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Exploiting the phenomenological symmetry of the J P C = 1 +-light axial vector mesons and using pole dominance, we calculate the flavor contributions to the nucleon tensor charge.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2008
Exploiting an approximate phenomenological symmetry of the J P C = 1 +-light axial vector mesons and using pole dominance, we calculate the flavor contributions to the nucleon tensor charge. The result depends on the decay constants of the axial vector mesons and their couplings to the nucleons.
International Journal of Modern Physics, 2003
Exploiting an approximate phenomenological symmetry of the J P C = 1 +-light axial vector mesons and using pole dominance, we calculate the flavor contributions to the nucleon tensor charge. The result depends on the decay constants of the axial vector mesons and their couplings to the nucleons.
Physical Review Letters, 2001
The axial vector and tensor charge, defined as the first moments of the forward nucleon matrix elements of corresponding quark currents, are essential for characterizing the spin structure of the nucleon. However, the transversity distribution and thus the tensor charge decouple at leading twist in deep inelastic scattering, making them hard to measure. Additionally, the non-conservation of the tensor charge makes it difficult to predict. There are no definitive theoretical predictions for the tensor charge, aside from several model dependent calculations. We present a new approach that exploits the approximate mass degeneracy of the light axial vector mesons (a1(1260), b1(1235) and h1( )) and uses pole dominance to calculate the tensor charge. The result is simple in form. It depends on the decay constants of the axial vector mesons and their couplings to the nucleons, along with the average transverse momentum of the quarks in the nucleon.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2001
Like the axial vector charges, defined from the forward nucleon matrix element of the axial vector current on the light cone, the nucleon tensor charge, defined from the corresponding matrix element of the tensor current, is essential for characterizing the momentum and spin structure of the nucleon. These charges, which are first moments of the quark helicity and transversity distribution functions, can be measured, in principle, in hard scattering processes. Because there must be a helicity flip of the struck quark in order to probe the transverse spin polarization of the nucleon, the transversity distribution (and thus the tensor charge) decouples at leading twist in deep inelastic scattering, although no such suppression appears in Drell-Yan processes. This makes the tensor charge difficult to measure and its non-conservation makes it difficult to predict. While there may be constraints on the leading twist quark distributions through positivity bounds (e.g. the inequality of Soffer), there are no definitive theoretical predictions for the tensor charge, aside from model dependent calculations (e.g. the QCD sum rule approacch). We pursue a different route. Exploiting the approximate mass degeneracy of the light axial vector mesons (a 1 (1260), b 1 (1235) and h 1 (1170)) and using pole dominance, we calculate the tensor charge. The result is simple in form and depends on the decay constants of the axial vector mesons and their couplings to the nucleons, along with the average transverse momentum of the quarks in the nucleon. The result is compared with other model estimates.
Using a physically motivated parameterization based on the reggeized diquark model we perform a flavor separation of the chiral-odd generalized parton distributions obtained from both $\pi^0$ and $\eta$ exclusive electroproduction. In our approach we exploit a connection between the chiral-even and chiral-odd reduced helicity amplitudes using Parity transformations that are relevant for a class of models that includes two-component models. We compare our results for $\eta$ production to the previously obtained $\pi^0$ results, and we make predictions for the transverse single spin asymmetry components which will be measured within the Jefferson Lab 12 GeV program.
We investigate the flavour decomposition of the electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon, based on the chiral quark-soliton model (χQSM) with symmetry-conserving quantisation. We consider the rotational 1/N_c and linear strange-quark mass (m_s) corrections. We discuss the results of the flavour-decomposed electromagnetic form factors in comparison with the recent experimental data. In order to see the effects of the strange quark, we compare the SU(3) results with those of SU(2). We finally discuss the transverse charge densities for both unpolarised and polarised nucleons. The transverse charge density inside a neutron turns out to be negative in the vicinity of the centre within the SU(3) χQSM, which can be explained by the contribution of the strange quark.
Proceedings of the 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC12), 2014
We investigate the flavor decomposition of the electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon, based on the chiral quark-soliton model with symmetry-conserving quantization. We consider the rotational 1/Nc and linear strange-quark mass (ms) corrections. To extend the results to higher momentum transfer, we take into account the kinematical relativistic effects. We discuss the results of the flavor-decomposed electromagnetic form factors in comparison with the recent experimental data. In order to see the effects of the strange quark, we compare the SU(3) results with those of SU(2). We finally discuss the transverse charge densities for both unpolarized and polarized nucleons.
We report in the present talk recent results of the tensor properties of the nucleon within the framework of the chiral quark-soliton model. The tensor and anomalous tensor magnetic form factors are calculated for the momentum transfer up to Q 2 ≤ 1 GeV 2 and at a renormalization scale of 0.36 GeV 2. The main results are summarized as follows: the flavor tensor charges of the nucleon are yielded as δu = 1.08, δd = −0.31, δs = −0.01, while the up and down anomalous tensor magnetic moments are evaluated as κ u T = 3.56 and κ d T = 1.83, respectively. The strange anomalous tensor magnetic moment turns out to be κ s T = 0.2 ∼ −0.2, compatible with zero. We discuss their physical implications, comparing them in particular with those from the lattice QCD.
The study is conceptual in nature and also the objectives of the study were to assess the relationships between students' engagement and academic performance. The study examines the extent to which students' engagement is associated with experimental and traditional measures of academic performance. The significance of the study is to explore possible strategies for improving school teachers' motivation. Many measures of students' engagement were linked positively with such desirable learning outcomes as critical thinking and grades, although most of the relationships were weak in strength. Students' performance remains at top priority for educators. It is meant for making a difference locally, regionally, nationally and globally. It is suggested that school administrators and teachers plan for a more conducive atmosphere and meaningful learning activities. Different age groups and genders among students need to be addressed differently to create a better learning environment in accordance with their emotional, psychological and cognitive development. In a developing country such as Nigeria, Students' engagement in school activities is a major factor in determining students' success in education, hence, the teachers need to undergo teacher training courses to obtain the necessary skill to dynamically engage students in classroom activities..
Μεσαιωνικά και Νέα Ελληνικά 15, 2023
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Проблемы истории и культуры средневекового общества. Материалы XLII всероссийской научной конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых «Курбатовские чтения» (8–10 ноября 2022 г.). , 2023
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