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Kasahun Fufa Hirko , 2024
ABSTRACT This study examines the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction at Siinqee Banks Nekemte District branches (Harato, Shambu, and Fincha). Given Ethiopia's highly competitive banking sector, improving service quality is essential to gain a competitive edge and boost customer satisfaction. The study aimed to analyze the relationship between service quality dimensions—tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy—and customer satisfaction. Data was collected from 398 respondents using a questionnaire based on the SERVQUAL model. A stratified sampling method was applied, and both qualitative and quantitative research designs were employed. Primary data analysis was conducted using SPSS (version 27), employing multiple regression and correlation analysis to assess the relationship between service quality variables and customer satisfaction. Results indicate a strong positive correlation between service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction, with empathy (r=.940), responsiveness (r=.898), and reliability (r=.855) identified as the most significant predictors. Regression analysis revealed that service quality dimensions explained 76.2% of the variance in customer satisfaction. Empathy had the highest influence (β=0.472), followed by assurance (β=0.240), responsiveness (β=0.232), reliability (β=0.189), and tangibility (β=0.182). The ANOVA result confirmed the models significance (F=49.18, p<0.001). The study found that empathy and assurance significantly enhance customer satisfaction. Customers appreciated personalized attention and polite employee behavior, which fostered confidence. However, gaps were identified in tangibility and responsiveness, particularly in employee communication and orientation about new services. To improve customer satisfaction, the study recommends focusing on empathy through personalized service, addressing knowledge gaps via employee training, and fostering a customer-centric culture. By addressing these issues and leveraging strengths in assurance, Siinqee Bank can build stronger customer relationships, increase satisfaction, and remain competitive in Ethiopia's banking sector. Keywords: Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, Customer Satisfaction.
IAEME Publications, 2021
Introduction - Service quality and customer satisfaction influence the purchase intentions in service environment (Taylor & Baker, 1994). Quality of service rendered by the bank is of paramount importance. Better quality of services provided by the bank has a positive influence on satisfaction of its customers and it directly contributes to profitability of banking industry (Ladhari et al, 2011). Service quality is becoming more critical for the banks to maintain their market shares (Jabnour, Hassan, Al Tamimi, 2003). Many organizations (including banks) having resort to superior service quality have been found to be market leaders in terms of sales & long-term customer loyalty and retention (Anderson and Sullivan, 1993; Boulding et al, 1993; Eklo & Westlund, 2002). Customer expectations are beliefs about a service that serve as standards against which service performance is judged (Zeithaml et al, 1993), which customers think a service provider should offer, rather than, on what might be on offer (Parasuraman et al, 1988). According to the service quality theory (Oliver, 1980), it is predicted that customers will judge quality as ‘low’ if performance does not meet their expectations and quality as ‘high’ if performance exceeds expectations. Quality spells superiority or excellence (Taylor and Baker, 1994; Zeithaml, 1988). Purpose - The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of service quality of Kokan Mercantile Co-op Bank Ltd. on its customers and to throw light on the satisfaction level of customers so that managers in the organization can improve the quality of services rendered. Kokan Bank is an Urban Cooperative bank, headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Cooperative banks work as a balance center for ordinary customers and their indebtedness (Gupta & Jain, 2012). These banks provide services such as accounts, safe deposit lockers, loan or mortgages to private and business customers. Urban Cooperative banks are enjoying a predominant position in the banking industry (Gnanasekaran et al, 2012). Cooperative banks are involved in local development and contribute to the sustainable development of the region situated (Pathak et al, 2012). Methodology - This research attempts to assess the overall customer satisfaction of Kokan Bank using the SERVQUAL instrument. SERVQUAL is a multi-item scale developed to assess customer perceptions of service quality in service industry. It covers five service quality dimensions using two segments in the form of a questionnaire for the customers. Each segment contains the same 22 questions. A numerical weight is assigned to each response of the customers to measure service quality. In the present research, primary data collected by a facilitated survey of 200 bank customers, using structured questionnaire, has been subjected to SERVQUAL tool to achieve the results. Results- The present research has revealed that the overall perception of the quality of service provided by the Kokan Bank is within the acceptable limit for the five aspects of service quality measured by the SERVQUAL instrument. While the overall customer perception of the service quality provide by the bank is within the acceptable level, analysis of the difference between the expectation of excellent service quality and perceived service quality throws light on the need for improvement by bridging the customer service gaps. Managerial implications - Analysis of the difference between the expectation of excellent service quality and perceived service quality throws light on the need for improvement by bridging the customer service gaps in certain areas of service delivery by the bank. Limitation of the study - In SERVQUAL application, customer expectations and perception can be compared only after actual service delivery, but the expectations are formed much before the actual service delivery, causing a loss of reliability of the tool. Further the expectations change with every instance of service delivery, affecting the perception too, resulting in a loss of internal validity. The SERVQUAL model measures only the functional aspect of service process, omitting the technical aspect of it. Contribution of study - The research intends to add to the limited body of knowledge pertaining to the service quality of the bank under study and the cooperative banks as a whole.
The main purpose of this study is to assess the level of customer satisfaction at Construction and Business Bank based on the perception of credit customers. Five dimensions in service quality (servqual) such as Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness, Empathy, and Assurance were considered as the base for this study. A structured questionnaire with 5 point Likert scale has been used to collect the data by conducting survey. 140 credit customers were taken as sample size and chosen on a convenient basis from10 branches located in Addis Ababa City. Data has been analyzed by using SPSS software (version: 20) and Excel program. Thefindings of the study revealed that some majority of customers (slightly above average customers) are satisfied with bank's quality of credit service delivery; this implies that there is undeniable number of customers who get dissatisfied with the bank's credit services delivering. Among those factors that caused customer dissatisfaction are loan documentation process, period for loan approval and disbursement, lack of modern technology, margin of finance and system of credit service delivery process. Besides, among the five service quality dimensions, reliability and assurance are where thehighest gap observed. The bank should understand and respond to expectations of customers when judging the quality of its service offering. Hence, it should be conscious on the reliability of its current service delivery process, employ improved technology like internet and mobile banking, proper customer service training should be given to employees and regular research should be conducted to find out expectation about the various service aspect, and the current credit procedure and service delivery standard time better be reviewed.
In today’s highly competitive market, it is expected of banks to deliver on promises, a fast and reliable service consistently. Anything shot of good quality service get customers dissatisfied. While dissatisfied customers are less likely to repeat transaction with the service provider, satisfied customers are more likely to repeat transactions and go ahead to share positive word-of-mouth. On this basis, the study sought to examine the perception of customers on service quality, and factors that lead to repeat purchase or customer retention of selected banks of Akim Oda. The research design used for this study is non–experimental research because independent variable could not be controlled by the researcher. The type of nonexperimental research adopted was survey that made use of both quantitative and qualitative methods. The survey aimed at obtaining 160 customers’ expectations and perception of service quality of Ghana Commercial Bank Limited, Barclays Bank Ltd and South Birim Ru...
First and foremost I would like to thank the almighty God. Secondly, I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Temesgen Belay for his fruitful support, expert guidance, helpful criticism and encouragement at every stage during the completion of this work. It was pleasant and inspiring experience for me to work under his guidance. So, I always remain grateful and thankful. Thirdly, I would like to thank my wife Amrot Yilma for her unconditional love and support throughout my journey. I am also grateful to many other individuals who were instrumental in the process of completing this degree. Especially, I would like to thank the managements and branch employees of Enat Bank S.C and Debub Global Bank S.C for their positive cooperation in distributing and on time collection of the questionnaires.
The dwindling levels of service quality in Nigerian financial institutions had resulted in abysmal performance of most banks and other financial institutions in the sector and this challenge has made it imperative for financial firms to be customer centered in all their operational activities. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of service quality of non-interest bank on customers' satisfaction using Jaiz Bank PLC, Kaduna as a case study. The study utilized convenience and snowball sampling techniques to select 147 customers who served as respondents in the study. Correlation and multiple regression analysis were employed as analytical techniques. The results show that compliance with Islamic laws is highly correlated with customer satisfaction which was followed respectively by assurance, reliability, tangibility, responsiveness and empathy dimensions. It was also discovered that the six service quality dimensions significantly influenced the satisfaction of Ja...
In the highly competitive banking industry, the success and failure of business organization only depend on how well it satisfies the needs and wants of customers. If an organization has to stay competitively in the industry, it has to continuously meet the needs and wants of customers. This quantitative study assessed the interaction among service quality and customer satisfaction from customer's perspective. The aim of this study is to investigate the correlation between service quality and customer satisfaction and the approaches with AYA Bank can improve and manage the method of delivering satisfactory standard to their customer. This study was conducted by considering the five dimension of service quality, such as Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness, Empathy and Assurance that was found that the combined effect of these factors influences customer satisfaction. A selfadministered questionnaire was used to collect the primary data. Regarding with data collection, use random sampling method based on Yangon. Data gathered were treated using statistical software program namely Statistical package for Social Science (SPSS version 23) for analyses and summarization purposes. Descriptive analysis was used in this study.
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