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1988, Colloquium Mathematicum
10 pages
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RESUMEN: El aprovechamiento y potencialización de las competencias del capital humano es el pilar fundamental del éxito de cualquier empresa. Por tal motivo, la evaluación de desempeño es una herramienta que debe ser bien utilizada porque de ella depende la concreción de las estrategias organizacionales. Durante mucho tiempo, los administradores se ocuparon exclusivamente de la eficiencia de la máquina como medio para aumentar la productividad de la empresa. La propia teoría clásica de la administración llegó al extremo de pretender agotar la capacidad óptima de la máquina, situando a la par el trabajo del hombre y calculando con bastante precisión el tipo necesario de fuerza motriz, el rendimiento potencial y hasta el tipo de ambiente necesario para su funcionamiento. El énfasis aplicado a los equipos no resolvieron el problema del aumento de la eficiencia de la organización y a esta altura el hombre sólo era considerado como un simple operador de botones, un objeto moldeable a los intereses de la organización y fácilmente manipulable. Una vez comprendida la importancia del individuo como parte fundamental del proceso productivo, se buscó una técnica que estudiara los procesos de la empresa y cómo el empleado los pudiera realizar óptimamente. En otras palabras, se estableció un estándar de la forma y de cómo se lleva a cabo la operación reconociendo las actividades y fortalezas de quien ejecuta. Tampoco se olvida la posibilidad de que, siempre a partir del resultado, se puede mejorar y optimizar el desenvolvimiento del empleado en la empresa.
El desarrollo psicosocial de Eric Erikson. El diagrama epigenético del adulto Revista Lasallista de Investigación, vol. 2, núm. 2, julio-diciembre, 2005, pp. 50-63 Corporación Universitaria Lasallista Antioquia, Colombia Disponible en: Cómo citar el artículo Número completo Más información del artículo Página de la revista en Sistema de Información Científica Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto 50 REVISTA LASALLISTA DE Fecha de recibo: 15/10/2005; fecha de aprobación: 21/02/2006 Resumen El trabajo presenta una síntesis de la teoría del desarrollo psicosocial de Erik Erikson y el diagrama epigenético del adulto. Hace un resumen del contenido de cada estadío psicosocial y presenta el Diagrama del Adulto, de acuerdo con los VIII estadíos del ciclo completo de la vida. Palabras claves: Desarrollo. Psicosocial. Adulto. Fases de la vida. Resumo O trabajo apresenta una síntese da teoría do desenvolvimento psicossocial de Erik Erikson e o diagrama epigenético do adulto. Faz un resumo do contenido de cada estágio psicossocial e apresenta o Diagrama do Adulto, conforme o VIII Estágio do ciclo de vida completa. Palavras chaves: Desenvolvimento. Psicossocial. Adulto. Estágio de vida.
Journal of Computer Information Systems, 2020
With the rapid E-commerce growth and changes in consumers' behaviors, many businesses are forced to adapt their business model to match their target customers' needs. To provide consumers with more product details and increase their confidence in making online purchases, online businesses offer online reviews as an alternative to customers physically interacting with a product. Although consumers have become familiar with the use of online product reviews, many aspects of users' perceptions of online reviews are still not well understood. This study explores the factors underlying the intention of Thai consumers to use online reviews when considering purchasing an item. The study results provide insight into the factors that affect consumers' use of online reviews prior to a purchase. This study furthers the body of knowledge that deals with online reviews and system use, providing results that allow E-businesses to adapt their business model to better fit consumers' expectations.
Tijdschrift voor Historische Geografie, 2021
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The psychologists, William R. Miller and Carl E. Thoresen, unequivocally state in their article, Spirituality, religion and health: an emerging field of research, that “A philosophical basis for this perspective is materialism, the belief that there is nothing to study because spirituality is intangible and beyond the senses.” This is a core argument of the Academic Materialist Doctrine, which I encounter quite often in posting on FB psychology, religion, and neuroscience groups. Frequently I get told I can’t talk about spirt or spirituality until I prove the existence of “spirit” or “God!” So, the question is, “Is it possible at all, in any way, to prove “God” as Academic Materialists demand – especially in light of the fact that the Academic Materialist don’t provide a definition (since it is impossible, of course!) It is the Definist Fallacy that is actually the reason why all the spiritual schools of thought were sidelined and marginalized -the separation of church and state is a straw man for the academic materialists - keeping all knowledge about spirituality such as the spirituality in grieving, recovering addicts. awe-wonder, and so on etc because of separation of church and state is Horses*t. What possible reasonable excuse is that for that?? To get my list of the categorization of types of spirituality, I had to search different schools - like the grief school of psychology, and adolescence, or recovering addicts, not to mention the spirituality of autistics - because they weren't in any "psychology of spirituality and religion books. Academic Materialism is so repressive no proper categorization of types of spirituality has been done. Think about it! What possible reasonable "reason" could there be for restricting facts and information about the spirituality of grieving, the spirituality of recovering addicts, the spirituality involved in depression, the spirituality of adolescents, the well-proven spirituality of awe-wonder, the spirituality of nature, or the spirituality of autistics out of mainstream psychology?? That is what is happening! I have a letter from US Senator Van Hollen which I got after warning the embassies of the allies in March 2017 that we were in a historical cycle similar to Athens after they defeated the Persians and bullied, threatened and intimidated their allies. In July 2020 the allies intelligence leaked that Trump had called Prime Minister May a "fool" and German Chancellor Merkel "stupid." I tried to talk to Towson University chair of psychology but Munro sent me an email stating unequivocally that not one psychology professor in his entire department who would be interested in spirituality in and shape form or fashion! So, mainstream psychology teaches NOTHING about the spirituality of people - at all! the letter from U.S Senator Van Hollen is posted on my website:
pembelajaran teknoppreneurship dimaksudkan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan untuk merancang usaha yang berbasis pada kemampuan teknologi. pembelajaran teknopreneurship dipersiapkan untuk mahasiswa jurusan teknik.
Adalya, 2018
Sillyon's Main City Gate is a structure situated in the southwest part of the city. It consists of a complex with a courtyard entry gate and two towers. It is called the "Main City Gate" because it is the largest known gate of Sillyon and because it is the only entrance that allow both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. We encounter examples of courtyard entry gates from the Archaic period in Pamphylia and from the Hellenistic period in Side, Perge, and Sillyon. These gates are the result of the defense strategies developed due to the political developments in the region but lost their function in the Roman period. Yet they became an important element of the urban landscape. In this study, we examined all the details of the gate and tried to determine its position within the city plan, especially regarding the city's defense. It is suggested that the Sillyon example is the product of a tradition that was carried out in Pamphylia in the Hellenistic period, such as on the gates of Perge and Side, and is transformed into a representative character due to the periodic developments in the region.
Scritti in onore di Antonio Flamini, a cura di R. Favale e L. Ruggeri, 2020
Lo scritto analizza alcuni profili innovativi della Direttiva (UE) 2019/771. L’operazione compiuta dal legislatore europeo corrisponde ad una armonizzazione massima selettiva, limitata a quegli aspetti che sono stati ritenuti di primaria importanza per il corretto funzionamento del mercato interno (difetto di conformità e relativi rimedi), ma, per il resto, cede ad un’armonizzazione, nella sostanza, minima. Con la direttiva (UE) 19/771 è offerta una disciplina generale delle garanzie relative a tutti i contratti a prestazionimcorrispettive traslativi di un bene di consumo o che ne possono determinare il trasferimento. Il fenomeno probabilmente più interessante in termini giuridici che si è prodotto per effetto di queste novità è che la nozione di conformità è andata incontro a una sorta di possibile sdoppiamento, la cui eventuale realizzazione è connaturata alla presenza dell’elemento digitale che potrebbe definirsi di «seconda generazione». Se la conformità di prima generazione doveva e deve apprezzarsi in un momento puntuale e ben definito, quello della consegna del bene, la conformità di seconda generazione mira al mantenimento della conformità originariamente raggiunta al momento della consegna e non si identifica con un tratto temporale definibile a priori, inscrivendosi invece variabilmente, secondo circostanze concrete e non previamente definibili, in un arco temporale di cui è solo possibile stabilire la durata massima. Il carattere massimo dell’armonizzazione prescelta dalla direttiva (UE) 19/771 impone di escludere un concorso di rimedi nazionali ed europei così che il consumatore debba sottostare alla gerarchia dei rimedi prevista per il difetto di conformità dalla nuova Direttiva.
Encyclopedia of Decision Making and Decision Support Technologies
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Cибирский философский журнал. Т. 20, № 3. С. 14–32., 2022
Acta Universitaria, 2018
Rhetorical Criticism: Perspectives in Action, 2nd ed., 2016
Ανάτυπο από τη μουσική έκδοση «Δημήτρης Παπαποστόλου: Συμφωνική Ορθόδοξη Λειτουργία (Missa Graeca)» Εκδόσεις Παπαγρηγορίου – Νάκας, Αθήνα, 2020
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 2010
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 1997
Frontiers in Immunology, 2021
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BMC Health Services Research, 2014
Ukraine-Poland: Historical Heritage and Public Consciousness, 2020
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