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Objective: Present research was commenced with the objective to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBTQI+) youth come out at younger ages, and public support for LGBTQI+ issues has dramatically increased, so why do LGBTQI+ youth continue to be at high risk for compromised mental health? We provide an overview of the contemporary context for LGBTQI+ youth, followed by a review of current science on LGBT youth mental health. The personality and mantal health status are two different concept having impact on the development of human being. LGBTQI+ youth is studied under this domain. Methodology: 22 participants were given the questionnaires Eysenck's personality questionnaire (EPQR) and Mental Health Status (MHS) Questionnaire. They were asked to answer the questionnaire with full open mind and time Data Interpretation: Pearson's correlation was carried out between EPQR and MHS. The data found out moderate correlation between the personality traits and mental health Conclusion: There is impact of personality trait and mental health status in LGBTQI+ youth
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research
The objective of this paper is to define LGBTQ and why it matters. Identify structures of inequality that shape our experience of gender, sexuality, class, race, ethnicity, ability, etc. Describe how people struggle for social justice within historical contexts of inequality. several examples of LGBTQ activism, particularly in relation to other struggles for civil rights. Recognize that “progress” faces resistance and does not follow a linear path
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research
India being a country with diverse culture, customs, religions, beliefs, and faith stands forth with its largest form of democracy giving its citizens the fundamental right of Equality and of Opportunity; Freedom of speech and expression, Freedom of Religion and guarantees cultural and educational rights by its very constitution. The equality clause (article 14 and 15) in our constitution debars from discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth. Article 21 of the constitution gives the right to life and Personal liberty which is the eminent basis of the decriminalization of the age old section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, that banned homosexuality since the 19th century. Section 377 of the IPC violated the fundamental Rights (article 14, 19 and 21) guaranteed under our constitution. It is not that early but on the day of 6th September 2018 was when the Supreme Court ruled and declared its historic judgement by striking down and finally putting an ...
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, 2023
Different religions have seen homosexuality as a sin, and India has imposed numerous severe punishments for it. LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgenders) communities have long lived in human civilization, not just in India but also around the globe. However, they have always been viewed as embarrassing situations that should be kept private. They face harassment, assault, and mockery in India because of their sexual orientation, and they are more likely to encounter intolerance, prejudice, harassment, and violent threats. However, the world has recently experienced a virtual shift in this area. One of the ongoing battles is getting LGBT rights recognized as a basic human right. One of the ongoing battles is getting LGBT rights recognized as a basic human right. One of the basic structures of the Indian constitution is found in Articles 14, 15, and 21. In a nation like India, moral principles greatly affect the law. The Indian Supreme Court held in Navtej Singh Johar v. Union of India that Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code is unconstitutional since it infringes on the fundamental liberties of intimacy, autonomy, and identity and decriminalizes homosexuality. Even while same-sex couples can now live together and manage their personal lives without fear of reprisals, yet they are still frequently not treated equally. So, the fight for equality continues as there is a long battle waiting ahead.
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research
This paper presents a qualitative content analysis of three recent Malayalam movies that feature LGBTQIA+ themes: Njan Merikutty (2018), Moothon (2019), and Varthamanam (2020). The study aimed to explore the representation of the LGBTQIA+ community in popular Malayalam movies and its impact on social perception. The research design was a thematic analysis of the movies, based on multiple viewings and note-taking by the researchers. The data were analyzed iteratively, with themes being identified and refined throughout the process. The study found that the movies portrayed LGBTQIA+ characters in a manner, that challenged stereotypes and offered new perspectives on LGBTQIA+ experiences. The paper concludes that these movies have the potential to shape public attitudes and promote greater acceptance of the LGBTQIA+ community in society. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the representation of LGBTQIA+ themes in popular media, including movies. In India, where social ...
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, 2023
The narrative of colonialism in Indonesia gave birth to teachings that understand gender as a fixed and absolute attribute. The so-called "mythology of innate" gender is reduced to a binary dichotomy based on sex. A mythology that supports a system of heterosexism and has an impact on homophobic and transphobic attitudes. This legacy of colonialism also gave birth to the metaphor of God depicted as heterosexual-masculine, which established a patriarchal system both in church and society. This article explores queer theology concerning local culture in Indonesia. My argument is that through Ardhanarisvara cosmology, Watersnake, and Rangkong Dayak cosmology, Manang (Balinese) and Kodi (Sumba) Cosmology, this queer decolonization narrative contributes to contextual queer theology, especially about androgynous metaphors of God. God's metaphor has an ambiguous and transgressive character, beyond gender non-normative thinking.
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, 2024
In a 21st-century setting, employees from diverse backgrounds, mindsets, needs, interests, desires, and individual viewpoints are recognized as the primary source of innovative concepts that enhance profitability and growth. To understand employees' experiences in Iligan City's hospitality sector concerning diversity and inclusivity, this study investigated their knowledge, attitudes, and practices across various demographic factors such as age, gender, educational attainment, religion, and disability. The authors conducted a quantitative study investigating employees' awareness of diversity and inclusivity in Department of Tourism (DOT) accredited accommodations and restaurants. A stratified random sampling was used to collect data using survey questionnaires. The findings reveal that employees possess a high level of awareness and comfort working with colleagues from diverse backgrounds in age, gender, educational attainment, religion, and disability. They also show knowledge of pertinent laws promoting equality. Significant relationships between demographic factors such as age, and educational attainment attitudes, and practices regarding diversity were identified. The study also underscores the interconnectedness of knowledge, attitude, and practices in fostering an inclusive workplace culture. It concludes that DOT-accredited establishments in Iligan City embraced diversity and inclusivity positively. Furthermore, this study suggests the need for comprehensive strategies to enhance organizational effectiveness and inclusivity.
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, 2024
Burn injuries have long been recognized as one of the most severe traumas, posing significant challenges to both physical and psychological well-being. This comprehensive review explores various aspects of burn injury, including epidemiology, mechanisms of injury, advancements in contemporary treatment, rehabilitation, health status assessment methods, the impact of preexisting psychiatric conditions, personality assessment, and coping strategies. Globally, burn injuries rank among the leading causes of trauma-related deaths, with factors such as burn depth, extent of injury, age, and associated conditions influencing outcomes. Advancements in treatment, including surgical techniques and skin substitutes, have significantly improved survival rates. Rehabilitation plays a crucial role in maximizing patients' ability to adapt to life after burn injury, addressing both physical and psychological aspects. Health status assessment methods encompass a range of measures, from general health indices to disease-specific scales. Preexisting psychiatric conditions, personality traits, and coping strategies also play significant roles in post-burn adaptation and recovery. Developing burn-specific coping scales could enhance our understanding of the unique stressors faced by burn patients and improve patient outcomes. This review highlights the interdisciplinary nature of burn care and the importance of addressing physical, psychological, and social aspects in the treatment and rehabilitation of burn survivors. Throughout history and literature, the profound impact of fire on both humanity and property has instilled a mixture of fear and reverence for this element, and with good reason. Among the most severe traumas a person can endure is a major burn injury, which wreaks havoc on the skin, the body's largest organ. The skin ordinarily serves as a barrier against microbial invasion, prevents fluid loss, and regulates body temperature. However, these protective functions are compromised following a burn injury, and without proper treatment, extensive burns often lead to poor outcomes due to burn shock, organ failure, and sepsis. Globally, burn injuries rank among the leading causes of trauma-related deaths and are among the top thirty contributors to both premature mortality and years lived with disability, as measured by Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs). The severity of a burn injury is influenced by various factors, including the percentage of total body surface area (TBSA) burned, the depth of the burn, the age of the victim, associated injuries or illnesses, and to some extent, the location of the injury. A. The extent of the burn injury, expressed as a percentage of total body surface area (TBSA).
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research
The current paper presents the various points related to Pedophilia. Pedophilia is a psychosexual disorder in which individual is attracted towards to pre-pubertal children. It is a psychiatric disorder. Infantophilia and Hebephilia are sub types of Pedophilia. A Pedophile is an adult who experiences a sexual attraction towards children aged between infants to 13 years old. Pedophilia is a type of paraphilia. Different case studies related to Pedophilia are studied and based on that characteristics of an individual having Pedophilia, causes and effects are discussed in this paper. Symptoms are also included in this. Pedophilia is different than child molestation. Child sexual abusers are not Pedophiles. Pedophile may have an involuntarily sexual feeling towards the children. Pedophilia can be diagnosed by various methods which are described in this paper. This paper is spreading awareness about Pedophilia.
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, 2023
This article focuses on the institution of marriage. It seeks to clarify the meaning of same-sex union from a Christian point of view and tries to tease out how this may be located within the conception of the institution of marriage. It is an attempt at redressing what seems to be a growing misuse of the term "marriage" in so far as it is applied outside the context of heterosexual union, a situation that, in the authors' view, if left unchecked, may lead to the loss of the meaning of the term. Against this backdrop have been some contentious maneuvers by some sections of society in Zambia to push for the legalisation of same-sex marriages, which has bred divergent views among Zambians. The rationale behind the study, therefore, was to provide a critical difference between the union of the same sex and that of the opposite sex. Methodologically, the study was a desk review that sought reliance on secondary data to analyse and bring to light what marriage means in line with Christian teaching. It is apparent from the analysis of the paper that the general feeling of the majority Zambians is that the fact that other countries have legalised same-sex unions should not sway Zambia as a nation, as she has her own ground to position her stance on the matter, with the church as her pillar.
Sexuality & Culture, 2021
Homonegativity refers to a series of prejudicial and discriminatory attitudes towards individuals perceived as homosexuals. Previous studies indicated that some personality traits (i.e., neuroticism, low openness to experience), as well as specific ideological attitudes (i.e., conservatism, authoritarianism) and higher levels of psychopathology make individuals more prone to show homonegative attitudes. However, no studies have compared these three dimensions in order to identify their different role in homonegativity. For this reason, the aim of this study was to simultaneously evaluate the association of ideological, personality, and psychopathological factors with homonegativity in adults living in Italy. Participants were 307 heterosexual adults (males = 46%) ranging in age between 19 and 66 years (M = 28.74, SD = 10.65), who completed four self-report questionnaires: Modern Homophobia Scale, Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale, NEO Five-Factor Inventory 3, and Symptom Check List-90-R. A structural equation model was computed to examine the relation between ideological, personality, and psychopathological factors and homonegativity. Results showed that ideological factors, particularly authoritarian attitudes and religiosity, were mostly related with homonegativity, while lower agreeableness and lower psychopathology were significantly albeit more weakly associated with homonegativity in adults living in Italy. Methodological limitations and implications for interventions are discussed.
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The Journal of Experimental Biology
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