Published in IET Power Electronics
Received on 23rd December 2013
Revised on 11th April 2014
Accepted on 22nd May 2014
doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2013.0957
ISSN 1755-4535
Magnetically coupled high-gain Y-source isolated
DC/DC converter
Yam P. Siwakoti1, Poh Chiang Loh2, Frede Blaabjerg2, Graham E. Town1
Department of Engineering, Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia
Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Pontoppidanstræde 101, 9220 Aalborg, Denmark
E-mail: yam.siwakoti@mq.edu.au
Abstract: A new form of magnetically coupled DC/DC converter is proposed for medium power applications (250 W to 2 kW),
requiring a high-voltage gain, short inductive charging time and galvanic isolation. The proposed converter can be realised using a
unique Y-source impedance network and a two-switch push–pull circuit with voltage-doubling rectification. The converter’s
voltage gain is presently not matched by any other converter operating at the same switch duty ratio. The converter also has
more degrees of freedom in design for setting the desired gain than other converters, and hence can better meet the demands
of many applications. The operating principles of the converter have been analysed mathematically, and are verified by both
simulation and experiment.
The development of isolated DC/DC converters with
high-voltage gain has recently been intensified by national
targets to connect more renewable energy sources and other
distributed generators to the grid. Such developments are
necessary because distributed sources are usually
low-voltage entities with widely varying output voltage that
cannot be tied directly to the grid. Examples include
photovoltaic panels, fuel cells and small-scale wind turbines
(20–150 V), whose low voltages need to be conditioned by
high step-up DC/DC converters to arrive at a higher dc-link
voltage of between 200 and 600 V, before being interfaced
to the 110, 230 or 400 V AC grid [1, 2].
Other trends towards DC electrification in residential and
industrial settings using distributed DC power system and
micro-grid technologies have also increased the motivation
to develop advanced DC/DC converters. Furthermore, DC
system architectures have many advantages compared with
their AC counterparts, leading to many large corporations to
retrofit their existing AC systems with DC systems. This
shift depends heavily on the availability of efficient DC/DC
converters with adequate boost capability [3–5]. Other
applications requiring DC/DC converters with large boost
capability include uninterruptable DC back-up power
supplies for telecommunication systems and server farms,
and electric vehicles [6].
Designing of the boost stages of these DC/DC converters
is, however, not trivial because of the usual requirements
for a longer inductive charging time and/or the design of a
well-coupled high-frequency transformer. A longer charging
time will lead to higher losses, since during this period the
source simply charges inductors and transfers no energy to
the load. The transformer, on the other hand, will always be
IET Power Electron., 2014, Vol. 7, Iss. 11, pp. 2817–2824
doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2013.0957
needed if galvanic isolation is required. However, using it
for voltage boosting will lead to a proportionally high turns
ratio, which can be difficult to wind while keeping leakage
low. These challenges have led to the development of other
gain boosting techniques [7, 8] like multilevel cascading
and the insertion of voltage multiplier cells or an impedance
network. The recommended technique depends on the
demanded power density, efficiency, cost and reliability,
which are usually not fixed. Consequently, no single
technique is perfect for all cases, even though the cascading
and voltage multiplying techniques are generally known to
introduce more components, which can, in turn,
compromise performance.
Inclusion of an impedance network therefore appears to be
an attractive option, leading to the isolated Z-source and
quasi-Z-source boost converters described in [9–17]. In this
paper, we propose an alternative Y-source isolated DC/DC
converter, whose included Y-source impedance network
[18] produces an even higher gain, and provides more
tuning parameters for arriving at an overall more versatile
design. For example, the proposed converter can be realised
with a shorter charging time and a smaller turns ratio for
the isolation transformer without compromising gain. The
topology of the proposed converter and its operating
principles are presented in Section 2 with simulation and
experimental results presented in Section 3. This paper
concludes in Section 4.
Principles of operation
Proposed DC/DC converter
The proposed converter is shown in Fig. 1. It consists of a
Y-source impedance network for voltage boosting, a push–
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014
Fig. 1 Proposed Y-source impedance network-based isolated DC/DC converter
pull switching circuit with a transformer for galvanic isolation
and a voltage doubling rectifier (VDR) for increasing the final
DC output. Within the Y-source network, there are a
three-winding coupled inductors (N1, N2 and N3), a
capacitor C1 and a diode D1. The network operates in either
the shoot-through or active state with the former charging
the inductor, and the latter discharging energy from the
source and inductor to the push–pull circuit. The
shoot-through state is created by turning on switches S1 and
S2 simultaneously, and is discussed further in Section 2.3.
This state is normally not permitted for a standalone push–
pull converter, but is necessary for the proposed converter
to short its impedance network output, referred to as its
dc-link. The resulting short-circuit is drawn in Fig. 2a,
which causes the three-winding coupled inductor to charge,
as in most DC/DC boost converters. During this time, diode
D1 is reverse-biased, and hence allows no energy from the
source to flow to the push–pull circuit. Consequently, the
shoot-through time should preferably be short, while not
compromising gain. (Note: In standard DC/DC boost
converters, there is zero power delivered to the load at unity
duty ratio, even though the theoretical gain is infinite.)
The stored inductive energy, together with energy from the
source, will subsequently be fed to the push–pull circuit when
in the active state by keeping S1 or S2 on only, but not both.
The resulting equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. 2b, where
two possible current paths have been drawn, depending on
whether S1 or S2 has been kept on. When alternated
equally, they then give rise to the necessary AC quantities
needed for transferring energy across the push–pull
transformer. At the secondary end of the transformer, diode
D2 conducts, while diode D3 blocks, during the negative
half cycle, causing capacitor C2 to charge to the secondary
voltage amplitude. Diode D3 then takes over the conduction
when in the positive half cycle, resulting in an output DC
voltage given by the sum of the positive secondary voltage
and voltage across C2. Rectification of the secondary
voltage has therefore occurred, together with a voltage gain
of 2. Summarising, advantages of the proposed converter,
when compared with existing boost converters, can be listed
(1) The converter has more degrees of freedom for varying its
gain, and hence more design freedom to meet requirements
demanded by the considered applications. Particularly, a
shorter inductive charging time and a transformer with
smaller turns ratio can be realised, while not compromising
(2) Only two switches are needed for square-wave voltage
inversion in the push–pull circuit, while still able to
introduce the shoot-through state demanded by the
Y-source network.
(3) Other advantages of the push–pull circuits are retained,
such as two switches sharing a common ground, and hence
allowing simpler gate drivers to be used. In addition, only a
single switch conducts at a time when in the active state,
whose resulting conduction losses are thus lower.
Fig. 2 Equivalent circuits of the proposed converter when in
a Shoot-through
b Active modes
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014
It should however be noted that the push–pull intermediate
circuit has, to a prominent extent, limited the power range of
the proposed converter to between 250 W and 2 kW. Any
higher power flow through the push–pull circuit may lead
to rapid staircase saturation of the core, which must
certainly be avoided [19]. Alternatively, the push–pull
circuit can be replaced by the classical isolated full-bridge
circuit, which conceptually, is a straightforward replacement
with more switches used. The classical full-bridge has, in
fact, been tried by [9, 16] with either a quasi-Z-source or
IET Power Electron., 2014, Vol. 7, Iss. 11, pp. 2817–2824
doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2013.0957
Table 1 Comparison of isolated boost converters
Converter types
without impedance
network (classical)
with quasi-Z-source
network [9]
with cascaded
network [16]
with Y-source network
+ + + (low
+ + + (low
+ + + (low
-- (high gain) -- (high gain) -- (high gain)
+ +
+ +
+ +
Mathematical derivation
When in its shoot-through state (vdc−link = 0 and Iin = 0), the
circuit in Fig. 2a results in (1), where n12 = N1/N2 and n13 =
N1/N3 are the turns ratios of the coupled inductor, VC1 is
the voltage across capacitor C1 and vL is the voltage across
winding N1 of the coupled inductor
n12 n13
n12 − n13 C1
On the other hand, when in the active state shown in Fig. 2b,
the circuit expressions change to (2), where Vin is the input
source voltage
Vin = vL + VC1 + vL /n12 ⇒ vL =
n n
Vin − VC1 1 − dst + 12 13 VC1 dst
n12 + 1
n12 − n13
n12 n13 + 1 dst
= 0 ⇒ VC1 = Vin 1 − dst / 1 −
n12 − n13
cascaded quasi-Z-source impedance network placed at its
front end. Both networks use non-coupled inductors, whose
gains are thus not as prominent as the proposed Y-source
impedance network. Regardless of that, the common
intention is still to introduce an exponentially increasing
gain to complement the much slower proportional gain of
the isolated transformer. The resulting converter designed
might therefore be smaller and cheaper for high-gain
applications because of its lesser winding turns and core
sizes involved. Table 1 gives a rough comparison of the
converters mentioned, but it should be mentioned that the
viewpoints projected may be subjective since they depend
on the actual gain designed, its range of variation and the
components and materials available for realising the
VC1 + vL /n12 − vL /n13 = 0 ⇒ vL =
dst = 2D − 1
Performing state space averaging on (1) and (2) then leads to
the expression in (4) for computing capacitor voltage VC1
+ Means favourable, while − means unfavourable.
defining their common duty ratio as D, the shoot-through
overlap region dst can be determined as in (3), while its
corresponding active duration can be computed from 1 − dst
V − VC1 (2)
n12 + 1 in
The durations of the two states can also be determined by
referring to the switch gating signals shown in Fig. 3,
which are two similar pulsed signals shifted by 180°. On
Referring now to the peak dc-link voltage v̂dc−link during the
active interval with only either S1 or S2 on, its value can be
determined as (5), from which the Y-source voltage gain
v̂dc−link /Vin can be computed
n13 + 1
v̂dc−link = Vin − 1 +
v = Vin −
n12 + 1
n13 L
1 + n13 dst
Vin − VC1 ⇒ v̂dc−link /Vin = 1 −
1 − n23
The gain obtained from the Y-source network can obviously
be set higher than that of the traditional Z-source network by
enforcing the inequalities of 1 + n13/1 − n23 > 2 and 1 − n23 >
0. They then lead to the coupled inductor design requirements
in (6) and (7) for the Y-source network, if its gain is to be set
higher than that of the traditional Z-source network [9–15, 19]
1 + n13
. 2 ⇒ N1 + 2N2 . N3
1 − n23
1 − n23 . 0 ⇒ N2 , N3 and N3 . 1
Moreover, by setting the denominator of (5) to be greater than
zero, the permitted range for can be determined as (8), which
for a larger winding factor, gives a range narrower than that of
the traditional Z-source network (0 ≤ dst < 0.5). The Y-source
network is therefore capable of producing a high gain, while
using only a short inductive shoot-through time
1 + n13 dst
≤ 1 ⇒ 0 ≤ dst
1 − n23
1 − n23 N3 − N2
= 1/K
1 + n13 N3 + N1
At times, it might also be convenient to express the voltage
gain or peak voltage across the dc-link in terms of the
switch duty ratio D and winding factor K. This can be done
by substituting (3) and the definition of K into (5), giving (9)
v̂dc−link =
Fig. 3 Switching sequences for S1 and S2 when in the boost mode
(D > 0.5)
IET Power Electron., 2014, Vol. 7, Iss. 11, pp. 2817–2824
doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2013.0957
1 − K(2D − 1)
0.5 ≤ D ,
An exponentially increasing gain can therefore be obtained by
choosing an appropriate K above 2, and then tuning the
switch duty cycle, D, accordingly. This exponential voltage
gain can be larger than the proportional gain introduced by
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014
the push–pull transformer. The Y-source network should
therefore concentrate on meeting the required gain, while
the transformer is optimised for galvanic isolation. A large
turns ratio is thus not needed for the transformer, whose
power density can then be improved. For this work, a 1:1:1
transformer has been implemented simply for providing
isolation in the push–pull circuit. Regardless of the final
design chosen for the coupled inductor and transformer,
their leakage inductances must be kept small by following
common practices well documented in [18].
With the gains introduced by the Y-source network,
transformer and VDR combined, the overall converter
output voltage, Vo, and gain, GV(K, D), can be written as in
(10), where NPP represents the transformer turns ratio,
which for the 1:1:1 transformer is NPP = 1
2NPP Vin
1 − K(2D − 1)
GV (K, D) =
1 − K(2D − 1)
Vo = 2v̂dc−link =
The overall gain can thus be varied by changing K, D and
NPP, which can be deduced from (10) and is shown in
Fig. 4 for different K and D with NPP set to unity (for a
classical bridge-based isolated DC/DC converter, only the
transformer turns ratio and switch duty ratio are available
for gain tuning). Another tuning freedom shown more
clearly in Table 2 is the possibility of generating a
particular winding factor K, and hence gain GV, by various
winding combinations (N1, N2 and N3) of the coupled
inductor. The eventual combination opted for should ideally
help the converter avoid large turns ratios for the coupled
inductor and transformer, which could otherwise be difficult
to realise. Such flexibilities are not available in other
isolated impedance-source converters.
Principle of magnetic shoot-through
The shoot-through state of the proposed converter occurs
when switches S1 and S2 are turned on simultaneously to
create a magnetic short-circuit across the primary windings
of the push–pull transformer. To the Y-source network, this
magnetic short-circuit is no different from the electric
short-circuit needed for inductive charging. The crucial
mechanism here is thus the magnetic short-circuit, which
Fig. 4 Theoretical voltage gain of the proposed converter for
different winding factors, K
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014
Table 2 Gain of proposed converter against winding factor
and turns ratio
factors, K
Ranges of D
Voltage gains,
Possible turns
ratios N1:N2:N3
0.5 < D < 3/4
2[1 − 2(2D − 1)]−1
0.5 < D < 4/6
2[1 − 3(2D − 1)]−1
0.5 < D < 5/8
2[1 − 4(2D − 1)]−1
0.5 < D < 6/10
2[1 − 5(2D − 1)]−1
1:1:3, 2:1:4, 1:2:5,
3:1:5, 4:1:6
1:1:2, 3:1:3, 2:2:4,
1:3:5, 4:2:5
2:1:2, 1:2:3, 5:1:3,
4:2:4, 8:1:4
3:1:2, 2:2:3, 1:3:4,
7:1:3, 6:2:4
can be analysed by referring to the magnetic flux paths
shown in Fig. 5 for the two currents flowing through the
primary windings of the transformer. Owing to the way the
primary windings are wound, these two produced fluxes
will traverse in opposite directions with their magnitudes
fP1 and fP2 determined as (11)
fP1 /
VTX , P1
fP2 /
VTX , P2
The expressions in (11), when written separately as in (12),
will give the net flux fT in the core when only S1 or S2 is
turned on. The expression changes to (13) when both
switches are on, which obviously gives zero net flux, since
VTX , P1 = VTX , P2 = v̂dc−link and the two primary windings
are similar (NP1 = NP2 = NPP). With zero net flux, voltage
induced across the secondary winding is zero, which, to the
Y-source network, appears like the required electric
shoot-through across its output. The proposed converter can
therefore operate as intended, so long as the switching
sequences shown in Fig. 3 are applied
VTX , P1 VTX , P2
VTX , P1
− TX , P2 = 0
fT = fP1 = fP2 /
fT = fP1 − fP2 /
The concern here is more with symmetry in the sense that the
two primary halves must be magnetically identical to produce
the zero net flux. Any imbalance will lead to a non-zero net
flux that could saturate the core after a few switching
cycles. Moreover the windings, including the secondary,
Fig. 5 Magnetic flux paths in toroidal transformer for illustrating
magnetic shoot-through
IET Power Electron., 2014, Vol. 7, Iss. 11, pp. 2817–2824
doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2013.0957
Table 3 Parameter and component values used for simulation
and experiment
Values/part numbers
power rating
input voltage range, Vin
output voltage, Vo
capacitances: C1, C2
and C3
turns ratio of coupled
230 W
48 V–115 V
230 V
470 µF at 400 V Kemet
winding factor, K
permitted ranges of D
and dst
isolated transformer
switching frequency, fs
switching devices, S1
and S2
diode, D1
diodes, D2 and D3
5:1:3 (80:16:48) on ‘C055863A2’
molypermalloy powder (MPP)
core from Magnetics Inc.
0.5 < D < 0.625, 0 < dst < 0.25
1:1:1 (30:30:30) on ‘0W48613TC’
ferrite core from Magnetics Inc.
6.1 kHz
VDS = 650 V, IDS = 47 a cool MOS
‘C3D25170H’ – silicon carbide
Schottky diode Z-Rec™ rectifier
‘C3D20060D’ – silicon carbide
Schottky diode Z-Rec™ rectifier
must be uniformly distributed throughout the core to
minimise losses because of leakage and fringing fields [19].
Regarding the switches, bipolar power transistors must not
be used, even if identical, because they can lead to staircase
core saturation caused by imbalanced net flux after a couple
of switching cycles. The flux imbalance is because of
differences in storage times of the bipolar power transistors,
which can alter their turn-on times, and hence the volt–
second balance between the two primary windings. This
imbalance can be further accentuated by the negative
temperature coefficients of the bipolar power transistors,
which are hence inappropriate switches for the push–pull
circuit [19, 20]. Power metal–oxide semiconductor field
effect transistors (MOSFETs), on the other hand, have
positive temperature coefficients, which can help to nullify
any small volt–second difference caused by different device
storage times as the temperature rises. MOSFETs, being
majority carrier devices, are thus more suitable for the
push–pull switching circuit [19, 20].
Simulation and experimental results
Simulation was performed with piecewise linear electrical
circuit simulation (PLECS), using those parameters listed in
Table 3, which are also the experimental parameters. Fig. 6
shows the results obtained with an input voltage of 70 V
and D = 0.55 (or dst = 0.1). The peak dc-link voltage (6th
trace) and output voltage (11th trace) are indeed close to the
values of 116 and 230 V computed from (9) and (10),
respectively. The simulated overall voltage gain of 3.33 is
thus in agreement with the gain computed from (10). Also
anticipated is the doubled dc-link voltage stress experienced
by the switches when they are in the push–pull active state.
A scaled-down 230 W prototype was subsequently built in
the laboratory, whose layout is shown in Fig. 7. The prototype
was tested with a variety of switching frequencies, but for
conciseness and better showing of passive component
charging and discharging in a switching period, only results
related to those parameters listed in Table 2 are reported in
Figs. 8–10. Referring first to Fig. 8a for D = 0.5 or no
shoot-through, its results clearly show the converter output
Fig. 6 Simulated waveforms of the proposed converter when D = 0.55 and K = 4
IET Power Electron., 2014, Vol. 7, Iss. 11, pp. 2817–2824
doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2013.0957
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014
as 230 V when its input is 115 V. This gives a gain of 2
introduced by the VDR only, since the gain of the
Y-network is unity under no shoot-through condition. Other
characteristic features can be seen in Fig. 8b, where the
input diode D1 has been noted to conduct continuously with
Fig. 7 Experimental setup
Fig. 8 Experimental waveforms of the proposed converter when
D = 0.5 (no shoot-through) and K = 4
a Input/output voltage/current of the converter
b Gate-source voltage, drain-source voltage, dc-link voltage and voltage
across input diode
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014
Fig. 9 Experimental waveforms of the proposed converter when
D = 0.55 (10% shoot-through) and K = 4
a Input/output voltage/current of the converter
b Gate-source voltage, drain-source voltage, dc-link voltage and voltage
across input diode
c Drain-source voltage, current through drain-source, transformer secondary
voltage and current
IET Power Electron., 2014, Vol. 7, Iss. 11, pp. 2817–2824
doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2013.0957
Fig. 10 Experimental waveforms of the proposed converter when
D = 0.575 (15% shoot-through) and K = 4
a Input/output voltage/current of the converter
b Gate-source voltage, drain-source voltage, dc-link voltage and voltage
across input diode
c Drain-source voltage, current through drain-source, transformer secondary
voltage and current
The input voltage is next reduced to 70 V and then 46 V,
which for a constant output of 230 V, requires the duty ratio
D to be increased to 0.55 and then to 0.575. The respective
waveforms obtained after reaching thermal stability are
shown in Figs. 9 and 10, from which their respective
overall gains are computed as 3.33 and 5 (see 1st and 3rd
traces in Figs. 9a and 10a). Also seen in Figs. 9b and 10b
are the expected pulsating dc-link voltage waveforms, and
voltage waveforms across diode D1, which are found to
become more prominent as D increases. In addition, for
Fig. 9, its testing conditions have been intentionally set
similar to those used for the simulation shown in Fig. 6.
The close similarity in results has further strengthened
confidence with the analytical studies.
The results in Figs. 9 and 10 are however obtained with
gains of only 1.67 and 2.5 contributed by the Y-source
impedance network. Higher gain of 6 obtained from the
Y-source network alone without the isolation transformer
and VDR has been demonstrated in [20], but not tested here
with the proposed converter. The reason is because of the
high average input current demanded, which at the time of
testing, could not be supported by power supplies available
in the laboratory. To be more specific, the average input
current demanded is computed as 12 A with an input
voltage of ≃ 20 V, if the output current, output voltage and
overall converter gain are set as 1 A, 230 V and 6 × 2
(factor of 2 contributed by the VDR), respectively.
Figs. 11a and b show the efficiency of the proposed
converter at full load over a range of D and its
corresponding input voltage Vin, while keeping the output
voltage constant at 230 V. The maximum efficiency
recorded at full load is 96.1% at Vin = 115 V and D = 0.5
(no shoot-through time inserted). It falls to 91.1% at Vin =
46 V and D = 0.575 (15% shoot-through time in a switching
period). This reduced efficiency at higher voltage gain is,
however, experienced by all existing voltage boosting
techniques, including transformer boosting, when subjected
to the same constant output voltage, current, and hence
power conditions set for the experiments. The input current
and losses are however not constant, but increase with the
D and corresponding voltage gain. Efficiency of the
converter at higher gain is thus lower, regardless of which
voltage boosting technique has been applied and which
parameter has been chosen for increasing the converter
gain. The latter means, for the proposed converter,
increasing K, rather than D, will also lead to a smaller
efficiency value at higher gain.
To next illustrate the converter efficiency at different loads,
Fig. 11c shows the corresponding efficiency curves obtained
for two different input voltages, while keeping the output
voltage constant at 230 V. These curves again show that at
a higher gain (lower input voltage for a fixed output
voltage) the converter efficiency is lower because of reasons
clarified earlier.
zero forward voltage, and the dc-link voltage has been noted
to be always equal to the input voltage, except for some
unintended narrow shoot-through notches. These notches
are caused by non-zero device switching times, which are
unavoidable in practice. The switches have also been noted
to withstand twice the dc-link voltage, which as mentioned
earlier, is expected for a push–pull circuit.
IET Power Electron., 2014, Vol. 7, Iss. 11, pp. 2817–2824
doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2013.0957
An isolated DC/DC converter with a high-voltage gain and a
short inductive charging time has been described. It uses a
unique Y-source impedance network, a push–pull circuit
and a voltage-doubling rectifier, which, when coordinated,
provides a versatile topology with many degrees of design
freedom for tuning the overall voltage gain. The
proportional gain offered by the push–pull transformer is
thus not critically important, allowing it to be designed for
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014
Fig. 11 Efficiency of the converter against
a D(0.5 ≤ D ≤ 0.575)
b Input voltage Vin
c Load when K = 4 at an output voltage of 230 V
isolation purposes and thereby avoiding extreme turns ratios,
unlike some other transformer-based converters. The
anticipated performance of the converter was verified
by simulation and experiment, and the results confirm
the theoretical basis and practicality of the proposed
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