IST-Africa 2012 Conference Proceedings
Paul Cunningham and Miriam Cunningham (Eds)
IIMC International Information Management Corporation, 2012
ISBN: 978-1-905824-34-2
Towards a Mobile Learning Curriculum
Adele BOTHA1, Jacqueline BATCHELOR2, John TRAXLER3,
Ignatia DE WAARD4, Marlien HERSELMAN5
1, 5
Meraka Institute, CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa
Tel: +27-12-841-3265, Fax: +27-12-841-4720, Email:
Tel: +27-12-841-3081, Fax: +27-12-841-4720,Email:
University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park, 2006, South Africa
Tel: +27 11 559 4319, Fax: +27 11 559 2262,
University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton, UK
Tel: 01902 328591, Email:
Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerpen (ITM), Belgium,
Tel: +32(0)3 2476 652, Email:
Abstract: The rapid spread and penetration of mobile devices to every layer
of society has confronted the educational community with many new
opportunities and responsibilities. As mobile computing and its disruptive
aftermath enter the education arena, the challenge becomes how to harness the
potential in ways that are beneficial to the educational community at large and
the learners in particular. This paper outlines the initial conception, design
research methodology followed and the development of the definitive Mobile
Learning Curriculum Framework as a first attempt to systematically and
comprehensively explore, where and how mobiles could appear within
educational provision. The curriculum framework is underpinned by three
broad learning objectives; to acquire domain knowledge, to develop sufficient
and appropriate skills to enable mobile learning practice and to understand the
role and impact of domain knowledge in the relation to the application
context. To this end the curriculum framework is presented as a modular
solution for adaption to accommodate differing contexts.
Keywords: Mobile Learning, Curriculum, Education.
1. Introduction
The rapid diffusion of mobile phones in society continues to transform the ICT landscape
with major potential implications for education and the potential achievement of the
millennium development goals. Along with new opportunities it has additionally created
many new responsibilities for all involved in education. The ubiquitous access to technology
have forced schools, education departments and a myriad of other stakeholder in the
education domain to enter into conversations about utilising mobile technology in particular
towards learning gains. Over the last year or two, there has been an increased global
awareness, specifically and increasingly amongst the corporate private sector and amongst
the global agencies, donors and foundations, of the capacity of mobile technologies to deliver
learning to people and communities beyond the reach of more conventional methods and
established institutions. In October 2010, for example, the UNESCO chair in elearning in Barcelona sponsored an international seminar that focussed on mobiles, learning
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and development. At about the same time the GSMA Development Fund published
its mLearning: A Platform for Educational Opportunities at the Base of the Pyramid [1]
intended to give the mobile network operators a sense of the business case and it published
“The Mobile Proposition for Education [2]”. In February 2011, the World Mobile
Congress in Barcelona sponsored its first awards for learning and attracted an impressive
field from organisations working in development. The GMSA held an mLearning workshop
was held in June 2011 in Cape Town and in August 2011, USAID convened the
first m4Ed4Devsymposium
in Washington DC as
the mEducation Alliance in February of 2012. In November 2011, the WISE debate in
Qatar focus on mobiles, education and the hard-to-reach, in December 2011, UNESCO in
Paris convened its First Mobile Learning Week, consisting of both closed and open sessions.
In the winter of 2011, both the World Bank and the World Economic Forum both published
reports on mobile learning. In March of 2012 there was a further International Symposium in
Washington organised by UNESCO and drawing together major practitioners and
stakeholders. These sessions focussed, regionally and globally on policy issues and teacher
development, the latter seen as a crucial place to break into the educational cycle and
promote education for all. Teacher development is one of the most manageable and costeffective ways of using mobile technologies to break into the cycle and the system of
education. The current Framework should be seen in this wider context, a tool for institutions
and organisations making policy changes. Many of the emerging debates amongst these
newfound converts to mobile learning centre on scale and sustainability and come from
government and corporate stakeholders. The proposed Framework represents a balanced and
educational account of mobile learning rather than just a commercial or organisational one.
As the international conversations change from if mobile learning can contribute to
educational gains to how it can be achieved, the emphasis moved from technocentric
approach to a more pedagogical orientation. South African Department of Basic Education
has, in their White Paper on e-Education [3], acknowledged that there is currently a global
revolution taking place which poses specific challenges for education and training systems
internationally and locally. These challenges are centralised around the participation in the
information society and more specifically the impact of ICT’s and their integration into the
learning and teaching process. As a developing continent, the lack of infrastructure for
information and communication technologies is responsible for widening the gap between
Africa and the developing world. This so termed “digital divide” refers not only to
connectivity and infrastructure but includes the development of local content, collective
knowledge integration, cultural inhibitions and insecurities about “developing competences
for surviving the breakneck speed of the Internet age [3]”. The South African Department of
Basic Education articulates these challenges pertaining to education stating: “The challenge
is to roll out ICT infrastructure that is specifically suited to Africa. Through appropriate
technologies, it is hoped that South Africa will ... implement a solution that works now, and
has the capacity to handle future demands [3]”.
While the challenges of connectivity, infrastructure and hardware availability and support
constitute the realities of Africa and are well documented in literature, it also records an
enormous growth in cellular use. Mobile technology has permeated to all spheres of the
South African community and is recorded as a 100% penetration [4]. In addition, the
accompanying rapid development of mobile technologies, has led to more powerful, more
flexible and more accessible devices. Within a few years the mobile market has diversified to
include devices ranging from feature phones through to smartphones and smart tablets.
Utilisation of the available opportunities is, however, often hampered by the
knowledgeable implementation of the technology in ways that are relevant and meaningful to
the educational community. To assist in preparing in-service and pre-service educators,
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NGO’s, practitioners, researchers and instructors to utilise mobile technology a Mobile
Learning Curriculum is deemed be a significant advantage.
2. Objectives
A group of practitioners in South Africa and international colleagues came together with the
aim to develop a Mobile Learning Curriculum Framework and from there have purposefully
incorporated additional domain collaborators within the constraints of the initiative. The
collaboration has endeavoured to develop the curriculum through a systematic and
comprehensive Design Research approach. The process, initiated by seed funding from the
South African Department of Science and Technology, was started in 2011 and is envisaged
to be completed in 2012.
It is envisaged that the Mobile Learning Curriculum Framework document would present
a snapshot of a vast and dynamic field. Maintaining the currency of such a curriculum will be
an ongoing intent and will ultimately be the responsibility of the community of practitioners
and domain experts. The creation of a living document is thus an opportunity as well as a
challenge to the domain itself. As a consequence of the momentary nature of the Mobile
Learning Curriculum Framework, themes for inclusion were considered to be of immediate
relevance to cover the breath of the field. In an endeavour to extend beyond the local and
incorporate international concerns, it is acknowledged that the terms used are perhaps more
relevant to the South African educational domain and a brief outline of the semantics are
incorporated for that purpose. To highlight the descriptive nature rather than a prescriptive
outline, the Mobile Learning Curriculum was reconceptualised as a Mobile Learning
Curriculum Framework.
That being said, producing a curriculum framework that has an inherent international or
even national design with an immediate local relevance was dismissed very early on in the
deliberations. A modular approach was proposed and as such the curriculum framework
consists of a number of themes and related modules as a generic offering. These themes were
harvested from the domain and a first draft compiled by internationally recognised domain
The Mobile Learning Curriculum Framework is thus based on the body of theory and
practice about Mobile Learning and cannot claim localisation relative to all possible or even
instances of implementation scenarios. The intention is therefore for institutions to select
appropriate themes and modules to reflect their specific needs. These would then need to be
adapted towards adopting the curriculum within their local context to suit the needs of their
specific target audience. As such this curriculum framework will not include detailed lesson
plans or courseware, but will take account of three sample adaptations as exemplars of
localisation and practical implementation.
Although the curriculum was initiated with South African needs within an African
context in mind, it has evolved with sufficient generality to be used as a framework
elsewhere. The curriculum framework is additionally non specific in terms of the target
audience and level to accommodate the dynamic nature of the domain as well as the possible
implementation intentions of such a curriculum. Consequently the bouquet of themes and
modules could support, for example:
• Training. To facilitate the need for teachers, lecturers, NGO practitioners etc. to
meaningfully engage with instances of professional development in order to become
knowledgeable about and/or be qualified in the field of mobile learning. As part of
this professional development, considerations on how to plan and integrate mobile
learning would be a prominent concern.
• Assist teachers, lecturers and trainers who are, or will soon be, tasked with teaching a
module or set of modules focused on mobile learning to a specific audience;
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Particular modules would be selected, adapted and used by the teachers to direct and
structure their teaching and learning. Modules could suggest available resources,
mobile-enabled pedagogy and possible ways for assessment.
• Guide teachers, lecturers, trainers and other practitioners in mobile enabled
pedagogical practices for their subject teaching. Concerns on how best to design and
organize learning instances; addressing concerns such as governance, planning,
practicalities, mobile safety and options for developing basic literacy through the use
of mobile devices would be significant.
The purposeful nature of the curriculum framework implies, through its broad application
area, that it accommodates the needs of academia and practice. Implementing organisations
need assurance that the framework can be viewed as representative of the domain as relevant
and consistent; that the expected practicality and effectiveness has been validated to justify
the investment. To this end a structured educational design research approach was used as
outlined in the following section.
3. Methodology
The term design research incorporates terms such as design experiments [5, 6], applied
research [7] or development research [8, 9] and design-based research [10]. Hannifin and
Wang define design research as “a systematic but flexible methodology aimed to improve
educational practices through iterative analysis, design, development, and implementation,
based on collaboration among researchers and practitioners in real-world settings, and leading
to contextually-sensitive design principles and theories” [10]. Van den Akker et al [11]
describes educational design research as the systematic study of designing, developing and
evaluating educational interventions (programs, processes and products) as solutions to
address complex problems in educational practice. Reeves [12] holds forth that “it
investigates the development of solutions to practical problems in learning environments with
the identification of reusable design principles.” He argues that design research aims at
developing optimal solutions for problems in context rather than comparing methods in
artificial contexts. Cobb, Confrey, di Sessa and Shauble see the aim as “to investigate the
possibilities for educational improvement by bringing about new forms of learning in order to
study them” [13].
As such it is argued that research of this nature can result in context-specific knowledge,
serve a problem solving function and speaks to reality rather than just report on it. Based on
the outline of Reeves [14] the development of the Mobile Learning Curriculum Framework
will comprise five main phases illustrated in Figure 1 below.
Seed funding was procured from the South African Department of Science and
Technology. During Phase 1 a task team was formed and through open and targeted
invitations domain experts volunteered their time and expertise. Subsequently, through a
process of arbitration, a methodology, target audience and scope was identified. Various
themes were proposed through an open call on various mailing lists within the domain of
mobile learning. Core themes were acknowledged and the themes were further deconstructed
to modules.
Phase 2 outlines an expert review through communities of practice and identified experts
in the field. Feedback will be evaluated and incorporated. This will allow for inclusion of
additional elements that are considered significant within the domain.
Phase 3 will target specific practitioner communities with a track record of applying
mobile learning in formal as well as informal settings.
Phase 4 will consist of a number of regional workshops to expose the curriculum
framework to regional critique and additionally create some awareness of the collaboration.
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Phase 5 aims to develop sample courseware for accreditation and work towards
integration instances.
Figure 1: Iterations as phases in creation of the Mobile Learning Curriculum Framework
Building on the arguments of Plomp [15, 16] and the work of Nieveen [17] each phase
with the process of refinement to confirmation, of the Mobile Learning Curriculum
Framework will be subject to evaluation criteria that reflects the maturation process. Criteria
progress from
• Relevance - Design is based on the domain knowledge.
• Consistency - Construct validity, the design is logical.
• Practicality - The curriculum framework is realistically usable in the education
• Effectiveness - Using the curriculum framework results in desired outcomes.
To date there have been commitments to develop a day course for in-service practitioners,
a week course for the in-service professional development of teachers and the development
of an undergraduate course aimed at pre-service teachers in South Africa. The Mobile
Learning Curriculum Framework does not aim to reflect specific societal or target audiences’
needs. The adaption, subsequent adoption and resulting implementation of the curriculum
framework require to be developed to address a specific context.
4. Developments
This Mobile Learning Curriculum Framework is the first attempt to systematically and
comprehensively explore where and how mobiles should appear within educational
provision. It is set out as a varied and fairly high-level description of material and motivation.
Some of the issues raised, such as e-safety, present education systems with clear, universal
and non-negotiable responsibilities. Other issues related to mobiles are part of a broader
responsibility to maximise learners’ employment prospects by adapting the curriculum to the
impact of mobiles on the worlds of work. Finally, mobile technology includes the capability
to extend the geographical and social reach of education systems and opportunities to enrich
and enhance the nature of education.
Lowering some barriers to educational and enhancing the teaching and learning
environments are the core of what might be considered mainstream mobile learning [18]. The
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various headings (themes) and sub-headings (modules) in this curriculum framework
represent a taxonomy, a way of representing and organising themes and content for the target
audience. It is assumed that learning with mobiles is only part of a wider interaction between
technology, in this case mobile technology, and society. Subsequently education fits into
a wider agenda of the social, economic, ethical and philosophical change taking place as
mobility and connectedness becomes more predominant within our societies.
The Mobile Learning Curriculum Framework presents itself through three broad learning
objectives expanded on in the following section. Generally it can be summed up as to know
about mobile learning, to facilitate mobile learning and to understand the implications of
implementing mobile learning. These learning objectives are summarized below:
• Acquisition of domain knowledge (Knowledge as related to the domain content
(“theory”). Comprehension of domain knowledge forms the basis of further
meaningful interactions in the domain as the student is exposed to relevant issues
towards active participation.
• Develop skills to enable mobile learning practice (Application as related to the
practice of mobile learning.) The selection of relevant domain knowledge and
associated presentation strategies should promote an appreciation of mobile learning
as an academic discipline as well as a teaching and learning strategy. Through the
learning of mobile learning the craft should be demonstrated and an appreciation of
the consequences of decisions that involve ethical, societal, personal and community
issues be imbued. Learners should gain these skills in a learning environment that
reflect and mirror the intension.
• Understand the role and impact of the domain knowledge in relation to the application
context. Critical evaluation and understanding related to the impact and affordances of
mobile learning in context. Technologies in general and mobile cellular technologies
in specifically have had a major impact on nearly every niche of society. The
attainment of a range of cognitive and practical skills should be facilitated and
assessed in an integrated way in the context provided by the modules in the themes
outlined in the curriculum.
Specific learning objectives derived from the curriculum for courseware will need to
reflect the needs of the target audience and organisational goals within the context of
implementation and presentation. The objectives overviewed in the previous section maps
onto related broad learning outcomes through appropriate assessment. The following section
details the themes and related modules.
Themes and Modules
The mobile learning research has often been concerned and conflicted with the definition of
mobile learning [19-21]. This has been an important activity in itself since it has reshaped
values, priorities and emphasis, shifting away from technology as a defining attribute and
towards the movement of the learner and the learning as key characteristics, as they cross
contexts and environments. Some have taken this further and seen the mobility and
connectedness afforded by mobile devices as being defining features of societies around the
world and mobile learning as merely whatever learning best serves those societies. The
proposed Framework attempts pragmatically to adopt such a broad, permeable, resilient and
inclusive definition. Perhaps though the term mobile learning is itself exclusive and perhaps
self-referential and thus creates barriers rather than transparency. The phrase learning with
mobile devices may be a more obvious term for the learning in question and may encourage
contributions and discussions not only with the self-identified mobile learning community but
also activists and practitioners in open and distance learning or those working with health
education or work force education.
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Within the outline of the curriculum, the authors acknowledge that various interpretation
for terms or concepts exist and therefore the intention behind the terms used are interpreted
and expanded within the context of this curriculum framework.
The term curriculum is seen as the embodiment of a program undertaken by the target
audience. The curriculum contains co-ordinated themes which constitute a coherent unity
related to the content, approach and assessment. As no curriculum is value free, and attempts
to design it as such underwrites a set of values in itself. The curriculum is presented with the
expectation that institutions wishing to implement it would have to permeate their courseware
with locally relevant societal values.
The articulated Mobile Learning Curriculum Framework consists of five themes as major
constituents in inquiry and is further broken down into modules that represent themes within
these areas as structured below:
• Theme: A theme is outlined as a distinctive concern within the domain.
o Theme rationale: Provides the reasons, importance and value of engaging in the
theme to the target audience. Presenting a broader view of the modules contained
within the specific theme. In essence, each theme contains a set of related modules
• Module: A module is outlined as a unit covering a single topic within the theme.
o Module rationale: Identifies the significance and impact of doing the individual
modules; the benefits involved and getting a clear understanding of the content to
be delivered as well as what the participants will learn from the module.
o Challenges: to understand and identify the possible risks and any other factors that
might be overlooked which may have a negative effect or hinder the delivery of
the modules. Addressing these challenges is imperative to the success of the
delivery and completion of the modules.
o Content
o Suggested adoption strategies
Building (y)our knowledge network
The first version outline is presented below.
The first version outline above accommodates aspects that touch on the impact of
mobiles on people, societies and economies as well as the more practical aspects of
integrating mobile devices within formal and informal environments. There are interrelationships between all of these modules, and so, developing and delivering any
courseware, should not be seen in isolation.
The proposed Framework is now being developed alongside the mobiMOOC initiative
[22]. MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are now an established global educational
phenomenon. A MOOC “is a course where the participants are distributed and course
materials also are dispersed across the web. This is possible only if the course is open, and
works significantly better if the course is large. The course is not a gathering, but rather a
way of connecting distributed instructors and learners across a common topic or field of
discourse [23]”. The first iteration of a MOOC devoted to mobile learning attracted over 200
active participants. The Framework and the MOOC represent in a very real sense
expressions, one formal and top-down, the other community-based and bottom-up, of a wider
desire to progress, consolidate and articulate mobile learning in useful, complementary and
synergistic ways. The MOOC community is a valuable source of mobile learning experience,
enriching the examples and the case studies, and valuable resource in terms of quality
assurance and user feedback from practitioners working in typical target institutions.
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Table 1: Mobile Learning Curriculum Framework Themes and Modules
The Impact of
and Societies
Digital Identity,
Finding Out
The Impact of
Mobiles on the
The Impact of
The Nature of
the Technology,
The Nature of
Mobile Learning
Nature of the
The Nature of
Work and Jobs
6. Conclusions
This paper has reflected on the first phase that incorporated the identification and
conceptualisation of the Mobile Learning Curriculum Framework as a first attempt to
systematically and comprehensively explore mobiles use within educational provision.
Themes and modules were identified and the design research methodology what guides the
process was outlined. The need to adapt for contextual adoption was emphasised for
implementation. Phase two, expert review, will further refine the conceptual curriculum
framework towards re-examine through regional workshops for further validation.
The paper reflects the cumulative labours of many talented and dedicated individuals who have
contributed their time and effort. The authors acknowledge the following contributors within Phase 1
as (in no specific order) T.Brown; P.Mlambo-Ngcuka; A.Kukulska-Hulme; M.Sharples; T.Van Wyk;
D.Steyn; L.Kunneke; M.Verster, M.Ford; G.Adedoja; J.Cronje and R.Vanske. The I AM LEARN
executive board and mailing list, and the Mobile Learning Research Mailing list.
GMSA. (2010, November). mLearning: A Platform for Educational Oppertunities at the Base of the
Department of Education, "White Paper on e-Education: Transforming Learning and Teaching through
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)." vol. 2006, D. o. Education, Ed., ed. Pretoria:
South African Government Gazette, 2004.
GSMA and A.T.Kearney. (2011, December). African Mobile Observatory. Available:
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