NIH Public Access
Author Manuscript
Med Sci Sports Exerc. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 January 13.
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Published in final edited form as:
Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2010 January ; 42(1): 152–159. doi:10.1249/MSS.0b013e3181ad7f17.
Caloric Restriction with or without Exercise: The Fitness vs.
Fatness Debate
D. Enette Larson-Meyer1,2, Leanne Redman1, Leonie K. Heilbronn3, Corby K Martin1, Eric
Ravussin1, and The Pennington CALERIE Team1
1 Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
Garvan Institute, Sydney, Australia
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
There is debate over the independent effects of aerobic fitness and body fatness on mortality and
disease risks.
PURPOSE—To determine whether a 25% energy deficit that produces equal change in body fatness
leads to greater cardiometabolic benefits when aerobic exercise is included.
METHODS—Thirty-six overweight participants (16 males/20 females) 39±1 y; 82±2kg; BMI=27.8
±0.3 Kg/m2, mean±SEM) were randomized to one of three groups (N=12 for each) for a 6-month
intervention: control (CO: weight-maintenance diet), caloric restriction (CR: 25% reduction in
energy intake) or caloric restriction plus aerobic exercise (CR+EX: 12.5% reduction in energy intake
plus 12.5% increase in exercise energy expenditure). Food was provided during weeks 1–12 and 22–
24. Changes in fat mass, visceral fat, VO2peak (graded treadmill test), muscular strength (isokinetic
knee extension/flexion), blood lipids, blood pressure and insulin sensitivity/secretion were compared.
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RESULTS—As expected, VO2peak was significantly improved after 6 months of intervention in CR
+EX only (22±5% vs. 7±5% in CR and −5±3% in CO) whereas isokinetic muscular strength did not
change. There was no difference in the losses of weight, fat mass or visceral fat and changes in
systolic BP between the intervention groups. However, only CR+EX had a significant decrease in
diastolic BP (−5±3% vs. −2±2% in CR and −1±2% in CO), in LDL-cholesterol (−13±4% vs. −6±3%
in CR and 2±4% in CO), and a significant increase in insulin sensitivity (66±22% vs. 40±20% in CR
and 1±11% in CO).
CONCLUSIONS—Despite similar effect on fat losses, combining CR with exercise increased
aerobic fitness in parallel with improved insulin sensitivity, LDL-cholesterol and diastolic BP. The
results lend support for inclusion of an exercise component in weight loss programs to improve
metabolic fitness.
Key Terms
exercise training; maximal aerobic fitness; energy restriction; blood pressure; blood lipids
Address Correspondence and Reprint Requests to: D. Enette Larson-Meyer, Ph.D., R.D, FACSM. Department 3354, 1000 E University
Avenue, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071, Phone: 307-766-4378, FAX: 307-766-5686,
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Numerous studies have linked increased adiposity (17,32) and reduced physical activity (17)
and/or fitness (32,35) to increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and overall mortality.
However, because of the strong link between physical fitness -particularly of aerobic natureand reduced prevalence of obesity (35,38), there is debate about the potential independent
effects of aerobic fitness and adiposity (i.e., fatness) on CVD and metabolic health risk factors.
For example, it is generally recognized that the benefits of increased physical activity on CVD
risks include decreased platelet aggregation, enhanced fibrinolysis, decreased susceptibility to
malignant ventricular arrhythmias, improved endothelial function and myocardial oxygen
delivery, along with reduced obesity (12). The detriments of increased fatness on the other
hand, include increased renin-angiotensin system activation(10), low grade inflammation(2,
39), and chronic oxidative stress (20) which result in reduced nitric oxide availability, increased
vascular tone and arterial stiffening and increased systolic and pulse pressures (8,29).
Furthermore, both fatness and poor fitness are linked with insulin resistance, elevated blood
pressure and elevated total and LDL cholesterol concentrations (12), all of which improve with
weight loss and enhanced fitness. These links are of course complicated by the strong negative
relation between fitness and fatness.
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While several large studies (18) including the Nurses Health Study (17) and the Lipid Research
Clinic Study (32) have provided evidence supporting independent contributions of both
decreased physical activity/fitness and increased fatness on mortality, there are several reports
predominately from Blair’s group (4,5,23,33,34) suggesting that aerobic fitness can negate the
adverse effects of fatness on mortality (4,33,34). Such results have often been interpreted that
reducing fatness is not necessary in light of adequate fitness (24). The majority of previous
studies, however, have been criticized for inclusion of mostly relatively young healthy white
individuals rather than a more ethnically representative sample of aging individuals (38). In
contrast, analysis from the LOOK Ahead Trial in a large ethnically diverse sample of
overweight individuals with type 2 diabetes, found that both fitness and fatness are related to
CVD risk factors, but that the strength of the association for fitness vs. fatness was different
for different risk factors (38). These results along with a few other trials (3,19) suggest that
both fitness and reduced fatness are important for reducing overall morbidity and mortality.
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An interesting question still up for debate is whether improvements in fitness or fatness
independently alter risk factors for CVD and the metabolic syndrome, particularly during
caloric restriction. Prolonged caloric restriction increases life span in rodents and other shorterlived animal species (36), but the addition of exercise improves average lifespan but not
maximal life span (16). In humans, caloric restriction has been shown to impact several
biomarkers of longevity including fasting insulin concentration, body core temperature (14),
DNA damage (14) and markers of atherosclerosis (9). It is however not known, if in a
prospective design, the addition of exercise training will yield extra health benefit in the face
of similar weight and fat loss. In other words, does caloric restriction with or without exercise
result in different improvements in cardiometabolic risk factors which could ultimately
improve longevity. The purpose of this analysis was to determine whether a deficit by energy
restriction or energy restriction plus aerobic exercise that produces equal change in fatness
(26) leads to greater cardiometabolic benefits when exercise is included.
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Research Methods and Procedures
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This evaluation was performed as part of a randomized clinical trial designed to examine the
effects of caloric restriction on markers of longevity in non-obese humans referred to as the
CALERIE study (Comprehensive Assessment of Long term Effects of Reducing Intake of
Energy; Trial registration: Identifier: NCT00099151). Details of the study
have been published elsewhere (14). Briefly, we enrolled overweight men and women (25≤
screening BMI<30 kg/m2) aged 25–45 y for women, and 25–50 y for men with no personal
history of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure (>160/90mmHg), liver
disease or obesity, no psychiatric or eating disorders, alcoholism or substance abuse; and not
taking any medication. The study was approved by our Institutional Review Board and all
participants gave written informed consent before participation.
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Intervention—Following a 5-week baseline assessment, 36 participants were randomized
into one of three groups (n=12 for each): 25% caloric restriction (CR) from baseline energy
requirements; 12.5% CR + 12.5% increase in total energy expenditure through structured
exercise (CR+EX); and control (CO) with weight-maintenance by a healthy diet (American
Heart Association Step 1 diet). An additional 12 subjects were also randomized into a lowcaloric diet (LCD) rapid weight loss group (15%), but this group is not included in the current
analysis as the participants did not exercise and lost a greater amount of body weight. Subjects
were stratified according to sex, race and screening BMI before sequential randomization.
Baseline energy requirements were determined from individual free-living energy expenditure
assessed over four weeks using doubly labeled water (14).
Paragraph 6
Diets—All diets were based on the American Heart Association Step 1 recommendations
(≤30% fat; ≤10% saturated-fat) and provided the RDA for all essential vitamins and minerals.
For the first 12 weeks after randomization, the diet for all groups was provided by our Metabolic
Kitchen (14). During weeks 13–22, participants self-selected their own diet based on their
individual caloric target, before returning to the in-feeding protocol for weeks 22–24.
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Structured Exercise—Except for the CR+EX group, other participants were not permitted
to modify their physical activity patterns. The CR+EX group was required to increase energy
expenditure by 12.5% above baseline requirements by undergoing structured aerobic exercise
(i.e., walking, running or stationary cycling) five days per week according to an individualized
exercise prescription. The target energy cost of the exercise sessions was calculated from the
weekly desired energy cost divided by five days per week. Five rather than seven days per
week of exercise was selected to comply with the American College of Sports Medicine
(ACSM) recommendations of 3–5 days per week of aerobic exercise (1). Individual exercise
prescriptions to meet target goals were calculated by measuring the oxygen cost (V-Max 29
Series, SensorMedics, Yorba Linda, CA) during three individually-prescribed levels of activity
(i.e., walking at 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 MPH), generating an energy cost equation from the workload
vs. oxygen cost above rest (i.e., net oxygen consumption), and assigning exercise duration
according to target energy expenditure and self selected workload. Energy equivalents were
determined using the calculated food quotient of 4.89 kcal/liter of oxygen consumed.
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To prevent skeletal muscle soreness and injury, the exercise load was progressively increased
during the initial 6 weeks while energy intake was adjusted so that the energy deficit always
equaled 25% of daily energy requirements. Following week 6, participants were allowed to
select his/her exercise intensity (as long as their heart rate was within 65% to 90% of maximal
heart rate (1)), and exercise duration was adjusted to maintain the target energy expenditure.
During the first 6 weeks, all exercise sessions were conducted at the PBRC Health and Fitness
Center under supervision. For weeks 7 – 24, at least three of the five weekly sessions were
conducted at the Center under supervision. A wireless heart rate monitor (Polar S-610, Polar
Beat, Port Washington, NY) was used to record exercise duration and average heart rate during
both supervised and unsupervised sessions. The average energy cost throughout the
intervention was 403 ± 63 kcal per session for women and 569 ± 118 kcal per session for men
which resulted in an average exercise duration of 53 ± 11 min and 45 ± 14 min per session for
women and men, respectively.
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Behavior and Compliance Strategies—Cognitive-behavioral techniques were used to
foster adherence to diet and exercise prescription, including self monitoring and stimulus
control (14). All participants attended weekly group meetings and were contacted once per
week via telephone to address any adherence problems quickly. Both direct observation and
heart rate data (from both supervised and unsupervised sessions) were used to assess exercise
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Metabolic testing—Subjects were tested during a 5-d admission to the clinical research
center at baseline (month 0) and month 6 (14) (Figure 1). Testing included dual energy x-ray
absorptiometry (DXA) to assess total body composition (Hologic QDR 4500A; QDR for
Windows Version 11.1.2, Hologics, Bedford, MA); multislice computed tomography (CT)
scanning of the abdominal region to assess total, visceral and subcutaneous abdominal adipose
tissue (31); and a frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance test (28,37) to assess insulin
sensitivity. More specifically, abdominal fat was measured on a GE LightSpeed Plus CT
scanner (General Electric Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI). Eight contiguous images (1 cm
slice thickness) were acquired every 5 cm - 5 above and 2 below a slice centered on the Lumbar
4-Lumbar 5 inter-vertebral disc using 170mA, a scan time of 1 s, and a 512 × 512 matrix. Total,
visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat were defined using Analyze 3.0 (Biomedical Imaging
Resource - Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN), by selecting regions of interest as previously
described in detail (31). Briefly, total abdominal fat was defined as the sum of adipose tissue
pixels (−30 to −190 Hounsfield Units) inside a line tracing the skin whereas visceral abdominal
fat was segmented by drawing a line around the interior of the peritoneal cavity and summing
all adipose tissue pixels within the area. Subcutaneous abdomen fat was calculated as the
difference between total abdominal fat and visceral abdominal fat. Measurements of systolic
and diastolic blood pressure were taken twice, 5 minutes apart, in a quite room at thermoneutrality from the participant’s right arm with a manual sphygmomanometer by a certified
staff member after 10 minutes of seated rest. A fasting blood sample was also drawn for
determination of serum lipids. Several days before the inpatient admission, aerobic fitness was
assessed by a progressive treadmill test to exhaustion (VO2peak test) and isokinetic muscle
“strength” and endurance of the quadriceps was measured using a Cybex II Isokinetic
Dynamometer, (Cybex Division of Lumex, Inc, Ronkonkoma, NY USA)
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Aerobic Fitness—Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2peak) was performed in the morning after
an overnight fast by a progressive treadmill test to exhaustion (1). Following a 6-minute warmup, subjects began walking or running (depending on their fitness level) at a pace that elicited
a heart rate of between 120 and 140 bpm after which the workload was progressively increased
by 2% in grade every minute until volitional fatigue. O2 consumption (VO2) and CO2
production (VCO2) were measured continuously using a metabolic cart (V-Max 29 Series,
SensorMedics, Yorba Linda, California) that was calibrated before each test. Heart rate was
monitored continuously using a portable heart rate monitor (Polar S-610, Polar Beat, Port
Washington, NY). The highest VO2, respiratory exchange ratio (RER) and heart rate achieved
over a 20-s period within the last 2-min of exercise were recorded as the maximum values.
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Muscle Strength—Isokinetic strength and endurance were measured using a Cybex II
Isokinetic Dynamometer, (Cybex Division of Lumex, Inc, Ronkonkoma, NY USA) during
knee extension and flexion. The procedure involved an initial test of 3 repetitions at 60 degrees/
sec to measure peak force and power followed by a test to fatigue at 180 degrees/sec. Prior to
testing, subjects underwent a familiarization trial.
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Serum Lipids—Total cholesterol, LDL- Cholesterol and Triglycerides were analyzed
according to standardized procedures (25) and LDL- cholesterol was calculated using the
Friedwald equation.
Paragraph 14
Statistical Analysis—Data are expressed as means ± SEM and the level of significance for
all statistical tests was set at p<0.05. SAS Version 9.1 was used for analysis and all analyses
were performed by a biostatistician. The change and percent change from baseline to month 3
and month 6 were computed for all variables and analysis of variance of the changes was used
to determine differences. The factors tested in the model were treatment (CR, CR+EX, control),
time (month 3, month 6) and sex, and their interactions. Baseline values were included in the
models as covariates. The statistical significance for all multiple comparisons was adjusted
with respect to the Tukey-Kramer method to control for Type I errors. One participant in the
control group withdrew during the study (before month 3) for personal reasons. Data is
therefore presented for 35 subjects.
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Baseline Characteristics—The characteristics of the 35 subjects and their cardiometabolic
parameters at baseline have been previously published (14,22,25,26) but are described in Table
1. As expected, there was no difference among treatment groups at baseline.
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Effect of Caloric Restriction on Body Weight and Body Composition—Details on
the change in body weight and body composition have been previously reported (14,22,26).
Briefly, and as summarized in Figures 2 and 3, body weight was significantly reduced from
baseline (p<0.001) by ~10% in both the CR and CR+EX groups at the end of the 6-month
intervention (Figure 2). Total body fat mass and visceral abdominal fat were significantly
(p<0.005) but similarly reduced in both intervention groups (by ~25%) and unchanged in
controls (Figure 3).
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Effect of Caloric Restriction on Aerobic Fitness and Isokinetic Strength—The
change in maximal aerobic fitness (V02peak) and isokenetic strength in the control, CR and CR
+EX groups are summarized in Table 2. Absolute VO2peak (l/min) was significantly increased
vs. baseline by 10±4% (p<0.01) in the CR+EX group and slightly but insignificantly (p=0.36)
decreased by −4±5% and −6±3% in the CR and control groups, respectively. When adjusted
for body weight, VO2peak was significantly improved by 22±5% in the CR+EX group
(p<0.0001), slightly but non-significantly increased (7±5%; p=0.06) in CR (mainly as a
function of body mass reduction) and slightly but not significantly decreased) in the control
group (−5±3%; p>0.20). Findings were similar when expressed as METs. In the CR+EX group
METS increased by 18±6% (p<0.001) but the change in METs was not significant from
baseline in the CR group (7±6%) or control (−2±5%). There were no changes in peak torque
or average power during isokinetic quadriceps flexion or extension.
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Caloric Restriction and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors—The change in systolic blood
pressure, diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL-Cholesterol, HDL-Cholesterol and
insulin sensitivity have been previously reported (14,22,25) and are summarized in Figure 4.
While HDL was significantly (p<0.05) increased in all treatment groups (including the control),
diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and insulin sensitivity were
significantly (p<0.02) improved vs. baseline only in the CR+EX group but not in the CR or
control groups. Systolic blood pressure was not changed by any of the treatments. Fasting
serum triglyceride concentration (not shown) increased significantly (p<0.05) by 28±11% in
the control group but decreased −21±5% and −15±6%, respectively, in both CR and CR + EX
groups (P<0.001 vs. baseline and vs. Control).
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In this randomized clinical trial, we tested the effect of body weight and body fat loss with or
without improvement in physical fitness on cardiometabolic risk factors in overweight men
and women who underwent a 6 months caloric restriction regimen with or without regular
aerobic exercise. While both intervention groups experienced similar reductions in total body
mass, fat mass and visceral abdominal mass, the caloric restricted plus exercise group
experienced greater improvement in insulin sensitivity, LDL-cholesterol and diastolic blood
pressure than the caloric restriction by diet alone group. Our results strongly suggest that
inclusion of regular aerobic exercise (or training) in a weight loss program yields
cardiometabolic health benefits beyond those of weight loss alone. Our results further support
the argument that both fitness and fatness are important for reducing cardiometabolic risks,
particularly during caloric restriction, and may shed some light on how fitness or fatness may
contribute to overall mortality.
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The main difference between the two caloric restricted groups was that one group was 25%
caloric restricted by diet alone (i.e., consuming 75% of requirement) while the other group was
in 25% energy deficit, 12.5% by decreasing food intake and 12.5% by increasing energy
expended through regular aerobic exercise. Not surprisingly, the caloric restricted plus exercise
group experienced significant improvements in aerobic fitness with an average 10%
improvement in absolute VO2peak (l/min) and an average 22% improvement in VO2peak relative
to body weight. Of interest, however, is the slight albeit not statistically significant decrease
in absolute aerobic fitness that occurred over the 6 month period in both the non-exercise
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groups. In comparison, Ross and colleagues (27) found that weight loss induced by a 700 kcal
daily energy deficit by diet resulted in a 5% decrease in aerobic fitness while weight loss
induced by a 700 kcal increase in exercise resulted in a 13% improvement in VO2peak. In the
current study, however, caloric restriction either by diet or diet plus exercise did not result in
any significant changes in leg muscle peak power or endurance. Importantly, our data
demonstrates that caloric restriction does not lead to reduced overall strength or functionality
in humans when fed a nutritionally sound diet.
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A unique aspect and strength of the study is that weight loss was achieved through provision
of isoenergetic deficits (regardless of exercise) which resulted in almost identical reductions
in total body weight and total and visceral adiposity (26). Such design allows us to tease out
the additional influence of exercise which according to our results is a necessary part of the
prescription in order to gain full cardiometabolic improvements including improved insulin
sensitivity and lowered LDL-cholesterol and diastolic blood pressure. The statistically
significant improvement in insulin sensitivity only in the CR +EX but not CR group is not
surprising given the well-documented insulin sensitizing effect of aerobic exercise (15) driven
predominantly by increased GLUT4 expression and trafficking in exercised skeletal muscle
(11). Increased fatness, on the other hand, is associated with increased ectopic fat deposition
in skeletal muscle and liver (22) which may influence the insulin signaling cascade (30) and
impact circulating lipids (30). Somewhat surprising, however, is that inclusion of aerobic
exercise did not result in additional improvements in HDL-cholesterol (21) and to a lesser
extend systolic blood pressure (13). Such lack of effect may be related to our selection of
healthy overweight rather than obese volunteers (who had relatively normal blood pressure
values) and our administration of a tightly controlled AHA-Step1 diet which provided 30% of
calories from fat.
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The results of the current study along with those of a previous analysis reporting larger
reduction in 10-year cardiovascular disease risk (38% in CR + EX vs. 29% in CR and no change
in controls) (25) when exercise was included suggest that improvements in both fitness and
fatness are needed for optimally reducing overall morbidity and mortality. Results are in
agreement with cross-sectional analysis of the Look AHEAD study in which fitness and fatness
had different impacts on CVD risk factors even though these two variables are clearly strongly
related (38). Specifically, aerobic fitness (assessed by VO2peak) had stronger associations than
fatness with the Framingham Risk Score (model used to identify healthy individuals at risk for
cardiovascular disease), the ankle/brachial index (average ankle systolic blood pressure/arm
systolic blood pressure; a physiological marker of cardiovascular risk), and hemoglobin A1C
concentration (a marker of diabetes control). Our results further suggest that regular aerobic
exercise which improves VO2peak also improves peripheral resistance during diastole above
that noted with a reduction in fatness (25). Even though it is clearly established that elevated
systolic blood pressure is a more powerful predictor of cardiovascular events than diastolic
pressure (6,7), increased diastolic blood pressure causes an increased risk for end organ failure
(7), cardiovascular death (6), and could indeed be an important reason why fitness is associated
with reduced overall mortality.
Paragraph 23
Another important health benefits exerted by regular exercise beyond those of weight loss
include its impact on aerobic capacity, particularly in relation to daily functionality and overall
mortality. Aerobic capacity has been shown to be a more powerful predictor of mortality among
both healthy men and those with cardiovascular disease than other established risk factors with
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each 1 MET increase in aerobic capacity conferring a 12% increase in survival. Based on these
reported statistics, our CR+EX group, who improved their aerobic capacity by an average 1.6
METS would have an estimated 19.2% increase in survival. By contrast, the improvement in
the aerobic capacity of the CR+EX group was parallel with an alarming tendency of absolute
aerobic capacity to decline over the 6-month period in both the CR and control treated groups.
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While this randomized clinical trial is in support of the argument that exercise training offers
benefits beyond improved fatness, it was conducted in a small sample (relative to
epidemiological trials) of 35 healthy overweight volunteers with limited health risk factors and
without groups such as exercise alone (25% energy deficit via exercise energy expenditure) or
exercise without weight loss (12.5% increase in energy expenditure with 12.5% increase in
energy intake). Such groups would have helped to distinguish between the metabolic effects
of fitness compared to fatness alone. Both groups, however, would have been almost
impossible: for example, participants in the caloric restriction plus structured exercise group
exercised an average of 45–53 minutes at least 5 days a week to achieve the 12.5% of energy
expenditure which would have had to be doubled to promote 25% energy expenditure.
Unfortunately, our relatively small sample size of mostly healthy overweight volunteers also
limited our power to detect differences among treatments for improvements in cardiometabolic
risk factors (22). These limitations, however, were compensated in part by the very tight control
of the intervention and control groups including the rigorously controlled diet and structured
exercise program.
Paragraph 25
Results of the current study suggests that beyond changes in fatness, combining caloric
restriction with exercise is important for increasing aerobic fitness and optimizing
improvements in risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease, including improved
insulin sensitivity, LDL-Cholesterol, and diastolic blood pressure, that are beyond those of
body weight/body fat reduction alone. Improvements in other cardiometabolic risk factors,
however, such as systolic blood pressure and HDL-cholesterol might only be associated with
changes in fatness and/or consumption of a healthy diet.
Disclosure of Funding Received: This work was supported by U01 AG20478 (Ravussin), K01 DK062018 (LarsonMeyer), K23 DK068052 (Martin) and NHMRC 349553 (Redman).
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The authors want to thank the remaining members of Pennington CALERIE Research Team for their assistance
including: Xiaobing Fang, James DeLany, Lilian de Jonge. Tuong Nguyen, Julia Volaufova, Marlene M Most, Frank
L Greenway, Donald Williamson, Steven Smith, Emily York-Crow, Stephen Anton, Catherine Champagne, Brenda
Dahmer, Andy Deutsch, Paula Geiselman, Jennifer Howard, Jana Ihrig, Darlene Marquis, Connie Murla, Sean Owens,
Aimee Stewart and Vanessa Tarver. Our gratitude is extended to the. Finally, our profound gratitude goes to all the
volunteers who spent so much time in participating in this very demanding research study.
This work was supported by U01 AG20478 (Ravussin), K01 DK062018 (Larson-Meyer), K23 DK068052 (Martin)
and NHMRC 349553 (Redman). Results of the present study do not constitute endorsement by ACSM
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Figure 1.
Overview of CALERIE Study.
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Figure 2.
Change in body mass over the 6 months of treatment with control, caloric restriction (CR), and
caloric restriction structured aerobic exercise (CR+EX). There were no significant differences
between CR and CR+EX treatments. *Significant (p<0.005) change from baseline.
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Figure 3.
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Change in whole body fat mass and visceral fat stores after 6 months of treatment with control,
caloric restriction (CR), and caloric restriction and structured aerobic exercise (CR+EX). There
were no significant differences between CR and CR+EX treatments; *Significant (P<0.005)
change from baseline.
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Figure 4.
Change in cardiometabolic risk factors after 6 months of treatment with control, caloric
restriction (CR), and caloric restriction and increased structured exercise (CR+EX). Diastolic
blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and insulin sensitivity were significantly
improved vs. baseline in the CR+EX group but not in the CR or control groups. Systolic blood
pressure was not changed by any of the treatments groups whereas HDL was significantly
(p<0.05) increased in all treatment groups (including the control),. * Significant (p<0.05)
change from baseline.
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Med Sci Sports Exerc. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 January 13.