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2004, Veritas (Porto Alegre)
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Uma das dificuldades de Wittgenstein para a crítica da “imagem agostiniana da linguagem” são os nomes próprios. Realismo ontológico? Este artigo é uma tentativa de compreender este problema.
Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "The Value of a Person in the Eurasian Model of Constitutionalism: From Ideas to Reality (dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan)" (in RUS), 2020
Конституционное право стран Центральной Азии испытало заметное влияние общепризнанных принципов и норм международного права. Концепция прав человека, как неотъемлемая часть международного права, в частности, как основополагающий элемент международного права права человека, отражена в каждой из конституций стран Центральной Азии. Это в первую очередь относится к гражданским и политическим правам и свободам.
Acest roman le este dedicat tuturor cititorilor care au așteptat cu nerăbdare următorul capitol din viața lui Gideon și a Evei. Sper să vă placă tot atât de mult cât îmi place și mie!
The Religious Studies Project, 29 May 2023
Ray Radford and Carole Cusack unpack the latest in religious news in Australia. Hold on, it's a wild ride.
Finanças internacionais do Brasil: uma perspectiva de meio século (1954-2004), 2005
1338. “Finanças internacionais do Brasil: uma perspectiva de meio século (1954-2004)”, Brasília, 10 out. 2004, 34 p. Redução revista do trabalho n. 1329, para livro comemorativo dos 50 anos do IBRI. Publicado in José Flavio Sombra Saraiva e Amado Luiz Cervo (orgs.), O crescimento das relações internacionais no Brasil (Brasília: Instituto Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais, 2005, 308 p.; ISBN: 85-88270-15-3; p. 231-270; link: link: Relação de Publicados n. 574. Sumário: 1. Introdução: meio século de história financeira do Brasil 2. Multiplicidade cambial e estrangulamento financeiro: 1954-1964 3. Estabilização econômica, indexação e abertura financeira: 1964-1973 4. A desordem monetária internacional e o desequilíbrio financeiro: 1973-1982 5. Crise e castigo numa era de transformações financeiras: 1982-1987 6. Ensaios de estabilização na era da globalização financeira: 1987-1994 7. De novo no turbilhão financeiro internacional: 1994-2004 8. A inserção financeira internacional do Brasil: uma perspectiva de meio século
Journal of Education, Ethics and Value, 2024
This paper examines the role of mathematics education in the development of entrepreneurial skills among secondary school students. The population of the study was 650 SSS3 students from fifteen (15) public secondary schools in Oyo East Local Government Area of Oyo State. The technique used to select three (3) Secondary Schools was simple Random Sampling. All the students in the three (3) selected schools, making a total of One Hundred and Ninety-Five (195) SSS3 students were used as sample for the study. Three (3) research questions guided the study. The collection of data was done using self-constructed 21-item student questionnaires (SQ) with a reliability coefficient of 0.84 and analysed using Mean and Standard deviation for the research questions. The findings of the study among others indicated that; Mathematic education plays a significant role in the development of entrepreneurial skills among SSS3 students, mathematical knowledge provides entrepreneurial skills acquisition, male and female student responses on the need of mathematical knowledge for entrepreneurial skills acquisition do not significantly differ. Against this background, it was recommended that; strategies should be put in place by government to intimate mathematics teachers at all level of educational systems of the role of mathematics education in the development of entrepreneurial skills among SSS3 students; qualified teachers should be employed to teach school mathematics that will boost students' mathematics knowledge and thereby bring about improvement in Nigeria economy among others.
International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends , 2022
After more than five decades of peace talks, the Philippine government has granted its Muslim population an autonomous government known as the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM). As observed, the biggest obstacle in the Bangsamoro peace process is no longer whether the parties can reach an agreement, but whether that agreement can really bring sustainable peace and development. To find workable solutions to the problems of the country's minoritized Muslims, the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) must look beyond their narrow group interests. To accomplish this, it must prioritize programs and initiate sufficient interventions that will sincerely address reconciliation and distributive justice, which is a prerequisite for conflict transformation and an essential component of long-term peacebuilding. However, now that the new government headed by Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. and with less than three years remaining of BARMM's transition, the government raises skepticism and even doubts, if there will be a tangible output by 2025. This study will look at previous efforts in post-conflict reconstruction and will delve into key issues and challenges in the Bangsamoro peace process that can stymie peacebuilding. Finally, to suggest pragmatic studies and interventions that could strengthen BARMM's peacebuilding efforts. This research relied solely on qualitative data gathered from reliable and authentic books, journals, and first-hand sources such as Key Informant Interviews (KII) and Focus Group Discussions (FGD).
Pogovor u Kalman Mesarić: Poslovne tajne, Matica Hrvatska, 2017
1 slučajevima ni život to ne čini. A u ovoj satiri radi se tek o fiksaciji tog i takovog života u okviru jedne dramske radnje.
The Journal of American History, 1992
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden.
Trends in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 2023
IEEE Access, 2022
Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 2020
Journal of the Ghana Institution of Engineering (JGhIE), 2023
9th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, 2013, 2013
Ekonometria, 2015
Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 2013
Social Science Research Network, 2015
Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B, 1991
Micromachines, 2022
Autonomy and Responsibility Journal of Educational Sciences