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2011, Vikerkaar
4 pages
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Alan Kirby vastandab postmodernismile pseudomodernismi, milles kesksele kohale tõuseb vastuvõtja tegevus kultuuritoodete sisu ja dünaamika mõjutamisel.* Pseudomodernism muudab pöördumatult vastuvõtja ja teksti suhet vastuvõtja kasuks, mis loob vastuvõtjas võimu illusiooni. See on tõepoolest tähtis nihe indiviidi suurema kaasamise suunas. Järgnevalt kirjeldan ühte potentsiaalset kultuuritoodete vormi, mis võib kujuneda vastuvõtjakesksele perioodile iseloomulikuks ning muuta loodava kunsti tähendust ja tõlgendusviise.
Trei articole despre viața și opera marelui filozof Ludwig Wittgenstein
Science in Context, 2010
This article presents ancient documents on the subject of homeomeric lines. On the basis of such documents, the article reconstructs a definition of the notion as well as a proof of the result, which is left unproved in extant sources, that there are only three homeomeric lines: the straight line, the circumference, and the cylindrical helix. A point of particular historiographic interest is that homeomeric lines were the only class of lines defined directly as the extension of a mathematical property, a move that is unparalleled in Greek mathematics. The far-reaching connections between mathematical homeomery and key issues in the ancient cosmological debate are extensively discussed here. An analysis of its relevance as a foundational theme will be presented in a companion paper in a future issue of Science in Context.
PrevezaNews, διαδικτυακή εφημερίδα της Πρέβεζας, πρωτοσέλιδο, 18 Ιουλίου, 2021
Ομιλία που έγινε δίπλα στο κάστρο του Παντοκράτορα, το Σάββατο, 17 Ιουλίου 2021, σε εκδήλωση που διοργάνωσε η Δήμος Πρέβεζας και ο Πολιτιστικός Σύλλογος "Πρέβεζα", στο πλαίσιο του εορτασμού των 200 χρόνων από την έναρξη της Ελληνικής Επανάστασης του 1821.
Os rumos do Brasil e da América Latina, 2020
The proposal stated here is to place 2019 with embryonic conjuncture issues in long-term processes term. Two categories permeate the background to be analyzed: the analysis of power relations in the Gramscian sense and the uneven and combined develpment according to Trotsky. Two points are more closely related to this discussion: the condition of the United States and China with regard to their hegemonic conditions. From an uneven and combined perspective, the historical process of long duration reverberates in the recent disputes of the two giantsand in the specific developments of Brexit in Europe and in the Trump election, among others. My argument follows the following order: an assessment of the historical process that permeates Fordism as a reference United States hegemony and its culmination in terms of neoliberal hegemony within the Gramscian formulation of power relationships; an analysis of the China's trajectory insertion with greater emphasis on global capitalism about forty years and some of its recent developments; uneven and combined developments upon loss of worker class' rights in the process and nowadays, dealing in an embryonic way with the recent struggles in Latin America and the Brazilian case. A proposta aqui enunciada é de situar 2019 com embrionariamente as questões conjunturais nos processos de longo prazo. Duas categorias permeiam o pano de fundo a ser analisado: a análise de relações de força na acepção gramsciana e o desenvolvimento desigual e combinado conforme Trotsky. Dois pontos se relacionam de maior forma a esta discussão: a condição de Estados Unidos e China no tocante às suas condições hegemônicas. Sob a ótica desigual e combinada, o processo histórico de longa duração reverbera nas disputas recentes dos dois gigantes e nos desdobramentos específicos do Brexit na Europa e na eleição de Trump, dentre outros.O meu argumento segue a seguinte ordem: uma avaliação do processo histórico que permeia o fordismo como referência da hegemonia dos Estados Unidos e seu ponto culminante em termos de uma hegemonia neoliberal dentro da formulação gramsciana mais ampla de relações de força; uma análise da trajetória da inserção com maior ênfase da China no capitalismo global há cerca de quarenta anos e alguns de seus desdobramentos recentes; desdobramentos desiguais e combinados sobre a perda de direitos da classe trabalhadora no processo e na atualidade, versando embrionariamente sobre as lutas recentes na América Latina e o caso brasileiro.
Brain and Language
It is generally held that noun processing is specifically sub-served by temporal areas, while the neural underpinnings of verb processing are located in the frontal lobe. However, this view is now challenged by a significant body of evidence accumulated over the years. Moreover, the results obtained so far on the neural implementation of noun and verb processing appear to be quite inconsistent. The present review briefly describes and critically re-considers the anatomo-correlative, neuroimaging, MEG, TMS and cortical stimulation studies on nouns and verbs with the aim of assessing the consistency of their results, particularly within techniques. The paper also addresses the question as to whether the inconsistency of the data could be due to the variety of the tasks used. However, it emerged that neither the different investigation techniques used nor the different cognitive tasks employed fully explain the variability of the data. In the final section we thus suggest that the main reason for the emergence of inconsistent data in this field is that the cerebral circuits underlying noun and verb processing are not spatially segregated, at least for the spatial resolution currently used in most neuroimaging studies.
The American Historical Review, 1993
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Revista Internacional de Acupuntura, 2015
La cefalea representa un problema de salud de importancia por cuanto afecta a una gran parte de la población mundial en algún momento de la vida sin diferenciación de sexo, raza o edad. La migraña es un tipo de cefalea que se caracteriza por una sintomatología intensa e incapacitante, con curso tórpido e impredecible. Existen múltiples propuestas desde diferentes sistemas médicos complejos que buscan ofrecer tanto tratamiento como profilaxis para este tipo de cefalea. No obstante llama la atención que, cuando se hace investigación, el enfoque diagnóstico es siempre el mismo: el de la Medicina Occidental. En la Medicina Tradicional China se pueden encontrar diferentes diagnósticos sindromáticos que corresponden al cuadro que en Medicina Occidental se conoce como migraña; si bien la mayoría son cuadros de exceso, Yang y calor, cada uno tiene un tratamiento específico. En este artículo se propone que al abordar una patología desde la terapéutica de la Medicina Tradicional China se utilice también el método diagnóstico de este sistema médico.
International Journal of Korean History Vol.15 No. 1, 2010
"Molfetta", febbaio, 1985
Frontiers in Psychology, 2018
Archives of Medical Research, 2007
Pál (Dioszegi) Szabo, 2022
The Theory of Imamate in the Ash’ari Kalam Tradition: The Example of Diya’ al-Din Umar al-Razi, 2024
Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 2025
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2012
International Journal of Scientific & Research Publications, 2016