arXiv:2305.08191v1 [cs.CV] 14 May 2023
Is end-to-end learning enough
for fitness activity recognition?
Antoine Mercier1,2 Guillaume Berger1,2 Sunny Panchal1,2 Florian Letsch1
Cornelius Boehm1 Nahua Kang1 Ingo Bax1,2 Roland Memisevic1,2
Twenty Billion Neurons GmbH1 Qualcomm AI Research2∗
End-to-end learning has taken hold of many computer vision tasks, in particular,
related to still images, with task-specific optimization yielding very strong performance. Nevertheless, human-centric action recognition is still largely dominated
by hand-crafted pipelines, and only individual components are replaced by neural
networks that typically operate on individual frames. As a testbed to study the
relevance of such pipelines, we present a new fully annotated video dataset of
fitness activities. Any recognition capabilities in this domain are almost exclusively
a function of human poses and their temporal dynamics, so pose-based solutions
should perform well. We show that, with this labelled data, end-to-end learning
on raw pixels can compete with state-of-the-art action recognition pipelines based
on pose estimation. We also show that end-to-end learning can support temporally
fine-grained tasks such as real-time repetition counting.
Action recognition in videos has slowly been transitioning to real-world applications following
extensive advancements in feature representation and deep learning-based architectures. In many
applications, models need to extract detailed information of the underlying spatio-temporal dynamics.
Towards this, end-to-end learning has recently had a lot of success on generic action recognition
datasets comprised of varied everyday activities [1, 2, 3]. However, pose-based pipelines seem to
remain the preferred solution when the task is strongly related to analyzing body motions [4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
such as in the rapidly growing application domain of virtual fitness, where an AI system can be used
to deliver real-time form feedback and count exercise repetitions.
In this paper, we present a new fitness action recognition dataset with granular intra-exercise labels
and compare few-shot learning abilities of pose estimation-based pipelines with end-to-end learning
from raw pixels. We also compare the influence of using different pre-training datasets on the chosen
models and additionally train them for repetition counting.
Common approaches to generic video understanding based on end-to-end learning include combinations of 2D-CNNs for spatial feature extraction followed by an LSTM module for learning temporal
dynamics [9, 10], directly learning spatio-temporal dynamics with a 3D-CNN [11], or combining a
3D-CNN with an LSTM [12]. The temporal understanding can be further improved in a two-stream
approach with a second CNN-based stream trained on optical flow [1, 13, 14]. The large parameter
space of 3D-CNNs can be prohibitive and efforts to reduce this include dual-pathway approaches
to low/high frame-rate [15] and resolution [16], temporally shifting frames in a 2D-CNN [17], and
non-uniformly aggregating features temporally [18]. Using a multi-task approach, an end-to-end
model jointly trained for pose estimation and subsequent action classification was shown to improve
performance of individual components [19] – but pose information is still needed for training.
Qualcomm AI Research is an initiative of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
Preprint. Under review.
Focus on body motions
Fine-grained labels
Controlled environment
“In the wild"
Table 1: Side-by-side comparison of QAR-EVD (ours) versus common video datasets including NTU
RGBD+D [6], FineGym [38], Jester [3], Something-something [2], Charades [39], Kinetics [40] and
Moments [41] based on five criteria: a) focus on body motion, b) fine-grained label taxonomy (e.g.
presence of intra-activity variations), c) controlled environment (e.g. fixed camera angle in a home
environment), d) “in the wild" (as opposed to e.g. recorded in a lab), and e) dataset size sufficient for
stand-alone pre-training.
Pose-based solutions for action recognition have two main stages: pose extraction and action classification. While bottom-up pose estimation approaches extract skeletons in one step [20, 21, 22, 23],
top-down methods split pose estimation into first localization and then pose extraction [4, 24, 25, 26].
The classification stage is then optimized independently, with no end-to-end finetuning of the whole
pipeline. Pose-based action classifiers typically use either hand-crafted features [27, 28, 29] or,
increasingly, deep learning-based modules. Recent approaches have employed CNNs [30, 31, 19],
LSTMs [32, 33, 5, 34], Graph CNNs [8, 35, 36], or 3D-CNNs on top of pose heatmaps [37]. S
In addition to an appropriate model architecture, a dataset with a fine-grained action taxonomy is
crucial to learning robust action representations. Existing RGB-based video datasets such as Kinetics
[40], Moments in Time [41] and Sports-1M [42] are based on a high-level taxonomy and further,
possess correlated scene-action pairings resulting in pronounced representation bias [43, 44]. These
concerns can be mitigated through crowd-sourced collections of predefined labels where the same
action can be collected from multiple workers such as in the Something-Something [2], and Charades
[39] datasets. However, the "everyday general human actions" within these datasets are loosely
specified and left to the worker’s interpretation resulting in a high inter-worker action variance. On
the other hand, FineGym [5] focuses on specific fine-grained body motions but includes variability in
camera position resulting in lower overall action salience. In contrast, gesture recognition datasets
such as Jester [3] control camera and worker positioning and additionally, constrain human motion
to appropriately specified hand gestures. A similarly constrained dataset for exact human body
movement, that also controls camera motion, does not exist and we believe home fitness is the perfect
domain in which to create one as workers can be instructed to move in very specific ways to perform
Pose-specific datasets contain an additional layer of annotated skeletal joints obtained either through
annotation of scraped video datasets (either manually or using a pose estimation model [7]) or a
sensor-derived approach in constrained lab settings [5, 6].
We present a new crowd-sourced benchmark dataset to fill a gap in the dataset landscape (see Table
1): videos of fitness exercises in a home setting are recorded in the wild providing challenging
scene variety while also following a fine-grained label taxonomy. We compare end-to-end action
classification models with state-of-the-art pose estimation-based action classifiers and show that
the end-to-end approaches can outperform the pose estimation-based alternatives, if the end-to-end
models are pre-trained on a large and granular labelled video corpus. We also show that the pose
estimation models themselves can greatly benefit from pre-training on the large labelled dataset.
The Qualcomm AI Research - Exercise Videos Dataset – a new benchmark
Fitness activities are defined by a well-constrained set of body movements outside of which an
individual risks injury or ineffectiveness. There is an opportunity for AI systems to detect mistakes
and provide real-time form-correcting feedback. To this end, we present the Qualcomm AI Research Exercise Videos Dataset, referred later in this paper as QAR-EVD, comprised of granular video-level
activity classes capturing subtle variations, including common mistakes. The dataset spans four
fitness exercises recorded in a home environment by crowd workers:
Figure 1: Samples from the QAR-EVD dataset for all four exercises. From top to bottom: Dead bug,
inchworm, alternating lateral lunges, spiderman pushups. Best viewed on a screen.
Number of videos
Number of unique workers
Table 2: Dataset statistics: Number of videos and unique crowd workers in each split
• Dead bug: The user lies on the back with arms and legs raised and moves them back and
forth asynchronously.
• Inchworm: From a standing position, the user touches the floor with both hands, walks them
forwards, and then back again.
• Alternating lateral lunges: The user performs a lunge step in sideways direction, alternating
in both directions.
• Spiderman pushups: A pushup variation where one leg is moving to touch knee and elbow.
Example frames from the dataset for each exercise can be seen in figure 1. Each exercise was recorded
with deliberate variations such as increased pace or incorrect execution of different aspects of each
exercise, some which are visible from a static frame (foot touching the floor), and others which are
only apparent across multiple consecutive frames (being too fast or too slow). In total, a fine-grained
taxonomy of 40 video-level classes is available to trigger direct feedback.
Each of the 40 classes contains between 130 and 140 videos, with each video lasting between 5 and
8 seconds. The dataset is split into train, validation and test sets with no worker overlap between
them. All videos are provided in MP4 format at a frame rate of 30 fps. The dataset contains 5511
videos in total across all splits (see Table 2 for details on the data split). For few-shot experiments,
we prepared different versions of the train splits, containing fewer examples per class. We release
splits that contain 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 samples per class.
In addition to delivering form feedback in real-time, another challenging task for fitness AI applications is repetition counting. It relies on precisely parsing the temporal extent of an action segment
within an activity and, as such, benefits greatly from the availability of temporal annotations. To this
end, in addition to providing video-level labels, we tagged a subset of each exercise within QAR-EVD
with frame-level classes, thus making it possible to benchmark models on repetition counting. More
details will be provided in Section 3.6.
The data has been collected in the wild by individual crowd workers who performed the actions
following instructions from an example video. To match the desired viewing angle of a phone placed
on the floor (fitness app scenario), the workers recorded themselves using a camera at a low position.
All recorded videos were reviewed to confirm the execution was performed correctly. Because of the
distributed nature of the data collection, the recorded samples show a large variety of scene settings,
backgrounds and illumination (see figure 2). Each worker recorded videos for multiple action classes,
so that the performed action cannot be learned by the visible video setting, but only by learning
feature representations of the actual body motion.
Figure 2: The videos in the dataset provide a wide range of lighting and scene settings. From left
to right: cluttered background, textured background; high contrast, low contrast. Best viewed on a
QAR-EVD has been collected for the purpose of discerning fine variations of exercise execution
performed by a worker. In order to create the label taxonomy and recording instructions, the domain
knowledge of several fitness experts had been consulted to collect a list of common mistakes and
frequent variations of the individual exercises. Some examples of subtle variations are:
• Dead bug: A foot touches the floor; arms are not moving; the wrong leg is moving; execution
is too fast
• Inchworm: Feet are too narrow or too wide; hands are too far from the body in the initial
position; hands are stepping too far forward with each step
• Alternating lateral lunges: Bending the wrong leg; low range of motion; execution is too
• Spiderman pushups: Execution is too fast or too slow; leg movement is not in sync with
pushup (three different error variations are labeled); pushup is too shallow
The full label taxonomy can be found in the supplementary materials. We plan to release the dataset
under a non-commercial license, which permits non-profit research only.
All models were trained on subsets of the QAR-EVD training split, with 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100
samples per class, to evaluate few-shot behavior. Different initialization approaches were tested for
each model, including training from scratch, starting from a pre-trained model and fine-tuning the
final classification layer, all layers, or a subset of the layers. The approaches are described in more
detail in section 3.4.
Three end-to-end and two pose estimation-based architectures are compared in our experiments.
End-to-end architectures include I3D [1], SI-EN (ours) and SI-BlazePose (ours). For the pose-based
pipelines, we use BlazePose [4] to localize and extract human poses followed by one of two stateof-the-art graph-based classifiers: ST-GCN [8] and MS-G3D [7]. We selected BlazePose for the
pose extraction part because it is optimized for real-time fitness applications and comparable to the
end-to-end architectures in terms of FLOPs and model size (see section 3.1.3 for more details).
I3D. As an end-to-end baseline model for video action recognition, we used the 3D-CNN architecture, I3D-RGB, proposed in [1].
Strided-Inflated EfficientNet (SI-EN). We present SI-EN, which uses EfficientNet-Lite4 [45], a
2D-CNN, as a backbone, with a few modifications to some of the inverted residual blocks. Specifically,
we inflate 8 of the blocks in the temporal dimension (blocks 3, 7, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23 and 25), using
a temporal kernel of 3, effectively turning them into 3D convolutional modules taking inspiration
from [1]. More precisely, it is only the first point-wise convolution in the inverted residual block that
is inflated. Two of the inflated convolutions (blocks 7 and 14) are implemented with a stride of 2,
enabling a lower footprint output of 4 fps from the 16 fps input stream.
SI-BlazePose. As a method to back-propagate through a pose feature bottleneck during an end-toend classification task, we propose the following architecture which we call SI-BlazePose. It is based
QAR-EVD exercises
Closest BigFitness classes
Closest Kinetics classes
spiderman pushups
pushups - sloppy
burpee - no upright position
burpee - no jump
push up
crawling baby
dead bug
bicycle crunches - small torso rotation
bicycle crunches - medium torso rotation
bicycle crunches - head down
alternating lateral lunges
skaters - single jump (right to left)
grabbing an off-screen towel
skaters - slow
side kick
burpee (no pushup) - stepping feet forward
burpee (no pushup) - stepping feet back
roll down
dribbling basketball
push up
Table 3: Comparing dataset similarity: for each QAR-EVD exercise (column 1), we compute a
prototypical feature vector and show its 3 closest class centroids in feature space within BigFitness
(column 2) and Kinetics (column 3).
on the BlazePose model [4] using inflation to extend it in the temporal dimension. We inflate the last
8 point-wise convolutions with a temporal kernel of size 3, adding a temporal stride of 2 to the 2nd
and 4th one. We freeze all layers before the first inflated layer. We use the full image as input, and
resize it to 256 × 256 preserving the aspect ratio. We did not crop around the person as a first step, in
contrast to what is done within MediaPipe2 . Since QAR-EVD is a classification dataset, we replace
BlazePose’s body part regression head with a softmax layer.
Pose-based classifiers
ST-GCN. Spatial-temporal graph convolution networks (ST-GCN) use graph convolutions across
spatial joint connections and temporal connections from frame to frame [8]. Following the original
authors’ approach, we included their suggested edge importance weighting method with a spatial
partitioning strategy. As our results did not benefit from dropout regularization, we disabled it.
MS-G3D. Multi-scale graph convolutional networks (MS-G3D) adjust the node weighting in the
graph for improved multi-scale aggregation and introduce skip connections to the graph for better
modeling of spatio-temporal dependencies across longer distances.
As these models are able to work on generic graph layouts, we added support for the BlazePose layout
by providing the adjacency matrix of the 33 graph nodes.
A note on computational efficiency
A pipeline based on pose-estimation typically consists of 3 components: a detection network producing rough person positions, a pose estimation network producing skeletons for each person (BlazePose
in our case), and a classifier mapping a sequence of skeletons to an activity label (STGCN or MSG3D
in our case). The first two components are image-based while the action classifier is video-based in
Figure 3: QAR-EVD top-1 accuracy of selected existing architectures, pretrained on various datasets.
We report results using 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 training samples per class. For each model, we use the
following convention: {architecture}-{pretraining dataset}-{optional: number of finetuned layers}.
the sense that it needs a sequence of skeletons. While the detection network can run fairly infrequently
(at least, if the person is not moving their position much), the framerate at which the pose estimation
component needs to run is determined by the temporal granularity required by the action classifier to
obtain high accuracy. An end-to-end neural network on the other hand provides a variety of flexible
ways to reduce computational footprint, e.g. by using temporally strided convolutions which reduces
the framerate of subsequent layers and outputs. SI-EN specifically exploits this by introducing two 3D
convolutions with a temporal stride of 2 early in the architecture. As a result, most of the SI-EN layers
only need to run at 4fps rather than the 16fps input framerate, greatly reducing the computational
footprint of our end-to-end solution. At an input framerate of 16, SI-EN only requires 4.0 GMACs/s,
whereas running BlazePose alone (i.e. without counting localization and action classification) already
amounts to 6.7 GMACs/s.
Datasets used for pre-training
In addition to the dataset we are releasing along with this paper, we use a larger internal video dataset,
which we refer to as BigFitness, for pre-training in some experiments. This dataset consists of around
300, 000 videos of fitness exercises with a fine-grained label taxonomy across 1, 536 classes that are
disjoint from the data in QAR-EVD. Similar to QAR-EVD, the videos were recorded and curated by
In addition to this internal dataset, we also made use of Kinetics [40] and ImageNet [46] for pretraining, as will be described in the results section.
To elucidate the relationship between the pre-training datasets used in our experiments and QAR-EVD,
we visualize examples that are the closest in feature space to each QAR-EVD exercise in Table 3.
It shows that BigFitness has multiple labels that are conceptually similar, which is to be expected
as it contains fitness actions with a disjoint, but also fine-grained, label taxonomy. More general
action recognition datasets like Kinetics have some fitness actions, such as push up and lunge, which
resemble the exercises from QAR-EVD. However, because of the more coarse label taxonomy, the
next nearest neighbors can be very different (such as labels “head banging" or “unboxing").
Implementation details
End-to-end models were trained on raw pixels from the QAR-EVD videos. The native resolution
was down-scaled to a resolution of 256 × 256 pixels. To keep the original aspect ratio, frames were
padded with black pixels to be in a square format before downscaling. Videos were subsampled to
Figure 4: Effect of pre-training ST-GCN and MS-G3D on Kinetics and BigFitness.
16 fps which showed improved performance over the native 30 fps in preliminary experiments. For
training, we took random crops of 63 frames from each video, which corresponds to roughly 4 second
long video clips. 63 was chosen because of memory constraints. For evaluation, all frames of a video
were passed to the model. As additional augmentation, we applied random color jittering to the 3
input channels. RGB values were scaled to the range from 0 to 1.
To pre-train pose-based models in a way that is comparable to the end-to-end models, we extracted
pose features from BigFitness using BlazePose [4] as provided by the MediaPipe library 3 . The same
method was used to extract pose features to train on QAR-EVD. In our experiments, we used all 33
joints and 3 input channels per joint: x position, y position and confidence score. The resulting pose
sequences were created at 16 fps, because preliminary experiments showed better results than using
the raw 30 fps (just like in the end-to-end experiments). For training, we took random crops of 90
consecutive poses. For evalutation, we passed in the full pose sequence of each sample.
Following [8], we used simulated camera movement on top of keypoint coordinates as a data
augmentation technique during training.
The Kinetics-Skeleton dataset [8], that we use for pre-training some of the models, uses the OpenPose
[47] layout, which has fewer key points than the BlazePose layout (18 instead of 33). In our
experiments, we mapped BlazePose keypoints to the OpenPose format with the neck position being
defined as the center between the two shoulder joints.
The performance on QAR-EVD across architectures is reported in Figure 3. For each model, we
have tried multiple fine-tuning strategies (e.g. freezing all layers, fine-tuning a subset of the layers,
fine-tuning the whole network). Figure 3 only reports the approach that worked the best for each
model. Results obtained using the other strategies can be found in Table 4. Regarding pose-based
baselines, to the best of our knowledge, there are no versions of MS-G3D and ST-GCN pre-trained
on the 33 joints returned by BlazePose and we therefore train the two graph CNNs from scratch in
this experiment. We investigate the effect of pre-training MSG-3D and ST-GCN in the next section.
Interesting findings from Figure 3 can be summarized as follows:
Best performance is obtained by an end-to-end network. SI-EN-BigFitness-10 tops all other approaches with a significant margin, including pose-based solutions that use a graph CNN initialized
from random weights. The gap with pose-based pipelines is higher when training data is scarce
3 Note that we use the GHUM Full version of BlazePose in all our experiments.
Number of samples per class:
Pose-based pipeline
Table 4: Results across all experiments. We report the test set accuracy in percentage on QAR-EVD.
(45.2% vs 26.7% for ST-GCN-Scratch in the 5-shots case) but shrinks as more training samples are
available (66.8% vs 62.1% for MS-G3D-Scratch when the full trainset is used).
Pre-training on a large video dataset is key. Unsurprisingly, the type of data used to pre-train each
baseline plays an important role in downstream performance. Best results are obtained by the model
that was pre-trained on BigFitness, which is by far the most granular pre-training dataset considered
in this experiment. The exact same SI-EN architecture pre-trained on ImageNet performs poorly.
The Kinetics baseline, I3D, is roughly on par with pose-based pipelines. On the other hand, the
inflated pose 2D CNN, SI-BlazePose-9, obtains decent results when few samples are available but
gets significantly outperformed as more samples are available.
MS-G3D seems more prone to overfitting than ST-GCN. While MS-G3D outperforms ST-GCN when
more than 50 training samples are available, ST-GCN gets better results in the 5, 10 and 20-shot
Closing the gap between pose-based and end-to-end approaches
In this section, we investigate the effect of pre-training the graph CNN component of pose-based
pipelines. Pre-training is performed with two datasets: Kinetics and BigFitness. Results can be found
in Figure 4.
Figure 4 shows that, even for a pose-based pipeline, pre-training on a large video dataset can boost
classification accuracy. While an accurate frame-level pose representation alone obtains decent
results, the overall solution greatly benefits from pre-training on videos. This suggests that training
data that provides some understanding of the temporal aspects of human body motions is highly
beneficial, even for pose-based models. While pre-training on Kinetics produces good downstream
performance, pre-training on a more granular dataset such as BigFitness works better overall. When
it is pre-trained on BigFitness, the MS-G3D-based pipeline is on par with the end-to-end baseline,
and the advantage that ST-GCN has over MS-G3D in the lower data regimes vanishes. Additional
metrics (e.g. confusion matrices, f-measures) can be found in the supplementary material.
Learning to count
To explore a more temporally fine-grained recognition task, we also experiment with end-to-end
repetition counting ("how many times has a given exercise been performed?"). This is a common
task, in particular, in many fitness applications.
Repetition counting is an inherently temporal prediction task. To train the networks on this task,
we temporally annotated a subset of videos with frame-by-frame labels describing which phase of
the exercise the subject is at any moment in time. We use the same frame-rates as before (16 fps
input, 4 fps output) and annotated 100 videos for each of the exercises in the training set. We use
the same train/test split as above for evaluation. We experiment with various temporal annotation
schemes that can be turned into counts after training: (1) marking frames as within-repetition vs. end8
Temporal annotations schemes
dead bug
lateral lunges
(1) within-repetition vs end-of-repetition
(2) within vs middle-of vs end-of-repetition
(3) first half vs second half
(1) within-repetition vs. end-of-repetition
(2) within vs middle-of vs end-of-repetition
(3) first half vs second half
(1) within-repetition vs. end-of-repetition
(2) within vs middle-of vs end-of-repetition
(3) first half vs second half
Table 5: Repetition counting results across all experiments (mean absolute percentage error).
of-repetition, (2) marking frames as within-repetition vs. end-of-repetition vs. middle-of-repetition,
(3) using a different encoding of the 3-way annotations in (2), by marking frames as first-half of
a repetition (between end-of-repetition and middle-of-repetition) vs. second-half of a repetition
(between middle-of-repetition and end-of-repetition).
We train the models by treating these annotations as a simple temporal classification task. For
training, we concatenate the videos within a mini-batch along the temporal axis rather than stacking
videos on the batch-axis. Since annotation schemes (1) and (2) are highly imbalanced, we weight
the classification cost by 0.2 for the under-represented class "within-repetition" during training. For
SI-EN, we only train the 10 final layers (as for the best model above).
We turn temporal classifications into counts at inference time by incrementing the count when the
end of a repetition is detected. For annotation schemes (1) and (2), we only increment the count
if an end-of-repetition event is followed by at least one middle-of-repetition event to avoid overcounting. Table 5 shows the performance of the models in terms of mean absolute percentage error
(MAE) [48, 49]. It shows that accurate counting performance can be obtained from the relatively
small number of annotated videos. While performance is comparable across models, interestingly,
even in this setup, the end-to-end approach SI-EN performs roughly on par with or better than the
other approaches in most cases. In fact, it shows the best performance in all exercises except for
"Inchworm" which unlike the other exercises, has a much smaller number of repetitions per video
and yields overall lower accuracy. Note that only SI-EN can make predictions on-line. Overall, while
a deeper analysis and comparison with other counting approaches is beyond the scope of this paper,
we find that it is possible to obtain very accurate repetition counts entirely end-to-end. We also find
that accuracy depends strongly on how temporal annotations are represented during training.
In conclusion, our experiments show that end-to-end training on large-scale labeled video datasets
without any form of frame-by-frame intermediate representation can compete with pose-based
approaches, even in the context of fitness activity recognition where one could assume that an
accurate pose representation is all you need. More importantly, regardless of the selected approach,
pre-training on a large and granular video dataset is a key ingredient to achieving good downstream
performance. In fact, our experiments show that good performance in action recognition tasks is
mostly a function of dataset size and label granularity and less of the choice of model.
Limitations and broader impact. The introduced dataset subserves research on end-to-end reasoning about human activities using an RGB camera. It can be used to study and benchmark model
architectures and to rethink workflows in the development of end-to-end neural networks. However,
the dataset in its current size and form may contain biases. Training on this dataset alone may, for
example, lead to models whose behaviors could depend on a subject’s age, gender, ethnic background,
etc. As such, the dataset as defined is suitable only for performing the research needs described above.
In addition, model behavior will be a function of camera angle, lighting, and possibly other random
aspects of the scene, camera, camera-angle and the subject interacting with the model. As for positive
impact, research towards enabling quantitative assessment of health and fitness-related activities with
just a camera can democratize access to and can greatly improve individuals’ understanding of such
activities and help unlock their benefits.
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Supplementary material
Fitness exercises
Video-level classes
Frame-level classes
knee over toe
left leg bent
low range of motion
right leg bent
no obvious mistakes
no stepping
not alternating
alternating lateral lunges
stepping foot pointing away
too fast
torso bent forward
torso bent sideways
wrong knee bent
foot touching the floor
moving opposite leg
moving same side
dead bug
not moving arms
opposite knee too bent or too close to chest
too fast
arms too narrow
plank pose
arms too wide
excessively short
feet too narrow
feet too wide
getting into position
getting into position - hands too far
good form
head up
hips too low
not far out enough
stepping too big
too fast
arms too narrow
low pushup position
arms too wide
good form
no pushup
not alternating
spiderman pushups
not synced (down - leg in - up - leg out)
not synced (down - leg - up)
not synced (down - up - leg)
too fast
too slow
Table 6: Label taxonomy of the QAR-EVD dataset
Additional results
Figure 5: Confusion matrix for the SI-EN-BigFitness-10 model on the FinestFitness test set, averaged
over five training runs.
alternating lateral lunges
spider man pushups
Table 7: Aggregated f-measures per exercise and model as an indicator of the intra-exercise performance, computed by averaging across all class-wise f-measures that belong to the same exercise.
Each of the two examined models performs better on two out of the four exercises.
Figure 6: Confusion matrix for the MS-G3D-BigFitness model on the FinestFitness test set, averaged
over five training runs.
Figure 7: Confusion matrices from Figure 5 and Figure 6, aggregated into exercise-wide scores.
Results have been obtained by summing up the scores for all classes belonging to the same exercise.
Figure 8: F-measures per class for SI-EN-BigFitness-10 and MS-G3D-BigFitness, obtained over 5
runs on the FinestFitness test set and sorted according to SI-EN-BigFitness-10 results.
Figure 9: Absolute differences of f-measures for the two models from figure 8, sorted by decreasing
performance of SI-EN-BigFitness-10.