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2007, … Journalism Review
23 pages
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Recent advances in electrical & electronic engineering, 2023
His research interests include the modeling and control of dynamic systems. Prof. Kocijan is a Senior Member of the IEEE Control Systems Society, and a Member of SLOSIM-Slovenian Society for Simulation and Modelling and Automatic control society of Slovenia.
Foucault Studies, 2023
NCDs are, for example, cancer, heart diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes. These are statistically shown to be the leading cause of death in the world. By 'attacking' these, the assumption is that by better managing these conditions, the risk from COVID-19 will be reduced. pandemic; an empirical calculus of the threat of infection, illness and death for individuals. But these analyses ignore an even wider context -the politics of life -espoused through reactions to the accentuated assemblage of threats. The dissemination of scientific expertise, but also questioning thereof, brought fundamental aspects of biopolitics to the surface and made them visible in the old, renewed and innovative responses to what became known as 'the pandemic'. The contributions in this special issue draw attention to this wider biopolitical context and show how much more than just the virus was implicated during and after the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic, (or syndemic), has attracted rich debate on how life could and should be best ordered and vitalized in practice -'managing the virus is about managing people' 5 and interspecies relations. It is also a debate that has renewed theoretical interest in Foucauldian biopolitics, reaching scholars who were previously unfamiliar with the biologization of life and its changing historical expressions. Similar to previous cases of epidemic and pandemic threats, knowledge about the outbreak in 2020 mainly targeted human connectivity conceived as a matter of life and death. And when threats in any form rapidly flow through the population, so does the quest for new knowledge coupled with innovative ways of governing oneself and others. Depending on geographical positions and epidemiological preferences, the regulation of life via science, statistics and responsibility did, with COVID-19, not only diffuse logistically, motivated by biological longevity with racist implications, 6 but also opened up for ideas of future bodies and an expanded administration of life on a planetary scale. If the 'right to health' 7 originally demanded biopolitical intervention in the form of novel technologies of power that were flexible, economical and alluring enough, responses to COVID-19 have been suggested to permeate both discipline and sovereignty to remould and enforce them anew. 8 In India, for example, the government response often sought to victimize the poor, 9 and migrant workers became the necessary casualties in the effort to portray the impression of quick and 'strong' leadership. The migrants were forced to walk back home, to a domestic sphere, often hundreds of miles, going unfed and untreated during the hurriedly imposed lockdown. 10 Some of them were killed by heavy vehicles while walking, and how many 5
Journal of Dermatological Treatment, 1994
Memories from the Detached Lands. Soviet Forceful Resettlement policy in the Eyes of the Chechens, Ingush and Khevsurs (1940 -50s) lo"1l'jj,:lil'. liI"l r" ""e..uruon , naionar poLry ohard\ dJrreFnr e.rru(irie" ano e.p\ia y ro_(etur rpsetrkrpnr5 arFSpnerauy drlra(rive and popula opics tor -Fseucn rhh papFr tow;vp: fo cuses on ths leseFt(noM cases witiin rhe broader conrut, or U,. "*!", ",,.^ioing ,p"rin."[yir,. l1.j:3 ::::,ll'*l *o:,""ces o, Lhe Kr,"vsu*. ceo,$an noun diree6.,0.h" rowkn;" orc,;,sk. arq mernecnen ar d {ne rngush peopte5. who were depofled ro lne cenrral A.ian r"pubLic. o"tuzJdstan and &agyrsran. While the officiat Sovier discou|se on rcsetu€menr was pr€donhantly propagand_ isuc, this research aims to shed tight on |he nnoftcial Nstori* una ,ntota ,toriu, r., jn "inig"" emtions of fte (hevsus, Chechens and rhe rngxsh sy anat),sing orat hhtortes Ltis researctr presLts expenences or extle of these $oups, unvejung thejr complex generational memories of trama and changs in Ife. xeywords: sovlet 1jme, soviet forceirl rcsettlement, resetrlem€nt haurna, resettlenenr historJl sovjet
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Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2023
American Journal of Modern Physics, 2017
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The use of environmental, social and governance indicators as business strategies (Atena Editora), 2024
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Revista Científica y Tecnológica UPSE, 2015
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Genome-scale metabolic model analysis of Pichia pastoris for enhancing the production of S-adenosyl-l-methionine, 2023
Advances in Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering, 2008
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