers and
users. This is due to the fact that only a process of initual
learning between developers and users can bring together
sufficient competence to reach end-users' quality demands
(ibidem, 53). Therefore, the process model of software
development describes activities to be done by developers
and users seperately and others which have to be done
together. As software development is seen as a part of the
design of users' work system, the STEPS-model is more
comprehensive than other approaches. Especially the use
of a system in a context of application with its evaluation
for redesign are important aspects of this approach.
Therefore, this method does not only ask for cycles of
analysis, synthesis and revision during the design of a
single system version but it is evolutionary in a broader
sense. In order to keep pace with environmental changes
it assigns an iterative development process establishing a
revision as soon as the system's functions do not match
anymore with the requirements of the users. Thus, the
STEPS model offers an evolutionary and participative
framework which is well adapted to develop software for
organizational environments which can be described
according to the paradigm of self-organization (cf. Floyd
Nevertheless, in a very quick changing environment this
approach will cause quite some overhead if all adaptions
of the software lead to the establishment of a revision. In
this case system developers have to get involved.
Therefore, evolutionary and participative software
development has to be supplemented by activities
performed by end users or local experts of the application
environment (cf. Wulf 1994).
Tailoring can be distinguished from
the ordinary usage of a system by
looking at the activities performed.
Tailoring means the manipulation of
system features which are stable
during the normal usage. These
modifications are valid for a certain
period of time up to the next cycles of
tailoring (cf. Henderson and Kyng
Figure 2: Extended process model integrating
software development and tailoring in use
(cf. Floyd et al. 1989, p. 57; Wulf 1994, p. 43)
Approaches of end users' modification of a system
version have been discussed under different labels (Trigg,
Moran and Halasz 1987; Fischer and Girgensohn 1990;
Henderson and Kyng 1991; Nardi 1993; Oberquelle
1994). Based on Henderson and Kyng (1991) we want to
sum up these activities under the label of tailoring.
Contrary to the development of a new system version the
existing version is adapted to changing requirement
during its use. Thus, during system design aspects of the
functionality which should be tailorable have to be
selected and tools have to be developed that support the
adaption of these features. Tailoring allows for adaptation
to changed environment just as far as these needs have
been anticipated during system design. If there are
requirements for adaption which have not been
anticipated it is necessary to redesign the system.
Tailoring can be distinguished from system redesign by
looking at the actors who perform the modification. End
users, a group of end users or local experts of the
application environment are the actors of tailoring while
during redesign system developers always get involved.
Thus, tailoring is always participative
as it is initiated by users and often
even performed by them. Tailorability
offers a technical option to adapt a
system evolutionary within its context
of application. Therefore, the activity
of tailoring can become part of an
evolutionary approach to software
development and usage. Within a
design cycles as it is proposed by the
STEPS process model, tailoring takes
place during the application of a
system (cf. Dzida 1994). As long as
users´ requirements can be handled
locally during usage, there is no need
to establish a revision of the system.
As far as changing requirement can be
anticipated, tailorability offers the
chance to avoid too frequent redesigns
of an application. Thus, it can play an
important role in enabling an
organization to react to changing
environment (cf. Wulf 1994).
Figure 2 gives an overview of the
STEPS process modell which has been extended by
tailoring activities during a system´s application.
Summing up we have seen that in management science as
well as in computer science there are evolutionary and
participative approaches for the design of work systems.
Nevertheless, they are not yet integrated. Methods of
organization development - if they deal with
technological aspects at all - take software rather as a
static artefact which might be introduced within the
framework of an intervention. On the other hand software
development traditionally does not deal with
organizational changes due to its application.
STEPS overcomes this restricted perspective. It mentions
embedment-preparation as an important activity of users
during the period of a system´s production. Furthermore,
Floyd et al (1989) assume that organizational change can
be a reason to establish a revision. Nevertheless, STEPS
focuses on software development. The evolutionary
development of a software artefact is the intended aim of
this approach. But within the process of organizational
change it may not always be necessary to develop a new
artefact or to revise a system version.
A first approach to integrate STEPS into the process of
organization development has been worked out by Falck
(1991). Within the IMPACT framework she has used an
open questionnaire to collect data about problems of an
organization. Based on the results of this diagnosis the
members of an organization decide participativly on
objectives for software development and for
organizational change. Both processes are supposed to
happen at the same time.
In the literature tailoring is rarely connected to
evolutionary approaches of software development or
organizational change. As these approaches are based on
a linear model of system development it is assumed that
the system itself and the tools for tailoring do not change
during a system's use. Therefore, Henderson and Kyng
(1991) integrate the redesign of an application done by
software developers into the concept of tailorability under
the condition that it has been initiated by end users.
Empirical studies on the use of tools for tailoring have
stressed the importance of collaboration among end users
(cf. Nardi 1993) because single users will have different
skills in performing these technical interventions.
Therefore, Henderson and Kyng (1991) ask for a tailoring
culture within an organization to facilitate systems'
adaptation. Recent empirical studies on tailoring within
an organization state an increased structuring and
bureaucratization of these tailoring activities (cf. Trigg
and Bødker 1994, 50). Nevertheless, there are few
propositions on how to encourage such a process by
means of group dynamics. There are not any propositions
on how to integrate tailorability into a process of
organization development.
In the following we will try to integrate the approaches
discussed so far into an evolutionary and participative
process model of integrated organization and technology
development. We will work out a concept proposed by
Hartmann (1994). Integrated organization and technology
development is defined as "the process of change of an
organization in which organization and technology are
designed and developed jointly in a task- and needoriented way by the members affected: the organization
members affected consider the existing problems, search
and evaluate the problems´ causes, and consider measures
to solve the problems. (...)" (Hartmann 1994, 311,
translation by the authors). The organization and
technology development process is characterized by a
parallel development of workplace, organizational and
technical systems, the management of (existing) conflicts
by discoursive and negotiative means, and on immediate
participation of the organization members affected.
Establishing the process – A process of integrated
organization and technology development starts with the
perception of a problem in the daily work of an
organizational unit. If a member of the organization finds
that certain organizational aspects are preventing an
efficient performance of his actual tasks, he should have
the chance to articulate problems. Based on this
perception, the members of an organization who are
affected by the problem should discuss whether there is a
need for an integrated process of change.
If they opt for the establishment of a process of
organizational or technological change, objectives and
measures have to be specified. It has to be decided
whether and how to involve external change agents within
this process. Furthermore, one has to find an agreement
how to get personal and financial resources necessary for
the process.
Analysis of the actual state – At first, the actual state has
to be analysed with respect to organizational structure,
technology and qualification. The results of this analysis
have to be discussed. According to the knowledge of the
organizational unit about the problem and its objectives
there are different methods for an analysis. This analysis
can consist just out of a group discussion of the
organizations' members to develop a common
understanding of the problem. Such a discussion can be
prepared by change agents using open interviews or
different work psychological instruments for task and
work analysis such as the methods described in chapter 3
(TBS, Hacker and Richter 1980; VERA, Volpert et al.
1983, Oesterreich and Volpert 1991; STA, Ulich 1983;
RHIA, Leitner et al. 1987; TBS-GA, Rudolph et al. 1987;
KABA, Dunckel et al. 1993).
Creation of alternative options – Having clarified the
actual state with its problems, it seems important to
generate alternative approaches to its solution. These
alternatives may include different combinations of
organization, technology or qualification measures. Based
on this alternatives, the members of the organization
discuss and find a consentanous solution. To judge the
human centred potential of the different options, these
alternatives can be evaluated with work psychological
The alternative options can be created by the members of
the organization themselves or by change agents.
Especially, if these alternatives are proposed by change
agents they should be presented as understandable as
possible to all members involved. Thus, it may be helpful
to present work situations with the help of textual or
graphical scenarios or organizational or technological
prototypes to facilitate mutual understanding. While
software prototypes have been used in software
development for some time to facilitate communication
between users and developers (cf. Floyd 1984) there is
only few research on how to present modified
organizational structures in a way that their implications
can be perceived easily.
Planning of the interventions – After choosing a
development option the members of the organizational
unit have to decide on interventions in organizational,
technological, and qualificatory dimensions. If software
has to be (re)implemented the establishment of the
software development project happens in this phase.
Interventions – Interventions derived from organization
development play a central role within the wider process
of integrated organization and technology development.
Their main issue is the change of formal and informal
aspects of an organization. Concerning the structures and
processes of an organization, decentralization and new
forms of division of labour may have to be introduced.
Decentralized and cooperative structures are realized by
formation of workgroups. Workgroup structures could be
guided by concepts like semi-autonomous workgroups or
linking pin systems (cf. Likert 1961). Methods to
introduce work group structures are group dynamic
techniques like training laboratories or team development.
According to software interventions one can distinguish
between tailoring and redesign as a result of changed
requirements. Depending on the changes which are
necessary one will try to solve the problem by tailoring
the application. As the goals for the tailoring process have
been set participatively by the members involved, we
assume that their realization will happen cooperatively
among them. Tailoring is facilitated by such a cooperative
procedure (cf. chapter 4). Nevertheless, it might be
necessary that change agents support tailoring. If the
software changes cannot be performed by tailoring, a
redesign-cycle has to be initiated. In this case one has to
involve software developers to communicate the
requirements. A revised version of the software has to be
produced cooperatively. During the period of redesign
one has to consider potential changes in requirements
which make an evolutionary approach necessary.
Moreover, there might be an organizational restructuring
necessary which cannot be supported even by a revised
software version. For instance, production planning
systems (PPS) which have been designed for tayloristic
organizational structures are no more adequate if
workgroups with high authonomy are introduced. In this
case the software has to be removed. A software which
has been used for long time is often interwoven with
work practice in many ways. Therefore, it is important to
analyse this interdependency thoroughly before removing
the system.
Within the process of integrated organization and
technology development two different requirements for
qualification have to be considered: special professional
qualifications and social competences as preconditions for
participation. Task specific knowledge of organizations'
members has to be actualized if organizational
development leads to new task profiles for individuals or
if the introduction of new technologies requires new
skills. The organizational restructuring leads to increased
autonomy for individuals concerning decisions on goals,
procedures and schedule of their work. To deal with this
authonomy requires new skills.
stating a
Though we have presented the
different steps of the integrated
approach to organization and
technology development sequentially, it should be possible to
reiterate certain steps according
to the necessities of the process.
establishing the process
analysis of the actual state
(organi sat ion - t echnol ogy - quali fic at ion)
creation of alternative options
planning of interventions
The understanding of modern
organizations as self-organizing
socio-technical systems leads to
new approaches to organizational
change and techical innovation
organizational units as well as of
technical systems. Today the
idea of participation and cyclicmodified
evolutionary approaches for both
technical and organizational
widely accepted but suffer from
Figure 3: Process of integrated organization and technology development
a lack of theoretical foundation
as well as of methodological
development approach ignores
technical innovation processes and does not offer
Qualification for participation – Furthermore, the
adequate criteria for the evaluation of its results.
individuals involved in organization and technology
Psychological research proposes a theory of human work
development must be enabled to participate in the process
and derives normative criteria for human centred design
adequately. Therefore, the social competences of the
of work systems. It is limited to individual needs and does
participants have to be promoted. Social competences in
not offer methods of intervention. Software-engineering
this context are communicative and cooperative abilities
approaches ignore (interconnected) organizational
as preconditions for an involvement in discoursive
changes. Therefore, we proposed a participative and
development. To take part in this process, an adequate
evolutionary approach to integrated organization and
capability for conflict management is necessary, too.
These social competences can be trained by encounter
group method, team development, training laboratories,
technological realities are understood as an interrelated
transaction analysis, or group intervention. During the
work system. This work system should be modified in an
integrated process of organization and technology
iterative process which is oriented to the needs of all
development there should be performed workshops for
participants affected.
the promotion of social competences continuously.
A comprehensive approach for participation has been
proposed by Sell and Fuchs-Frohnhofen (1994). They regard a process of change as an iterative problem solving
activity. Thus, they develop a modular qualification program which stresses analytic, synthetic, and dialectic
abilities for problem solving and conflict management.
These skills are trained using methods like group
discussion, group training and communication training.
evaluation of
work system
The framework we have proposed combines different
instruments to promote organizational change. Single
instruments have been applied and tested in practice. The
integrative use of these instruments has not yet been
practically evaluated. Nevertheless, it will be necassary to
collect practical experiences. We have just started a
research project to encourage cooperation within a
ministerial administration. To overcome spatial barriers
between certain subunits an initial version of a groupware
system will be applied. Due to its introduction the
division of labour among and within organizational
subunits is questioned. The system has to be tailored to
meet organizational demands and it is already predictable
that the requirements of the users will demand for a
reimplementation of certain functions. Within this process
there will be several workshops for qualification. The
whole process will be guided by researchers who play the
role of change agents. Beyond this we need additional
case studies in different organizations to be able to judge
whether this approach is a reasonable way to cope with
increasing dynamics of the environment.
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