PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
Nanik Kustiningsih , 2Nawang Kalbuana , 3Arif Syafi'ur Rochman , 4Muhammad Miftah Farid
, 5Agus Surya Bharmawan , 6Ilya Farida , 7Siti Mazilatus Sholikha, 8Deddy Setiawan , 9Widi
Hidayat , 10Rusdiyanto , 11Onong Junus, 12Siti Salama Amar, 13AH Suryansah, 14Dini Ayu
STIE Mahardika Surabaya Indonesia, Jl.Wisata Mananggal No.42, Dukuh Menanggal, Districts
Gayungan, City Surabaya, East Java 60234 Indonesia
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga Indonesia, Jl. Airlangga No.4,
Airlangga, Gubeng, Surabaya, East Java 60286 Indonesia.
Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug, Jl. Raya PLP Curug, Serdang Wetan, Kec. Legok,
Tangerang, Banten 15820 Indonesia
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Gresik Indonesia, Jl. Arif Rahman Hakim No.2B,
Gresik, City Gresik, East Java 60111 Indonesia
4, 7, 8
Faculty of social science education , IKIP Widya Darma, Jl.Ketintang No.147-151
Wonokromo, Surabaya, East Java 60243 Indonesia.
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas DR. SOETOMO Surabaya, Jl. Semolowaru
No 84, Surabaya, East Java 60283, Indonesia
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Madura Indonesia, Jl Raya Panglegur No.Km 3.5,
Panglegur, Tlanakan, City Pamekasan, East Java 69317 Indonesia
Corresponding Author1
Nanik Kustiningsih, Nawang Kalbuana, Arif Syafi'ur Rochman, Muhammad Miftah Farid
, Agus Surya Bharmawan , Ilya Farida , Siti Mazilatus Sholikha , Deddy Setiawan , Widi
Hidayat, Rusdiyanto, Onong Junus, Siti Salama Amar, AH Suryansah, Dini Ayu
FROM INDONESIA -- Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology 17(9).
ISSN 1567-214x
Keywords: CAR, NPF, FDR, BOPO, NIM, ROA.
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
Purpose: This research will examine the effects of CAR, NPF, FDR, BOPO, and NIM on the
performance of Bank Muamalat Indonesia using ROA.
Research Methodology: The quantitative method and multiple linear regression analyzes are
used in this research, with an analytical technique for the least square equation (OLS). This study
used purposeful sampling technique that the use of data from the population represents the entire
population, the secondary data was also used in this research, the data used is the financial ratio
from The Bank Muamalat Indonesia trimester financial statements from 2009 to 2018.
Findings: The research shows that the multiple regressions model shows a 0.731 R square; this
means that 5 independent CAR, NPF, FDR, BOPO, and NIM variables are affected by a 73.1
percent ROA. However, another factor of 26.9 percent was influenced factor outside the model.
Implications. The result of this study is the recommendation for Muamalat Bank to improve their
performance effectiveness and efficiency, and also for available research to contribute for the
banking literature.
Originality: The bank performance in the assessment study as an explanatory variable can lead to
a better understanding of third-party funds management and an important decision-making
process for Muamalat Bank management.
The phenomenon of bank health assessment based on Bank Indonesia version
refers to the elements of Capital, Assets Quality, Management, Earning, Liquidity
and Sensitivity, this research uses financial ratios widely used to assess bank
financial efficiency (Gariba, Amidu, & Coffie, 2018; Bai, Krishnamurthy, &
Weymuller, 2018; Riyadi & Santoso, 2018; Le, 2018; Sahyouni & Wang, 2018;
Lalwani & Chakraborty, 2017; Bai et al., 2018; Mahmood, Gan, & Nguyen, 2018;
Beltrame, Caselli, & Previtali, 2018; Dahir, Mahat, & Ali, 2018; Hoechle, Ruenzi,
Schaub, & Schmid, 2018; ;Sun, 2018; Gropp, Mosk, Ongena, & Wix, 2018;
Umar, Sun, Shahzad, & Rao, 2018; Danisewicz, McGowan, Onali, & Schaeck,
2017; Rao, 2016; Allahrakha, Cetina, & Munyan, 2018; Horváth, Seidler, &
Weill, 2012; Blundell-Wignall & Roulet, 2013). This study did not include the
bank management element because this cannot be seen from the outside. The
return on assets, which is used in the estimation of the effectiveness of the
company in profit generation, has been chosen as the dependent variable. ROA is
the profit ratio before tax of total property.
The Return On Assets (ROA) sum indicates that the output business is improving
according to the increasing return rate. ROA also multiplies the net margin of
income factor and the turnover of properties. The net income margin reflects the
opportunity to take advantage of all profits the company produces and the
turnover of assets demonstrates how much the company can make sales out of its
assets. Banking health evaluation involves capital assessments, asset quality,
management, profitability, liquidity, market risk sensitivity, CAMELS. Bank
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
health and results can be evaluated by financial statements aimed at presenting
consumer details in decision-making. Based on the Transparency Regulation on
Financial Conditions No. 3/22/PBI/2001 banks are required to produce and
produce their financial statements in the form and scope of the following Bank
Indonesia Regulation, consisting of: (1) annual report; (2) quarterly financial
statements; (3) monthly financial statements; (4) consolidated financial
statements; and (5) financial statements, respectively.
If one of them mentioned above is increase (or both), so will ROA, the reason for
choosing the banking industry is a need because of bank activities are required for
smooth running of real-world economic activities. The real sector would not have
performed well if the monetary sector does not work well. Those variables are
Capital Adequacy Ratio, Non-Performing Financing, Financing to Deposit Ratio,
Operating Costs versus Operating Income, and Net Interest Margin, therefore it is
necessary to retest those variables consistency in influencing bank performance.
This research investigates variables affecting ROA, including CAR, NPF, FDR,
BOPO, NIM. This research replicates three previous studies. Differences between
this study and previous research are types of variables used and periodization of
data, 2009 to 2018.
Islamic Bank
Under Law Number 10 of 1998, Islamic banks are banks working on the basis of
sharia principles that include services in payment traffic in their operations.
According to Sharia principles Chapter 1 verse 13 of Act 10 of 1998 Banking is
an Islamic rule based on an agreement between banks with another party to
deposit funds/finance business operations or other practices connected with sharia
law (mudaraba), financing on the basis of equity capital musyarakah, the purchase
and sale concept for profit products murabahah, Or finance capital goods based on
pure leasing without the option ijarah, or the transfer of ownership of the
commodities leased from a bank to another party (ijarah wa iqtina).
Financial Accounting Standards Statement number 59 concerning Islamic
Banking Accounting that The Islamic Bank is a bank based on partnership,
fairness, transparency, and universality and conducting sharia-based banking
business. Islamic banks operate based on profit-sharing. Islamic banks do not use
interest as a tool for earning income or charging interest on using funds and loans
because interest is prohibited usury.
Financing and Financing Products
Sharia funding is money provision and similar claims based contract or
arrangement between the Bank of Canada and another Party that requires the
financial party to return it after a certain period of time for a profit (Law No. 10 of
1998 concerning Banking, Chapter 1 verse 12). This funding can be divided into:
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
(1) Productive financing, is financing granted by the bank in context of financing
working capital needs. Productive financing is classified into: (a) Working capital
financing, is the financing granted by the bank to increase working capital to
fulfill needs: (1) increasing production, both quantitatively i.e the amount of
production and qualitatively i.e improving the quality or quality of production,
and (2) for trade purposes such as export financing, shop financing, suppliers, and
so on. (b) Investment financing, is financing granted by banks to companies to be
used for investment by buying capital goods, namely goods used to produce other
goods or to produce services. The purchase of capital goods is called capital
expenditure. (2) Consumptive financing, is funding issued by banks to cater for
spending needs that are used to meet needs.
Financing distribution is a business activity that dominates the allocation of bank
funds. The fund provides facilities to meet the requirements of parties that require
this funding, reaching 70% – 80% of the bank's total volume of business. Islamic
banking finance products include: (1) Salam Financing, salam is a contract for the
sale of goods ordered with delivery suspension by the seller and the repayment is
made immediately before the goods are received in accordance with certain
conditions. The characteristics of salam are: (a) Banks in salam transactions can
act as buyers and or sellers, if the bank acts as a seller, orders other parties to
provide ordered goods in parallel salam with the following conditions: (i) the
second contract is separate from the first contract; and (ii) the second contract is
made after the first contract is valid. (b) The specifications and prices of the items
are agreed at the beginning of the contract. (c) The price of goods cannot be
change during the contract period. (d) If the ordered item has a lower market value
than the value of the contract, then the bank acknowledges as salam loss, but
when the market value is greater than the contract value, then the bank does not
recognize the salam profit (because it is assessed according to the contract). (2)
Istishna Financing, this is an arrangement between the final customer and the
manufacturer who serves as seller as well. The characteristics of istishna are: (a)
The buyer assigns the producer to provide order the products in compliance with
the requirements required by the purchaser and at the agreed amount, sell them.
(b) The payment method can be in form of prepayment, installments or deferred
for a specified period. (c) Basically goods price cannot be change during the
contract period, unless it is agreed. (3) Qardh receivable, qardh is a funds
provision or bills that can be matched by default or Borrower/Lender arrangement
that enables the borrower to refund debt within a defined period of time.
The characteristics of Qardh are: (a) Qardh loans are loans that do not require
compensation, but borrowers are allowed to provide compensation. (b) Banks may
only charge administrative fees. (c) If there is an acceptance of a bonus (bonus)
that is not previously required, then it is included as other operating income. (d) If
at the end of the period the qardh fund borrower cannot return the funds, then the
qardh loan can be extended or written off. (e) Banks may request collateral for the
provision of qardh. (4) Hiwalah receivable, hiwalah is a consumer debt transfer
contract to the bank. The bank earns an ujroh for this transaction, which is
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
reimbursed on receipt. Hiwalah receivables are presented at their balance less
allowance for possible losses. (5) Rahn receivable, rahn is instead a customer-tobank transaction to mortgage products or land. Packaged products or properties
are priced at retail prices minus a percentage. For this transaction, the bank uses a
qardh contract and obtains the ujroh (return) acknowledged upon receipt. Rahn
receivables reveal their balance less provision for future losses. (6) Musyarakah
Financing, musyarakah shall be a partnership arrangement between the
shareholders of the capital (musyarakah partners) to combine capital and company
in a partnership, the share of the benefit under the agreement may be continuous
and the share of the profit may decrease while the loss is borne proportionally by
the contribution capital. Musyarakah permanent is musyarakah whose capital will
be reduced gradually until the end of the musyarakah era, because it was
purchased by musyarakah partner.
Musyarakah characteristics are: (a) Musyarakah financing may be granted in the
form of cash, cash or non-cash property, including inalienable property such as
licenses and sharia patents. (b) In musyarakah, each partner cannot guarantee the
capital of other partners, so each partner can ask other partners to provide
guarantees for negligence or intentional errors. (c) Failures or mistakes from the
fund manager are showed as follows: (1) the requirements specified in the
contract are not fulfilled; (2) there are no conditions that are normal and / or
determined in the contract; and (3) results of decisions from arbitration bodies or
courts. (7) Mudharabah Financing, mudharabah is an agreement as an owner
between the bank (shahibul maal) and customers as a fund manager (mudharib) to
execute operations at a profit/loss ratio in advance under the agreement..
Mudharabah consists of 2 types, are mudharabah muthlaqah (unrestricted
investment) and mudharabah muqayyadah (tied investment). The characteristics
of mudharabah are: (a) Banks as mudarib (fund managers) are discussed in an
unbound investment post. (b) The Bank as an investment agent (chanelling) in
mudharabah muqayyadah is discussed in the report on changes in investment in
the off balance, while the bank as the party that bears the risk (executing) in
mudharabah muqayyadah is discussed in the post of binding investment
obligation. (c) Mudharabah financing can be provided in the form of non-cash and
or cash which is carried out in stages or at once. (d) Mudharabah financing returns
can be made in conjunction with the distribution of profit sharing or at the end of
the mudharabah agreement. (e) Mudharabah profit sharing can be done by using 2
methods, namely for profit (profit sharing) and for revenue (revenue sharing). (f)
In principle, mudharabah financing is not required for collateral, but in order to
avoid moral hazard in the form of irregularities by the fund manager, the fund
owner may request collateral from the fund manager or third party.
This collateral will only be charged if the fund manager has proved to breach the
contractual agreements. (g) Mudharabah profit or loss recognition in practice can
be known based on the profit sharing report from the fund manager received by
the bank periodically in accordance with the agreement. (8) Ijarah is a contract of
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lease for the rent of the goods on Ma'jur (leasing object) between the
mojjir(lessor) and the musta'jir(lessee). Ijarah muntahiyah bittamlik shall be a
lease arrangement between the landlord and the tenant that ends with the transfer
of the property's ownership rights. The transfer of ownership rights to the rented
item in an it’s can be achieved by: (a) Grant. (b) Until contract sales expire at a
price equal to the other payments. (c) Sales after the end of the lease period with
certain payments, agreed at the beginning of the contract. (d) Gradual sales of
certain prices agreed in the contract. (9) Murabahah receivables, Murabahah is an
agreement of sale of goods specifying the cost and benefit (margin) negotiated
between the seller and the buyer.
The characteristics of murabahah include: (a) Murabahah can be done by or
without order. In murabahah based on orders, the bank purchases goods after
ordering from customer. (b) Murabahah payments can be made in cash or in
installments. (c) The Bank can ask the customer to guarantee receivables from
murabahah, including goods purchased from the bank. (d) Banks can request
advance payments for purchases (urbun) to customers after the murabahah
agreement is agreed. (e) If there is an advance in murabahah transactions based on
orders, murabahah profits are based on the portion of the price of the goods
financed by the bank. (f) If the murabahah transaction is paid in installments or in
resilient, then the recognition of the principal portion and profits must be made
evenly and regularly throughout the installment period.
Treatment of Murabahah Receivables Based on International Financial
Report Standard Number 102
Recognition and Measurement
The recognition and measurement of murabahah receivables based on PSAK
Number 102 are as follows: (1) Urbun is recognized at the amount received. (2)
Murabahah receivables are priced at cost plus negotiated income so at the end of
the contract at the realizable value (murabahah receivables less allowance for
doubtful accounts). (3) Murabahah profits are recognized in the period in which
ends in the same financial statement whereas the contract reaches one financial
reporting period, it is recognized proportionally over the contract period. (4)
Repayment pieces use two method: (1) given at the time of settlement, the bank
reduces murabahah receivables and profits; and (2) given after completion, the
bank accepts receivable repayment, then the bank pays a deduction (reducing
profits). (5) Fines are recognized as part of social funds (virtue funds) when
Presentation by the end Accounting Period
At the end of the accounting period, the presentation of murabahah receivables is
as follows: (1) Murabahah receivables are reported at the net amount that can be
realized, i.e. the balance of murabahah receivables less allowance for potential
loss. (2) The deferred murabah margin is deducted from the receivables of
murabahah. The process of procuring murabahah goods (assets) must be carried
out by the bank. Murabahah can be done by or without order, in murabahah based
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
on orders, the bank purchases goods after an order has been made by the
customer. Murabahah based on orders can be or not be binding the customers to
buy goods ordered.
In a binding order for murabahah the value of Murabahah's properties acquired by
a bank (as a seller) decrease until they are passed to the buyer so that impairments
become the seller's cost (bank), and the seller (bank) decrease the value of the
deal. Payments may be made in cash or in installments. The role of murabahah,
must be paid by the customer to the bank, not to the supplier. Urbun becomes a
part of murabahah repayment if murabahah is to be carried out (not allowed as an
installment payment), however when murabahah is canceled, after loss is
deducted according to agreement it will be returned to the customer, among
others: (1) Urbun discount by the supplier. (2) Administrative costs. (3) Costs
incurred in other procurement processes. The Bank has the right to impose fines
on customers who cannot fulfill murabahah debt obligations with these follows
indications: (1) The intentional element is that the customer has funds but does not
pay murabahah receivables, and (2) There is an element of misuse of funds, is that
customers have funds but are used more first for something else.
Murabahah transaction payments are made in installments or respite, so the
recognition of the principal and profit portion must be made evenly and regularly
throughout the installment period. If the customer makes a smaller installment
payment than his obligation, the revenue recognition for the calculation of the
distribution of operating results is proportional or proportional to the portion of
the margin contained in the installments. According to BI Sharia Banking
Development Team, the fundamental difference between Islamic banks and nonsharia banks concerns philosophies, operations, social aspects and organizations.
As a financial intermediary, Islamic banking should also perform the collection
and channeling of funds in a balanced manner in line with applicable banking
regulations, for this reason there must be clarity in the banking operational
Credit according to Law Number 7/1992 in conjunction with Law Number
10/1998 Article 1 (11) the provision of money or equivalent claims is the
provision of a contract between banks and other parties that requires debtors to
pay off their debts with the amount of interest, reward, or profit-sharing after a
certain period of time.
Law No. 7/1992 jo. Law No. 10/1998 article.1 (12) explains That funding is the
supply of money or bills that could be equalized on the basis of an arrangement or
deal between the bank with that other another party requiring the supported party
to return or bill until a certain period of compensation or profit-sharing. The
distinction between the loans issued by non-sharia banks and the funding offered
by sharia-based banks lies in the expected income. Rivai (2010: 92) states that the
elements contained in credit can be classified into four, namely: (1) Trust; (2)
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
Time; (3) Achievement; (4) Risk. The willingness of banks to provide credit /
financing will involve various elements as follows (Guza, 2008): (1) Customer as
debtor and the Bank as creditor; (2) Trust, namely the confidence of the bank that
credit or financing provided can return; (3) The time between receipt of credit /
financing and repayment is clear; (4) Awareness of risks in providing risks; (5)
Achievement, namely the form of credit / financing provided in the form of
money or remuneration; (6) Cons of achievement, that is a value of achievement
given by the recipient of credit / financing and that will be received by the party
providing the credit / financing in return or profit results within a certain period,
which is generally in the form of money.
Interest in non-sharia banking or profit sharing in terms of Islamic banking.
Financing can be divided into the following two things according to the nature of
its use (Antonio, 1992: 160): Productive financing is that funding aimed at
meeting the needs of production in a broad sense, which is to increase production,
trade, investment, and financing. Consumptive, namely funding needed to meet
consumption needs.According to its requirements, productive financing can be
divided into the following two things (Antonio, 1992: 161-168): (1) Financing of
working capital consisting of liquidity financing, financing of receivables,
inventory financing, working capital financing for trade (general trading and
trading based on order). (2) Investment financing.
Types of credit can be seen from various aspects (Kasmir, 2008: 76): (1) In terms
of usability, that are investment credit and working capital credit; (2) Seen in
terms of credit objectives, that are productive credit, consumer credit, and trade
credit; (3) In terms of time period, are short, medium and long term credit; (4) In
terms of guarantees, are loans with collateral and unsecured credit; (5) In terms of
business sector, are agriculture, livestock, industry, mining, education, profession
and housing credit. The provision of credit or financing, each bank is very careful
so that the funds disbursed can be used as they should be, and can produce a
return (return) in the form of interest or a clear profit sharing, for that the bank
before deciding credit / financing is always conduct an analysis of prospective
borrowers known as the 5C principle, that are character, capacity, capital,
collateral, and condition. According to Guza (2008: 64), to see the internal
condition of a company or prospective debtor, usually the bank refers to the
company's financial statements.
Financial statements are the main way for a company to deliver accounting
information to other party. The information submitted by accounting is financial
information from a company that can be used by the user for economic decision
making, if a grouping of information about prospective borrowers is needed in
making financing decisions, it will consist of: accounting information, such as
total assets, liquidity, solvency, earnings before tax, earnings after tax, and so
forth and non-accounting information including increases in net sales, company
history, experience of leaders, business diversification, business class, financial
sector financed, guarantees, purpose of credit usage, and credit period.
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The entire information above are external information of the bank, which means
that it only comes from the customer. Whereas in making a financing decision, the
bank's internal information factors must also be taken into account. Some of the
bank's internal factors affecting the credit / financing process are CAR-(Capital
Adequacy Ratio), RWA-(Risk Weighted Assets), Financing to Deposit Ratio
(FDR), Net Open Ratio (NOR), Maximum Legal Lending Limit (LLL) ,
percentage of achievement of KUK (Guza, 2008: 101). All information The
financial report is a very important information source to know and analyze the
financial conditions of the company that will come.
A business history report provides a foundation for making future projections and
forecasts and business and economic analysis. The Indonesian Accounting
Association (2004: 2) notes that the reporting process involves financial
statements. A completed report typically consists of the balance sheet, the income
statement, the change of financial position statement, other notes and reports, and
explanatory material, an integral component of the financial statements (for
example, a cash flow report or a fund flow statement). The financial ratios and
their analysis can be known based on financial statements. Financial ratios
describe a mathematical relationship with a certain amount and using this
analytical tool as a ratio. They can explain or give the analyst an overview of the
good and the bad financial condition or the company, particularly when the ratio
is compared with the rate of comparison used as a standard (Suyatno, 2005: 64).
Financial ratio evaluation is financial analysis to determine, both individually and
simultaneously, the relationship between certain items in the balance sheets and
the returns (Yahya, 2009: 123). Each formed financial ratio has the objectives to
be achieved respectively, this means there are no clear and firm limits on how
many ratios are found in each aspect analyzed, but the most significant for thing in
using financial ratios is to knowledge the purpose of using financial ratios
Banking Performance
Fundamentally, a company's financial success is achieved by using the company's
current resources as efficiently and effectively as possible to achieve the
management goals and banking performance as well as by managing its resources
as effectively and effectively as possible to achieve its objectives.
Assessment of banking performance is very important due to sensitivity of
banking operation to the economic progress of a country (Nasser, 2003). An
analysis of the financial ratio can measure the efficiency of banks. Bank
Soundness of the bank is governed in Circular No.6/23/DPNP of the Bank of
Indonesia 31 April 2004 by all commercial banks carrying on a traditional rating
system process and by Regulation Number 6/10/PBI 2004 of the Bank on the
rating system of commercial banks of the Bank of Indonesia dated 12 April 2004,
banks are required to conduct quarterly bank soundness assessments in March,
June, September and December.
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
Bank Indonesia requests the results of bank soundness assessment periodically
and at any time for the assessment position, especially to test the accuracy and
adequacy the bank analysis result. The bank health assessment must be concluded
within one month of the examination or within the time defined by the supervisor
of a related bank. The bank soundness assessment includes assessing capital
factors, management, asset quality, liquidity, profitability, sensitivity to
place/market risk.
Banking Financial Report
The financial position statement is a cash flow statement that divides cash flows
into three categories, those are operating, investment and funding cash flows. The
cash flow statement is regulated in accordance with PSAK Number 2 concerning
the cash flow statement. The notes of financial statements must explain the main
financial statement items and notes on foreign exchange positions by type of
currency and its activities, such as trustee, custodianship activities, and managed
loans. According to Bank Indonesia regulations, each bank must present financial
statements as mentioned above, each bank is required to submit several other
types of reports to be submitted to BI.
Other reports include: (1) Weekly Reports (a) Statutory Reserves which include,
third party rupiah / foreign currency per bank funds and positions of certain rupiah
balance sheets and foreign currency per bank. (b) Reports on profits / losses on
derivative transactions. (c) Report on net open position (NOP). (2) Monthly
Reports (a) Reports with attachments per office (LBU). (b) Reports of commercial
bank loans per office (LPBU). (c) Report on violation of the maximum credit limit
(LLL). (3) Quarterly Report, Document on bank credit accomplishment of the
bank's work plan. (4) Semester Report (a) Report of commissioners board about
the implementation of the bank's work plan. (b) Financial reports of publications
in Indonesian newspapers. (c) Audit board report on the results of internal audit
performance that has been carried out. (5) Annual Report (a) An annual report
audited by a public accountant registered with BI accompanied by a commentary
from a public accountant. (b) Report on achievement of the bank's work plan. (6)
Other Reports (a) Derivative transaction losses that exceed 10% of bank capital
and actions to be taken to resolve at the latest on the following business day. (b) A
special report regarding each audit finding that is expected to interfere with the
continuity the bank's company signed by president directors and chairman no later
than 15 working days after the audit results. (c) Reports on any misuse carried out
through information system technology. (d) President director and the chairman of
Financial statements are intended to provide information about the financial
condition, results and adjustments in the financial position of a company, which
are useful for decisions. Because many parties put their interest to financial
statements, so these financial statements must be structured in such a way as to
meet the needs of all parties who need it.
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
Banking Financial Ratio Analysis
The analysis of financial ratios provides an overview of the financial and financial
situation. Analysis of financial ratios helps managers determine the financial
outcomes for future planning and internal analyzes to determine lending and
investment policies for creditors and investors. The relationship analysis is one of
the most widely utilized financial analytical instruments, and the ratios are tools
for considering the underlying conditions. The properly interpreted ratio identifies
areas that need further research. Ratio analyses can disclose significant
relationships and serve as a basis for comparing conditions and trends that are
difficult for each ratio component to be recognized. Future-oriented analysis of
ratios is most helpful, which means that we often adopt factors affecting the ratio
to possible trends and their future size. Factors that could affect future ratios must
also be evaluated as the ratio depends on expertise and interpretation.
RWA is calculated from assets listed in the balance sheet and administrative
assets (not listed in the balance sheet), with each item in the asset given a risk
weight whose amount is based on the level of risk contained in the asset or class
of customers or collateral properties (Dunil, 2005) Guided by SE Bank Indonesia
Number 26/1 / BPPP dated May 29, 1993 corrected a number of assets with Bank
Indonesia Circular Number 2/12 / DPNP / dated June 12, 2000 as follows: is the
net after the loan balance is reduced by the allowance for Earning Assets Losses
(PPAP). Especially for restructured loans and obtaining guarantees from IBRA
(Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency) the risk is considered to be 0% (zero).
Return On Assets (ROA)
ROA is the opportunity to make capital gains invested in all corporate assets. The
greater the profit generated, the greater the ROA, the higher the profit generated
by ROA, the more effectively the company uses assets to generate profit. The
ROA is based on a comparison of revenues before tax and average total assets,
and the ROA is used as a performance indicator for the banking industry. ROA
illustrates the company's efficiency by optimizing its assets in profit generation;
the higher the ROA, the more effective the company is because the ROA level
influences its profit. (Gariba et al., 2018; Bai et al., 2018; Riyadi & Santoso, 2018;
Le, 2018; Sahyouni & Wang, 2018; Lalwani & Chakraborty, 2017; Bai et al.,
2018; Mahmood et al., 2018; Beltrame, Caselli, & Previtali, 2018; Dahir et al.,
2018; Hoechle et al., 2018; Lestari, 2018; Sun, 2018; Gropp et al., 2018; Umar et
al., 2018; Danisewicz et al., 2017; Rao, 2016; Allahrakha et al., 2018; Horváth et
al., 2012; Blundell-Wignall & Roulet, 2013).
Performance informaton is very useful for financial statements users. For groups
of investors, creditors and the general public, they want their investment which
invested in the bank to know the performance of the bank. Returns on capital
investment useful when evaluating, analyzing profitability, predicting profits, and
planning and controlling management. For that purpose, it is necessary to
understand the size of that return in depth when using capital investment. The
returnable measure includes the components that are likely to help the company
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
understand its performance. Banks with relatively large total assets will perform
better. as the total income from increased product sales is relatively large and will
increase business profits with increasing overall sales, so that financial
performance is improved (Juanamasta et al., 2019; Prabowo, Rochmatulaili,
Rusdiyanto, & Sulistyowati, 2020; Rusdiyanto, Agustia, Soetedjo, & Septiarini,
2020; Rusdiyanto, Hidayat, et al., 2020).
Effect of CAR on ROA
CAR represents a ratio or comparison of bank capital to risk-weighted assets.
CAR is the banking guideline to expand the distribution area of funds, in practice
the calculation of CAR by Bank Indonesia is called the Bank's Minimum Capital
Requirement (KPMM) is not simple. KPMM is a comparison between Capital
with Weighted Assets by Risk (ATMR), both ATMR and Bank Capital require
details and similarity in what understanding is entered as a component to calculate
ATMR and how to calculate it menghitungnya (Zaremba, 2016), (Abdul Hadi,
Hussain, Suryanto, & Yap, 2018), (Lyngstadaas & Berg, 2016), (Al-Shattarat, AlShattarat, & Hamed, 2009), (Hidayat, Sadalia, & Fachrudin, 2018), (Yudha,
Chabachib, Rini, & Pangestuti, 2017), (Devi & Firmansyah, 2018), (Poerwanti &
Kartika, 2018), (Irawan Noor & Rosyid, 2018).
It is necessary to specify what can be classified and counted as Bank Capital.
Instructions on this matter are regulated by Bank Indonesia through the provisions
of SE BI Number 26/1/BPPP May 29, 1993. Regarding definition and details of
capital consisting of Core Capital and Supplementary Capital, Bank Indonesia
made improvements through its letter dated December 14, 2001, through Bank
Indonesia Circular Letter No. 3/30/DPNP, based on the previous provisions as
follows (Dunil, 2005): (a) Calculation of earnings does not include profit
recognition because of the application of Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards (PSAK) Number 46 concerning Accounting for Income Tax. (b) The
component of paid-in capital does not include recognition of the capital ordered
originating from the receivables from the Shareholders as stipulated in the
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK) Number 21 concerning
equity accounting. (c) Capital deposit funds are funds that have been fully paid for
the purpose of additional capital but have not been supported by the completeness
of the requirements to be classified as paid-in capital such as the Shareholders'
General Meeting and the ratification of the articles of association from the
authorized agency. To be classified as a Capital Deposit Fund, the fund must be
placed in a special account (escrow account) and its use must be with the approval
of Bank Indonesia. (d) Revaluation of Fixed Assets cannot be capitalized into paid
up capital and distributed as bonus shares and or dividends. (e) Lack of
Establishment of Allowance for Earning Asset Losses by the Bank is a component
of costs for current year's profit. (f) The component of last year's and current
year's profit is the amount after tax estimated, except if the Bank is allowed to
compensate for losses in accordance with the applicable tax provisions. (g) An
increase or decrease in the price of shares in an available-for-sale portfolio is the
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
difference between the market price and the acquisition value of the Bank's
investment in a company whose shares are listed in the Capital Market.
Bank capital is the "engine" of the bank's activities, if the engine capacity is
limited, it is difficult for the bank to increase the capacity of its business activities,
especially in financing distribution. It is expected that in 2011 all commercial
banks operating have a minimum capital of Rp. 100 billion. CAR below 8% does
not have the opportunity to provide financing. The main activity of the bank is to
collect funds and redistribute them in the form of financing, with sufficient CAR
or fulfill the provisions, bank can operate so and gain the profit. Optimal financing
disbursement, assuming that there is no obstacle will increase profits which will
ultimately increase ROA.
The amount of funds of the bank will influence the public confidence in the
performance of the bank. Research results from Mawardi (2005) show that the
CAR has no impact on ROA, a proxy for business banks' financial performance
because bank regulation in Indonesia requires a CAR of at least 8%, making
banking institutions constantly striving to keep CAR in line with the regulations.
The causes of capital erosion are due to negative spreads and increases in assets
that are not offset by additional capital. The low CAR causes a decline in public
confidence which in turn can reduce profitability. This study shows that the CAR
has a positive effect on ROA, which is a proxy of the bank's financial
H1: Capital Adequacy Ratio has a positive effect on Return on Assets.
Effect of NPF on ROA
NPF is a debtor or debtor group that falls into groups 3, 4, 5 of five categories of
financing collectability, namely debtors who are substandard, doubtful and loss,
should always be remembered that the change in financing from the current
financing to NPF is gradually through a process of reducing the quality of
financing. The emergence of non-performing financing (NPF) is one of the risks
of increasingly complex banking practices. The greater the scale of a bank's
operations, the aspect of monitoring decreases so that the NPF or the risk of
finance increases. NPF is the ratio of incomplete financing to total funding. A
good NPF is NPF, which is less than 5%. The NPF reflects the risk to finance; the
smaller the NPF, the smaller the risk to finance the bank takes. Banks with high
NPF will increase the cost of both earning assets and other costs, and increase the
potential for bank losses.
Banks need to set aside some of the bank's income to be on guard so that they can
cover losses that will arise if one day the financing provided by the bank turns out
to be congested. At the time when there is a non-performing financing, the bank
can remove the non-performing financing from the bookkeeping of the income
expense that has been set aside. Allowance for NPF reserve formation must be
carried out based on established rules, in Financial Accounting Standards
(Number 31), the Reserves referred to as "Allowance for Credit Elimination" or
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
PPK, and the presentation in the balance sheet is as an "offsetting account" which
appears as a deduction from the amount credit given to bank assets. The term used
by Bank Indonesia is "Allowance for Earning Assets Losses" or PPAP. The
difference is that PPAP includes reserves for securities which also become Bank
Earning Assets, which in addition to generating, also contain the risk of possible
uncollectible traffic jams while PPK only reserves credit only. Formation of
reserves is carried out from the first year the bank operates and provides credit,
calculated from the debit tray at the end of the accounting period, the end of the
month for the monthly balance sheet position and the end of the year for the yearend balance sheet position.
The total debit balance is the realization of the total financing commitment that
has been signed by the bank with its debtors. Because initially all financing is
Current Financing, PPAP is calculated as a certain percentage of the total debit
balance. Then if financing develops and there is a Substandard, then the
Substandard needs to set aside a larger PPAP, and so on so that for financing that
has been classified as Loss Financing, the PPAP set aside is 100% of the stuck
debit balance. Bad debts that have been written off are no longer included in the
NPF category, because they are no longer financing. The handling is only in the
framework of how to strive for the bad financing to return, especially with the
execution of existing collateral. Financing that already has a sign towards NPF
that requires attention so as not to get worse or bring greater losses is financing
that is still in the classification of DPK (In Special Attention), to find ways to
improve the debtor's DPK position must be studied one by one the problems faced
by the debtor and treatment is carried out according to the conditions of each
debtor. Against financing that leads to NPF even NPF financing itself can be
applied to several restructuring techniques so that the debtor can rise again (Dunil,
The bank can reschedule in the form, extend the repayment period, give a longer
grace period, reduce the amount of financing installments, with this scheduling the
customer has more time to breathe and a sufficient period of time to accumulate
profits and improve its position so that it can meet the new schedule set . This
rescheduling is carried out with certain requirements, among others, the
customer's business is still running, the income before interest charging is still
positive. The inability of the customer to carry out repayment solely because of
the situation outside the control (authority) of the debtor in question. Customers
are still in good faith and cooperative.
Reconditioning is intended to improve the condition of customers, who were
initially burdened with heavy financing requirements, reduced so that they are
more suitable for customers' needs. Reducing interest rates, reducing credit /
financing from other parties whose interest / margins are high and replacing them
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
with financing from banks with lower interest rates, increasing working capital if
according to bank calculations it turns out to be lacking. Providing management
consultations or advice so that companies can run better and be able to increase
sales, profits and be able to complete their financing within the stipulated period.
If the two methods above are not expected to be able to restore the company to
health and will not be able to repay bank financing, the last method can be taken
by restructuring the company more fundamentally, in this case changes in the
composition of capital can be made, by Debt to Equity Ratio, by adding capital
(participation of banks and from outside), increasing financing, extending the time
period, reducing the interest rate / margin, changing management (placing bank
staff in companies for certain positions) increasing efficiency and so on. The
capital participation step is intended so that the debtor does not need to pay
interest / margin on a portion of the debt transferred to the bank's capital
participation, after the company is healthy and its financial capacity is better, the
bank can resell the shares it controls to the old shareholders with certain
premiums, so if successful , the bank is protected from financing congestion.
NPF is a comparison of total problem financing compared to total financing
provided by third parties. In Mawardi's research (2005), NPF is a proxy of
financing risk contained in published financial statements. Banks can run their
operations well if they have NPF below 5%. The higher NPF causes the existing
reserve allowance for Earning Assets (PPAP) is insufficient so that the financing
bottleneck must be calculated as an expense (cost) that directly affects the bank's
profit and because profits or accumulated profits are also exhausted, it must be
charged to capital (Ono, Aoki, Nishioka, Shintani, & Yasui, 2018), (Sakti &
Mohamad, 2018), (Abedifar, Molyneux, & Tarazi, 2015), (Ozili, 2017), (Bikker &
Vervliet, 2018), (Jiménez, Moral-Benito, & Vegas, 2018), (Cui, Geobey, Weber,
& Lin, 2018), (Liu, Alexander, & Anwar, 2018), (Viet-Dung Tran, Hassan, &
Houston, 2018), (Kustina, Dewi, Prena, & Utari, 2018), (Dunil, 2005).
The increase in NPF resulted in decreased profits so ROA became smaller, the
higher the NPF, the lower the bank's performance, and vice versa. Mawardi's
research (2005) supports NPF's influence on ROA, which shows that NPF has a
negative impact on ROA, meaning any increase in NPF will result in a decrease in
ROA. According to him this happened because of the Bank Indonesia regulation
regarding NPF regulating that any increase in outstanding loans provided must be
covered with a reserve of earning assets by debiting the earning assets reserve
account and crediting the productive assets write-offs, so that any increase in
outstanding loans will be increase the cost of earning assets which ultimately
affects the ROA of the bank. The results of the above research indicate that NPF
has a negative impact on ROA, which means that any increase in the number of
NPF will lead to a decrease in ROA.
H2: Non Performing Financing has a negative effect on Return on Assets.
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
Effect of FDR on ROA
FDR is a calculation that compares a bank's ability to fulfill financial obligations.
This responsibility is in the form of call money to be met while a clearing
obligation occurs, where the fulfillment is carried out from the company's current
assets. FDR is calculated from the comparison between total financing and third
party funds. Financing for third parties is the overall support in doubt (not
including financing to other banks). The funds referred to include loans,
investments, and time deposits on-demand from third parties (not including
interbank). The best standard of FDR is above 85%. To be able to obtain the
optimum FDR, the bank must maintain the NPF. FDR affects the Earning After
Tax (EAT), if the FDR is large then the EAT is large. FDR depends on bank
management. The size of the bank's FDR is not the same. The relationship
between FDR and EAT is free, not autocorrelated. The greater the FDR, the
greater the potential for achieving EAT, as long as NPF can be reduced.
The increase in FDR means that the distribution of financing funds is getting
bigger so that profits will increase, the increase in profits will lead to higher bank
performance as measured by ROA. A successful FDR level is 85 to 110 percent,
so management must be able to handle the funds raised from the group and then
be redistributed as funding. The theory's reasoning is supported by research results
(Yusuf & Ekundayo, 2017), (Lopez, Rose, & Spiegel, 2018), (Repousis, 2015),
(Platonova, Asutay, Dixon, & Mohammad, 2018), (Ofoeda, Abor, & Adjasi,
2012), (Guiso, Sapienza, & Zingales, 2013), (Diaw & Mbow, 2011), (Heider,
Saidi, & Schepens, 2017), (Salah & Fedhila, 2014), Mawardi (2005) stating that
partially the FDR variable has a positive with ROA impact. The higher the FDR to
some degree, the more funds are allocated in funding, the higher the interest
income/margin, the more ROA. Mawardi (2005) notes that a rise in FDR is
potentially due to increased community funding or withdrawal. This may impact
bank liquidity affecting the level of public confidence; the above findings suggest
that FDR has a positive effect on bank ROA.
H3: Financing To Deposit Ratio affects Return on Assets.
Effect of BOPO on ROA
BOPO is a cost-to-operating income ratio. Operating costs are the bank's expense
to carry out business operations, such as interest costs, marketing costs, labor
costs, and other operating costs. The bank's primary revenue is operating income;
it is generated by lending and other operating income from fund investments, and
the smaller the BOPO indicates, the greater its effective operations. A safe BOPO
ratio is below one; otherwise or more one would be a less healthy bank.
According to Bank Indonesia provisions, BOPO is operational performance.
Operational productivity also impacts bank profitability and shows that the Bank
has appropriately and successfully used all its production factors.
Tumwine, Sejjaaka, Bbaale, & Kamukama, (2018), Tumwine, Sejjaaka, Bbaale, &
Kamukama, (2017), Padavano, (2005), (Lee & Isa, 2017), (Chen, Hung, & Wang,
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
2017), (Bougatef & Korbi, 2018), (Ab-Rahim & Chiang, 2016), (Muritala, 2012),
(Innocenti, Fiordelisi, Girardone, & Radić, 2018), (Mawardi, 2005) explains that
the BOPO variable is most dominant and reliable in affecting ROA. Further,
BOPO is a variable that can distinguish between banks with above-average ROA
or with below-average ROA, so controlling bank operations that are successful by
minimizing operating costs can seriously influence bank returns as an indicator of
profitability by using the full assets of the business.
The study also shows that efficiency affects ROA. In accordance with the logic of
the theory which states that bank efficiency can be achieved in several ways, one
of them is by increasing operating income by reducing operating costs, or with the
same operating costs will be able to increase operating income, which in turn will
increase bank profits and finally can increase ROA. The results also show that the
greater the ratio of total operating costs to operating income the smaller the ROA,
thus operating efficiency proxied by BOPO has a negative effect on the
performance of the bank proxied by ROA.
H4: Operational Efficiency Ratio (BOPO) affect Return On Assets.
Effect of NIM on ROA
NIM refers to net interest payments on gross income. Net interest earnings are
derived from lower interest earnings. Effective assets are measured as assets
generating interest (interest-bearing assets). It is specified that productive assets
comprise bank funds distribution in the form of lends, bonds, interbank
placements, acceptance bills, deposits, administrative transfers, securities bills
purchased under reverse repurchase agreements, derivative receivables, etc.
Therefore the prohibition of the quality of assets for commercial banks is given in
compliance with the Indonesian Bank Regulation No 7/2/PBI/2005.
NIM are strongly influenced by changes in interest rates and the quality of earning
assets. Banks must be vigilant to ensure that finance is preserved so that the
quality of income assets will improve net interest incomes with good financial
quality so that the earnings of the bank are eventually affected. High net interest
income will increase profit before tax, so that ROA increases. The foregoing is
supported by the results of the study (Fadiran, 2014), (ElKelish & Tucker, 2015),
(Dhar Bakshi, A., 2015), (Bougatef, 2017), (Drechsler, Savov, & Schnabl, 2017),
(Apergis, Keung, & Lau, 2017), (Al-muharrami & Murthy, 2017), (English,
Heuvel†, & Zakrajsek, 2012), (Ahmed, 2018), (Doyran, 2013), (Ben Salah Mahdi
& Boujelbène Abbes, 2018), (Tumwine et al., 2017), (Lopez et al., 2018),
Mawardi (2005) which shows that NIM is having a positive impact on ROA. This
is because any increase in net interest income that constitutes the difference
between the overall interest rate and the total interest income results in an increase
in profit before tax, which in turn leads to an increase in ROA. The results of
these studies show that NIM affects ROA positively. Any rise in NIM would
result in increased ROA. This is because any increase in net interest income, this
is the difference between the gross and total interest rate revenues, results in an
increase in profit before tax.
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
H5: Net Interest Margin affects Return on Assets
This study used a quantitative method. Sugiyono (2010:13) described
quantitatively as a population- or sample-specific testing process. Typically, the
sampling method uses random sampling, a data collection research tool, and the
data analysis has quantitative or statistical characteristics that test the hypothesis.
Data Collecting Procedure
The population magnitude applied to the study also needs to be identified to learn
about the test sample. The populace consists of objects/subjects with a certain
amount and characteristics that the researcher detects and then conclusions are
drawn (Sugiyono, 2010: 55). The population used in this analysis is Bank
Muamalat Indonesia's quarterly financial statements since its foundation.
The sample of the population number and characteristics (Sugiyono, 2010: 56). In
deciding the samples, the analysis process is a purposeful sampling. This
approach is a method of choosing samples based on such considerations, such that
only samples that currently follow the criterion can be sampled. Based on data
available on the Bank Muamalat Indonesia website, financial records are available
from 2001 to 2010, so this analysis's sample is Bank Muamalat Indonesia's 20092018 quarterly financial statements.
All the data source requirements are obtained from the Bank Mualamat Indonesia
website at It is carried out by non-participant
observation, but recording or copying the data listed on the Bank Muamalat
Indonesia website which is used as a sample that is relevant to the problem to be
Data Analysis Technique
Normality Test
The normality test is used to see if a data follows a normal distribution or to see if
it follows a normal distribution using different methods, including Kolmogorov
Smirnov. Guidelines in making decisions whether a data distribution follows a
normal distribution are: (1) If the value is significant (the value of profitability)
<5% then the distribution is not normal. (2) If the value is significant (the value of
profitability)> 5% then the distribution is normal. One statistical test that can be
used to normalize a data is an outlier test. Outlier data is data that is significantly
different from other data. Outlier data can occur for several reasons, namely: (1)
Errors in data entry, (2) Errors in sampling, and (3) Indeed there are extreme data
By determining a threshold value known as outlires, outliers may be defined by
converting the value of the study data into a standard score or z-score with a zero
medium value and a standard difference. Z-score formula:
x X
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
Where :
= Data Value
= Mean Value
= Standard deviation
A data is categorized as outlier data, if the z value obtained is greater than the
number +2.50 or smaller than the number -2.50. This means that all data values
are normal or if the data varies from the average, the variation is still within
normal limits.
Multiple Linear Regression
On the basis of the problems and in accordance with the hypothesis formulated,
the analytical tool used is multiple linear regression analyze with the least squares
equation (OLS). The model form used from the basic model of determining ROA
is as follows:
ROA = a + b1CAR + b2NPF+ b3FDR + b4BOPO + b5NIM + e
The size of the constant is shown by 'a and the size of each independent variable's
regression coefficient is shown by b1, b2, b3, B4 and b5
Classic Assumption Testing
The data used here is secondary data, so to assess the model's accuracy, certain
classic assumptions underlying the regression model must be checked. The classic
assumption tests used in this analysis include multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity,
and autocorrelation tests, which can be explained in detail as follows:
1. Multicollinearity test
The aim of multi-linearity tests is to assess whether a correlation has been
identified between independent variables in the model of regression. A
successful model of regression does not refer to separate variables.The value of
tolerance and its contrary inflation factor also shows multilinearity, according
to Ghozali (2005: 63) (VIF). These two measurements illustrate what of these
independent variables other independent variables are explained in the simple
sense that Each separate variable turns into a dependent variable, Returns to
other variables of independence. Such independent variables cannot justify the
variability of the chosen independent variables. Therefore a low tolerance is
equivalent to a high VIF (as VIF = 1/tolerance) which shows high collinearity.
The normal cut-off value is greater than 0.10 or less than 10, which is the VIF
value. The degree of collinearity still appropriate has to be decided by each
2. Heterokedasticity test
A heteroscedasticity test aims to decide if a discrepancy between residual
observation and residual observation is found in the regression modell. If there
is a deviation from residual observation, homoscedasticity is named. No
homoscedasticity or heteroscedastic is a strong regression model. The Glejser
test used to detect heteroscedasticity reduces the absolute residual value to the
independent variable (Ghozali, 2005: 72)
3. Autocorrelation test
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
The autocorrelation test is to check if a linear regression model correlates
mistakes in period t to mistakes in period t-1 (earlier). The Box-Pierce and
Ljung Box tests for autocorrelation in the regression model (Ghozali, 2005:
Criteria for the presence or absence of autocorrelation are if there is a
significant number of lags of more than two, then autocorrelation is said to
occur. If there is a significant lag of two or less than two, then there is no
autocorrelation (Ghozali, 2005: 68)
Hypothesis test
Sample regression model accuracy can be calculated by fitness goodness in
predicting the actual value. Statistically, this can be calculated by coefficient of
determination, F statistical value and t statistical value. If the statistical test value
is in a critical area, Statistical estimation is statistically important (the area where
H0 is rejected). On the contrary, the statistical test value in the area where H0 is
received is not significant (Ghozali, 2005).
a. Coefficient’of Determination (R2)
Basically, the determination coefficient (R2) tests the model's capacity to
describe the dependence of the variable. 0-1 Determination coefficient. A small
R2 value implies the limited ability to describe dependent variability of
independent variables. A near-one value means that nearly all the information
needed to predict variable dependence is available for independent variables.
Due to the large variation between each observation, the determination
coefficient for cross-data is generally relatively small, while data for time
series usually has a high determination coefficient (Ghozali, 2005).
b. F-test
The statistical F-test basically shows whether all independent or free variables
included in the model have simultant influence on the dependent variable. Or to
test the suitability of the multiple linear regression models produced
: b1 = b2 = ........=bk = 0
: b1 ≠ b2 ≠ .........≠bk ≠ 0
In order to test the above hypothesis, stat F is used with the parameters for
decision-making: (a) If the amount is relevant (p-value)> 0.05, then H0 will be
approved by Ha. (b) Where the level is substantial (p - value) 5 0.05, H0 shall
be rejected by Ha.
c. t test
Statistical tests basically show how far an individual explanatory/independent
variable influences the dependent variable variation.
b1 = 0
Ha : b1 ≠ 0
The following decision-making criteria are used to test this hypothesis: (a) If
the level is significant p-value) > 0.05, Ha is rejected, and H0 is accepted, (B)
If the level is 0.05 (p-value), then Ha accepted, and H0 is rejected
Description of Research Variables
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
In this study using a sample ratio of the financial statements of Bank Muamalat
Indonesia in 2001 to 2010, as for the description of the research variables used
are as follows:
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR)
CAR (X1)
Valid N (Listwise
Std. Deviation
Based results of the analysis, the standard deviation of Capital Adequacy Ratio
(CAR) in 2009 to 2018 amounted to 2.78029% with an average value of CAR of
12.5325% and this value is far greater than the CAR value required, namely 8%,
and the highest ratio value occurred in 2003 in September with a CAR ratio of
19.34% while the lowest CAR value occurred in the 2009 period of March at
Non Performing Financing (NPF)
NPF (X2)
Valid N (Listwise
Std. Deviation
Based results of the analysis, the standard deviation of the Capital Adequacy
Ratio (CAR) from 2009 to 2018 amounted to 2,78029 percent with an average
CAR value of 12,5325 percent. This value is much higher than the required CAR
value, namely 8 percent, and it can be seen that the highest ratio value occurred
in September 2003 with a CAR ratio of 19.34 percent whilst.
Financing’To’Deposit’Ratio (FDR)
FDR (X3)
Valid N (Listwise
Std. Deviation
Based results of the analysis, the standard deviation of Financing’To
Deposit’Ratio (FDR) from 2009 to 2018 was 9.82531% with an average value of
NPF of 93.3128%. This indicates that there was a significant financing gap
during this period, and it was seen that the highest ratio was in 2004 in June with
the FDR ratio of 115.95% while the lowest FDR value was in the September
2011 period of 73.22%.
Operational Efficiency Ratio (BOPO)
OER (X4)
Valid N (Listwise
Std. Deviation
Based results of the analysis, you can see that the standard deviation of
Operational Efficiency Ratio (BOPO) in 2009 to 2018 amounted to 5.61252%
with an average value of BOPO of 85.0530%. It was seen that the highest BOPO
ratio occurred at in 2001 in June with a BOPO ratio of 96.97% while the lowest
BOPO value occurred in the March 2015 period of 75.76%.
Net Interest Margin (NIM)
NIM (X5)
Valid N (Listwise
Std. Deviation
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
Based results of the analysis, you can see that the standard deviation of Net
Interest Margin (NIM) from 2009 to 2018 was 1.53422% with an average value
of NIM of 7.1163%, and the highest ratio value occurred in 2007 in June with
the NIM ratio of 13.87%, while the lowest NIM value occurred in the December
2017 period of 5.15%.
Return on Assets (ROA)
Valid N (Listwise
Std. Deviation
Based results of the analysis, you can see that the standard deviation of Return
On Assets (ROA) in 2009 to 2018 amounted to 0.82663% With average ROA
value of 2.1%, as well as the highest ROA ratio, occurred in 2001 in December
with a ROA ratio of 4.1% while the lowest ROA value occurred in the
December 2017 period of 0.45 percent.
Data Analysis Results
Normality Test and Outlier Test
A normality test to evaluate the normal or not distributed distribution of the
regression model, the dependent and independent variable. To determine
whether or not the data distribution is normal, many techniques can be used to
test normality, including the Kolmogorov Smirnov Test. Based on research
results, the variables CAR, FDR, BOPO, NIM, and ROA are normally
distributed because the significant level produced is more than 5% (sig>0.05).
While the NPF variable is not normally distributed, because the significant level
produced is less than 5% (sig <0.05). One statistical test that can be used to
normalize a data is an outlier test. An observation is said to be an outlier if the
zscore is ± 2.50 (Santoso, 2002: 26). Based on the results of descriptive statistics
shows that the NPF and NIM variables have outlier data, because the resulting zscore exceeds ± 2.50 which can be seen in the minimum or maximum column.
Observations categorized as outliers in NPF and NIM variables are as follows:
(1) The 1st observation on the NPF variable is 2001 in March with a zscore
value of 3.68899. (Attachment 3) (2) The 2nd Observation on NPF variable is
2001 in June with a zscore value of 3.18554. (Attachment 3) (3) The third
observation on the NPF variable is 2001 in September with a zscore value of
2.74788. (Attachment 3) (4) 26th Observation on the NIM variable, namely 2007
in June with a zscore value of 4.40208.
Based on this explanation, it is shown that the number of outlier data is 4 (four)
data or observations, the number of observations or data used for the next test is
as much as 40-4 = 36 data or observations. Based on the analysis results, the
variables CAR, NPF, FDR, BOPO, NIM, and ROA are normally distributed
because the significant level generated is greater than 5% (sig> 0.05).
Classic assumption test
To support the regression model results' accuracy, it is important to look for
classical assumptions like multicollinearity assumptions, heteroscedasticity, and
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
autocorrelation. The results of multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and
autocorrelation are as follows:
Multicollinearity Test
According to Ghozali (2005: 63), Multicollinearity and its opposite inflation
factor could be seen from VIF (the value of tolerance). In the simple sense that
every independent variable becomes dependent and returns to other independent
variables, these two measurements show that other dependent variables explain
independent variables. Tolerance evaluation the variability of the selected
separate variables that other independent variables cannot explain; a low
tolerance value is therefore equivalent to a high VIF (because VIF = 1/tolerance)
and indicates a high degree of collinearity. The value of tolerance above 0.10 or
below 10 is the widely used cut-off value. The level of tolerable collinearity
must be determined by each analysis. The VIF number is less than 10 based on
the study results for the five independent variables, with tolerance above 0.10. It
can be inferred that there are no multicollinearity problems in the multiple
regression model, so that the multiple regression model can be used.
Heterokedasticity Test
The Glejser test was used to detect the heteroscedasticity's presence or absence
(Ghozali, 2005: 72). Based on the Glejser test results show Based on the Glejser
test results, the significant CAR, NPF, FDR, BOPO, and NIM variables exceed 5
percent, Multi-linear regression equation can be assumed to have no
heteroscedasticity problems; then multiple regression model can be used.
Autocorrelation Test
Autocorrelation in the linear regression means there is a correlation between
time-related sample participants to assess the presence of autocorrelation in a
regression model performed by Box-Pierce and Ljung Box tests (Ghozali, 2005:
67). The results of the autocorrelation test show that sixteen lags (16) are
insignificant, so that it can be said that there is no autocorrelation between
residuals. Criteria for the presence or absence of autocorrelation are if there is a
significant number of lags of more than two, then autocorrelation is said to
occur. If there is a significant lag of two or less than two, then there is no
autocorrelation (Ghozali, 2005: 68)
Multiple Linear Regression Test
Multiple linear regression is the statistical analysis of this research, used to
determine the effect on the dependent variable, ROA, of independent variables,
namely CAR, NPF, FDR, BOPO and NIM. Amount of independent variable
influences (CAR, NPF, FDR, BOPO and NIM).
Independent Variable
CAR (X1)
NPF (X2)
FDR (X3)
OER (X4)
Regression coefficient
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
Independent Variable
NIM (X5)
Regression coefficient
Y=14,718-0,021 X1+0,069 X2-0,011 X3-0,141 X4+0,043 X5
From the regression equation above, an explanation can be obtained as follows:
(1) Constant (a) is 14,718. If the CAR, NPF, FDR, BOPO and NIM are
constant, then the ROA is 14.718%. (2) CAR variable regression coefficient of
-0.021, this means that if the CAR rises by 1%, the ROA decreases by 0.021%,
assuming the variables are NPF, FDR, BOPO and NIM constants. (3) The NPF
variable regression coefficient is 0.069, which means that if the NPF rises by
1%, the ROA rises by 0.069%, assuming the variables are CAR, FDR, BOPO
and NIM constants. (4) FDR variable regression coefficient of -0.011, meaning
that if FDR rises by 1%, ROA decreases by 0.011% with the assumption of
CAR, NPF, BOPO and constant NIM. (5) BOPO variable regression
coefficient is -0.141, which means that if BOPO rises by 1%, ROA decreases
by 0.141% with the assumption of CAR, NPF, FDR and constant NIM. (6) The
NIM variable regression coefficient is 0.043, meaning that if the NIM rises by
1%, the ROA rises by 0.043% with the assumption of the CAR, NPF, FDR and
BOPO constants.
F Test
Sum of
Mean square
The results of F tests can be used to determine the suitability of the generated
multiple linear regression model, if the significant level produced is less than 5
percent, the resulting multiple linear regression model can be used to determine
the suitability of the produced multiple linear regression model if the
significant level produced is less than 5 percent, to determine the effect of
CAR, NPF, FDR, BOPO and NIM on ROA. Based on the results of the
analysis, the Fcount value is 16,311 with a significant level equivalent to 0,000
of less than 5 percent which means that the regression model developed is
appropriate or sufficient to evaluate the effect on ROA of CAR, NPF, FDR,
BOPO, and NIM.
Coefficient of Determination
R Square
R Square
Std. Error of
The Estimate
The magnitude of CAR, NPF, FDR, BOPO, and NIM effect on ROA can be
seen from the determination coefficient. Based on the results of the
Determination Coefficient analysis is 0.731, which means that the influence of
CAR, NPF, FDR, BOPO and NIM on ROA is 73.1% while the remaining
26.9% is influenced by other variables not discussed in this study.
T Test
Independent Variable
CAR (X1)
Independent Variable
NPF (X2)
FDR (X3)
OER (X4)
NIM (X5)
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
To examine the effect partially CAR, NPF, FDR, BOPO and NIM on ROA,
the t test is conducted, based on the analysis results can be explained: (1) The
significance level of CAR is more than 5% that is equal to 0.527, with a
regression coefficient of -0.021. This means that CAR partially negatively
affects ROA. So that the first hypothesis "CAR has a positive impact on
ROA" truth is not tested. (2) The significance level of NPF is more than 5%,
which is 0.317, with a regression coefficient of 0.069. This means that NPF
partially has a positive effect on ROA. So that the second hypothesis "NPF
has a negative impact on ROA" truth is not tested. (3) FDR significance level
is more than 5% that is equal to 0.256, with a regression coefficient of -0.011.
This means that FDR partially negatively affects ROA. So that the third
hypothesis "Financing To Deposit Ratio has positive impact on Return on
Asset" truth is not tested. (4) BOPO significance level is less than 5% that is
equal to 0,000, with a regression coefficient of -0.141. This means that BOPO
partially negatively affects ROA. So the fourth hypothesis "Operational
Efficiency Ratio negatively affect Return on Asset" truth is tested. (5) The
level of significance of NIM is more than 5% that is equal to 0.671, with a
regression coefficient of 0.043. This means NIM partly has a positive effect
on ROA. So the fifth hypothesis "Net Interest Margin has a positive effect on
Return on Asset" truth is tested.
Data analyzes show the CAR, NPF, FDR, BOPO and NIM simultaneously
contribute to ROA at Bank Muamalat Indonesia for the period 2009 to 2018.
Partially BOPO contributes to ROA, while CAR, NPF, FDR and NIM are
partially lacking contribute to ROA. The discussion of each variable CAR,
NPF, FDR, BOPO and NIM are as follows:
Relationship on CAR towards ROA
The equation of regression shows that the coefficient for CAR is negative,
which means that the higher the CAR value of Bank Mualamat Indonesia, the
lower ROA of Bank Muamalat Indonesia, so that the 1st hypothesis
"Adequacy Ratio Capital has a positive impact on ROA (Return on Assets)"
truth not tested. If viewed from the resulting regression coefficient of -0.021
with a significance level of 0.527 (sig> 5%), meaning that the CAR is
partially less contributing to the decrease in ROA. The lack of CAR's
contribution to ROA is because Bank Muamalat Indonesia is not optimizing
the available capital, as shown by the average CAR value of 12,5325 in 2001
to 2010
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
Relationship on NPF towards ROA
The equation of regression shows that NPF coefficient is positive, which means
the higher the NPF value of The Bank Mualamat Indonesia, the higher ROA of
Bank Muamalat Indonesia, so that the second hypothesis " Non-performing
financing impacts Return on Assets " truth untested. When viewed from the
regression coefficient generated at 0.069 with a meaning level of 0.317 (sig>
5%), meaning that the NPF is partially less contributing to the increase in
The lack of NPF contribution to ROA due to the increase in NPF doesn’t the
resulting decrease in ROA because the value of Allowance for Earning Assets
Losses (PPAP) can still cover non-performing financing. The profit of Bank
Muamalat Indonesia can still increase with a high NPF because profit sources
other than income such as fee-based income are relatively high. Besides that,
NPF may occur not because the debtor is unable to pay, but the strictness of the
Bank Indonesia Regulation in the case of financing classification which causes
debtors who were in the current category to go down to substandard. According
to Bank Indonesia's records, non-performing financing was caused by, among
other things, a decrease in quality of financing caused by a decrease in debtors'
financial conditions, late payments, other payment problems, poor prospects
debtor's business and the impact of applying Regulation Number 7/2 / PBI /
2005 concerning Bank Quality Assessment General. An increase in NPF
requires a larger reserve, thereby reducing operating profit.
Relationship on FDR towards ROA
The equation of regression shows that FDR coefficient is negative, this means
the higher the Bank Mualamat Indonesia FDR value, Bank Muamalat
Indonesia's Lower ROA, so that the third hypothesis " Financing to deposit does
have a positive impact on Return on Assets" truth is not tested. When viewed
from the resulting -0,158 regression coefficient with a meaning level of 0,256
(sig>5 percent), meaning that FDR is partially less contributing to the decrease
in ROA. Lack of FDR contribution to ROA because the financing channeled by
Bank Muamalat Indonesia is less than optimal in making profit contributions to
Bank Muamalat Indonesia in utilizing third party funds.
Relationship on BOPO towards ROA
The regression equation indicates that the BOPO coefficient is negative, which
means that the higher the BOPO value of Bank Mualamat Indonesia will result
in the lower ROA of Bank Muamalat Indonesia, so that the 4th hypothesis
"Operational Efficiency Ratio negatively affect Return On Asset "truth is tested.
When viewed from -7,370 regression coefficient with a meaning level of 0.000
(sig <5 percent), it means that BOPO partially contributes to the decrease in
ROA. BOPO contribution to the decrease in ROA of the Bank Muamalat
Indonesia because company is less efficient in issuing operational costs in
generating profits. Efficient management of operational activities of the
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
Company by minimizing BOPO, the level of profit reflected in ROA as a
measure of the profit-generating efficiency of Bank Muamalat Indonesia by
using all assets owned.
Relationship on NIM towards ROA
The regression equation indicates a positive NIM coefficient, which means that
the higher the NIM value of Bank Mualamat Indonesia will lead to the higher
ROA of the Bank Muamalat Indonesia, so the 5th hypothesis " Net interest
margin positively impact Return on Assets " truth is tested. When viewed from
the regression coefficient value generated of 0.430 with a level of significance
0.671 (sig> 5%), it means that the NIM is partially less contributing to the
increase in ROA. The lack of NIM's contribution to ROA due to interest rate
changes and the efficiency of earned assets at Bank Muamalat Indonesia did not
optimally increase income for company. Bank Muamalat Indonesia takes
prudent actions in channeling financing so that the quality of its productive
assets is maintained.
Based on results from processing can be concluded: (1) The increase in CAR
does not contribute to the decrease in ROA of Bank Muamalat Indonesia
(Companies), this occurs because Bank Indonesia, requires a minimum 8%
CAR, always tried to keep CAR with Bank Muamalat Indonesia requirements,
But Bank Mualamat Indonesia prefers not to keep its CAR at 8 percent because
it means waste, because Bank Muamalat Indonesia is not optimal in channel
funding as anticipated. (2) The increase in NPF does not expand the ROA of The
Bank Muamalat Indonesia, as the Company has created an Allowance for
Earning Assets Losses (PPAP) to cover unperformed financing. (3) The increase
in FDR does not contribute to the decrease in ROA of Bank Muamalat Indonesia
because the Company does not optimize the distribution of financing for funds
collected from third parties. (4) The increase in BOPO contributed to the
decrease in ROA of Bank Muamalat Indonesia as the company issued less
efficient operating costs in generating profit. (5) The increase in NIM does not
contribute to the increase in ROA of Bank Muamalat Indonesia, because the
Company conducts prudent actions in disbursing financing so that the quality of
its productive assets is maintained.
Policy-making to improve Bank Muamalat Indonesia (Companies), performance
to reduce BOPO to increase ROA, this is because company issues operational
costs that are less efficient in generating profits. The efficient management of
operational activities of company minimizing BOPO company Indonesia will
greatly affect the level of profitability of company is ROA reflected as an
indication of company effectiveness in generating income through the use of total
assets owned. (2) Suggestions for further research should add independent
variables such as violations of the Maximum Lending Limit (LLL), inflation rate
and the influence of exchange rate volatility. The limitations of this research are
only using secondary data, namely the publication of company reports for 2009 to
PJAEE, 17 (11) (2020)
2018, it is expected that future research can reach the management aspects of
company, as done by Bank Indonesia in conducting a bank health assessment by
CAMELS Rating System, or even using Good Corporate Governance, the Risk
Profile method, Earning, and Capital (RGEC) which is a measurement of banking
performance with the concept of Risk Based Bank Rating (RBBR).
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