Industrial Automation in Indonesia and Its Development

Automation is a derivative of the Latin “Auto which means self and “Matos” which means moving. Automation can be refers as a mechanism that can "move by itself" (nptel, n.d.). Automation is a set of technologies that results in operation of machines and systems without significant human intervention and achieves performance superior to manual operation. Industrial automation is the use of control systems, such as computers or robots, and information technologies for handling different processes and machineries in an industry to replace a human being (Mikell P., 2001). In industrial engineering profession, Industrial Automation can act as advocates in integrating the whole system needs in production. In addition, with the advantages of industrial automation that prioritizes productivity and effectiveness, it can help the Industrial Engineer in determining the proper method in system industry. However, Industrial Engineer should still pay attention to the systematic and precise performance targets.

INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION IN INDONESIA AND ITS DEVELOPMENT Fullname Nabila Yuraisyah Salsabila Student ID 2514 100 048 Email Introduction Auto atio is a deri ati e of the Lati Auto hich ea s self a d Matos hich ea s moving. Automation can be refers as a mechanism that can "move by itself" (nptel, n.d.). Automation is a set of technologies that results in operation of machines and systems without significant human intervention and achieves performance superior to manual operation. Industrial automation is the use of control systems, such as computers or robots, and information technologies for handling different processes and machineries in an industry to replace a human being (Mikell P., 2001). In industrial engineering profession, Industrial Automation can act as advocates in integrating the whole system needs in production. In addition, with the advantages of industrial automation that prioritizes productivity and effectiveness, it can help the Industrial Engineer in determining the proper method in system industry. However, Industrial Engineer should still pay attention to the systematic and precise performance targets. Nowadays, industrial automation is needed on the production system. The global development that constantly occur causing increasing human needs, both in terms of quality or quantity. High productivity is one way to cover human needs which are very high. Automation can achieve maximum performance rather than the manual way in the aspect of power, precision, and speed of operation. In addition, the safety and efficiency is one of the reasons why the industrial automation is urgently needed in the production system. Automation plays an important role in the global economy and in our daily life. On the global economy, industrial automation can increase double profits by reducing labor, materials and energy required, and increase the quantity of production without compromising quality improvement. While in daily life, industrial automation can make all human jobs became more practical and safe. So there is no doubt that human need industrial automation. Automation also plays a role in daily activities and in various fields. For example, in agriculture and plantations, often we look at a particular moment watering is done automatically, this is one example of industrial automation by using rain and humidity sensor. In addition, there are a lot of application of automation in the field of health. Not only in industry, automation has also been widely applied to everyday human activities, for example, is oven, rice cooker and toaster. Along with the times, the latest innovation from the industrial automation will continue to grow and make it easier for human life. Industrial Automation in Indonesia Over the past 30 years before the onset of the financial crisis and economy in Indonesia, industrial sector in Indonesia is experiencing transformation and growing very fast. Unlike other ASEAN countries, Indonesia in the mid-1960s there was not much development of modern industry sector. However, in the mid-1990s Indonesia classified as one of the countries in East Asia with New Industry by the World Bank together with Malaysia and Thailand. Since the 1980s the three ASEAN countries are experienced a leap in exports of industrial products, although in a smaller scale (Kustanto, et al., 2012). Nabila Yuraisyah Salsabila | 1 | Industrial Automation Figure 1 Number of Medium-Large Industrial Company in Indonesia (Source: Central Bureau of Statistics Indonesia) Figure 1 shows the growth of industry in Indonesia that continuously growing in spite of experiencing fluctuations. This will affect the growth of the production system in Indonesia. Thus leading to high demand for technology as a facilitator in the production system. Similar with the development of the industrial automation in Indonesia, the development of the industrial automation in Indonesia is evidenced by the large number of modern industry in Indonesia and even export their products to foreign countries. Some companies from foreign countries even invest in Indonesia. Not only companies with a large manufacturing industry, Small and Medium Enterprises also contribute to developing the industrial automation, one of which is to use the appropriate technology. Appropriate Technology in Indonesia Appropriate technology is technology that fits the needs of society, can answer the problems of society, does not damage the environment and can be utilized by society as easy, cheaper and generate added value both from the economic as well as environmental aspects. Utilization of appropriate technology optimally will be realized when there is a transfer of technology from the creators or owners of appropriate technology to the public using appropriate technology. Reality shows that the new findings regarding the appropriate technologies rapidly, both discovered by the community, business, universities, research institutions and public and private development (Situmorang & Safri, 2011). Appropriate technology is generally known as the choice of technology-intensive characteristics, energy efficient, relatively small-scale, and is closely related to local conditions. Of the desired destination, appropriate technology should implement resource-saving technologies, easy to maintain, and does not generate a lot of pollution when compared with more sophisticated automation technology. Appropriate technology is often associated with economic development in a country. With the technology, a country development can be identified. For developing countries, the technology used tends based Appropriate Technology. Because this technology is often used as an intermediary in the transfer of technology from Industrialized Country to the State which is still developing. In practice, the appropriate technology is often known as a simple technology that is used to get the product effectively and efficiently. Nabila Yuraisyah Salsabila | 2 | Industrial Automation The development of appropriate technology in Indonesia is one of the challenges in national development. Factors that may affect the appropriate technology in Indonesia is the structure of supply and demand. Prior to the demand, there will be no demands to the appropriate technology. Besides the factor of supply also relies on research and development effort in Indonesia. Weaknesses and Strengths Industrial Automation in Indonesia Along with the development of the industrial automation in Indonesia, Industrial automation also have an impact on the overall Supporting System in the production system. Supporting System in the whole production system includes operating costs, labor as an operator, to the quality and quantity of production. The existence of industrial automation would provide advantages and disadvantages of the supporting system. In Indonesia already there are various types of automation tools both simple sort of Appropriate Technology and advanced automation tools in large industry. Aspects of positive and negative impact in the industrial automation in Indonesia can be analyzed by the method of SWOT (Strengths - Weaknesses - Opportunities - Threat). By using SWOT analysis, we can analyze the internal factors of small and large industry conditions such as the Strengths and Weaknesses and external factors such as Opportunities and Threat of Industrial Automation in Indonesia. One of the strengths of the internal factor of small and large industry in Indonesia against the tool automation is the large number of opportunities for industry in Indonesia to innovate and improve the quality of its products. By using Automation, industry in Indonesia will be more developed with ease of access to realize innovations that can meet the needs of society Indonesia nowadays. It is possible that in Indonesia industries to create a product with the best quality because of the ease with which facilities are provided by the automation tools. In addition, the acceleration of the process of increasing production is also profitable for the industry in Indonesia. A fast production process can provide high production capacity so that the industry can afford to meet the consumer demand is high. The flexibility of the tool itself can help industrial automation in Indonesia to produce a product which varies. In addition to producing products, in terms of automation tools also provide ease in the process of packaging and labelling. It will also affect the process of marketing and branding in the industry. In the process the use of automation in Indonesia including appropriate technology and other advanced Automation Tools, certainly has some weakness. Considerable problems related automation tools in Indonesia is an understanding of the benefits of automation tools by the people of Indonesia. Lack of understanding of the benefits of Automation tools for the people of Indonesia causes less maximum use of automation. Even some of Indonesia Society prefer to use manual tools instead of automation tools. In addition, the availability of raw materials, hardware and software automation tools such as support makes access to use the automation tools become limited. The availability of a workers that has the skills in operating the automation tools also is still minimal in Indonesia, when the operator is also a major aspect of the smooth use of automation. And the problems are quite difficult faced by the industry in Indonesia is the magnitude of the cost of purchasing tools, the investment costs, as well as operational costs. To use this automation tool, the industry will require the initial cost to buy the automation tools. In addition, the Automation Tools also require maintenance costs to maximize the tool, especially if the tool is damaged. With this issue, surely the community Indonesia will prefer to use manual tools that don't cost a fairly large especially for small industry such as Small Medium Enterprises. External factors that affect the development of the Automation Tools in Indonesia are Opportunities and Threats. These factors can be derived from the Government, consumers and the flow of information. In terms of opportunities, automation tools in Indonesia strongly supported by the Central Government, because this automation tool can support the use of domestic products. Nabila Yuraisyah Salsabila | 3 | Industrial Automation Specifically for SMEs, government has also created a service that supports small and Medium Businesses so that appropriate technology will be increasingly needed in the production system. In addition, the flow of information can also make opportunities for the using of automation tools in Indonesia. With the ease of accessing information, then the society will be is easier to implement and operate the automation tool itself. Factor of the consumer can also affect the development of automation tools, demand that many will increasingly raise awareness for industry managers to use automation tools. In addition, the more time passes, the more it will increase consumer awareness of the importance of the use of the product in the country. In terms of Threat or threats from external factors, there is a big enough problem to the development of automation tools. One of them is a lack of capital support from financial institutions for purchasing the automation tools, especially for small and medium industry such as SMES. In addition, along with the development of automation tools are getting better, and it is easy to come by, would cause business competition is increasingly competitive. Products resulting from automation tools tend to be more qualified and can be pegged with a cheaper price, in this case, the automation tools can harm the industry parties still use manual tools, especially for small-medium industry such as SMEs. And the last, a free-market program that makes a large number of similar products from abroad that is marketed in the country so that it can trigger a competition between businesses. The strategy to develop the Industrial Automation in Indonesia Based on the above statements it can be concluded that the large number of deficiencies of automation in Indonesia which could hinder the development of the automation tool. Therefore, the public or the Government should be able to devise the right strategies in addressing this matter. Some of the development strategy of automation tools that can be done that is giving an understanding of the community related the importance of automation tools in Indonesia, particularly appropriate technology aimed at SMEs in Indonesia. In addition, the Government can classify or classifying automation tool against the industry in Indonesia, including SMEs. Then we can also develop automation tools in Indonesia by increasing the competitiveness of industry in Indonesia including SMEs and large industry in Indonesia. And the last, the Government may provide financial assistance and finance for industry-an industry that is still growing for the development and utilization of automation tools, in this case is devoted to SMEs and appropriate technology. By having a good understanding of the importance of the application of automation technologies, the provider of the industry and SMEs can take advantage of various technologies that have been created with maximizing the productivity and the quality of the resulting product. The Government can provide an understanding of the form of cooperation through college as well as large industry to create automation tool that can help SMEs. In addition, the Government can also provide skills training for small businesses related benefits and usage of automation tools. By doing the strategies, industries will better understand the technologies that are appropriate and in accordance with their respective needs. By grouping or classifying the types of industry in Indonesia based on the scope, areas, fields, etc.; then the industrial managers will have more know what kind of technology is needed. This strategy is intended to let the tools used is right on target and can be used with up to effectively produce and quality. Increasing the competitiveness of industry in Indonesia through a tool will be able to trigger the development of automation, because automation tools will also be getting a much-needed to maximize the yield of production. To enhance competitiveness, it takes some strategy. Boost publication through media, both print and electronic media concerning the exhortation to love domestic products could increase the competitiveness of industry, especially for SMEs. In addition to Nabila Yuraisyah Salsabila | 4 | Industrial Automation the marketing of products in the country, the Government can also do a marketing automation tool products to the SMES. The marketing also followed by increasing automation tool products including appropriate technology that delivers benefits to improved quality and quantity of production system. Provide financial support and finance to small industry or SMEs can be given to trigger the development of automation tools in Indonesia. Provide financial assistance for SMEs which can potentially use automation tools or appropriate technology will provide a great opportunity for SMEs in increasing production and service for consumers. In addition to providing financial assistance to the SMEs, the Government can also providing financial assistance in the form of capital or investment against businesses that manufacture automation tool or appropriate technology. The Example of the Industrial Automation Development As explained in the previous description, developing automation tools aimed to follow the movement of human needs. The more necessities of the people, then the necessity of automation technology will be ever increasing. This will be able to trigger the development of the industrial automation. Automation tools have different scopes and functions based on the needs of the industry. Based on its function, the automation tools can be classified into 3 types, fixed automation, programmable automation, and also flexible automation (Suef, et al., 2015). Fixed automation is used to produce large scale production. This less flexible automation tool for producing products that vary. Programmable automation tool is designed to produce with a level of production which is lower than the fixed automation. Flexible automation is an extension of the type of programmable automation which produced with non-stop for the production. In Indonesia there is a wide range of automation tools that continuously, starting from the simplest tool to the most advanced automation tools. For large companies even have reached the scale of the world certainly requires automation tool that can produce the product in large scale in a short time. An example is one of the major industry in Indonesia who produce components industry, system automation, sensing technology and safety, etc. i.e. company Omron Indonesia. These companies need advanced automation tools because tools produced in large quantities and have a fairly complex components. Besides that, safety and security take precedence in this company, therefore it takes the automation tools can minimize the risk of accidents at work. Figure 2 Automation tools produced by Omron Indonesia (source: Small and medium industries in Indonesia, or SMEs also need automation tool which is certainly simpler or commonly referred to with the appropriate technology. Although no large-scale Nabila Yuraisyah Salsabila | 5 | Industrial Automation production results, but appropriate technology still needed to maximize production with the quality or quantity of the best. One example of the application of appropriate technology in Indonesia is a tool that can increase productivity in agriculture industry. The tool is Automatic Sprayer, which is used as a tool of the automatic irrigation can be active automatically based on weather and crop needs. Not only in agricultural land, this tool can also be used in some areas that need regular irrigation, for example, is a golf course, children's homes, children's recreation and sports court. The whole mechanism of action of these tools based on the industrial automation. Automatic Sprayer is very important in the agricultural industry. This tool can give several advantages for agricultural industry. In the aspect of labor, these tools can save time and does not require a lot of labor. With the Automatic Sprayer, watering schedule that match needs with minimal labor interference will result in healthier plants that grow so it can reduce the risk of failed harvest. In addition this tool can save water as well as the cost. With an active working mechanism in accordance with the needs of these tools can minimize the excess expenditures occurring at the time of the manual watering. Automatic Sprayer mechanism works with Automation-basic. There are three important components in the automation tools, namely sensors, actuator, and PLC. The sensors used in this tool are the Rain Shut Off and Moisture Sensing that can turn off the system at the time of rain or humidity of the soil which has been according to needs of the plant. The actuator is used in the form of automatic valve mounted on the underground. After the water spigot opened so water will flow into the sprayer for the irrigation process at the plant. PLC used in this tool in the form of a controller that can store and deliver signal towards irrigation command to the actuator or the valve. (a) (b) Figure 3 (a) Automatic Water Sprayer ; (b) Automatic Water Sprayer System (Source: Though not as complex as automation tools on big industry, the appropriate technologies is still able to produce production effectively and efficiently. Various automation tools in Indonesia proves that the industrial automation in Indonesia are still in the development stage. Expected with the industrial automation in diverse Indonesia can continue to trigger the development of the industrial automation in Indonesia. Nabila Yuraisyah Salsabila | 6 | Industrial Automation Conclussion As explained in the above description, automation tools include the most needed in the production process even in everyday life. Automation tool which is a technology that can produce a product with a very minimum of human interference or even without interference to make their use is widely used by a variety of industry. When this technology is used effectively and efficiently it will produce maximum both in quality as well as quantity. Industrial automation can increase productivity as well as safety and security for the operator so much big industry is using this tool as the main tool in the production system. Industrial automation continues to evolve along with the development of industry in Indonesia. With the quality and quantity of industry in Indonesia that is growing, then the level of effectiveness and efficiency in the system of production in Indonesia is getting a much-needed. This is causing industry automation needs are increasing, so the existence of the necessary developments in the industrial automation. Industrial automation should continue to develop its strengths and reducing its weaknesses. These advantages in system industrial automation in Indonesia will also represent the development of the country. The abundance of the weakness of the Industrial Automation will also inhibit the development of industry in Indonesia, especially in the aspect of regulation and financial. In the financial aspect of the object into the spotlight was largely small industry using Automation in the form of TTG. The Government should still consider policies regarding automation tools especially appropriate technology. ............................................................................. References Agrowindo, 2015. Produk Terbaru Mesin Pertanian. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 September 2015]. Kustanto, H., Oktaviani, R. & Sinaga, B. M., 2012. Industrial Research Journal. Reindustrialisasi dan Dampaknya Terhadap Ekonomi Makro Serja Kinerja Sektor Industri di Indonesia, Volume VI, pp. 97-98. Mikell P., G., 2001. Automation, Production System, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 2nd ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. nptel, n.d. Introduction to Industrial Automation and Control. 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