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2015, Choice Reviews Online
3 pages
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Brunei: From the Age of Commerce to the 21st Century is a translation of Marie-Sybille de Vienne's book that was originally published in French, titled Brunei: De la Thalassocratie à la Rente (Paris: CNRS, 2012, index, 303pp., translated by Emilia Lanier). This fascinating work examines how Brunei, a tiny sultanate of 5,765 square kilometers in the South China Sea, became today's extraordinarily rich state. Through the lens of economic history, de Vienne explores this transformation in terms of monarchy, Islam, and trade. Interestingly, although de Vienne deals primarily with the society and economy of modern Brunei (1984Brunei ( -2014 in this volume) in this volume), the early history of Brunei is briefly explored in Chapters 1 and 2 (pp. 1-60). This is key, as the political, economic, historical, and religious aspects of Brunei cannot be explained without an understanding of the maritime "Age
Built heritage faces increasing pressures and threats from development and change in the contemporary world, a situation that frequently results in compromise or loss of historic fabric and its associated values. This paper examines how Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) methodology specifically addresses and mitigates threats to built heritage within an overall sustainable development framework. The methodology will be explained and examples will be given from across Asia of HIA applications to the urban and rural built environment to illustrate how this can be achieved. These case studies reflect a variety of ways in which development and heritage come into conflict and have been selected to show how versatile and adaptable HIA can be as a tool for finding balance and solutions. HIA is an approach rooted in a balanced and sustainable relationship between 'the needs of the present and future generations and the legacy from the past' (UNESCO 2011). The paper also illuminates some of the basic assumptions on which HIA functions and some of the contradictions that often arise when the methodology is applied to real world problems.
Antropología Experimental , 2021
The dispute for authenticity in the processes of construction of contemporary indigenous identities in Argentina Resumen El presente trabajo se propone abordar procesos de construcción de identidades indígenas contemporáneas en Argentina, en relación con políticas de reconocimiento estatal que ponen en cuestión la autenticidad/inautenticidad de estos procesos. Buscamos problematizar, a partir de observaciones etnográficas y del seguimiento de casos que tuvieron una alta visibilidad en los medios y las redes sociales las categorías de "comunidad indígena" y "mujer indígena", mostrando cómo el uso cristalizado de las mismas invisibiliza los procesos de construcción de hegemonía y las históricas relaciones de poder y desigualdad en las que se encuentran los sujetos y colectivos que adscriben a estas categorías. El interés del trabajo reside en problematizar la construcción de estas categorías en relación al concepto de "esencialismo estratégico", identificando los diacríticos esenciales que las comunidades y mujeres indígenas remarcan mientras reconstruyen y revalorizan su identidad y su cultura de origen, en el marco de estructuras políticas específicas en las que es necesario encajar para ser reconocido y legitimado. No obstante, como veremos, tanto las comunidades como las mujeres resisten, negocian y hasta impugnan estos modelos establecidos, reconfigurando los límites y posibilidades de su acción política y la propia definición de "lo indígena".
Religions, 2019
Buddhist literature in Pāli presents a world that is rich in animal imagery, with some animals carrying largely positive associations and other animals seen in a consistently negative light. Among the many species that populate the Pāli imaginaire, the jackal bears a particular status as a much-maligned beast. Jackals are depicted in Pāli literature as lowly, inferior, greedy, and cunning creatures. The jackal, as a natural scavenger, exists on the periphery of both human and animal society and is commonly associated with carrion, human corpses, impurity, and death. In this paper, I am interested in the use of the jackal as an image for both heresy and heterodoxy-that is, the jackal's consistent association with heretical Buddhist figures, such as Devadatta, and with heterodox teachers, such as the leaders of competing saman . a movements. Why was the jackal such an appropriate animal to stand for those who hold the wrong views? And how does association with such an animal sometimes result in a particularly nefarious sort of dehumanization that goes against the teachings of Buddhism?
War reporting has mostly been analyzed as a struggle between political and military control over information and journalistic professionalism. An analysis of reporting in mainstream media from the conflict in eastern Ukraine in 2014 shows that many other aspects must also be considered. In a comparative study, mainstream media coverage in four countries, Ukraine, Russia, Poland, and Sweden, was analyzed and interviews were held with journalists in the media included in the content analysis. Findings revealed significant variations in the framing of the conflict, portrayal of actors involved, and word choice across national settings. Interviews with journalists also high lighted crucial differences in approaches and perceptions. Results show that the specific journalistic culture in each country, self-censorship, and the degree of activist approach among journalists simi larly play an important role in war reporting. Researchers from all four countries participated in the project.
Revista Fe y Libertad Vol. 6, Núm. 2 (julio-diciembre 2023), 2023
El artículo constituye una aproximación teórica a la relación entre memoria e historia, las diferencias y las similitudes entre ambos conceptos, y cómo la memoria puede convertirse en una fuente para la investigación histórica, específicamente del pasado reciente. También se aborda el rol del recuerdo, el silencio y el olvido en la discusión acerca de la memoria colectiva. Asimismo, se trata la batalla en torno a la historia en el marco de procesos judiciales que generan distintas posiciones respecto al pasado, tomando como estudio de caso el debate por la memoria en Guatemala.
New Scientist, 2013
Annali dell'Istituto Italiano di Numismatica, 2016
This paper focuses on the bronze coins of Catana and Panormus retrieved from the Antikythera shipwreck, which were recently published in the catalogue of the exhibition held at the National Archaeological Museum at Athens in 2012. They belong to a group of about forty coins, most of which were too worn to be conclusively identified. Unlike the silver hoard of Cistophori found onboard, which seems to attest to the presence of a passenger originating in Asia Minor, such bronze coins no doubt represent the argent de poche that a member of the crew accepted as small change at the harbour–towns that the ship had called at on its previous journeys. Therefore, the light they can shed on the Antikythera shipwreck is twofold. On the one hand, since the Catana coins are only attested one more time in the Aegean area, namely at the island of Delos, their presence onboard can be considered a further clue of a connection between the ship and Delos. That the former journeys of the ship included the harbours of East Sicily is hinted at by the local discovery of several ceramic classes retrieved onboard (e.g., Eastern Sigillata Ware). On the other hand, both the Catana coins carry the representation of two mythic figures on one side, named eusebeis or pii fratres, who became a popular symbol of piety comparable to Aeneas during the 2nd and 1st century BC. Scholars put forward different dating for such coins, ranging from as early as the beginning of the 2nd century BC to as late as the mid–1st century BC. The Antikythera wreck safely attests to their circulation in ca. 70–60 BC. By drawing on the economical, religious, and political connotations of the representation of Dionysus on the other side of the Catana coins, the author contends that they were minted in the last quarter of the 2nd century BC.
Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 2019
Glioblastomas are the most aggressive and lethal primary astrocytic tumors of the central nervous system. They account for 60% to 70% of all gliomas and the majority are diagnosed in Caucasian male patients at advanced age. Genetic analyses of glioblastoma show a great intra- and inter-tumor heterogeneity, which opens up a debate about its cellular origin. Different types of brain cells, including astrocytes, neural stem cells, oligodendrocyte precursor cells and glioblastoma stem cells are proposed to have a role in tumor initiation and spreading; however, data is still inconclusive. Due to short life expectancy, long-term glioblastoma survivors are defined as patients who live longer than two years post-diagnosis. Extreme survivors, living 10 years or more after diagnosis, comprise less than 1% of all patients. Molecular testing indicates genetic differences between short- and long-term survivors with glioblastoma. The most informative are IDH1/2 gene mutations and MGMT promoter methylation, which are associated with a better response to standard clinical care. Moreover, a decreased expression of the CHI3L1, FBLN4, EMP3, IGFBP2, IGFBP3, LGALS3, MAOB, PDPN, SERPING1 and TIMP1 genes has been associated with prolonged survival. In addition, emerging evidence suggests the role of different microRNAs in predicting patient survival. Other factors that may affect the survival of glioblastoma patients include clinical/demographic characteristics such as seizures at presentation, age at diagnosis, and the extent of surgical resection. Because of the small number of long-term survivors with glioblastoma, comparative studies on genetic differences between short- and long-term survivors are challenging. To improve patient management and clinical outcomes, a thorough "omics" approach is necessary for identifying differences between short- and long-term survivors with glioblastoma.
Programa Médico Arquitectónico para el Diseño de Hospitales Seguros / Celso Bambarén, Socorro Alatrista - Lima., 2008
Este libro se presenta en el marco de la Campaña Mundial 2008-2009 “Hospitales Seguros frente a los Desastres” promovido por la Estrategia Internacional para la Reducción de Desastres, y con la finalidad de poner al alcance de los operadores de los servicios de salud, un instrumento para la formulación del programa médico – arquitectónico que contribuya al mejoramiento de la calidad de atención y a la reducción de la vulnerabilidad funcional de los hospitales como parte del compromiso que todos los países asumieron en el marco de acción de Hyogo 2005-2015 en la Conferencia Mundial sobre la Reducción de los Desastres.
Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum Qualitative Social Research, 2008
Small States & Territories Journal , 2024
International journal of education and social science research, 2023
Journal of The Acoustical Society of America, 2009
American Journal of Human Biology, 2003
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 2009
Letters in Mathematical Physics, 1980
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, 2014
Ambient Intelligence in Everyday Life, 2006
BMC Health Services Research
Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 2009
Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 2012