Vol. 87, No. 3, June, pp. 297–303, 1998
Article No. II984542
Complement System Is Not Activated in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
Marco Gardinali,* Luisa Conciato,* Cristina Cafaro,* Andrea Crosignani,†
Pier Maria Battezzati,† Angelo Agostoni,* and Mauro Podda†
*Institute of Internal Medicine, IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico, and †Institute of Internal Medicine,
Ospedale San Paolo, University of Milan, 20100 Milan, Italy
There is controversial evidence suggesting that the
classical pathway of complement system is chronically activated in primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC)
and that complement activation may be important
in development of bile duct injury. We have reevaluated this issue by measuring by-products of complement activation such as C4a, C3a, Bb, and terminal
complement complexes (SC5b-9) in plasma of 44 PBC
patients with sensitive methods not previously used
to detect complement activation in this disease. Agematched healthy women and patients with chronic
hepatitis of different etiology were studied as controls. We found that PBC patients have normal C4a
concentrations. This finding argues strongly against
chronic classical pathway activation. Although a minor increase of C3a levels was observed in a minority
of PBC patients, the C3a/C3 ratio, an index used to
evaluate the extent of native protein conversion, was
remarkably similar in all groups. Potentially lytic
terminal complement complexes were not increased.
PBC patients had normal Bb plasma levels, indicating that the alternative pathway is also not activated. C3 concentration was higher in PBC patients
than in healthy subjects and in chronic hepatitis patients, particularly in the early stages of the disease.
C3 and C4 concentrations became lower in PBC and
chronic hepatitis with the progression of the disease.
The increase of C3 concentration in PBC does not
reflect liver inflammation, since serum levels of Creactive protein are normal. We found high serum
C3 levels in patients with rare chronic cholestatic
syndromes without superimposed infections and observed that serum C3 levels paralleled those of bilirubin in a patient with benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis. In conclusion, our data indicate
that complement is not activated in PBC and that
the increase of serum C3 levels is related to cholestasis. q 1998 Academic Press
Key Words: complement system; primary biliary cirrhosis; chronic hepatitis; cholestasis.
Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is a chronic, cholestatic liver disease of unknown etiology which may
eventually progress to liver failure and death (1, 2). Its
frequent association with immune-mediated diseases
and the finding of several disorders of both cellular and
humoral immunity have suggested that some derangement of immune regulation is involved in the pathogenesis (4–9). Accordingly, a number of abnormalities of
complement metabolism have been described in PBC
patients (10–18). Earlier studies detected reduced levels of C4 in PBC patients, suggesting that the classical
pathway is chronically activated, possibly by immune
complexes (11, 12, 14–20). However, no study so far
has directly measured the catabolic product of C4, C4a,
in PBC. Moreover, plasma levels of some complement
proteins (C1q, C2, C3, C5) were elevated rather than
reduced as would be expected in case of activation (11,
16). In addition, other investigators did not find any
circulating immune complexes in serum (21) or complement terminal complexes in bile ducts from PBC patients (22). There are several possible interpretations
of these data. Methods to detect complement activation
have variable accuracy and sensitivity. More important, the small numbers of previously investigated
populations of PBC patients prevented taking into consideration the progress of the disease. It is well known,
in fact, that patients with early-stage PBC show a cholestatic picture with limited necroinflammatory hepatocyte injury, while more advanced disease is characterized by progressive impairment of the liver’s synthetic function (23). Plasma levels of complement
proteins depend on liver synthesis. Low serum levels
of complement proteins are, therefore, expected in patients with late-stage PBC. Unfortunately, despite its
potential interest, there is no available information regarding complement protein plasma levels in different
stages of PBC.
In the present study we have reevaluated the issue
of complement system activation in a large number of
PBC patients by measuring, in addition to plasma levels of C3 and C4, products of complement activation
(C4a, C3a, Bb, SC5b-9), employing more sensitive
methods than those used in earlier studies (24–26).
These methods can detect levels of complement activation as low as 2–5%, as demonstrated in several studies
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Copyright q 1998 by Academic Press
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
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from different laboratories (27–29). To evaluate the
effect of disease progression on complement activation,
PBC patients were analyzed according to their clinical
and histological stages (30, 31). We included in the
study an age-matched control group consisting of apparently healthy subjects. To disentangle the effects of
necroinflammatory liver damage and chronic cholestasis on complement parameters, two additional disease
control groups were studied, the first consisting of patients with chronic hepatitis of different etiology and
the second of patients affected by other cholestatic syndromes of different origin, with no features of autoimmunity and without superimposed infections (32–35).
Patients and Study Design
Forty-four women with PBC who consecutively attended the outpatient liver clinic at the San Paolo University Hospital in Milan during a period of 3 months
were studied. An informed consent was obtained from
each patient. Diagnosis of PBC was based on a combination of the following, widely accepted criteria: presence of cholestatic liver disease for at least 6 months,
liver biopsy compatible with the diagnosis, a positive
test for antimitochondrial antibodies, serum alkaline
phosphatase levels twice the upper limit of normal values, absence of biliary obstruction as assessed by endoscopic cholangiography, and/or ultrasonography. Liver
biopsy specimens obtained during the year preceding
the study were classified according to Scheuer (31).
Four patients had antibodies to hepatitis B virus (HBV)
core antigen and 5 against hepatitis C virus (HCV)
(EIA 3). Seventeen had antinuclear antibodies; 2 had
anti-smooth-muscle antibodies. PBC patients frequently had autoimmune features. Nineteen had sicca
syndrome; 5 had Raynaud’s phenomenon. One patient
had scleroderma; 1 had systemic lupus erythematosus.
Three control groups were studied. The first group
consisted of 17 apparently healthy, age-matched (mean
age, 51 { 10 years) women. The second group consisted
of 23 age-matched (mean age, 52 { 12 years) patients
with chronic hepatitis of viral (HCV, 10 patients, or
HBV infection, 2 patients) or alcoholic (11 patients)
etiology. Fourteen of the patients with chronic hepatitis
had liver cirrhosis: 10 had Class A and 4 Class B or C
cirrhosis, according to the Child–Turcotte classification as modified by Pugh et al. (30). The third control
group consisted of 15 patients with different cholestatic
conditions. Two of these patients had consecutive episodes of benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis
(Summerskill–Walshe syndrome), 3 syndromic paucity
of interlobular bile ducts (Alagille syndrome or arteriohepatic dysplasia), 5 idiopathic ductopenic syndrome of the adult, and 5 primary sclerosing cholangi-
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tis (32–35). Serum autoantibodies were negative in all
patients of this group. The patients with sclerosing
cholangitis had no associated inflammatory bowel disease. Liver histology did not show inflammation in patients with idiopathic ductopenic syndrome of the
adult. Blood samples were drawn from the patients
with benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis during
and between two consecutive episodes of jaundice. In
the analysis involving the entire control group of cholestatic syndromes, the contribution of these 2 patients
was limited to the data obtained at the cholestatic
peak. Table 1 summarizes the main clinical and laboratory data of the different patient groups. Due to the
rarity of some of the cholestatic conditions included
in this control group, no attempt was made to match
patients belonging to the PBC group for age.
Since complement is activated in sepsis (27), we excluded patients for whom concomitant bacterial infections could be suspected on the basis of history, clinical
examination, and routine laboratory tests.
Methods of Analysis
Serum levels of native proteins C3 and C4 and
plasma levels of anaphylatoxins C4a and C3a were
measured in all groups of patients. Plasma levels of the
catabolic product of Factor B, Bb, and of the terminal
complement components, SC5b-9, were measured in
PBC patients and in healthy subjects.
Plasma levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) were determined as an index of acute-phase reaction (36).
Blood samples were collected in the morning after
overnight fasting. Blood for anaphylatoxin measurement was collected in polystyrene tubes containing disodium ethylenediaminotetracetic acid (Na2EDTA; 7.5
mg/5 mL of blood). After centrifugation at 2500g for 15
min at 47C, plasma was adjusted to 0.2 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride to prevent in vitro activation.
Plasma and serum samples were stored at 0807C until
they were assayed. C3 and C4 were measured in serum
by radial immunodiffusion (Nor Partigen, Behringwerke AG, Marburg Lahn, Germany). C3a and C4a
were measured in plasma by radioimmunoassay (Amersham, England). The C3a/C3 and C4a/C4 ratios were
calculated to evaluate the extent (in percent) of native
protein conversion, according to the equation
Ratio % Å
A 1 MW N
N 1 MW A
in which A and N are the anaphylatoxin and corresponding native protein levels. Molecular weights
(MW) of 9 (C3a and C4a), 205 (C4), and 185 kD (C3)
were used (24).
Plasma levels of the catabolic product of factor B,
Bb, and the terminal complement components (SC5b-
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No. of subjects:
Agea (years):
Laboratory dataa
Albumin (g/dL)
Alkaline phosphatase 598
Bilirubin (mg/dL)
IgM (mg/dL)
No cirrhosis
Class A
Class B–C
Healthy women
{ 12 (28–77)
{ 10 (38–76)
Chronic hepatitis
{ 12 (25–75)
Cholestatic syndromes
{ 11 (23–55)**
{ 0.4 (3.2–4.8)
{ 346 (124–1436)*
4.2 { 0.6 (3.5–5.0)
210 { 80 (105–290)
3.9 { 0.4 (3.2–4.8)
223 { 92 (80–540)
4.3 { 0.5 (3.5–5.2)
447 { 285 (177–1192)*
{ 1.1 (0.3–6.7)
{ 193 (110–789)**
0.8 { 0.5 (0.4–1.5)
148 { 95 (70–210)
1.0 { 1.1 (0.3–6.7)
194 { 103 (47–418)
1.3 { 1.1 (0.6–5.1)
224 { 73 (128–383)
Mean { SD; range in brackets.
Number of subjects.
* P õ 0.05 vs healthy women and chronic hepatitis.
** P õ 0.05 vs all other groups.
9) were measured by enzyme immunoassay commercial
kits (Quidel, San Diego, CA) according to manufacturer’s instructions.
CRP levels were measured by radial immunodiffusion (Nor Partigen, Behringwerke AG). The method
allows the detection of the protein when the concentration is higher than 0.5 mg/dL.
groups of healthy subjects and patients with chronic
hepatitis are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. C4a/C4 and C3a/
C3 ratios are also reported. Serum levels of C4 and C4a
Statistical Analysis
Data are reported as means { standard deviations
({SD) unless stated differently in the text. All complement data were log-transformed in order to achieve
normal distributions and homogeneity of variances.
The Student t test for independent samples was used
to determine the significance of differences between
continuous variables for the groups.
Differences in laboratory data between the PBC and
the control groups were analyzed by one-way analysis
of variance. When the overall F test in the analysis of
variance was significant, the Scheffè test was used to
compare different pairs of means (37). The combined
effects of liver disease (i.e., PBC or chronic hepatitis)
and of disease stage, as defined by the Child–Turcotte
classification (30) on complement parameters, were
evaluated by two-way analysis of variance. When a significant effect of disease stage was found, the Scheffè
test was used to determine significant differences between pairs of classes. P values õ0.05 were considered
significant. Tests for two-tailed data were used.
Plasma levels of native protein C4 and C3 and of
anaphylatoxin C4a and C3a in PBC patients and in the
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FIG. 1. C4, C4a, and C4a/C4 ratios in patients with PBC, in
age-matched healthy women, and in patients with chronic hepatitis.
There are no significant differences between PBC and control groups.
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FIG. 2. C3, C3a, and C3a/C3 ratios in patients with PBC, in
age-matched healthy women, and in patients with chronic hepatitis.
Significance of differences between PBC and control groups are indicated.
and C4a/C4 ratio were similar in PBC patients and in
the two other groups. C3 and C3a were significantly
higher in PBC, whereas the C3a/C3 ratio did not differ
in the groups.
Plasma levels of SC5b-9 (388 { 218 ng/mL vs 360 {
70 ng/mL) and Bb (1.08 { 0.37 vs 1.16 { 0.45 mg/
mL) were similar in patients with PBC and in healthy
subjects. No differences were found between plasma
levels of C4a, C3a, and SC5b-9 in PBC patients with
and without autoimmune features (C4a, 500 { 366 vs
361 { 265 ng/mL; C3a, 425 { 236 vs 331 { 117 ng/mL;
SC5b-9, 355 { 260 vs 414 { 180 ng/mL). However,
particularly high levels of C4a (1735 ng/mL), C3a (1062
mg/mL), and SC5b-9 (672 ng/mL) were detected in one
patient with PBC and scleroderma. Had this patient
been excluded from the statistical analysis, C3a levels
in PBC would not have been significantly different from
those observed in patients with chronic hepatitis.
Mean ({SD) serum C4 and C3 levels of PBC and
chronic hepatitis patients at different clinical stages of
the disease, as assessed by the Child–Turcotte classification, are shown in Fig. 3. With the progression of
disease stage, there were significant decreases in both
C4 and C3. This reduction was similar in PBC and
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FIG. 3. Serum C3 and C4 mean (/SD) levels in patients with
PBC (gray columns) and chronic hepatitis (black columns) by Child–
Turcotte classification. There was no statistically significant interaction between disease groups and stages of disease. Significant differences among Child–Turcotte classes were demonstrated for C3 (P Å
0.001) and C4 (P õ 0.001). Asterisks indicate values significantly
different from class B–C of corresponding disease (P õ 0.05). There
were significant differences in C3 between disease groups (P õ
in patients with chronic hepatitis, as indicated by the
absence of any significant statistical interaction between disease group and stage of disease. Patients with
PBC, however, had significantly higher C3 levels, particularly in the early stages of disease.
The mean ({SD) anaphylatoxin concentrations and
native protein/anaphylatoxin ratios in patients with
different stages of disease are reported in Table 2. The
mean C4a and C3a levels were similar in the different
Child–Turcotte classes of patients. A slight, but sig-
No cirrhosis
(n Å 20)
C4a (ng/mL)
C4a/C4 ratio (%)
C3a (ng/mL)
C3a/C3 ratio (%)
{ 166
{ 7.1
{ 203
{ 0.6
Child A
(n Å 19)
{ 399
{ 2.5
{ 145
{ 0.4
* P õ 0.05 vs no cirrhosis and Child A groups.
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Child B–C
(n Å 5)
{ 183
{ 1.8
{ 298
{ 0.4*
FIG. 4. Serum levels (mg/dL) of C3 (gray circles) and C4 (black
squares) in a patient with benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis,
during and between consecutive episodes of jaundice. Dashed columns indicate total serum bilirubin levels (mg/dL).
nificant increase in C3a/C3 ratio (but not C4a/C4) ratio
was observed in Child B–C group (P õ 0.05).
In the group of patients with other cholestatic syndromes, plasma levels of C3 and C4 were 109 { 36 and
35 { 12 mg/dL. While C4 levels were not different from
those observed in the other groups, C3 levels were
higher than in healthy subjects, patients with chronic
hepatitis (P õ 0.001 for both comparisons), and PBC
(P Å 0.02). The C3 concentration was weakly but significantly correlated with alkaline phosphatase levels
in PBC (r Å 0.43, P Å 0.004) and in patients with other
cholestatic syndromes (r Å 0.51, P Å 0.01).
Figure 4 shows serum C3 and C4 levels in samples
collected from a patient with benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestatis during and following a cholestatic episode. C3, but not C4, levels were increased when jaundice was present.
Approximately 30% of all the plasma tested had detectable levels of CRP (ú0.5 mg/dL). Plasma CRP levels
in PBC and control groups are reported in Table 3.
There were no significant differences among mean levels of CRP of the four different groups. No correlation
between C3 and CRP levels was observed in PBC patients as a group (P Å 0.15, NS) or in the ‘‘no cirrhosis’’
subset (P Å 0.28, NS). No correlation was found between C3 and CRP levels either in the cholestatic syndrome group (P Å 0.49, NS).
To reach a definite conclusion about the existence of
any abnormality in complement metabolism in PBC we
have used sensitive methods which have been shown
to be suitable for detection of slight degrees of activation in other clinical conditions (27–29). PBC is characterized by different degrees of cholestasis, portal in-
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flammation, fibrosis, and impairment of liver function
(1, 2). To assess the influence of cholestasis separately
from that of necroinflammatory liver damage, we also
studied a group of patients affected by other cholestatic
syndromes with no features of autoimmunity and a
group of patients with chronic hepatitis of several origins.
C4 and C4a levels were similar in PBC and in control
subjects. This strongly argues against the hypothesis
that there is a chronic activation of the classical complement pathway in PBC. The study of other catabolic
products of complement activation points in the same
direction. The mean levels of C3a were slightly elevated
compared to healthy women and chronic hepatitis
groups; however, C3a concentration was within the
normal range in most of the plasma from PBC patients
(Fig. 2). The complement system was overtly activated
only in a woman with PBC and associated scleroderma.
High levels of anaphylatoxins C4a and, more rarely, of
C3a in patients with scleroderma have been previously
reported by Wild et al. (38). Had this patient been excluded from the statistical analysis, C3a mean levels
in PBC would not have been different from those observed in chronic hepatitis. Moreover, the ratio of C3a
to C3, an index used to evaluate the extent of native
protein conversion, was very similar in all groups. Normal levels of SC5b-9 definitely indicate that, should
there be any activation of the complement system in
PBC, it does not continue to involve potentially lytic
terminal complement components. Finally, the determination of plasma levels of the catabolic product of
factor B, Bb, rules out that there is alternative pathway
activation in PBC, as previously suggested (10).
Discrepancies between our studies and previous reports suggesting that complement is activated in PBC
are, in our opinion, largely dependent on methodology.
Most of these studies, in fact, demonstrated C3 conversion by counter- or rocket-immunoelectrophoresis,
which are qualitative or, at best, semiquantitative
methods. Split products of C3 (or C4) with different
electrophoretic mobility were demonstrated in serum
(18), but not in EDTA–plasma (15), suggesting that the
CRP (mg/dL)
No. of samples
ú0.5 mg/dL
Mean { SD
0.6 { 0.8
NDa —3.2
0.2 { 0.4
0.3 { 0.7
0.6 { 1.0
Note. No significant difference among groups by one-way analysis
of variance.
Nondetectable (i.e. õ0.5 mg/dL).
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complement activation observed in the former study
occurred in vitro after clotting.
Our study is the first one in which complement data
were analyzed taking into consideration the stage of
PBC. Figure 3 clearly shows that C3 and C4 levels
decrease with the worsening of the disease. Potter et
al. previously noted that the C3 and C4 levels were
lower in PBC patients with than in those without ascites (14). The decrease of plasma concentration of C3
and C4 is due to the reduction of synthesis rather than
to complement activation, as an effect of progressive
necroinflammatory liver damage. Plasma levels of anaphylatoxins C4a and C3a, in fact, did not increase in
the late stage of the disease (Table 2). A slight, albeit
significant, increase in mean C3a/C3 ratio (but not in
C4a/C4 ratio), however, has been observed in the Child
B–C group. In three of these five patients a limited
activation of C3 cannot be excluded, as the increase of
C3a/C3 ratio is the result of increase of C3a to approximately twice the upper limit of the normal range, with
contemporary decrease in C3 concentration. In two patients we observed exclusively a relevant decrease in
C3 levels, with C3a levels within the normal range.
The finding of high levels of C3 in the early phases
of PBC remains to be explained. It has been shown that
C3 behaves like an acute-phase reactant and that its
plasma levels can increase as much as twofold in inflammatory diseases. CRP on the other hand is a much
more sensitive marker of acute-phase reaction, increasing 100- to 1000-fold after tissue injury or inflammation
(36). Most of the PBC patients had levels of CRP lower
than 0.5 mg/dL; those who had detectable levels of the
protein by radial immunodiffusion had concentrations
usually between 1 and 2 mg/dL. As gene expression
in hepatocytes of both CRP and C3 is responsive to
stimulation by interleukin-1 and interleukin-6 (39, 40),
the finding of normal levels of CRP in PBC argues
against the hypothesis that the C3 increase is the result of acute-phase reaction. In the present study, we
tested the hypothesis that the increase in serum C3
levels is associated with cholestasis. Elevated serum
C3 levels have been reported in patients with cholestasis secondary to large bile duct obstruction by gallstones (16). However, this form of cholestasis develops
acutely and is frequently associated with infection;
therefore, increased levels of C3 may reflect inflammation rather than cholestasis. Inclusion of the group of
patients with rare cholestatic syndromes and no superimposed infection or autoimmune features (32–35) enabled us to further investigate the relationship between alterations of the complement profile and cholestasis. The severity of cholestasis was similar in these
patients and in PBC, as judged by serum alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin levels, and, as expected, we ruled
out a significant inflammatory involvement on the basis of normal CRP values. We did find that serum C3
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levels are also elevated in these cholestatic conditions
and are correlated with alkaline phosphatase levels.
Furthermore, striking elevations of C3, but not of C4,
levels were found during cholestatic episodes in benign
recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis. These observations
strongly support the hypothesis of a specific cholestasis-induced elevation of C3. Cholestasis may induce
liver synthesis of other proteins (41–43). It is also possible that cholestasis impairs secretion of C3 into bile,
although no study has so far identified complement
proteins in bile, with the exception of C1 protease-inhibitor catabolic fragments (44, 45). Whatever the
mechanism leading to C3 elevation in PBC, we have
found that both serum C3 and C4 levels decrease with
worsening of liver disease, when impairment of liver
synthesis occurs.
In conclusion, the complement system is not specifically involved in the pathogenesis of PBC. High serum
C3 levels, related to cholestasis, may be found in PBC,
particularly in the early stage of disease. The potential
role of C3 and C4 as markers of disease progression
still need to be evaluated in properly designed future
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Received June 24, 1997; accepted with revision February 16, 1998
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