March 5, 2008 6:16 WSPC/Guidelines
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications
c World Scientific Publishing Company
Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas
Richardson, Texas 75083, USA
Department of Computer Science, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201-0784, USA
Department of Computer Science, Utah State University
Logan, Utah 84322-4205, USA
Received (received date)
Revised (revised date)
Communicated by (Name)
Maximum Independent Set (MIS) and its relative Maximum Weight Independent Set
(MWIS) are well-known problems in combinatorial optimization; they are NP-hard even
in the geometric setting of unit disk graphs. In this paper, we study the Maximum
Area Independent Set (MAIS) problem, a natural restricted version of MWIS in disk
intersection graphs where the weight equals the disk area. We obtain: (i) Quantitative
bounds on the maximum total area of an independent set relative to the union area; (ii)
Practical constant-ratio approximation algorithms for finding an independent set with a
large total area relative to the union area.
Keywords: Maximum independent set; disk intersection graph; approximation algorithm.
1. Introduction
Maximum Independent Set (MIS) is the problem of computing an independent
set of maximum cardinality in a given undirected graph. In the weighted version,
Maximum Weight Independent Set (MWIS), a non-negative weight is associated
with each vertex of the graph, and the problem is to compute an independent set
∗ Partially
supported by NSF CAREER grant CCF-0444188.
author. Partially supported by NSF grant DBI-0743670 and USU grant A13501.
† Corresponding
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S. Bereg, A. Dumitrescu, M. Jiang
of maximum total weight. MWIS is often studied in geometric settings, where the
input graph G = (V, E) is the intersection graph of a set V of geometric objects.
The intersection graph G(S) of a set S of objects has a vertex representing each
object in S and an edge between two vertices if and only if the corresponding
objects intersect in their interiors 16 . For MWIS in geometric intersection graphs,
a common choice for the weight is the volume (or area) of each geometric object.
In this paper, we study the Maximum Area Independent Set (MAIS) problem, a
restricted version of MWIS in disk intersection graphs where the weight equals the
disk area. MAIS is a natural problem with many applications. We illustrate with
one example: Given a set of potential wireless network servers at specified locations
and with associated disk covering ranges, find a subset of servers that maximize
the covered area under the constraint of non-interference. See also the paper by Alt
et al. 2 for recent results on covering point sets by disks.
MIS in unit disk graphs is known to be NP-hard 9 , which immediately implies
the NP-hardness of MWIS and MAIS in general disk intersection graphs. A 3approximation for MIS in unit disk graphs can be easily achieved by a sweep-line
algorithm that repeatedly selects the leftmost disk disjoint from the previously
selected disks 15 ; for MIS in general disk intersection graphs, a 5-approximation
can be obtained by repeatedly selecting the smallest disjoint disk instead 15 , and
can be extended to MWIS using the local-ratio technique 3 . In a seminal work by
Hochbaum and Maass 14 , a PTAS for MIS in unit disk graphs was obtained using a
shifted grid strategy. Later, a PTAS for MWIS in general disk intersection graphs
was found by Erlebach et al. 13 using a more sophisticated shifted hierarchical
subdivision strategy. The time complexity of the PTAS by Erlebach et al. 13 was
nO(1/ε ) , which was improved to nO(1/ε) by Chan 8 . Both approximation schemes
are relatively complicated, with running times essentially impractical for larger n; so
their main merit is largely theoretical, rather than practical. Chan 8 remarked that
“much work remains in order to develop truly practical approximation algorithms.”
We first introduce some notations. Denote by |C| the area (i.e., the Lebesgue
measure) of a convex set C in R2 . For a set S of convex sets in R2 , define its union
area as |S| = | ∪C∈S C|. For two points a and b, denote by |ab| the length of the
segment ab.
Two natural questions can be asked about the MAIS problem in disk intersection
(1) How large is the maximum total area of an independent set relative to the union
(2) How to compute efficiently an independent set with a large total area relative
to the union area?
Question 1 above is in fact related to “the Rados’ problem on selecting disjoint
squares” 10 , first posed by T. Rado 24 in 1928, subsequently studied by many
researchers, and considered in detail by R. Rado 21,22,23 in a more general setting
for various classes of convex sets. Let S be a set of homothetic copies of a convex
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Maximum Area Independent Sets in Disk Intersection Graphs
set S, assumed to be compact and with nonempty interior. For the case that S is
a set of congruent disks, R. Rado 21 showeda that there exists an independent set
> 4.4107
. For the case that S is a set of axis-aligned
I ⊆ S such that |I|/|S| ≥ 8√
squares, T. Rado observed that a greedy algorithm, which repeatedly selects the
largest square disjoint from those previously selected, can find an independent set
I ⊆ S such that |I|/|S| ≥ 1/9. When the squares in S are congruent, it is known 10
that there exists an independent set I ⊆ S such that |I|/|S| ≥ 1/4. This bound 1/4
is clearly the best possible: take four unit squares sharing a common vertex, only
one of them can be in an independent set. T. Rado 24 conjectured, in 1928, that
the bound 1/4 also holds for arbitrary, i.e., not necessarily congruent, axis-aligned
squares. Forty-five years later, in 1973, an ingenious construction by Ajtai 1 with
several hundred squares disproved T. Rado’s conjecture! In the spirit of T. Rado’s
conjecture for squares 24 , we make the following conjecture for disks:
Conjecture 1. For any set S of closed disks in the plane, there is a subset I ⊆ S
of pairwise-disjoint disks such that |I|/|S| ≥ 1/4.
The subset I of pairwise-disjoint disks is an independent set in the intersection
graph G(S). Alternatively, I can be interpreted as a packing of disks with positions
restricted to S. Geometric packing and covering are notoriously hard problems; a
lot of research has been done in the past to find the densest packing, the thinnest
covering, and the packing-covering ratio of disks in the plane and balls in the space
. Our conjecture is about disks in the plane, but a general question can be asked
for balls in any dimension d: What is the largest value ξd such that, for any set S
of balls in Rd , there is always an independent set I ⊆ S with |I|/|S| ≥ ξd ? To be
precise, define
ξd = inf sup
where S ranges over all sets of balls in Rd , and I ranges over all independent
subsets of S. Then our conjecture is that ξ2 ≥ 1/4. Rado 21 observed an upper
bound ξd ≤ 1/2d : Let S be the set of all unit balls in Rd that contain a common
point (say, the origin). The intersection graph G(S) is a clique, so any independent
set I can include at most one unit ball. The bound follows by comparing the two
volumes |I| and |S|. Moreover, one can get arbitrarily close to the ratio 1/2d with
finite sets of balls.
For the easy case d = 1, a lower bound ξ1 ≥ 1/2 is known: for any set of closed
intervals S on the real line, there is a subset I ⊆ S of disjoint intervals such that
the total length of the intervals in I is at least 1/2 of the total length of the union
of the intervals in S. This fact was first noted by R. Rado 21 . Nevertheless, for
a According to R. Rado, this result was first found by Besicovitch but not published, and later
rediscovered by himself.
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S. Bereg, A. Dumitrescu, M. Jiang
comparison with our proofs for the case d = 2, we include in the following a short
proof for ξ1 ≥ 1/2 rediscovered by ourselves:
Without loss of generality, assume that no interval in S is completely covered
by the union of other intervals: otherwise remove any such interval and the union
length |S| remains the same. Observe that any point on the line can intersect at
most two intervals in S: suppose that a point intersects three intervals, then the
union of two of them, the one with the left-most endpoint and the one with the
right-most endpoint, would cover the third, a contradiction. Order the intervals by
their left endpoints, then color the ith interval by i (mod 2). We obtain a twocoloring of the intersection graph G(S). The intervals in S can be partitioned into
two independent sets, one of which has a total length of at least |S|/2.
The lower bound ξ1 ≥ 1/2 and the upper bound ξd ≤ 1/2d together imply an
exact bound ξ1 = 1/2 for the case d = 1. This is indeed the only known case for
which we have matching lower and upper bounds.
Our Results. In this paper, we derive new bounds on the value ξ2 and its variants.
The underlying set S of disks in the definition of ξ2 may be restricted in various ways:
ρarbitrary = ξ2 for arbitrary disks, ρclique for pairwise-intersecting disks (cliques),
ρdisjoint for interior-disjoint (non-overlapping) disks, and ρunit for unit disks. We
also provide efficient algorithms that, given a finite set S of closed disks in the
plane, compute an independent subset I with a large total area |I| relative to the
union area |S|.
> 1/4.4107. This remains the current best
R. Rado 21 showed that ρunit ≥ 8√
lower bound for ρunit . Here we give a very simple O(n log n) time algorithm achieving
a looser bound ρunit ≥ 1/(5 + 4/π) > 1/6.2733, and a linear-time approximation
scheme achieving (approximately) R. Rado’s bound:
Theorem 1. Let S be a set of n closed unit disks in the plane. Then,
(i) An independent set of area |S|/λ, where λ = 5 + 4/π < 6.2733, can be computed
in O(n log n) time;
(ii) For any given ε > 0, an independent set of area |S|/(λ+ε), where λ = 8 3/π <
4.4107, can be computed in O(n/ε2 ) time.
The previous best bound for arbitrary disks is ρarbitrary ≥ (1 + 1/200704)/9 ≈
1/8.999955, which is implicit from a more general result of R. Rado 21 for centrallysymmetric convex sets. Here we derive an improved bound:
Theorem 2. Let S be a set of n closed disks in the plane. Then an independent
set of area |S|/λ, where 8.4897 < λ < 8.4898, can be computed in O(n2 ) time. That
is, ρarbitrary > 1/8.4898.
For comparison, the current best bound for axis-aligned squares in the plane
is 1/8.6, due to Zalgaller 27 . We revisit this and many other variants of Rados’
problem in a forthcoming paper 4 .
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Maximum Area Independent Sets in Disk Intersection Graphs
It is not hard to show that Conjecture 1 holds for the special case of pairwiseintersecting disks. The diameter of a set S of pairwise-intersecting closed disks in
the plane is at most two times the maximum disk diameter. It is well-known 25
that the area of a planar set is at most the area of a disk of the same diameter.
Therefore, the area of the largest disk in S is at least 1/4 of the union area |S|. Let
the independent set I include only the largest disk in S, and we have |I|/|S| ≥ 1/4.
This lower bound is tight, compared to the upper bound ξ2 ≤ 1/4 mentioned earlier.
We thus have:
Proposition 1. Let S be a set of pairwise-intersecting closed disks S in the plane.
Then there is a disk in S whose area is at least |S|/4. That is, ρclique = 1/4.
Consider now the variant of intersection graph in which a pair of objects sharing only boundary points are also considered intersecting. For the case of interiordisjoint disks, i.e., the disks may be tangent but do not overlap in the interior, the
intersection (tangency) graph is planar and hence 4-colorable, as pointed out by
Pollack 19 . We therefore have a 1/4 lower bound on the area ratio. We mention here
a related question 18 asked by Erdős in 1983: What is the largest number F = F (n)
with the property that every set of n non-overlapping unit disks in the plane has an
independent subset with at least F members? Since for non-overlapping disks (unit
or not) the intersection graph is 4-colorable, where each color class forms an independent set, the largest color class has at least n/4 members; therefore F (n) ≥ ⌈n/4⌉.
Csizmadia 11 improved this lower bound to ⌈9n/35⌉. The best current upper and
lower bounds 7 are due to Pach and Tóth 18 , and Swanepoel 26 , respectively:
≤ F (n) ≤
≈ 0.3125n.
The upper bound, which holds for sufficiently large n, immediately gives an
upper bound on the area ratio for non-overlapping disks: ρdisjoint ≤ 5/16 = 0.3125.
One can use this construction or a previous one due to Chung, Graham and Pach
, then add a number of smaller equal disks to get a slightly better upper bound;
we discuss this briefly in Section 4. However our best construction is of a different
type and uses an infinite number of disks of different radii; again, a finite small
subset of disks in this construction gets arbitrarily close to this bound, i.e., below
Theorem 3. Let S be a set of non-overlapping closed disks in the plane. Then
there is a subset I ⊆ S of disjoint disks whose total area is at least |S|/4, and
there are examples where no such subset has area more than 0.3028|S|. That is,
1/4 ≤ ρdisjoint < 0.3028.
2. Unit disks: proof of Theorem 1
In this section we discuss two different approaches for finding an independent set I
of large total area in a given set S = {D1 , D2 , . . . , Dn } of unit disks. Denote by ci
the center of a disk Di .
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S. Bereg, A. Dumitrescu, M. Jiang
Algorithm U1 The first approach applies the well-known sweep-line technique.
It is interesting to note that, long before the sweep-line technique was introduced
in computational geometry, it had already been used implicitly by R. Rado 21
in obtaining lower bounds on the volume ratios of independent sets in systems
of congruent homothetic convex bodies. We review this technique here and show
that a tighter analysis is possible for unit disks. We also choose to discuss the
technique because it is very simple and can be implemented efficiently. To construct
an independent set I ⊆ S, initialize I to be empty, then repeat the following
selection step until S is empty:
Let Di be the leftmost disk in S. Let Si ⊆ S be the set of disks that intersect
Di (Di ∈ Si ). Add Di to I, then remove from S the disks in Si .
Fig. 1. Bound for the union area |Si | in algorithm U1.
From Fig. 1, it is easy to see that
|Si | ≤ 2 · + 4 + · 32 = 5π + 4.
It follows that
|Di |
|Si |
5π + 4
We therefore have the bound |I|/|S| ≥ 1/λ, where λ = 5 + 4/π < 6.2733.
Algorithm U1 can be implemented in O(n log n) time as follows. We sort the
centers of the disks by x-coordinate. Let x = x0 be the sweeping line. We maintain
the set I ′ of disks in I whose centers have x-coordinates at least x0 − 1. The
disks in I ′ are stored in a balanced binary search tree with y-coordinates of their
centers as keys. When the sweeping line hits the center of a disk Di we locate the ycoordinate of ci = (x, y) in I ′ in O(log n) time. Suppose for simplicity that the disks
in I ′ are D1 , D2 , . . . , Dk . Suppose that y is between y-coordinates of cj and cj+1 .
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Maximum Area Independent Sets in Disk Intersection Graphs
We check whether Di intersects at least one of eight disks Dj−3 , Dj−2 , . . . , Dj+4 . If
Di intersects a disk Dk , then Di belongs to Sk and we do not add it to I. Otherwise
none of the disks of I intersects Di , and we add it to I and I ′ . Clearly, the total
running time is O(n log n).
Algorithm U2 The second approach is based on a lattice technique and goes
back to another old result of R. Rado 21 , who proved the√existence of a subset I
of disjoint disks in S such that |I|/|S| ≥ 1/λ, where λ = 8 3/π < 4.4107.
Fig. 2. The rhombus σ.
R. Rado’s proof is as follows (it is worth comparing the argument with that for
the case d = 1). Consider the √
equilateral triangular lattice Λ determined by the two
bases u = (4, 0) and v = (2, 2 3): two adjacent lattice points are at distance 4. Fix
an arbitrary√cell σ (a rhombus of side length 4) of the lattice. See Fig. 2. The area of
σ is |σ| = 8 3. Translate each cell of the lattice to overlap with σ. There is a point
in p ∈ σ that is covered at least k = ⌈|S|/|σ|⌉ times. The original points covered
by the union of the disks which correspond to p have pairwise distances at least 4.
Pick an arbitrary disk in S covering each such point. Observe that these disks are
pairwise disjoint in their interior, therefore S contains an independent
set of size k
with total area πk = π⌈|S|/|σ|⌉ ≥ |S|/λ, where λ = |σ|/π = 8 3/π < 4.4107.
We first note that R. Rado’s proof can be turned into O(n2 ) time algorithm
if we compute the arrangement of circular arcs intersecting σ. In particular, the
algorithm finds a point in σ which is covered the maximum number of times (in
all translated cells in the lattice) by the union of the disks. Recently, Braß et al. 6
studied a colored version of the maximum area independent set problem, and noticed
its connection with the following 3SUM-hard problem: Given a set of n unit radius
discs in the plane, decide whether there is a point of depth k, i.e., a point covered
by k disks. This may indicate the optimality of the above O(n2 ) time algorithm
that implements R. Rado’s proof.
We now show that a (1 + ε)-approximation of R. Rado’s bound can be achieved
by our second algorithm, U2, in linear time. Note that algorithm U2 makes use
of the floor function; in contrast, algorithm U1 strictly follows the standard RAM
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S. Bereg, A. Dumitrescu, M. Jiang
machine model.
Let ε > 0 be a constant, and let Λ be the triangular lattice used in R. Rado’s
proof. Consider the lattice Λ/k (with cell size scaled by 1/k) where k is a positive
integer that will specified later. For every disk Di ∈ S, we compute the set of (small)
triangles of the lattice Λ/k that are contained in Di , and let T be set of all such
triangles. Clearly, T has O(nk 2 ) triangles, since each disk Di can only intersect
O(1) triangles in the lattice Λ.
The triangles contained in a disk Di cover a concentric disk Di′ of radius 1− 1/k.
The set of disks {D1′ , . . . , Dn′ } can be obtained by first scaling the set {D1 , . . . , Dn }
with a factor of 1 − 1/k then uniformly increasing the pairwise distances of the
disk centers with a factor of 1/(1 − 1/k). The scaling changes the union area to
(1 − 1/k)2 |S|. Increasing pairwise distances does not decrease the union area 5 .
Therefore the total area of the triangles in T (contained in some Di ) is at least
(1 − 1/k)2 |S|. Translate now all triangles in T to σ as in R. Rado’s proof. Let Tσ be
the set of 2k 2 small triangles in σ. For each triangle in Tσ we compute the number
of times it is covered by triangles in T (from different cells of Λ). This takes O(nk 2 )
time. There is a triangle in Tσ covered at least j = ⌈(1 − 1/k)2 |S|/|σ|⌉ times, and
let p be one of its vertices. The original points covered by the union of the disks
that correspond to p have pairwise distances at least 4. Pick an arbitrary disk in
S covering each such point. Note that these disks are interior-disjoint. Therefore S
contains an independent set of m disks with total area
≥ 1−
πm = π
if k = O(1/ε). The total running time is O(nk 2 ) = O(n/ε2 ).
3. Arbitrary disks: proof of Theorem 2
Let S = {D1 , D2 , . . . , Dn } be a set of disks. For a disk Di in S, denote by Si the
set of disks in S that intersect Di (Di ∈ Si ). Denote by ri and ci , respectively, the
radius and the center of Di .
Let Dl be the largest disk in S. Let Dl′ be the disk of radius 3 concentric with
Dl . Observe that all disks in Sl are contained in Dl′ . Therefore, an easy bound of
|I|/|S| ≥ 1/9 can be achieved by a greedy algorithm 21 , which finds an independent
set I by repeatedly adding to I the largest disk in S disjoint from all previously
added disks. In general, this greedy algorithm achieves a volume ratio of 1/3d for
any dimension d ≥ 1. For comparison, we note that, to the best of our knowledge,
the current best volume ratio 21 for balls in dimension d is
|I|/|S| ≥ (1 + 7−d (d + 2)−d
)/3d ,
which is very close to the trivial bound of |I|/|S| ≥ 1/3d .
We now describe an algorithm that achieves an area ratio of 1/λ, where 8.4897 <
λ < 8.4898 (λ will be defined later). To construct an independent set I ⊂ S,
initialize I to be empty, then repeat the following selection step until S is empty:
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Maximum Area Independent Sets in Disk Intersection Graphs
Find the largest disk Dl in S. Without loss of generality, assumeb that
rl = 1. Find two disks Di and
√ Dj in Sl such that the diameter δ of their
union is maximum. If δ ≤ 2 λ, add Dl to I, and then remove from S the
disks in Sl . Otherwise, add Di and Dj to I (we will show that Di and Dj
are necessarily disjoint in this case), and then remove from S the disks in
Si ∪ Sj .
The parameter λ will be chosen to balance two cases. We use again the fact that
the maximum area of a planar set of√diameter δ is at most πδ 2 /4, the area of a disk
of the same diameter 25 . So if δ ≤ 2 λ (the first case), then we have
|Dl | = π ≥ (πδ 2 /4)/λ ≥ |Sl |/λ.
Now suppose that δ > 2 λ in the second case. We will show that the two disks
Di and Dj are disjoint and satisfy the following inequality:
|Di | + |Dj | ≥ |Si ∪ Sj |/λ.
If the two disks intersect,
√ then we would have δ ≤ 2ri + 2rj ≤ 4, contradicting
our assumption that δ > 2 λ > 4. Therefore Di and Dj must be disjoint. We now
bound ri + rj in terms of λ:
2 λ < δ = ri + |ci cj | + rj ≤ ri + |ci cl | + |cj cl | + rj ≤ ri + (ri + 1) + (rj + 1) + rj ,
ri + rj >
λ − 1.
Put rmin = λ − 2. Both ri and rj are at most 1 and at least rmin .
Let Di′ be the disk of radius ri + 2 concentric with Di . Let Dj′ be the disk of
radius rj + 2 concentric with Dj . The intersection Di′ ∩ Dj′ contains Dl , and consists
of two caps: a cap of Di′ and a cap of Dj′ . The total height of the two caps is at
least the diameter of Dl , which is 2. Denote by A(R, h) the area of a cap of radius
R and height h. It is well known 28 that
A(R, h) = R2 arccos(1 − h/R) − (R − h) R2 − (R − h)2 .
We clearly have
|Di′ ∩ Dj′ | ≥ 2A(rmin + 2, 1) = 2A( λ, 1).
The disks in Si ∪ Sj are contained in Di′ ∪ Dj′ , so we have
|Si ∪ Sj | ≤ |Di′ ∪ Dj′ | = |Di′ | + |Dj′ | − |Di′ ∩ Dj′ |.
b This
assumption mainly simplifies the analysis, and is not implemented in the algorithm.
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S. Bereg, A. Dumitrescu, M. Jiang
|Si ∪ Sj |
π(ri + 2)2 + π(rj + 2)2 − 2A( λ, 1)
|Di | + |Dj |
π(ri2 + rj2 )
4(ri + rj ) + 8 − 2A( λ, 1)/π
= 1+
ri2 + rj2
4(ri + rj ) + 8 − 2A( λ, 1)/π
≤ 1+
(ri + rj )2 /2
f (λ) = 8 − 2A( λ, 1)/π.
If we choose λ such that f (λ) ≥ 0, then the function
g(x) = 1 +
4x + f (λ)
x2 /2
would be decreasing for x > 0, and from (1) we would have
|Si ∪ Sj |
≤ g( λ − 1).
|Di | + |Dj |
Define λ to be the solution of the equation
g( λ − 1) = λ.
A calculation shows that 8.4897 < λ < 8.4898, and that f (λ) ≈ 6.0599 ≥ 0.
|Si ∪ Sj |
≤ g( λ − 1) = λ.
|Di | + |Dj |
Thus, the above algorithm computes an independent set I of S such that |I| ≥
We now show how to implement the algorithm in O(n2 ) time. We perform some
preprocessing before the selection steps. For each disk Dk , construct a circular list
Sk of the other disks that intersect it; the disks in Sk are ordered by the directions
of the vectors from the center of Dk to their centers. This can be done in O(n2 )
time by computing the arrangement of the lines {ℓk | Dk ∈ S} dual to the disk
centers {ck | Dk ∈ S}, since the circular order of the other disk centers around a
disk center ck corresponds to the linear order of intersections of the other dual lines
with the dual line ℓk .
We next consider each selection step. The largest disk Dl can be found in O(n)
time. To find the two disks Di and Dj , first construct the convex hull of the disks
in Sl using a variant of Graham scan, then apply the standard rotating calipers
algorithm 20 . This can be done in O(n) time since the list Sl is in circular order. To
remove a disk from the circular lists, simply mark the disk “removed” and defer the
actual removal until the convex hull construction of a later step. Since each disk is
removed at most once from each list, the total time of all such removals is O(n2 ).
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Maximum Area Independent Sets in Disk Intersection Graphs
There are at most n selection steps. So the total running time of the algorithm is
O(n2 ).
4. Non-overlapping disks: proof of Theorem 3
We first review two constructions with unit disks and describe how they can be
adapted for our purpose, i.e., for obtaining better estimates for arbitrary disks.
Consider first the construction of Chung, Graham and Pach 12,17 , which consists of
19 unit (large) disks arranged as in Fig. 3. Add to it 12 smaller equal disks, each
tangent to three unit disks, as shown in the figure. By repeating this group of 29
disks, one can get arbitrarily large sets of disks attaining the same bound.
Fig. 3. Nineteen unit disks and twelve smaller disks of radius 2/ 3 − 1 ≈ 0.1547.
The small disks have radius x = 2/ 3−1. It is known 12,17 that any independent
set cannot contain more that six large disks. To these six large disks one can add
one small disk. One can now check that an independent set containing two or more
small disks cannot contain more than five large disks, therefore
6 + x2
≈ 0.3123 .
19 + 12x2
Note that this bound is only very slightly smaller than the best current bound
for unit disks 18 , namely 5/16 = 0.3125. In a similar way, by adding a number of
small congruent disks each tangent to one of the groups of three unit disks forming
equilateral triangles in the intersection graph for the 5/16 construction of Pach and
Tóth 18 , one can get an even better bound:
ρdisjoint ≤
10 + 2x2
≈ 0.3089 .
32 + 22x2
We now give the details for our best construction depicted in Fig. 4. It uses two
infinite decreasing sequences of radii converging to 0: y1 > y2 > . . . and z1 > z2 >
. . .; the choice of these values will be explained below. Consider a unit radius disk
ρdisjoint ≤
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S. Bereg, A. Dumitrescu, M. Jiang
D0 surrounded by nine disks of radius x which are tangent to D0 , and so that every
two consecutive disks are tangent. We have
≈ 0.5198 .
1 − sin(π/9)
We add one inner layer of nine smaller disks of radius y1 , where each such disk
is tangent to D0 and to two consecutive disks of radius x. We extend the inner layer
with nine smaller disks of radius y2 , where each such disk is tangent to a disk of
radius y1 and to two consecutive disks of radius x. In this way, we add an infinite
number of disks (which get smaller and smaller) in between any two consecutive
disks of radius x, and converging to the tangency points of the disks of radius x.
Note that the values of the y-sequence are determined (by x and 1).
Let z1 < x be a value to be specified later. We add one outer layer of nine
smaller disks of radius z1 , where each such disk is tangent to two consecutive disks
of radius x. We extend the outer layer with nine smaller disks of radius z2 , where
each such disk is tangent to a disk of radius z1 and to two consecutive disks of
radius x. In this way, we add an infinite number of disks (which get smaller and
smaller) in between any two consecutive disks of radius x, and converging to the
tangency points of the disks of radius x.
Fig. 4. A unit disk, nine disks of radius x ≈ 0.5198, nine infinite sequences of smaller disks of radii
y1 > y2 > . . ., where y1 ≈ 0.0967, y2 ≈ 0.0365, etc., and nine infinite sequences of smaller disks of
radii z1 > z2 > . . ., where z1 ≈ 0.0956, z2 ≈ 0.0363, etc.
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Maximum Area Independent Sets in Disk Intersection Graphs
By Descartes circle theorem, the radius y1 of the first (largest) circle in the inner
layer is
r1 r2 r3
y1 =
r1 r2 + r1 r3 + r2 r3 + 2 r1 r2 r3 (r1 + r2 + r3 )
for r1 = 1, and r2 = r3 = x, and this yields y1 ≈ 0.0967. Note that using the
above formula, yi+1 can be easily computed from yi for each i. Similarly, once z1 is
selected, zi+1 can be easily computed from zi for each i using the same formula.
Consider an independent set I of disks. If D0 ∈ I, no disk of radius x or radius
y1 can belong to I. Since the radii of disks in each sequence are rapidly decreasing,
ρdisjoint cannot exceed
q1 =
1 + 9(z12 + z32 + . . .) + 9(y22 + y42 + . . .)
1 + 9(x2 + i=1 yi2 + i=1 zi2 )
If D0 ∈
/ I, at most four disks of radius x can belong to I, together with at most
one subsequence of disks with radii y1 , y3 , . . . and one subsequence of disks with
radii z1 , z3 , . . . (this is the combination with the maximum total area), thus ρdisjoint
cannot exceed
q2 =
4x2 + (y12 + y32 + . . .) + (z12 + z32 + . . .)
1 + 9(x2 + i=1 yi2 + i=1 zi2 )
We can approximately balance the two ratios (q1 ≈ q2 ) using a computer calculation. For instance, by keeping only 10 disks in each sequence, and setting
z1 = 0.09567, we obtain q1 , q2 < 0.3028, and consequently ρdisjoint < 0.3028. By
keeping more disks — say 50, or even the whole infinite sequence — one can improve the digit accuracy of the ratio, but the bound still remains above 0.3027. This
concludes the proof of Theorem 3.
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