Breeding Attempts
of the Blue Jay
By Maarten deRuiter
Fijnaart the Netherlands
he Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata
is a well-known hird in America
and I guess almost every reader
of this magazine has seen this bird
alive. In Europe, however, it is almost
completely unknown and the millions
of people looking at Walt Disney's
Snow White (and other films) are
unaware that the nice blue birds flying
around in this film are in fact Blue Jays.
As far as I'm aware only three collections are keeping the BlueJay at the
moment in Europe. There is a pair at
the well-known Birdpark of Walsrode,
another pair at the birdpark of Metelen
(both Gem1any) and a third pair at the
Parc Paradisio in Belgium.
At the end of 1994 the Parc Paradisio
received a completely legal shipment
of five Blue Jays from Florida where
they had lived in a bird sanctuary after
they had been brought there by people
who had found them injured in nature.
Because the sanctuary has only limited
room and a release in the wild was
impossible because of the sort of
injuries, it was decided to send a small
group of the Blue Jays to Belgium.
In Belgium they were first placed in
quarantine and after they proved to be
parasite- and disease-free, we placed
them in an indoor aviary for protection
from the cold outside.
Sholtly thereafter, two birds from
the Birdpark of Metelen joined the five
birds to make a free-pairing bond possible. After this didn't work, the birds
were sexed by laparoscopy and found
to be four males and three females.
One pair was sent back to Metelen and
the other five were released in pring
into a very larg~
and well-planted outdoor enclosure which was connected
with'a smaller indoor aviary. They
shared this enclosure with a pair of
Grayson's Pigeons and a pair of
Occelated Turkeys.
Although some nestbuilding behav-
ior was ohserved in the summer of
1995, no hreeding attempt was made.
For reasons unknown (maybe old
age?) two hirds (one male, one
female) died during the year and the
three remaining birds were placed in
the indoor enclosure once again in
Then Birdpark Walsrode asked us if
we could give them a male Blue Jay
for their single female and, because we
had a male surplus, we sent one to
In the spring of 1996 our remaining
pair were again placed in the outdoor
aviary. Shortly after we released them,
we regularly saw the jays flying with
small twigs, hay, and feathers through
the aviary and onto a small wire-mesh
platform (which we had placed in a
pine-tree) where they built a cupshaped nest.
During the middle May the first egg
was laid followed the next three days
by three fUIther eggs. At the beginning
of the incubation period the weather
was very good but a week later it staI1ed to rain and heavy storms gave us little hope of success. Even so, after
ahout 18 days I found one living chick
in the nest and the next day two more
chicks had hatched. The fourth egg
was found a day later broken on the
bottom of the aviary.
At first the three chicks did well but
then, within two days, two chicks were
found dead - also at the bottom of the
aviary, I guess due to the bad weather
conditions. The remaining chick did
velY well for the next seven days and
then I made the mistake of taking off a
week. Another keeper looked after the
jays and after my short holiday the first
thing I did was to inspect the jay nest.
I found an almost fully grown jay chick
- dead. You can imagine my disappointment.
A month later the Blue Jays started
to rebuild their old nest and at the end
ofJuly four eggs were in the nest. ow
the weather was much better and we
had high hopes we would succeed this
time. After about 17 days one chick
hatched but again I took off for a few
days and on my return again all I
found was a dead chick. 0 further
breeding attempts were made but,
hopefully, next year the Blue Jays will
do better.
From the Birdpark of Metelen I got
word that they successfully raised three
Blue Jays - because, perhaps, they
took them out of the nest at one week
old for hand raising. Although the Blue
Jay population in European aviaries is
very small, two pairs have proven to
want to breed and with at least three
chicks raised successfully, the population increased by 500!o in 1996 which
gives hope for the future. ~
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