Tachyonic mode transitions in quantum and relativity physics

2025, Elsevier SSRN

It is argued in the paper that quantum spin and relativity physics can have vacuum entanglement origins through tachyonic mode transitions of photonic states in ultrahigh energy domains. This can also imply photonic localization and confinement that could give rise to tachyonic mode transitions. Fermionic spins can transform as tachyonic cylindrical entities which can depict multidimensionality especially in singularity like states ,accommodating quantum gravity string perspectives and branes or flux tube. Because the photon position does not evolve causally, the photon can go back in time,and thus,the position operator for a photon is not well defined. The same issue occurs with any relativistic particle when you try to localize it in a region smaller than its Compton wavelength. According to Wigner's analysis, the single photon Hilbert space is spanned by a basis parameterized by energy-momenta on the forward light cone boundary, and a helicity of ±1. If you try to localize electrons to a region that is small compared to the Compton wavelength, the uncertainty principle says that the localized state has to be built out of a range of energies that is big compared to mc2,implying that it has to include negative-energy states, with the interpretation that any attempt to measure the position of an electron to such high precision ends up creating electron-positron pairs. However,one-photon states can be localized with sub-exponential tails in the sense that the field energy density of the state decreases sub-exponentially away from a localization center, implying Evanescent and tachyonic modes. We thus hint at complex space time and tachyonic modes at photonic boundaries.This relationship is manifestly non-local: the definition of positive/negative frequency involves the infinite past/future, and , this implies access to arbitrarily large spacelike regions. The discussions reveal a photonic boundary interphases with a tachyonic mode which might account for quantum and gravity fields. Ultrahigh energy zero-dimensional space can give rise to flux tube with tachyonic modes, as photons are bound to be congruent with gravitons in such quantum gravity frames. Zero dimensionality accommodates multidimensionality . The tachyonic fermions can be discussed in this context ,ibid.This implies that virtual particles can have a tachyonic mode as imaginary mass states. The Higgs particle is not a tachyon, but appears when expanding the Higgs field around the vacuum of spontaneously broken symmetry. Vacuum instabilities arising from tachyonic mode transitions do not contradict any experimental evidence,and justify tachyonic existence and its entropic effects. Around the vacuum where the Higgs field has vanishing expectation value, the full gauge symmetry is restored but the Higgs field has negative mass^2.A tachyonic fermion would need an imaginary m but that would produce a non-Hermitian action. This can contribute to spinor dynamics of elementary masses in polarized states at fundamental length scales. They might also hint at higher dimensions and gravitonic dark matter superposition with quantum mechanical dark energy like vacuum states. So, what corresponds to "spin" , morphs into "cylindrical" when you pass through the boundary case of photons, into something totally different, involving hyperboloids or double-cones, in transitions to tachyonic mode. We may correspond this to imaginal entities. In a string theory formalism branes can correspond to brains [Bernard Carr],thus accommodating consciousness and mind fields in material theories of higher dimensionality ,where we also find unified field theories in a quantum gravity perspective. It is possible that brain like information processing structures can locally confine photonic states for tachyonic transitions and mind like substratum for consciousness .Such tachyonic states have dissipative nature so that dark matter ,gravitonic and dark energy like states can correspond to the entropic effects

Tachyonic mode transitions in quantum and relativity physics. Suresh Kumar S Abstract. It is argued in the paper that quantum spin and relativity physics can have vacuum entanglement origins through tachyonic mode transitions of photonic states in ultrahigh energy domains. This can also imply photonic localization and confinement that could give rise to tachyonic mode transitions. Fermionic spins can transform as tachyonic cylindrical entities which can depict multidimensionality especially in singularity like states ,accommodating quantum gravity string perspectives and branes or flux tube. Because the photon position does not evolve causally, the photon can go back in time,and thus,the position operator for a photon is not well defined. The same issue occurs with any relativistic particle when you try to localize it in a region smaller than its Compton wavelength. According to Wigner's analysis, the single photon Hilbert space is spanned by a basis parameterized by energy-momenta on the forward light cone boundary, and a helicity of ±1. If you try to localize electrons to a region that is small compared to the Compton wavelength, the uncertainty principle says that the localized state has to be built out of a range of energies that is big compared to mc2,implying that it has to include negative-energy states, with the interpretation that any attempt to measure the position of an electron to such high precision ends up creating electron-positron pairs. However,one-photon states can be localized with sub-exponential tails in the sense that the field energy density of the state decreases sub-exponentially away from a localization center, implying Evanescent and tachyonic modes. We thus hint at complex space time and tachyonic modes at photonic boundaries.This relationship is manifestly non-local: the definition of positive/negative frequency involves the infinite past/future, and , this implies access to arbitrarily large spacelike regions. The discussions reveal a photonic boundary interphases with a tachyonic mode which might account for quantum and gravity fields. Ultrahigh energy zero-dimensional space can give rise to flux tube with tachyonic modes, as photons are bound to be congruent with gravitons in such quantum gravity frames. Zero dimensionality accommodates multidimensionality . The tachyonic fermions can be discussed in this context ,ibid.This implies that virtual particles can have a tachyonic mode as imaginary mass states. The Higgs particle is not a tachyon, but appears when expanding the Higgs field around the vacuum of spontaneously broken symmetry. Vacuum instabilities arising from tachyonic mode transitions do not contradict any experimental evidence,and justify tachyonic existence and its entropic effects. Around the vacuum where the Higgs field has vanishing expectation value, the full gauge symmetry is restored but the Higgs field has negative mass^2.A tachyonic fermion would need an imaginary m but that would produce a non-Hermitian action. This can contribute to spinor dynamics of elementary masses in polarized states at fundamental length scales. They might also hint at higher dimensions and gravitonic dark matter superposition with quantum mechanical dark energy like vacuum states. So, what corresponds to "spin" , morphs into "cylindrical" when you pass through the boundary case of photons, into something totally different, involving hyperboloids or double-cones, in transitions to tachyonic mode. We may correspond this to imaginal entities. In a string theory formalism branes can correspond to brains [Bernard Carr],thus accommodating consciousness and mind fields in material theories of higher dimensionality ,where we also find unified field theories in a quantum gravity perspective. It is possible that brain like information processing structures can locally confine photonic states for tachyonic transitions and mind like substratum for consciousness .Such tachyonic states have dissipative nature so that dark matter ,gravitonic and dark energy like states can correspond to the entropic effects Introduction and background. The Schrodinger position representation is only valid for nonrelativistic massive particles.Because the photon position does not evolve causally, the photon can go back in time,and thus,the position operator for a photon is not well defined in any usual sense.The same issue occurs with any relativistic particle when you try to localize it in a region smaller than its Compton wavelength. Then,we may also define the photon trajectory as a summation over forward and backward time. There are quantum mechanical resolutions to this, where one deals with photons as excitations of the quantum field,and not worry about localizing photons in space. Then,we may also define the photon trajectory as a summation over forward and backward time paths,thus trying to redefine the position of a photon in space-time rather ,a perturbation theoretic interpretation. This definition is fine in tune with an interpretation of Feynman's diagrams, and is the Schwinger representation of Feynman's propagator. In the perturbative formalism, to create a space-time localized photon with polarization one applies the free photon field operator at a given space time point so that the propagator is the sum over all space-time paths of a particle action. The coincidence between two point functions and particle-paths is also implicit in Feynman's original work, and it usually is downplayed in quantum field theory books, which tend to emphasize the field point of view. The photon concept, like all relativistic particle concepts, is a quantum field picture which is justified in perturbation theory . In classical particle theory for photons, the expression depicts a probability of finding a photon within a given volume element. "Such an expression would have to behave like a density, i.e., it should be the time component of a four-vector." And this would have to come from squaring the fields. But squaring a tensor always gives a tensor of even rank, which can't be a four-vector. [Peierls' argument against treating photons as strictly localized particles.] Within the context of relativistic quantum field theory (QFT), we have analogously another theorem, the Reeh-Schlieder theorem. For the electrons there is a possibility to slow them down to non-relativistic speeds, but there is no such possibility for photons. According to Wigner's analysis, the single photon Hilbert space is spanned by a basis parameterized by energy-momenta on the forward light cone boundary, and a helicity of ±1 In QED the photon is associated with a classical solution of the (4-)vector potential. The vector potential contains features that are not physical, as a change of gauge is not reflected in any change of physical properties. Thus its role as a wave function might be somewhat questionable.But still, there must be a wave which explains the well known interference and diffraction patterns. From the vector field associated with the photon an electric field can be calculated. This field is gauge independent, thus a physical field. This field is a solution to Maxwell's equations . One can decompose the Maxwell tensor into anti self dual and self dual parts, which is represented in spinorial form. This is just a peculiar fact about free electromagnetic fields: you basically cannot localize light to a region smaller that the characteristic wave-length. Maxwell equations for the source-less (solenoidal) component of the vector potential field play the role of the Schrodinger equation. Ref.The Quantum Theory of Light Rodney Loudon OUP Oxford, 7 Sept 2000 The generalization of the Dirac equation to cases other than spin 1/2 is the Duffin–Kemmer-Petiau Equation. Strictly speaking, this applies to systems with non-zero rest-mass m, but it can be directly adapted by setting m=0, to photons. The Duffin–Kemmer–Petiau (DKP) equation, also known as Kemmer equation, is a relativistic wave equation which describes spin-0 and spin-1 particles in the description of the standard model. The DKP equation for spin-0 is closely linked to the Klein–Gordon equation and the equation for spin-1 to the Proca equations. It suffers the same drawback as the Klein–Gordon equation in that it calls for negative probabilities. Also the De Donder–Weyl covariant Hamiltonian field equations can be formulated in terms of DKP matrices. Similarly to the Hamiltonian formalism in mechanics formulated using the symplectic geometry of phase space the De Donder-Weyl theory can be formulated using the multisymplectic geometry or polysymplectic geometry and the geometry of jet bundles. A generalization of the Poisson brackets to the De Donder–Weyl theory and the representation of De Donder–Weyl equations in terms of generalized Poisson brackets satisfying the Gerstenhaber algebra was found by Kanatchikov in 1993. Ref. Wikipedia. Effective field theories (EFTs) have long played a crucial role in guiding our understanding of fundamental physics to higher and higher energies, and extend the SM Lagrangian with higher-dimensional interactions ; in the context of EFTs, jet bundles are spaces on which derivatives of the scalar field are treated as extra coordinates in a consistent fashion.Of course this geometric picture is not reserved for the particular 4d theories that describe the Higgs, but equally describes scalar fields in any spacetime dimension d8, with any target space geometry. These are important of course in geometric quantization and mappings onto quantum spacetime ,as well as Standard Model extensions. It is possible that tachyonic mode transitions based on dissipation can give rise to quantum and relativistic phases in a spinor dynamics vacuum perspective. Spinor dynamics. With the advent of spinor calculus that superseded the quaternionic calculus, the transformation properties of the Riemann-Silberstein vector have become even more transparent as a symmetric second-rank spinor. In 1996 contribution to quantum electrodynamics, Iwo Bialynicki-Birula used the Riemann–Silberstein vector as the basis for an approach to the photon, noting that it is a "complex vector-function of space coordinates r and time t that adequately describes the quantum state of a single photon". Bialynicki-Birula acknowledges that the photon wave function cannot have all the properties of Schrödinger wave functions of non-relativistic wave mechanics: it is useful for describing quantum states of excitation of a free field, electromagnetic fields acting on a medium, vacuum excitation of virtual positron-electron pairs, and presenting the photon among quantum particles that do have wave functions. Ref. Bialynicki-Birula, Iwo (1996). "Photon wave function". Progress in Optics. 36: 245–294. arXiv:quant-ph/0508202. Bibcode:1996PrOpt..36..245B. doi:10.1016/S0079-6638(08)70316-0. ISBN 978-0-444-82530-8. Ref.Wikipedia. If you try to localize electrons to a region that is small compared to the Compton wavelength, the uncertainty principle says that the localized state has to be built out of a range of energies that is big compared to mc2,implying that it has to include negative-energy states, with the interpretation that any attempt to measure the position of an electron to such high precision ends up creating electron-positron pairs. Photons, just like electrons, can be localized to some extent, but not to an unlimited extent. (Birula 2009). A more accurate statement would be that they can't be localized perfectly (i.e., like a delta function). Ref. Bialynicki-Birula and Z. Bialynicki-Birula, "Why photons cannot be sharply localized," Phys Rev A27 (2009) 032112. A freely available paper describing similar results is Saari, Thus the quanta of free bose fields, relativistic or not, can not be perfectly localized in a bounded subset of space. The Reeh-Schlieder theorem has been proven in the context of relativistic field theory, but holds equally well for (finite or infinite) non-relativistic systems of coupled oscillators. By studying it in that context, its implications for the quantum theory of measurement becomes apparent, since they are intimately linked to the observation that the vacuum is an entangled state. States of free bose fields that are perfectly localized in bounded sets exist, but necessarily contain an infinite number of quanta. Theycan be classified quite easily, following the ideas of Licht. States containing only one quantum (or even a finite number of them), cannot be strictly localized excitations of the vacuum. In fact, it is true even in finite chains of oscillators. Thus one-particle states, are never strictly localizedin a bounded set . This implies that the elementary excitations of the vacuum in a bosonic field theory (relativistic or not) differ from the ordinary point particles of non-relativistic mechanics: their Hilbert space of states contains no states in which they are perfectly localized. In view of the above, it is clear that no position operator for the quanta of the Klein-Gordon field can exist. In fact, the same conclusion holds for the quanta of a lattice vibration field. However,one-photon states can be localized with sub-exponential tails in the sense that the field energy density of the state decreases sub-exponentially away from a localization center, implying Evanescent and tachyonic modes. Ref : arXiv:math-ph/0607044 arXiv:math-ph/0607044 (math-ph) [Submitted on 20 Jul 2006] Where's that quantum? S. De Bievre. Ref.Vacuum instability and tachyons: Comments on a paper by Zeldovich By Erasmo Recami 1976, Physics Letters B: 1976. Spinning Tachyons, URL ( Tachyonic modes. The discussions reveal a photonic state boundary interphases with a tachyonic mode which might account for quantum and gravity fields. Ultrahigh energy zero-dimensional space can give rise to flux tube with tachyonic modes, as photons are bound to be congruent with gravitons in such quantum gravity frames. Zero dimensionality accommodates multidimensionality . The tachyonic fermions can be discussed in this context ,ibid. The real meaning and import of the no-go theorem is that the Wigner class which photons belongs to has no spin-orbit decomposition, so that the usual expressions for spin and position cannot be developed for them. The symplectic geometry for the subclass shares many features in common with the symplectic geometry for magnetic monopoles. Photons fall into the helical subfamily. The same is true for all fundamental particles , in their true massless states before they are endowed with the appearance of mass by interaction with the Higgs. Classically, this corresponds to the fact that the free electromagnetic field has no spin current and presents a symmetric stress tensor. For electromagnetic fields inside a medium (like water) light goes slower than light speed in vacuuo, so the corresponding dressed quanta would fall into the subluminal class and would have spin-orbit decompositions. This is directly related to the very phenomenon in solid state physics that inspired the idea of the Higgs mechanism itself. Tachyonic mode to relativistic transitions would thus have probably such implications. So a "particle" here, has a meaning more as an imagined entity that we are using in our model , but they exist in the mental model of reality we're trying to make. A particle is a very tiny object so we would mathematically assign it a size of zero: it occupies an amount of space equal to a point. In the case of "particle" and "position" taken together, the particle is an entity consisting of a single geometric point only. Position is then a parameter we are going to affix to that entity that informs us where it appears in our mind model of the world which could be translated into an actual computer model, though QM. "Positioning" can be thought of as dropping it into space and then applying geometric transformations, e.g. translations and rotations, to align the pivot to the given coordinates. Such a specification of position takes infinite information, in a truly arbitrary, general case. . In quantum mechanics we have to take account of the viewing agent's interactions with its world. Hence the focus is less on the exact position of the particle and instead more on the agent's knowledge of said position,since as we do this, we actually gain descriptive flexibility talking about varying levels of knowledge through the machinery of Bayesian probability and information theory, "probability as information", "it from bit" (John Archibald Wheeler), with the result is that we jettison the usual coordinate assignment (x,y,z) in favor of a probability distribution functionψ(x,y,z),and we have to make this function a complex-valued, not real-valued, probability function. We thus hint at complex space time and tachyonic modes at photonic boundaries. Likewise, for a probability distribution, the "broader" it is, encompassing more possibilities, the less informative it is, and the "tighter", the more informative. (The exact "content of information" can be quantified by its Shannon entropy, H.) Instead, a mathematical object like quantum state vector can be "decoded" to reveal probability distributions about many different parameters of the particle. These things are denoted like |ψ⟩, and "Decodings" into positions and velocities ( momenta) are described by operators that act on these vectors , In non-relativistic QM, These operators "decode" the position and momentum by effectively "tagging" quantum state vectors as representing cases where we do have infinite information about the position and momentum, respectively. We start with a vacuum state vector |0⟩ ,and then proclaim the existence of a creation and destruction operator for each position vector . . The Universe, effectively, has a strong upper limit as to how much information can exist to define a particle's position, not just a limit on the joint information of position and momentum together as per Heisenberg's principle. This does not mean that position is non-existent, any more than that position being "fuzzy". In QM the lack of a definite value of position in some (most) states is not due to the disturbance from the measurement, but is instead a fundamental property of our quantum world. Real localized detectors are necessarily noisy. The more localized they are, the noisier they must be. Reeh-Schlieder guarantees this, both for electrons and for photons. Now consider the QFT of the electromagnetic field by itself, and creation/annihilation operators that define what "photon" means in this model, are the positive/negative frequency parts of the field operators. This relationship is manifestly non-local: the definition of positive/negative frequency involves the infinite past/future, and , this implies access to arbitrarily large spacelike regions. Observables associated with mutually spacelike regions are required to commute with each other (the microcausality requirement). The length scale ℏ/mc is the scale over which commutators of our quasi-local detector-observables fall off with increasing spacelike separation. Such correlations can also form the basis for wave particle duality: we can construct observables that are localized in a strictly bounded region and that almost annihilate the vacuum state. Such an observable represents a detector that is slightly noisy. The noise is again negligible for low-resolution detectors — that is, for detector-observables whose localization region is much larger than the scale ℏ/mc. The no-go result says that in relativistic QFT, we can't have a detector that is both perfectly reliable, and localized in a strictly bounded region. When you try to localise tighter than the wavelength to get a 'confined' mode, this is at the price of having the majority of the power (/population) in evanescent tails. In relativistic QFT, the Reeh-Schlieder theorem implies that an observable localized in a bounded region of spacetime cannot annihilate the vacuum state. Intuitively, this is because the vacuum state is entangled with respect to location. Such a correlated state which could account for the wave like particle state can decohere due to measurement. Particles are defined relative to the vacuum state. By definition, the Reeh-Schlieder theorem implies that an observable representing the number of particles in a given bounded region of spacetime cannot exist: if an observable is localized in a bounded region of spacetime, then it can't always register zero particles in the vacuum state. This implies that virtual particles can have a tachyonic mode as imaginary mass states. The Higgs particle is not a tachyon, but appears when expanding the Higgs field around the vacuum of spontaneously broken symmetry. Around the vacuum where the Higgs field has vanishing expectation value, the full gauge symmetry is restored but the Higgs field has negative mass^2. The Higgs particle is a tachyon in the only sense that modern field theory accepts--- a particle which makes an unstable vacuum for the zero-charge state. It's presumed that tachyons have to be scalar particles , much like the Higgs boson which when expanded around the maximum of the potential (zero vev) obey Bose-Einstein statistics. A tachyonic fermion would need an imaginary m but that would produce a non-Hermitian action. This can contribute to spinor dynamics of elementary masses in polarized states at fundamental length scales. They might also hint at higher dimensions and gravitonic dark matter superposition with quantum mechanical dark energy like vacuum states. Non-Hermitian systems are quantum systems that undergo dissipation to an environment. Non-Hermitian proximity effect (NHPE) describes how non-Hermiticity from the boundary of a system penetrates into the bulk. It can generate in-gap states with imaginary eigenenergies, which are localized at the boundary. Due to Non-Hermitian skin effect (NHSE) a large number of eigenstates localize at the boundary of a system. Non-Hermiticity can unify symmetry, leading to new types of symmetry and complex-energy gaps. This can lead to new phenomena, such as symmetry-protected topological photonic states and tachyonic modes with Higgs like mechanisms. Imaginary eigenenergies depict oscillatory system states. The discovery of topological states of matter and correlations in non-Hermitian systems raises the question of whether there are anomalous conservation laws that remain unaccounted for. Studies have found non-Hermitian anomalies in massless Dirac fermions with complex velocities coupled to non-Hermitian gauge fields. Complex velocities coupled to non-Hermitian gauge fields" refers to a theoretical scenario in quantum physics where particles are described by wavefunctions with complex velocities (meaning their propagation speed can have an imaginary component), interacting with a gauge field that is not Hermitian, leading to unique and non-intuitive behaviors not seen in standard quantum mechanics with Hermitian operators. Coupling complex velocities to non-Hermitian gauge fields can give rise to novel effects like: Non-Hermitian chiral anomalies: Anomalies in the conservation laws for chiral currents that are unique to non-Hermitian systems, potentially leading to unusual transport properties. Non-Hermitian skin effect: In certain systems, the eigenstates can become highly localized at the boundaries due to non-Hermiticity, leading to unusual edge-state physics. Ref. Wu, D., Chen, J., Su, W. et al. Effective impurity behavior emergent from non-Hermitian proximity effect. Commun Phys 6, 160 (2023). Review X Symmetry and Topology in Non-Hermitian Physics Kohei Kawabata ,et, al. Phys. Rev. X 9, 041015 – Published 21 October, 2019 DOI: Ref. Physical Review B Letter Constraints of internal symmetry on the non-Hermitian skin effect and bidirectional skin effect under the action of the Hermitian conjugate of time-reversal symmetry Shu-Xuan Wang, Phys. Rev. B 109, L081108 – Published 14 February, 2024 DOI: Ref. PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 4, L042004 (2022) Letter Non-Hermitian chiral anomalies Sharareh Sayyad Spin-one particles may only get their mass consistently by the Higgs mechanism: the relevant term arises from the covariant version of the kinetic terms for the Higgs fields:Again, this has to be Hermitean. The scalar character of the tachyon may also be seen in the effective field theory. Dirac or Weyl tachyons are impossible because the Dirac mass term has to be Hermitian. It implies that m has to be real, which means that the particle is positively massive. Wigner found the invariants of the Poincare group, first the mass, and second the spin. Furthermore he found the allowed spins which depend on the character of the mass. When m^2<0, the only allowed representation of spin are the trivial spin=0, and a set of infinite dimensional groups. So there a no finite spin groups that describe tachyons. What the infinite dimensional groups allow you to do, is perhaps to correspond with the math for an imaginal mind like field . For the spin non-zero classes, you need a spin-orbit decomposition in order to even be able to talk about spin. And that only happens with the subluminal class. Tachyonic mode transitions. Tardyons have 3 pairs of symplectic coordinates - which is what underlies the Heisenberg relation - if spin 0, and a 4th pair if spin non-zero. The extra pair are associated with the coordinates of a sphere. It corresponds to the degree of freedom usually labelled by m (for the axial component of angular momentum) in quantum theory. Photons have 3 pairs of symplectic coordinates. In the helical subclass, angular momentum is helical; i.e. its axis is parallel to linear momentum; and the helicity (i.e. the component parallel to the momentum) is an invariant. As a special case, this includes "spin 0" - which actually means helicity 0. The photon is a helical , and has non-zero helicity. The photons can have 4 pairs of symplectic coordinates ,and, the extra pair does not describe spin but is associated with the coordinates of a cylinder. This can represent tachyonic mode transitions in ultrahigh energy domains. Tachyons have 3 pairs of symplectic coordinates only if they are "spin 0". Otherwise, they have 4; and the 4th pair is associated with either a one-sheeted hyperboloid, a double cone, or two-sheeted hyperboloid. So, what corresponds to "spin" , morphs into "cylindrical" when you pass through the boundary case of photons, into something totally different, involving hyperboloids or double-cones, in transitions to tachyonic mode. We may correspond this to imaginal entities. In a string theory formalism branes can correspond to brains [Bernard Carr],thus accommodating consciousness and mind fields in material theories of higher dimensionality ,where we also find unified field theories in a quantum gravity perspective. Concluding comments. As discussed, The real meaning and import of the no-go theorem is that the Wigner class which photons belongs to has no spin-orbit decomposition, so that the usual expressions for spin and position cannot be developed . The symplectic geometry for the subclass shares many features in common with the symplectic geometry for magnetic monopoles,in a quantum gravity string formalism. Also, spin-statistics theorem holds only for states with non-negative mass so that if these are violated more exotic possibilities arise. The spin–statistics theorem proves that the observed relationship between the intrinsic spin of a particle (angular momentum not due to the orbital motion) and the quantum particle statistics of collections of such particles is a consequence of the mathematics of quantum mechanics. In units of the reduced Planck constant ħ, all particles that move in 3 dimensions have either integer spin and obey Bose–Einstein statistics or half-integer spin and obey Fermi–Dirac statistics. The essential ingredient in proving the spin-statistics relation is relativity, that the physical laws do not change under Lorentz transformations. The field operators transform under Lorentz transformations according to the spin of the particle that they create, by definition. Tachyonic mode transitions to relativistic mechanics imply quantum mechanical spin ,thus suggesting a common origin for both quantum physics and relativity theories in tachyonic mode photonic boundaries,that are possible in ultrahigh energy domains. In spinor bundle formalism there is thus a covariance for electromagnetism and gravity field theories such that bosons like photons,gluons and gravitons correspond to each other ,conceptually conforming to gauge gravity correspondence based on holographic principle. Additionally, the assumption (known as microcausality) that spacelike-separated fields either commute or anticommute can be made only for relativistic theories with a time direction. Otherwise, the notion of being spacelike is meaningless. However, the proof involves looking at a Euclidean version of spacetime, in which the time direction is treated as a spatial one. Lorentz transformations include 3-dimensional rotations and boosts ,where a boost is mathematically like a rotation into time. By analytic continuation of the correlation functions of a quantum field theory, the time coordinate may become imaginary, and then boosts become rotations. The new "spacetime" has only spatial directions and is termed Euclidean. In 1982, physicist Frank Wilczek published a research paper on the possibilities of possible fractional-spin particles, and he termed them anyons considering their any spin ability. He theoretically predicted that they would arise in low-dimensional systems where motion is restricted to fewer than three spatial dimensions. Wilczek described their spin statistics as "interpolating continuously between the usual boson and fermion cases". The effect has become the basis for understanding the fractional quantum hall effect. Wikipedia . As discussed in the foregoing, quantum spin and relativity physics can have vacuum entanglement origins through tachyonic mode transitions of photonic states in ultrahigh energy domains. This can also imply photonic localization and confinement that could give rise to tachyonic mode transitions. Fermionic spins can transform as tachyonic cylindrical entities which can depict multidimensionality especially in singularity like states ,accommodating quantum gravity string perspectives and branes or flux tube. The tachyonic mode can hold the clue to the common origin of quantum mechanics and relativistic descriptions in the physics of vacuum with its spinor dynamics and complex spacetime where the multidimensionality collapses to zero dimensionality revealing mind fields and fundamental forces in energy flux expansions to entropic states. It is possible that brain like information processing structures can locally confine photonic states for tachyonic transitions and mind like substratum for consciousness. Such tachyonic states have dissipative nature so that dark matter ,gravitonic and dark energy like states can correspond to the entropic effects. We have discussed how Vacuum instabilities arising from tachyonic mode transitions do not contradict any experimental evidence,and thus justify tachyonic existence and its entropic expansions.