The Subthalamic Nucleus Contributes to
Post-error Slowing
James F. Cavanagh1,2, Joseph L. Sanguinetti3, John J. B. Allen3,
Scott J. Sherman3, and Michael J. Frank2
■ pFC is proposed to implement cognitive control via di-
rected “top–down” influence over behavior. But how is this feat
achieved? The virtue of such a descriptive model is contingent
on a mechanistic understanding of how motor execution is
altered in specific circumstances. In this report, we provide
evidence that the well-known phenomenon of slowed RTs following mistakes (post-error slowing) is directly influenced by
the degree of subthalamic nucleus (STN) activity. The STN is
proposed to act as a brake on motor execution following conflict or errors, buying time so a more cautious response can be
As our understanding of the nature of cognitive and executive control grows, increasingly fine-tuned descriptions
of these processes have begun to emerge (Rushworth,
Noonan, Boorman, Walton, & Behrens, 2011; Buckley et al.,
2009; Ridderinkhof, Ullsperger, Crone, & Nieuwenhuis,
2004). It is widely believed that one means of implementing control involves directed “top–down” influence
over prepotent or habitual actions, especially in difficult
situations (Miller & Cohen, 2001). Although this descriptive model is helpful, much work remains to be done to
explain the distinct neural mechanisms by which such
top–down control alters action selection. In this report, we provide evidence that the subthalamic nucleus
(STN) contributes to the degree of RT slowing following
an error.
Extensive evidence implicates the pFC in the realization
of an error (Gehring, Liu, Orr, & Carp, 2012; Botvinick,
Braver, Barch, Carter, & Cohen, 2001; Carter et al.,
1998), yet the mechanistic details of how erroneous performance is resolved are less well specified. Post-error RT
slowing is a well-known feature in cognitive accounts of
performance monitoring (Botvinick et al., 2001; Gehring
& Fencsik, 2001; Rabbitt, 1966), whereupon the response
following an error is slower and more accurate than the
average response (Luce, 1986; Laming, 1979). The covary-
University of New Mexico, 2Brown University, 3University of
© 2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
made on the next trial. STN local field potentials from nine
Parkinson disease patients undergoing deep brain stimulation
surgery were recorded while they performed a response conflict task. In a 2.5- to 5-Hz frequency range previously associated
with conflict and error processing, the degree phase consistency
preceding the response was associated with increasingly slower
RTs specifically following errors. These findings provide compelling evidence that post-error slowing is in part mediated by a
corticosubthalamic “hyperdirect” pathway for increased response
caution. ■
ing combination of slowed responses and increased accuracy is best represented by a single latent construct in
formal models of performance: an increased decision
threshold (Ratcliff & McKoon, 2008; Luce, 1986). An
increased decision threshold thus accounts for a shift in
the speed–accuracy tradeoff toward increased response
caution. One candidate neural system—the hyperdirect
cortico-STN pathway—has been proposed to specifically
act to increase decision threshold following signals of
the need for control (Ratcliff & Frank, 2012; Cavanagh
et al., 2011; Frank, 2006).
The STN are small subcortical nuclei that lie between
the brainstem and pallidum. Long considered a part of
the corticostriatal indirect pathway, they have been implicated as a part of an inhibitory system that prevents
motor gating, acting in antagonism to the facilitatory
direct pathway (Mink, 1996; Alexander & Crutcher, 1990).
The existence of a distinct extrastriatal hyperdirect information processing stream has been supported by recent
descriptions of the cortico-BG system including histological (Haynes & Haber, 2013; Nambu, Tokuno, & Takada,
2002; Nambu, Tokuno, & Hamada, 2000), functional
imaging (Mansfield, Karayanidis, Jamadar, Heathcote, &
Forstmann, 2011; Aron & Poldrack, 2006), functional connectivity (Forstmann et al., 2012; Aron, Behrens, Smith,
Frank, & Poldrack, 2007), electrophysiological (Zaghloul
et al., 2012; Cavanagh et al., 2011), and computational
(Wiecki & Frank, 2013; Ratcliff & Frank, 2012; Frank,
2006) evidence. In the hyperdirect pathway, motor cortex
and premotor cortex bypass the striatum and project
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 26:11, pp. 2637–2644
directly to the STN, which in turn projects to the output
nuclei of the BG (internal segment of the globus pallidus
and substantia nigra pars reticulate [SNr]) to act as a global
brake on striatal output. This hyperdirect system is thus a
compelling candidate “hold-your-horses” mechanism by
which signals of conflict or error in the pFC could rapidly
delay motor output via the STN, buying time for a more
cautious decision (Frank, 2006).
Previous work has shown that high-frequency deep
brain stimulation to the STN, which presumably disrupts
STN processing of cortical inputs, induces more fast errors
(Cavanagh et al., 2011; Wylie et al., 2010; Frank, Samanta,
Moustafa, & Sherman, 2007) and abolishes the normal
relationship between enhanced mid-frontal EEG theta
power and increased decision threshold (Cavanagh et al.,
2011). Similarly, STN spiking increases with decision conflict and is predictive of higher accuracy and slowed RTs
(Zaghloul et al., 2012), in line with an increased decision
threshold. As may be expected, post-error slowing has
been formally and specifically associated with a strategic
increase in decision threshold (Dutilh et al., 2012), providing a strong rationale for a likely role of the STN in this
feature of adaptive control. Although many previous investigations of STN activity have highlighted the roles of
beta (∼12 to 25 Hz) and gamma (∼55 to 75 Hz) bands
during action readiness and selection (Jenkinson & Brown,
2011; Marceglia, Fumagalli, & Priori, 2011; Androulidakis
et al., 2007; Weinberger et al., 2006; Kühn et al., 2004),
conflict and errors have been specifically associated
with lower-frequency responses sharing a 3–5 Hz range
(Alegre et al., 2013; Zavala et al., 2013; Brittain et al.,
2012; Cavanagh et al., 2011), motivating a candidate frequency range that may be sensitive to control-related adjustment. In this investigation, we provide evidence from
Parkinsonian patients undergoing surgery for deep brain
stimulation that STN activities in this 2.5–5 Hz frequency
range specifically contribute to the degree of post-error
Eleven volunteers participated in the task during the
implantation of the first deep brain stimulation electrode:
two were rejected for poor data quality, leaving nine
participants in total. The average age was 74 years (SD =
7.9, range = 59–86); seven were men. All participants completed informed consent approved by the Tucson Medical
Center Institutional Review Board. All participants were
off L-DOPA medication for at least 12 hr before surgery,
although patients remained on other non-Parkinsonian
medications as well as local anesthetic.
A modified Simon task (Cavanagh, Zambrano-Vazquez, &
Allen, 2012; Simon & Rudell, 1967) with preparatory cues
was used to assess response competition processes (Figure 1A). Participants learned the task rules and practiced
at least 38 trials in their hospital room 2 hr before the
surgery. Each trial began with an informative cue (green
“EASY,” red “HARD,” or purple “XXXX”), indicating that
the trial would require a congruent or incongruent response or, in the case of purple Xs, that the response
was equiprobably congruent or incongruent. These cues
are hereafter referred to as informative cues, given that
they provide information (EASY, HARD) or no information (XXXX) about the upcoming trial. Previous work
has shown that noninformative cues are associated with
Figure 1. Task and performance. (A) Participants performed a Simon task with informative versus noninformative cues. (B) Although there
was no behavioral evidence that participants used the informative cues, there was a strong effect of trial congruency on RT (error bars are SEM ).
(C) Aggregated RTs showing significant post-error slowing (error bars are 95% confidence intervals), with the comparison condition of correct
RTs matched to the post-error trial to investigate post-error specific slowing.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Volume 26, Number 11
increased mid-frontal signals of conflict (Cavanagh et al.,
2012); here we aimed to investigate if these cues were
also associated with increased STN activity. Informative
cues were presented for 2000 msec, after which the imperative Simon cue was presented to the left or right side
of the screen (yellow circle for left response, blue square
for right response) for 1000 msec or until the response.
These imperative cues were thus either spatially congruent
(screen side = response hand) or incongruent (screen
side ≠ response hand) as in a standard Simon task. Erroneous responses were followed by a delay of 1000 msec
followed by “Incorrect” feedback presented for 1000 msec,
and nonresponses were followed by “Faster!” feedback
immediately presented for 1000 msec. All trials had an
intertrial interval of 1000 msec before the onset of the
next informative cue. There were 40 trials of each separate
informative–imperative pair (EASY–congruent, HARD–
incongruent, XXXX–congruent, XXXX–incongruent). All
conditions were randomly presented and were counterbalanced between equal numbers of yellow versus blue
stimuli, right versus left responses, and so forth.
Intracranial EEG Recording and Processing
Intracranial EEG (iEEG) recording and data analysis were
similar to our previous study (Cavanagh et al., 2011). Field
activity was recorded from a Medtronic 3387 (Minneapolis,
MN) stimulating electrode using a Synamps 2 system
(bandpass filter 0.05–500 Hz, 2000 Hz sampling rate) referenced to the right mastoid site and grounded on the collarbone. All STN recordings were taken from the left STN
because this was always the first electrode implanted.
Electrode placement was determined by the surgical staff
based on preoperative stereotaxic planning, the firing pattern from the microelectrode recordings, and immediate
clinical effectiveness of stimulation. The surgical team
sought to place the quadripolar electrode so that the distal
(ventral) contact corresponded to the ventral boundary of
the STN as determined by microelctrode recordings and
immediate motor improvement during stimulation. The
Medtronic electrode included four contacts, which were
bipolar referenced (three pairs ranging from ventral to
dorsal), resulting in three separate recordings of STN area
activity. These recordings are referred to by their proximal
location to each other: ventral, middle, and dorsal—
although their exact location in regard to subnuclei of the
STN is unknown.
Data were epoched around the informative cues
(−1500 to 5500 msec) and baseline-corrected to the precue average (−500 to −300 msec). Epochs with bad signal recordings were manually rejected (2% of trials), and
data were downsampled to 500 Hz. Time–frequency calculations were computed using custom-written Matlab (The
MathWorks, Natick, MA) routines (Cavanagh, Cohen, &
Allen, 2009). Time–frequency measures were computed
by multiplying the fast Fourier transformed (FFT) power
spectrum of single-trial EEG data with the FFT power
spectrum of a set of complex Morlet wavelets and taking
the inverse FFT. The wavelet family is defined as a set of
Gaussian-windowed complex sine waves: e−i2πtf e−t /(2*σ2),
where t is time, f is frequency (which increased from 1 to
50 Hz in 50 logarithmically spaced steps), and σ defines
the width (or “number of cycles”) of each frequency band,
set according to 4/(2πf ). The end result of this process is
identical to time domain signal convolution. No effects
were found above 50 Hz, so the time–frequency plots
reported here focus on the 1–50 Hz range.
Power was defined as Z[t] (power time series: p(t) =
real[z(t)]2 + imag[z(t)]2) and was normalized for display by conversion to a decibel scale based on the average prestim baseline defined above (10 × log10[power(t)/
power(baseline)]), allowing a direct comparison of effects
across frequency bands. The phase angle was defined as
φt = arctan(imag[z(t)]/real[z(t)]). Intertrial phase coherence (also termed the phase locking value) was used to
measure the consistency of phase values for a given frequency band at each point in time (Lachaux, Rodriguez,
Martinerie, & Varela, 1999). Intertrial phase coherence
values vary from 0 to 1, where 0 indicates random phases
at that time–frequency point across trials and 1 indicates
identical phase values at that time–frequency point across
trials. Given that the cue-locked investigations of noninformative versus informative cues and the responselocked power analyses were nonsignificant, we focus on
the methods of the response-locked phase modulation
described in Figure 3.
Statistical Analysis
First, correct RTs and errors were tested in separate 2
(Information [EASY and HARD] vs. no information
[XXXX]) × 2 (Conflict: congruent vs. incongruent) general
linear models (GLMs) to investigate the effect of the conditions on aggregate performance. There were too few errors
per participant (median = 6 [3.75%], range = 2–18 [1.25–
11.25%]) for standard fixed-effect analyses across participants. Given the rarity of response errors and the absence
of a human STN study of response errors, we utilized an
alternative statistical procedure by aggregating all trials
into a single data set. Before aggregation, each participantʼs RTs were z-scored, and iEEG data were time–
frequency transformed as described above and locked
to the response (−500 to 500 msec), whereupon each
cell in the time–frequency power matrix was z scoretransformed across trials. Although this z-scoring procedure was utilized to control for between-participant
differences in base rate RT and amplitude, findings were
highly similar using the original microvolt-scaled EEG
instead of z-scored EEG.
Error trials (n = 77) and valid post-error trials (n = 72;
there were fewer because of four nonresponses and one
error at the very end of the experiment) were identified.
Then, a matched data set of correct trials was selected
based on the nearest RT z score match to the post-error
Cavanagh et al.
trial (to contrast with slowing specifically following errors;
see Figure 1C). Matched correct trials were limited to
responses that were not immediately preceding errors or
following post-error trials. These sets of normalized RTs
and normalized time–frequency transformed iEEG activities were then aggregated across participants, yielding
n = 72 post-error and matched correct trials (trials per
participant: [2,4,4,4,5,10,12,14,17]). There were similar
numbers of congruent and incongruent post-error trials
(36 each) and matched trials (35 vs. 37). There were
no meaningful differences in the handedness of trials for
errors (56% right), post-error trials (48% right), and
matched correct trials (50% right). Although these conditions were very well matched on RT, handedness, and
congruency, the differentiation due to previous trial type
was also influenced by an increased delay following errors
due to the presentation of “Incorrect” feedback (although
we do not think that this delay per se contributed to the
effects reported here).
Statistical differences between error and post-error RT
conditions were assessed based on confidence intervals
estimated by bootstrapping the mean of each distribution
1000 times; statistical significance was determined by
transforming confidence intervals to z score (Altman &
Bland, 2011). Spearmanʼs ρ correlations were performed
at each time–frequency point to test the relationship between normalized spectral power and the normalized RT
on the post-error and matched correct trials. Conditionspecific differences between these correlations were
tested using ρ-to-z transforms. Although correlations can
be used to investigate power–RT relationships, we were
also interested in the relationship between RT and phase
consistency. The influence of phase consistency cannot
be assessed with linear correlations, as these data are circularly distributed. On the basis of a similar methods as
phase–amplitude coupling (Canolty et al., 2006), the single trial influence of RT on phase consistency can be
investigated by taking each RT–phase pair as a vector in
complex space with the phase as the angle and the RT as
the modulus (absolute value), as detailed in Cohen and
Cavanagh (2011). The magnitude of the averaged complex data thus reflects the modulation of RT by phase
angle, such that any relationship would indicate that phase
consistency changes as a function of RT. For these analyses, z-scored RTs were offset by the minimum z-scored
RT value plus a small constant, as negative values cannot
be used.
To account for the potential influence of a noneven
distribution of phase values across trials (i.e., because of
response-locked phase reset), the phase modulation
between 1000 bootstrapped (selection with replacement)
trials and 1000 permuted (random shuffling of trial label)
RTs were computed at each time–frequency point within
each condition. These distributions were used to normalize the empirical magnitude of phase–RT modulation
(by computing the difference between the empirical and
bootstrapped means normalized by the standard devia2640
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
tion across these bootstrapped distributions). This procedure created a modulation index (MI), identical to a
z-scored difference from the permutation-tested null
hypothesis (Cohen & Cavanagh, 2011; Canolty et al.,
2006). Condition-specific differences were computed as
the difference in MI.
To control for multiple comparisons, power correlations were rerun 1000 times with permuted RTs. Because
each phase-modulated RT analyses required 1000 bootstrapped trials to compute the empirical MI, these
bootstrapped trials were simply permuted by randomly
selecting a new condition label (post-error or matched
correct) 1000 times to create 1000 new “null” distributions. A random trial was selected to stand in for the
empirical magnitude for each of the 1000 permuted distributions, facilitating the calculation of 1000 permuted
MIs. For both power and phase modulation permutations, the maximum significant cluster size in the a priori
2.5–5 Hz range was saved for each of the 1000 permutations, creating a distribution of significant clusters that
could be expected to occur because of chance. The
95th percentile of this distribution was used as the empirical threshold to provide a two-tailed 5% level of control
for multiple comparisons within a priori defined time–
frequency space.
The repeated-measures GLM for RT revealed a main
effect for Congruency, F(1, 8) = 23.96, p < .01, with
no main or interactive effects for Information. Figure 1B
shows that incongruent trials were specifically associated
with slower responses. The repeated-measures GLM for
error rates also only revealed a main effect for Congruency,
F(1, 8) = 6.62, p < .05, with more errors on incongruent
trials than congruent trials. Participant age significantly
correlated with error rate, ρ(9) = .68, p < .05, but
not RT, ρ(9) = −.07, ns. As shown in Figure 1C, there
was significant post-error slowing when measured in
milliseconds (z = 2.52, p = .01) or as aggregate z scores
(z = 3.54, p < .01).
Figure 2 shows the grand-averaged power and phase
consistency for responses at the individual bipolar leads
in the STN area. ERPs are shown on the power plots (black
lines in overlay), detailing a large response-locked voltage
negativity in the ventral STN area. Responses were characterized by enhanced power before (dorsal, middle)
and during (ventral) the responses, with enhanced lowfrequency phase consistency following the response in
all channels. There were no significant differences in time–
frequency power between post-error and RT matched
Volume 26, Number 11
multiple comparisons correction. Using the RT-weighted
phase consistency approach described above, Figure 3
demonstrates that middle STN areas exhibited enhanced
2.5–5 Hz phase consistency before the response as a
function of longer RTs. These patterns held up when
contrasted to the matched RT condition. These findings
demonstrate that the STN appears to be related to posterror specific RT slowing because of an enhanced preresponse low-frequency phase consistency during longer
and presumably more deliberative gating of responses
during a speed–accuracy tradeoff.
Figure 2. Response-locked power and phase consistency at the three
bipolar leads in the STN area. Time–frequency plots show beta band
power suppression and low-frequency enhancement before (dorsal,
middle) and surrounding (ventral) the response (at 0 msec). ERPs are
overlapped in black, showing a very large response-locked negative
voltage deflection in the ventral lead. Phase consistency was enhanced
surrounding (ventral) and following (dorsal, middle) the response.
PLV = phase locking value.
The findings reported here implicate the STN in the
degree of deliberative speed–accuracy tradeoff following
response errors, providing further evidence for the role
of the STN during the strategic increase of decision threshold. These current findings extend previous manipulative
(Cavanagh et al., 2011; Wylie et al., 2010; Frank et al.,
2007) and correlative (Alegre et al., 2013; Zavala et al.,
2013; Cavanagh et al., 2011) findings by demonstrating
that 2.5–5 Hz STN activity is involved in the degree of
slowing following errors—a well-known speed–accuracy
tradeoff that has been formally associated with a strategic
increase in decision threshold (Dutilh et al., 2012).
iEEG Relationships with RT
Low-frequency STN Activities and Adaptive Control
The correlation between STN area power and RT was
examined within the post-error and matched correct
conditions. There were no significant differences between
post-error and matched correct correlations that survived
In its role in the hyperdirect pathway, the STN is proposed to act as a brake on striatal output particularly
following cortical signals of conflict or error. It is known
that cingulate and premotor areas preferentially respond
Figure 3. Time–frequency
plots of RT-modulated phase
consistency in the middle STN
lead to responses (at 0 msec) on
post-error trials (left column),
matched correct trials (middle
column), and the difference
between these measures (right
column). Values are presented
as the MI, where higher values
indicate greater phase
consistency associated with
longer responses. On the
post-error trial, longer responses
were associated with more
2.5–5 Hz phase consistency.
When compared with
RT-matched trials, these
band-specific directional effects
were maintained. Below, linear
plots of MI for the 2.5–5 Hz
frequency range are shown
for each condition; horizontal
dashed lines indicate statistical
Cavanagh et al.
to errors and that theta band (∼4 to 8 Hz) activities from
these regions are particularly associated with the realization and resolution of error and conflict (Cavanagh
et al., 2009; Debener et al., 2005). Given previous findings
of 2.5–4.5 Hz STN activities during conflict (Cavanagh
et al., 2011) and 2.5–5 Hz activities during error (Alegre
et al., 2013), it was expected that a similar range of activities would be associated with the mechanism of conflict–
error resolution via slowed RT. Evidence from single
neuron spiking in both monkey and human STN however
has revealed strong evidence for preresponse activity
related to conflict and associated with delayed choices
and improved accuracy (Zaghloul et al., 2012; Isoda
& Hikosaka, 2008), similar to computational models
(Wiecki & Frank, 2013; Ratcliff & Frank, 2012). Indeed,
a very recent report has identified how periresponse
3–8 Hz power and preresponse 4–8 Hz phase consistency are modulated in the STN by conflict (Zavala
et al., 2013). However, unlike the current report, preresponse phase consistency was enhanced for conflict
trials with faster RTs. Although there are many differences between these investigations, a common possibility is that preresponse phase consistency ∼4 Hz is
enhanced when STN is particularly active: rapidly for successful inhibition of inappropriate response tendencies
yet slowly for deliberative control over the speed–accuracy
Limitations to the Current Study
Although we refer to the STN leads by their proximal
location to each other (ventral, middle, and dorsal), their
exact location with regard to subnuclei of the STN is unknown. However, this terminology still reflects the most
bias-free way of describing the leads in relation to each
other. Electrode placement was determined by microwire
recordings and postimplantation motor improvement
to stimulation. Experimentation immediately followed
the determination of successful STN localization, yet all
these recordings were from the left STN. Although there
were no handedness differences between conditions reported here, future investigations may reveal hemispheric
differences in the contribution of the STN to cognitive
behavioral control.
Curiously, as observed in Figure 2, activities within the
ventral lead were characterized by very strong power and
phase dynamics surrounding the response, particularly
observed as a strong negative deflection in the ERP that
peaked at the time of the response. This pattern suggests
not only that the ventral lead activities reflect an aspect
of action execution but also that this lead may have even
been capturing activities from the immediately ventral
neighbor of the STN, the SNr, which acts as an output
nucleus involved in gating/executing BG output. Given
that no postoperative MRIs were obtained, it remains
unknown whether this lead truly reflected STN activities.
Future studies may be able to assist in interpretation of
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
the localization of the results observed here in the middle
lead if strong response-locked ERPs are observed immediately ventrally from known STN or SNr nuclei.
Analytic Methods Motivated by the
Experimental Environment
Although we observed clear post-error-related activities
within the STN leads, there were no findings for the
uninformative versus informative cues, which have previously been associated with increased mid-frontal theta
power and RT slowing (Cavanagh et al., 2012). Given that
there was no effect of RT slowing for these cues here (Figure 1B), these patients may not have used informative cues
to adapt their performance, obviating any potential effects
in the iEEG. In the absence of those behavioral effects amenable to standard statistical procedures, this experiment
utilized a novel method for aggregating small amounts of
error-related data across participants to assess relationships
in events that would otherwise be too rare to be informative. The existence of strong post-error slowing across
participants (Figure 1C) provided a strong rationale that
this facet of adaptive control remained intact during the
task. The procedures for standardizing EEG power and
RTs within participants facilitated data aggregation while
allowing for appropriate contrasts to examine slowing
that was specific to post-error adaptations (by contrasting correct RTs matched to the post-error RT). However,
the distribution of errors was not uniform across participants and was positively correlated with the age of
participants. It is unknown how these dynamics may
affect the findings reported here, but these issues would
similarly affect a standard fixed effects analysis of the results. Importantly, the replication of the precise temporofrequency range of previous conflict and error effects
(Alegre et al., 2013; Zavala et al., 2013; Brittain et al.,
2012; Cavanagh et al., 2011) lend strong confidence to
the validity of these findings from this rare and challenging
experimental scenario.
In a 2.5–5 Hz frequency range previously associated with
conflict and error processing, STN power following the
response and phase consistency preceding the response
were associated with increasingly slower RTs specifically
following errors. These findings provide compelling evidence that post-error slowing is in part mediated by a
corticosubthalamic hyperdirect pathway for increased
response caution.
The authors express their gratitude to T. Norton and his surgical
staff for their support during the intraoperative recording sessions.
This project was supported by NIH grant RO1 MH080066-01 and
NSF grant 1125788.
Volume 26, Number 11
Reprint requests should be sent to Dr. James F. Cavanagh, Department of Psychology, University of New Mexico, 2001 Redondo Dr.
NE, Albuquerque, NM 87131, or via e-mail:
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Volume 26, Number 11