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The present study reports on community perception on potentiality of Pond Sand Filter (PSF) technology in a south western coastal district where drinking water scarcity is high. Structured questionnaire survey and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) has been used to evaluate community perception. It has been found that PSF users are using this technology for both drinking and cooking water purpose with satisfaction (~ 73%, n=150). The respondent also reveals that they can collect water from PSF more than 3 times a day aggregates more than 30 liters/day which confirms the technology’s sustainable performance. Almost all users (98.58%) are satisfied with water availability of PSF’s all the year round and therefore the technology has been found as socially accepted. However varied respondents have been found about the water quality of the PSF’s where most of the user says water quality is good (~ 80%) while other classified the water quality as moderate. Overall the technology has found to be...
Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2015
Hossain M, Rahman SN, Bhattacharya P, Jacks G, Saha R and Rahman M (2015) Sustainability of arsenic mitigation interventions-an evaluation of different alternative safe drinking water options provided in Matlab, an arsenic hot spot in Bangladesh. Front. Environ. Sci. 3:30. The wide spread occurrence of geogenic arsenic in Bangladesh groundwater drastically reduced the safe water access across the country. Since its discovery in 1993, different mitigation options tested at household and community scale have resulted in limited success. The main challenge is to develop a simple, cost-effective, and socially acceptable option which the users can install, operate and maintain by themselves. In an arsenic hotspot of southeastern Bangladesh, 841 arsenic removal filter (ARF), 190 surface water filter membrane, 23 pond sand filter (PSF), 147 rain water harvester (RWH) and 59 As-safe tubewell were distributed among the severely exposed population by AsMat, a Sida supported project. After 3-4 years of providing these safe water options, this study was carried out during 2009-2010 for performance analysis of these options, in terms of technical viability and effectiveness and thus to evaluate the preference of different options to the end users. Household and community based surveys were done to make an assessment of the current water use pattern as impact of the distributed options, overall condition of the options provided and to identify the reasons why these options are in use and/or abandoned. In total, 284 households were surveyed and information was collected for 23 PSF, 147 RWH, and 59 tubewells. None of the filters was found in use. Among other options distributed, 13% of PSF, 40% RWH, and 93% of tubewell were found functioning. In all cases, tubewells were found As-safe. About 89% of households are currently using tubewell water which was 58% before. Filter was abandoned for high cost and complicated maintenance. The use of RWH and PSF was not found user friendly and ensuring year round water quality is a big challenge. Arsenic-safe tubewell was found as a widely accepted option mainly because of its easy operation and availability of water, good water quality and negligible maintenance. This study validated tubewell as the most feasible drinking water supply option and this evaluation holds significance for planning water supply projects, improving mitigation policy as well as developing awareness among users.
Current …, 2003
Sustainable community-based safe water options have been successfully operating in two upazilas involving 531 villages and encompassing a population of 497,488. Testing of tubewells for arsenic was carried out on a census basis by trained village health workers (VHWs) using the Merck fieldtesting kit. A total of 51,685 tubewells were tested and further verified both in the field and laboratory. VHWs initially identified suspected arsenicosis patients who were later confirmed by physicians. A total of 403 patients were identified. The prevalence rates of arsenicosis were 106/10,000 in Sonargoan and 57/19,000 in Jhikargachha upazilas. The average age of the patients was 36 and 30 years respectively and the majority belong to the 15-45 years age group. There has been close community involvement at all stages of implementation of the arsenic-free safe water options adapted from various sources, giving preference to the community-based options to ensure local participation and utilize knowledge. Potential sources of arsenic-free drinking water were identified. To ensure sustainable use provided options were assessed based on community acceptability, technical viability, and financial viability. The key to the success of the project has been the combination of close integration with the community at all stages and appropriate technical solutions.
Proceedings of the Pre-Congress Workshop "Natural Arsenic in Groundwater", 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy, 18-19 August 2004, 2005
The presence of elevated levels of naturally occurring arsenic in groundwater of Bangladesh, has severely impaired the decade long effort of providing safe water to nearly 98% of its population and putting an estimated 35 million people-nearly one fourth of the total population-at risk. In order to address this problem, a project titled "Arsenic in tubewell (TW) water and health consequences in Matlab Upazila of Chandpur district (AsMat)" is being implemented jointly by ICDDR,B and BRAC. During this study. all the TWs in Matlab have been assigned unique identification numbers, with marked GPS coordinates, depth, and age. It is estimated that nearly 65% of the about 13.000 TWs in Matlab have As concentrations above the Bangladesh drinking water standard (50 µg/L). In order to minimize arsenic exposure, a work to provide various alternate safe drinking water options to the exposed population has been initiated. As of March 2004, about 1,047 different alternate safe water options, such as Pond Sand Filter (PSF), Rainwater Harvester (RWH) and different filters to remove arsenic as well as pathogenic bacteria, were distributed among the targeted exposed population in Matlab. To ensure sustainable use, the provided options were assessed based on community acceptability, technical viability, and financial viability.
Chemical Engineer London Then Rugby, 2010
Arsenic contamination in groundwater and its toxic effect on human health is a major public health problem in Bangladesh. There are 270 arsenic prone upazillas in the country and the total population exposed to arsenic contamination has been estimated as 24.5 million (around 19 percent of total population). Among 4.95 million tube wells in the 270 upazillas, 29 percent tubewells are contaminated with arsenic. The number of arsenicosis patients has come out as 38,430. Given the fact that any effective treatment for arsenicosis is yet to be developed, supply of arsenic safe drinking and cooking water to the population exposed to arsenic contamination is the principal way of mitigating the problem. Considering the urgency and gravity of the problem, alternative water supply options like dug wells(DW), deep tubewells(DTW), pond sand filters(PSF) and rain water harvesting systems(RWHS) are being installed in arsenic affected areas under arsenic mitigation programme. The study aimed at as...
in Persia: Iran and the Classical World, eds. J. Spiers, T. Potts and S, Cole (Los Angeles: Getty, 2022), 2022
Catalogue essay from the Getty exhibition- Persia: Iran and the Classical World.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2019
This paper presents new results of stable isotope analysis made on human and animal bones from Mesolithic–Neolithic sites (9500–5200 cal BC) in the Central Balkans. It reconstructs dietary practices in the Mesolithic and documents the development of new subsistence strategies and regional differences during the process of Neolithisation.We achieved these insights into dietary changes by analysing bone collagen δ13C (n = 75), δ15N (n = 75) and δ34S (n = 96) and comparing stable isotope data of Mesolithic–Neolithic communities from the Danube Gorges with the data of the first farmers who lived outside of the Gorges in the Central Balkans. The Bayesian model was employed to evaluate the relative importance of different animal proteins in human diet. Results bring a new overview and highlight important chronological and regional differences. They suggest that Late Mesolithic humans included more anadromous and potamodromous fish in their diet, which is consistent with archaeozoological evidence. On the other hand, differing from archaeozoological data, the model also points to a greater reliance on terrestrial carnivores (dogs) in the Late Mesolithic diet, a pattern that can be also explained by other dietary and environmental factors. In the Transitional and Neolithic period in the Gorges, some individuals have consumed fewer aquatic resources and favoured more terrestrial products. However, one site in the Gorges represents an exception—Ajmana, where we have the earliest farmers in this region since their subsistence economy wasmainly oriented toward terrestrial products. Furthermore, results shows that Neolithic individuals inhumated at sites outside of the Danube Gorges in the Balkans had dietary patterns that vary in both terrestrial and freshwater resources, indicating that early farming communities had a diversified diet linked to a local natural environment. Comparative data finally indicates regional differentiations associated with locally available resources but also related to the traditions of prehistoric communities and to specific economic innovations.
The discovery of arsenic contamination in tubewell water has created concern for its potential health effects. BRAC initiated an arsenic mitigation project in two upazilas in 1999. The project included promotion of community awareness about arsenic contamination in drinking water and the demonstration of alternate safe water options among others. This report assesses the contribution of BRAC initiative in raising awareness about arsenic problem and identifies the choice of options for safe drinking water.
A combination of several methods s~ch as sample survey, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs) were used. The study was conducted in selected villages in Jhikargachha (project area) and Bheramara upazilas (comparison area). A total of 1,240 randomly selected adult persons were interviewed. Arsenic problem and its mitigation options were discussed with key stakeholders relevant to the project. In addition, the perception of the users about options was understood through eight FGD sessions.
The term arsenic became well known in the remote conununities where the tubewells were tested to identify arsenic. The knowledge of safe water options was much higher in the project than comparison villages. However, a very small proportion was aware of more than two options. The mitigation project was not only able to significantly raise the awareness but also the knowledge of the signs and transmission of arsenicosis, it prevention and sources of treatment.
The report assesses public perception about several safe water options that BRAC tested. No community had all options together. The beneficiaries were given limited choices on the basis of which they could fmally select a mitigation option. It has become clear that each option had strengths as well as problems. Rainwater harvesting, for example, was well known in the conununity but not pre"ferred by most because of its seasonality problem and odd smell of its water. The pond-sand filter (PSF) was a viable option although its distance from home discourages many to use it. The main problem of Sbafi filter was its maintenance and water containing capacity. The dugwell water was reportedly visibly dirty and had health hazard. The maintenance of SIDKO filter was proved difficult. The flow of water and the containing capacity of the lately introduced three-pitcher was inadequate. However, considering price and privacy of its use, this option became very popular and acceptable to a large commw1ity.
The study concludes that the community awareness of arsenic has significantly increased although the use of safe water options was much less than expected. The main thrust of the project should, therefore, be shifted from raising awareness to increase practice. Less preferred options should be discontinued in the subsequent phase of the project. BRAC should think of providing more options in limited conununities rather than limited choices in more conununities. The conununity played a very limited role in the mitigation process. The project can sustain only when the users not only participate but own its success and failure. The role of key stakeholders of the project should be clearly defmed and their performance should be monitored. While tile project has provided valuable insights about arsenic mitigation in a poor community, a number of issues have remained WlTesolved. The project, therefore, should continue for some tinle.
The discovery of arsenic in groundwater has created concern for its potential health effects. Although the presence of arsenic in tubewell water was first detected in 1993 in Chapai Nawabganj district 1 , the problem has drawn attention only in recently. The arsenic poisoning is generally caused by contamination of the tubewell water. It is estimated that over half of the Bangladeshi population is at risk of arsenic poisoning 2 • As nearly 97% of the population uses tubewell as the sources of drinking water, nearly all people living in the arsenic affected areas are at risk. According to a report, about 25% water of the hand tubewells tested by the government have shown the presence of arsenic 2 • BRAC, along with the government and other development organisations, have been promoting the use of tubewells as the safe source of drinking water. The recent discovery of arsenic contamination in tubewell water in Bangladesh has created concern and forced the government and others to develop alternative sources of drinking water in the arsenic affected areas. BRAC has initiated an arsenic mitigation project in Jhikargachha and Sonargaon upazilas in collaboration with UNICEF and Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE). The mitigation project included promotion of community awareness about arsenic contamination in drinking water and its health effects, demonstration of alternate safe water options, and involve community in selecting and implementing an arsenic-free drinking water source. BRAC has used its grassroots workers to communicate villagers through both formal and informal meetings and disseminate the potential safe water options. The phase I of the project officially ended in June 2000. The purpose of the study wa~ to assess the contribution of the mitigation project in raising awareness of the community about arsenic contamination and identify the choice of options for safe drinking water.
A combination of several approaches such as sample survey, stakeholder interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs) was used. The assumption was that multiple approaches would help triangulate the information generated from various sources.
Data for this study came from the selected villages of Jhikargachha upazi/a where BRAC has both arsenic mitigation project (project area) and a development surveillance system known as Watch. A number of comparison villages was selected from Bheramara upazila of the same region where BRAC has no arsenic mitigation project (comparison area) but operates similar surveillance system.
Information about arsenic awareness and the choice of options of alternative sources of water was collected by a sample survey. All adult population aged between 15 and 74 years were considered to be included in sample. Two sampling frames for both men and women were constructed. Systematic random sampling technique was followed to select samples from both study areas. The total sample size was 1,240 where 636 from the project and 604 from the comparison villages were selected and interviewed. A total of 6 in-depth interviews were conducted with key stakeholders of the project. They were as BRAC and DPHE officials, and local government representatives to understand the problems of implementing such a project. Finally, 8 focus group discussions (FGDs) were held with the users of various safe water options and community leaders. The data collection instruments were field tested in Sonargaon project area. Information was collected during 13-21 May 2000.
The socio-demographic characteristics of the population in both the project and comparison villages were generally similar in terms of age and sex distribution, and exposure to media (not shown). Overall socio-economic condition was better in the project than comparison villages.
As part of the arsenic mitigation strategy, the government and several development organisations have been implementing arsenic awareness campaign throughout the country. A combination of approaches such as meetings with the community leaders, workshops for the health and other service providers, use of school teachers and religious leaders as advocates, meetings with neighbours at the time of testing hand tubewells for arsenic, distribution of posters and leaflets at key public places and the use of print and electronic media were used in raising knowledge about arsenic contamination and the consequences of drinking arsenic water on human health. As a result, the term arsenic became well known even in the remote communities where the tubewells were tested to identifY arsenic (Table 1 ). As expected, the awareness level was significantly increased in the project than comparison villages as the project villages received additional inputs through the community health workers of BRAC. When prompted, the awareness level raised to 95% in the project and 70% in the comparison villages.
Table 1
Arsenic awareness, source and options of arsenic-free water by study area
The project village people seemed to be better informed about arsenic free surface water sources such as pond or river and green-coloured or deep tubewell as reliable arsenic-free water sources than the comparison villages. Only few sources such as rainwater, dugwell, ponds, green-marked tubewell and deep tubewell were available in the study villages. Awareness of at least one source of arsenic-free water was nearly 78% in the project and 45% in comparison village. The knowledge level dropped to 36% in the project compared to only 16% in the comparison villages when asked to mention at least two arsenic-free sources of water.
Several options for arsenic-free water were developed by various agencies. The government, development organisations, business community and the media have been field testing these options in various arsenic-affected communities. Compared to the awareness of arsenic poisoning and its potential health hazard, the knowledge of these options was very poor. While discussing about six selected options (such as Rainwater harvesting, Pond-sand filter, Shafi filter, Dug well, SIDKO filter and Threepitcher), it was found that nearly 82% respondents in the project compared to 50% in the comparison villages had knowledge of at least one safe water option. Only 42% in the project villages and nearly 10% in the comparison villages could mention at least two options. The limitation of their knowledge was reflected when it became clear that a very small proportion of the population were, in fact, aware of more than two options. The awareness of options, however, was significantly higher in the program than comparison villages.
Identification and treatment of arsenic patients were important components of the mitigation project. The awareness campaign included the identification visible signs of arsenicosis on the body of the affected persons and the mode of transmi~sion of arsenic diseases. Attempts were made to reduce the misconception that arsenicosis is a contagious diseases, etc. Table 2 shows that the knowledge about the signs of arsenicosis such as black spots on body, rustles on palms or wounds on palms and body was significantly higher in the project than comparison villages. The misconception regarding the transmission of arsenic disease such as arsenic could spread by physical touch remained high in the project villages (31 %) and even higher in the comparison villages (39%) indicating that epidemiology of arsenicosis was not properly understood by the community. Such misconception could ~reate other problems. One arsenic patient, whose husband died from arsenic poisoning three years ago, complained that her neighbours tended to avoid her. She wanted us to assured others that arsenicosis is not a contagious disease.
Table 2
Knowledge about sign, transmission and treatment of arsenic
In-depth interviews with the arsenic-affected community suggest that a significant proportion of the community people believed that arsenic disease had no cure. BRAC tried to develop a preventive approach by promoting the increased consumption of fresh vegetables, the use of arsenic free water and the existing health facilities in the area. As a result, the awareness to seek help from the health providers, drinking arsenic-free water and consuming fresh vegetables as curative measures increased in the project villages.
As expected BRAC was the primary source of knowledge about arsenic and its mitigation options in the project villages although health workers of other organisations and media also played a role (Table 3). On the other hand, grassroots level health workers along with the mass media were crucial in disseminating arsenic problems in the comparison villages. BRAC tried six options to provide arsenic-free drinking water in the project villages. These included treatment of surface water such as rainwater harvesting, revival of dugwells and building pond-sand filters, and various arsenic removing filters namely Shafi filter, SIDKO filter and three-pitcher filter. It should be noted that not all options were offered to any community in the project villages. While all users of tubewell water in the project villages were informed about all mitigation options offered by BRAC, it was not possible to provide many optiQns in a single village. Thus, the beneficiaries of BRAC project had practical experience of the advantages and disadvantages of only limited number of choices on the basis of which they could finally select a mitigation option. As seen in Table 4, the community people were much better aware about the dugwell and rainwater harvesting, only moderately aware about the three-pitchers and significantly less aware about the pond-sand filters and other options. Dugwell was an indigenous source of water for long time in the community and, thus, was known to all. Threepitchers were introduced later and other less known options were available in only few communities.
Table 3
Sources of knowledge about arsenic by study area
Table 4
Awareness and use of options in the project villages (N=636)
The differences between heard and ever seen of various options were quite high, as only 25% of the respondents have ever seen three-pitcher system although nearly 70% have heard about it. Similarly, access to or the actual use of options was very low as none of the options was practised by more than a third of the community except dugwell. When the proportions of ever user and continuing user of various options were compared, it became quite clear that three-pitcher was the best choice among all followed by the pond-sand filters (PSF). SIDKO filter, the most popular option in the community where it was installed, was found out-of-order. While SIDKO filter was the most preferred option, the maintenance costs and the unwillingness of the community to take the responsibility of the filter clearly indicated that SIDKO was not a viable option in the poor communities in Bangladesh. Dugwell, although less costly and was widely used till the introduction of hand tubewells, was not preferred largely because of the availability of other choices. The problems of each option, as perceived by the community, were understood through interaction with the community in group meetings and in-depth interviews in addition to the survey. The two major problems of each option were shown in Table 5. Rainwater harvesting was well known and nearly a third of the community had ever used this option. This option was not preferred by most not because the option was available in the rainy season only but the smell and taste of water were not liked by them. As one woman commented, "The rainwater is arsenic free I know but I don't like to drink it. It has bitter taste. We use rainwater in cooking only". The pond-sand filter (PSF) was considered a viable option although the long distance of PSF from home would discourage niany user particularly adult women to continue. The smell of the water of PSF had to be improved to sustain the use of PSF. The PSF has other problems as well. In one project village, it was found that PSF was not operational because the pond had not adequate water. In another case, the water pipe was found broken. The community was not willing to repair by themselves. They believed that the government should repair it.
Table 5
Problems of various options as perceived by the community
It is surprising that water quality issue of both rainwater and pond-sand filter was not a serious concern to most of the people in the project villages. The mitigation project should focus in disseminating the quality of water in its subsequent phase. Shafi filter was a user-friendly option in the sense that it was used at the family level and could be easily moved. The main problem, as perceived by its users, was that the filter was expensive and the capacity of the container was inadequate for most household needs. The project officials disclosed other problems of this filter and have been considering
discontinuing the promotion of this option in future.
As have discussed earlier, the dugwell was the least used source of the available options. The major complains were that the water was visibly dirty and had potential health hazard. In addition, the construction of dugwell with outer wall and cover was costly. The main problem of SIDKO filter was its distance as only one piece was installed in a single village. Moreover, the repair and maintenance of this filter by the local mechanics were not possible. Lately introduced three-pitcher had also problems of low capacity and slow flow of water after using couple of days. However, considering price and privacy of the use, this option became very popular and acceptable to a large community. Many of them opted for deep tubewell because they believe that deep tubewell water cannot have arsenic. Although not known to many, the Tubewell-Sand-Iron Filter (TSIF) seemed to be a reliable and low cost option. Its performance was quite satisfactory.
BRAC has a pilot arsenic mitigation project where promotion of raising awareness about arsenic poisoning in tubewells and the health effects of drinking of arsenic water were two components. While the implementation of promotional activities such as holding series of workshops with key stakeholders had just begun at the time of study, it seems that the group meetings with the community during and after testing tubewells by BRAC workers were very effective in creating an interest about arsenic problems.
This study clearly demonstrates that the community awareness of arsenic has increased.
In any new initiative, the general public expresses their curiosity but does not accept new approach or teclmique in the beginning. They prefer to wait, observe carefully and take time to decide.
This scenario was clearly reflected in this project as the practice of safe water options was relatively low while the awareness level was very high. One woman commented, "I know that drinking arsenic water is bad for my health. But what can I do? I have to go far to fetch water everyday .... I have no other choice." During the second phase of the project, it is expected that the main thrust of the project should shift from raising awareness to increase practice.
In assessing the preferences or choices of safe water source, it has become clear that some options were better than others. The reasons of non-acceptance of few options were clearly known. It is recommended that the less preferred options should be withdrawn in designing the next phase of the project.
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