Rhetorique des sophistes - rhetorique de Socrate [ 1984 ]

Article printed in: K. Boudouris (ed.), H AΡΧΑΙΑ ΣΟΦΙΣΤΙΚΗ. The Sophistic Movement, Athens 1984, 137-145 -- This paper was somehow seminal in the claim that there was not just a rhetoric of the Sophists, but also a powerful rhetoric of Socrates. Historians of ancient Greek rhetoric were accustomed to mention Gorgias, Antiphon and few others, then Plato's polemical attitude against rhetoric, with no word at all on Socrates. The labels taken to be appropriate for him were irony, dialectic, refutation et sim., not rhetoric. With this paper I tried to acknowledge the great creativity of Socrates' (macro-)rhetoric, seemingly the opposite of the Gorgianic one.


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