Journal of Biomechanics 43 (2010) 349–354
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Stress relaxation microscopy: Imaging local stress in cells
Susana Moreno-Flores a, Rafael Benitez b, Maria dM Vivanco c, Jose Luis Toca-Herrera a,
Biosurfaces unit, CIC BiomaGUNE, Paseo Miramón 182, 20009 San Sebastia n-Donostia, Spain
Department of Mathematics, Centro Universitario de Plasencia, Universidad de Extremadura, Avda. Virgen del Puerto 2, 10600 Plasencia, Spain
Cell Biology & Stem Cells Unit, CIC BioGUNE, Parque tecnológico de Bizkaia, Ed. 801A, 48160 Derio, Spain
a r t i c l e in fo
Article history:
Accepted 21 July 2009
Biomechanics is gaining relevance as complementary discipline to structural and cellular biology. The
response of cells to mechanical stimuli determines cell type and function, while the spatial distribution
of mechanical forces within the cells is crucial to understand cell activity. The experimental
methodologies to approach cell mechanics are diverse but either they are effective in few cases or
they rule out the innate cell complexity. In this regard, we have developed a simple scanning probebased methodology that overcomes the limitations of the available methods. Stress relaxation, the
decay of the force exerted by the cell surface at constant deformation, has been used to extract
relaxational responses at each cellular sublocalisation and generate maps. Surprisingly, decay curves
exerted by test cells are fully described by a generalized viscoelastic model that accounts for more than
one simultaneously occurring relaxations. Within the range of applied forces (0.5–4 nN) a slow and a
fast relaxation with characteristic times of 0.1 and 1 s have been detected and assigned to
rearrangements of cell membrane and cytoskeleton, respectively. Relaxation time mapping of entire
cells is thus promising to simultaneously detect non-uniformities in membrane and cytoskeleton and as
identifying tool for cell type and disease.
& 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Atomic force microscopy
Mechanical properties
Stress relaxation
1. Introduction
Cell biomechanics is becoming a diagnostic tool in cell biology.
Cell response to mechanical stimuli are distinctive of cell type
(Elson, 1998), cell function (Huang et al., 2004) and cell damage
(Rotsch and Radmacher, 2000) and are believed to be strongly
dependent on the cytoskeleton (Elson, 1998). Structural proteins
such as keratins especially confer mechanical resistance on
epithelial cells (Coulombe and Omary, 2002); human diseases
like most of the haemolytic anemias and cirrhosis are associated
with elasticity loss in red blood cells and hepatocytes, respectively. Additionally, carcinoma cells exhibit anomalous compressibility or elasticity when compared to healthy cells of the same
type (Wu et al., 2000; Darling et al., 2007; Li et al., 2008).
Few are the ways to impose a mechanical stimulus to a cell and
observe its response: In the so-called transient experiments
sudden stress induces creep in cells that can be monitored using
optical microscopy. Based on that, techniques such as micropipette aspiration (Hochmuth, 2000) and microplate manipulation
(Thoumine and Ott, 1997) are particularly relevant in the study of
whole-cell creep mechanics of non-adherent, light-adherent or
suspended cells. Additionally, dynamic shear stress induces
Corresponding author. Tel.: + 34 943 00 53 13; fax: + 34 943 00 53 01.
E-mail address: (J.L. Toca-Herrera).
0021-9290/$ - see front matter & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
time-dependent deformations that can be detected in microrheology (i.e. dynamic) experiments. In this case, laser-track
(Yamada et al., 2000) and magnetic probe-based (Valberg and
Albertini, 1985; Bausch et al., 1998) techniques allow studying the
viscoelasticity of the intracellular space and the cell surface by
monitoring the displacement of internalized and surface-attached
microparticles, respectively.
Of all the different techniques currently available to test cell
response to mechanical stimuli, the cell poker (Petersen et al.,
1982) and scanning probe (SP) based-force spectroscopy
(Weisenhorn et al., 1993) are most suitable to study the local
behaviour on adherent cell surfaces and tissues (Huang et al.,
2004). Deformation and stress are applied normal to the cell
surface either with a microsized glass stylus or a submicro-sized
silicon (nitride) tip positioned at a certain location. Due to the
smaller tip size, the SP-based technique provides better spatial
resolution and has been mainly applied to the study of the elastic
stress–strain behaviour of cells and the obtention of elastic
moduli (Butt et al., 2005). However, modelling has been greatly
restricted in these cases. Except for SP-based microrheological
studies (Alcaraz et al., 2003), cells have been conceived as purely
elastic, homogeneous materials that are subjected to small (10–
100 nm), sudden deformations. Typical probing areas are submicrometer-sized, which questions the validity of cells being
homogeneous bodies normal to and along the cell surface. The
scanning probe can sense various cell components, especially at
S. Moreno-Flores et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 43 (2010) 349–354
high deformations. All these components (cell membrane, actin
cortex, other cytoskeletal components) may respond differently to
probe-induced stimuli. Additionally, probing the cell at different
locations provides information on the lateral distribution of
mechanical responses, which may in turn differ (Radmacher et
al., 1996).
In this work we describe an SP-based imaging methodology,
denoted as stress relaxation microscopy (STREM) that generates
stress relaxation maps of complete cells, which have been
subjected to larger range of deformations than those reported to
date. Our data analysis, in contrast to previously reported stress
relaxation assays (Darling et al., 2007; Okajima et al., 2007) takes
into account both cell three-dimensional heterogeneity and cell
viscoelasticity. To test our method, we have used human breast
cancer cells (MCF-7). This epithelial breast adenocarcinoma cell
line is one of the most frequently used model systems to study
breast cancer. The MCF-7 cell line was derived from a pleural
effusion of a patient with metastatic breast cancer (Levenson and
Jordan, 1997), however, this line normally does not metastasize.
The relaxation of the force exerted by MCF-7 cells on SPcantilevers after the application of a sudden deformation has
been characterized within a wide range of applied deformations
and cell locations. A multicomponent viscoelastic model has been
used to interpret the data, to extract mechanical properties and to
correlate the latter to cell topology.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Sample preparation
MCF-7 cells were grown at 37 1C and 5% CO2 in Dulbecco’s modified eagle
medium (DMEM, Sigma) supplemented with 8% fetal bovine serum (FBS, Sigma),
2% 200 mM L-glutamine, 0.4% penicilline/streptomicine (PEN/STREP, Sigma). For
force measurements, the cells were subcultured on borosilicate glass coverslips
(diameter 24 mm and 0.16 mm thickness) at a density of 25, 15 and 10 K/ml and left
to incubate for 1, 2 and 3 days, respectively. Prior to force measurements, the cells
were washed in CO2-independent cell medium (Leibowitz medium, L15, Sigma)
and measured in the same medium at 37 1C.
2.2. Force–time curves
Measurements were carried out on different cell clusters for the same sample
with a Nanowizard II (JPK Instruments, Germany) coupled with a transmission
optical microscope (Axio Observer D1 Zeiss, Germany). Gold backside coated SiN
cantilevers of nominal spring constant of 0.006 N/m (MLCT, Veeco Instr., USA) were
used for both cell imaging and force measurements. The cantilevers were
previously cleaned in acetone and ethanol to remove impurities and their actual
spring constants that ranged from 0.01 to 0.019 N/m, were evaluated in air by the
thermal method. The cell-coated glass substrates were then mounted in a lowvolume cell incubator (Biocell, JPK Instruments, Germany), with 400 ml of L15 cell
medium and thermalized at 37 1C. Individual force–time curves were recorded on
each of the 2–8 cell clusters at a speed of 5 mm/s and at maximum loads of 0.5, 1, 2,
3 and 4 nN and at least two different cell positions. Application of loads higher
4 nN did not guarantee cell resistance in all cases. Force relaxation was registered
at constant height mode, where the contact time was set to 2 s. Together with the
force relaxation, approach and withdrawal curves were also obtained. For STREM,
the evaluated area was divided either in 25 25 or 30 30 pixels and in each pixel
a force–time curve was registered. The maximum load for mapping was kept
constant to 2 nN, the rate and the contact time set to 5 mm/s and 2 s, respectively.
To obtain a STREM map takes approximately 90 min under these conditions. In all
cases, optical micrographs of the cells were taken before and after the experiment
to rule out the possible tip-induced cell damage.
2.3. Force curve analysis
Individual force–time curves were analysed using an own-deviced Matlabs
routine. First of all the force–time curves are tilt-corrected to compensate baseline
drift. The fitting range is automatically selected from the time derivative of the
piezo displacement, which is approximately zero in the force-relaxation range
(constant piezo position with time). The corresponding force curve is fitted to a
double exponential using the Levenberg–Marquart algorithm. Deformations are
calculated from the difference between the piezodrive positions of the contact
point and the maximum load of the force curve on the cell. The difference is then
corrected by subtracting the displacement of the cantilever against the hard
substrate for the same maximum load. The contact point is identified from
corrected force curves in the force–displacement representation as the smallest
displacement where the derivative of the force is no longer negative (baseline
points fluctuate around zero force with positive and negative derivatives). The
identification is in most cases easy, except for a few cases where the tilt-correction
of the baseline was not appropriately done and manual identification was required.
Manual identification of the contact point as the baseline end presented no
problems. STREM maps are also obtained from an own deviced Matlabs routine
that implements the individual force curve analysis. The analysis results of each
curve (normal tension decay, the cell deformation and the relaxation time during
contact time) are stored together with the offset position (the space position at
which it was performed) and plotted as coloured scale pixel.
3. Results
3.1. Force–time curves—compressive force relaxation curves
We have registered as a function of time the force exerted by
MCF-7 cells (Fig. 1a) on the SP cantilever during tip approach, tipcell contact, and tip withdrawal (Fig. 1b). At t0 starts the contact
time, which is the time when the tip remains in contact with the
cell, and the force steadily decreases with time from an initial
value (the maximum load, see Fig. 1b). The force eventually
reaches a plateau if contact is maintained sufficiently long (curve
1 in Fig. 1b). This observed force decay is symptomatic of probing
non-elastic bodies, in opposition to purely elastic ones like the
glass substrate, which does not exhibit such behaviour (curve 2 in
Fig. 1b). We have additionally observed that the force–time
dependence in MCF-7 cells – under the studied loads – obeys a
double-exponential decay (dashed line in Fig. 1b).
An exponential force decay is the typical relaxation response of
certain linear, isotropic viscoelastic bodies subjected to a constant
deformation (Riande et al., 2000). Soft biological tissues such as
kidney tissue or costal cartilage exhibit such behaviour (Mattice
et al., 2003; Jin and Lewis, 2004). According to the spring-dashpot
model developed by Maxwell, which consists of an elastic spring
connected in series with a viscous dashpot, a material characterized by a compressive elastic modulus E, and a viscosity Z exhibits
a force response to a sudden and constant deformation set at time
t0 that can be defined as follows:
F ¼ A exp
ðt t0 Þ
where A is the force amplitude of the relaxation and t the
relaxation time. This relation holds as long as both the deformation and the contact area (region of the material along which the
mechanical deformation is applied) are constant.1 Accordingly,
a generalized Maxwell model consisting of N parallely arranged Maxwell elements describes multiexponential decays in
Maxwell model predicts that the compressive modulus G depends with time
according to: G(t)= G exp( ((t t0)/t)), where G= s/e, being s the compressive
stress (force divided by contact area) and e the relative deformation. If both
deformation and contact area are constant, the time relation for the compressive
modulus also holds for the compressive force with the same relaxation time, t.
Though we do not have experimental evidence to confirm that this is the case in
our experiments, we can estimate the maximum change of deformation along the
contact time to be 7–12.9% and 3–6.7% of the total cytoplasmic and nuclear
instantaneous deformations, respectively. These values are calculated from
changes in the cantilever deflection (as obtained from the calibration curves
against a hard substrate) that would correspond to the force decays obtained at
constant height. As a first approximation we assume these changes to be small
enough to question the validity of linear viscoelastic theory.
S. Moreno-Flores et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 43 (2010) 349–354
force (nN)
time (s)
800 pN
Fig. 1. (a) Differential interference contrast (DIC) optical micrograph of a cluster of four MCF-7 cells where nuclear regions are distinguishable; (b) force–time curve
registered during tip approach (times smaller than t0), tip-cell contact (t0–4 s) and tip withdrawal (times longer than 4 s). Curves are performed on the nuclear region of one
of the MCF-7 cells (location depicted as 1 in Fig. 1a, curve 1) and on the glass substrate (location depicted as 2 in Fig. 1a, curve 2); (c) height SP micrograph of the same
cluster indicates that the maximum cell heights are attained on the nuclear regions (Z 5 mm) and (d) SP cantilever deflection micrograph showing the details of cytoskeletal
fibers at cell edges.
where A0 accounts for the instantaneous (purely elastic) response.
Each element thus contributes to the overall response as an
individual relaxational process. In our experiments the cantilever
position was kept constant during the contact time and the forces
and deformations are applied normal to the cell surface. Contact
area is assumed to be constant along with deformation.
Therefore the force change we register on cells during this time
is thus interpreted as force relaxation under constant compression
with N=2 simultaneously occurring processes. A1 and A2 are the
corresponding decay amplitudes and t1 and t2 their relaxation
times. On the glass substrate, no noticeable force relaxation is
detected and thus is characterized by zero decay amplitudes
(A1 = A2 =0).
amplitude of the force decay and the relaxation times are plotted
against the cell deformation (Fig. 2b) and the initial load (Fig. 2c),
The behaviour of the force decay-to-cell deformation differs on
the nuclear and cytoplasmic (i.e., perinuclear) regions of the cell.
Fig. 2b shows a linear dependence on both regions within the
range of maximum loads evaluated; however, the nuclear region
is prone to larger deformations than the perinuclear region, and
therefore the data of the former extends to higher deformation
values. Hence, force decay-to-cell deformation ratio (i.e., the
normal tension decay) is larger on the perinuclear region than on
the nuclear region, which denotes that this magnitude depends on
the subcellular localisation. Fig. 2c, shows that the fast and slow
relaxation times, t1 and t2, respectively, differ one order of
magnitude, t1 being in the range of 100 ms and t2 in the range of
seconds. Surprisingly their values neither depend substantially on
the maximum load applied nor on the subcellular localisation.
However, evaluating at random positions does not provide a
complete picture of the cell response, as we will show in the next
3.2. Dependence of the relaxation on maximum loads and
subcellular localisation
3.3. Mapping compressive force decays and relaxation times: STREM
When performing the experiments at different loads from 0.5
to 4 nN, the time dependence of the force during the contact time
always decays in a double-exponential fashion. Fig. 2a shows as
black traces the experimental curves performed on the nuclear
region of an MCF-7 cell and the corresponding double-exponential
fitting (red curves) according to Eq. (2). The quality of the fits is
good as can be seen in Fig. 2a, which allowed obtaining both the
overall amplitude of the force decay (A1 +A2) and the relaxation
times (t1 and t2) in each case. Analogous experiments on
the cytoplasmic region of the cells allowed comparison of
relaxational processes set at different subcellular localisations.
The result of this comparison is shown in Fig. 2b and c, where the
Magnitudes that can be extracted on each cellular location,
such as normal tension decays, t1 and t2, can be mapped to obtain
a three-dimensional view of the relaxational processes on the
complete cell surface. In this case, the maximum load applied is
unique for all positions, and force–time curves are taken while the
SP cantilever is step-scanning an individual cell or a cell cluster. As
an example, Fig. 3 shows STREM maps of two individual MCF-7
cells. The maximum load has been set equal to 2 nN, high enough
to clearly distinguish both relaxations and low enough to be
within the linear regime (see Fig. 2b) and ensure cell integrity.
Distribution of cell heights accounts for image contrast in Fig. 3a,
where nuclear regions appear thick and bulgy while perinuclear
heterogeneous materials as follows:
ðt t0 Þ
Ai exp
FðtÞ ¼ A0 þ
ti ¼
S. Moreno-Flores et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 43 (2010) 349–354
Fig. 2. (a) Force–time curves (black traces) on position 1 (see Fig. 1) at different maximum loads (0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 4 nN), the red curves being the double-exponential fittings.
Inset: viscoelastic model that consists of a spring connected in parallel with two Maxwell elements; (b) total force decay versus local deformation for two nuclear and two
cytoplasmic (perinuclear) regions of the same cell, the straight lines are fits to the experimental data and (c) relaxation times, t1 and t2, for those regions.
Fig. 3. Height (a) and STREM (b–d) images of individual MCF7 cells with the corresponding histograms. The height map is a distribution of heights at constant force (1 nN),
cell heights extend from 1 mm (perinuclear regions) to 5 mm (nuclear regions); (b) map and histogram of the ratio between force decay and deformation, the normal tension
decay; (c) map and histogram of the fast relaxation time; (d) map and histogram of the slow relaxation time. Histogram binning (i.e. width of columns) is comparable to the
parameter error. Black pixels outside the cells refer to substrate, where no relaxation or deformation occurs (no numbers associated).
regions appear flatter. Height SP micrographs (Fig. 1c) on MCF-7
clusters confirm this fact. The force decay amplitudes in Fig. 3b
have been divided by the cell deformation at each pixel to obtain
normal tension decays and to allow comparison between the
different cell localisations. Image contrast in Fig. 3b is thus
indicative of biomechanical disparity and it correlates with cell
morphology: the bulgy, nuclear regions of the cells exhibit larger
deformations and thus appear darker than the perinucleus.
Figs. 3c and d show maps of the fast (t1) and slow (t2) relax-
ation times, respectively. These measurements illustrate the
importance of mapping relaxation times of the whole cell in
opposition to the results shown in Fig. 2c, where measurements
were performed on a few cell locations. Fig. 2c would lead to the
erroneous conclusion that the cell time response is positionally
homogeneous. On the contrary Figs. 3c and d show the complexity
of the cell response, which is positionally non-homogeneous and
more comprehensively characterized by mapping and histograms.
We thus expect that a statistical description of the relaxational
S. Moreno-Flores et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 43 (2010) 349–354
behaviour in cells will be distinctive of the cell type and
4. Discussion
4.1. Overall force decay versus deformation
Overall force decay depends linearly on cell deformation in
both nuclear and perinuclear regions (Fig. 2b). However, the
perinuclear region is usually less compliant to deformation than
the nuclear region (Weisenhorn et al., 1993; Radmacher et al.,
1996), that is also observed in our experiments. Therefore the
normal tension decay (A1 + A2)/Dl (Waugh and Evans, 1976), the
slope of the overall force decay versus deformation, depends on
subcellular localisation. On perinuclear regions, the slopes are
approximately twice as much as those obtained on nuclear
regions2 (Fig. 2b). This numerical discrepancy may be strongly
linked to the relative higher compressibility of the nuclear region
in comparison to the perinuclear. The former has a higher content
of intracellular fluid and the volume density of cytoskeletal fibers
is lower than on the perinucleus, which accounts for its higher
compressibility. Mapping normal tension decays on a complete
cell is thus most illustrative of cell morphology and response
distributions (Fig. 3b).
4.2. Bi-exponential decay: possible reasons
The observed biexponential decay may have two possible
reasons. Upon cell compression, compressive and shear forces
may occur, which result in two relaxational processes if
decoupled. Alternatively, it is reasonable to expect that two
relaxations may also account for probing two different cell
Let us first consider the first case. Our probe has a pyramidal
shape. On contacting the cell, the local cell shape may be
deformed around the pyramidal tip. In this case, indentation
would take place and both compressive and shear deformations
occur upon the contact area that extends beyond the apex of the
tip (compressive) to the pyramidal sides (shear). Hence both
compressive and shear forces would contribute to the detected
relaxation. The two relaxational processes found may thus
account for the existence of these two types of forces:
ðt t0 Þ
FðtÞ A0 ¼ Fcompressive ðtÞ þ Fshear ðtÞ ¼ Acompressive exp
ðt t0 Þ
þ Ashear exp
each one characterized by a decay amplitude and a relaxation
time. In this case, the contribution (i.e., amplitudes) of these two
terms to the overall force decay should certainly depend on probe
geometry. A pyramidal-nanosized tip indents more than a
microsized spherical colloid and therefore should induce a higher
shear force. The contribution of the second term in Eq. (3) to the
overall force decay, A*shear =Ashear/(Atcompressive +Ashear), should thus
be greater in the case of a pyramidal probe than in the case of a
colloidal probe. In other words, A*shear should be larger for tips
than for colloids and (A*shear)(tip)/(A*shear)(colloid) larger than one,
irrespectively of the applied load. In our experiments we obtain
two amplitudes, A*1 =A1/(A1 + A2) and A*2 =A2/(A1 + A2), which cannot
a priori be attributed to shear or compressive force decays. We
The slopes on the nuclear region are 1.207 0.07 and 0.93 7 0.06 mN/m and
on the perinuclear region the slopes amount to 2.77 0.1 and 2.017 0.2 mN/m.
Fig. 4. Force decay amplitude ratios for different probe geometries. Tip: silicon
nitride square pyramids with 101 7 11 nm apex radius (measured by scanning
electron microscopy, SEM). Colloid: silicon bead of 8 mm diameter (also measured
by SEM). The magnitude A*i (i= 1,2) refers to the ratio Ai/(A1 + A2). Within the
experimental error both amplitude ratios are indistinguishable from one another.
The experiments were performed on the nuclear area of MCF-7 cells. Results show
statistical averages from 13 (pyramidal tip) and 10 (colloidal probe) cells.
thus performed stress relaxation experiments with pyramidal and
colloidal tips on nuclei of MCF-7 cells and plotted (A*1)(tip)/
(A*1)(colloid) and (A*2)(tip)/(A*2)(colloid) as a function of the applied load
(Fig. 4). The results show that, within the experimental error, the
calculated ratios are close to one, meaning no difference in the
contributions to the overall force decay. The biexponential decay
is therefore not due to the existence of decoupled shear and
compressive relaxational processes.
In the second case, when shear relaxation does not occur or
cannot be decoupled from compressive relaxation, the two
observed decays may account for relaxational processes in two
different cell environments and thus the equation has the
following form:
ðt t0 Þ
FðtÞ A0 ¼ Fcc1 ðtÞ þFcc2 ðtÞ ¼ Acc1 exp
þ Acc2 exp
ðt t0 Þ
where cc1 and cc2 stand for cell component 1 and 2, respectively.
The time scale of the fast relaxation process in our experiments, t1,
lies between 0.1 and 0.3 s, which greatly resembles the response
times of red cell membranes (Waugh and Evans, 1976) and of
macrophages (t = 0.218 s) (Bausch et al., 1999).
The slow relaxation, t2, is of the order of seconds, which is
within the time scale of cytoskeletal rearrangements (Theret et al.,
1998; Yamada et al., 2000). Assigning the fast and slow
relaxations to membrane and cytoskeletal responses may be ad
hoc; however it agrees with the fact that both relaxations proceed
with similar time scales on both nuclear and perinuclear regions
of the cell (Fig. 2c). The two outermost components that
completely surround the cell are the cell membrane and the
cytoskeletal cortex (Alberts et al., 1994; Anathakrishnan et al.,
2006) that are most likely sensed by the scanning probe. STREM
images show that it is possible to exploit the capabilities of the
scanning probe technique to address local mechanical processes
within the cell and obtain relaxation maps. The values of t1 and t2
are similar along their surface, though not identical. Nonuniformities in the relaxation time maps appear randomly
distributed in the case of the t1 map, which may reflect the
S. Moreno-Flores et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 43 (2010) 349–354
structural heterogeneity of the cell surface. In this regard, the
presented methodology could provide, at higher lateral resolution
local structural ‘‘anomalies’’ on the cell surface (e.g., protein
clusters, gap junctions or local adhesion points) (Plattner and
Hentschel, 2006). In the t2 map a double distribution of relaxation
times was easily observed, the higher values are mainly found in
the regions close to the cell edges, where the volume density of
fibers are high (see Fig. 1d). STREM can thus provide access to
regions within the cell characterized by distinct time responses.
5. Conclusions
We have developed an alternative, SP-based methodology,
which provides access to maps of local mechanical parameters
and allows characterizing complete cells. We have used the MCF-7
cell line as a model system to which we have applied local
deformations with an SP cantilever. The force decay has been fully
characterized as a function of time. MCF7 cells relax according to
two simultaneously occurring processes that may involve cell
membrane and cytoskeletal rearrangements. Our work illustrates
the importance of STREM mapping in the biomechanical characterization of cells. Thorough mapping of normal tension decays
and time relaxations of complete cells can provide a comprehensive view of the complexity of cell relaxational biomechanics and
eases to link the local mechanical behaviour with cell morphology. As a matter of fact, STREM could be a potential tool to localise
gap-junctions and caveolae in invitro cells.
The authors envisage STREM as a developing technique with
wide applicability though it requires refinement. The influence of
the elasticity of the scanning probe on the observed relaxations is
still an open question. Diagnosing cell activity and dysfunction are
among the biomedical applications of STREM, although its utility
is not restricted to cells. (Bio)polymer films and scaffolds,
liposomes and tissue among others are also viscoelastic materials
that can be fully characterized by this method.
Conflict of interest statement
This letter is to confirm that the authors of the manuscript
entitled Stress Relaxation Microscopy: Imaging Local Stress In
Cells does not have any conflict of interest.
The authors thank Verónica Saravia for technical assistance in
the experiments with colloidal probes and also to Marco Piva for
help with cell culture. We additionally thank Dr. Francisco J. del
Castillo, Dr. Kathrin Melzak and Prof. Helmuth Möhwald for
reading and useful comments. SMF, MdMV and JLTH thank the
ETORTEK programme of the Basque Government for financial
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