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This research paper explores the multifaceted dimensions of human health and disease, emphasizing the interplay of ecological, cultural, and nutritional factors as primary determinants. It highlights the importance of understanding these interactions for advancing human development and its relevance across various disciplines, including anthropology, medicine, epidemiology, and sociology. Featuring 22 contributions, the paper aims to engage a broad audience in examining the significant implications of health and disease in diverse contexts.
Man in India
v 5. The food security of Samin people were analyzed using HDDS and HFIAS. HDDS analysis showed that Samin people in Blora had significantly food secure compared to Samin community in Kudus-Pati. 65.4% of Samin Community in Blora had high dietary diversity score while only 35.3% of Samin Community in Kudus-Pati who had high dietary diversity score. In the other hand, the HFIAS analysis showed there were no significant difference regarding food security in both community. Although Blora was slightly food secure compared to Kudus. 6. a) The children of Samin Community in Blora had significantly better nutrients intake compared to those in Kudus-Pati. The average energy and protein intake of children in Blora were 793 kkal and 23.6 g while the average intake in Kudus-Pati were 625 kkal and 17.7g respectively. The average intake of vitamin A, iron, and calcium in Blora were 550 RE, 5.9 mg, and 310 mg respectively, which was higher compared to Kudus-Pati in which the average intake of those nutrients were 360 RE, 4.2 mg, and 201 mg. The children from Blora community also had better nutrient adequacy level compared to those in Kudus-Pati; and b) The nutritional status of children in samin Community in Blora was also better compared to Kudus-Pati. Those in Blora had an average of 15.3 cm MUAC compared to 13.4 cm in Kudus-Pati. Regarding WAZ, Children from Samin community in Blora also showed better status. 76.9% of children in Blora had normal nutritional status and only 11.5% of them were severely underweight. In Kudus-Pati 51.5 of the children had normal nutritional status based WAZ but the severly underweight children reached 20.6%. 7. a) URTI, fever, and diarrhea were the infectious disease that mostly suffered by Samin children. The result showed that the children in samin community in Blora had worse health status due to the the poor sanitation practices; b) URTI was the infectious disease that mostly suffered by the mother. 28.8% of the mother in Samin Community Blora suffered from URTI while only 16.2% of the mother in Kudus-Pati who suffered from URTI. Helminthiasis was also found in 2 mothers from Kudus-Pati community; c) The prevalence of mother who suffered from non infectious disease was very low. Gout artithis was only found in 1 mother in Kudus-Pati and Hypertension was only found in 2 mothers in Blora; and d) The ante natal care practices in both community was already good. Majority of the mothers performed ante natal visit to midwives. Based on the findings presented above, dietary diversity will lead to household food security. It is important to increase awareness regarding this matter since it will also lead to better health and nutritional status. Education can also be a media to improve mothers" knowledge on nutrition, because mothers play important role to generate children with better nutritional status. The mothers are usually the ones in charge of food choices, food preparation, and processing. With improved nutritional knowledge the they would aware to prepare more nutritious food. Emphasizing the importance of posyandu, growth monitoring, and vaccination is also importance so that the health status of the children would be improved. Socialization regarding hygiene and sanitation also important to be conducted. The awareness regarding the relation between infectious disease and the hygine as well as sanitation practices. vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research consumed huge amount of work and dedication. Still, the research would not have been possible if we did not have support from many individuals and organizations. Therefore we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all of them. First of all, we are really grateful to the Neys-van Hoogstraten Foundation, The Netherlands for funding this research and for providing necessary guidance concerning the research activities. We are also grateful to District Health Offices as well as District Socio and Politic Offices in Kudus, Pati, and Blora for granting us the research permits. We are also thankful to leader of Samin People in Pati, Kudus, and Blora who have allowed us to carry out the research in their community and for participating in this research.
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People in different societies around the world grow up on very diverse diets, live very different lifestyles, face vastly different prospects of health, disease and biological functioning through their lives, and reach quite contrasting states of adaptation to their surroundings. Why? What are the consequences? And what are the future implications? Although populations do differ genetically, that is not the whole story, nor even the main story. What part is played by the environment – physical, biotic and social? And what part is played by the capacity of human biology and behaviour to respond flexibly and adaptively to ecological variety and change? This capacity is, along with fixed genetic traits, a heritage from our evolutionary past – but one that is very important to the here and now, and to whatever future our species may face.
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