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AI-generated Abstract
This paper reviews the 2017 update of the global carbon budget synthesis, highlighting significant contributions from the community and improvements in analysis methods. It discusses the introduction of new terms in the carbon budget, critiques the treatment of uncertainty in atmospheric growth rate calculations, and suggests better integration of global observational constraints for future reports. The commentary emphasizes the importance of accurate uncertainty estimation and the incorporation of observational data in understanding the carbon cycle's complexities.
United Arab Emirates President Mohammed bin Zayed is manoeuvring to replace Qatar as the main Gulf player in post-war Gaza with the backing of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. Messrs. Bin Zayed and Netanyahu see humanitarian aid provided by the Emirates and the prospect of UAE-funded post-war reconstruction as a way to marginalise Hamas and drive a wedge between the group’s leadership and Hamas-appointed civil administrators.
Tendencias, 2021
La exposición de marca constituye un instrumento de proyección de gran impacto, en la actualidad el uso de medios sociales se convierte en una gran herramienta para lo anterior, utilizado por marcas personales. El conectar personas con seguidores como uno de sus grandes logros, facilitando el alcance de sus objetivos como marca. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar los factores que facilitan la exposición de una marca personal a través del uso de redes sociales y su posterior uso como medio publicitario. La metodología utilizada se basa en un enfoque cualitativo y como instrumento de recolección de datos se utilizó una entrevista semiestructurada de doce preguntas basadas en los aportes de los diferentes autores especializados en la gestión de marcas corporativas. Con lo anterior, se generó un acercamiento entre la teoría y la práctica a partir de identificar la equivalencia entre los conceptos teóricos y los testimonios de los participantes. Como principal hallazgo se identificó que el sello personal a partir de la originalidad es el factor de mayor impulso para aumentar la exposición de una marca personal en redes sociales.
Papers in Literature
In his works, Stanisław Lem not simply conveys his visions of technological changes of future civilizations – his central focus is on the question of man in the near and distant future. In addition to his anthropological explorations of changes in humanity, Lem adopts both axiological and sociological approaches to exploring questions regarding evil in human nature, the means of eliminatingit, and the functioning of future societies. Alienation to first contact is another recurring theme inLem; it can be seen in the scenes depicting contact with other civilizations. In Lem, alien speciesconstitute a specific “anthropological mirror”, which is an interesting point of view in the observationof humanity.
Review of communication styles with emphasis on Assertiveness
O papel da tartaruga como o antagonista sombrio do deus-sol é melhor estabelecido a partir o Novo Império em inscrições de caixões como aquele do Museu Nacional. Estes caixões trazem inscritos o “capítulo” 161 do “Livro para Sair ao Dia”. A tartaruga é encontrada em cenas de templos do Período Greco- Romano como uma terrível incorporação do mal, assim como o hipopótamo. Este animal serviu como representação de um “demônio” que usava uma tartaruga no lugar da cabeça humana e esta criatura assustadora era a guardiã que cuidava do morto.
Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences, 2023
Background: Quality improvement and development are crucial for the growth of teachers and students. Despite advancements in technology and resources, human life is becoming increasingly unhappy, with a lack of meaningfulness and a focus on money and luxury. The quality of life is declining, and while the number of educated people is increasing, there is a lack of understanding of the application of human values in modern education. Integrating education with human values is necessary to uncover the divine potential of a quality life. Ancient Indian teachings have the potential to bridge gaps in the modern educational system, and incorporating human values and yogic lifestyles is essential for a brighter future for upcoming generations. Materials and Methods: The method used is the evaluation of the practices and teachings mentioned in various ancient and recent texts. Results: Indian traditional wisdom places a strong emphasis on moral principles and human values that still hold true today. They provide special attention to the higher goals of life, such "moksha," and impart a variety of life skills to teachers as well as students. Students learn about lifestyle management, study management, relationship management, communication skills, character building, personality grooming, and self-excellence. To be a quality teacher, one must possess creative excellence, leadership, team building, and spiritual excellence. These principles support people's development on all levels of their lives, not only in the workplace. Conclusion: The Ancient Indian teachings are a wonderful source of motivation for strengthening the quality of both teachers and students. These teachings may help both students and teachers in their holistic development.
Sordidissimes ! Archéologie des déchets et des dépotoirs (IV). Stéphane AUGRY (Inrap, UMR 6566 CReAAH, Rennes) : Déchets et remblais urbains au Mans (Ier-XXe s.) : une archéologie de "second plan ?". Aurélie CHANTRAN (Docteur, UMR 7041, ArScAn, Nanterre) : Ce que disent les déchets de cuisine-définition de contexte et pratiques culinaires à partir d'exemples médiévaux Olivier PASSARRIUS et Jérôme BENEZET (Service Archéologique des Pyrénées-Orientales) : Le comblement du fossé du château royal de Collioure (66) aux XVe et XVIe s. : étude croisée d'un vaste dépotoir.
WENCESLAU E A ÁRVORE DO GRAMOFONE Baseado na obra de Manuel de Barros Roteiro de ADALBERTO MÜLLER e RICARDO S. CARVALHO O projeto para o filme Wenceslau e a Árvore do Gamofone, mais do que uma mera transposição para a linguagem audiovisual de poemas de Manoel de Barros, procura traduzir para a linguagem fílmica as motivações psicológicas e estéticas da obra do consagrado poeta sul-matogrossense. Ao buscar a forma análoga em filme de um processo poético-literário, mantendo a comunicabilidade com um público não-especializado, o projeto se justifica como pesquisa de linguagem.
Review article, 2024
eTopoi Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Issue 3 pp135-142, 2012
Forum Bosnae, 2010
Cinémathèque (Paris), 1997
Acoustical Science and Technology, 2005
The Researcher, 2020
Sociological Quarterly, 2002
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2006