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2021, Social Science Research Network
14 pages
1 file
This paper discusses sustainability accounting. Sustainability accounting is the contribution of accounting to sustainable development. Sustainability accounting has grown in importance in many countries. This paper highlights the motivation for sustainability accounting, the definition of sustainability accounting, the objectives of sustainability accounting and the tools of sustainability accounting. Some directions for further research are offered.
Research linking accounting to the emerging concept of sustainability surfaced in the early 1990s and has received continuing attention in academic and professional accounting literature. This paper tracks this brief history through to the release of the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in August 2002, consolidating the various approaches into a sustainability accounting framework. The result is a comprehensive reporting model that presents an enormous challenge to business organisations, requiring a significant commitment of resources to achieve widespread implementation. Failure to meet this challenge enables business organisations to continue to avoid accountability for their continuing unsustainability. The paper concludes with a personal view as to how implementation of the sustainability accounting framework could proceed.
Pressacademia, 2021
Purpose-The purpose of this study is two folded. In one hand it intends to provide an overview of the historical formation and development of the scientific field of sustainability accounting, starting from the history of it's predecessor disciplines. To this end the history of accountancy is examined first, followed by the development of the idea of sustainability. Then the birth and advances of sustainability accounting are presented. The secondary goal of this research is to define the future perspectives of sustainability accounting, derived from it's origins. Methodology-This study is a historical literature review, employing an interpretative and synthesising approach by a recombination of works done in the field. The possible sources of the research drawn into comparison are books, peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings and papers, dissertations and thesises. The final selection put a high emphasis on peer-reviewed journals as evaluated sources. Findings-The analysis reveals, that accountancy and the idea of sustainability have a long history and clearly defined definitions, while sustainability accounting is yet to be demarcated from other scientifical fields. There is not one universally accepted definition of sustainability accounting to day, also it's taxonomic placement and mandatory components are yet to be agreed on. Along with the absence of a uniform definition, opinions (and definitions) similarly concur on the three main factors of sustainability accounting, which are environmental, social and economical factors (see also as three bottom line, or TBL). Besides, researches can be grouped in two main directions: a theoretical direction, emphasizing accountability, contribution to sustainability and steps leading to sustainability (strategic) and another, consisting mainly of applicable management tools (eg. measurements, information system, reporting). Conclusion-Based upon the analyisis, there are similar characteristics in the various definitons of sustainability accounting, yet it is still an inhomogeneous, multi directional and constantly evolving field of research. Until today the most known standards were laid down with Gray's Sustainability Accounting Principles (2002) and Lambertons sustainability accounting framework (2005). We concluded to a definition of sustainability accounting as the following: Sustainability accounting is primarly a practice of measuring, analyzing and reporting on social and environmental impacts of companies, as well as on their economical sustainability, and secondarily It is also a set of principles and guidelines for the implementation of environmental awareness and social justice into the economical viewpoint. The lack of quicker development in sustainability accounting research for the last decade is likely a product of the crisis of 2009. Citing Gray "there is little or no prospect of widespread, systematic reporting by corporations without a major regulatory initiative" and to solve the crisis and to handle it's consequences must have had a priority above all, which included sustainability problems. The latest steps taken by the EU will most likely promote development. Presumably, the combination between practical needs and the work of theoretical authors will eventually lead to the development of a more crystallized and widely accepted sustainability accounting discipline on the long run, as much as it happened in the history of accountancy, with the urging need for sustainability as the accelerator of the process.
Sustainability accounting and reporting are relatively new disciplines that have their early days in the 60s and the 70s of the 20th century. In professional literature these terms have been emerging from the 90s of the last century. An array of research works dealing with various perspectives on these problems has been realised since then. Scientific terminology as well as principles, rules and methods that should be respected and used by the system have been discussed. Sustainability accounting has its roots in financial and managerial accounting, and it is possible to apply it both at macroeconomic (state) and microeconomic (corporate) level. The system provides information for all interested parties in support of decision-making processes in accordance with sustainability principles. The paper deals with sustainability accounting at the corporate level. A brief history of sustainability accounting development is presented and then main benefits and imperfections of the system are discussed. In the paper the main focus is aimed especially at the future development (prospects) of the system. The problems of sustainability accounting are solved from the world development point of view, but the state of solved problems in terms of the Czech Republic is in focus as well.
Sustainable Value Creation
This book provides an up-to-date overview of the most current developments in environmental and sustainability accounting and its links to reporting. This fourth volume in the Environmental Management Accounting Network (EMAN) series is characterized by a broad geographical and a contextual range of topics. Contributions from nearly all continents discuss new developments in environmental accounting and investigate topics and links between corporate environmental and sustainability issues as well as between strategy, measurement and information management or between accounting and reporting. For the last five years EMAN, the environmental and sustainability accounting network, has developed from a small, dedicated group of European academics to a full-fledged international network with strong links to corporate accounting and reporting practitioners, international organizations and regulators. The network provides a platform for the exchange of ideas and the sharing of experiences with environmental and sustainability accounting and reporting. "EMAN Global" ( serves as an umbrella organisation of the regional sections in the Asia Pacific (EMAN-AP), Europe (EMAN-EU), Americas (EMAN-AM) and Africa (EMAN-AF). Based on the success of the annual conferences of the European and Asia Pacific sections the American and African groups are planning their first workshops. The regional sections of EMAN have their own independent work agendas but are linked with each other through the steering committee of EMAN GLOBAL and by participating in other regional conferences, fora and workshops. Dealing with sustainability accounting and reporting EMAN has concluded that environmental management accounting (EMA) constitutes an indispensable cornerstone and can be defined as a subset of sustainability accounting and reporting. Currently EMA is the most developed subset of sustainability accounting. This is why the steering committee of EMAN decided to keep its well-known acronym EMAN but to rename the network into Environmental and Sustainability Accounting Network. With the extending global EMAN network the fourth EMAN book draws its selection of best papers from the EMAN-EU conference on sustainability accounting and reporting held in Lüneburg in 2004, with more than 200 participants, and the 2005 EMAN-AP conference in Bangkok with more than 100 participants. The papers presented in this book have gone through an independent peer review and thorough editing process to ensure the highest possible research quality for academic submissions, or, for more practically orientated ix x Preface contributions, the greatest usefulness for potential corporate and political practitioners. The publications presented in this book have been selected following an intense blind review and editorial process drawing from over eightly initial abstracts and papers submitted. Most papers had to be revised on the basis of two to four reviewer reports linked with two to three revision cycles. Such activity does not just involve a substantial workload for the authors it also depends on the goodwill of and commitment of time from the reviewers and editors. For their valuable comments we would like to thank all reviewers for their diligent and important work:
Sustainability: The Journal of Record, 2017
With sustainability reporting commonplace and mandatory in the E.U., a model to facilitate accumulation and assurance of sustainability information is needed. Currently, only limited assurance is possible, and comparability among reporting companies and over time is difficult if not impossible. Current standards of the U.S. Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), while a good start, are not sufficiently broad. The current financial reporting framework, while not appropriate for sustainability accounting, provides a basis for a sustainability accounting and auditing model by considering objectives, postulates, consolidation, and sustainability indicators for sustainability accounting. The overall focus of sustainability accounting and assurance is risk assessment, which is based on sustainability from the perspective of all stakeholders-financial, social, environmental, and technological-and management of the risk. Assumptions of sustainability accounting are developed from postulates of financial accounting and include: The reporting entity includes consolidated groups as well as disaggregation by product group, country, parts of the organization over which it has direct control and others over which it has indirect control, such as suppliers and disposal organizations. The framework and model can be reviewed for independent assurance, and are comparable over time and among reporting entities.
Proceedings of USM- …, 2012
As an important issue, sustainable development requires the involvement of all people in the agenda. Accounting profession cannot be exempted. Accounting takes place in the center of business information system. Since sustainable development agenda requires significance involvement of business entities, accounting profession should response to the movement seriously. Viewed from sustainable development spirit, theoretisation of conventional accounting was deficient. It stays away from the spirit of seeing the world as a system, since it is not including social and environmental aspects from its conception of the world. To support and convince the movement of business venture toward sustainability agenda, accounting profession should be able to overcome the deficiencies in conventional accounting. Reconstruction of accounting reports, intended to overcome the deficiencies, should be based on efforts directed to incorporate the spirit of sustainable development into the conceptual framework underlying accounting standards and practices.
This review article seeks to discuss the sustainability accounting concept by examining previously conducted studies on this topic in order to understand its thematic progress in the academic literature. This study is a metasynthesis, where, in the identification phase, 334 documents published in the Web of Science (WoS) database are selected, and in the literature review stages, 15 re-reviews are selected according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) method. The results reveal that businesses, academia, and regulatory bodies do not recognize a homogeneous terminology when it comes to sustainability accounting. There is a variety of synonyms that complicate the disclosure of activities carried out by companies in the pursuit of the sustainability development goals (SDGs), with SDGs 5, 6, 13, 14, and 15 being analyzed in the academic literature in relation to the sustainability accounting concept. For future research directions, the revi...
Sustainability has become one of the major issues of the day. Sustainability accounting is but one aspect of sustainability , and yet the term sustainability accounting offers so many different perspectives . This is reflected in the different names utilised for the term, such as social and environmental accounting, triple bottom line accounting, emissions accounting and carbon accounting, amongst others. Social and environmental issues are attracting more political and media attention, reflecting increased social awareness . These changes in societal attention to sustainability makes sustainability accounting an exciting and dynamic field of research. Sustainability and sustainable development, defined by their social, economic and environmental basis are one of the challenges for organisations and society. Research has generated a sizeable body of insights into sustainability reporting and disclosure practices. However, little is known about sustainability reporting and internal accounting procedures. Even less is known about the integration of sustainability into management control. This special issue reflects the complexity of sustainability accounting issues and covers many of the approaches that can be taken. The papers reflect diverse foci and a range of countries and approaches. O'Grady and Biswas (2017) consider the relationship between performance measurement systems (PMS) and environmental strategy. In particular, they examine developments in the carbon reduction strategy and PMS subsequent to the case organisation's enrolment into CEMARS -an external carbon reporting scheme. Using data collected via interviews, public seminars and document analysis, their study shows that developments in carbon reduction strategy and the carbon related performance measures are mutually constitutive and impact one another. The case findings show how increasing sophistication of the PMS facilitated refinements to carbon reduction strategy, which necessitated further changes in the PMS. Additionally, the CEMARS measures were integrated into decision making processes alongside existing PMS measures, thus enhancing the sophistication of the PMS and revealing integration as an additional factor impacting PMS use. Climate change is another important challenges that we are facing at the moment. To this end, Sharma et al. (2017) paper aims to set out several key issues in relation to climate change research based on accounting and accountability. Their paper outlines using a case 1
This paper discusses sustainability accounting. Sustainability accounting arises from the need to ensure that accounting contributes to societal and environmental continuity. This concern led to the early development of sustainability accounting. This article offers a conceptual contribution to the development of sustainability accounting.
Think of two similar companies -Company A and B. Company A makes a turnover of $13million a year from extracting mineral resources from the environment. The activities of Company A degrade the environment and makes it unsustainable for people living in the immediate community. Company A does nothing about the environment and goes on to plan for next year's extraction activities. On the other hand, Company B also makes a turnover of $13million a year from extracting mineral resources from the environment. The activities of Company B also degrade the environment. Company B takes action to protect the environment and discloses information to insiders and outsiders about what it is doing to reduce harm to the environment and minimize the hardship its activities may bring to members of the immediate community.
From the two scenario above, which of these two companies will be more valuable to investors? And which of the two companies will have greater legitimacy to operate in the environment and in the community? The answer is rather obvious -Company B. The behaviour of Company B demonstrates in part what sustainability accounting is all about.
In simple terms, sustainability accounting is defined as accounting that integrates social, environmental and economic facets of organization's activities (Lamberton, 2005;Schaltegger and Burritt, 2006b;Thomson, 2007). Sustainability accounting is the contribution of accounting to sustainable development (Schaltegger et al, 2006). Sustainability accounting is considered to be the branch of accounting that require organizations to pay attention to environmental, social and governance matters by disclosing non-financial information about the organization.
For example, an organization should disclose information about wage inequality because employees may want to know whether the CEO earns up to 10times more than the average employee. Also, an organization should disclose information about its environment protection activities because members of the community may want to know whether the organization ejects Electronic copy available at: harmful waste into the environment, and may want to know what the organization is doing to reduce harm to the neighborhood. Also, an organization should disclose information on nonfinancial performance because investors may want to know the level of customer satisfaction, the level of employee satisfaction, board gender diversity and corporate reputation. The examples above demonstrate how sustainability accounting can address the interest of multiple stakeholders.
Practitioners and academics have used several titles to describe sustainability accounting such as environmental accounting (Larrinaga-Gonzalez and Bebbington, 2001;Lamberton, 2005;Jones, 2010), environmental reporting (Gray et al, 1995;Sahay, 2004;Clarkson et al, 2011), social accounting (Dillard, 2014;Retolaza et al, 2016;Perkiss and Tweedie, 2017), social and environmental accounting (Ball and Craig, 2010;Cormier et al, 2011;Brennan and Merkl-Davies, 2014), corporate social reporting (Sotorrío and Sánchez, 2010;Carnevale et al, 2012), corporate social responsibility reporting (Bouten et al, 2011, Belal andCooper, 2011;Dhaliwal et al, 2011); non-financial reporting (Stolowy and Paugam, 2018;La Torre et al, 2018;Dagilienė and Nedzinskienė, 2018). This paper contributes to the literature that examine the role of accounting in assessing the social and environmental outcomes and impacts that affect organizations and society (see, for example, Gray et al, 1995;Sahay, 2004;Clarkson et al, 2011;Khan and Ozili, 2021). This paper also contributes to the literature that offer conceptual insights on how organizations can use sustainability accounting to address environmental issues.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 discusses the objectives and motivation of sustainability accounting. Section 3 presents the literature review. Section 4 identifies some tools of sustainable accounting. Section 5 discusses some future directions, and section 6 concludes.
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There are three objectives of sustainability accounting. The first objective is to prepare accounts concerning organizations' interactions with society and the natural environment (Peršić et al, 2017). The second objective of sustainability accounting is to disclose financial and non-financial information about an organization's performance in relation to society and the environment. The third objective is to extend traditional financial accounting to take into account a wide range of monetized information, covering environmental, social and economic impacts, on which organizational decisions are made (Elkington, 1999;Bent and Richardson, 2003).foot_0
Greenwashing is a concept used to describe a situation where an organization spends more time and money on advertising themselves as environmentally friendly when they are not.
Organizations can use several tactics to mislead or persuade the public that their products, objectives and policies are designed to promote a sustainable environment and society (Delmas and Burbano, 2011;Seele and Gatti, 2017). They make people believe that the organization is doing a lot more to protect the environment than it is actually doing. Sustainable accounting, or sustainability reporting, has emerged to mitigate greenwashing. Sustainability accounting ensures that organizations are truly doing what they claim to be doing to protect the environment. Sustainability accounting provides an opportunity for organizations to report the exact steps or actions they are taking, or have taken, to protect the environment.
Another motivation for sustainability accounting is mimicry and industry pressure. There is a global shift towards sustainability in almost every industry. Several industries have begun to incorporate sustainability considerations into their practice. For example, the banking industry in sustainable banking, the marketing industry in sustainable marketing, and the development sector in sustainable development. Each industry is mimicking the other industry to avoid the criticism that the industry does not care about protecting the environment and the society at large. There is increased pressure for the accounting profession, and the accounting discipline, to incorporate all relevant social and environmental factors into all aspects of accounting, and to understand how these factors affect the performance of organizations.
Another motivation is legislative pressure. Legislative pressure occurs when legislation is passed that require organizations to comply with certain sustainability disclosure and reporting requirements (Guia Arraiano et al, 2017). In some countries, sustainability reporting is backed by legislation through the securities and exchange commission in the United Kingdom, United States, China and India. In other countries, sustainability reporting is not backed by legislation because it is difficult to legislate on which sustainability information is decision-useful to investors at each point in time since the usefulness of sustainability information is timedependent. For example, environmental disclosures may become highly decision-useful during a climate crisis, and less decision-useful under stable climate conditions. Therefore, imposing legislation for sustainability reporting may lead to the disclosure of information that investors do not find useful.
Another motivation for sustainability accounting is stakeholder pressure and legitimacy.
Environmentally-conscious stakeholders can pressure organizations to shift from traditional accounting to sustainability accounting. Making a shift from traditional accounting to sustainability accounting will help organizations to reaffirm their legitimacy in the environment and society. Also, the involvement of stakeholders in sustainability accounting can help to align accounting with sustainable development (Schneider, 2015). It will ensure that sustainability accounting takes into account both economic, social and environmental considerations.
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Several studies have examined issues in the sustainable accounting literature. Adams and Larrinaga-González (2007) observes that the academic literature in the field of sustainability accounting has largely ignored sustainability accounting practice within organizations. They suggest that further research engaging with organizations is needed to identify how accounting and management systems might reduce their negative sustainability impacts. Passetti et al (2014) points out that sustainability accounting is in the early phase of development and the lack of engagement by most organizations is negative for the construction of a more balanced relationship between business, environmental and social issues. Schaltegger and Burritt (2006a) state that the development of sustainability accounting can be achieved by a top-down approach and the stakeholder approach. The top-down approach to sustainability accounting development starts with the broadest definition of sustainable development and corporate sustainability. Then, the term 'sustainable development' is broken down into partial indicators and measurements in the most systematic way possible. Meanwhile, the stakeholder driven approach to sustainability accounting is determined through stakeholder engagement processes. Gabrusewicz (2013) and Richardson (2013) show that the triple bottom line (TBL) concept is a common framework used to describe sustainability accounting in organizations because it recognizes that corporations not only add economic value to society, they also add social and environmental value to society. Schaltegger et al (2006) suggest that sustainability accounting is a crucial trigger for management towards corporate sustainability. They argue that if corporate sustainability is seen as being the result of management attempts to address sustainability challenges, then it makes sense for management to use sustainability accounting as a basis to address sustainability challenges. Burritt and Schaltegger (2010) show that two factors: (i) raising awareness about sustainability, and (ii) management decision making, through problem solving and scorekeeping, are crucial for the development of sustainability accounting. They suggest that the development of sustainability accounting should be orientated more towards improving management decision Electronic copy available at: making. Kaur and Lodhia (2018) observe that stakeholder engagement in the sustainability accounting process of Australian local councils is important, and is achieved through the development of strategic plans, sustainability indicators, measuring sustainability performance and the preparation of sustainability reports. Huchzermeier (2019), in a case study, examines Puma's decision to create an 'Environmental Profit and Loss account' to increase the sustainability of their business. PUMA is a leading sportswear and sports lifestyle products manufacturer with three main product categories: footwear, apparel, and accessories. They measured the activities that harmed nature (loss) and those that benefited nature (profit). In this way, corporate decisions are founded on impacts on the environment and profitability. Larrinaga et al (2018) show that, in 2011, the Spanish government made sustainability accounting a mandatory requirement for public sector organizations in Spain. The outcome was very disappointing. This adds to the argument that making sustainability accounting a mandatory requirement for organizations may not be a good idea.
Sustainability accounting tools are the tools used by organizations to become more sustainable.
The demand for information about the economic effects of environmental and social activities have led to the development of sustainability accounting tools for use in corporations (Schaltegger and Burritt, 2010). Some sustainability accounting tools include:
Corporate sustainability reporting (CSR)
Triple-P reporting, also known as reporting on People, Planet and Profit. This is also known as the Triple bottom line reporting (Elkington, 1999). Triple bottom line reporting is the disclosure of information on how business performance affects 'people', 'profit', and the 'planet (Slaper and Hall, 2011).
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)foot_2 . The objective of the GRI is to ensure that environmental and social reporting is comparable to financial reporting. It achieves this by developing reporting principles and information qualities similar to those used in corporate financial reporting (Roberts and Koeplin, 2007).
The sustainability accounting discourse needs to pay more attention to social and governance matters not just environmental matters. Currently, much priority is given to environmental impact. Organizations are placing high importance on carbon neutrality and waste reduction in their supply chains. Organizations need to also pay much attention to social and governance matters such as wage inequality, female representation on the Board, employee ethnic diversity matters, customer satisfaction, human capital quality disclosure, and community acceptance.
Future studies should undertake further research on the social and governance matters underlying sustainability accounting.
There is a debate about whether we need a separate standalone sustainability reporting standard or whether existing accounting standards should be expanded to incorporate sustainability accounting requirements. It is difficult to determine which approach is more appropriate due to cost, conflict of interest, political economy and country-specific issues. Further research is needed to explore the possibility of setting a new standard for sustainability accounting and reporting. Such studies should take into account the benefit of creating a standalone sustainability accounting standard and the challenges that might be encountered.
Sustainability accounting, often considered to be the accounting profession's response to sustainable development and climate change risk, has its limits. The biggest limitation is that it focuses only on disclosure and reporting of environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters.
It does not provide organizations with the financial resources they need to make a meaningful contribution to the environment or society. An organization that is short of cash, or financially constrained, may be unable to make a significant ESG contribution, and is likely to make disclosures that analysts consider to be below-the-benchmark ESG performance, thereby making the organization look bad both in its ESG disclosures. Therefore, it is important for the accounting profession to recognize this limitation of sustainability accounting and other limitations. Future research should examine other limitations of sustainability accounting in relation to the sustainable development agenda.
Several efforts are ongoing to develop key performance indicators for sustainability reporting (Gnanaweera and Kunori, 2018). Some performance indicators will be more relevant to stakeholders while other performance indicators will be less relevant to stakeholders. Future studies should determine, based on certain criteria, the key performance indicators that are most relevant and important to stakeholders.
This paper discussed sustainability accounting at the conceptual level. It highlighted the definition, motivation and tools of sustainability accounting. It showed that sustainability accounting can help organisations to identify and assess environmental and social challenges.
The findings are significant in that they show that sustainability accounting can provide a reporting framework that allows organizations to commit significant resources to promote continuing sustainability in the interest of society and the environment. The first step to develop sustainability accounting standards is to first understand what sustainability accounting really is -this is the goal of this short paper. Although significant innovations have emerged in
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sustainability accounting in the last two decades, the concept of sustainability accounting is still relatively new in some countries, while its development in other countries is still patchy. As more organisations continue to embed societal and environmental considerations into their business processes, it will hasten the development of accounting for sustainability in many countries. Electronic copy available at:
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„România literară”, nr. 42 (11 octombrie 2024), p. 21