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2018, Karangkraf Group Media
3 pages
1 file
"Kata kerja" menggambarkan proses kognitif yang mana para pemikir temui menggunakannya bersama dengan pengetahuan: • Mengingat – menyedari , ingat semula • Memahami – menginterpretasi, memberi contoh, mengelaskan, menyimpulkan, menyatakan, membandingkan, menjelaskan • Mengaplikasi – melaksanakan, menjalankan, melakukan • Menganalisis – membezakan, menganjurkan, menyumbang • Menilai – memeriksa, mengkritik • Membina – membuat, menjana, merancang, merencana, menghasilkan
Perbedaan taksonomi Bloom lama dan baru, alasan mengapa taksonomi Bloom direvisi
Journal of Quran Sunnah Education & Special Needs, 2018
Bloom’s Taxonomy known as a hierarchical framework of learning objective that is used by teachers to measure students’ higher order thinking skills based on questions in learning. There are three domain on Bloom taxonomy which is cognitive (intellectual skill), affective (generic skill) and psychomotor (practical skill). The cognitive domain of Bloom consists of six level organized in a hierarchy from lower until higher level which includes remembering, understanding, application, analysis, evaluation and creating. Since it is introduce by Benjamin Bloom in year 1956, studies have shown there are numerous Western studies have been discusess the strengths and weaknesses of Bloom Taxonomy. However, what is the position of Bloom's Taxonomy according to the Islamic perspectives? Therefore, this paper will concentrate on the criticisms by Western and Islamic perspective against Bloom’s Taxonomy. This study will be conducted using qualitative method by analysing data with descriptive ...
The Cognitive domain of Bloom's taxonomy often serves as a framework for categorizing objectives of education, designing tests, and designing curricula. The taxonomy in order covers: (1) knowledge, (2) comprehension, (3) application, (4) analysis, (5) synthesis, and (6) evaluation. The order has been made use more than fifty years as the basis for education objectives, designing tests and curricula. Revision on the taxonomy is done by changing noun in the taxonomy into verb in the revised taxonomy. This is in order to meet education objectives. Such objectives indicate that students will be able to do something (verb) by using something (noun). Revision by Kratwohl and Anderson resulting the taxonomy: (1) remember, (2) understand,(3) apply, (4) analyze, (5) evaluate, and (6) create.
Pada tahun 1949, Benjamin S. Bloom mengajukan idenya mengenai klasifikasi objektif kognitif kependidikan serta teori belajar tuntas (mastery learning) atau yang biasa disebut dengan taksonomi kognitif untuk mempermudah proses penyusunan bank soal, sehingga memiliki tujuan pembelajaran yang sama yang dipublikasikan pada tahun 1956.
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Italica’s late-antique wall –located in the northern section of the city– and its layout were identified at the beginning of the 1990s through geophysical surveys carried out in the Nova Urbs. The new geophysical surveys that have been performed have adjusted the previous information, specifically in the northwest corner of the wall. Finally, the wall’s constructive characteristics and its erection date are now known thanks to the newly conducted archaeological excavation in the mentioned northwest corner
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