On Axion’s Effect on Propagation of Monochromatic Electromagnetic Wave Through
Strong Magnetic Field
Mikhail Khankhasayev and Carol Scarlett
arXiv:1201.6008v2 [quant-ph] 7 Feb 2012
Physics Department,Florida A&M University∗
(Dated: November 13, 2018)
A possibility of detecting the effect of photon-axion mixing in a cavity experiment is discussed.
There are two photon-axion modes that acquire different indices of refraction and split in an inhomogeneous magnetic field. For a magnetic field inhomogeneous in the direction transverse to the
light propagation an analytical solution is obtained both for the index of refraction and the beams’
trajectories. In a cavity experiment, the beam splitting creates a bifurcation effect, which results in
a decrease of the light intensity in the central region. Modulation of magnetic field can separate this
effect from background by providing a narrow frequency range for any observed signal. When one
integrates this effect over time and accounts for bandwidth, the overall drop in FWHM intensity is
of order 10−2 %. This is a very measurable effect.
It is well known that magnetic fields change optical
properties of the vacuum (permiability and pemittivity)
due to photon polarization effects (see,e.g., [1]). The
presence of axions creates additional optical effects via
mixing of photons and axions in magnetic field. In addition to changes of the index of refraction the axionphoton interaction creates a Stern-Gerlach type effect
of beam splitting in an inhomogeneous magnetic field
(see,e.g. [2, 3]. The possible existence of axions have
been the source of much theoretical and experimental interest. The axion was first introduced in Refs. [4, 5]
to solve the strong CP problem. In addition, as a light,
weakly interacting and long-lived particle, the axion is
considered as one the top candidates for explaining the
dark matter (CDM) in the Universe (see, e.g., Refs. [6–
In Ref.[3], the possibility of detecting the mixing of
axions and photons by studying the arrival times of radio pulses from highly magnetized pulsars was discussed.
In the present letter we discuss the possibility of detecting the photon-axion mixing effects in a cavity experiment. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we
present a theoretical framework describing propagation
of monochromatic light through a magnetized region. In
Section 3 we present a discussion and quantitative estimates of measurable effects induced by axions. The final
section summarizes our results and conclusions.
The description of the photon-axion interactions in an
external magnetic field B~e is described by the Lagrangian
mikhail.khankhasayev@gmail.com; carol.scarlett@famu.edu
L = − Fµν F µν + (∂µ a∂ µ a − ma 2 a2 ) + ga aFµν F̃ µν
Fµν F µν + Fµν F̃ µν
90me 4
where Fµν is the electromagnetic field tensor, F̃ µν =
is its dual tensor, a and ma are the axion
2 ǫµνδγ F
pseudoscalar field and its mass, respectively. The third
term describes the photon-axion interaction, where ga is
the axion-photon coupling constant. The fourth term
describes the photon’s dispersive effects induced by the
external magnetic field [1].
In the presence of an external magnetic field it is convenient to present, following [1],the magnetic field as the
~ → B
~ +B
~ e .The photon-axion interaction term
sum, B
due to the external magnetic field is given by
Lint =
~ eE
~ .
ga aFµν F̃ µν = ga a B
In the present paper we limit our considerations with a
static (or slowly varying in time) magnetic field directed
~ e = ~e1 B e = (B e , 0, 0), and unialong the x-axis, i.e., B
form along this direction. However, it is inhomogeneous
in transverse direction (chosen as the y-axis) to the photon beam propagation. This conditions correspond to a
typical setup in a cavity experiment when a laser beam
propagates perpendicular to the magnetic field.
According to Eq.(2), only the x-component of the photon’s electric field contributes to the photon-axion interaction, and, for simplicity, we will consider linear, polar~ = ~e1 E1 =
ized light along the magnetic field, i.e., E
(E1 , 0, 0) = −∂A1 /∂t, where A1 is the corresponding
component of the vector potential. In addition, we assume that the mirrors’ surfaces are parallel to the external magnetic field. Therefore, during the reflections
from mirror-to-mirror there will no change of the initial
polarization of the light. Finally, the initial direction of
the light beam is chosen to be along the z-axis. Since the
photon-axion interaction is very weak, this will be the
dominant direction for the propagation of light throughout the experiment.
To derive the system of equation describing axionphoton interaction in an external magnetic field let’s neglect for a moment the photon-photon interaction term
in Eq.(1). The Lagrange equations in this case are the
A1 + ga Be
( − ma 2 )a − ga Be
= 0,
~ 2 − ∂2.
where = ∇
To study propagation of photons and axions through
the magnetic field it is naturally to look for the solutions
in an eikonal form,
A1 = Ãei(k·~r−ωt) ,
a = ãei(k·~r−ωt) ,
where à and ã denote the amplitudes of the photon and
the axion correspondingly. By using this Anzatz we assume that both the photon and the axion beams propagate in space and pass through the external magnetic
filed region together.
Substituting these expressions in(3) we obtain,
(ω 2 − ~k 2 )Ã − iωga Be ã = 0,
(ω 2 − ~k 2 − ma 2 )ã + iωga Be à = 0.
Here, we would like to note that in Refs.([2, 3] the imaginary unit in the interaction term is missing.
As it was shown in [1], the photon-photon interaction
in the presence of an external magnetic field creates dispersion effects which can be taken into account by introducing an effective photon’s mass Qγ in Eq.(5,
(ω 2 − ~k 2 + Qγ )Ã − iωga Be ã = 0,
(ω 2 − ~k 2 + Qa )ã + iωga Be à = 0.
Here, Qa ≡ −ma 2 and
Qγ = ω 2
7α Be 2
) ,
45π Bcrit
where Bcrit = m2e /e ≈ 4.4×1013 G is the critical magnetic
field strength [2]. It is important to note that Qγ is a
positive quantity.
This system of equations can be written in a matrix
form as
Qγ −iQM
2 ˆ
= 0,
(ω − k )I +
iQM −m2a
where QM ≡ ωga B e , and Iˆ is the unit 2 × 2-matrix.
Introducing λ ≡ ~k 2 − ω 2 , we can present this system
Qγ − λ −iQM
= 0.
iQM Qa − λ
The eigenstates and eigenfuctions of the photon-axion
system in the external magnetic field can be found by
diagonalizing a Hermitian matrix
Qγ − λ −iQM
iQM Qa − λ
The eigenvalues are give by
λ± = (Qγ + Qa ) ±
(Qγ − Qa )2 + Q2M , (10)
k± = ω + (Qγ + Qa ) ±
(Qγ − Qa )2 + Q2M .(11)
The matrix R̂ that mixes photons and axions in the magnetized area is given by
cosφ isinφ
R̂ =
isinφ cosφ
where angle φ is determined by
tan2φ =
Qγ − Qa
The photon-axion eigenstates Ã′ and ã′ are given by
Ã′ = cosφà + isinφã
ã′ = cosφã + isinφÃ
in terms of pure photon à and axion ã states. In the vacuum without magnetic field (let’s label it below as Region 1)these amplitudes satisfy to the free Klein-Gordon
A physical sense of the obtained eigenfunctions can be
gained by considering the limit of QM → 0 when the
magnetic field is zero. In this limit, Ã′ →
tildeA and ã′ → ã. It means that the photon and axion
entering a magnetized region (Region 2) will form coherent mixed photon-axion states propagating with the
indices of refraction (see, Eq.(11),
(Qγ + Qa )
2ω 2r
± 2
(Qγ − Qa )2 + Q2M ,
n2± = 1 +
where ” + ” stands for the γ ′ mode and ” − ” for the a′
There is a special case when the mixing of photons and
axions reaches it’s maximum. It happens if in Eq. (13),
→ ∞,
Qγ − Qa
which means that QM >> Qγ − Qa , or Qγ = Qa . However, taking into account that Qγ > 0 and Qa = −m2a <
0, the condition of Qγ = Qa can never be met in the
vacuum (see, also the discussion in Ref.[2].
The mixing angle in the maximum mixing case is φ =
45 deg, and the eigenstates are given by
Ã′ = √ (Ã + iã)
ã′ = √ (ã + iÃ).
The indices of refraction for the symmetric case are given
n2± = 1 ±
n± ≈ 1 ± β,
where β ≡ ga Be /2ω. In the symmetric case the indices
of refraction are linear in the magnetic filed strength.
The symmetry between the photons and axions in the
magnetic field was discussed in [9] in the context of the
duality of photons and axions in the zero axion’s mass
limit. The symmetry is exact under the following conditions only: (a) the axion’s mass is zero, and (b) the photon polarization effects in a magnetic field are ignored.
Otherwise, the duality between photons and axions is
Beam splitting effect
Calculated above the indices of refraction, Eqs.(15),
give the light propagation trajectories through the magnetized region using well-known equation (see, e.g., [10]),
1 h~
∇n − ~l(~l∇n)
where ~l is the unit tangent vector along the light propagation path, and dl is the infinitesimal element of length
along the light line. From this equation it follows that in
the area described by a constant index of refraction corresponding to a uniform magnetic field the light will propagates along a straight line. Since the indices of refraction
are different for the photon induced mode and the axion
induced mode in accordance with Eq.(15)the light beam
entering from Region 1 (free space) into Region 2 (magnetized area) will be separated into two beams. This
effect disappears when the incident ray is normal to the
surface separating Regions 1 and 2.
In an inhomogeneous magnetic field the indices of refraction (15) are not constant as well. In this case the
light ray splits into two beams (even if the incident ray is
normal to the surface). Let’s assume, for simplicity, that
~ e is inhomogeneous in the
the external magnetic field B
transverse direction which is chosen as the y-axis. In this
case the index of refraction in Eq.(20) will depend on y
variable only, and the system of equations is reduced to
the equation
1 ∂n
1 − ly2 ,
n ∂y
since the z-component of the unit tangent vector ~l can
be found from the condition, ly2 + lz2 = 1.
Represent the beam’s trajectory as z = z(y) it is easy
to find the following exact solution:
1 − C/n2 , n > 1,
ly =
− 1 − Cn2 , n < 1.
Here, C is an arbitrary constant to be determined by the
initial condition ly = ly (yo , z0 ). For example, if the light
ray enters Region 2 at point P = (y0 , z0 ) normally, i.e.,
ly = 0, then
1 − n02 n > n0 ,
ly =
− 1 − nn2 n < n0 ,
where n0 = n(y0 , z0 ).
The trajectories of photon-axion modes in the magnetized region are determined by the following integrals:
Z y
n dy
p 0
z(y) =
+ z 0 , n > n0 ;
n (y) − n20
Z y
z(y) = −
+ z 0 , n < n0 .
2 − n2 (y)
Equations (23) and (24) present the complete solution
to the problem of determining both the angle of refraction and the path of the light beam passing through the
magnetized area.
If the index of refraction has a linear dependence on y,
n(y) = n0 + b(y − y0 ),
where b ≡ ∂n/∂y and n0 = n are taken at y = y0 , the
integrals (24)can be calculated analytically:
z(y) = z0 +
, n > n0 ,
n0 (n + n0 )
z(y) = z0 −
n20 − n2 , n < n0 .
In this section we limit our analysis with the light beam
entering Region 2 normal to the surface dividing Regions
1 and 2 at the point y = 0, z = 0. To separate the
effect caused by the inhomogeneity of the magnetic field
it is convenient to present the index of refraction in the
following form
n = n0 ± δn,
where n0 = n(0, 0) is the constant piece of the index of
refraction; δn is its variable part; ” + ” corresponds to
the γ ′ mode (n > 1) ,and ”-” to the a′ mode (n < 1),
respectively. One can see that the constant part n0 is
different for γ ′ and a′ modes.
Due to an extremely weak coupling ofthe photon to
the axion, ga ∼ 10−10 − 10−14 GeV −1 , the axion induced
effects are extremely small, i.e., δn ≪ n0 . Using Eq.(23)
one can obtain the following lowest order approximation
for lx :
ly ≈ ± 2δn/n0 .
For a linear inhomogeneity (25) this equation reads as
ly ≈ ± 2by/n0 .
For the same reason the shift of the light beam in the
y-direction, y = ly L is much smaller the corresponding
distance (L) traveled by light in the z-direction. Using
Eqs.(26, 27) one can find the following relationship between these two quantities
b 2
L .
Substituting this equation into (29) we obtain
ly = sin θ ⇒ θ = ±bL/n0,
in terms of the angle of refraction θ. The splitting angle
∆θ = θ+ − θ− between the photon and axion induced
modes is then given by
∆θ = 2bL.
This formula is derived under the assumption that the
magnetic field is inhomogeneous linearly in the transverse
(y) direction,i.e.,
B e (y) = B0e + B1e (y − y0 ),
where B1e ≡ ∂B e /∂y|y=0 .
For the case of maximum mixing of photons and axions
determined by Eq.(34) we obtain:
n ± ≈ 1 ± β0 ,
The obtained formula similar to that of Ref.[3]:∆θ ≈
ga fG B e /ω, where fG is so-called geometric factor. Comparing these formulas, one obtains
fG = (B1e /B e )L =
∂ ln B e
where L is the distance travel by the photon beam along
the z-axis in the magnetic field with gradient B1e along
the y-axis.
In Ref.[3], the authors discussed the possibility to detecting axions by studying radio pulses arriving from
magnetars with magnetic fields of the order of 1016 G and
the radii ∼ 105 m. To estimate the effect the authors used
fG = 0.1, which translates to the magnetic field gradient
of B1e ∼ 1011 G/m. This strong variation of the magnetic
field over distances comparable to radio wave lengths can
create an observable splitting angles ∼ 10−2 rad. In laboratory experiments the typical strength of magnetic field
is ∼ 104 − 105 G, the size of the magnetic field region
is ∼ 1m, and the magnetic field gradient is ∼ 106 G/m.
The geometric factor in this case is fG ≈ 50. Assuming
a photon’s wave length ∼ 10−6 m and using (36) we can
obtain the the following expression for the splitting angle
∆θ ∼ 10−5 ga as a function of ga measured in GeV −1 . If
we take the CAST limit [11] for the upper value of ga ,
which is 10−10 then we predict a splitting of ∼ 10−15 rads.
One way to build up the effect, see Eq.(36), is to increase
the length L of the field region. In a cavity experiment,
allowing the light to bounce back and forth between two
mirrors will effectively increase the magnetic field length
up to about 105 m, where mirror reflectivity reaches its
limit. Multiplying our effect by this total distance would
give a splitting angle of ∼ 10−10 rad. HOWEVER, for a
cavity experiment, reflection from each mirror destroys
the axion-photon modes. After the first bounce, two
beams reenter the magnetic field and divide giving four
new beams, then eight, etc. Importantly, the polarization of each new beam remains unchanged. The effect is
a bifurcation at the face of each mirror and in a distance
of only 104 m, less then mirror limitations, results in an
average separation of the beam intensity of ∼ 10−9 rad.
Assume for simplicity that two planar mirrors enclose a
region of the magnetic field gradient that is ∼ 1m in
length. Figure 1shows a sketch of a bifurcating distribu-
where β0 ≡ ga B0e /2ω, B0e is the constant component of
the external magnetic field, giving
θ± ≈ ±
ga B1e L
Therefore, the splitting angle ∆θ = θ+ − θ− between two
modes is
∆θ ≈
ga B1e L
FIG. 1. Bifurcation diagram: thick black lines represent the
bifurcating rays, two bold lines represent a linear split of a
tion for only a few bounces. The two thick, straight lines
show the linear solution for comparison. The splitting
angle has been exaggerated to illustrate how much more
rapidly a bifurcation diverges than a linear separation.
It can be shown that the overall density of rays√ for the
bifurcated distribution expands at a rate of Az 2 . Figure 2 uses this formula to show that after 104 bounces
assuming the above typical cavity experimental parameters, (θ ∼ 10− 15), the rays are shifted away from center
by as much as 10−9 m. In Figure 2, Weighted Position
refers to the position of the new rays weighted by the fraction of initial light intensity each represents. Summing
the weighted position gives the average separation of the
light intensity from the central region. For a Gaussian
beam, energy spreads away from the center and is, for
such a small shift, roughly linear giving rise to a drop in
the FWHM of ∼ 10−9 E0 , where E0 is the initial energy.
Furthermore, we can suppress backgrounds through modulation of the external field. When one integrates this
effect over time and accounts for bandwidth, the overall drop in FWHM intensity is of order 10−4 , which is a
very measurable effect. A more detailed computer simulation results and computer code for the analyses of the
bifurcation process that incorporates both the realistic
magnetic field configuration (e.g., for a quadrupole magnet), shape and position of mirrors, etc. will be presented
in the subsequent paper.
Weighted Position
The present paper was focused on exploring a possibility of observing the mixing of axion and photons in a
cavity experiment with an inhomogeneous magnetic field.
The discussion was heavily based on the results of Refs.
([2, 3]). The presented formalism provides a consistent
way of calculations the effects related to the mixing of
photons and axions passing through the magnetized area.
Eq.(5) and the obtained mixing matrix (12) correctly allow one to analyze the photon-axion mixing effects at
arbitrary mixing angle providing a correct mixing phase
and continuous transition to the symmetric mixing case
corresponding φ = 45o . For an external magnetic field inhomogeneous in the direction transverse to the incident
light we obtained an analytical solution, Eqs.(23) and
(24), for the index of refraction and the beam’s path.
Assuming a linear inhomogeneity of the index of refraction we obtained expressions, Eq.(26) and (27), for the
trajectories of the photon and axion induced modes in a
magnetized area. The formulas provide an effective tool
for analyzing both qualitatively and quantitatively propagation of light in a cavity experiment since they can be
used to calculate both the direction and the point of entry
into the magnetic field. Axions in the presence of external magnetic fields change the optical properties of the
vacuum in several ways. First, the axion-photon mixing
creates two indices of refraction, Eq.(15) for the photonand axion-induced modes which creates the effect of birefringence. In addition, in an inhomogeneous field these
two mixed photon-axion modes are subjected splitting a Stern-Gerlach type effect. The splitting effect creates
a bifurcation effect for the light beam bouncing between
two (or more) mirrors in a cavity type experiment. It is
shown that bifurcation strongly increases the signature
of the axion induced effects.
Distance (m)
FIG. 2. The spreading of rays for a bifurcating distribution
(solid line) compared to that of a linear propagation of two
beams (dashed line).
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This work was made possible in part by an NSF EArly
concept Grant for Exploratory Research (EAGER) and
with support from the Florida Scholars Boost Program.
These institutions are invaluable to scientific exploration
and to future efforts to understand the nature of Cold
Dark Matter in the universe.
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