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in: Claudia Denk und Andreas Strobl (Hg.): Landschaftsmalerei, eine Reisekunst? Mobilität und Naturerfahrung im 19. Jahrhundert, München 2017, S. 288-299
El reclutamiento interno como proveedor natural de personal que tiene unas competencias básicas por pertenecer y tener una trayectoria dentro de la organización, presenta las siguientes ventajas de su ejercicio:
Μια δεκαετία μετά την εμβληματική έκδοση του Υπουργείου Πολιτισμού «Η Οθωμανική Αρχιτεκτονική στην Ελλάδα» η οποία ενέγραψε στη δημόσια σφαίρα το κρατικό ενδιαφέρον για τη διαφύλαξη, μελέτη και ανάδειξη της υλικής κληρονομιάς της οθωμανικής περιόδου, η κληρονομιά αυτή παραμένει αμφιλεγόμενη. Η ορατότητα ή ακόμα η συνύφανση ή και η οργανική ενσωμάτωση των οθωμανικών μνημείων στο αστικό τοπίο πολλών νεοελληνικών πόλεων τα καθιστούν σε ορισμένες περιπτώσεις «μνημονικούς εισβολείς». Με αυτό τον εμπρόθετο ρόλο που εκπορεύεται από την υλικότητά τους τα μνημεία τροφοδοτούν τον δημόσιο διάλογο, ενώ ταυτόχρονα μετατρέπονται τα ίδια σε πεδίο αντιπαραθέσεων, προβολής ιδεολογιών και άσκησης εξουσιών. Υπό αυτήν την έννοια, η οθωμανική κληρονομιά αποτελεί μια κληρονομιά υπό συνεχή διαπραγμάτευση. Η πολιτική της διάσταση εντείνει και υπογραμμίζει την πρωταρχική ανάγκη για τη συστηματική επιστημονική τεκμηρίωση και μελέτη της.
This research examines a student union-driven social marketing campaign intended to combat bullying by impacting bystander's knowledge and attitudes towards bullying at a Public University in Sweden. The campaign was designed and implemented by student volunteers over a period of five months. Efforts employed on campus addressed various aspects of the marketing mix, including product, price, place, and promotion through fun activities such as the Pink Shirt Day. Outcome measures of the campaign evaluation included assessing the effectiveness of promotional materials in prompting student visits to the campaign webpage, participation in an anti-bullying day and assessing the impact on students’ reported bullying-related beliefs and behaviours. As a result of extensive formative research, student developers designed campaign promotional materials that incorporated socially relevant images and messages to enhance students’ confidence related to making decisions on how to behave in s...
ijedr, 2023
In the rapidly evolving financial services sector, the demand for agile, scalable, and secure solutions has driven the adoption of cloud technologies. Amazon Web Services (AWS), with its comprehensive suite of cloud services, offers a robust platform for full stack development tailored to the financial industry. This paper explores the application of AWS in developing full stack solutions for financial services, focusing on how it addresses industry-specific challenges and enhances operational efficiency. AWS provides a wide range of services that facilitate the creation of end-to-end solutions for financial services, including compute resources, storage solutions, databases, and advanced analytics tools. Key services such as Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, and Amazon RDS support scalable and resilient application architectures. For financial services, which require real-time data processing and high availability, AWS enables the development of robust systems that can handle large volumes of transactions and data with minimal latency. One of the core advantages of using AWS for financial services is its emphasis on security and compliance. AWS offers built-in security features such as encryption, identity and access management, and regular compliance audits. These features help financial institutions adhere to stringent regulatory requirements and safeguard sensitive financial data. Additionally, AWS's scalable infrastructure supports the dynamic needs of financial services startups. Services like Amazon Elastic Beanstalk and AWS CloudFormation simplify the deployment and management of applications, allowing startups to rapidly iterate and deploy new features without significant upfront investment. This agility is crucial in a competitive financial landscape where innovation and speed are critical to success. The integration of AWS with other technologies, such as machine learning and big data analytics, further enhances its value for financial services. Tools like Amazon SageMaker enable the development of predictive models and data-driven insights, which are essential for fraud detection, risk management, and customer personalization. By leveraging these capabilities, financial institutions can make more informed decisions and improve their service offerings. Despite the benefits, challenges remain, including managing costs and ensuring effective resource utilization. Future research should explore strategies for optimizing AWS usage in financial services, addressing these challenges, and leveraging emerging AWS features to stay ahead in the market.
Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 2022
In this paper, we argue that computer simulations can provide valuable insights into the performance of voting methods on different collective decision problems. This could improve institutional design, even when there is no general theoretical result to support the optimality of a voting method. To support our claim, we first describe a decision problem that has not received much theoretical attention in the literature. We outline different voting methods to address that collective decision problem. Under certain criteria of assessment akin to extensions of the Condorcet Jury Theorem, we run simulations for the methods using MATLAB, in order to compare their performance under various conditions. We consider and respond to concerns about the use of simulations in the assessment of voting procedures for policymaking.
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