Noise characterization of CMOS image sensors

2006, Proceedings of the 10th …

Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 10-12, 2006 (pp102-107) Noise Characterization of CMOS Image Sensors S. FERUGLIO1, A. PINNA1, C. CHAY2, O. LLOPIS2, B. GRANADO1, A. ALEXANDRE1, P. GARDA1, G. VASILESCU1 1 LISIF, University Pierre & Marie Curie – Paris 6, 2 LAAS/CNRS, Toulouse, FRANCE ; Abstract: - This paper presents noise characterization of a CMOS 0.6-µm image sensors system. The integrated readout circuit adaptability allows measuring the photocurrent magnitude of each pixel in charge integration mode or in transimpedance mode. In order to find the minimum detectable signal of this system and to identify the main dominant noise sources, an accurate noise analysis is performed under dark and illumination conditions. Noise measurement and simulation with Spectre present a good agreement with the values predicted by the proposed analytical equations. Key-Words: - CMOS, integrated amplifier, measurement, noise, PPS, simulation. 1 Introduction For low power and low cost applications, random addressing, etc, CMOS image sensors are widely used. However, despite several benefits, CMOS Passive Pixel Sensors (PPS) and Active Pixel Sensor (APS) have not yet reached the Charge Coupled Device (CCD) noise performance. Because of their high dark current value and a significant noise, CMOS devices are prone to strong disparities, which severely limit the performance [1-4]. After introducing the system under investigation in section 2, in section 3 we present the three operating modes, which are the reset, the charge integration and the transimpedance mode. Then, in section 4, a noise analysis is proposed during the entire operation cycle. Finally, theory is compared with measurement and simulation results in section 5. 2 On-Chip Image Sensor System The investigated sensor contains a 4x4 matrix of PPS together with an integrated operational amplifier added on the serial output of the matrix [1, 2]. This on-chip image sensor system has been fabricated in CMOS AMS 0.6-µm technology. Concerning the pixel itself, there are two possible configurations. Fig. 1 presents only two PPS of the matrix associated to the amplifier. Pixel 2, at the bottom, is in normal configuration (one of the most popular architecture) and pixel 1, at the top left, has what is called a reverse configuration [2]. The photodiodes J1 are made up by using a P+ diffusion layer on N well and the photodetectors J2 are realised with a N+ diffusion or N well on a P substrate. Each photodiode has a reset transistor Mrstθ and a selection transistor Mselθ, with θ_=_1, 2, …, 16. Mrstθ and Mselθ are NMOS transistors, which act as switches. The Mrst' switch is a PMOS. The feedback capacitance Cint, connected between the input V- and the output Vout, is of type interpoly capacitance. Concerning the integrated amplifier, the main model parameters are the following: Gain bandwidth product GBW = A0fcOA close to 7.9_MHz, with A0 = 87.7 dB; Offset voltage Voff of about 10 mV; Common Mode Input Range : [0.4 V ; 3.8 V]; Equivalent input noise voltage en of 0.5 µV/Hz1/2 at 10 Hz and 15 nV/Hz1/2 at 100 kHz. Note that these values are obtained from Spectre simulations. At the output, the signal flows through an analogical I/O pin to allow monitoring with an oscilloscope and measurement with a spectrum analyzer. Fig. 1: Simplified representation of the on-chip image sensor. 1 Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 10-12, 2006 (pp102-107) Both Polθ (with θ = 1 to 16) and Pol , are numerical signals resulting from the Keil MCB167 V2.0 evaluation board, associated to the Infineon C167CR microcontroller [5]. The numerical signals Selθ are delivered by an integrated multiplexer, associated to the same microcontroller, while Vp and Vref are voltage biases generated by an external circuit. Consequently, all requested DC values are available, in order to provide reverse bias to all photodetectors. and a high dynamic range [6-13]. However, a tradeoff must be made between sensitivity and bandwidth. In this mode, the reset transistor MrstX (belonging to the photodetector X) is open, while all other reset transistors Mrst' and MrstY (with Y = 1 to 16 and Y ≠ X) remain closed. MselX is also turned-on, whereas the other selection transistors MselY are turned-off. Consequently, in the steady-state, the output voltage is proportional to R(Iph+Idc), where Iph and Idc are the photo- and dark currents, respectively. 3 Sensor System Operation 3.3 Integration Mode To provide an improved adaptability with respect to the operating conditions, the PPS matrix can operate in two modes (transimpedance or integration), with a reset phase after the readout of each pixel, just before the next pixel readout. The charge integration mode is especially employed at low-illumination levels [9, 13-18]. However, it cannot allow a fast or a continuous data conversion. Here, the conversion time depends on the integration time tint, which, at its turn, depends on the junction current. In this mode, MrstX, as well as Mrst' and MselY are turned-off, whereas MrstY and MselX are in conduction. Then, the total junction current is integrated on the capacitance Cint. Hence, the temporal voltage evolution at the output is linear in (Iph+Idc)tint/Cint. 4 Noise Analysis Fig. 2: On-chip amplifier during reset. 3.1 Reset Phase During this phase, the photodetectors are biased with an appropriate reverse voltage in order to evacuate the charge on the capacitance Cint. All switches Mrstθ (θ = 1 to 16) as well as Mrst' are closed by Polθ and Pol , respectively, whereas the selection transistors Mselθ act as open switches. Hence, the amplifier is in the follower mode. This configuration is represented in Fig. 2, where R is the equivalent channel resistance of Mrst'; Voff is the offset voltage source of the integrated amplifier; Ioff represents the offset current due to various leakage mechanisms (the amplifier itself, the bitline, the switchoff transistors); Cb denotes the parasitic bitline capacitance, that is evaluated as Cb_=_NCb'_+_COA, with N being the number of rows times the number of columns; COA denotes the equivalent capacitance seen at the amplifier input V-; Cb' corresponds to the pixel capacity on V-, as well as the stray capacity of the connecting line. In the steady-state, the output voltage Vout1 is close to Vref. 3.2 Transimpedance Mode The transimpedance mode is currently employed for a fast detection with a direct current-to-voltage conversion In order to evaluate the minimum detectable signal, it’s necessary to find the output noise RMS value at the end of the readout phase. To do this, assuming that all noise sources are independent, a noise analysis is carried out during various operation modes separately. Fig. 3: Noise equivalent circuit during reset. 4.1 Noise During Reset At the output, only the noise due to the readout circuit (amplifier and the feedback elements) is sensed. However, at each detection node of the matrix, a αkT/C noise is also present (α being 1 for a complete reset and 1/2 for an incomplete reset), where T is the absolute temperature and k denotes the Boltzmann constant [19, 20]. The noise equivalent circuit of the follower, in its steady-state, is proposed in Fig. 3. It contains three main noise sources [21]: 2 Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 10-12, 2006 (pp102-107) enR, the channel noise of the feedback transistor Mrst’. As this device operates as a switch, in the ohmic region, the thermal noise is dominant. Its Power Spectral Density (PSD) is described by the following equation: (1) Se (f)= R 2 Si (f)=4kTR nR nR en, the equivalent input noise voltage of the amplifier. It is viewed as a superposition of thermal noise and 1/f noise, such as: S e ( f ) = a OA + n a fOA (2) f where aOA and afOA are positive real coefficients deduced from experimental data (expressed in V².Hz-1 and V², respectively). in, the equivalent input noise current, mainly arising from the contribution of the amplifier and the substrate. Its PSD is given by: S i ( f ) = a' OA + n where a’OA A². The total output noise voltage PSD under steady-state condition has been computed. We find [2]: ⎛ ⎛Cj R ⎜⎜ S i + ⎜ ⎜ nD ⎜⎝ Cb ≈ ⎝ 2 Sv nout 2 where fc3 2 2 2 ⎞ ⎛ ⎛ ⎛ ⎞ ⎞ ⎞ ⎞ ⎟ S ⎟ + ⎜ f ⎟ S + ⎜ 1 + ⎜ f ⎟ ⎟S i e ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ n ⎟⎟ nRs ⎜ ⎝ f c 4 ⎠ ⎟ en f Se ⎠ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ c3 ⎠ nR + 2 2 ⎛ f ⎞ ⎛ f ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎟⎟ 1 + ⎜⎜ 1 + ⎜⎜ ⎝ f c6 ⎠ ⎝ f c5 ⎠ Cj is 1 , = 2πRC j fc5 = ( the f c4 = 2π RCint + Rs C j 1 ) (6) capacitance, photodetector ( ( )) 1 , 2π Rs C j + R C b + C j + C int and f c 6 = 1 . 2πRCint a' fOA (3) f and a’fOA are expressed in A².Hz-1 and Since the circuit of Fig. 3 is time-invariant, the equation of the output noise voltage vnout1 is deduced from a nodal analysis. Thus, as A0 >> 1, its PSD is given by [2]: ( ) ⎛ ⎛ f ⎞ ⎟⎟ R Si + Si + S e ⎜ 1 + ⎜⎜ n n ⎜ nR f ⎝ ⎝ c1 ⎠ Sv ≈ 2 nout 1 ⎛ f ⎞ ⎟⎟ 1 + ⎜⎜ ⎝ fc2 ⎠ 1 1 . and f c 2 = with f c1 = 2πRCint 2πR (Cb + Cint ) 2 2 ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ (4) 4.2 Noise in Transimpedance Mode At low frequency, the noise equivalent circuit of the acquisition chain is presented in Fig. 4. The newly introduced elements are: inD, the noise equivalent current source of the photodetector. As it is generally admitted [19, 22, 23], only the shot noise is dominant. Its PSD is: (5) SinD(f)=2q(I ph + I dc )=2q(sλ Popt + I dc ) with q, the elementary charge ; sλ, the quantum efficiency and Popt, the optical power. enRs, the thermal noise voltage of the particular selection transistor, Rs being its equivalent channel resistance. Fig. 4: Noise equivalent circuit in transimpedance mode. 4.3 Noise During Integration Phase When operating in integration mode, the equivalent circuit of Fig. 4 remains still valid, provided that R and enR are both suppressed. Note that during this phase, the steady-state is never reached. However, as all components are supposed linear, a frequency-domain analysis can still be performed. S vnout 3 is then found to be [2]: 2 Si ⎛ Cj ⎞ nD ⎟ S Sv ( f ) ≈ +⎜ 2 ⎜ C ⎟ enRs nout 3 2πCint f int ⎠ ⎝ (7) 2 2 Si ⎛C ⎞ ⎛ Cb + C j + Cint ⎞ n ⎟ S +⎜ j⎟ +⎜ 2 en ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ C C int ⎝ b ⎠ 2πCint f ⎠ ⎝ All these noise equations have been implemented in a MATLAB program in order to check the predicted numerical values against measurement and simulation. ( ) ( ) 5 Experimental Results Table 1 presents the main parameters of the photodetector under investigation. Starting from the foundry datasheet, the junction capacitance parameters have been computed. As it was previously proved [23, 24], the junction capacitance value, deduced from the 3 Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 10-12, 2006 (pp102-107) Table 1: Various photodetectors data, at 300 K. Type Ndiff-Psub (J1) Nwell-Psub (J1) Pdiff-Nwell (J2) Dimensions (µm²) 5.80 x 5.80 6.55 x 6.60 11.75 x 11.75 Idc + Iph measured* (fA) at 5 V Measured Simulated at 2.5 V 11.59 6.64 3.69 81,76 7.87 13.45 5.69 22,04 45.03 6.52 7.46 22,69 * exposed to sunlight (unknown light intensity). Cj simulated (fF) at 0 V 22.76 17.04 98.35 foundry datasheet, compares well with experimental data. Concerning the dark current estimation, the adopted technique consists to average 100 successive measurement points, which yields the measured values of Idc and Idc + Iph presented in Table 1. A significant discrepancy appears between the measured and computed values (with MATLAB). A possible explaination must take into account to the following point: Ioff has been neglected; The foundry maybe underestimated the junction leakage current parameters [24, 25]. Fig. 5: RMS output noise voltage versus frequency, during reset. A noise analysis in frequency-domain of any of the sixteen pixels has been carried out, by assuming that the readout circuit operates in the follower/transimpedance mode. During the first phase (follower mode), it is possible to determine the noise contribution of the integrated readout circuit alone (amplifier and its associated feedback elements). Analysis during transimpedance phase yields the noise of the global acquisition chain. Simulations have been also performed under Cadence design tools together with the AMS CMOS 0.6-µm design kit and Spectre [26]. For CMOS transistors used as switches or inside the operational amplifier, the BSIM 3v3 model has been employed. Photodetectors have been Idc (fA) at 2.5 V modelled by paralleling a diode with a DC current generator to account for the carriers generated by light. As the steady-state is admitted, the small-signal parameters can be deduced from DC simulation. Thus, the following parameters have been added to the numerical model : Vref = 2.5 V; R = 35.11 kΩ; Cint_=_1_pF; Cb' = 2 fF; COA = 587.3 fF; afOA_=_2.5_10_12 V²; aOA_= 205.02 10-18 V².Hz-1; a’OA_=_a'fOA = 0. Fig 5 presents the output noise plots, obtained during reset. Experimental data are collected by sweeping the Vector Signal Analyser HP 89410 between 0.1 Hz and 10 MHz, with an integration window of 3 Hz. Each data point on Fig. 5 is an ensemble mean value of 256 samples. The previously developed model (eq.(4)) shows a good agreement with both simulation and measurement Nevertheless, the level of measured noise is slightly higher than the predicted value with a relative error less than 9 % at 100 Hz and less than 14 % at 100 kHz. This difference can be due to the noise source in which has been neglected in our calculation. Thus, for fmin_=_2.5 Hz 2 and fmax = 100 kHz, we have found v nout = 7.87 10-11 1 _ _ V². Finally, Fig. 5 proves that the 1/f noise of the amplifier is dominant at low frequency but at frequencies higher than 10 kHz, the thermal noise of Mrst’ becomes dominant and it imposes a noise floor of about 30 nV/ Hz . Moreover, it has been noted that if measurement is made without shielding, interfering signals of strong amplitude appear close to 1 MHz. A second measurement campaign has been carried out at the LAAS/CNRS laboratory in Toulouse. Fig. 6 illustrates the employed setup. Here, the output of the integrated amplifier goes on a Low Noise Amplifier (LNA), which is connected to the spectrum analyzer Avantest R9211B (controlled by a computer). The whole equipment is enclosed in a Faraday box. Except the spectrum analyzer and the computer, which are supplied by 220 V / 50 Hz, the remaining circuits are biased by internal batteries. Measurements have been performed between 2.5 Hz and 100 kHz, at an ambient temperature of 25.5°C. In order to estimate the noise contribution of the photodetectors, a laser with an optical fiber illuminates the active surface. The laser is temperaturecontrolled to deliver a wavelength of 830 nm. The 4 Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 10-12, 2006 (pp102-107) optical power is adjusted according to the current through the laser device. Fig. 7 shows the output noise of the LNA with both inputs shorted-circuited. At low frequency, we note a noise in f-1.5 and, at higher frequency, a noise floor appears close to 0.95 nV/ Hz , with a corner frequency around 200 Hz. Consequently, the noise level of the LNA is well below the noise level of the investigated system on-chip. same as previously, but, as this photodetector is less sensitive to the incident 830 nm light, the noise level variation with the optical power is less significant than in the case of Fig. 8. Finally, with Cj = 32 fF and the previously defined parameters under dark condition, the computed mean 2 square value of the noise voltage at the output vnout is 3 -10 1.04 10 V² and the same result is obtained by simulation. Fig. 6: Setup for noise measurement. Fig. 8: Output noise of the photodetector J2 associated to the on-chip transimpedance amplifier, at three different illumination powers P1, P2 and P3. Fig. 7: Noise voltage PSD of the LNA versus frequency. The plot of Fig. 8 refers to the photodiode J2 (NdiffPsub) and the amplifier in transimpedance mode, when applying various optical powers. In addition, a plot of the noise power obtained by simulation under Cadence and MATLAB has been added. Under dark condition, the shapes of the theoretical and experimental curves are quite identical with a relative error less than 2.5 % at 100_Hz and at 100 kHz. Besides, if the optical power of the laser is increased, the shape of the noise PSD remains the same, the plot being shifted upward. Consequently, as it is assumed through equations (5) and (6), the total output noise can be rewritten as: 2 + H sλ Popt , where H is the transfer Svnout2 = Svnout2 dark function between the optical input and the voltage output. Fig. 9 presents the noise contribution of the photodetector J1 (Pdiff-Nwell) associated to the integrated amplifier. The aspect of the plot remains the Fig. 9: Output noise of the photodiode J1 associated to the transimpedance amplifier. 6 Conclusion A noise characterization of a CMOS PPS fabricated in CMOS AMS 0.6-µm technology has been presented. In order to find the minimum detectable signal of this system in dark and under illumination, an accurate noise analysis is performed, pertinent to all configurations. Noise measurement and simulation with Spectre compare well with the proposed analytical model. At low frequency, the 1/f noise of the integrated amplifier is dominant and, at higher frequency, the thermal noise of the transistor Mrst’ imposes the noise floor. 5 Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 10-12, 2006 (pp102-107) References : [1] A. Pinna, Conception d’une rétine connexionniste : du capteur au système de vision sur puce, Ph. D. thesis, University Pierre & Marie Curie (Paris 6), 2003. [2] S. Feruglio, Etude du bruit dans les capteurs d’images intégrés, type APS, Ph. D. thesis, University Pierre & Marie Curie (Paris 6), 2005. [3] I.L. Fujimori, C.-C. Wang, C.G. Sodini, A 256x256 CMOS Differential Passive Pixel Imager with FPN Reduction Technique, IEEE J. of Solid-State Circ. Vol. 35, No. 12, pp. 2031-2037, 2000. [4] I.L. Fujimori, C.G. Sodini, Temporal Noise in CMOS Passive Pixels, IEEE Sensors, Proc. of IEEE, Vol. 1, pp. 140-145, 2002. [5] [6] J.G. Graeme, G.R. Tobey, L.P. 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