Інформаційні технології в освіті, науці та виробництві, 2013, вип. 1(2)
Information technologies in education, science and production, 2013, ed. № 1(2)
УДК 008.5
E.V. Vlasenko,
K.V. Kolesnikova,
PhD, docent,
Odessa National
Polytechnic University
master, assisnant,
Odessa National
Polytechnic University
e-mail: olena.vlasenko@
D.V. Lukyanov,
T.M. Olekh,
Belarusian State
Odessa National
Polytechnic University
K.V. Kolesnikova, E.V. Vlasenko, D.V.
Lukyanov, T.M. Olekh. Process model of
communication in projects using Markov
chain. Developed model communication
processes in projects using Markov chain with
discrete states and time.
К.В. Колеснікова, Е.В. Власенко,
Д.В. Лук’янов, Т.М. Олех. Процесна модель
комунікацій в проектах із застосуванням
марківських ланцюгів. Розроблена модель
комунікаційних процесів в проектах із застосуванням марківського ланцюга з дискретними станами і часом.
Introduction. Communications project team members with each other and
other members of the design process, mainly in the external environment projects,
is one of the main parts of management processes, as evidenced by the inclusion of
internal and external communications in the basic standards of project management
[1]. System Knowledge Project Management Institute PMI, known as PMBoK,
project management defines communication as a field that uses the processes required to ensure timely and accurate creation, collection, distribution, storage, retrieval and final sort of project information.
Relevance of research. Projects and programs being implemented in
Ukraine with participation of the European Union in the fields of education, environment, health are the most difficult type of project activities through their social
orientation, and also because of the specific goals aimed at achieving a positive effect not only through application of innovative technologies, but also through the
introduction of modern mechanisms of project-oriented management [2]. So urgent
scientific challenge for Ukraine is the formation of a new paradigm of project management using mathematical models to assess the level and quality improvement
projects based communication processes.
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Інформаційні технології в освіті, науці та виробництві, 2013, вип. 1(2)
Information technologies in education, science and production, 2013, ed. № 1(2)
Dynamics of development and updating of knowledge management projects
aimed at creating a new science-based approaches to communications proektyzatsiyi in projects [3]. Modern scientific study and practice of project management
worked out some form of communication that are widely reflected in different
standards and systems of knowledge management projects. The use of traditional
approaches to formulation and implementation of communications, based on the
principles of process representation is insufficient for effective achievement of projects implemented [4]. Projecting communications are applied to all kinds of projects. But the most important is proektyzatsiya communications in international
projects to achieve understanding between members of international projects from
many countries despite linguistic, professional, political, cultural and institutional
differences. [2] To succeed in a competitive environment must combine established
business processes with targeted outcome design approaches [4].
Analysis of publications. The term "communication" (from the Latin. Communicare – make common message transmission) in the semantic aspect of the project – is the exchange of ideas, information, ideas, transfer of certain content from
one project participant (collective or individual) to another via messages. Communication is a design process that reflects the structure of the project and do it connective function [4].
Mass communication – a systematic dissemination of messages (through
print, radio, television, film, audio and video) among large, dispersed audiences to
strengthening spiritual values and of the ideological, political, economic or organizational impact assessments, opinions and behavior. Unlike mass communication
special significance for project management with managerial communication.
Managerial Communication – a collection of information ties between management vertical, horizontal (internal environment) and external turbulent environment.
For organizations effectiveness of market competition through the implementation of projects is environmental elements, the main ones are: personnel, technology, resources, management, market and projects. Availability and the potential
impact on these elements of the competitive environment are different [1]. Thus,
the elements of the environment: personnel, technology, resources, markets and
projects in a globalized economy are equally accessible to all and can only slightly
improve efficiency projects. While improving management provides the potential
for improving the effectiveness of projects in the fold. This project management
undertaken by communications is a priority of sustainable development organizations [2].
Economic globalization and the development of international trade and production linkages create conditions for increasing requirements for communication
processes, especially is essential in international projects [2].
The concept of "communication" has a dual interpretation:
- First, it captures the static interaction, such act, written document that contains information that performs functions: informative, emotive (induces emotions,
Управління проектами та якістю
Design and quality management
Інформаційні технології в освіті, науці та виробництві, 2013, вип. 1(2)
Information technologies in education, science and production, 2013, ed. № 1(2)
motivation, interaction), managerial (leads to specific actions or processes) and
therefore establishes and supported by actual contact between the project participants.
- Secondly, captures the dynamic process of interaction, contacts, relationships.
Interaction has an objective and a subjective side.
The standard model of communication, which is considered in most studies is
generally consists of the following elements [3]:
source -> Messages -> Encoding -> transfer-> decode -> recipient.
Start building modern project management methodology associated with the
development of space programs and refers to the 50-ies of the last century, when, a
new scientific discipline - Project Management (Project Management) - which explores the phenomenon and essence, relationships and patterns in process control
projects during the life cycles of both managed social or organizational and technical systems with features unique, limited in time, money and resources focused on
achieving certain useful results and values by creating products. According to the
definition proposed in [3], under the project in general is defined as "limited in time
purposeful change a single system with the established requirements for quality
results, possible scope of costs and resources and a specific organization."
ICB system knowledge is used to formalize knowledge in project management in the preparation and certification of professional competences of project
managers on a 4-level system of the International Project Management Association
IPMA [2]. System knowledge ICB includes 20 technical knowledge elements that
relate to the content of project management, 15 behavioral elements of knowledge
relating to interpersonal relationships between individuals and groups involved in
projects, programs and portfolios of projects, 11 of contextual knowledge elements
that related to the interaction design team with the environment of the project and
the organization in which the project.
Communication under ICB, consisting of effective exchange of information
and understanding between the parties. Effective communication is vital to the success of projects, programs and portfolios correct information should be communicated to stakeholders, accurately and consistently to meet their expectations. Communication must be useful, clear and timely.
System knowledge P2M - one of the most recent developments in the field of
project management methodology and software [3]. Methodology P2M, developed
by the Association of Engineering of Japan and the Japanese Association of Project
Management. Along with the fact that the main vector P2M application is to create
added value or value of the project (program) using creative mechanism, it should
be noted that P2M designed to provide integrated management of projects and programs based on proven practices in the world, which is based on work project managers in a dynamic project environment. P2M argues that communication management as a way that promotes better understanding among stakeholders is a major
factor in shaping the success of the project.
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Інформаційні технології в освіті, науці та виробництві, 2013, вип. 1(2)
Information technologies in education, science and production, 2013, ed. № 1(2)
Program and project management has been successfully used by the European Union to achieve basic constitutional objectives, such as sustainable and balanced development, protection of rights and interests of the EU, the identification
of the EU on the world stage. These objectives are reflected in the strategic plan
(2007-2013), which is implemented through tools: transnational, cross-border and
regional programs that have their own priorities for the selection of relevant projects for future funding. Thus there are programs that implement priority cooperation and neighborhood, which may take part, and Ukraine, for example, "Romania Ukraine - Republic of Moldova", "Poland – Belarus - Ukraine", "Hungary - Slovakia – Romania - Ukraine", "Black Sea », TEMPUS, ERASMUS MUNDUS, 7FP.
Problem assess the quality of communications. The practice of preparing
and implementing European projects within these programs shows that communication management is crucial condition for successful implementation of these projects in terms of the international remote teams. That mission in terms of communication "imputed" project managers rejecting the Ukrainian project secretariat of a
European program.
The main part.
Famous model communications reflect elementary acts of interaction communicants, not general characteristics of communications systems. This approach
to the evaluation of communication links is not productive. Communications system is holistic (emergent) properties that are not inherent to individual acts of
Therefore, the properties of the system is the sum of the properties of the individual parts that make up it.
To develop mechanisms for evaluating the effectiveness of communications
for the entire project, rather than individual pieces - a single send and receive project information can be used cybernetic approach when building the relationship
between the input and output process without a detailed study of the internal characteristics of the object. Such models of communication that reflect the processes
of communication for the entire project can be constructed using Markov chains
Quantitative evaluation (measurement) as a communications belong to the
most difficult problems is the least explored, while the relevance and practical importance of such work, especially for communications in the formation of international research projects grants are sufficiently important.
Standard project management PMBOoK determine project communication
function as the exchange of specific project information to create understanding
between the sender and receiver of information [1]. In this case, a recognized Japanese standard P2M [3] puts function based communication providing mutual understanding among people involved in the project, lighting real situations, events
and activities of the project, the creation method / way to perform tasks based on
specific conditions.
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Інформаційні технології в освіті, науці та виробництві, 2013, вип. 1(2)
Information technologies in education, science and production, 2013, ed. № 1(2)
Realizing the importance of effective communication processes in international projects funded by the European Union, the European Commission has developed a series of documents called "Communication Recommendations", in
which certain basic steps and make planning successful (from the point of view of
the European Commission) communication processes.
Communication processes of European projects mainly are based communication methods PMBOoK [1], but can be successfully use knowledge standards
P2M, PRINCE2, ICB, ISO 10006, ISO 9001.
The model of communication in European projects.
Generalization official project documentation and standards of project management allows you to select a typical facing project manager with an international
project team within all phases of the "life project." Such processes twenty-one and
every one of them "stitched" from the other by any means of communication (Fig.
Each of these processes generates field communication messages transmitted
in accordance with the logic of the project to other project processes. This communication interactions develop as a random process that has a Markov property: the
future of the system is determined by the current state and does not depend on
when and how the system came into this state, communication, implemented in
some moments translate the system into a new state.
Result communications appear in the form of probability states of the system
that is exposed to random processes, the course and outcome of which depends on
the number of random factors that accompany these communications.
To construct a Markov model of communication should not only display the
system in the form of marked-graph indicating possible transitions between states
in one step, but also to determine the conditional probability of transitions. Presentation of project communications in a Markov chain model allows quantitative parameters of effectiveness of communication in projects.
The structure of the processes is based on a matrix principle. In the category
axis deferred nature of the project: PEOPLE - COMMUNICATION - DRAFT REZULT. These categories are assigned to specific stages of project INITIATION
On the grid formed by these parameters are 18 process recommended by the
official documentation and standards of project management.
As you know, the topology of the different systems reflect using directed
graphs A = {S, G}, ordered pairs of vertices S and the set of arcs oriented G, which
they connect. Each process corresponds to a specific vertices. Ribs designated areas
of communications processes necessary to manage the project (Figure 1). In general, each process corresponds to a class of communications. The total time T of the
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Інформаційні технології в освіті, науці та виробництві, 2013, вип. 1(2)
Information technologies in education, science and production, 2013, ed. № 1(2)
Lisbon EU Agenda 2007-2013 Priorities of international
ISO 10006
ISO 9001
Documents management
Identification 5
Problems anal-
Preparation of documents for Call of Proposals
Official docuBudget
Team management
Internal monitoring and quality control
External monitoring and quality control
Corrective and preventive actions,
implementation of a strategy of continuous improvement
Final audit and closing the project
Ensuring of the sustainability of the project
Fig. 1. Scheme communication processes in international projects
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Інформаційні технології в освіті, науці та виробництві, 2013, вип. 1(2)
Information technologies in education, science and production, 2013, ed. № 1(2)
T = ∑ ts
s =1
where ts - time of the project in the s, s = 1, 2 ... n;
n - the number of processes.
Each process communication system may be a while in the performance of
the project. This time is proportional to the probability of finding the system in this
state. The ratio ps = ts/T makes sense frequency (probability) stay project in some
process s.
The sum of probabilities of being in each of a plurality of states n:
s =1
ts 1 n
ps = ∑ = ∑ t s = 1 .
T s =1
s =1 T
For any step k (at time t1, t2, .... tk) is the probability πij transition from some
state and {i = 1, 2, ..., n} in any other j {j = 1, 2, ..., n}, and a possible delay of the
system in this state πii, which is a Markov property system. Because of some of the
Si(k-1) a transition from one step to any state from the set S1(k), S2(k), …, Si(k), …,
Sn(k), where n is the number of vertices in the graph, these events are incompatible
and form a complete group (Fig. 2). Therefore, we can write:
∑ πij = 1 .
j =1
Each communication links for state s: s = 1, 2 ... n project with states j: j = 1,
2 ... n project manager may be a while in the performance of the project. This time
is proportional to the probability of execution of the project manager of this communication.
The ratio πij = τ j ( s ) , { i = s : s = 1, 2, ... n }is meaningful probability (frets
quency) communications.
The sum of probabilities of being in each of a plurality of states n:
∑ πij = ∑
j =1
j =1
τ j ( s)
1 n
∑ π j ( s ) = 1,
ts j =1
{ i = s : s = 1,2, ... n }.
Thus, these states form a group of incompatible events.
Matrix, which includes all possible transition probability Markov chain with
21 nodes when presenting his complete graph looks like:
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Інформаційні технології в освіті, науці та виробництві, 2013, вип. 1(2)
Information technologies in education, science and production, 2013, ed. № 1(2)
πij =
π 2.1
π1.3 . . .
π2.3 . . .
π3.3 . . .
π 2.17
π 2.18
π17.3 . . . π17.17 π17.18
To graph, shown in Fig. 1, some of the transition probabilities Accept zero,
indicating lack of communication between the vertices.
Based on the matrix of transition probabilities of states, provided that the initial state of the system is known, we can find the probability of states p1(k), p2(k),
…pn(k) after any k-th step. For this we write the general solution of the mathematical description of the Markov chain with 21 states:
pi (k ) = ∑[ pi (k − 1) ⋅ π ji ]
j =1
m= 21
; i = 1, 2,L, 18 .
Fig. 2. Changes states probabilities communication processes for the basic
version of the project (refer to states according to Fig. 1.)
Based on expert assessments obtained values of transition probabilities. Executed on this data calculations change will become an example of the communication process as a Markov chain shown in Fig. 2.
Modeling of communication processes using homogeneous Markov chains
with discrete states and eventually display a complex interaction of information
flow in the projects. State probabilities of communication processes in step 30 are
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Інформаційні технології в освіті, науці та виробництві, 2013, вип. 1(2)
Information technologies in education, science and production, 2013, ed. № 1(2)
divided into two groups. For the first group of processes pi(30) < 0.05, for three
times - pi(30) > 0.1. The most important are the communication processes 9, 18
and 3.
Conclusion. Designed Markov model change system states can determine the
quantitative characteristics of communication processes in international projects.
Direction of future research is to identify the model of the development of the
method of determining the values of the transition probabilities for different types
of projects.
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