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2015, Medical Microbiology and Immunology
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defined strains. To this end, the low-passage strain Merlin genome was cloned as a BAC and sequentially repaired to match the viral sequence in the original clinical sample from which Merlin was derived. Restoration of UL128L to wild type was detrimental to growth in fibroblasts, whereas restoration of RL13 impaired growth in all cell types tested. Stable propagation of phenotypically wild-type virus could be achieved only by placing both regions under conditional expression. In addition to the development of these tools, the Merlin transcriptome and proteome have been characterized in unparalleled detail. Although Merlin may be representative of the clinical agent, high-throughput whole-genome deep sequencing studies have highlighted the remarkable high level of interstrain variation present in circulating virus. There is a need to develop systems capable of addressing the significance of this diversity, free from the confounding effects of genetic changes associated with in vitro adaptation. The generation of a set of BAC clones, each containing the genome of a different HCMV strain repaired to match the sequence in the clinical sample, would provide a pathway to address the biological and clinical effects of natural variation in wild-type HCMV. This article is part of the Special Issue on Cytomegalovirus.
Sastra anak masih terpinggirkan dalam khazanah kesusastraan di Indonesia.
RESUMO: Este artigo tem o propósito de analisar a reformulação conceitual do agravo de instrumento pelo CPC/2015, a sua taxatividade e restrição de hipóteses na fase de conhecimento num primeiro momento e, posteriormente, como objeto do trabalho e problema de pesquisa analisar o julgamento do Tema Repetitivo 998 do STJ, a opção pela mitigação da taxatividade e os impactos processuais da escolha judicante do STJ, inclusive no sistema de preclusão das interlocutórias. A metodologia é dedutiva, diante de uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema proposto e o estudo do caso em concreto do Tema 1 Artigo recebido em 31/01/2020 e aprovado em 27/08/2020. ABSTRACT: This article has the purpose to analyze the conceptual reformulation of the interlocutory appeal by the CPC/2015, its taxativeness and restriction of hypotheses in the knowledge phase at first and, later, as object of the work and research problem analyze the judgment of Repetitive Theme 998 of the STJ, the option for mitigating taxativeness and the procedural impacts of the decision choice of the STJ, including in the system of preclusion of interlocutions. The methodology is deductive, in view of a bibliographical research on the proposed theme and the study of the specific case of repetitive theme 988 of the STJ and the procedural reflexes of the decision choice of the Superior Court itself.
Si la literatura comparada, como disciplina, presupone inevitablemente, incluso en su surgimiento histórico efectivo, la constitución previa o contemporánea de las diversas literaturas nacionales y sus filologías respectivas (Topuzian, 2013), ¿qué sentido puede tener explorar las condiciones de posibilidad de una teoría literaria comparada? ¿Sobre qué 'teorías literarias nacionales' presupuestas debería radicar su operatividad? La denominada 'french theory , en inglés y desde las universidades de los Estados Unidos, ¿es francesa en el mismo sentido en que todavía podría serlo la literatura francesa? ¿O se trata, más bien, de un invento norteamericano, surgido del cruce de la tradición endógena del new criticism con la llamada 'filosofía continental', blend siempre característico de la cultura nacional estadounidense? ¿En qué sentido son teoría literaria los desarrollos, sobre todo durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX, de las filologías de las lenguas nacionales europeas, y también las actualizaciones paralelas de la romanística y el comparatismo? Por supuesto, a estas preguntas subyace la siempre difícil delimitación y caracterización disciplinar e institucional de la teoría literaria, y de sus relaciones con la literatura, las cuales, en el pasado siglo, no pudieron todavía sino ser relaciones con las distintas literaturas nacionales. Si cada tradición literaria nacional europea fue capaz de constituir su cuerpo afín de disciplinas de investigación (bajo
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