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Fly ash was used in K300 quality and K500 concrete. To find out pressure strength and absorption, there used cube test with 15 cm measurement. Concrete mixture planning used method of DOE (development of Environmental). In K300 with FAS 0.63, slump 3 cm -6 cm and in K500 with FAS 0,41, slump 8 cm -12 cm. by fly ash variances 0%, 30% cementious and 30% additive from the total weight of cement. The pressure strength test was done when the concrete age was 7, 14 and 28 days. Absorption was tested when the concrete age was 28 days.
Nata termasuk dalam produk fermentasi. Bakteri yang ditumbuhkan dalam pembuatan nata yaitu Acetobacter xylinum. Bakteri ini merupakan bakteri gram negatif yang dapat mensistesis selulosa dari glukosa. Salah satu buah yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan dasar nata adalah semangka. Semangka dapat dijadikan medium pembuatan nata, karena didalam semangka terdapat glukosa. Manfaat nata de citrullus adalah sebagai penurun hipertensi. Bahan yang digunakan adalah sari buah semangka merah dan kuning, Acetobacter xylinum, MgSO4, NaOH, CH3COOH, dan penutup (kertas, kertas koran, dan tissu). Metode yang dilakukan yaitu menyaring air perasan semangka merah dan kuning, mendidihkan, setelah dingin tambahkan nutrient sesuai variabel percobaan lalu aduk, atur pH sesuai variabel percobaan, masukkan kedalam beaker glass, menambahkan starter sesuai dengan variabel percobaan, fermentasi pada 30o C selama kurang lebih 6 hari, panen nata yang terbentuk, keringkan, timbang berat nata, dan analisa kadar glukosa. Dari percobaan, diperoleh massa nata yaitu 1,12 gr ; 0,32 gr ;0,48 gr ;0,75 gr ;0,48 gr ;0,78 gr. Penambahan MgSO4 sebagai nutrisi pada pembuatan nata menyebabkan produk yang dihasilkan lebih tebal. Penutup kertas menghasilkan nata yang lebih tebal dari pada tissu karena memiliki pori-pori yang lebih kecil dari tisu. Kadar glukosa yang ditemukan turun karena glukosa diubah menjadi selulosa oleh bakteri. Densitas naik karena massa medium naik oleh kontaminan. pH yang ditemukan turun karena saat fermentasi terbentuk asam asetat. Dalam percobaan, media yang difermentasikan tidak boleh terkena cahaya, guncangan, maupun gangguan lain, sterilisasi bahan dan alat dengan autoclave sebelum digunakan, angin-anginkan nata yang terbentuk sebelum ditimbang, dan atur pH medium 3,5- 5.
With the help of a specific inhibitor the reversed activity of pyruvate kinase (E.C. was perceived in an intact muscle preparation. This catalytic activity should have been prevented by the highly unfavorable thermodynamic condition prevalent in the intact muscle preparation. Previous structural studies of this enzyme have shown effects of substrates, ions and pH over the general conformation of this protein. In our work, the catalytic and regulatory phenomena of reversed pyruvate kinase activity were studied in conditions much closer to those found in the intact muscle than those previously used with the crystalline enzyme preparation. Using the same crude supernatant for the two opposite activities of this enzyme some of the results found in the regulatory assays indicated differences in the active form of pyruvate kinase that were clearly related to the environmental condition - glycolitic or glyconeogenetic - of the assay. The conformational changes indicated by differential regulatory response found in the conditions studied, together with the role of similar factors, for instance, substrates and pH, in the structural states proposed by others, were used together to present a dynamic conformational model functioning at the active site of the enzyme. The model explains how an enzymatic activity could be performed under a rather unfavorable thermodynamic condition. In the model, the interaction of the enzyme active site with its substrates is described according to its vibrational, translational and rotational components and the activating ions - induced increase in the vibrational energy levels of the active site decreases the energetic barrier for substrate induced changes at the site. Under glyconeogenetic condition, a rapid conformational relaxation between substates of the enzyme, provides the force
Nature and Culture, 2020
This article presents practice-theoretical conceptions of societal relations to nature as a fruitful alternative to common system approaches in social-ecological research. Via the example of plastic food packaging, two different practice-theoretical approaches to food supply are discussed regarding their suitability for relating the material properties of packaging to their everyday use by producers, retailers, and consumers: (1) the network approach (portraying food supply as a network of practices; these practices include material elements that interrelate with other elements like competence or meaning) and (2) the nexus approach (investigating the inter relation between social practices and material arrangements in which they take place). Depending on the given research interest, both perspectives have their pros and cons: the network approach is stronger in understanding the everyday use of technologies, while the nexus approach encourages the integration of infrastructures and environmental contexts that are not directly observable within the practice.
The article analyses the problems of renewable and fossil based energy consumption. Particular emphasis is put on the promotion of renewable energy technologies. Morocco implements the energy efficiency programmes in the parallel with the Wind promotion plan and Morocco Solar Plan, which is one of the largest projects in the world. The authors of the article focus on the obstacles and barriers of implementing renewable energy promotion plan in Morocco. The investigation shows that Morocco faces with a lack of financing sources and risk implementing small projects, social-economic problems, a lack of transparency and lobbyism. Even public apathy or the acceptance of RE in the community might be a challenge.
ECON MICRO 5th Edition McEachern Test Bank, 2019
Full download : ECON MICRO 5th Edition McEachern Test Bank , ECON MICRO,McEachern,5th Edition,Test Bank
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012
The Memoirs Of Sherlock Holmes The World s Best Reading by Doyle Arthur Conan Hardcover
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012
Journal of Non-newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 2009
Asia Life Sciences, 2014
Boletim Epidemiológico Observações, 2014
Journal of investigational allergology & clinical immunology, 2013
Pendas: jurnal ilmiah pendidikan dasar, 2022
Clinical research in urology, 2018
Angiología, 2022
Urologia internationalis, 1994