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Field Crops Research 107 (2008) 185–195
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Break crop benefits in temperate wheat production
John Kirkegaard a,*, Olaf Christen b, Joseph Krupinsky c, David Layzell d
CSIRO Plant Industry, GPO Box 1600, Canberra 2601, Australia
Institute of Agronomy and Crop Science, Martin-Luther-University, Halle-Wittenberg, D-06099 Halle/S, Germany
USDA-ARS, Box 459, Mandan, ND 58554-0459, USA
Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L3N6
Article history:
Received 24 December 2007
Received in revised form 17 February 2008
Accepted 18 February 2008
Changes in the sequence of crops grown on agricultural land are well known to enhance the yield of grain
crops such as wheat. A survey of the literature gathered from around the world show mean yield benefits
of up to 20% or more. Much is known about the principal mechanisms responsible for these benefits,
including effects on disease control, improved nitrogen nutrition and water supply, although researchers
continue to be challenged by inexplicable ‘‘rotation effects’’ that have yet to be documented or fully
understood. This review summarizes our current understanding of the ‘better-known’ mechanisms of
crop rotation, and discusses other mechanisms (e.g. changes in rhizosphere biology, allelopathy or soil
structure) that may help to account fully for the rotation benefits that have been observed by agricultural
producers for more than 2000 years. Where possible we emphasise new techniques employed to
investigate these less well-understood aspects of the ‘‘rotation effect’’. At the farm level, the inability to
capitalize on the benefits of break crops may owe more to economics, the availability of suitable break
crops and the complexity of the crop response. Computer-based decision support tools have been
developed to assist growers to apply the information gathered from scientific studies, although efforts to
integrate this information at whole-farm scales are embryonic.
ß 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Soil biology
Preceding crop
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Magnitude of break crop benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Disease control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Non-hosting of cereal pathogens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mechanisms other than non-hosting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Residual water and nutrients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Residual nitrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Residual phosphorus and other nutrients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Residual water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Soil biology impacts unrelated to disease. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF)—friend or foe? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hydrogen release by legumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Soil structure effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Allelopathy, weeds and herbicide residues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The ‘‘rotation’’ effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Environmental benefits of break crops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Scaling issues and adoption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 2 62465080; fax: +61 2 62465399.
E-mail addresses: (J. Kirkegaard), (O. Christen), (J. Krupinsky),
(D. Layzell).
0378-4290/$ – see front matter ß 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy
J. Kirkegaard et al. / Field Crops Research 107 (2008) 185–195
1. Introduction
Adopting an appropriate crop sequence underpins sustainable
production systems in many areas of the world. In this review we
consider the magnitude and mechanisms of break crop benefits
using the temperate dryland wheat production system as a focus,
and using examples drawn from the contrasting farming systems
of northern Europe, southern Australia and North America. We
acknowledge, but deliberately avoid detailed consideration of the
longer term effects of crop rotations, which can become evident
over time in both set and diversified rotations (e.g. Karlen et al.,
1994), but focus on the more immediate impacts of preceding
crops on subsequent wheat growth and yield. In modern broadacre farming, the choice of crop sequence has become more flexible
and often diversified, reflecting a range of factors related to
commodity and input prices and the biophysical conditions of
individual paddocks. We attempt to provide some clarity in
explaining the enormous variability reported in the response of
wheat to preceding crops and consider the new techniques being
used to understand these mechanisms and to extend these insights
at the farm level.
2. Magnitude of break crop benefits
The magnitude of the average yield response in wheat to
preceding broad-leaf break crops compared to wheat following
wheat is surprisingly consistent across broad regions and time
scales, although there is significant variation in the response of
individual crops depending on site, weather conditions and other
aspects of crop management (Table 1). In different areas of North
Table 1
A summary of the magnitude and range of yield response of temperate dryland wheat to previous break crops compared to previous wheat crops in three regions throughout
the world
Break cropsa
yield (t/ha)
Yield response to
break crops (%)
Pe, C, B
Pe, C, Le, M, Ch
Pe, C, F
Pe, Be
Pe, C, Fl
Pe, C
C, Pe, Be, Sa, Su, So, Li, Cr
Pe, L, Ch, Su, Mi, F
Sa, M
52 (40–60)
23 (14–35)
20 (13–24)
15 (0–30)
15 (0–21)
21 ( 12 to 49)
12 (8–16)
8 (0–11)
6 (5–7)
0 (0–11)
0 ( 51 to 18)
Southern Australia (mean overall response = 33)
C, M
C, Li, Lu, Pe, Le, Ch
C, M, L, Pe, Lu, Le, Fa, Ch
Pe, Lu
Pe, Lu
C, M, L, Lu, F
C, M, L
C, M, Ch
C, M, L
C, M, L
C, M, L, Pe
C, Lu, O
99 (94–103)
93 ( 6 to 187)
74 (3–53)
49 (45–85)
38 ( 6 to 544)
36 (0–112)
36 ( 6 to 108)
21 ( 25 to 59)
21 ( 17 to 59)
20 ( 2 to 133)
19 (12–26)
18 ( 14 to 69)
15 ( 10 to 113)
8 ( 12 to 32)
3 ( 24 to 67)
0 ( 21 to 18)
North Europe (mean overall response = 24)
South Germany
Ra, Pe, O, B
59 (12–145)
38 (19–75)
25 ( 8 to 52)
SD, N, F, I, GR
Ra, Pe, Lu, Su, O, F
Ra, Pe, Be, O, Po, M
Ra, Pe
21 ( 12 to 224)
21 (0–71)
14 ( 12 to 36)
10 (0–39)
7 ( 27 to 28)
N, F, I, V
N, F
N, F
North America (mean overall response = 14)
Saskatchewan, CAN
Oregon, USA
Saskatchewan, CAN
Alberta, CAN
Nth Dakota, USA
Saskatchewan, CAN
Saskatchewan, CAN
Manitoba, CAN
Alberta, CAN
Saskatchewan, CAN
Nth Dakota, USA
Saskatchewan, CAN
Montana, USA
Washington State, USA
Nth Dakota, USA
South Germany
North Germany
North Germany
T, N
N, S, T
N, T
N, Fum
Stevenson and van Kessel
Smiley et al. (1994)
Miller et al. (2003)
Soon and Clayton (2002)
Krupinsky et al. (2002)
Miller et al. (2002)
Wright (1990)c
Bourgeois and Entz (1996)
Arshad et al. (2002)
Gan et al. (2003)
Krupinsky et al. (2004, 2006)
Zentner et al. (2001)
Miller and Holmes (2005)
Cook et al. (2002)
Tanaka et al. (1997)
Gardner et al. (1998)
Heenan (1995)c
Gregory (1998)
Schultz (1995)
Evans et al. (1991)
Smith et al. (2004)
Ryan et al. (2002)
Kirkegaard et al. (1997)
Kirkegaard et al. (2004)
Delroy and Bowden (1986)
Angus et al. (1991)
Kirkegaard et al. (2000)
Rowland et al. (1988)
Harris et al. (2002)
Kirkegaard et al. (1994)
Wilson and Hamblin (1990)
Kirkegaard et al. (2001)
Olofsson (1993)
Prew et al. (1986)c
Schönhammer and Fischbeck
McEwen et al. (1989)
Widdowson et al. (1985)
Panse et al. (1994)
Sieling et al. (2005)
Christen et al. (1992)
Data are sourced from selected published studies since 1985 and the mean overall response to break crops and other treatments (bold) as well as the range in response to
individual treatment combinations (brackets) are shown.
C, canola; Ra, rapeseed; Pe, field pea; M, mustard; Cr, crambe; L, linseed/flax; Lu, lupin; Ch, chickpea; Le, lentil; Be, dry bean; F, fababean Su, sunflower; Po, potato; O, oats;
F, fallow; Mi, millet.
N, nitrogen; T, tillage; S, stubble; Fum, fumigation; SD, sowing date; SR, seeding rate; V, variety; F, fungicide; I, insecticide; GR, growth regulators; P, phosphorus.
Response compared using barley rather than wheat.
Author's personal copy
J. Kirkegaard et al. / Field Crops Research 107 (2008) 185–195
America the average overall yield response of wheat to a previous
break crop in the experiments reviewed is around 14%, although
responses can range from 51% (Miller and Holmes, 2005) to 62%
(Stevenson and van Kessel, 1996) (Table 1). In southern Australia the
average yield benefit is somewhat higher at 33% (Table 1) but the
magnitude of the variation 25% to 544% for individual treatments
in specific experiments is even greater. In northern Europe, the
average yield response is around 24% but ranges from 27% to 224%
in individual studies. Positive yield responses are notably less
reliable and generally smaller in semi-arid areas (Gan et al., 2003;
Zentner et al., 2001) or in drier seasons (Kirkegaard et al., 2001) and
may be negative where break crops replace fallow (Miller and
Holmes, 2005). The benefits in yield may be accompanied by
increased grain protein (Kirkegaard et al., 1994; Gan et al., 2003) and
can also persist into a second cereal crop (Kirkegaard et al., 1997;
Evans et al., 2003) or even further down the sequence (Harris et al.,
2002). Successive break crops prior to a cereal in a sequence may also
provide a greater yield benefit than a single break crop (Sieling et al.,
2005). The inclusion of many interacting treatments such as
nitrogen, variety, sowing date, fumigation, and fungicides in many
of the experiments summarised in Table 1 provide an opportunity
for greater insight into the underlying mechanisms of crop response.
In some studies the mechanisms behind these yield responses, and
their interactions with other crop management practices are clear,
while in others a significant portion of the crop response could not be
explained by commonly measured variables (e.g. disease, nitrogen
and water), leading to speculation regarding the nature of the
‘‘rotation effect’’. In the following sections we will consider the
better known and less well understood mechanisms which underpin
these responses to break crops and attempt to clarify the enormous
variation exemplified in Table 1.
3. Disease control
Disease control is implicit in the term ‘‘break crop’’ as it refers to
breaking the life cycle of crop-specific pathogens by growing a
non-host crop in sequence. Wheat crops grown repeatedly in
sequence can suffer from various soil and stubble-borne disease,
although the range and severity of the particular pathogens vary
widely both regionally and seasonally. For some diseases, crop
tolerance (e.g. for crown rot caused by Fusarium pseudograminearum), resistance (e.g. for cereal cyst nematode, Heterodera
avenae) or seed dressings and fungicides (e.g. for eyespot caused by
Tapesia yallundae and tan spot by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis in
Europe) form part of the control strategy. Some important soil-
borne diseases have a wide host range and may not be adequately
controlled by broad-leaf break crops (e.g. Rhizoctonia solani, Cook
et al., 2002) while others require more than one season without a
host to reduce the inoculum to safe levels (e.g. Bipolaris
sorokiniana). The host ranges of some wheat pathogens are also
quite specific—for example the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus
neglectus hosts on canola and chickpeas but not on lupins, while
the closely related Pratylenchus thornei hosts only on chickpea.
3.1. Non-hosting of cereal pathogens
Clearly the value of break crops will depend on the diseases
present in particular cropping systems, the host status of the
proposed break crop, and the availability of other strategies such as
tolerance, resistance or chemical control. However break crops
remain the control strategy for several wheat diseases including
take-all, caused by the pathogen Gaeumannomyces graminis var
tritici (Ggt), an important wheat disease worldwide. In southern
Australia, much of the break crop benefit under well-fertilised
dryland wheat crops has been attributed to the control of take-all
(Kollmorgan et al., 1983; Kirkegaard et al., 1994; Gardner et al.,
1998), and a previous compilation of studies revealed an average
response of around 19% (Angus et al., 2001). In the Inland Pacific
Northwest of the US, the average response of winter wheat to soil
fumigation was 7% in fields cropped no more than every third year
to wheat, 22% in fields cropped every second year to wheat, and an
astounding 70% in fields cropped every year to wheat (Cook, 1990).
The yield responses to these treatments were primarily due to
control of root diseases including take-all, Rhizoctonia and Pythium.
In the high input systems of northern Europe, the incidence and
severity of take-all is also one of the most important factors
influencing yield of winter wheat after different preceding crops
(Christen et al., 1992). A typical response of wheat to preceding
crops where disease is a key limiting factor is shown in Fig. 1A. The
magnitude of the disease effect may differ widely depending on the
number and severity of wheat diseases present, but an average
yield reduction of 20–30% is common, and cannot be substituted
with higher inputs (Kirkegaard et al., 1997; Sieling et al., 2005). The
use of fumigation, sowing date or tolerant varieties as interacting
treatments in several experiments (Table 1) has assisted to
separate and quantify the role of disease. In some cases the
disease reduction can extend beyond the first year and result in
yield benefits in a second successive wheat crop (e.g. 13% reported
by Kirkegaard et al., 1997). For many diseases including take-all,
seasonal conditions dictate the extent to which disease influences
Fig. 1. Typical response of wheat to previous wheat (solid), legume (dashed) and oilseed (dot-dash) break crops under different potential yield scenarios and different N
application rates. The dotted line shows the potential yield. The mechanisms causing responses to differ between previous crops are shown (N = nitrogen, W denotes yield
increase or decrease associated with N).
Author's personal copy
J. Kirkegaard et al. / Field Crops Research 107 (2008) 185–195
crop growth, as inoculum survival, pathogen infection and disease
expression are all influenced by rainfall patterns and temperature
(Smiley et al., 1996).
As a result, the non-host benefit of break crops (as estimated by
the level of inoculum present immediately prior to sowing wheat)
may not be reliably reflected in a break crop benefit. In south
eastern Australia, Kirkegaard et al. (1997) found that when
conditions for the development of take-all were poor, wheat
following wheat could achieve similar yields to that after break
crops with sufficient attention to nutrition, as represented here in
Fig. 1B. Recent studies in the semi-arid areas of the northern Great
Plains of Canada using multivariate analysis showed that the
annual environment explained between 59% and 75% of the
variation in wheat disease severity while crop sequence played a
minor role in determining the incidence and severity of disease
(Bailey et al., 2000, 2002), despite the overall reductions in
populations of pathogens such as B. sorokiniana, Septoria tritici and
Stagnospora nodorum and higher yields in more diverse rotations.
The recent advent of pre-sowing DNA-based soil testing such as the
Predicta-B1 tests used in Australia for a range of cereal diseases
can reduce the risk of severe losses (Herdina et al., 1997). However
similar inoculum levels at the start of the season can result in
either of the scenarios depicted in Fig. 1A and B, depending on
seasonal conditions and disease development.
3.2. Mechanisms other than non-hosting
Break crops may differ in the extent to which they influence the
populations of specific rhizosphere organisms which may compete, antagonise or suppress pathogens. For example Cotterill and
Sivasithamparam (1988) showed that the reduction in take-all
with different crop rotations is not simply due to denying a host to
the pathogen and that the mechanism may vary between crops.
Take-all hyphal growth in soil was suppressed and disease severity
was reduced under lupins, oats or field pea, but only lupins and
oats reduced the inoculum of the pathogen. Observations of
superior wheat growth following Brassica break crops compared
with other broadleaf break crops in southern Australia during the
early 1990s (Angus et al., 1991; Kirkegaard et al., 1994) prompted
speculation that allelochemicals unique to brassicas, principally
isothiocyanates (ITCs), may actively suppress disease organisms in
a process termed ‘‘biofumigation’’ (Angus et al., 1994). Subsequent
laboratory and pot studies demonstrated that key cereal pathogens
such as Ggt were highly sensitive to the ITCs released by canola
roots (Sarwar et al., 1998). However while subsequent field studies
revealed some evidence for suppression of Ggt inoculum during the
period of canola root decomposition in soil, the benefits to
following wheat crops via enhanced Ggt suppression were limited
(Kirkegaard et al., 2000). Recent field studies by Smith et al. (2004)
failed to detect any evidence that ITCs released by brassicas
influence the levels of Ggt or other rhizosphere organisms on
subsequent wheat crops. Thus, despite reports of ITC-induced
changes in the rhizosphere of canola (Rumberger and Marschner,
2003, 2004) it appears these effects do not generally persist to
influence the levels of disease on wheat in a subsequent season
(Watt et al., 2006a).
In similar studies investigating the impacts of different
preceding crops on crown rot in durum wheat, Kirkegaard et al.
(2004) showed that Brassica break crops led to lower levels of
crown rot and higher yield in durum wheat compared with wheat
following chickpea. There was no evidence that the effect was
related to biofumigation, but several plausible explanations were
suggested including (1) more rapid breakdown of residual wheat
stubble under dense canola canopies reducing carry-over of crown
rot inoculum; (2) higher soil N status following chickpea increasing
crown rot severity; and (3) altered soil/residue biology that was
less conducive to crown rot inoculum survival. The latter
possibility was supported by the higher levels of Trichoderma
spp., known antagonists of crown rot, which were isolated from
wheat following brassicas. This study serves to illustrate the
complexity of mechanisms by which the levels of disease can be
influenced by previous crops, and the difficulty identifying the
basis for break crop effects, even when reduction in severity of one
disease is considered to be the major cause of the yield response.
Clearly while reduced disease levels may serve to define
‘‘break’’ crops, and in some cases may alone explain the response in
following crops (Cook, 1990), there are many reports of significant
break crop effects which cannot be accounted for by disease alone.
Both Schönhammer and Fischbeck (1987a,b) and Sieling et al.
(2005) concluded that only minor parts of the 10–25% wheat
response to previous rapeseed crops (similar to those shown in
Fig. 1A) could be explained by the levels of disease measured in the
experiments. Thus while monitoring key pathogens within the
crop sequence is a logical first step in accounting for break crop
benefits, other factors are clearly also involved.
4. Residual water and nutrients
4.1. Residual nitrogen
Not surprisingly, due to the inclusion of legume break-crops in
many experiments, nitrogen (N) is the most commonly utilised
interacting treatment in many crop sequence experiments
(Table 1). Many studies have shown that cereals derive both yield
and N benefits from rotations with grain legumes compared with
cereal monoculture. The yield advantage may be entirely due to N
or to other factors, but more commonly a combination of both
(Chalk, 1998). In a compilation of field studies in Australia during
the 1970s and 1980s the yield of wheat following legumes
exceeded that following wheat by an average of 49% (Evans and
Herridge, 1987), similar to the value of 37% reported in tropical
systems (Peoples and Craswell, 1992). In a later review of 135 siteyears (Angus et al., 2001) found a similar magnitude of yield
response (40–50%) following grain legumes when low levels of N
were applied to following wheat. However this yield benefit
dropped to 10–17% when economically optimum N fertiliser rates
were applied, which was similar to the benefit for oilseed break
crops. Clearly the disease-break benefits of legume crops can be as
important as the N benefits, as represented in Fig. 1A, at low rates
of applied N. Indeed Stevenson and van Kessel (1996) found that
91% of the wheat yield benefit from a preceding pea crop came
from reduced leaf disease and weed infestation, while only 9% was
estimated to have derived directly from N. In contrast, Beckie and
Brandt (1997) working in the same soil zone concluded that the
benefit of pea crops to following wheat crops was overwhelmingly
due to N contribution of the legume. The relative importance of Nand non-N benefits of legumes will clearly vary in specific
experiments according to many soil and climatic factors. Benefits
in N nutrition to wheat may also arise from break crops simply
because the healthier root system is able to utilise existing soil N or
applied N more efficiently (Cook, 1990).
Previous assessments of the N benefit of legumes using ‘‘fertiliser
equivalents’’ and cereal monocultures as a reference are generally
thought to overestimate the N benefits of legumes (Chalk, 1998;
Peoples and Craswell, 1992; Beckie and Brandt, 1997), while shootbased isotopic approaches applied to N budgets may underestimate
the 25–70% of legume N which can be contributed by the nodulated
roots (Khan et al., 2003; Walley et al., 2007). Although the
assumption is often made that additional N contributed by legumes
is primarily from biological fixation, the cereal in a legume–cereal
rotation may also benefit from reduced use of mineral N by the
legume (spared N), subsequent decomposition of legume residues,
Author's personal copy
J. Kirkegaard et al. / Field Crops Research 107 (2008) 185–195
or from reduced immobilisation of existing soil mineral N due to
lower C:N ratio of legume residues. The relative importance of these
mechanisms may vary, but all can make significant contributions to
the N benefit. Direct measurements of the additional nitrate N
available to wheat crops following legumes compared with cereals
in temperate Australia average around 37 kg N/ha (range 14–46 kg/
ha) (Peoples et al., 1995; Chalk, 1998), and is similar in comparable
environments elsewhere (Soon et al., 2001). Many factors influence
the magnitude of the N benefit from preceding legumes, and Evans
et al. (2001) have estimated that average net N input from grain
legumes to be 47 kg/ha N in south eastern Australia and 90 kg N/ha
in south western Australia. Beckie et al. (1997) estimated a value of
25 kg N/ha for pea crops in the moist Dark Brown soil climatic zone
of Saskatchewan, and similar annual N benefits have been estimated
in drier locations in Canada (Van Kessel and Hartley, 2000). A recent
comprehensive review of similar estimates for the Northern Great
Plains by Walley et al. (2007) highlighted the enormous variability
(from 100 to +100 kg N/ha) in reported values from individual
experiments. Their review concluded that most of the variation in N
contribution both among different legume species and in different
environments arose from differences in the amount of N2 fixation
which was extremely variable. In general, positive N contributions
were apparent when more than 48% of the legume N derived from N2
fixation, somewhat higher than the value of 42–44% estimated in
Australia (Evans et al., 2001). Generally the N benefits of the legume
break crops to following cereals are evident at lower rates of applied
fertiliser N (shown as N+ in Fig. 1A and B) where yield following the
legume break crops are often superior to that following nonlegumes, an effect which diminishes as higher rates of fertiliser N are
Non-legume break crops may also differ significantly in the
amounts of mineral N left in the profile. Kirkegaard et al. (1997)
found that residual N remaining after a range of winter oilseeds
was a key factor in determining subsequent wheat yields in the
absence of disease. Linseed had a shallower rooting system,
produced less biomass and left 30–50 kg/ha more N in the profile at
harvest than canola or mustard. Accumulation of mineral N from
break crop residues may also differ during the fallow period prior
to cropping and this may not be simply related to the C:N ratio of
the residues (Kirkegaard et al., 1999; Ryan et al., 2006). Too much
residual N can also reduce the yield of subsequent cereals, but for
different reasons in different environments. In high-yielding
environments such as northern Europe, higher levels of residual
N following break crops can cause lodging if fertiliser additions are
not modified (Christen et al., 1992), as represented as (N ) in
Fig. 1A. In drier environments, high levels of applied or residual soil
N can stimulate excessive vegetative growth and reduce the levels
of stored soluble carbohydrates in wheat leading to a reduction in
yield through ‘‘haying off’’ when water availability is limited
during grain filling (Van Herwaarden et al., 1998; Kirkegaard et al.,
1994, 1997). Such a scenario is depicted as (N ) in Fig. 1B following
legumes at higher rates of applied N. The distribution of residual N
within the soil profile following break crops may also influence
both the yield and protein content of subsequent wheat crops
(Evans et al., 2003).
4.2. Residual phosphorus and other nutrients
Evidence regarding the effect of crop sequence on the
availability of nutrients other than N is limited, although there
are some examples, particularly with respect to phosphorus (P).
Some break crops, including chickpea, pigeon pea and white lupin
can mobilise fixed forms of soil P by the secretion of organic acids
such as citrate and malate and other compounds from their roots
(Hocking, 2001). Glasshouse experiments using a highly P-fixing
soil showed better wheat growth following white lupin than
soybean (Hocking and Randall, 2001) and suggested that the cereal
was able to access P made available by the previous white lupin
break crop. Zhu et al. (2002) also demonstrated that buckwheat
(Fagopyrum esculentum) was able to access P from Ca-bound forms
in soils to a much greater extent than wheat, an ability thought to
relate to a capacity to acidify the rhizosphere. The persistence of
these effects and the magnitude of yield benefits to cereals in
rotation or inter-cropped with these species in the field are
uncertain. On soils with marginal levels of soil nutrients,
differences in uptake and redistribution of nutrients by different
break crops can also influence the growth of following cereals. For
example on acid sandy soils of south-western Australia, K
deficiency combined with Mo deficiency and Al toxicity in wheat,
were identified when canola residues were concentrated into
windrows and burnt, creating waves of better growth throughout a
following wheat crop (Brennan et al., 2004).
4.3. Residual water
Most of the negative impacts of broadleaf break crops on
following cereals relate to impacts on residual water in semi-arid
environments, where complete recharge of the soil water profile
may not occur prior to, or during the growth of the subsequent
wheat crop (Table 1). In the drier regions of the Australian wheatbelt, the Great Plains of US and Canadian prairies, a traditional
fallow-wheat system has been practiced to store water for the
following crop. In recent years, the adoption of conservation
farming techniques to conserve water has resulted in moves to
replace the wheat-fallow system with either a wheat-summer
crop-fallow sequence, or introduction of various break crops to
replace the fallow completely. Halvorson et al. (2002) found that
winter wheat yield was unaffected by such changes in either tillage
or crop sequence in the Central Great Plains, however the yield of
the corn summer crop was reduced under continuous cropping.
Norwood (2000) found that the species of summer crop grown in
such systems also influenced residual soil water and yield of
wheat. Sunflower and soybean reduced soil water by 20% and 10%,
respectively, compared with corn or sorghum. Nielsen et al. (2002)
showed that increasing cropping intensity to two crops in 3 years
had little impact on soil water content at wheat planting or grain
yield, however elimination of fallow completely reduced soil water
at planting by 118 mm and yields by 0.45–1.65 t/ha. In a 10-year
study on the Canadian Prairies, Larney and Lindwell (1995) found
that the starting available soil water content at the establishment
of winter wheat was least after canola (45 mm), followed by
continuous wheat (59 mm), lentils/linseed (74 mm) and fallow
(137 mm). The impact of these differences in residual water on
subsequent wheat crops in semi-arid environments is depicted in
Fig. 1C. Under conditions of low water availability, low disease
pressure and low yield potential, the amount of pre-sowing soil
water, which is generally higher following legumes than oilseeds,
dictates the yield of following wheat which may be relatively
unresponsive to other inputs. However, other responses have been
reported in these drier environments. Miller et al. (2002) found
that wheat yields were 21% higher following a range of legume
break crops compared to wheat, but did not differ after oilseed
crops. The effects were related to both increased soil water and N
following the legumes. Gan et al. (2003) found increases in yield
and protein of durum wheat following break crops with generally
higher yield (7%) and protein (11%) after legumes compared with
oilseeds (5% and 6%). Interestingly in that study, the amount of
residual water and nitrate in the profile could only account for 3–
28% of the impacts on yield and 12–24% of the impacts on protein
suggesting that other unidentified factors also contributed to these
effects. Kirkegaard et al. (2001) found better than expected yield of
wheat following canola based on the amount of pre-sowing water
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available, an effect apparently related to deeper infiltration and
more efficient use of limited rainfall during the grain-filling period.
These ‘‘in crop’’ impacts of previous crops on water use by wheat
can also result from the more effective water use by healthy roots,
even in high rainfall environments such as northern Germany
(Sieling et al., 2005), and may contribute in part to a portion of the
inexplicable rotation effects as they are transient and difficult to
5. Soil biology impacts unrelated to disease
Aside from their impacts on disease severity, break crops may
also influence the populations of other rhizosphere organisms
which stimulate or suppress plant growth, or influence the
availability of soil nutrients (reviewed by Bowen and Rovira,
1999). Despite significant investigations of plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) such as Bacillus spp., or deleterious
rhizobacteria (DRB) such as Pseudomonas spp, there are few
examples demonstrating a clear role for these organisms in the
response of wheat to crop sequence in the field, although their
negative impact in no-till systems has been demonstrated
(Simpfendorfer et al., 2002; Watt et al., 2003). A study by Rovira
et al. (1990) in the Pacific Northwest, USA indicated that as the
frequency of wheat in the rotation increased, the populations of
DRB increased in the wheat rhizosphere. Recently a study by Gupta
et al. (2004) demonstrated that different wheat varieties in a
successive wheat sequence generated different responses in
following wheat crops which were related to changes in specific
components of the rhizosphere bacterial populations. Such studies
indicate that bacterial populations can be influenced by previous
crops, or even crop varieties in ways that significantly influence the
growth of subsequent crops, which may explain some of the
apparent benefits of break crops in the absence of known major
disease organisms. Lupwayi and Kennedy (2007) recently
reviewed the impacts of grain legumes on selected soil biological
processes in the Northern Great Plains and nominate changes in
both symbiotic and non-symbiotic bacteria, mycorrhizae and soil
fauna among the components of the soil biology influenced by
legume break crops. Endophytic rhizobia and other bacteria were
reported in higher numbers in the roots of barley, wheat and
canola following pea crops compared to those following wheat and
evidence for various benefits including growth stimulation, disease
protection, changes in root architecture and nutrient acquisition
were proposed, but the benefits under field conditions remain
uncertain. Recent field studies in Australia by Smith et al. (2004)
failed to find significant soil biological changes in the rhizosphere
of wheat following different legume and Brassica break crops.
Despite the difficulty in isolating and quantifying the impacts of
specific changes in rhizosphere microbiology on crops within a
sequence at the field scale, there remains optimism that the
application of new molecular tools and microscopy techniques in
this area will create opportunities to manipulate management and
genotypes to improve crop productivity (Watt et al., 2006a). Two
examples of soil biological changes associated with break crops are
considered below.
5.1. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF)—friend or foe?
Wheat is not highly dependant on AMF for nutrient acquisition
and although there are some reports of poor growth associated
with lower colonisation of wheat following fallow or non-host
crops such as canola on low P soils (Thompson et al., 2001), large
growth benefits from AMF colonisation in agricultural crops are
rare under field conditions (Ryan and Graham, 2002). Indeed if
AMF do not provide benefits in nutrient acquisition then host
growth can be decreased as a result of the carbon loss to support
fungal structures in the roots. Recent studies on wheat in southern
Australia showed that lower AMF colonisation in wheat following
brassicas and fallow did not reduce growth or yield in autumnsown wheat despite strong P limitations on crop growth and yield
(Ryan and Angus, 2003). The authors hypothesised that for these
crops AMF must have been parasitic at least prior to spring. This
suggestion was supported by subsequent measurements of lower
soluble carbohydrates as AMF colonisation increased (Ryan et al.,
2005). Thus reduced parasitism by AMF may partly explain the
superior growth of wheat following brassicas in south eastern
Australia, and form part of the unexplained ‘‘rotation effect’’
particularly cases in which Brassica break crops are superior to
legumes for inexplicable reasons, as depicted in Fig. 1A at optimum
N rates.
5.2. Hydrogen release by legumes
Hydrogen (H2) gas is an obligate by-product of the N2-fixing
enzyme nitrogenase in legume nodules. In some legume systems,
an additional hydrogenase uptake enzyme system (HUP) oxidises
and recovers some of the energy used in H2 production. However
many legumes evolve H2 in substantial amounts, up to 5000 L H2/
ha/day, due to an absence or low activity of HUP (HUP ) (Arp,
1992). H2 production by legume nodules induces rapid multiplication of soil micro-organisms, as yet unidentified, that are
capable of utilising the H2 as an energy source. Exposure to H2 at
levels similar to that which occurs next to nodules greatly
increased the growth of both legumes (14%) and non-legumes
(18–32%) (Dong et al., 2003). Moreover the activity is extractable
and is present even when the H2-treated soil is diluted to 5%, or
when a water extract of the soil is applied to seed. The mechanisms
are as yet unknown, but the organisms may enhance plant disease
resistance, induce disease suppression, or impact directly through
plant growth regulators to contribute to the non-N benefits of
Other examples of significant impacts of break crops on
subsequent wheat yield via specific changes in soil microbial
populations are rare. Thus while an array of DNA-based and other
analytical techniques (e.g. BIOLOG, FAME, PFLA, DGGE, RISA, TRFLP) make it possible to detect ever more subtle changes in
rhizosphere microbial populations, the challenge will be to identify
changes which are consistent and agronomically significant in
order to use them to improve crop sequence.
6. Soil structure effects
The roots and residues of break crops may influence several
aspects of soil structure through exudation or release of stabilising
or destabilising substances in the rhizosphere, root and associated
hyphal enmeshment or fragmentation, and the production of
stable biopores. Improved soil structure arising from longer term
increases in soil organic matter through appropriate rotations is
generally accepted (Kay, 1990), but demonstrating shorter term
break crop benefits has been more problematic. In southern
Australia, Reeves et al. (1984) reported that differences in soil
water-stable aggregates and bulk densities following wheat and
lupin crops were small and inconsistent. Chan and Heenan (1996)
reported soil following canola and lupin was more porous, had
lower soil strength and had stronger, more stable aggregates than
soil after peas or barley, and the improvements related to the
impacts of roots on soil aggregate formation and macro-pore
creation. Interestingly, both lupin and canola are non-AMF hosts so
that the improvements in aggregate stability following those
species could not be explained by glomalin production by the
associated AMF as has been recently demonstrated for other crops
by Wright and Anderson (2000). These impacts on soil character-
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istics were transient under conventional cultivation regimes and
no data on the growth of following wheat crops was reported.
Cresswell and Kirkegaard (1995) reviewed the evidence for
improvements in subsoil structure by break crops and concluded
that the effects were either small, not evident, or could not be
adequately distinguished from additional influences of break crops
such as reduction in soil-borne diseases. A later study at the same
site confirmed that perennial pastures such as lucerne (Medicago
sativa) and Phalaris (Phalaris aquatica) were able to improve the
macroporosity of the subsoil layers (McCallum et al., 2004). In
longer term studies in southern Germany higher yield in wheat has
been linked to improved root density and penetration associated
with favourable effects of spring rape on components of soil
structure including aggregate stability and porosity, both of which
were reduced by wheat and barley in the rotation (Schönhammer
and Fischbeck, 1987b).
Linking soil structural changes to crop response may be limited
by traditional indirect structural measurements which may not
capture the changes in soil structure to which roots are sensitive
(Passioura, 2002). The vastly different chemical, physical and
biological characteristics in and around macro-pores where roots
often concentrate (Pierret et al., 1999) suggest that bulk soil
structural properties are unlikely to account for important
features influencing following crops. The increasing shift to notill farming with controlled traffic systems using satellite
guidance systems is likely to preserve structural and biological
changes induced by preceding crops. Novel approaches such as
the use of cryo-scanning electron microscopy in which the soil and
roots within it are frozen to facilitate detailed examination of
root–soil interactions in an undisturbed state (McCully et al.,
2000) are revealing details of root–soil interactions not previously
seen (Fig. 2). Preliminary investigations of biopores in soils under
no-till canola-wheat systems reveal the longevity and close
association of previous root systems and their associated
organisms with roots of current crops. Closer examination of
roots in intact field soils are revealing important interactions
between roots, soil structure and rhizosphere biology which can
influence plant growth. For example Watt et al. (2003) have
Fig. 2. Cryo-SEM image of (A) a wheat root 1 month after harvest, in close
association with a root of a previous canola crop (B) within a structural biopore at a
depth of 60 cm. Cryo-SEM allows visualisation of such intact associations of soil
structure, biology and roots in field-grown samples providing insights which are
lost in disturbed samples. Note residual root hairs extending from the old canola
root to the biopore wall (at least 12 months since crop harvest), and the new wheat
root emerging from, and in close association with the remnants of the old canola
root. Recent estimates suggest 40–80% of subsoil roots are confined to these
biopores (Image M McCully CSIRO Plant Industry, Canberra Australia).
recently shown that DRB can build up on the roots tips of wheat
growing slowly in high strength, no-till soil, a limitation which
can be removed by cultivation or fumigation. More than 50% of the
root system of wheat crops has been shown to be in direct contact
with the roots of previous crops (Watt et al., 2005) and new DNA
and microscopy techniques have shown that this contact has a
significant influence on the types of rhizosphere organisms which
are present along the roots of the current crop (Watt et al., 2006b).
Thus although current evidence for impacts of break crops via soil
structural or biological changes is limited, new approaches to
study crop roots in intact field soil may reveal some of the
mechanisms responsible for inexplicable ‘‘rotation effects’’
particularly in modern, no-till, controlled traffic farming systems,
where the intimate contact between the roots of successive crops
in a sequence (as depicted in Fig. 2) is increased.
7. Allelopathy, weeds and herbicide residues
Here we confine our definition of allelopathy to the impacts of
phytotoxic substances released either directly from, or during the
decomposition of prior crop residues. Several studies in different
countries have shown that retained stubbles from a range of crops
can reduce yield of following wheat crops (e.g. Purvis, 1990),
although doubt remains regarding the role of allelopathy in these
observations. Much of the supporting research utilises laboratorybased assays of germination or seedling growth upon exposure to
stubble leachates extracted under conditions with little or no
relation to field conditions (Leather and Einhellig, 1986) and while
these studies confirm that phytotoxic phenolic and short chain
aliphatic acids can be extracted from decomposing residues (Tang
and Waiss, 1978), few studies clearly link these compounds with
crop response in the field. Gubbels and Kenaschuk (1989) clearly
demonstrated the temporary nature of phytotoxic water-soluble
compounds associated with killed volunteer canola and barley
seedlings in Canada and their potential impacts on subsequent
crops. The potential impact of short-term application of phydroxybenzoic acid to spring barley was demonstrated by
Christen and Lovett (1993) causing yield reductions up to 20%.
Sieling et al. (2005) used a Lemna bioassay on soil extracts from
different crop sequences to suggest a possible role for allelochemicals in reduced growth of wheat in a wheat–wheat sequence,
however other causes could not be ruled out. Allelopathy remains a
plausible mechanism by which previous crops may influence
wheat growth, but the challenge remains to definitively separate
and quantify allelopathic effects from other impacts of retained
residues in the field including increases in soil-borne pathogens
(Cook and Hagland, 1991), or the changes in the microclimate of
emerging seedlings (Bruce et al., 2006).
Weed control considerations strongly determine crop sequence
choices for primary producers in many farming systems;
particularly where resistance to herbicides has developed. There
is no doubt that weeds within or following preceding crops can
affect following cereal crops via hosting of common diseases, or
utilisation of water and nutrients (Stevenson and van Kessel,
1996). In most small-plot experiments weeds are carefully
controlled to avoid their confounding effects on crop response,
however at a paddock scale where such complete weed control is
rarely economic, they are likely to play a significant role. Recently
it has also become apparent that the residual herbicides applied to
control weeds in different break crops may influence subsequent
cereal crops, a phenomenon which is primarily influenced by the
seasonal effects on herbicide break-down rates and on soil pH. For
example triazine herbicides applied to lupin or canola crops can
persist on alkaline soils, especially if there is a late start to the
season reducing opportunities for break down. Imidazolinone
tolerant (IT) canola varieties also present residue issues on acid
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soils in seasons with less than 250 mm rainfall as the herbicide
requires soil moisture to facilitate microbial breakdown.
8. The ‘‘rotation’’ effect
Although in some studies the impacts of the key issues such as
disease, water and N nutrition adequately account for break crop
benefits (Cook, 1990; Kirkegaard et al., 2001), many other studies
failed to identify the source of significant benefits, referring to a
‘‘rotation effect’’ as depicted in Fig. 1 as ‘‘R’’. The previous sections
of this review highlight the fact that in many cases, these
inexplicable effects may simply be a result of straightforward but
unmeasured parameters, as few studies are able to monitor all
diseases, all nutrients, the water balance or their interactions.
Often the impacts on the following wheat crop occur in transient
but additive ways which defy measurement in many agronomic
field studies. In other cases, measured parameters such as soil
structure or allelopathy provide plausible explanations for some
crop responses, but may involve indirect measurements which are
poorly correlated with plant response in the field. In this regard,
farming systems research embracing multidisciplinary approaches
in the investigation of crop sequence is likely to provide useful
information on interactions of well understood biological process,
while new techniques which focus on field-based assessments of
less well defined changes in soil biology, structure and allelochemicals will continue to shed light on these mechanisms.
9. Environmental benefits of break crops
There are several potential environmental benefits arising from
integrating appropriate break crops into the farming system, and in
many cases these occur together with the grain yield and quality
benefits already discussed. In semi-arid systems, in which the
break crop is introduced to replace fallow, the major benefits arise
in the more efficient use of water, reduced risk of deep drainage,
maintenance of soil cover and reduced erosion risk (Tanaka et al.,
1997; Johnston et al., 2002). Foremost among the benefits in wetter
areas are the improved nutrient (existing and applied) and water
use efficiency arising from the lower levels of crop disease (Cook,
1986). Deeper and healthier root systems of more vigorous wheat
crops following break crops use around 20–30 mm more water and
30–40 kg/ha N from the subsoil below 1 m, reducing the risk of
deep drainage and N leaching and the resultant salinisation and
acidification risk as well as improving efficiency of fertiliser
nitrogen use (Kirkegaard et al., 1994; Angus et al., 2001). Break
crops also facilitate the adoption of conservation farming systems
as they do not carry-over stubble-borne diseases, and the residual
stubble loads are generally lower than cereals which presents
fewer problems for the sowing operations of following crops. Some
break crops may leave very low residue levels (e.g. field pea) which
can increase the risk of wind or water erosion particularly if grazed
by sheep. The N benefits of legume break crops are often
considered to constitute an environmental benefit in that they
replace an N input (fertiliser) which must otherwise be sourced
from non-renewable resources (Evans et al., 2001). Conversely,
rapid mineralisation of legume N can pose a risk of groundwater
pollution if not synchronised with crop demand, an outcome
potentially under more control for fertiliser N sources. Several
recent comprehensive reviews have considered the relative
environmental benefits of N derived from legumes with that
derived from N fertiliser with respect to a range of issues including
energy demand, global warming, and various N-loss processes
(Crews and Peoples, 2004; Lemke et al., 2007; Peoples et al., 2008).
In general it appears the major environmental benefit of legumederived N compared with fertiliser N in rain-fed farming systems
derives from a more favourable energy balance, as loss processes
and greenhouse gas emissions are similar or only marginally
different between the two N sources. Of more obvious importance
is the considerable scope to improve the efficiency of use from both
N-sources at the farm scale from the 40% to 50% currently achieved
to the 80% often reported in small-scale research plots (Peoples
et al., 2008). In some farming systems, break crops can also have
unforseen environmental benefits. For example the introduction of
canola into the mixed farming systems on acidic soils of south
eastern Australia also brought with it an unexpected benefit in the
fight against soil acidity, the most serious threat to sustainable
production in that area. Liming was essential for the successful
growth of canola, and the crop response paid for the lime in the
same year providing a longer term benefit to the farming system as
a whole. Increasing soil pH also facilitated better growth and
establishment of lucerne into the farming system which provides
more effective whole-of-rotation water use. Although in general,
most broadleaf break crops require greater application of a range of
pesticides than wheat, the potential environmental threats posed
by these chemicals seem to be minor when compared with the
combined immediate threats of acidity, salinity, inefficient N use
and soil erosion, which typify poorly managed cereal monocultures in some areas.
10. Scaling issues and adoption
Much of the knowledge regarding break crop benefits has come
from replicated field experiments using small plots. Some studies
have investigated how well this translates to responses at a
paddock scale. In a Canadian study, Bourgeois and Entz (1996)
investigated the effect of previous crops on wheat yield using
appropriate analysis of a crop database for the years 1982–1993.
Wheat yield was increased by preceding flax (16%), pea (11%) and
canola crops (8%) compared to wheat after wheat or barley and the
overall responses suggested that rotational benefits recorded in
small-plot rotation trials are also observed in commercial
paddocks. Similar paddock-scale database analysis in Australia
by Mead (1992) also reflected the trends in responses observed in
smaller experimental plots. Exceptions to this observation may
arise where wind-borne fungal diseases, which may spread easily
within small plots, are a key driver of the yield response. For
example Stevenson and van Kessel (1996) showed that there was
a 17% greater response of wheat to a preceding pea crop at a
landscape scale than at the small-plot scale, partly due to the
involvement of a Septoria leaf disease complex which spread
more readily between different treatments in the small-plot
The list of potential impacts of crop sequence on crop
performance and sustainability make the task of planning
optimum crop sequences formidable, and suggest a role for
computer-based decision support systems. Although the use of
information technology by producers to date has been modest,
changing circumstances will increase the producers demand for
products supporting their management practices, particularly if it
is economically beneficial (Thysen, 2000). Programs have been
developed to generate possible crop rotations to support sustainable small-holder farming systems in southern Uruguay (Dogliotti
et al., 2003), and a system was also designed to help producers
select the best combination of crops for dryland farming in
Australia (Tennakoon and Bell, 1998). Recently, researchers
produced a crop sequence calculator (CSC) for producers in the
northern Great Plains of the USA (Fehmi et al., 2001; Krupinsky
et al., 2003, available at The
CSC requires only basic computer knowledge and can present the
short-term experimental crop production effects of the 10 crops
grown in any 2-year combination. Once the previous crop (residue
producing crop) and the expected crop are entered, summary
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J. Kirkegaard et al. / Field Crops Research 107 (2008) 185–195
statements appear for crop production, economics, plant diseases,
soil water, weeds, soil surface properties, and insects. Supplemental information, including photographs of weeds, plant
diseases, and insects is easily accessed. The distribution of over
9000 copies indicates that this technology fulfills a substantial
need for integrated information within the agricultural community. However the transferability of these decision aids, and the
inevitable variation in crop responses discussed throughout this
review (and exemplified in Table 1 and Fig. 1), highlight the
challenge in developing reliable and robust decision aids for
cropping sequence advice which can be applied in a paddockspecific way. At a broader scale, assessing the impact of crop
sequence and other management decisions on aspects of wholefarm operations and off-site effects is an emerging field in
agronomy (Christen, 1999). Some approaches are more focused
on the effect of farming systems on pesticide use and biodiversity
(Reus et al., 2002) or soil conditions (Sands and Podmore, 2000)
while other systems try to incorporate diverse aspects such as
energy and material flows as well as nutrient balances and effects
on fauna, flora and soil conditions (Kalk et al., 1998; Hülsbergen
et al., 2001; Christen and Hülsbergen, 2003). The consideration of
interactions among various indicators used for optimisation at the
farm level is crucial in these systems as in the REPRO approach
developed at the university of Halle-Wittenberg (Hülsbergen et al.,
2001). For example, if the indicator ‘‘nitrogen balance’’ gives a high
positive result, the solution to apply less nitrogen may be
inappropriate if the high nitrogen balance is the result of low
yield caused by suboptimal application of pesticides. The correct
action would be to improve pesticide management rather than
reduce N use. If the optimisation of husbandry, fertilizer or
pesticide management at the farm level is the target, such
interactions must be considered. Thus, at paddock, whole-farm
and regional scales computer-assisted technologies can provide
insights to assist decision making, but cannot replace the need for
considerable interpretation of specific circumstances by experienced locals.
Recent economic analysis in both Australia and North America
suggest that adoption of more diverse and dynamic crop sequences
including cereal and pulse crops can contribute to higher and more
stable net farm income despite a requirement for increased
expenditures on purchased inputs (Zentner et al., 2002). The good
economic performance results from production of higher-valued
crop types (which can more than offset the higher production
costs) and the break crop benefits that often accompany the mixed
cropping systems. Diversified crop sequences showed good
economic and risk performance under most price scenarios and
where relevant, are compliant with Government farm policies.
Further adoption may be limited by markets and/or low or variable
prices for oilseeds and pulses, or a lack of suitable adapted break
crop species for some of the areas where cereal monoculture
remains the most viable production system.
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