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The information, opinions and views expressed in this document do not necessarily represent those of The University of Queensland, the Australian Government or Coal 21. Researchers within or working with the UQ-SDAAP are bound by the same policies and procedures as other researchers within The University of Queensland, which are designed to ensure the integrity of research. The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research outlines expectations and responsibilities of researchers to further ensure independent and rigorous investigations.
O presente artigo tem como fio condutor o conflito em torno da regularização fundiária da Terra Indígena (TI) Sawré Muybu (do povo Munduruku, no Médio Rio Tapajós) e a investida de megaprojetos de infraestrutura sobre a bacia Tapajós-Teles Pires – como usinas hidrelétricas, hidrovias e portos. Ao tratar da arena complexa desse conflito, será dado destaque àquilo que a crítica munduruku aponta como operações do tipo “faz de conta”, a partir das quais determinados órgãos do governo federal passam a ignorar a presença indígena naquelas áreas e, assim, abrir caminho aos planos de exploração intensiva dos seus “recursos”. Ligada a esta noção está outra, também apresentada neste texto, segundo a qual os direitos territoriais indígenas – e os processos administrativos referentes a eles, como o de uma demarcação de terra – são não raro objetos de jogos de improviso. Ao introduzir essas duas noções – e partindo da inseparabilidade entre “terra” e “vida”, afirmada nos discursos indígenas –, este atrigo buscará argumentar que a garantia da demarcação de uma terra é condição para a própria existência e a autodeterminação dos povos indígenas. Defenderemos ainda que, inversamente, os projetos de barramento de rios amazônicos são de fato promotores de morte. Partindo de elaborações indígenas a esse respeito, buscaremos contribuir para a recente recuperação do conceito de “etnocídio” por promotores e juízes, sugerindo uma ampliação do seu escopo ao abriga-lo sob o conceito de genocídio. MOLINA, L. P. 2018. As encruzilhadas das demarcações de TIs: 'interesse nacional', etnocídio e genocídio. In: Alcântara, G., Tinôco, L., Maia, L. (org.) "Índios, Direitos Originários e Territorialidade." Associação Nacional dos Procuradores da República
A novel theory of consciousness is proposed in this paper. We postulate that consciousness is intrinsically connected to quantum spin since the latter is the origin of quantum effects in both Bohm and Hestenes quantum formulism and a fundamental quantum process associated with the structure of space-time. That is, spin is the "mind-pixel." The unity of mind is presumably achieved by entanglement of the mind-pixels. Applying these ideas to the particular structures and dynamics of the brain, we have developed a detailed model of quantum consciousness. Experimentally, we have contemplated from the perspective of our theory on the possibility of entangling the quantum entities inside the brain with those in an external anaesthetic sample and carried out experiments toward that end. We found that applying magnetic pulses to the brain when a general anaesthetic sample was placed in between caused the brain to feel the effect of said anaesthetic for several hours after the treatment as if the test subject had actually inhaled the same. The said effect is consistently reproducible on all subjects tested. We further found that drinking water exposed to magnetic pulses, laser light, microwave or even flashlight when an anaesthetic sample was placed in between also causes consistently reproducible brain effects in various degrees. Further, through additional experiments we have verified that the said brain effect is the consequence of quantum entanglement between quantum entities inside the brain and those of the chemical substance under study induced by the photons of the magnetic pulses or applied lights. With the aids of high-precision instruments, we have more recently studied non-local effects in simple physics system such as a liquid. We have found that the pH value, temperature and gravity of a liquid such as water in the detecting reservoirs can be non-locally affected through manipulating a liquid in a remote reservoir quantum-entangled with the former. In particular, the pH value changes in the same direction as that being manipulated; the temperature can change against that of local environment; and the gravity can change against local gravity. Again, these non-local effects are all reproducible and have practical applications in many areas. We suggest that they are mediated by quantum entanglement between nuclear and/or electron spins in treated water and discuss the profound implications of these results. To be more comprehensive, this paper now also includes, as appendices, materials on further development of the theory and related topics. from the primordial spin processes in pre-spacetime. Finally, we discuss the roles of quantum entanglement in spin-mediated consciousness theory.
Oslo Studies in Language, 2012
Many places have more than one simultaneously current name within the same linguistic community, usually an official one and at least one unofficial one. In England, there are several sources of place-name alternation, and the first purpose of this paper is to categorize them. In most cases, where there is a clearly unofficial form it can be simplemindedly characterized as the form used by local people with local people in a way which asserts their shared identity and community values. In some cases, alternating usage is well entrenched, and serves stylistic ends. Where there is instability of usage, the direction of change is almost always in favour of a spelling-pronunciation. But there is sufficient evidence that simplistic assessments of the situation in England are inappropriate, and some cases are discussed which pose difficulties for the idea that informal alternants have always been produced by the same kinds of historical process.
1 i ANOUMIII l VILLAVIICENCIO, SEPTIEMBRE 4 DE 2001 NÚMERO 1.175 ASAMBLEA DEPARTAMENTAL DEL META 1 ORDENANZA No 466 de 2001 1 Julio 31 Para tener derecho a la exención, se requiere estar a Paz y Salvo con el Fisco Departamental. . -ARTICULO 9. UNIFICACI~N DE TERMINOS. Para efectos de este Estatuto; los tCrminos DIRECCIÓN DE INGRESOS O DIVISIÓN DE INGRESOS, DIVISI~N DE IMPUESTOS, UNIDAD DE INGRESOS, OFICINA DE IMPUESTOS.0 DE INGRESOS, se entienden como~sinónimos. De igual forma se entenderán como sinónimos los términos como SECRETARIA .FINANCiERA Y ADMINISTRATIVA Y SECRETARIADE HACIENDA. OBLIGACIÓN TRIBUTARJA Y ELEMENTOS DEL TRIBUTO ART¡CULO 10. DEFINICIÓN. L a obligación tributaria es el vlnculo jurldico en virtud del cual la persona natural, jurídica o sociedad de hecho, sucesiones ¡liquidas están obligadas a pagar al.Tesoro Departamental una suma determinada de dinero, cuando se realiza el hecho generador previsto en la'ley s3c
Journal of Management, 1992
On the surface, it is not readily apparent how some performance appraisal research issues inform performance appraisal practice. Because performance appraisal is an applied topic, it is useful to periodically consider the current state of performance research and its relation to performance appraisal practice. This review examines the performance appraisal literature published in both academic and practitioner outlets between 1985 and 1990, briefly discusses the current state of performance appraisal practice, highlights the juxtaposition of research and practice, and suggests directions for further research. 4 provides an overview of the current state of performance appraisal practice in U.S. organizations, (3) compares the trends in performance appraisal research with the issues emerging in practice, and (4) proposes research to address what appear to be the understudied or overlooked issues.
Interoception, the perception of the body’s internal state, contributes to numerous aspects of higher-order cognition. Several theories suggest a causal role for atypical interoception in specific psychiatric disorders, including a recent claim that atypical interoception represents a transdiagnostic impairment across disorders characterised by reduced perception of one’s own emotion (‘alexithymia’). Such theories are supported predominantly by evidence from only one interoceptive domain (cardiac), however evidence of domain-specific interoceptive ability highlights the need to assess interoception in non-cardiac domains. Using novel interoceptive tasks, we demonstrate that individuals high in alexithymic traits show a reduced propensity to utilise interoceptive cues to gauge respiratory output (Experiment 1), and reduced accuracy on tasks of muscular effort (Experiment 2) and taste sensitivity (Experiment 3), unrelated to any co-occurring autism, depression or anxiety. Results suggest that alexithymia reflects a multi-domain, multi-dimensional failure of interoception, which is consistent with theories suggesting that atypical interoception may underpin both symptom commonalities between psychiatric disorders, and heterogeneity within disorders.
Figure 1 CO2
Figure 1
Executive summary
When carbon dioxide (CO2) is injected via an injection well and into an aquifer, it goes through different physical processes. From top to bottom of the well, CO2 is heated due to friction, compression, and conduction from the surrounding environment. The pressure rises with depth reaching its supercritical state, at which its density increases by some orders of magnitude.
As injected CO2 flows from the wellbore into the reservoir, it may be heated again and increase in volume if it is cooler than the reservoir. Given its higher compressibility, it is further compressed when displaced by subsequent injected CO2 volumes. At the same time, the injected CO2 is cooling the reservoir with this effect being greatest near the injection well. These transient variations in CO2 density may result in some vertical migration due to buoyancy and may generate thermal convective currents in the reservoir.
At the same time, small portions of the injected CO2 can dissolve in formation water (up to 1.8 moles per kilogram of water or 8% CO2-to-water mass ratio, for up 50 000 kPa) and increase the water density (Appelo, Parkhurst & Post 2014;Akinfiev & Diamond 2010;Duan et al. 2006). The resulting convective currents enhance the mixing of fluids and increase the dissolution.
Fluid model
To calculate the properties and interactions of water and CO2, we have used most of the default models in GEM, but also added some constraints related to the specific reservoir conditions.
We included CH4 and CO2 as components and chose the Peng-Robinson equation-of-state to model their fugacities and volumes, with all input parameters set to default (e.g. specific gravity, critical temperature, acentric factor, etc.). Including CH4 is a numerical condition to control the initial content of CO2 in the reservoir, since GEM requires the sum of mole fractions of gaseous component to be equal to unity. In this way, we could initialise a reservoir with negligible CO2 content by setting 0.999 and 0.001 to CH4 and CO2 mole fractions, respectively. Moreover, we modelled the viscosities using the correlations of Jossi, Stiel, and Thodos, with default coefficients.
Water properties
We have set water compressibility to the default value (4.35E-7 1/kPa at 101.3 kPa), while density and viscosity is calculated via Rowe-Chou and Kestin correlations, respectively. We set water salinity at 3000 ppm of NaCl as Moonie produced water varies between 1000 and 5000 ppm. Water is not allowed to vaporise.
CO2 solubility
We modelled CO2 solubility in water using Henry's Law with Henry's constant determined by the Harvey correlation, making the solubility a function of pressure, temperature and salinity. The CO2 solubility in water is calculated in terms of molality (moles of dissolved gas per kilogram of water)
Thermal option
We enabled heat exchange calculations between fluid components and reservoir rock. Enthalpies were calculated using a polynomial function of temperature for each fluid component and rock thermal properties were set to default values.
10 years of Injection Isothermal (70 °C) 50 °C 35 °C Cum CO2 INJ (Mt)
Cum CO2 INJ (Mm 3 )
CRICOS Provider Number 00025B
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Naxçıvan Dövlət Universitetinin "Elmi əsərləri", 2010