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Le roman Les Brahmanes, publié en 1866 au Portugal par l'Indien de Goa Francisco Luís Gomes (1829-1869), pourrait être considéré comme étant non seulement le premier ouvrage de fiction « anticolonialiste » de l'histoire de la littérature moderne, mais encore celui qui a le premier attaqué frontalement le système hindou des castes. L'auteur a encore l'audace de promouvoir dans son livre un mariage interethnique, au moment même où les théories raciales faisaient irruption en Occident. La perspective chrétienne de l'auteur - un catholique libéral élu au Parlement portugais - réserve pourtant de mauvaises surprises au lecteur avisé. [Troisième édition]
400 gram mie basah/kuning. 750 ml kaldu sapi. 150 gram udang basah, bersihkan, buang kulitnya. 150 gram daging sapi, potong dadu. 1 buah tomat potong dadu. 4 siung bawang putih iris tipis.3 siung bawang merah iris tipis. 60 gr tauge siangi, buang buntutnya. 100 gr kol iris tipis. 1 sdt cuka. 2 sdm kecap manis cap singa keluaran langsa. 1 batang daun bawang iris halus. 1 sdm seledri iris halus. 2 sdt garam 3 sdm minyak goreng BUMBU HALUS 5 buah bawang merah. 3 siung bawang putih. 4 buah cabai merah kering, buang bijinya. ½ sdm bubuk kunyit. 4 butir kapulaga. 1 sdt jinten, sangrai. 1 sdt lada butir.1 bh kemiri 1 kacang almond kering / ketapang kreng CARA MEMBUAT Tumis bawang merah iris, bawang putih iris dan bumbu halus hingga harum. Masukkan daging, aduk dan masak hingga daging berubah warna. Lalu tambahkan udang dan tomat, aduk rata. Masukkan kaldu, seledri, daun bawang, garam dan cuka. Masak hingga daging matang dan air berkurang sambil sesekali diaduk. Masukkan kol dan tauge, aduk rata. Kemudian tambahkan mi dan kecap manis. Aduk hingga semua bahan tercampur rata dan matang. Angkat. Sajikan panaspanas dengan acar mentimun dan emping goreng.
O objetivo deste artigo é entender a proposta pedagógica implícita em Provérbios 22.6, propondo uma leitura que seja condizente com o propósito original do livro de Provérbios no contexto literário do Antigo Oriente Próximo (doravante AOP). Em termos gerais, a proposta comumente articulada em nossos dias é de que o processo de transmitir o conhecimento que promove e fomenta uma cosmovisão cristã deve começar na tenra idade. Quando isto acontece, o resultado esperado é que tal cosmovisão, fruto do conhecimento bíblico que foi transmitido e aplicado na vida da criança, possa acompanhá-la pelo resto de seus dias. A proposta de uma nova leitura deste provérbio atenta para três aspectos que devem ser ainda mais explorados pelos educadores cristãos. São eles: a) o conceito de "ensinar" em Provérbios e no AOP, b) a definição do "caminho" em que se deve andar, e finalmente c) as aplicações e implicações de se "desviar" deste caminho. A contribuição inicial do artigo se restringe às inferências exegético-teológicas que são feitas na utilização deste provérbio, ainda que tais inferências possam trazer contribuições e desafios em outras áreas.
Journal of Disability Studies in Education, 2021
We contend that, within capitalism, the Autism Industrial Complex (aic) produces both autism as commodity and the normative cultural logic of intervention in relation to it. Comprised of ideological/rhetorical as well as material/economic infrastructure, we argue that the aic is not the myriad businesses and industries that capitalize and profit from it; rather, these constitute its epiphenomenal features. In the production of autism as commodity, the aic also simultaneously produces that commodity’s market, its consumers, and its own monopoly control of that market through production for consumption of need for, consent to, and legitimacy of interventionist logics. Within this apparatus, almost anyone can capitalize on and profit from autism. And within the aic, autistic people—their very bodies—function as the raw materials from which this industrial complex is built, even as autistic people—their very identities and selves—also become unwitting, and often unwilling, products of t...
The Tocqueville Review/La Revue Tocqueville, 2013
Les projets de territoire, qui se sont multipliés en France au cours des années 1980 et 1990 dans le cadre des politiques contractuelles développées par l'Etat, constituent des prismes utiles pour décrire et analyser les transformations de l'action publique infra-nationale et des relations entre niveaux de gouvernement. Ils permettent de saisir le basculement de la gestion publique des territoires d'un modèle hiérarchisé d'administration étatique des affaires locales, vers une forme de gouvernance territoriale pluraliste et horizontale au cours vingt dernières années du XXe siècle. Après avoir présenté cette transformation de la gestion publique des territoires et des relations entre pouvoir central et périphérique, dont les projets territoriaux sont tout à la fois des indices et des catalyseurs, on s'interrogera sur sa pérennité en considérant l'essor récent des appels à projets dans les politiques territoriales de l'Etat français ainsi que les effets de ces appels à projets concurrentiels, entre approfondissement et remise en cause de la logique de projet.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a análise de soluções alternativas de resolução de conflitos fundiários, partindo do questionamento se o atual sistema processual é suficiente para a resolubilidade e o propósito de assegurar o direito social à moradia. Nesse sentido, parte-se do estudo dos institutos processuais e das técnicas de negociação passíveis de aplicação nessa espécie de conflito, para que quando alcançada a resolubilidade possa ser alcançada e configurada a mudança de fatos sociais constitucionalmente reconhecidos como direitos sociais. Nesta seara, a atuação positiva do Estado, por intermédio dos seus agentes faz-se necessária e em casos de processos que ultrapassam a esfera individual, a tutela processual requer adequação a essa realidade. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, de método dedutivo, com base exploratória e levantamento bibliográfico, para imprimir a cognição crítica às fontes analisadas.
A regime complex is an array of overlapping international institutions and agreements that interact to govern in a particular issue area of international relations. International regime complexity refers to the international political dynamics that emerge from the interaction among multiple overlapping institutions within regime complexes. Scholars have identified several factors explaining the emergence of regime complexes and the growing regime complexity in world politics. Some have emphasized the functional rationale for creating institutional linkages to contain negative spillovers across regimes. Others have focused instead on actors' incentives, pointing to the various expected benefits of governing through regime complexes rather than through separate comprehensive institutions.
mAbs, 2016
Concentration-dependent reversible self-association (RSA) of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) poses a challenge to their pharmaceutical development as viable candidates for subcutaneous delivery. While the role of the antigen-binding fragment (Fab) in initiating RSA is well-established, little evidence supports the involvement of the crystallizable fragment (Fc). In this report, a variety of biophysical tools, including hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry, are used to elucidate the protein interface of such non-covalent protein-protein interactions. Using dynamic and static light scattering combined with viscosity measurements, we find that an IgG1 mAb (mAb-J) undergoes RSA primarily through electrostatic interactions and forms a monomer-dimer-tetramer equilibrium. We provide the first direct experimental mapping of the interface formed between the Fab and Fc domains of an antibody at high protein concentrations. Charge distribution heterogeneity between the positively charged interface spanning complementarity-determining regions CDR3H and CDR2L in the Fab and a negatively charged region in C H 3/Fc domain mediates the RSA of mAb-J. When arginine and NaCl are added, they disrupt RSA of mAb-J and decrease the solution viscosity. Fab-Fc domain interactions between mAb monomers may promote the formation of large transient antibody complexes that ultimately cause increases in solution viscosity. Our findings illustrate how limited specific arrangements of amino-acid residues can cause mAbs to undergo RSA at high protein concentrations and how conserved regions in the Fc portion of the antibody can also play an important role in initiating weak and transient protein-protein interactions.
In an era where accumulating data is easy and storing it inexpensive, feature selection plays a central role in helping to reduce the high-dimensionality of huge amounts of otherwise meaningless data. This manuscript overviews concepts and algorithms of feature selection, surveys existing feature selection algorithms for classification based on the complexity: filter, embedded, and wrappers methods. Some real-world applications are included. We conclude this work by identifying trends and challenges of feature selection research and development while providing a code library of methods selected from recent literature.
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Türk Kütüphaneciliği/Türk kütüphaneciliği, 2024
Quality Assurance in Education, 2013
KulturPoetik, 2001
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2013
Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa
Sultra Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SJME)
Journal of Environmental Biology, 2020
Acta otorhinolaryngologica Italica : organo ufficiale della Società italiana di otorinolaringologia e chirurgia cervico-facciale, 2004
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019