TEACHERS ARE THE LOSERS IN THIS DEVOLUTION Teachers have been agitating for the raise of their salaries as well as those teachers who have degrees but their salaries have not changed. What surprises teachers is the budget allocation for tourism attraction ranging in billions and recently senators were asking for 1 billion to oversee the governors spending. Aren't senators not receiving salaries? Isn't that not the work they are paid to do. The senators to have an oversight role to play on parliamentary matters. Where is sarah-serem is led commission? Now senators have threatened specific action on members of parliament because they were denied 1 billion shillings for oversight. Imagine teaching MP's lessons they will never forget, while teachers who have graduated and their salaries have never been raised are not mentioned anywhere in argument. I think the teachers should register enmass to be voters before 2017 elections and urge their dependents to vote wisely. With 288000 teachers plus their relatives, this is 1 million votes which can make a difference. The fight of MCA's, MP’s and Governors is all about money? Don’t they think of development projects in Kenya or counties? Look at our roads the way potholes are making vehicles to cause deaths, look at our hospitals, the way they lack medicines and doctors. Look at our education; it is going to the dogs. Unemployment is soaring high and high. South Korean president was asked what problem keeps him awake at 2.00 am and makes him have sleepless nights; he replied that unemployment causes him sleepless nights. But not our leaders, who sleep till the sun rays hit their windows, that is when they are woken up by someone else. They are satisfied and worry about nothing. It is a high time Kenyans rethink of 2017 strategies. By  Veronican Onjoro Mombasa