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The research is aimed for mapping the existence of books publishing company in Yogyakarta which is born as an alternative publishing company due to its motive of the ideals to spread out its creative ideas and to provide the books need of the society in response. The alternative publishing company is precisely building within a condition of capital shortage and lack of resources comparing to the established publishers such as Gramedia, Obor Foundation, Mizan, etc. The existence of the alternative publishers in Yogyakarta is not only affected to the increasing passion of reading within the society, but also influenced into the improvement of books publishers in Indonesia as the fact of the rare books publishing in this country. The research will explain the roles of the books publishers as the research object that are to make the books world as a creative industry of ideals distribution and to earn profit from this industry as a new field of vacancy to the society. Many strategies have been located by the alternative publishers to develop a creative industry of the books world as a representation of its management ability to catch the market business opportunity as the promising ones. The method of the study is the descriptive research to discover the publishers' strategies of managing its publishing company. The descriptive research will use observation and in-depth interview to publisher management to reveal their diverse adaption strategies of developing the publishing company as a promising vacancy. PENGANTAR Sejak beberapa dekade dunia penerbitan buku di Indonesia mengalami situasi yang memprihatinkan. Selain minimnya jumlah judul buku yang terbit, perhatian negara terhadap dunia perbukuan memang masih sangat rendah. Geliat penerbitan buku di Indonesai baru muncul paruh tahun 1990an seiring dengan munculnya berbagai penerbit alternatif di Indonesia, khususnya di Yogyakarta. Hadirnya penerbit alternatif ini cukup menggairahkan dunia penerbitan buku di Indonesia. Beberapa data menyebutnya, bahwa sebelum tahun 90an, tiap tahun buku yang terbit di Indonesia tidak lebih dari 5000 judul buku, bayangkan dengan Malaysia yang pada tahun 1990 saja sudah mampu menerbitkan sekitar 15.000 judul buku.
The Kuhnian’s social epistemology is an epistemology in which the roles and existence of the scientific communities taken place in the center of all processes and significance of science. This epistemology is an antithesis to the genetic or objective epistemology in which the roles and existence of the internal structure, function, and operation of the scientist cognitive individually and/or their internal logic in all processes and significance of science are central. The paper examines and discusses on the significance of the scientific communities as a main pillar from a sociological perspective. The existence, history, layer and networks, and characteristics of the scientific communities is also examined and discussed.
SPEKTRUM: Jurnal Pendidikan Luar Sekolah (PLS), 2022
Aims to describe planning, organizing, and supervising reading community. The concept of George Robert Terry (2007:31) "Management as a typical process, carried out to determine and achieve the goals that have been set by the use of human resources and other resources." Qualitative research approach. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and documentation. The research subjects were one manager, one volunteer, and two residents student of reading community Pelosok Bumi, Karawang. Analysis of the research obtained there are four stages in the management begins with the identification of learning needs in the planning stage. Organizing is done by grouping the teaching staff into study groups. The implementation started on Saturday. The media, the strategies and methods used were returned to the volunteers. Supervision is carried out by going directly into the study group and immediately after the implementation there is a learning evaluation meeting. Sugges...
Bandungan merupakan sebuah kecamatan yang terdiri dari 10 desa. Keindahan alam serta kesejukan udaranya membuat Bandungan menjadi tujuan wisata di Jawa Tengah terutama wisatawan dari Semarang, Ungaran, Ambarawa dan Solo. Seiring berjalannya waktu, Bandungan mulai rusak oleh pembangunan yang terlalu cepat serta tidak bertanggung jawab. Perancangan buku ini merupakan media untuk memperkenalkan Bandungan secara lebih mendalam serta fungsinya dalam kehidupan khususnya bagi warga perkotaan sehingga diharapkan dari pengenalan ini, eksploitasi yang berlebihan terhadap Bandungan dapat berkurang dan keindahan alamnya tidak rusak dan tetap lestari. Dalam buku ini, kehidupan serta potensi dari tiap desa akan dibahas lewat bahasa verbal yang dikombinasi dengan ilustrasi fotografi sehingga informasi yang disampaikan akan lebih mudah dipahami dan menarik.
LITERA, 2013
This study aims to reveal the author’s social group world view in Andrea Hirata’s novel Laskar Pelangi. It employed the genetic structuralism theory approach. The data were analyzed using a dialectic model through recursive, simultaneous, and iterative understanding of the literary text structure (out of society). The findings show that the cultural issues presented in LaskarPelangi deal with the harmony of the life of the Belitung society consisting of several ethnic groups. The author’s world view is relatedto the importance of social convergence emphasizing a mutual respect attitude towards each ethnic group. Besides, there needs to be an understanding of a local genius value in developing a life norm in a society and a nation.
Sasaran Pembangunan Milenium (Millennium Development Goals atau disingkat dalam MDGs), hasil kesepakatan kepala negara dan perwakilan dari 189 negara Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa (PBB) yang telah dijalankan mulai September 2000, memiliki beberapa poin sasaran salah satunya yaitu tercapainya kesejahteraan rakyat dan pembangunan masyarakat pada 2015 (Bappenas, 2004). Pencapaian kesejahteraan rakyat didukung oleh kesehatan masyarakat salah satunya meliputi kesehatan orangtua Lansia. Kesehatan masyarakat merupakan salah satu modal pokok dalam rangka kemajuan kehidupan bangsa. Terdapat batasan-batasan umur yang mencakup batasan umur orang yang masuk dalam kategori lansia, diantaranya adalah 60 tahun (UU No. 13 Tahun 1998) dan 60-74 tahun (WHO).
F1000 Research , 2023
The term 'Rock Art' is loosely used in this article to refer to prehistoric carvings and paintings. Rock art research has changed profoundly in the last two decades. Partly, this is due to the introduction of more 'scientific' methodologies such as digital recording, to overcome the subjective nature of analogue documentation methods. Digital recording offers not only 'pretty pictures' but more immediate and quantifiable datasets and methods of analysis. As a result, new research implementing complex, multi-scalar and inter-relational analyses, which do not focus solely on the motifs or the landscape location, but encompass many variables of the rock art assemblages, have been successful in bringing rock art to wider narratives of prehistory. This article reflects on the interaction between rock art and digital archaeology, considering how the application of digital resources has changed the way we think, record and conduct research in this field. It will be illustrated by two main case studies from Iberia: Schematic Art in its painted form, and Atlantic Rock Art, a carving tradition.
Religions, 2023
WSEAS Transactions on Electronics, 2023
Jurnal Ekonomi : Journal of Economic
Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin
The Endless Reconstruction and Modern Disasters, 2019
Deleted Journal, 2024
Revista de Filología Románica, 2024
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 2008
Cell host & microbe, 2018
Medical Journal of Shree Birendra Hospital, 2016
Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 2018
Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal, 2020
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2021
The Holy Spirit, Spirituality and Leadership: Essays in Honour of Younghoon Lee, 2024
Latin American Business and Sustainability Review, 2024