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2010, Physics
4 pages
1 file
Heat is transferred in superfluid 4 He via a process known as thermal counterflow. It has been known for many years that above a critical heat current the superfluid component in this counterflow becomes turbulent. It has been suspected that the normal-fluid component may become turbulent as well, but experimental verification is difficult without a technique for visualizing the flow. Here we report a series of visualization studies on the normal-fluid component in a thermal counterflow performed by imaging the motion of seeded metastable helium molecules using a laser-induced-fluorescence technique. We present evidence that the flow of the normal fluid is indeed turbulent at relatively large velocities. Thermal counterflow in which both components are turbulent presents us with a theoretically challenging type of turbulent behavior that is new to physics.
Physical Review B, 2015
We describe a new technique, using thin lines of triplet-state He * 2 molecular tracers created by femtosecond-laser field-ionization of helium atoms, for visualizing the flow of the normal fluid in superfluid 4 He, together with its application to thermal counterflow in a channel. We show that, at relatively small velocities, where the superfluid is already turbulent, the flow of the normal fluid remains laminar, but with a distorted velocity profile, while at a higher velocity there is a transition to turbulence. The form of the structure function in this turbulent state differs significantly from that found in types of conventional turbulence. This visualization technique also promises to be applicable to other fluid dynamical problems involving cryogenic helium.
Physical Review B, 2021
We report an experimental study of oscillatory thermal counterflow of superfluid 4 He and its transition to quantum turbulence inspired by the work of Kotsubo and Swift [ Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 2604 (1989)]. We use a pair of transversally oriented second-sound sensors to provide direct proof that upon exceeding a critical heat flux, quantized vorticity is generated in the antinodes of the longitudinal resonances of the oscillating counterflow. Building on modern understanding of oscillatory flows of superfluid 4 He [D. Schmoranzer et al., Phys. Rev. B 99, 054511 (2019)], we re-evaluate the original data together with ours and provide grounds for the previously unexplained temperature dependence of critical velocities. Our analysis incorporates a classical flow instability in the normal component described by the dimensionless Donnelly number, which is shown to trigger quantum turbulence at temperatures below ≈ 1.7 K. This contrasts with the original interpretation based on the dynamics of quantized vortices, and we show that for oscillatory counterflow, such an approach is valid only at temperatures above ≈ 1.8 K. Finally, we demonstrate that the instabilities occurring in oscillatory counterflow are governed by the same underlying physics as those in flow due to submerged oscillators and propose a unified description of high Stokes number coflow and counterflow experiments.
Physical Review B, 2017
We report measurements of quantum turbulence generated by a vibrating grid in superfluid 3 He-B at zero pressure in the zero temperature limit. Superfluid flow around individual vortex lines Andreev-reflects incoming thermal ballistic quasiparticle excitations, and allows non-invasive detection of quantum vortices in 3 He-B. We have compared two Andreev reflection-based techniques traditionally used to detect quantum turbulence in the ballistic regime: quasiparticle transmission through and reflection from ballistic vortex rings and a turbulent tangle. We have shown that the two methods are in very good agreement and thus complement each other. Our measurements reveal that vortex rings and a tangle generated by a vibrating grid have a much larger spatial extent than previously realised. Furthermore, we find that a vortex tangle can either pass through an obstacle made from a mesh or diffuse around it. The measured dependence of vortex signal as a function of the distance from the vibrating grid is consistent with a power-law behaviour in contrast to turbulence generated by a vibrating wire which is described by an exponential function.
Physical Review B, 2019
We report on a combined theoretical and numerical study of counterflow turbulence in superfluid 4 He in a wide range of parameters. The energy spectra of the velocity fluctuations of both the normal-fluid and superfluid components are strongly anisotropic. The angular dependence of the correlation between velocity fluctuations of the two components plays the key role. A selective energy dissipation intensifies as scales decrease, with the streamwise velocity fluctuations becoming dominant. Most of the flow energy is concentrated in a wavevector plane which is orthogonal to the direction of the counterflow. The phenomenon becomes more prominent at higher temperatures as the coupling between the components depends on the temperature and the direction with respect to the counterflow velocity.
EPJ Web of Conferences, 2012
A flow source has been developed to generate turbulent superfluid flows in channels equipped for detection of quantised vortices. The source consists of a motor driven low temperature compressible volume capable of pushing or sucking superfluid 4 He into a flow channel. Detection is based on the attenuation of second sound caused by the presence of quantised vortex lines in the turbulent flow. In this paper we present the technical details of the apparatus, along with some raw data obtained during the first successful low temperature test. The test has been performed using the source to generate a flow into a channel whose ends have been blocked by superleaks to allow for the inflow and outflow of the superfluid component of helium only. This technique enables to determine the areal density of quantised vortex lines in the temperature range 1.3 to 2.1 K, with well controlled flow velocities between 0.01 and 30 cm/s.
Physics Reports, 2018
This review paper puts together some results concerning non equilibrium thermodynamics and heat transport properties of superfluid He II. A one-fluid extended model of superfluid helium, which considers heat flux as an additional independent variable, is presented, its microscopic bases are analized, and compared with the well known two-fluid model. In laminar situations, the fundamental fields are density, velocity, absolute temperature, and heat flux. Such a theory is able to describe the termomechanical phenomena, the propagation of two sounds in liquid helium, and of fourth sound in superleak. It also leads in a natural way to a two-fluid model on purely macroscopical grounds and allows a small amount of entropy associated with the superfluid component. Other important features of liquid He II arise in rotating situations and in superfluid turbulence, both characterized by the presence of quantized vortices (thin vortex lines whose circulation is restricted by a quantum condition). Such vortices have a deep influence on the transport properties of superfluid helium, as they increase very much its thermal resistance. Thus, heat flux influences the vortices which, in turn, modify the heat flux. The dynamics of vortex lines is the central topic in turbulent superfluid helium. The model is generalized to take into account the vortices in different cases of physical interest: rotating superfluids, counterflow superfluid turbulence, combined counterflow and rotation, and mass flow in addition to heat flow. To do this, the averaged vortex line density per unit volume L, is introduced and its dynamical equations are considered. Linear and non-linear evolution equations for L are written for homogeneous and inhomogeneous, isotropic and anisotropic situations. Several physical experiments are analyzed and the influence of vortices on the effective thermal conductivity of turbulent superfluid helium is found. Transitions from laminar to turbulent flows, from diffusive to ballistic regimes, from isotropic to anisotropic situations, are analyzed, thus providing a wide range of practical applications. Besides the steady-state effective thermal conductivity, the propagation of harmonic waves is also studied, motivated by the fact that vortex line density is experimentally detected via the attenuation of second sound and because it provides dynamical information on heat transport and thermal waves which complement the static information of the thermal conductivity.
Progress in Low Temperature Physics, 2009
New techniques, both for generating and detecting turbulence in the helium superfluids 3 He-B and 4 He, have recently given insight in how turbulence is started, what the dissipation mechanisms are, and how turbulence decays when it appears as a transient state or when externally applied turbulent pumping is switched off. Important simplifications are obtained by using 3 He-B as working fluid, where the highly viscous normal component is practically always in a state of laminar flow, or by cooling 4 He to low temperatures where the normal fraction becomes vanishingly small. We describe recent studies from the low temperature regime, where mutual friction becomes small or practically vanishes. This allows us to elucidate the mechanisms at work in quantum turbulence on approaching the zero temperature limit.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021
Quantum turbulence—the stochastic motion of quantum fluids such as 4 He and 3 He-B, which display pure superfluidity at zero temperature and two-fluid behavior at finite but low temperatures—has been a subject of intense experimental, theoretical, and numerical studies over the last half a century. Yet, there does not exist a satisfactory phenomenological framework that captures the rich variety of experimental observations, physical properties, and characteristic features, at the same level of detail as incompressible turbulence in conventional viscous fluids. Here we present such a phenomenology that captures in simple terms many known features and regimes of quantum turbulence, in both the limit of zero temperature and the temperature range of two-fluid behavior.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2018
We present preliminary results of the visualization of a submerged coflow jet of liquid helium produced by a fountain pump. The jet propagating inside the bulk superfluid is visualized with particle tracking velocimetry using hydrogen particles. We compare the characteristics of the coflow jet with those measured in classical fluids such as helium gas or water. In contrast to the classical experiments, a temperature-dependent angle of the jet is observed, suggesting that the flow may not be described quasiclassically, despite the strong coupling between normal and superfluid components by mutual friction. We report on the statistics of the velocities inferred from the particle trajectories recorded by a high-speed camera at 1.68 and 1.95 K, for jet velocities ranging from 47 to 4500 mm/s.
Physics of Fluids, 2010
Shakespeare and Montaigne, 2022
eSamizdat 2004 (II) 1, pp. 23-31
Science Advances, 2021
Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner, 2015
Revista Psicologia e Saúde, 2021
British Journal of Pharmacology, 2009
Calle 14 revista de investigación en el campo del arte, 2021